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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Sunday Morning Edition 20140330

known for its fast cars but they want to change that and make it more of an entertainment center. we will take a look at that coming up. >> we have a lot as you can tell. but first let's get a check of your weather forecast. we finally have a break in the rain. a live look. you can see is the skies are clear. we are going to see the rain return but today should be all right. so we will dry out today. we are going to see some clouds this afternoon. more rain on the way. tomorrow more details coming up. arriving international passengers at the san francisco airport could be detained at customs this morning. this was the scene there yesterday. a computer glitch in the federal customs border and protection system is to blame. passengers were forced to stand in line for hours. the backup started yesterday morning and it's unclear if the delay is completely resolved. the prime minister of australia says he is hopeful that clues will arrive in the search for wreckage. today more objects were pulled from the southern indian ocean but it's not certain yet whether any are from the plane that disappeared on march 8th. thee are looking into an air 15800 miles west of purse australia opinion the number of missing has dropped substantially from that massive supply. 30 people are missing but that is down from nearly 90-year-old after many people were found safe. 18 are confirmed dead. crews have been using heavy equipment. dogs and even their bare hands to find any sign of victims. some sometimes they are discovering only partial human remains. and they are finding personal belongings including family photographs and albums. secretary of state john kerry is in paris to talk to his russian counterpart about the crisis in ukraine. he was flying home when he changed his flight plan and headed to paris. today he will meet with russian foreign minister. between president obama and russian president clad mere putin. the two leaders agreed to have their top diplomats hold a face to face meeting. this evening is the end of an era for bay area film goers. san jose's iconic century domes of wynn chester boulevard will be showing their last movies. century 21 was built in 1964 with centuries 22 and 23 following shortly thereafter. they are the first of the domes built in several major cities in the western u.s.. they are also the last to be showing films. the landowners wants 20 tear down the domes to make room for expansion of santana row. the last sliver of hope still lies can state officials who will decide whether to declare at least one of the domes historic. leland yee will be back in court to interplease on charges of everything from public corruption to conspiracy to run guns. >> supporters say the fbi used entrapment to lure him into alleged wrong doing. his arrest was the result of an under cover operation. one law professor says yee's lawyers can argue the agents presciently coded yee into acts. a more likely defense may -- >> i somehow parched the language of the conversation to suggest that maybe he was misunderstood. it was really kind of vague. it was suggestive. it wasn't a direct exchange. >> another possible defense would involve attacking the credibility of any witnesses. yee's pleas tomorrow will provide the first indication of his legal strategy. your article talks about the high profile players in this case. including one that captured a lot of people's attention. shrimp boy. >> that is right. it goes back to 2006 to the killing of another tong member. which got the fbi's attention. it was when shrimp boy showed up at his funeral in an all white suit declaring him as the new guy in town. the fbi started taking a second look. >> he still has not been charged with that murder. >> no, he is not. nobody has. but events after that got everybody looking at him and that set up the fbi sting eventually which netted him some 25 others plus senator leland yee. >> that is one of the most interesting things about this case leland yee was originally not the subject of this investigation. he just got caught up in it because he is dealing with shrimp boy. >> allegedly through keith jackson the head of the san francisco school board. he brought leland yee and introduced him to this group and then we had pay for play. and other charges. it's a very, very complex case. it reads something like a novel but the question is will it hold together once it gets into court? >> we'll have a lot of analysis of this coming up. including a local law professor who will take a look at yee's possible defense. >> and speaking of federal charges. >> yeah federal criminal charges expected to be filed soon against pg&e for the 2010 pipeline explosion in san bruno. the disaster in september of that year killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. >> and as kpix 5 -- >> reporter: next to new homes and construction equipment you can see physical reminders of the pipeline explosion that leveled the san bruno neighborhood 3.5 years ago. >> i have always said that the death of eight people because of the ineptitude of a public utility not watching what hay are doing is criminal. >> reporter: pg&e said it would likely face federal criminal charges in its role in the deadly blast that sparked a fire ball. it destroyed 38 homes and injured dozens. he is constantly reminded of the tragedy. >> the little girl who died i dropped her off at her house right behind me. and two hours before the blast. so i am deeply effected by that. >> reporter: pg&e says that it is accountable for the accident and makes no excuses. the company declined interviews but sent us prepared response. >> regardless of what comes next we want all the families to know we have learn learned the tragic lesson. >> reporter: the company says it has since adopted new pipeline safety standards. >> we applaud pg&e for the work they are doing. they have done an awful lot of work. but that does not exempt them for paying a price for what they have done. >> it was criminal. and i am thrilled that additional action is being taken. >> what i found interesting about all of this, the federal criminal charged weren't filed but pg&e got ahead of this and say they expect that to happen. what do you think the strategy was behind that? >> getting