Calavo Growers (NASDAQ:CVGW – Get Rating) released its earnings results on Tuesday. The company reported ($0.01) earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $0.18 by ($0.19), MarketWatch Earnings reports. Calavo Growers had a negative net margin of 0.46% and a positive return on equity of 3.52%. The business had revenue of […]
Teton Advisors Inc. lessened its position in Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW – Get Rating) by 6.6% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 49,500 shares of the company’s stock after selling 3,500 shares during the period. Teton Advisors […]
Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW – Get Rating) saw a large decrease in short interest during the month of May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 700,000 shares, a decrease of 9.3% from the April 30th total of 771,900 shares. Currently, 4.2% of the company’s shares are short sold. Based on an average […]
Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant drop in short interest in the month of May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 700,000 shares, a drop of 9.3% from the April 30th total of 771,900 shares. Approximately 4.2% of the shares of the company are short […]
Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW – Get Rating) saw a large decrease in short interest in the month of May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 700,000 shares, a decrease of 9.3% from the April 30th total of 771,900 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 169,400 shares, the short-interest ratio is […]