Leeton Shire Council
Leeton Shire Council, at its May 2021 Extraordinary Council meeting, endorsed its Draft 2021/22 Operational Plan, Budget and Revenue Policy (including Fees and Charges) which will be placed on public exhibition until Thursday 10 June 2021.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the draft documents during the exhibition period. All submissions received will be considered by Council before the final documents are adopted at the June Council meeting.
Council’s Operational Plan 2021/22 and Budget sets out Council’s focus for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
The Operational Plan is presented in combination with the Delivery Program 2017-2022. The Delivery Program component of the document outlines what Council intends to achieve on behalf of the community, while the Operational Plan component lists the actions Council will undertake in order to do so.