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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Report 20110403

landing site, fox news from the air station. plus the money many pact on the airline industry. >> and it's absolutely-- >> taking off with two children inside, and a play house and the weekend turning tragic again when a toddler falls out of the see on a moving roller coaster. also, in daylight and plain sight, incoming fire. our fox news team led by geraldo rivera right in the middle of war, between a rag-tag army of rebels and pro government forces in libya. fox news confirming now, cracks were found in that southwest airlines jet one year ago. that's one year before the rupture in the roof of the passenger cabin in flight friday. they're trying to figure out what went wrong with the boeing 737-300. the cabin holding passengers, opened up and exposed them to the clear blue sky and the need for oxygen. >> preliminary on sight examination reveals preexisting fatigue along the entire fracture surface. >> harris: serious injuries to the flight attendants and passengers and people were fainting from the lack of cabin pressure. they didn't make it to a commercial runway, they had to touch down at a marine air station. fox report is live with our casey stegall. casey. >> reporter: yeah, harris, the southwest airlines jet in question behind me over my shoulder. we are extremely close, ab that is where tonight n.t.s.b. investigators are working closely with southwest maintenance personnel, and what it is that they're doing back there is cutting away and removing a large portion of the plane's fuselage, specifically around the area that split open as the jet cruised along at 36,000 feet on friday, some 18 1/2 minutes after it took off from phoenix. that piece or skin, as they're calling it, will be overnighted to a lab in washington d.c., where it will be tested. n.t.s.b. officials also saying today that they've noticed pre-existing fatigue, and fracturing around the tear, but how long it had been there, still not clear. just going out and looking at it with the naked eye, air not going to be able to detect this because it is concealed and that's the reason that the aircraft's under heavy maintenance, the last heavy maintenance on the airplane was march of a year ago. >> reporter: and in fact, f.a.a. records showing that exact same plane, same tail number had trouble before, cracks found in the the fuselage skin multiple times in march, 2010. those same records show that they were repaired. meantime, for a second day in a row, southwest canceling about 300 flights nationwide after 79 of its boeing 737's, 300 series planes had been grounded for inspections, that accounts, by the way, for about 15% of the discount carrier's total floot and late word coming into fox news channel tonight that 19 of those planes have passed inspection and now have returned to service. so that leaves about 60 still grounded tonight and the airline telling us they're not sure when this whole thing will be completely resolved. harris. >> harris: casey stegall, live for us in arizona. thank you very much. and this just in. underwater search teams finding pieces of that air france plane that crashed in the atlanta back in 2009. all 228 people aboard flight 447 from rio de janeiro to paris died when the airbus slammed into the ocean during a thunderstorm, you may recall. previous searches proving futile. but now investigators wanting to find the flight recorder to find out what went wrong, a task that took on importance last month he when early manslaughter charges were filed against air frns and airbus. no word what parts of the plane have been found tonight. and in our nation's capital, a top house outlining the g.o.p. plan to solve the debt crisis apparently won't he see it until tuesday, but fox getting a sneak peek from wisconsin congressman paul ryan, head of the house budget committee, talking to our chris wallace on fox news earlier, revealing a 2012 budget that promises to slash more than 12 trillion over the next decade. >> let's talk about your budget, widely reported that your budget will cut spending by 2 trillion dollars over the next decade. and. >> well, it's more than that, quite a bit more than that. >> 3 trillion? >> more than that. >> 4 trillion. >> we're looking at more than that right now. >> harris: and congressman ryan criticizing president obama and the democrat controlled senate, he says the white house is quote, punting on the toughest budget issues facing the country and the senate is doing nothing to pass the budget, even as we head for a possible government shutdown again. steve centanni is live in washington and coming tonight to democrats who argue the republicans plan is nothing knew. >> harris, congressman ryan proposing not only huge cuts, but grabbing on the perilous third rail of american politics, entitlement like medicare, medicaid, social security. details how ryan plans to deal with the expensive government programs in 2012 and beyond will not be be revealed until tuesday, but asked today on fox news