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Transcripts For MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews 20131014

that -- while tagging it enough to satisfy the blood lust of the republican right in the u.s. house of representatives. figuring out the first is fairly easily, the president is not going to pay the kidnappers who hurt his baby obama care. right now republicans in the house are a fractured mess. the government has been shut for 14 days. we're three days from a default which is why continue the action is starting between harry reid and mitch mcconnell. they're the ones now trying to assemble an 11th hour deal that will get through the republican house. according to nbc news, this is the deal in the works. it would reopen the government through january 15 at current funding levels. extend the debt limit through february 7th. as for the president's health care law, there would be a provision to establish need when it comes to affordable care act aub si i d subsidies. but a small source of funding for the law called the medical device tax has been taken off the table. late today the white house postponed a meeting with congressional leaders of both parties so negotiations had more time to play out. it remains highly uncertain right now whether the deal as currently structured will be able to pass the republican-controlled house. all this while the far right is ramping up its effort to delegitimize president obama calling him a muslim who needs to come out of the white house with his hands up. howard fineman and david corn, both msnbc political analysts. howard, it's so interesting as they're working their way -- the people have become serious about this, wackos on the hard right will going to he's praying in allah, he's one of them. >> they're being painted into a corner legislatively. there's a sense of quiet satisfaction if not excitement that the members of the senate, that the leaders of the senate are finally talking and that they are putting together db they're the leaders putting together the deal. what they are trying to do is come to a deal themselves and then figure out how to give just enough to john boehner that he will call a vote that will get enough republican support and perhaps a good bit of democratic support to pass. so all the action on the hill is from outside that core of rejectionists in. that's the dynamic. >> i think that's well said. it's like solving a simultaneous equation in high school. we have to get agreement from senate democrats, senate republicans, house democrats and these far out republican house members that we don't know how far right they go and how powerful the hard right, the crazy right wacko birds are. >> we may not have to give anything or much to those far right wacko birds if john boehner puts it to the floor. where you get some reasonable -- >> when's he done that ever in his life? >> he's done it three, four times when he's gotten to crunch points. right now they're jamming boehner. we want to deal -- >> what's in this deal for him? there's no medical device thing in there. there's something about means testing but they already did that. >> double secret means testing. >>nothing in the deal for john boehner except you don't get blamed for default. this is an escape -- >> what would you he to say to his caucus when they need with no pretss in there. >> you took a shot at it. you don't get to bring the government to a stand still. we will have other votes on obama care. we will have legislative hearings -- >> you think -- this is so hot, in the next two days does he have the stuff in him to face down the real hard right and say you're wrong or you tried, nice try, but i'm the boss. >> what they're trying to do with john boehner is build a structure around him so he has no choice but to be brave, if you will. they're trying to make it so that he's the only person who can solve the problem in the end. by the way, what the negotiators are also doing is holding back one little piece here that we don't know about. and maybe putting the medical device thing back in. one thing at the end here they can throw to get a few more house republicans that can seem like a concession. because a lot of this is psychological now with the house republicans. they need to feel like they won something. >> hold those thoughts. but as for the timetable, a friend of mine i've known for 40-some years now told me he's afraid of we're still screwing around in this country come wednesday, we could have a couple thousand point drop in the dow. this is serious business. >> but the issue is how close we are. we've seen in years past there's a way to signal and i hate using this term to the markets that will have everything done by midnight tonight. >> thursday midnight? >> wednesday midnight. and the markets have been i think overly forgiving -- >> because? what's their implication? are they assuming it will get done? >> they assume at the end of the day that john boehner will be somewhat reasonable and if he has to tell these other guys to take a hike, they will do that. >> where do they get the street smarts? it's not street it's capitol hill. >> it's not rational. that doesn't mean people will do it. >> in terms of timing, the first hurdle for the senate leaders is that they need to get a deal and get it on the floor in time so that even if one of the tea party people on the senate side like ted cruz, for example, objects -- >> how long could he slow it down? >> he could slow it down for 30 hours. so they want to try to get it out there tomorrow for a vote if they can or by tomorrow night at the latest. sop that that time runs. and then the thing that -- >> you heard what he said. >> the thing that the senate republicans get out of this, the president gets no monkeying around with obama care basically. and obama care is not tied to either the continuing resolution or the debt ceiling. that's what the president wants. that's what he's getting. that's the big loss for the republicans here. the senate republicans get a sort of short-term continuing resolution because it only goes to january and a debt ceiling only to february. and they get to not be blamed. and there's going to be budget talks. there will be a committee that talks about stuff. and what the house republicans get is nothing. >> nothing. >> that is a problem in the dynamics. >> let me step back for the weekly column thought here. is this a case where the public -- and i'm in the public looking at this, saying this big crap pile has been entirely made by them? >> yes. it's essentially happened. >> but also for no good end. three months from now we have to do it again. i think the republicans are going to be in a weaker position three months from now after what they've gone through. none of this is settled for the long run. not the government shutdown, not the debt. >> but there will be some kind of nod in the direction of a budget group that will try to hash out a budget -- >> which we haven't been able to do in the past years. >> why they'd be able to do it now between now and december 15th, i don't know. >> i'll play dumb a little bit, but i am dumb about this one question. obama, you know, we all know that he's not a lefty when it comes to fiscal policy. he may be anti-war, but when it comes to numbers and arithmetic, he has said i could look at corporate tax reform. that could mean a higher level of taxes. proving to make business more competitive which everybody talked about. and then the second thing we all know these entitlement programs are going to explode at some point. they don't have the funding. something has to be done. why doesn't he do that? >> but he has. he has offered -- >> he's offered, but why hasn't he done it? >> he's offered chain cpi -- >> why doesn't he do it? >> because he wants to be part of a deal to get something out of the republicans. he is far closer and would sign simpson bowles in a minute -- >> the chicken and egg problem. >> the problem is that republican political orthodox now boils down to three or four words. no new taxes. that is their mantra. they've got the score cards that norquist has that scares everybody. that is their essential point. they will not enter a budget negotiation that has the possibility to -- >> so that's the straight jacket we're in? >> straight jacket they're in. because even if you have the deal leading to budget talks, we have budget talks that biden led before the 2011 deal. and at the same time the same issues came up again and again. >> what do you think is going to happen? we have until wednesday night as the deadline. >> i think it's going to -- i think they'll get it done, but i think it will slop over into thursday and friday and jack lew the secretary of treasury has enough tricks and enough fine print that he can read. >> so we'll be cutting checks again. >> yes. the rainy day fund. >> he'll discover some way to make it go. >> this sloppy is a good word. america shouldn't be sloppy. and the world is watching this. the word is out that we've not got our act together. even if we make this deadline in a sloppy way or crawl over the finish line, this is going to hurt us. >> about 80% to 90% of the political players in this town on both sides of the aisle don't like this. don't want to see this happen. agrees it makes us look foolish here. it costs ut billions of dollar to shut down the government and play with credit ratings. it's because of these 40 or 50 people who have jane boehner by the tail that we go through this. >> it's also -- yeah. it's that, but it's also the fact that everything here has turned into a game of political score keeping. and the white house is not unaware, for sure, and it's not displeased. as a matter of fact, is pleased about the fact that one of the things that's happened in this situation is that the republican party's numbers have been driven into the ground. they take some solace in that. they take some satisfaction in that. too many people on both sides are keeping score in terms of poll numbers and not in terms of reality. the very simple actual reality we've got to look at. >> when hostage takers go down in the poll, that's a good thing. i think obama's serious. i'm not saying it's a good thing on the progressives side. he's serious about getting a grand bargain. >> clearly the big obvious tactical mistake on the part of republicans was to attach their demands to obama care. that was just an unrealistic and counterproductive thing to do. >> you know growing up watching what happened in greece with what happened, they just gave up on the parliamentary not getting anything done. we're getting that whiff of that here. >> got to be careful to point out who's mostly to blame. a lot of people just say washington dysfunction. i'm not saying you. but that's how it gets filtered out to people. this is what republicans and conservatives like in a lot of ways. they like to see washington and government discredited. >> they wanted it discredited is what they should have done is left obama care alone. everybody would have been focused on the failure. >> that would have taken brains. the guys on wall street have those little books, they don't have those books. what a lively discussion about impending doom. coming up, another incredible display of hatred by right wing extremists this weekend. by the group of freedom watch says president obama, quote, bows down to allah and needs to come out of the white house like a criminal. if they can't take away this president's signature achievement, they're trying to delegitimatize his entire president. ted cruz may be the one lighting the match that lit this fire. but he's exposed a bigger rift inside the republican party. plus big business helped create this pea party but now they don't have enough power to stop it. and let me finish with the politics that hasn't always been like this. this is "hardball," the place for politics. ed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today... and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. so which potential republican candidate does the conservative values voter like? well, ted cruz. the texas senator won the values voter straw poll by a wide margin. cruz got 42% of the vote. ahead of ben carson and rick santorum who tied for second. as we showed you last week, cruz's unfavorables across the country have doubled as people get to know him. this guy ain't going anywhere. we'll be right back. fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust your retirement plan along the way, rethink how you're invested, and refocus as your career moves forward. wherever you are today, a fidelity i.r.a. has a wide range of investment choices to help you fine-tune your personal economy. call today, and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity i.r.a. our vets have proven that they have not been timid, so we will not be timid in calling out any who would use our military, our vets as pawns in a political game. >> why is the federal government spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? >> nonsense. anyway, welcome back to "hardball." it's hard to know where to begin when sarah palin and ted cruz headline an event to protest the closing of the world war ii memorials when it's republican extremism that caused the closures in the first place. but cruz and palin didn't mind that. they seemed tame compared to larry klayman who spoke a half hour later. >> our country has fallen, declined faster than it took rome 2,000 years to do. and we are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. this president is not a president of we the people. he's a president of his people. i call upon all of you to wage a second american non-violent revolution. to demand that this president leave town, to get out, to put the koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> sometimes i want to take