Ta the Senate Committee on Health Education labor and pin hits will come to order. This has been a shortened week so i think youre going to see there are hearings taking place all over the place i think you will see senators drifting in and out. I want to thank all of our panelists for being with us. This morning, we are going to be talking about an issue that is very rarely discussed in the halls of congress or the senate. That is the need to reduce the standard work week in the United States. In fact, the last time as we understand it the senate held a hearing on the subject was in year 1955. So i think maybe the time is now to renew that discussion. At that hearing, the senate heard from at that point the head of the united auto workers, regarded as one of the great labor leaders of his time. Said at that time. He said, we fully realize the potential benefits of automation are great. If handled, if only a fraction of what technologists promise for the future is true, automation can
The Senate Committee on Health Education labor and pin hits will come to order. This has been a shortened week so i think youre going to see all over the place i think you will see senators drifting in and out. I want to thank all of our panelists for being with us. This morning, we are going to be talking about an issue that is very rarely discussed in the halls of senate. That is the need to reduce the standard work week in the United States. In fact, the last time as we understand it the senate held a hearing on the subject was in the year 1955. So i think maybe the time is now to renew that discussion. At that hearing, the senate heard at that point the organizations and roofers,rkers regarded as one of the great labor leaders of his time. This is what he said at that time. He said, we fully realize the potential benefits of automation are great. If properly handled, if only a fraction of what technologists promise for the future is true, within a very few years, automation can and
The Senate Committee on Health Education labor and pin hits will come to order. This has been a shortened week so i think youre going to see there are hearings taking place all over the place i think you will see senators drifting in and out. I want to thank all of our panelists for being with us. This morning, we are going to be talking about an issueely discussed in the halls of congress or the senate. That is the need to reduce the the United States. In fact, the last time as we understand it the senate held a hearing on the subject was in the year 1955. So i think maybe the time is now to renew that discussion. At that hearing, the senate heard from at that point the head of the United Auto Workers and the congress of industrial organizations and roofers regarded as one of the great labor leaders of his time. This is what he said at that time. He said, we fully realize the potential benefits of automation are great. If properly handled, if only a fraction of what technologists prom
The hill rephe proposales. Would also pay 1. 5 times regular salary f workdays longer than an eight hours. This Senate Hearing is 1. 5 hours. The Senate Committee on Health Education labor and pin hits will comeo ordethis has bek so i think youre going to see there are hearings taking place all over the place i think you will see senators drifting in and o. I want to thank all of our panelists for being with us. This morning, we are going to be talking about an issue that is very rarely discussed in the halls of congress or the senate. That is the need to standard wod states. In fact, the last time as we understand it the senate held wn the year 1955. So i think maybe the time is now to renew that discussion. At that hearing, the senate heard from at that point the head of the United Auto Workers and the congress of industrial organizations and roofers, regarded as one of the great labor leaders of his time. This is what he said at that time. He said, we fully realize the potential ben
A renowned attorney who served as president of the Atlanta City Council and as a Superior Court judge, Marvin Arrington Sr. was an Emory trustee emeritus and one of the first Black graduates of Emory Law.