dominant force in the world. would they have everng, done tht under you, and how would you have prevented it? number one, they wouldn t have donehod you ofentative it. it. number two, if they did it, i would have said, excuse me, x we re going to put a 100% tariff on all of your goods. thatin are coming into the unitg states, and they would have backed up immediatel intoited si you know, i took in hundreds of billions of dollars from china and as i said, not one president for many thesidents preside took in anyt. you know, they revere china. i don t know. i, i also explained, hey, we all love china. let s love china let s respect the president, let s respect everybody. but they tooct everydyk advantak the united states making hundreds of billions of dollars a year. we built their military because they made so mucheir milh money i took in hundreds of billions of dollars from china. iff billio you think taiwan is g to get invaded, well, i think they have no respect for biden.e they have