one of these guys and give them sodium penothal. we event was complete with the bright yellow flag. don't tread on me. i like that message. here's the bad one. the impeach obama signs were dusted off and waved around. but this picture of a protester waving a confederate flag in front of the white house struck a nerve with me and others. jonathan capehart sits here. he described it this way. if you want to curdle the blood of an african-american and send a message of menace without resorting to burning a cross on the lawn, wave the flag. so imagine my revulsion when this was outside of the front gates of the white house. jonathan capehart with sam stein. you know, there's a piece of this thing from the beginning, this hatred of obama. it's not specifically racial. it's regional, historic. you hear people refer to the cause. remember that what is. the people that are the die harders of the civil war. never got past it. i was up at the mansion here to see teddy kennedy's burial spot. there was a guy saying let's keep up the fight. i know what he was talking about. as my wife said, kathy said he wasn't visiting ted kennedy's burial. he was visiting robert e. lee's house. but there was some of that residue of we got screwed in the war. we didn't have enough guns and railroad cars or whatever. and we're coming back to fight the big night now. >> how horrible is it that here we are a few -- couple hundred years after that war, a war that tore the country apart, and you still have people who are flying that flag. i say at the end of that piece, to me that flag is no better than a swastika. it should have no place in american political discourse. yeah, it curdles the blood -- >> what do you think that guy was thinking out there? >> well, the other flag on the left is the marine corps flag. >> he identifies the two of them together, this character. >> someone on my facebook page said i wonder if that guy if the picture realizes that the folks who are represented by the flag in his right hand, you know, beat the butts of the people who represented the flag in his left hand. you know, that flag is so -- i mean, i'm glad i was able to write this because i can't even talk about just how offensive that flag is. >> sam stein, you know we lost 600,000 people in that civil war. most of them were christians. they believed in the same god, they came from the same country. they killed each other. 600,000 people at point blank range across open fields. for what they believed in which was the fight about regional power and slavery. why do these people want to stir back toward that? why do they want to recreate that emotion that led us to the civil war? why do they want it again? >> i have no idea. i would guess something to do with states rights as if it were pertinent to this debate. i don't want to overlook what larry klayman said. what he said was also very offensive. the idea -- and i'm stealing from colin powell here. but the idea that this president is muslim that that's something wrong. he's not, but the idea that would be an insult and disqualifier and offensive is bizarre. there are plenty of moderate american muslims in this country. why that should be an insult to someone for someone who worships by the koran is bizarre. that's equally offensive to the muslim population in this country. i don't think we should brush it to the side. >> why do you think they call him a muslim when he cedes he was raised christian. he took a lot of heat for going to one particular christian church. >> because it presents him as someone who is somehow un-american and exotic in some respects. i have no idea. but it's obviously hurtful and the fact that the speaker at the rally, not someone just attending, but a speaker at the rally did that should trouble a lot of people. >> i think they're trying to delegitimatize presidency. get rid of his accomplishment on health care which every democrat and a lot of republicans going back to the beginning of the 20th century believed in, fought were for and failed. but he did it. get rid of that and you have begun to erase his record. they want to put an asterisk next to his name like he wasn't really president. >> what they're doing is -- there's a lot of fear. that flag represents fear. >> of the health care bill? >> no, no, no. not of the health care brill, bt of this president and what they view him representing. the country as a lot of these countries view it is changing. remember the mantra in 2009/2010 was we want our country back. back from whom? and we want the country to follow the constitution again. well, where's your proof that the president's not following the constitution? and then the impeachment signs which we've seen since the first term and saw them out there on sunday, impeach him for what? you can't really explain -- they can't tell you for what. and if they do start -- >> let's get totally -- think totally tribally here. the black population of the united states is about what it's been since we were kids. that doesn't change. the hispanic population is growing through immigration. but it's not going to change. there's always going to be a lot of white people around if you want the company. what are they actually afraid of? there's vast stretches of this country that are all white. what is their worry? >> it's the fear of change. it's the fear of a country, a vision of a country that they have this american dream for who a lot of people didn't really exist. but for them the mythology of america to them is changing. and the idea that there's an african-american family in the white house and a black man in the oval office is a little too much change for some people. >> i'm a nut about movies, but a lot of our culture came from immigrants. basic culture movies and novels all written by people who arrived here in the 20th century. now to say we don't like our culture is what came to be our culture and what is america. right? who produced gone with the wind? where'd all that stuff come from? it came from immigrants. that's just the truth. >> these are conversations and debates that extend well back in our history over whether we're a melting pot and to what extent we want to assimilate people and have them be part of society. i will say this. i don't like the idea that we will, you know, tar a broad brush of people by the signs a few people brought. howevering with this is continuing pattern at some of these rallies. and more importantly to me that the politicians who were brought there who spoke at the rally didn't say anything about the signs that were put up, didn't say anything about the flag flown. they had every opportunity to. >> take a moment. rational question. i want a rational answer to this. why was it only john mccain who ever spoke up? i think there's a rational political reason for it. why they don't speak up against this fringe. my answer, they want that 5% or 10% to add to their numbers. your thoughts. >> i agree 100%. >> okay. thank you, jonathan capehart. this is up against a doomsday device called the debt ceiling we're about to perhaps pass and blow things up economically and cultural we're seeing a wildfire. thank you. up next, highlights from my appearance on the realtime with bill maher. they say things there we can't say here. and this is "hardball," the place for politics. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. 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look, i guess we can get lower in the polls. we're down to blood relatives and paid staffers now. >> that's pretty funny. blood relatives and paid staffers, the only people loyal to republicans. back to "hardball." that was senator john mccain giving an honest assessment from him on the party's problems. he has been lambasted by the far right including louie gohmert. >> is some senator from arizona, a guy that liked gaddhafi before he wanted to bomb him, a guy that liked mubarak before he wanted him out, a guy that's been to syria and supported al qaeda and rebels, but he was saying today the shutdown has been a fool's errand. >> well, john mccain never supported al qaeda. that was the republican congressman louie gohmert calling his fellow senator a supporter of al qaeda. a small amount have tried to hijacked the party and have gotten away with it. but beyond image, the polls show just how shattered the party is. in the latest nbc/wall street journal pole, there's a stark divide between tea partiers and non-tea partiers when it comes to the job the congress is doing. tea partiers support them, the rest doesn't. for whether republicans are showing strong leadership. ted cruz and his pals might like how the last bit has gone, but for those that want to be a nationally competitive party, they don't like the shutdown. dana milbank and a.b. stoddard. a.b., i thought what was really nuanced was john mccain, the good john mccain. he's back to being the good guy in my perspective. he's talking about this is what ted cruz came here to do. he came to be a bomb thrower, blowing everything up and he's doing it. that's a way to say this guy's a disaster. that's a nice way to put it. >> they will tell you the establishment doesn't fight. they just roll over, they lie to their constituents about what they're going to do. >> you mean obama has had a free ride? >> they think that john boehner and mitch mcconnell are sellouts. they think that they always roll over and that they don't fight. so when you talk about ted cruz, even though they know he never told them you need 2/3 majority in each chamber to overturn obama care, they just like the fight. then you have the establishment saying this fight is tanking us in the polls if we want the white house back. the most interesting will be when we punt to the next deadline. does the chamber of commerce actually primary people running against tea party candidates? does all the republicans who said this is a bad strategy, do they fight back and actually try to stop this tide of civil war in the party? it's going to be a big question. >> i have an editorial. i will deliver it to you. there comes a time in parties you have to clean house. i think the democrats did it in '48 and under bill buckley, he said enough in this movement. you're gone. it was an important thing they did back in the '50s. is this a time when they might say lose the confederate flags, lose the islam calling that hooez a muslim, lose all the racism tarring of the guy or else you're not in our party. when is somebody going to say you're not a republican even if you are they are. >> if they're going to stay the republican party, they're going to have to. but the tea party might be this tiny fraction of the electorate, but they're absolutely entrenched right there. >> do republicans need them to win control of the house? >> no, they don't need them for that. >> every one of their districts could be served by a moderate republican. >> they've got to get it so they don't control the primary process anymore. until they get them out of that, they can't. >> same question to you. do they these the crazies? >> until the jim demint heritage action is matched, they're going to continue to win. >> grabbed hold of fwl toomey in pennsylvania. chris christie showed he has no interest in being lumped in with his fellow republicans up on capitol hill generally. he told the philadelphia inquirer last weekend, quote, if i was in the senate right now i'd kill myself. he explained to what he has said to colleagues in washington. what i said to any of them that i met with, get the government reopened, stop monkeying around and get back to work. i said i'm out there in the field, people have no patience for this stuff. the governors like kasich and scott walker, whatever you think of their policies are competent. those guys can do stuff. >> are they going to fight back after this and say we have to be a party that governs, we can't be a party that shuts things down. this will be the true test. >> but that's what john mccain just said. ted cruz came to washington to shut it down. >> and he did. he saw the way to power in washington for him was to create that. now, the one good thing that could come out of this is they've been spoiling for this fight and now mcconnell and boehner said you got your fight. it was a disaster. now let's have the grownups take over. and the question is -- >> you've got good sources when you report. will you be able to get into the kau can us? >> mitch mcconnell is doing that right now in cutting a deal with harry reid. when that's gets passed to the house, is john boehner going to say enough, you crazies, you've had your say and it was a disaster. >> so you think the current deal on the table effectively gives the democrats what they want in a short-term basis, but it does require some sort of sophisticated means testing or effective means testing on obama care. is that enough for these people? >> it won't be enough. >> nothing's enough. >> we'll get through the week and you'll hear ted cruz say again -- >> is he going to throw a monkey wrench in? >> they're not going to give up this fight. they believe this is the number one fight. >> a friend of mine knows his finances, we get into kentuc kentucky -- wednesday and start losing big on the stock market. retirement people, all their money is here. when it starts to shrink for the people who have no more way to make money, what happens? do they still root for that rebel flag? >> what we may be failing to say is say the republican party tanks the economy now. it's a year from now until the midterm election, and if the economy's sour, who do they blame? the president's party. >> you mean like the kid who shoots his parents claims to be an orphan? >> if things are -- >> we got to go. the jokes are awful, but i got to tell you -- >> we're not going to default. >> we won't. right here. >> no, john boehner -- >> anyway, it's called a bad credit rating. thank you. up next, big business helped bank roll the tea party monster, but now that the monster has turned on its creator, what are they going to do about it? we have smart people in business coming up. this is "hardball," the place for politics. prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at help the gulf when we made recover and learna the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. we're two days away from that special senate election up in new jersey. we've got new polling on the race. let's check the "hardball" score board. democrat cory booker has a ten point lead on steve lonegan. it's booker 52, lonegan 42. the election is wednesday. we'll be right back. