Climate alarmist claims that hype the year 2023 hurricane and cyclone season as being an “extreme weather outcome” are absurd and incompetent as is NOAA’s “Selected Significant Climate Events” hurricane diagram portrayal.
These “hottest year on record" claims are based on misrepresenting the year 2023 obscure “global average temperature anomaly” outcome that is not applicable to any specific location or region on earth.
.deliberately concealing the specific numerical value of such differences and instead hyping these carefully hidden small differences as being “a new monthly record for heat" and the “hottest November” even when the latest measured GISS global anomaly value is only 1/8th of a degree F changed from the highest prior year 2016 EL Nino value.
The L A Times article is full of hand waving climate alarmist politically contrived propaganda claims and assertions that are unsupported by well establish and extensively available energy and climate science measured data.
The. L A Times climate alarmists flawed claims that global anomaly increased temperature levels are “hot” or “hottest” are grossly misleading and based on considering only temperature anomaly increases while concealing the impacts of these increases on the baseline period temperatures.