sunday whether the plan might be dead on arrival in a congress that can't agree on a few billion dollars to cut to keep the government running down the end of this. >> we can't keep kicking this can down the road. the president has punted, we're not going to follow suit and yes, we will be giving our political add ver saris things to use against us in the next election, same on them. >> and the democrats were criticizing, chris van holland a top democrat in ryan's committee said in a statement it's now clear that the republican budget is not bold, but the same ideological agenda that extends tax breaks to millionaires and big oil companies and cutting our kids' education and as for the ven year's budget, a compromise appears now to be in the works. >> i'm quite optimistic, i think progress is being made and they're working off a number 33 billion dollars in cuts that's very reasonable. it's right in between what democrats have proposed and republicans are proposing. >> and friday's deadline on that, if congress wants to avoid a government shutdown. harris. >> steve, thank you very much. the obama administration set to argue the new health care law is legal. the white house had until tomorrow to file paper work to appeal a federal judge's decision to overhaul it and it has done so ahead of that deadline in january. a judge declared the new health care law unconstitutional, ruling congress does not have the authority to force americans to buy health insurance. and the justice department now challenging that judge's ruling, arguing this is well within the authority of congress to man tate all americans buy health care coverage. now to libya. where a key oil port was the scene of more violence today. we still don't know much about the rebels who are there and who are fighting to oust libyan leader muammar gaddafi or where the loyalties may stand. one rebel talking to reporters trying to assure the world audience they want to form a democracy there. >> those rebel or opposition forces in the port city of brega firing at gaddafi troops even with a no-fly zone in place, rebels not gaining much grounds. the u.s. intervention in libya is far from over. n.a.t.o. telling fox news, they're asked the u.s. military to continue air strike missions through monday. that's actually two days after the previous agreed upon deadline. let' get right now to steve harrigan streaming live from tripoli tonight, steve? >> reporter: harris, after two weeks of air strike situations on the the ground on the battle field around the city of brega is pretty much a standoff and neither side able to take control of that oil port. intense fighting continues in libya's third largest city of misurata and there, gaddafi forces have been surrounded and pounding it with tanks and artillery and caught in the middle, thousands of civilians including many egyptian workers they want to get out, but they are trapped in the fighting. in the meantime, n.a.t.o. is investigating what could be a friendly fire incident that killed 13 rebels on friday night, the rebel spokesperson said the rebels may have been firing up into the air into the sky in celebration before that air strike and goes to show how complicated the battlefield has become lately, especially with gaddafi government forces now often using civilian vehicles to avoid the air strikes. and both sides are reaching out even though they're far apart with possible diplomatic moves. and deputy foreign minister has gone with a message of gaddafi. not clear what that message is. asking about a possible cease-fire, one which for the first time would not require colonel gaddafi to step down immediately, but the response in tripoli has been negative, calling that proposition madness. harris, back to you. >> harris: all right, steve harrigan weeks into this now, the u.s. military is. thank you very much. we know the situation on the ground is dangerous in libya and tonight, a view of the fighting we haven't seen before. our own geraldo rivera getting a firsthand look at the harrowing scene in brega that steve was just talking about. actually it's more than a look. it's this close. [gunshots] >> keep going. they are he' firing, they are he' firing. >> . >> they're firing at us. they're firing rpg's and mortars at us. >> harris: did you hear what he's telling the people with him. geraldo, i think we should stay low, i think we should stay low. fortunately, geraldo and his crew are okay. and you don't want to miss their reporting on a very hectic day, it's live tonight on geraldo at large, 10 p.m. eastern only on fox news channel. a family hurting, a community shocked, when a three-year-old little boy dies at the amusement park and fell off a roller coast are. what police are telling us. plus the violent protesting in afghan, in response to a man burning the muslim holy book in florida. now, why american lives could be in danger. stay put. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules. >> outrage spreading in afghanistan. more people killed in violent protests and hundreds of afghans taking to the street for a second day and their anger overflowing one month. the after a florida pastor changed a koran burning. and today, men burning effigies of president obama and demanding u.s. troops leave their country and now the president and his top general in afghanistan speaking out. peter doocy in washington with more. >> the small fire from the small florida church is now spread all the way to afghanistan where muslims are outraged at what they think is religious intolerance by americans and their violent pro it ises, 20 people and injured more. a chance for americans to-- but no indication in the statement where he called out the pos tar. we condemn the action avid in the united states who burned a holy koran. that action was hateful, it was intolerant, and it was extremely disrespectful and again, we condemn is in the strongest manner possible. >> reporter: democrats and republicans agreed today that the american pastor had the right to do what he did, but most say he's wrong for putting american servicemen and women being put in more danger. >> you can't stop an individual with his rights, but i hope it's condemned by all of america. this conduct endangering lives of our troops is unacceptable. >> when you do something clearly, the first amendment products that individual from doing that, but when you jeopardize our soldiers and the folks, i mean, our civilians who are trying to put afghanistan back together so we can come home, i would hope that they would stop with that bit of extremism. >> president obama weighed in this week and while he says it's all bad, the burning the koran is not tolerant, but the violence is affront to human dignity. >> harris: the peter doocy, thing, receiving some threatening e-mail and hearing now reaction from them, who may be sending the terror-filled messages. a powerful wind picking up one of the inflatable bounce houses, you know the play houses, and the wind tossing it into the line of traffic and inside the house, little children trapped. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. >> a three-year-old child dead tonight after a traffic fall from a children's rollercoaster ride, it happened at an amusement park in illinois 25 miles outside of chicago. police say the boy was riding with his twin brother when he slipped out of the car while it was moving and authorities telling us they are investigating and early on they considered this an accident two weeks after nor deadly amusement park accident in south carolina. the train ride there overturning with nearly 20 people on it. and a six-year-old boy died at the scene. and one state inspector lost his job submitting a false report, claiming that ride was safe to operate. in arizona two children hurt while playing in a bounce house. a whirlwind called a dust devil picked up the house and carried it on to the road in tucson across three lanes of traffic where it landed. a little boy, a little girl, inside at the time. doctors saying their injuries are nonlife threatening, a miracle. eyewitnesses say they will never forget what they saw. >> it just absoluted lifted it up and a wind is a very strong wind. >> harris: you may recall a similar accident happened earlier this year in february and the winds carried the bounce house dropping one girl on to a rooftop. new reaction tonight to a threatening e-mail sent to a number of new york state lawmake lawmakers, the subject line on mail, a time to kill. the writer ranting about impending violence against lawmakers, the media and the wealthy. state police launching a full investigation and lawmakers taking the threat very seriously. our julie banderas with more now from our new york city news room. >> harris, the anonymous letter sent from a yahoo! e-mail address was sent to dozens of lawmakers and all of the police say there's no evidence of credible threat. one said the message was so well written it had to be taken seriously. the author claims fob a state worker mo belongs to a group and says, i'm quoting, my group is going to do everything possible to promote terrorist takes by al-qaeda and tea party nut cases and by religious extroomist assen lone wolves and anyone else to provoke into picking up a gun. and attacking school bus full of kids and goes on on to say, understand what you're dealing with, i'm a terrorist and you'll have to kill us to stop us. and in the final paragraph the writer says give me a chance to pull a gabby giffords. the reference to the state official has them alarmed. >> we do not want a tragedy anywhere in the state dependence anyone and i think this is why the state police has taken the threat seriously, but cautious and methodical in their approach in terms of trying to determine the source and hopefully it's something that's a very bad prankster rather than somebody who's seriously considering harm. >> right now the state police and the federal authorities are trying to pinpoint the origin of the message sent out on april fool's day. so far they've had no luck, harris. >> julie, thank you. the investigation over friday's emergency landing of the southwest airlines plane. what the n.t.s.b. is saying about the history of the plane with a big hole in the roof. how the latest black eye could impact the airlines business, will it? in massachusetts one woman drives her car right into a swimming pool. her sinking fooling next. sinking feeling next. >> i saw the windshield wipers were on and there was a person in it. make a wi oh. ooh. happy birthday todd. it'sor a cough... fr allergies... 