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? ♪ because an empty pan is a blank canvas. ♪ [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. ♪ [ man #1 ] to remember my grandmother. 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[ woman #1 ] that's why i cook. ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutionizing power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪ it is insane not to raise the debt ceiling. now, i know there are a lot of people, new people particularly in the house or folks, you know, some of the guys in heritage and other places talking about we should burn the house down so we can build a new one. well, that's just fine if you knew what you were talking about, but you don't. >> wow. that was tom donahue from the u.s. chamber of commerce referring to members of the republican party that are not too smart. when they spent billions to represent the congress and spend more to fund redistricting efforts to keep their majority in safe republican hands, it had no idea it would come to this. open war with the tea party monster it helped to create. the tea party faction has led to a fiscal stalemate or worse. and a republican party that once shared interest with the republican sector now finds itself split in two. now groups like the u.s. chamber of commerce more campaign dollars this time on mainstream republicans looking to beat back tea party encustom bents who they think are bad for business, because for the country. roger altman is with advisory firm evercore, and was deputy treasury secretary in the clinton administration. steve al mendorf is a strategist of some renowned. thanks for coming on. i've always taken your advice about how things are moving in the economy, what consumers are thinking, how debt affects consumers. how does the possibility of a national default, how will it affect our reality in this country? >> well, it would be catastrophic, which is why i think, at least at the very last moment it won't happen. business, of course, is horrified, that's really the right word, at that prospect, and horrified that, as you say, a number of members that they supported on the far right are causing this near catastrophe. but if we ever actually went over the edge and we missed a payment, an interest payment or a principal payment, it would have catastrophic consequences. every single american, anybody taking out a mortgage, anybody with a consumer loan, any church borrowing money, any business borrowing money would pay more, a lot more, in interest, the credit rating of the united states, of course, would be lowered, and it would be a very dark day in this country. and it's difficult, for me at least, to believe that the way markets would plunge just before that would allow even the tea party republicans, or at least the republican leadership would allow them to actually conscience it. i don't think they could. >> it scares me, steve, talking politics now, is now -- and i know this is where you sit is where you stand and where you stand is where you sit, bit nothing bugs me more when i look into the eyes of somebody sitting somewhere on a different show, like bill maher, who i know knows it's destructive if this happens, but the residen republicans are saying what they know isn't true, this won't hurt, prioritizing or fixing or whatever. >> you have republicans that are deniers. a bunch of them actually believe it, that's the scary part. >> they wouldn't believe it if it was a republican president, would they? >> i think so many of them are -- >> if keister was on the line here? >> for a lot of them, i think the hatred of obama clouds everything they think, but a lot of them are just no-nothings. and a lot of people in the business community, as tom donohue said, need to stand up for them. >> is this part of the libertarian creed that nothing matters except your own ego? is this what's going on? rand paul isn't stupid. he's saying it doesn't matter. where's that coming from? i could see a steve king who doesn't know anything, saying i raised a family, i own a national business, but never mind. i don't get these guys. i think they're irresponsible. roger, talking about the business community and communications, the "wall street journal," which is almost a bible to business, the koch brothers, saying please, don't take us off the cliff. why doesn't the communication get through to the voting members of the house of representatives? >> well, i think as you've been saying on this show earlier tonight, chris, i think this really, so far, has come down to some number, like 40 of house republicans on the far right, the tea party republicans. but if thursday morning is d-day in terms of default, and it looks midday wednesday, wednesday morning. so, this really may happen. there will be such a plunge, i think, in the stock market that it will frighten people on main street in a big way, average people, people, as you said earlier, with i.r.a.s and so forth. and that fright, i think, will motivate the leadership to break the hasterik rule and pass at least an increase in the budget limit. >> will that be a bungee jump or will we have irreparable harm because for the first time ever, we've defaulted, even for just several hours. i think both parties, especially republicans, are pushing and pushing, how close can we get to the cliff without falling over? but if they fall at all, even for an hour, will it be a bungee jump or death? >> a bungee jump. it will be national gous to the first congressional vote in 2008 on the t.a.r.p. when the vote, which was expected to pass, of course, didn't, the market plunged 800 points, people on main street were terrified by that plunge. 48 hours later, the congress came back in and voted the t.a.r.p. through. it will be like that. >> i think i have a worse -- maybe i'm more worried than you, rog, and you're the expert. you know, steve and roger, i'm afraid, having lost our perfect safety record, we'll never be the same. thank you, roger altman, steve almendorf. well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. 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[ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. . let me finish tonight with this. we now wait, sit in wait and check the news for two possibilities, one that, once again, the two parties reach yet another 11th-hour decision that disappoints us with once again an unsatisfactory result, which instead of doing no harm only manages to do less harm. the second possibility is if it only works. if the house republicans will not or cannot come to an agreement with the democratic-led senate and the democratic president, barack obama, we are in for trouble. it will be a renegade moment in history. suddenly, we would face the reality of a right wing run amuck, a refusal to participate in national self-government out of some angry need to bring the house down and be seen doing so. there was once a way to do things in american politics. it was easy to understand. you fought over policy, you agreed on a compromise in a reasonable time, you signed a bill together, there were smiles all around and the country liked what it saw. now we have a system where you fight even when you have to keep coming up with reasons, new reasons for the fight, where you recklessly miss deadlines, where you keep on fighting, where you may or may not reach a compromise where there is more anger in the country after than before. we don't calm differences these days, we stoke the anger. well, tonight, i'll be on "the rachel maddow show" to talk about my book, "tip and the gipper," which i imagined often in writing it as a warm-hearted look at a good time in american life, but instead now looms as a real


Transcripts For MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews 20131015

to satisfy the blood lust of the republican right in the u.s. house of representatives. figuring out the first is fairly easily, the president is not going to pay the kidnappers who hurt his baby obamacare. right now republicans in the house are a fractured mess. the government has been shut for 14 days. we're three days from a default which is why continue the action is starting between harry reid and mitch mcconnell. they're the ones now trying to assemble an 11th hour deal that will get through the republican house. according to nbc news, this is the deal in the works. it would reopen the government through january 15 at current funding levels. extend the debt limit through february 7th. as for the president's health care law, there would be a provision to establish need when it comes to affordable care act subsidies. but a small source of funding for the law called the medical device tax has been taken off the table. late today the white house postponed a meeting with congressional leaders of both parties so negotiations had more time to play out. it remains highly uncertain right now whether the deal as currently structured will be able to pass the republican-controlled house. all this while the far right is ramping up its effort to delegitimize president obama calling him a muslim who needs to come out of the white house with his hands up. howard fineman and david corn, both msnbc political analysts. howard, it's so interesting as they're working their way -- the people have become serious about this, wackos on the hard right will going to he's praying in allah, he's one of them. >> they're being painted into a corner legislatively. there's a sense of quiet satisfaction if not excitement that the members of the senate, that the leaders of the senate are finally talking and that they are putting together -- they're the leaders putting together the deal. what they are trying to do is come to a deal themselves and then figure out how to give just enough to john boehner that he will call a vote that will get enough republican support and perhaps a good bit of democratic support to pass. so all the action on the hill is from outside that core of rejectionists in. that's the dynamic. >> i think that's well said. it's like solving a simultaneous equation in high school. we have to get agreement from senate democrats, senate republicans, house democrats and these far out republican house members that we don't know how far right they go and how powerful the hard right, the crazy right wacko birds are. >> we may not have to give anything or much to those far right wacko birds if john boehner puts it to the floor. where you get some reasonable -- >> when's he done that ever in his life? >> he's done it three, four times when he's gotten to crunch points. right now they're jamming boehner. we want to deal -- >> what's in this deal for him? there's no medical device thing in there. there's something about means testing but they already did that. >> double secret means testing. >>nothing in the deal for john boehner except you don't get blamed for default. this is an escape -- >> what would you he to say to his caucus when they need with no press in there. >> you took a shot at it. you don't get to bring the government to a stand still. we will have other votes on obama care. we will have legislative hearings -- >> you think -- this is so hot, in the next two days does he have the stuff in him to face down the real hard right and say you're wrong or you tried, nice try, but i'm the boss. >> what they're trying to do with john boehner is build a structure around him so he has no choice but to be brave, if you will. they're trying to make it so that he's the only person who can solve the problem in the end. by the way, what the negotiators are also doing is holding back one little piece here that we don't know about. and maybe putting the medical device thing back in. one thing at the end here they can throw to get a few more house republicans that can seem like a concession. because a lot of this is psychological now with the house republicans. they need to feel like they won something. >> hold those thoughts. but as for the timetable, a friend of mine i've known for 40-some years now told me he's afraid of we're still screwing around in this country come wednesday, we could have a couple thousand point drop in the dow. this is serious business. >> but the issue is how close we are. we've seen in years past there's a way to signal and i hate using this term to the markets that will have everything done by midnight tonight. >> thursday midnight? >> wednesday midnight. and the markets have been i think overly forgiving -- >> because? what's their implication? are they assuming it will get done? >> they assume at the end of the day that john boehner will be somewhat reasonable and if he has to tell these other guys to take a hike, they will do that. >> where do they get the street smarts? it's not street it's capitol hill. >> it's not rational. that doesn't mean people will do it. >> in terms of timing, the first hurdle for the senate leaders is that they need to get a deal and get it on the floor in time so that even if one of the tea party people on the senate side like ted cruz, for example, objects -- >> how long could he slow it down? >> he could slow it down for 30 hours. so they want to try to get it out there