This is part two of Sky-Hi News’ coverage of a Nov. 9 meeting in Grand County about wolf reintroduction. For part one, click here. Ten wolves are set to arrive in Colorado this month. On.
Ten wolves are set to arrive in Colorado this month. On Nov. 9, wildlife officials prepared local residents for wolf reintroduction during an open house at the Colorado State University Extension Hall in Kremmling. The.
Ten wolves are set to arrive in Colorado this month. On Nov. 9, wildlife officials prepared local residents for wolf reintroduction during an open house at the Colorado State University Extension Hall in Kremmling. The.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is poised to have wolf paws on the ground on the Western Slope beginning in December. The agency has stated they will release wolves in Grand, Eagle or Summit counties on.
Lauren Emerick’s 4-H experience led her to pursue a degree combining her interest in animals and a desire to help tackle global environmental challenges.