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health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. >> an american town for a dark past now dealing with a battle. salem massachusetts lifting a limit on the number of psychics allowed to open up business there. and now some fear that salem will be overrun by the psychics. and more on the future of salem. >> salem, massachusetts is famous for the pursuant of witch persecution and the variety of businesses selling charms to fortunes and the sea side community had long restricted the number of psychics allowed to operate. when questions arose about the legality of that limit the cap was lifted in 2007 and like magic the number of psychics surged. >> wasn't sure if it was constitutional to put a cap on people when you open up this type of business. >> barbara long held a psychic license and needed no crystal ball that business would take a hit when more fortune tellers hit the scene and her business is down 75%. >> i'm in favor of putting the cap on because there are so many psychics in the city now. when i first opened up my business 25 years ago, i was just about the only one in this area. and and since then it's growing, growing, growing. >> she was among a handful of operators, and now the city boasts 70 registered psychics and some fear that the witch city will be overrun. the psychics itself, some argue it's tough to make a living in a city packed, and others say it's religious freedom and the remarket must stay. >> as a person who believes in the power of the free market, i believe that the free market should decide whether or not there are too many psychics. if we have so many, they won't make any money and they leave. it's just like anything else. >> city councillors are considering action and it's hard to predict what's in the card for salem's sooth sayers and even the psychics can't say what the future holds. in salem, molly line, fox news. >> harris: i'm harris falkner and this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour time for the top of the news. new information about that southwest airliner forced to make an emergency landing when a hole opened up in the roof of the cabin. the passengers inside. investigators say cracks were found and repaired a year ago in the frame that have very boeing 737-300. the hole appearing in the fuselage while in flight at 36,000 feet on friday and the crew safely landsening yuma, arizona and that's where our casey stegall is now. . >> reporter: first and foremost the n.t.s.b. has a team at southwest airlines headquarters in dallas, texas where they're pouring over all of this plane's maintenance records and all of the history associated with it. here at yuma at the top of the hour we showed you how they're cutting away a portion of the fuselage, specifically around that tear, so it can be sent off to the n.t.s.b. lab in washington d.c. for analysis, and they have also recovered the two black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder and those, too, have been sent to d.c. for testing and the mission here, to see how on earth this would have happened and how the plane's roof split open about 18 minute after it took off from phoenix as it was soaring 36,000 feet above the arizona desert, harris. >> harris: casey stegall with the latest. this is not actually a new problem for southwest? >> yes, in fact, fox news is taking a look at f.a.a. documents that show cracks were discovered in this exact same airplane in march of 2010. those same reports show that those cracks were repaired by southwest airlines, also, remember back in march of 2008, big news here, when the f.a.a. proposed a 10.2 million dollar fine for the discount carrier, saying that it's operated some of its planes without proper inspection, specifically for cracks and as a result, southwest's entire maintenance program was restructured and then a year later, southwest settled for 7.5 million dollars, so, no doubt, harris, in the coming days and weeks, a lot of people are going to be focusing on the maintenance program of southwest airlines. >> yeah, after all of those changes and still this happened a year later. casey stegall, thank you very much. >> right. >> well, flights now canceled, part of the southwest fleet grounding for inspections as you heard casey talking about. big trouble for that airline. and maybe for the entire industry in general. let's find out. from adam shapiro of the fox business network, adam, how, if at all, is this going to affect the airline industry. >> if you're he flying tomorrow on any other airline nothing to worry about, southwest does not have the agreements which allows them to place inconvenienced