tomorrow for a vote if they can or by tomorrow night at the latest. sop that that time runs. and then the thing that -- >> you heard what he said. >> the thing that the senate republicans get out of this, the president gets no monkeying around with obama care basically. and obama care is not tied to either the continuing resolution or the debt ceiling. that's what the president wants. that's what he's getting. that's the big loss for the republicans here. the senate republicans get a sort of short-term continuing resolution because it only goes to january and a debt ceiling only to february. and they get to not be blamed. and there's going to be budget talks. there will be a committee that talks about stuff. and what the house republicans get is nothing. >> nothing. >> that is a problem in the dynamics. >> let me step back for the weekly column thought here. is this a case where the public -- and i'm in the public looking at this, saying this big crap pile has been entirely made by them? >> yes. it's essentially happened. >> but also for no good end. three months from now we have to do it again. i think the republicans are going to be in a weaker position three months from now after what they've gone through. none of this is settled for the long run. not the government shutdown, not the debt. >> but there will be some kind of nod in the direction of a budget group that will try to hash out a budget -- >> which we haven't been able to do in the past years. >> why they'd be able to do it now between now and december 15th, i don't know. >> i'll play dumb a little bit, but i am dumb about this one question. obama, you know, we all know that he's not a lefty when it comes to fiscal policy. he may be anti-war, but when it comes to numbers and arithmetic, he has said i could look at corporate tax reform. that could mean a higher level of taxes. proving to make business more competitive which everybody talked about. and then the second thing we all know these entitlement programs are going to explode at some point. they don't have the funding. something has to be done. why doesn't he do that? >> but he has. he has offered -- >> he's offered, but why hasn't he done it? >> he's offered chain cpi -- >> why doesn't he do it? >> because he wants to be part of a deal to get something out of the republicans. he is far closer and would sign simpson bowles in a minute -- >> the chicken and egg problem. >> the problem is that republican political orthodox now boils down to three or four words. no new taxes. that is their mantra. they've got the score cards that norquist has that scares everybody. that is their essential point. they will not enter a budget negotiation that has the possibility to -- >> so that's the straight jacket we're in? >> straight jacket they're in. because even if you have the deal leading to budget talks, we have budget talks that biden led before the 2011 deal. and at the same time the same issues came up again and again. >> what do you think is going to happen? we have until wednesday night as the deadline. >> i think it's going to -- i think they'll get it done, but i think it will slop over into thursday and friday and jack lew the secretary of treasury has enough tricks and enough fine print that he can read. >> so we'll be cutting checks again. >> yes. the rainy day fund. >> he'll discover some way to make it go. >> this sloppy is a good word. america shouldn't be sloppy. and the world is watching this. the word is out that we've not got our act together. even if we make this deadline in a sloppy way or crawl over the finish line, this is going to hurt us. >> about 80% to 90% of the political players in this town on both sides of the aisle don't like this. don't want to see this happen. agrees it makes us look foolish here. it costs ut billions of dollar to shut down the government and play with credit ratings. it's because of these 40 or 50 people who have jane boehner by the tail that we go through this. >> it's also -- yeah. it's that, but it's also the fact that everything here has turned into a game of political score keeping. and the white house is not unaware, for sure, and it's not displeased. as a matter of fact, is pleased about the fact that one of the things that's happened in this situation is that the republican party's numbers have been driven into the ground. they take some solace in that. they take some satisfaction in that. too many people on both sides are keeping score in terms of poll numbers and not in terms of reality. the very simple actual reality we've got to look at. >> when hostage takers go down in the poll, that's a good thing. i think obama's serious. i'm not saying it's a good thing on the progressives side. he's serious about getting a grand bargain. >> clearly the big obvious tactical mistake on the part of republicans was to attach their demands to obama care. that was just an unrealistic and counterproductive thing to do. >> you know growing up watching what happened in greece with what happened, they just gave up on the parliamentary not getting anything done. we're getting that whiff of that here. >> got to be careful to point out who's mostly to blame. a lot of people just say washington dysfunction. i'm not saying you. but that's how it gets filtered out to people. this is what republicans and conservatives like in a lot of ways. they like to see washington and government discredited. >> they wanted it discredited is what they should have done is left obama care alone. everybody would have been focused on the failure. >> that would have taken brains. the guys on wall street have those little books, they don't have those books. what a lively discussion about impending doom. coming up, another incredible display of hatred by right wing extremists this weekend. by the group of freedom watch says president obama, quote, bows down to allah and needs to come out of the white house like a criminal. if they can't take away this president's signature achievement, they're trying to delegitimize his entire president. ted cruz may be the one lighting the match that lit this fire. but he's exposed a bigger rift inside the republican party. plus big business helped create this pea party but now they don't have enough power to stop it. and let me finish with the politics that hasn't always been like this. this is "hardball," the place for politics. always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. so which potential republican candidate does the conservative values voter like? well, ted cruz. the texas senator won the values voter straw poll by a wide margin. cruz got 42% of the vote. ahead of ben carson and rick santorum who tied for second. as we showed you last week, cruz's unfavorables across the country have doubled as people get to know him. this guy ain't going anywhere. we'll be right back. 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[ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. our vets have proven that they have not been timid, so we will not be timid in calling out any who would use our military, our vets as pawns in a political game. >> why is the federal government spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? >> nonsense. anyway, welcome back to "hardball." it's hard to know where to begin when sarah palin and ted cruz headline an event to protest the closing of the world war ii memorials when it's republican extremism that caused the closures in the first place. but cruz and palin didn't mind that. they seemed tame compared to larry klayman who spoke a half hour later. >> our country has fallen, declined faster than it took rome 2,000 years to do. and we are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. this president is not a president of we the people. he's a president of his people. i call upon all of you to wage a second american non-violent revolution. to demand that this president leave town, to get out, to put the koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> sometimes i want to take one of these guys and give them sodium penothal. we event was complete with the bright yellow flag. don't tread on me. i like that message. here's the bad one. the impeach obama signs were dusted off and waved around. but this picture of a protester waving a confederate flag in front of the white house struck a nerve with me and others. jonathan capehart sits here. he described it this way. if you want to curdle the blood of an african-american and send a message of menace without resorting to burning a cross on the lawn, wave the flag. so imagine my revulsion when this was outside of the front gates of the white house. jonathan capehart with sam stein. you know, there's a piece of this thing from the beginning, this hatred of obama. it's not specifically racial. it's regional, historic. you hear people refer to the cause. remember that what is. the people that are the die harders of the civil war. never got past it. i was up at the mansion here to see teddy kennedy's burial spot. there was a guy saying let's keep up the fight. i know what he was talking about. as my wife said, kathy said he wasn't visiting ted kennedy's burial. he was visiting robert e. lee's house. but there was some of that residue of we got screwed in the war. we didn't have enough guns and railroad cars or whatever. and we're coming back to fight the big night now. >> how horrible is it that here we are a few -- couple hundred years after that war, a war that tore the country apart, and you still have people who are flying that flag. i say at the end of that piece, to me that flag is no better than a swastika. it should have no place in american political discourse. yeah, it curdles the blood -- >> what do you think that guy was thinking out there? >> well, the other flag on the left is the marine corps flag. >> he identifies the two of them together, this character. >> someone on my facebook page said i wonder if that guy if the picture realizes that the folks who are represented by the flag in his right hand, you know, beat the butts of the people who represented the flag in his left hand. you know, that flag is so -- i mean, i'm glad i was able to write this because i can't even talk about just how offensive that flag is. >> sam stein, you know we lost 600,000 people in that civil war. most of them were christians. they believed in the same god, they came from the same country. they killed each other. 600,000 people at point blank range across open fields. for what they believed in which was the fight about regional power and slavery. why do these people want to stir back toward that? why do they want to recreate that emotion that led us to the civil war? why do they want it again? >> i have no idea. i would guess something to do with states rights as if it were pertinent to this debate. i don't want to overlook what larry klayman said. what he said was also very offensive. the idea -- and i'm stealing from colin powell here. but the idea that this president is muslim that that's something wrong. he's not, but the idea that would be an insult and disqualifier and offensive is bizarre. there are plenty of moderate american muslims in this country. why that should be an insult to someone for someone who worships by the koran is bizarre. that's equally offensive to the muslim population in this country. i don't think we should brush it to the side. >> why do you think they call him a muslim when he cedes he was raised christian. he took a lot of heat for going to one particular christian church. >> because it presents him as someone who is somehow un-american and exotic in some respects. i have no idea. but it's obviously hurtful and the fact that the speaker at the rally, not someone just attending, but a speaker at the rally did that should trouble a lot of people. >> i think they're trying to delegitimatize presidency. get rid of his accomplishment on health care which every democrat and a lot of republicans going back to the beginning of the 20th century believed in, fought were for and failed. but he did it. get rid of that and you have begun to erase his record. they want to put an asterisk next to his name like he wasn't really president. >> what they're doing is -- there's a lot of fear. that flag represents fear. >> of the health care bill? >> no, no, no. not of the health care bill, but of this president and what they view him representing. the country as a lot of these countries view it is changing. remember the mantra in 2009/2010 was we want our country back. back from whom? and we want the country to follow the constitution again. well, where's your proof that the president's not following the constitution? and then the impeachment signs which we've seen since the first term and saw them out there on sunday, impeach him for what? you can't really explain -- they can't tell you for what. and if they do start -- >> let's get totally -- think totally tribally here. the black population of the united states is about what it's been since we were kids. that doesn't change. the hispanic population is growing through immigration. but it's not going to change. there's always going to be a lot of white people around if you want the company. what are they actually afraid of? there's vast stretches of this country that are all white. what is their worry? >> it's the fear of change. it's the fear of a country, a vision of a country that they have this american dream for who a lot of people didn't really exist. but for them the mythology of america to them is changing. and the idea that there's an african-american family in the white house and a black man in the oval office is a little too much change for some people. >> i'm a nut about movies, but a lot of our culture came from immigrants. basic culture movies and novels all written by people who arrived here in the 20th century. now to say we don't like our culture is what came