Gang violence continues in haiti, the bodies of ten people have been found in a wealthy suburb. Witnesses said there have an attack of armed criminals and the president announced his resignation. Transitional council will choose his replacement but has yet to be appointed. Rishi sunak has insisted his party is united in the economy is turning a corner as he attempts to move past questions of leadership. Last week saw defection in a racism row in a plot to replace him. Local Election Campaign starting tomorrow in the Business Secretary called on her colleagues to stop the Westminster Psychodrama and the Prime Minister urged them to stick to the plan. The Prime Minister. Six more years for President Putin. In the us, they say. They said the vote took place amid systemic internal repression. Canada criticised the process was flawed and undemocratic. Lets have a look at who did congratulate him. That is iran, china and north korea. Indian Prime Minister offered warm congratulations. And Pr
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