totally. have a good show. i ll see you soon. thank you. thanks to nicole, and thanks to you for joinings. this is the beat. i m ari melber. we re tracking several stories. the january 6th committee dropped new evidence today. you might be thinking, wait, why wouldn t they include it in the hearing? but they had so much stuff, like what you see on the screen, that didn t make the hearing. this is a draft of trump s speech the day after. because he was crossing out any reference to prosecuting those blatant lawbreakers. and then there s this new testimony. do you recognize what this is? it looks like a copy of a draft of the remarks for that day. do you recognize the handwriting? it looks like my father s handwriting. it looks like here he crossed out that he was directing the department of justice to ensure all law breaks are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, we must send a clear message, not with mercy, but with justice. legal consequences must be
handwriting. it looks like here he crossed out that he was directing the department of justice to ensure all law breaks are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, we must send a clear message, not with mercy, but with justice. legal consequences must be swift and firm. do you know why he wanted that crossed out? i don t know. he also has crossed it, i want to be very clear, you do not represent me. you do not represent our movement. do you know why he crossed that language out of the statement? i don t know. that is the audio there, jared kushner taking the i don t know defense while ivanka trump, for what it s worth, seemed to be more direct about what that was. of course you don t need to draw a lot of inferences to understand, given the context, that donald trump when pressed by his aides and speechwriters to say the bare minimum about those people didn t want to say
immigration enforcement is law enforcement. and by saying that you will not be deported, what they are saying is the laws of the united states will not be enforced. donald trump fixed the system by restoring consequences for law breaks. joe biden smashed the system into dust by allowing everyone to break the law with impunity. judge jeanine: well, that impunity, i mean, i call it privilege. i call it criminal privilege. you know. i call it immigrant privilege right now. the people coming here illegally have to hire a lawyer. they have to, you know, speak the language. they have to give their, you know, their honesty to the united states i m missing the word. pledge loyalty. judge jeanine: none of this is happening and being flown into the interior of the country faster than they re come in. now they are saying well, it s not fair you shouldn t be
recover. that means more poverty more law breaks. more deprivation that means more confrontations with the police. look inner city police something perhaps the most difficult job in the country no matter what color the cops are that being said, there is no excuse for brutality and any kind of police violence self-defense has to be adjudicated. it s quite clear many african-americans believe they are not tree treatied fairly in the justice system. so our elected officials must deal with that on a factual basis. they must right wrongs. but, in baltimore the elected officials are primarily black as is the leadership of the police department. so the race card is very hard to play there. nevertheless we hear some really dumb things from politicians. here s one of them. i made a comment on yesterday out of frustration and anger.
freedom works paid limbaugh $1.4 million in 2012. and then of course we have mark levin, america s for prosperity, he got shafted, they only pay him $757,000 to sponsor his radio show during the 2012 election cycle. i think he was for mitt romney. now, when americans for prosperity sponsored utah senator orrin hatch, there he is, leaven promoted hatch bee big time when the superpac ended sponsorship, levin apologized for endorsing the senator. now, it had to be some kind of a big coincidence or mix-up americans for prosperity and levin both stopped supporting hatch at the same time. finally, sean hannity, the guy who loves to stand with law breaks. before we get to him, i want to play another clip of bill