to be our culture and what is america. right? who produced gone with the wind? where'd all that stuff come from? it came from immigrants. that's just the truth. >> these are conversations and debates that extend well back in our history over whether we're a melting pot and to what extent we want to assimilate people and have them be part of society. i will say this. i don't like the idea that we will, you know, tar a broad brush of people by the signs a few people brought. however, this is continuing pattern at some of these rallies. and more importantly to me that the politicians who were brought there who spoke at the rally didn't say anything about the signs that were put up, didn't say anything about the flag flown. they had every opportunity to. >> take a moment. rational question. i want a rational answer to this. why was it only john mccain who ever spoke up? i think there's a rational political reason for it. why they don't speak up against this fringe. my answer, they want that 5% or 10% to add to their numbers. your thoughts. >> i agree 100%. >> okay. thank you, jonathan capehart. this is up against a doomsday device called the debt ceiling we're about to perhaps pass and blow things up economically and cultural we're seeing a wildfire. thank you. up next, highlights from my appearance on the "realtime with bill maher." they say things there we can't say here. and this is "hardball," the place for politics. back to "hardball." time for the sideshow. the movie "gravity" is soaring at the box office. but here on earth many nasa programs are on hold thank bs to the government shutdown. here's how the folks at "saturday night live" dealt with that over the weekend. >> just pass me that wrench. what was that? >> i think some debris hit the telescope. >> oh, my god. we're detached. what do we do? >> stay calm. stay calm. houston, houston, this is explorer. we've been hit by debris and need immediate assistance. houston, do you read? >> houston, come in houston. >> houston, come in. we're flying blind, houston. houston, we need you desperately. please. somebody. >> hello? >> this is dr. janet stone. we've become detached from the hubble telescope. >> this is awkward, but the government has shut down. >> anyway, the space buffs may be interested to know that today marks the 45th anniversary of the very first live television transmission from a manned spacecraft. it was apollo 7. it was a test mission in '68. next up, i was on "realtime with bill maher" and i pushed back at the notion that the debt ceiling debate is politics as usual. it's not. and take a look. >> first we have the gun to our head because of obama care. they gave up on that, white house the gun to our head still? >> because it is -- >> now it's like we have the gun to our head, we have to figure out why. hold on, keep your head there. >> because it's a great american transition to -- for congress to put the gun to an opposing president. >> when president reagan was elected by a landslide, tip o'neill says there's something called a honey moon. you get a shot. i don't like anything you're going but you get your votes. they said would you democrats vote for the debt ceiling? he said all i want is a letter to each of the democrats from ronald reagan saying vote for the debt ceiling and you'll have the votes. that's what happened. he didn't screw around with it. he moved on. >> wow. we should move on again. the lesson, choose your battles wisely. up next, carnival cruz may be splitting his own party in two. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. i respect senator cruz. he didn't make any bones about what he was going to do when he came to washington. the question is, is should we follow that leadership or should we go in other directions and coalesce the majority of the american people? look, i guess we can get lower in the polls. we're down to blood relatives and paid staffers now. >> that's pretty funny. blood relatives and paid staffers, the only people loyal to republicans. back to "hardball." that was senator john mccain giving an honest assessment from him on the party's problems. he has been lambasted by the far right including louie gohmert. >> is some senator from arizona, a guy that liked gaddhafi before he wanted to bomb him, a guy that liked mubarak before he wanted him out, a guy that's been to syria and supported al qaeda and rebels, but he was saying today the shutdown has been a fool's errand. >> well, john mccain never supported al qaeda. that was the republican congressman louie gohmert calling his fellow senator a supporter of al qaeda. a small amount have tried to hijacked the party and have gotten away with it. but beyond image, the polls show just how shattered the party is. in the latest nbc/wall street journal pole, there's a stark divide between tea partiers and non-tea partiers when it comes to the job the congress is doing. tea partiers support them, the rest doesn't. for whether republicans are showing strong leadership. ted cruz and his pals might like how the last bit has gone, but for those that want to be a nationally competitive party, they don't like the shutdown. dana milbank and a.b. stoddard. a.b., i thought what was really nuanced was john mccain, the good john mccain. he's back to being the good guy in my perspective. he's talking about this is what ted cruz came here to do. he came to be a bomb thrower, blowing everything up and he's doing it. that's a way to say this guy's a disaster. that's a nice way to put it. >> they will tell you the establishment doesn't fight. they just roll over, they lie to their constituents about what they're going to do. >> you mean obama has had a free ride? >> they think that john boehner and mitch mcconnell are sellouts. they think that they always roll over and that they don't fight. so when you talk about ted cruz, even though they know he never told them you need 2/3 majority in each chamber to overturn obama care, they just like the fight. then you have the establishment saying this fight is tanking us in the polls if we want the white house back. the most interesting will be when we punt to the next deadline. does the chamber of commerce actually primary people running against tea party candidates? does all the republicans who said this is a bad strategy, do they fight back and actually try to stop this tide of civil war in the party? it's going to be a big question. >> i have an editorial. i will deliver it to you. there comes a time in parties you have to clean house. i think the democrats did it in '48 and under bill buckley, he said enough in this movement. you're gone. it was an important thing they did back in the '50s. is this a time when they might say lose the confederate flags, lose the islam calling that hooez a muslim, lose all the racism tarring of the guy or else you're not in our party. when is somebody going to say you're not a republican even if you are they are. >> if they're going to stay the republican party, they're going to have to. but the tea party might be this tiny fraction of the electorate, but they're absolutely entrenched right there. >> do republicans need them to win control of the house? >> no, they don't need them for that. >> every one of their districts could be served by a moderate republican. >> they've got to get it so they don't control the primary process anymore. until they get them out of that, they can't. >> same question to you. do they these the crazies? >> until the jim demint heritage action is matched, they're going to continue to win. >> grabbed hold of fwl toomey in pennsylvania. chris christie showed he has no interest in being lumped in with his fellow republicans up on capitol hill generally. he told the philadelphia inquirer last weekend, quote, if i was in the senate right now i'd kill myself. he explained to what he has said to colleagues in washington. what i said to any of them that i met with, get the government reopened, stop monkeying around and get back to work. i said i'm out there in the field, people have no patience for this stuff. the governors like kasich and scott walker, whatever you think of their policies are competent. those guys can do stuff. >> are they going to fight back after this and say we have to be a party that governs, we can't be a party that shuts things down. this will be the true test. >> but that's what john mccain just said. ted cruz came to washington to shut it down. >> and he did. he saw the way to power in washington for him was to create that. now, the one good thing that could come out of this is they've been spoiling for this fight and now mcconnell and boehner said you got your fight. it was a disaster. now let's have the grownups take over. and the question is -- >> you've got good sources when you report. will you be able to get into the kau can us? >> mitch mcconnell is doing that right now in cutting a deal with harry reid. when that's gets passed to the house, is john boehner going to say enough, you crazies, you've had your say and it was a disaster. >> so you think the current deal on the table effectively gives the democrats what they want in a short-term basis, but it does require some sort of sophisticated means testing or effective means testing on obama care. is that enough for these people? >> it won't be enough. >> nothing's enough. >> we'll get through the week and you'll hear ted cruz say again -- >> is he going to throw a monkey wrench in? >> they're not going to give up this fight. they believe this is the number one fight. >> a friend of mine knows his finances, we get into kentucky -- wednesday and start losing big on the stock market. retirement people, all their money is here. when it starts to shrink for the people who have no more way to make money, what happens? do they still root for that rebel flag? >> what we may be failing to say is say the republican party tanks the economy now. it's a year from now until the midterm election, and if the economy's sour, who do they blame? the president's party. >> you mean like the kid who shoots his parents claims to be an orphan? >> if things are -- >> we got to go. the jokes are awful, but i got to tell you -- >> we're not going to default. >> we won't. right here. >> no, john boehner -- >> anyway, it's called a bad credit rating. thank you. up next, big business helped bank roll the tea party monster, but now that the monster has turned on its creator, what are they going to do about it? we have smart people in business coming up. this is "hardball," the place for politics. it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. we're two days away from that special senate election up in new jersey. we've got new polling on the race. let's check the "hardball" score board. democrat cory booker has a ten point lead on steve lonegan. it's booker 52, lonegan 42. the election is wednesday. we'll be right back. i'on in 6s. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. it is insane not to raise the debt ceiling. now, i know there are a lot of people, new people particularly in the house, or folks who, you know, some of the guys in heritage and other places talking about we should burn the house down so that we can build a new one. well, that's just fine if you knew what you were talking about, but you don't. >> wow. we're back. that was tom donohue from the u.s. chamber of commerce referring to members of the republican party as not too smart. well, when the business community spent millions in 2010 to elect a republican-controlled congress and spent even more to fund redistricting efforts to keep their majority in safe republican hands, it had no idea it would come to this, open warfare with the tea party monster it helped create. well, the tea party faction of the gop has led the country to a fiscal stalemate or worse, which the business community certainly opposes and a republican party that once shared interests with the private sector now finds itself split in two. and now, powerful business groups like the u.s. chamber of commerce, are spending more campaign dollars this time on mainstream republicans looking to beat back tea party encustom bents who they think are bad for business, because for the country. roger altman is with advisory firm evercore, and was deputy treasury secretary in the clinton administration. steve al mendorf is a strategist of some renowned. thanks for coming on. i've always taken your advice about how things are moving in the economy, what consumers are thinking, how debt affects consumers. how does the possibility of a national default, how will it affect our reality in this country? >> well, it would be catastrophic, which is why i think, at least at the very last moment it won't happen. business, of course, is horrified, that's really the right word, at that prospect, and horrified that, as you say, a number of members that they supported on the far right are causing this near catastrophe. but if we ever actually went over the edge and we missed a payment, an interest payment or a principal payment, it would have catastrophic consequences. every single american, anybody taking out a mortgage, anybody with a consumer loan, any church borrowing money, any business borrowing money would pay more, a lot more, in interest, the credit rating of the united states, of course, would be lowered, and it would be a very dark day in this country. and it's difficult, for me at least, to believe that the way markets would plunge just before that would allow even the tea party republicans, or at least the republican leadership would allow them to actually conscience it. i don't think they could. >> it scares me, steve, talking politics now, is now -- and i know this is where you sit is where you stand and where you stand is where you sit, bit nothing bugs me more when i look into the eyes of somebody sitting somewhere on a different show, like bill maher, who i