Scottish BPS reductions and exclusions notification due
17 February 2021 |
by FarmingUK Team | Finance, News
The notification will tell farmers of any reduction or exclusion made to their Basic Payment Scheme
Scottish farmers are being told to look out for an email or letter notifying them of any reduction or exclusion made to their subsidy payments.
The correspondence will come from the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate (SGRPID) from Monday 22 February.
It will notify reductions or exclusions to the Basic Payment Scheme, Greening, Young Farmer or Less Favoured Area Support Scheme payments.
Farmers and crofters will have only 60 days from receipt of the notification to submit an appeal under the Rural Payment (Appeals) (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
Declassified files reveal fears axing headage payments would disproportionately affect Catholic farmers
Officials in Northern Ireland feared swapping headage payments for area-based payments would have a disproportionate impact on Catholic farmers, newly declassified government files from 1996 have revealed.
Westminster proposed adjusting the Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance (HLCA) to “better support farmers in upland areas following the BSE crisis”.
It came amid worries the “least economically viable producers” could be “squeezed out” as farm incomes plummeted in the wake of the crisis.
The papers, which include memos from within the Department of Agriculture in Northern Ireland, as well as confidential letters between it and its counterparts in Wales, Scotland and England, illustrate clearly the disparity between each region’s interests.