passengers on another airline. if you are flying southwest, cancellations may be trouble. take a quick look at the data. southwest flies the planes more than anyone else 737-300 first delivery to the airline was in 1984 and boeing built more than 1100 of these aircraft and southwest now flies majority of them in the united states. on the other airline that flies them u.s. airways and they have newer models. >> you and i were talking earlier about a bigger picture here, maybe something we're not thinking of. tell us about it. >> this is where it will impact the entire industry. i spoke with darryl jenkins, an aviation expert, an author and airline consultant and what we're talking about here, not just for the southwest, but delta and american are aging airliners. for instance, the d.c.-9, md-80. here is what he told me they're constantly serviced and put back. and at certain point repairing the outer hull. and what happened in southwest, repaired the outer hull in 2010 and they're phasing them out. too expensive to operate them and delta and american will look at doing that with the dc-9 as well. >> harris: for investors they need to be aware of the other airlines with aging airlines. >> if you're buying delta or american, what's the date of the fleet and plans for retiring. dc-9 with fly if maintained up to 30 years, but some of those planes are approaching that threshold. >> harris: adam shapiro not only do you do you know about money you know about planes. >> call. >> harris: and let's shift if we can, a lot, to libya and speaking of planes, actually. our military now being asked by n.a.t.o. to stay in the game, to stay in this no-fly zone, continuing to fly missions to help n.a.t.o. shore up that no-fly zone. we didn't see a whole lot of reaction to all of this military action yet in the markets, but you say there has been a reaction, we just may not know it. >> the price of oil. the easy way for us to pay attention to this, not only, you know, a turnover our men and women in uniform. watch the price of oil it peaked on friday, rather, settling at about $108 a barrel and a lot of people are saying that's because of the economy. the number you want to pay paengs to, 3.5 million and 10.-- 3.5 million the extra capacity the saudies can bump if they need to pump more oil. 1.2 million birarrels what the libyans pumped and if they're out then you have to rely on saudi arabia. if the economy picks up, as we saw the numbers last week we need more oil. whoever gets control of the oil fooled besides a bad guy and cut it off, watch things skyrocket. >> harris: we don't get a lot of oil from there. >> no. >> harris: very, very little, but messes up the pool. >> a very small threshold in the oil pool. >> harris: thank you very much. fox business network, adam shapiro, if you don't have it, demand it. thousands of people welcome springtime by giving their city a face lift. while hundreds of others head outside for massive pillow fights, just two stops as we go across america. minnesota, a chaotic night in minneapolis. hundreds of teenagers at the big dance party at this hotel scattering outside after police rushed in. >> the first thing, started spraying mace everywhere and everyone run outside. >> harris: police responded to reports of shots fired and breaking up fights and finding no signs of gunfire in or outside of the hotel, massachusetts the junior prom at northover injury high school coming to an end thanks to a special banked batch, of baked goods. the principal saying marijuana, and officials were looking to identify who made the brownies, saying they will be punished. pennsylvania, shedding winter for spring with 10,000 philadelphiaens to spruce up the city in the fourth annual philly spring cleanup at 250 locations across the city and this year's theme, keep up the sweep up. reflecting the idea, maintaining a clean neighborhood is an everyday effort. new york, buy a pillow and let the feathers fly. hundreds of people many dressed in pajamas, celebrating the 6th annual pillow fight day. donations benefitting a no-kill animal shelter and that's a fox watch across america. a woman getting the surprise of her life the day before her 70th birthday party. massachusetts police saying he she parked her car in her daughter's driveway. talking on the cell phone, she hit the gas pedal by mistake and her car plowed through a fence into the swimming pool behind it and that's when her son-in-law snapped into action. >> i was on the other side of the fence and jumped on to the roof of the car and reached inside and pulled her out through the driver's side. she wasn't speaking and i didn't know what was wrong and she was hysterical and crying and i was happy with that. >> imagine what the person on the other end of that phone call was thinking. i'm sure they said something. police say no one was injured in the accident, but a hazmat team had be to be sent to the house to clean up gallons of leaking gasoline. this next one is golden. rod blagojevich, do you remember him. offering words of wisdom he says, to a group of kids. the disgraced former governor of chicago and you have to wait for it, hear what he has to say. hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in yemen, another place in the middle east where they're saying they won't back down until their leader, their president is gone. a report from the mideast next. oh! let's do this. look who's early! 