know knows it's destructive if this happens, but the republicans are saying what they know isn't true, this won't hurt, prioritizing or fixing or whatever. >> you have republicans that are deniers. a bunch of them actually believe it, that's the scary part. >> they wouldn't believe it if it was a republican president, would they? >> i think so many of them are -- >> if keister was on the line here? >> for a lot of them, i think the hatred of obama clouds everything they think, but a lot of them are just no-nothings. and a lot of people in the business community, as tom donohue said, need to stand up for them. >> is this part of the libertarian creed that nothing matters except your own ego? is this what's going on? rand paul isn't stupid. he's saying it doesn't matter. where's that coming from? i could see a steve king who doesn't know anything, saying i raised a family, i own a national business, but never mind. i don't get these guys. i think they're irresponsible. roger, talking about the business community and communications, the "wall street journal," which is almost a bible to business, the koch brothers, saying please, don't take us off the cliff. why doesn't the communication get through to the voting members of the house of representatives? >> well, i think as you've been saying on this show earlier tonight, chris, i think this really, so far, has come down to some number, like 40 of house republicans on the far right, the tea party republicans. but if thursday morning is d-day in terms of default, and it looks midday wednesday, wednesday morning. so, this really may happen. there will be such a plunge, i think, in the stock market that it will frighten people on main street in a big way, average people, people, as you said earlier, with i.r.a.s and so forth. and that fright, i think, will motivate the leadership to break the hasterik rule and pass at least an increase in the budget limit. >> will that be a bungee jump or will we have irreparable harm because for the first time ever, we've defaulted, even for just several hours. i think both parties, especially republicans, are pushing and pushing, how close can we get to the cliff without falling over? but if they fall at all, even for an hour, will it be a bungee jump or death? >> a bungee jump. it will be national gous to the first congressional vote in 2008 on the t.a.r.p. when the vote, which was expected to pass, of course, didn't, the market plunged 800 points, people on main street were terrified by that plunge. 48 hours later, the congress came back in and voted the t.a.r.p. through. it will be like that. >> i think i have a worse -- maybe i'm more worried than you, rog, and you're the expert. you know, steve and roger, i'm afraid, having lost our perfect safety record, we'll never be the same. thank you, roger altman, steve almendorf. new clearblue test. it's like two tests in one. oh, my god. i think i'm gonna cry. [ female announcer ] the new clearblue pregnancy test also estimates how many weeks. weeks estimator. only from clearblue. let me finish tonight with this. we now wait, sit in wait and check the news for two possibilities, one that, once again, the two parties reach yet another 11th-hour decision that disappoints us with once again an unsatisfactory result, which instead of doing no harm only manages to do less harm. the second possibility is if it only works. if the house republicans will not or cannot come to an agreement with the democratic-led senate and the democratic president, barack obama, we are in for trouble. it will be a renegade moment in history. suddenly, we would face the reality of a right wing run amuck, a refusal to participate in national self-government out of some angry need to bring the house down and be seen doing so. there was once a way to do things in american politics. it was easy to understand. you fought over policy, you agreed on a compromise in a reasonable time, you signed a bill together, there were smiles all around and the country liked what it saw. now we have a system where you fight even when you have to keep coming up with reasons, new reasons for the fight, where you recklessly miss deadlines, where you keep on fighting, where you may or may not reach a compromise where there is more anger in the country after than before. we don't calm differences these days, we stoke the anger. well, tonight, i'll be on "the rachel maddow show" to talk about my book, "tip and the gipper," which i imagined often in writing it as a warm-hearted look at a good time in american life, but instead now looms as a


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warm warmer weather is in the forecast as well. that's coming up later. matt? thanks, lisa. developing news in san jose, one person is dead and another injured following a solo vehicle accident. it happened around 11:40 in the area of blossom hill road and waltrip lane. a car crossed all lanes of traffic and crashed into a cement sign trapping two people inside. the mail driver died at the scene. a woman was taken to the hospital and treated for her injuries. no word on what caused the accident. a man is under arrest after being caught on camera preying on children just feet from their parents. 20-year-old christopher german was identified a day after abc 7 aired surveillance video of him leaving the stores where the alleged gropings happened. allen wang spoke with german's fiancee and has the story from san leandro. >> i'm surprised because i have a little brother. it bothers me a little bit. >> knowing he has a kid, too, it's disturbing, you know what i mean. >> he wanted to go to police academy to become a cop. >> reporter: kaitlyn wright is e equally as shocked as her neighbors. the only difference is she's the fee iancee of christopher germa who is charged with two counts of lewd acts with children. >> he didn't tell me if he did it or not. he just said that he's sorry he's putting me through this. >> reporter: but police say they have a strong case that proves german groped a young girl at this san leandro walmart. less than 30 minutes later he was seen entered a target are where he groped a 10-year-old girl. >> i cried and told her i was so sorry and that i don't know what happened or why it happened. >> reporter: the couple and their 1-year-old son moved from southern california to live with wright's grandmother in san leandro, less than a block from jefferson elementary school. >> i feel like he's somebody that i don't know. i feel ashamed that he's done this this or possibly did this. i feel scared. i feel embarrassed for my son. >> reporter: now wright feels her plans for starting a family have been crushed. police are investigating a string of alleged sexual assaults at the a fraternity just off the uc berkeley campus. last weekend five people may have been given the date rape drug at delta kappa e psilon. >> reporter: delta kappa epsilon from certainty that sits in the middle of uc berkeley's front row is where five people were allegedly drugged and assaulted. an abe none mouse third party filed a report saying the victims were given rhuphies. police say there's one big issues. >> we haven't had any victims coming forward. >> reporter: the men living at the house would not talk to me but the national organization sent a statement. part of it reads delta kappa epsilon condemns sexual violence in the strongest terms. no other facts come out that support the allegations. this is not the only from certainty under investigation. uc police sent out another crime alert. a member says he was sexually assaulted by a fraternity brother. the house is off campus meaning the city police department is taking over the investigation. >> but we don't have any confirmed reports or known victims or reporting parties at this time. >> sadly i'm not surprised. >> reporter: ariel butler, a sexual assault survivor and advocate, says a big problem in the past has been confusion, where to report a crime and who to turn to. >> yes, it was a huge issue. is this on campus? off campus? who do i contact? can i still go to ucpd? >> reporter: they do send out alert if there's reports of a violent crime and post fliers. ali elissa harrington, abc 7 news. yesterday alameda county prosecutors dropped the charge after reviewing the evidence and interviewing the alleged victim. this morning a highway patrol sergeant is facing child pornography charges. eric lund who worked out of the fair field office was arrested after a two-month investigation. police say they found a hard drive in lund's car that contained several child porn videos. chp issued a statement saying the alleged conduct does not reflect the values of the chp. new details this morning. an antioch reporter says billy c. schaefer jr., wild bill, was charged in the october 1 killing during a robbery outside the lounge. authorities say witnesses and surveillance video helped lead it to schaefer's arrest on monday. he's being held without bail at glenn dire jail in oakland. turning to ebola in america, a new ebola response coordinator has been named. ron klain is the form earp chief of staff to vice presidents al fwor and joe biden. he will report to both homeland security and national security advisers. the first dallas nurse diagnosed with ebola remains in fair condition. the 26-year-old was transferred to the national institutes of health in maryland on thursday. a dog, bentley, is being monitored at the texas a&m college of veterinarian medicine. the dog is not sick but precautions are being taken since the dog was exposed to ebola. the cdc says there's been no cases of transmission of the virus between humans and dogs including in africa. and new this morning president obama says the united states can't just cut itself off from west africa even though ebola is raging there. in his week ly address mr. obam reminded americans the virus is difficult to catch, says the incidences of cases in the u.s. are not an outbreak. he pushes back for calls to institute a travel ban. >> trying to seal off an entire region of the world, if that were even possible, could make the situation worse. it would make it harder to move health care workers and supplies back and forth. experience shows it could cause people in the affected region to change their travel. to obey the screening and make the disease even harder to track. >> the president says fighting ebola isn't just a job for the government. citizens, leaders, the media all have roles to play and the u.s. can't give it in to hysteria or fear. so many people are concerned about ebola. we post add detailed list of seven things you need to know about the virus including its origin, symptoms, and how it's transmitted. that's at san francisco police need help this morning to find a team of suspected scam artists who targeted older members of the city's chinese-american communi community. check out this picture of one of those suspects. three women have struck twice in the last two weeks. they approach a victim and convince them they'll be relieved of a curse if they present valuables to be blessed. one victim lost $80,000 in cash and $40,000 worth of jewelry. a gruesome discovery in humboldt county. authorities found the body of a man eaten by a black bear. the remains of 65-year-old marian williams were discovered near his trailer 75 miles south of humboldt. police say the bear did not kill williams. they believe he died of a heart attack before he was found by the bear. as world series fever hits the bay area, b.a.r.t. is planning to ramp up service, they expect record setting crowds next week. on thursday more than 462,000 people rode b.a.r.t., the fourth largest ever, as fans headed to at&t park. in preparation for the crowds, b.a.r.t. will be adding extra cars and more trains on game day. giants outfielder hunter pence inspires his teammates and appare apparently the internet. >> we ain't done yet, boys. saddle up. we're burning it down. >> pence is called the reverend for the special sermons he gives in the clubhouse. a video of that speech has been shared hundreds of times on the web. hunter is a man who exists in the moment, about a half hour later reporters asked what he said in the speech. his response? i don't know. a dream is coming true for a 6-year-old royals fan battling cancer. noah wilson is fighting a rare form of bone cancer. a go fund account was started to buy him world series tickets. stub hub, the online ticket seller, stepped in and is giving noah and his family six tickets to attend game two in kansas city. the money originally raised for the tickets will now go to his college fund. and this may be one of the more expensive fall classics in recent had history. if you want to go to be cap can city for a game, the average cost is more than $ nx 500 according to ticket broker tickiq. seeing a world series game at at&t park is a bargain by comparison at $1,100 on average and the cheapest ticket on stub hub right now for a home game is $449 for standing room only. giants fans are showing off their team spirit. here is a fan proudly displaying the orange and black in a pumpkin patch. you can e-mail your fan photos. tweet them to us at abc7news bay area. first chance for a home game would be friday. looks like it might be hot. >> we're going to go back in that direction. this morning it's cool. temperatures ranging from the low 50s in napa to the low 60s here. explo explo exploretorium camera. which day of the weekend will be the warm er one and when that heat returns. oh, and we have rain to talk about, too. >> all right, thanks, lisa. next, the wrong place at the wrong time. where where a candlestick park stagehand rode out the quake 25 years ago. you have to hear this story. and an embarrassing moment for the commander in chief. what happened during a dinner date with the first lady? jenny , , , jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, stuffed with ham, bacon and sausage, both wrapped in a warm guerrero tortilla. burritos so big, they make everything look smaller. , , , and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. it's been 25 years since the loma prieta earthquake. sergio quintana reports on yesterday's ceremonies honoring those who died and those inju d injured. >> reporter: at 5:04 p.m. san francisco fire chief rang the commemorative bell to mark the moment the whole bay area started shaking exactly 25 years ago and then a moment of silence honoring the 63 people who were killed. mark farrell was heading home from high school football practice that afternoon. >> sure enough the earthquake started to happen and we thought there was no big deal until we got back to the marina district. >> reporter: massive fires were triggered and entire buildings collapsed on to the street. south of market, marriott marquee manager sullivan was on the 18th floor of the brand-new hotel when the quake had hit. you could see the bay bridge, we had a full view of the bay bridge. >> we do not have it any longer. you could see that go up and down. >> reporter: it caused a chunk of the bridge to collapse. in oakland huge sections of the cypress freeway pan caked into a pile of concrete and steal. the new hotel opened that morning. by nightfall one of the only buildings with any power through the whole city. claudia was an hour into her shift on the 39th floor lounge. >> and i think the earthquake has stopped but weigh kept swaying because of the building made on rollers. i thought that was it for mae. >> reporter: she reunited with co-workers for this 25-year anniversary reception. many say they're like a family because they pulled together following the quake. in san francisco, sergio quintana, abc 7 news. abc 7 news anchor cheryl jennings is taking a look back at the earthquake with the abc 7 special "15 seconds 25 years later: the loma prieta earthquake." you can see it tomorrow. even the president has credit card trouble from time to time. yesterday president obama signed an executive order creating newer and more secure technology for government issued debit and credit cards. during the signing he revealed an embarrassing moment at a fancy restaurant recently. >> i went to a restaurant up in new york and my credit card was rejected. it turned out i don't use it enough. they thought there was fraud going on. >> the president says fortunately the first lady had her card. starbucks is offering free drinks for life to ten customers. in fact, you get a free drink or food item every day for 30 years. that adds up to about $23,000 for a daily cup of joe. customers can use a starbucks card or pay with a mobile device. to be eligible the can company is promoting its new order and pay ahead mobile program. the offer starts december 2 and runs until christmas. for many people nothing gets the morning started like the perfect cup of coffee. so which brand makes the best brew? consumer reports is partnering exclusively with 7 on your side's michael fin y for a new java taste test. >> i like the taste, the buzz. >> it's the only thing that gets me going in the morning. >> i can't live without it. >> i drink five cups a day and do it nonstop. >> reporter: a lot of people can't face the daily grand without a cup of their daily grind. to find the best tasting brews consumer reports prepared over 100 pots of coffee in their labs and then brought in a pair of professional cuppers. highly trained koch fee experts who really know their beans. they blind tasted 37 kinds of blended could haffees, ones cong beans of two or more varieties. the test included ground, whole beans, and single serve coffee. >> poem like the convenience of the pod but none of the single serve products we tested got high marks from our tasters. >> reporter: what about whole bean and ground coffees? folger's and maxwell house were done by those that cost more but really ruled the roast. topping the list these beans from blue bottle coffee, available online and in coffee shops. it has a complex flavor with citrus, floral, and with berry notes. it's $19 a pound. the best ground koch fee is organic continental blend from whole foods. tasters he found it complex with chocolate and smoky flavors. another great grind, starbucks house blend. a dark roast with hints of chocolate and fruit, about $11 a pound. now those priceses may sound pretty expense, but the starbucks house blend works out to 25 cents per six ounce cup, far less than buying their brewed coffee. happening today for the first time in 17 years, an open house at moppet field. the wind tunnel and other exhibi exhibits. they take a tour of the grounds. 120,000 people are expected to attend. it all gets under way at 9:00. happening this weekend, one island, two days, and three stages will come together to highlight an eclectic collection for the treasure island music festival. headliners include the platinum duo outkast, massive attack, white denim and many others. the festival runs today from noon until 11:00 p.m. all right, blame it on the drought. water is no longer flowing from lake tahoe into the truckee river because lake tahoe's water level dipped below its natural rim for the first time in five years. less water is reaching the lake. other trems feed the river and that should provide enough to last through the summer. also got an e-mail from cal fire reminding everybody that there still is a burn ban for every bay area county out there. alameda, contra costa, san mateo, monterey, portions of stanislaus, no outdoor burning. >> cool temperatures so we'll have to keep that in mind. otherwise our forecast is going all over the place. we're going to cool it down for the second half of your weekend. but let's start with first things first, live doppler 7 hd showing where the rain is falling. just northwest and also off the coast here. this is a weakening front that will all but dissipate and, in fact, it is helping to churn out the fog giving us a little fog but also clearing things out as well. winds are light. as this pushes on through, a very nice day here is a look from mt. tamm and high pressure takes over. 55 in oakland. good morning, san jose. cool numbers around morgan hill. half moon bay has had some fog. 59 right now. san francisco has been sitting at 63 degrees. san jose, blenty of sunshine. low 50s by the delta. they'll make up for that with one of the warmer numbers today in the upper 70s. it's been foggy in santa rosa. 53 with sunny skies in livermore. the north the bay has been pretty mild this morning and right now everyone is running warmer than you were yesterday at this time. from santa cruz, a pretty day today, upper 70s. ble plenty of sunshine. partly cloudy with a mild and dry weekend. our chance of rain pretty much behind us for the weekend and looking at the next chance, another kind of anemic front with not much umph pushing through monday. we'll show that to you in a moment. right now the returns that were offshore and there's the front, well, leaving us with a sunny saturday. and temperatures not far off from where they should be for this time of year. we'll go forward in time and look at sunday where sunday night here is the other cold front that stays offshore but then by monday the morning commute from point reyes could see wet weather at the tail end of the commute and then to the early afternoon some spotty showers, the east bay peninsula and perhaps the santa cruz mountains. getting up to date on the hurricane that continues to weaken slightly as the outer bands kind of lashed the hawaiian islands. the good news is here it will remain 175 miles southwest of honolulu right now and they'll have some rain and some high surf but overall this system is passing away and taking that left-hand turn from the island chain. high temperatures today in the south bay will feature more mid-70s, 79 in morgan hill. look for 74 with about 3:00 in menlo park. 71 in san francisco. north bay numbers, a nice day today up on clover dale at 76. napa, one of the warmer locations at 77. union city 74 and more upper 70s as you head inland for concord today and brentwood. the accuweather seven-day forecast, the half moon bay pumpkin festival, upper 60s today and tomorrow we'll see temperatures just a little bit cooler in spots around the bay. monday looking cloudy and cooler. hopefully a little rain in the morning and then by tuesday it's season al. wednesday, thursday, friday, a big ridge of high pressure will build in and keep us warmer, way wamer. abc 7 news has another great weather resource for you to follow, following live doppler 7 hd on twitter. for the very latest conditions, rain or shine, plus video forecast. power outage info and tweets from your weather team. we can just muster a little bit of monday. >> yeah, that would be nice. thank you, lisa. up next, princess for a day. a magical moment this little girl battling cancer will never forget. i love bacon so much,his sub. , , , , , , i'm launching a line of bacon jewelry. aw, i've seen those online, but-have you ever seen bacon brows? what was that? i was just putting the finishing touches on my bacondor. everyone loves bacon at subway. try it on a bacon egg & cheese. subway. eat fresh. okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book. just use citi popmoney. boom. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. a very magical day for a little girl with cancer. 5-year-old lily wants nothing more than to be a princess and ride a unicorn. her impossible win came true this week. to celebrate her last day of chemotherapy nurses at the louisiana hospital where she was being treated helped create a special unicorn for lily to ride. her mother says she can't stop talking about her royal ride. much more ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news. a murder-for-hire plot allegedly hatched inside this east bay jail. what authorities learned about an inmate's hit list. and giants world series fever. travis ishikawa is inspiring travis ishikawa is inspiring people of all ages. , , ring ring! progresso. wow, soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon enriched creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh... that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister... available at walmart. a broader mix of energies, world needs to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. good morning 0. we're starting this half hour with a quick lack at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. how is it looking out there, lisa? >> see for yourself. emeryville, kind of glassy out there on the bay. beautiful shot, but there is a cold front offshore if you look in the distance you can see the golden gate bridge and some clouds. 55 in oakland. morgan hill, 54. half moon bay, 59 right now. and there's a look at the moisture offshore. but where does it go? it evaporates, leaves us with more sunshine, mid-60s ocean beach, into the 70s by stinson. low 70s in the city. 80s will be far off, but we will look for the warmer day today. we're talking about another chance of rain. i'll tell you how much rain we may get next time we chat. matt? >> all right, tahank you, lisa. a pittsburgh man is a murder-for-hire suspect. charles waldo has been charged with dozens of crimes but nothing violent until now. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony has more from martinez. before it was 40 years tops. now it's 25 to life. >> reporter: already facing 50 felony counts for mostly white collar crimes in contra costa county charles waldo has been indicted for soliciting nine murders for hire while locked up at the martinez jail. >> there were two witness s that allege charles waldo approached them, one of them, solicited them and conspired with them to murder some of the witnesses of the original krams. we found a document that was a hit list and showed the ways he wanted the different krams done. >> reporter: the methods include staged car accidents, drug overdoses, and robberies that had, quote, gone bad. the original charges against l waldo center around his four-year employment at the rapid recycle in martinez where he worked his way up to manager. among the many charges insurance fraud, theft, and embezzlement of $100,000. after he was fired, slashing the tires of company vehicles. >> mr. waldo had no reason to do what he's alleged to have done . >> reporter: howard williams represents the 38-year-old waldo. he says his client is really a brilliant businessman who is often misunderstood. >> he's sort of a steve jobs-like figure, a guy who is just such a natural businessman, such a natural go-getter. in the process, you know, like steve jobs, he didn't make a lot of friends necessarily. >> reporter: waldo is being held here on $1 million bail under the original 50 charges. he will be arraigned on the new murder-for-hire allegations late they are month. happening today the san francisco fire department will conduct a drill to better prepare for catastrophic events. the fire department, alongside volunteers from the neighborhood emergency response team, will practice search and rescue techniques, triaging injured victims, setting up command centers and other disaster response skills. more than 250 volunteers are expected to participate. today's drill takes place from 8:30 to 3:00 at ft. mason great meadow. housing advocates plan to march today to mayor ed lee's house to protest evictions. defensemmonstrations say city officials are displacing neighborhoods. they want a moratorium on evictions until the housing needs of the poor are met. the march begins at noon. a lifelong giants fan has a new souvenir after swapping a baseball for a bat with a slugger who propelled the team into the world series. frank burke caught travis ishikawa's game-winning three-run homer after it landed in the right field stands thursday night. the oakdale resident explained why he gladly swapped the ball for a bat autographed by ishikawa. >> you know, i follow the giants. they're like the working man's team. i'm a hard working man. and i was just a lucky guy that caught that ball. travis ishikawa is the one that deserves all the credit for hitting the ball and it belongs on his trophy case, not mine. >> sportswriter daniel brown with our media partner, showed ishikawa and burke. and it's hard to tell who was happier when they met outside the giants clubhouse. of course everyone has giants fever this weekend, but thursday night's win was he is peespecia exciting for asian americans. abc 7 news reporter vic lee reports. >> reporter: this was a home run that won the game for the giants and propelled them to the world sear ies. >> absolute chaos. 