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[ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. those of us who know grass doesn't turn green just because the calendar says to. and that a big difference can grow from a small budget. for those of us with gssn our sneake... dirt on our jeans... and a lawn that's as healthy as our savis... the dayare about to get a whole lot green. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of well-grounded plants. with miracle-gro gard soil for just $3.9 [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums >> across the mideast, violence has called for new leadership in yemen and syria and now word that some of the leaders may be listening. >> demonstrators filling the streets, in yemen's capital and many threatening not to stop until their president steps down, but one other leader appears to have made some on sessions and the president assad, today appointing a new prime minister as part of a cabinet overhaul. our leland vittert has more on the region from jerusalem. >> harris, the anti-government protests continue to give today in yemen and a real escalation by the fleet. today killed at least two people with live ammunition, bullets, and brought out tear gas and batons, as the police are escalating the violence the protesters seem to be only digging in for a longer fight. >> the streets demanding yemen's strong man president step down. and you've got to understand, yemen is a very different situation than what we've seen in egypt, tunisia and bahrain for a couple of reasons, al-qaeda has a strong presence in the country and the current president is a u.s. ally on the war on terror and the country is ripe for civil war. the president has offered succession, but since withdrew some at a speech friday says he's willing to fight to the end to keep his country together. whether he'll do it is still a big question. in syria, protests also continuing and the video is disturbing to say the least. take a look as security forces beat protesters with what looks to be large bats and demonstrators, the promise of a new government hasn't pacified them and the new government could be the next few days and president assad has called the protests an a result of an international conspiracy. it's unclear where things go diplomatically from here, in syria the president is certainly not a u.s. ally, but washington seems to be wondering whether he might be better than the unknown alternative. for as yemen, the united states, saudi arabia have remained largely quiet on the issue out of fear that the president there would result in a failed state and an al-qaeda strong hold on the arabian peninsula. harris, back to you. >> harris: leland vittert reporting live from jerusalem. okay, i know, night two of charlie sheen, there's news he may not be winning. the self-described unemployed winner kicking off the 20-city variety show. reviews coming in from audiences in the first performance last night in detroit, can you say refund? oh, you've got it here and big hair guy rob blagojevich offering political advice to kids. that's right the impeached former governor of chicago making a rare appearance at a high school. blago's pearls of wisdom when we come back. while some fiber ads use super models, metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. >> pack your bags for another exciting trip to planet blago. the former governor has words of wisdom for illinois children and our blago making a rare appearance in naperville, west of chicago and the students eager to hear about the political scene and what it's like to be rod blagojevich. >> are you ready for round two? >> i'll talk about it when he we're finished here. >> making an appearance with high school students around the midwest looking into insight into modern politics. blagojevich encouraged their participation, but also said politics has gotten so ugly, he he won't even encourage his two daughters to follow in his footsteps. >> so much of what's wrong with the system today in america is that it's filled with greed and corruption and are you ready for this? it's legal, it's legal. >> especially he said in springfield. >> you want to go to a cesspool of cynicism, go to springfield and see what the leaders down there. >> and regarding his own case, he repeated many of the same themes he emphasized prior to his first trial. >> don't think about doing and attempting to do any of the things said about me. >> except those profanities. >> and for those of you who are juniors and seniors and most of you younger i want to apologize for the profanities that i apparently used time over the telephone calls. >> blagojevich graphically describes what it's like to have the fed tapping your home phone. >> and i think it sucks. i