43,000 people sat up cheering as widely as i was. >> it's so gratifying and i'm happy i was able to do it for this city and this team. >> ishikawa. ishikawa. >> reporter: the home run was made by a player who almost quit when he had a long, rough slump in the minors. travis ish ikawa. >> i think he just grinded and stayed with it, and i think that's kind of the japanese-american experience. >> reporter: it was particularly special for african-americans of all ages. how did you feel when you watched ishikawa? >> i must be, like, japanese. it makes me feel really great. >> hearing the story after the game almost quitting baseball, how he struggled, was inspirational. >> reporter: ishikawa was born in seattle. he's 31. he's a fourth generation japanese-american. he's had his ups and downs. ishikawa has played for five teams. but last night's homer put him in the national spotlight in a sport where you rarely see a lot of asian americans. >> i was very surprised and then i kept telling my dad how surprised i was. >> reporter: two asian americans were prominent in the playoff series. don't forget colton wong was a big hitter for the cardinals. his game-ending homer saturday night instilled new life into st. louis. the number of asian-american role models in major league baseball has just grown. >> now there's ish ikawa and i feel really proud and i feel excited for them and happy for them. >> reporter: 12-year-old joslin wong summed it up well. >> it makes me proud. it makes me inspired. it makes me want to go out and -- it motivates me. >> ishikawa. >> reporter: vic lee, abc 7 n s news. attention job seekers. it's that time of year again. the gap is now hiring. the retailer plans to hire more than 63,000 seasonal associates nationwide at its dpap, banana republic and athl had eta stores. happening today a celebration will be held in walnut creek to celebrate the city's 100th birthday. the birthday bash will feature live music, local artisans, children's activities, and, of course, birthday cake. the celebration is free and open to the public. it runs from 11:00 to 4:00 on ignacio valley road. still ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news, a hoax revealed. the nine-pound nugget that shook up gold country. and here is a live look from our tower camera. a beautiful shot there of the golden gate bridge. no fog to speak of this morning. and it's going to be a nice, warm day. lisa argen will have your forecast. we'll let you know when we'll we'll let you know when we'll have a chance of rain. , , at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. a ski resort in summit county, colorado, is the first to open for the 2014 season. yesterday skiers and snowboarders cheered as the lifts started running at arapahoe basin ski area. they're happy there. the resort opened five days earlier last year. the ski area began making snow two weeks ago and has received about a foot of natural snow. the resort says the early season conditions are not for beginners. . no, we're not going it to see any snow like that in our mountains anytime soon. >> no. it was 21 earlier this morning in truckee. certainly cold but they're on their way to a sunny day today in the 60s and back home take a look at what we have. just a beautiful shot. we've been sitting at 63 all morning long, already in the mid-60s, down around the airport. today seasonal weather but we are grabbing any chance of rain we can and that will come on monday. i'll explain when we come back. >> thanks, lisa. next, it's a moment giants fans can't stop he reliving. travis ishikawa sending the giants to their third world series in five years. series in five years. the call you may not have , , ,, okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book. just use citi popmoney. boom. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. four years ago gold fever swept through northern california's gold country when a man in nevada said he discovered a nine-pound nugget on his property. it fetched nearly a half million at auction. then it fell apart when our partner revealed the whole thing was a hoax. now what's happened since then. >> reporter: the 2010 event that supposedly took place in this mining community of washington got worldwide attention. a man named jim grill offered a detailed explanation of how he found this nine-pound gold nugget on his property. tom nicholson was the first person to publicly call baloney. i interviewed you a week after that story and what did you tell me then? >> i thought it was bogus. >> reporter: it was presented as the largest surviving specimen and sold at auction the following spring for $460,000. a website appeared seeking investors by claiming the giant nugget was just the tip of the iceberg and how it received such widespread exposure. >> i would like to set the record straight because there's people being defrauded here. >> reporter: a couple of australian prospectors contacted us to say they had dug up the nugget in vic are tora's gold country in 1987. when asked with about the hoax, the mining museum said what they call gold mine salting is as old as mining itself. >> oh, definitely. people have tried to find more ways to make money off it than they should. >> reporter: that distinctive gold nugget supposedly discovered here in washington in 2010 had been featured in prospecting magazines for 20 years. >> whatever interest investors might have had in jim grill's property vanished. the hoax was a huge embarrassment for the auction house, of course, that swore everybody to secrecy after refunding the bidder's money. grill lost the 180-acre property to foreclosure shortly after the hoax was revealed and the lender is now offering it for sale without the extravagant claims of buried treasure. the asking price a modest $590,000. in nevada county, george warren, abc 7 news. if you heading to the sierra nevada ullger not see those watt he falls flowing. >> the rain that we may see monday will not reach the mountains. a very, very wimpy front on the way. a trace amount of rain up in sonoma county. we like the clouds off the coast and with plenty of sunshine out there we'll continue to see the clouds evaporate and not much of an onshore push. the sea breeze will return but it will be very, very light. a stronger sea breeze will bring temperatures down a couple of degrees. emeryville, looks so nice with temperatures cool in oakland. half moon bay has been reporting just a little bit in the way of fog. ou tower camera you can see over the head lands today. a little bit of fog and we'll see that pull back. see that pull back. 70s up to stinson. sunny skies in concord. another beautiful day on tap with a mild and dry weekend. today a few degrees warmer than yesterday. that sea breeze will kick up making us feel cooler than then for monday there's a front heading our way and it will bring a little bit of measurable rain over into oakland and berkeley. today, though, this ridge of high pressure that will come in today. sunday night the front sits offshore and by monday it will stall offshore. maybe about a tenth or a little bit more than that, maybe .2 this in parts of the bay and the peninsula. 175 miles south of honolulu and it will miss the islands bringing some high surf, heavy rain but continuing on the northwest ward track so you can see it here and there is the island chain about 155 miles south. here is a look at what you can expect today statewide. into the valley to get the 80s. into the valley to get the 80s. 69 in monterey. how about 67 degrees today right on through the afternoon. a very nice day today. this afternoon in concord 77. upper 70s for san jose. 73 in san had a te'o. i think pretty good weather tomorrow to the lower 60s. the accuweather seven-day forecast calls for slight ly cooler readings tomorrow. a chance of showers monday and seasonal wednesday with a warming trend through thursday and friday. very, very warm for the baseball game on friday with 80s and 90s around the bay. >> let's see if the royals can stand the heat. >> i doubt it. >> ucla battles cal at memorial stadium. you can watch it here. at 7:30 stanford takes on arizona state. the world series bound giants will hold their first workout since thursday night's dramatic win over the cardinals. he is more on travis ishikawa's big home run in this morning's sports. good morning. that feeling of euphoria that travis ishikawa provided thursday night isn't going away anytime soon for giants fans as the three-run homer part of giants lore. perhaps you've heard jon miller's call and joe buck's call but how about deportes? >> ishikawa, bye, bye, baby! [ speaking in spanish ] travis ishikawa! the giants win the pennant! the giants win the pennant! >> i have to thank the giants for bringing me up and giving me this opportunity and bochy. i don't know what he was thinking when he put me in the outfield. he knows what he's doing and i trust him 100%. i thank him for this moment. >> what a moment it was. the world series begins with game one tuesday in kansas city. game two is wednesday. the teams then travel to san francisco for game three next friday, game four on saturday, the first pitch for all of these games 5:07. the american league champion royals courtside for the w warriors and heat last night. the preseason game taking place, passing around the alcs trophy. the giants are more concerned with the world series trophy. the second quarter steph curry behind the back with the left hand. klay thompson had 29. 115-108 victory. jim harbaugh is a giants fan, likes to take his glove at at&t park in july, they'll be in denver on sunday. harbaugh says giants fever spread to his locker room in santa clara. prayers talking about it daily. >> personally i have great admission, just keep doing it and doing it. wonderful, wonderful. >> jim harbaugh. >> 49ers fans, well, you can rejoice about this. in a move completely unexpected to outsiders, the seahawks traded percy harvin to the new york jets. seattle had get a conditional draft pick in 2015 for harvin. when healthy, his play on the field is unquestioned. in the locker room that seems to be a different story. word out of seattle is harvin rubbed teammates the wrong way at times, that he was more trouble than he was worth. interesting. a big game in berkeley this afternoon. cal hosts ucla. you can see it here on abc 7, a 12 thi 12:30 kickoff. and then at 5:00, fifth ranked notre dame in tal hlahassee to take on number two florida state. following the game larry beil with cash creek after the game. a 7:30 game in san jose state in larrimee. have a great day. next, the great pumpkin festival. which giants great will be the grand marshal at today's parade. , teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. here are the winning numbers from last night's $180 million mega millions draw. nobody picked all six. tuesday night's jackpot grows to $200 million. we found the winner of the largest pumpkin grown in north mek which means it's time for the half moon bay art and pumpkin festival. this weekend will celebrate the giant gourd blending the best of the harvest and halloween season the festival will featured mega squash, haunted house, crafts, and lots of pumpkin flavored treats. former giants player orlando cepeda will be on hand. the festival runs from 9:00 to 5:00 today and tomorrow on main street. great to have all these festivals taking place. a lot of events and really nice for them. >> nice and sunny there. the sea breeze will return. a weak one this afternoon. upper 60s for half moon bay. a very nice day. we do have cloud cover up in sonoma county. we can't rule out a light shower. otherwise part ly to mostly sunny. 75 in vallejo. slight ly cooler with that strog arer sea breeze tomorrow it and then a chance of rain for most of us on monday turning sunny on tuesday, a big warm-up under way wednesday, thursday, and friday. back to summer temporarily. >> what a roller coaster ride this week. thank you, lisa and thank you for joining us on the abc 7 saturday morning news. abc 7 news continues at 4:00 p.m. because of college football at 12:30 ucla meets cal at memorial stadium followed by abc 7 news at 4:00. and then at 5:00 p.m. notre dame battles second-ranked florida state. that's followed by cash creek after the game with larry beil and mike. he won't be biased, we promise. the news continues online with our new abc 7 news app. have a great day, everyone. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. >> hi, everyone, i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown!" the fastest humans can run about 27 miles per hour. that's nothing compared to the fastest animal athletes. look at those things, they're huge! like cats so quick they risk a speeding ticket on every hunt. >> oh, look at that! >> marsupials that barely touch the ground. >> we call them blue flyers. >> blue flyers? >> yeah. >> and birds that break the laws of physics. >>they can actually dive down out of the sky at hundreds of miles an hour.


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