think it's wrong and i think it's, it's misused. >> one student asked what he'll do some day to change the system? >> there's life after death in politics, when i'm vindicated and people see what this is, i think i'll be empowered. >> afterward he refused to discuss strategy for his upcoming trial. have you reconsidered your decision from the the last trial not it testify? >> now, all of those things are going to play out during the trial and i have every indication that i'm approaching this one like we did the first one, this one were, you know, we feel very good that ultimately we're going to get the truth on and whoever it takes to get the truth out. >> and the verdict from the jury which heard him today? >> i was disappointed in the fact that rod blagojevich didn't talk a little too much and didn't give us a chance to rarely challenge a question. >> i feel like he's hiding, covering people's behinds and to do something i don't know what that is, the whole story. >> he's definitely a politician and knows how to talk and he seemed pretty adamant about his plea of not guilty. >> imagine that. blago, too much talking. that was larry yellin from our fox affiliate wfld. byologists sounding alarm on the potential departmental disaster, a deadly fungus, white nose syndrome killing a million bats. and researchers finding entire caves of hibernating bats wiped out. if the bat population in the united states were to be devastated long-term consequences are unclear. here is what we know. bats are a vital part of the environment. for one eat insects like moits that can carry diseases harmful to humans. charlie sheen on tour, opening night behind him in detroit. is he winning or maybe change his life's motto or better yet, retire. we will talk to ticket buyers and find out what they're saying. ♪ . 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. >> martin-- march may be over and the dog fight, u-conn huskies taking on the bulldogs. peter of fox to give us the details. a dog fight. butler u-conn and normally we say who is the david and goliath and we have to say. >> butler a cinderella story, but they're not the. they went to the finals although they lost their best player heyworth to the nba, they're back in the nba finals for the second straight year and u-conn weren't ranked before the season started and didn't go to the ncaa last year and u-conn comes out of the big east, the big david and goliath story is not there, two evenly matched teams, going to be a great game tomorrow. >> but you do have a feeling about this. because you say butler oon without the best player is what. >> better off this year than last year and last year, duke was a locomotive. >> who? >> and exactly. >> harris: who? >> forget about that. connecticut this year, and this might be a really good matchup for butler and the next down 34-year-old brad stevens, and the few finals and. >> harris: by the way i'm ready for the e-mails my jay hawks lost and bring it on. nascar on big box, broadcast fox today. we thought dale earnhardt, jr. was finally going to do it and victory snatched from him. >> dale, jr. took the lead without 20 laps together and thought it was it, kevin harvick won at the end and lee spencer has the coverage at fox this was a heartbreaker for the dale earnhardt, jr. fans. >> harris: thanks for being here, good to see you. >> thank you. >> harris: stick around for this, because i think you want to know. charlie sheen not winning. the professed out of work winner, bombed in detroit. sheen heckled, booed, abandoned by the crowd during the the first stop on the 20 city variety show called my violent torpedo of truth, defeat is not an option tour. take a listen to the reaction from the audience. >> charlie sheen thinking he was the president of warlocks, babbling on and on until i want today throw up in my seat. >> terrible. went around for an hour and didn't get to see nothing, i could have watched this on tv. >> everybody walked out and booing him. >> there was more people smoking than there is in there. >> in the theater. and my husband, grab her coat and we'll meet you at the front door, what's not entertaining and i like him. >> harris: really? check this out. and she may be the only one. rasmussen doing a poll, yeah, rasmussen doing a poll. 71% of adults surveyed have an unfavorable opinion of the former two and a half men star, 16% like him. sorry, charlie. on this day in 1953, americans received a fresh look at their local listings when the first tv guide was published. the cover of the premier issue featured a picture of desi arnez, jr., the son of "i love lucy" star, lucille ball. in its first year publication reached 1.5 million people and by the 1980's would produce 20 million copies per week. now, there's a tv guide website and a television channel to boot. and the tv listings at the news stands, 58 years ago today. i remember as a kid waiting for it to come out. what's going to be on? now you know the news as fox reports this sunday, april 3rd, 2011. i'm harris falkner, thanks a


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