out there and getting it on their side. >> pg&e says it does not believe criminal charges are merited because it did not intentionally violate federal law. tomorrow is cesar chavez day and there is a new push in congress to tackle immigration reform, again. >> at least by the democrat side. nancy pelosi talked. she says it's all about the economy. >> a state like ours we have high-tech, we have tourism, we have agricultural, we have every reason to need. we need to have comprehensive immigration reform. >> and greg sur was at the event as well. personifying one of the bees that pelosi is on board with. badges, bibles, and business. really trying to get everybody on board. >> i think it's going to stay thatway. the democrats are trying to bring this issue up again. they want to get a vote going. they want to get a debate going because of the midterm elections. they hope to activate the latino community and put the r.n.s on the hot spot. >> so it could be lip service. >> it could be lip service. the republicans will just sit on it. they don't want to talk about it during an election year. we don't want to talk about things running the country during election year. interesting phenomenon. >> we will talk about them any way. and we have congressman erik swellwelcoming in to talk about that. with leland yee due in court tomorrow where is the fine line for politicians in accepting money. >> and later on on face the nation with bob schieffer could college athletes and should they get paid? the most serious charges announced on wednesday agait see what's new at state senato blic corruption. the most serious charges announced on wednesday against state senator leland yee involve pub lib corruption. it's alleged that he promised political favors in return for donations. each count carries 20 years in prison and $250,000 fine. >> and this brings to light a question as often as asked whether in sacramento, san francisco city hall, san jose or washington. when does a public office holder cross the threshold in the ill legality when they are taking a financial corruption? and what are likely to be the lines of argument for the prosecution and defense. joining us is is roy little. the other day i was looking through campaign contributions to politicians all across the state, and it happens regularly. and then there are votes taken that seem to mirror what i see as far as contributions going in. where is the line? >> what the supreme court has said you have to have a specific official act. there has to be a connection, there has to be specific, it has to be official. and just access we allow people to pay for access. you can buy breakfast with the president for $10,000. but you can't link an official act. so they are going to be debating here what is an official act? and how specific was it? >> it seems like -- i would like to say a fine line but it's a broad line. it's whether or not somebody is actually listening and marking down this for this, this for this as opposed to the general flow of things. >> right. and it will depend a lot on what the jury will draw from what the agent said. the under cover agencies i'm going to pay you for meetings. senator yee says i can't do that pay for play. and then takes an envelope or somebody takes an envelope for him. where the link it will be differential. >> when we have cases like this, a lot of it has to do with wiretaps and there is a question about whether there is stings. whether or not leland yee or the other politicians might have been likely to do this on their own or somebody is coming in or setting them up. what is your feeling on that? >> entrapment is a hard defense to make out. it almost never wins. you have to show at first he wasn't predisposed to do this. which will be difficult on the political area. and you have to show the government actually encouraged someone who would have otherwise never done it. so you've got the american hustle movie and this is right in the same area. >> your history with the federal investigations, what is it that usually triggers them to say we're going to go after a particular person? >> in this this case and this is not unusual, they were not focused on senator yee, they were focused on shrimp boy chow and they were wiretapping those phones and those meetings and that is where the under cover guy was embedded. and keith jackson walks in and says i have senator yee and why don't we do some meetings? >> so senator yee takes political campaign contributions for issuing a proclamation. if you were his defender attorney, what would you be arguing? what would you argue? >> you will have to argue there was no direct connection. that he was not raising money for these acts. and he says these out loud. i'm not interested this money. i'm interested many making policy and things like that. but you know it looks like they have a fair amount of evidence so if i were the defense attorney i would evaluate where i can i go with the penalties and what is my testimony worth in another case? >> in other words are you going to turn? are you going to flip? >> there might be that discussion. >> another thing is when the feds laid out this case in their -- >> in that aft affidavit. >> they will pick whatever they want to put in there. it seems like this was as much for the court of public opinion as the court of the law. >> there is no doubt this is detail sod people like you can pick this out and say this is what happened. but you have to give them some credit. they put in the things that people said in here as well as the incup tour things. when senator yee says i can't do that, that is pay for play. that is in there. they were trying to give both sides in a sense. which is also good. because they have to get ahead of the court on that one. >> the old rule of politics seems to rule if you want to stay out of trouble legally rather than saying yes or no just wink or nod. is that how it goes? >> don: shrimp boy gives a hug to everybody at the end. >> right to check to see if they are given a wire. >> right you are rubbing the back. >> thank you for joining us. back to you buys. >> thank you. let's take a look at our forecast this sunday. we're going to kick things off with a live picture over oakland. the rain has ended this morning but it is still partly cloudy out there. when you head out the door here's what you expect we will have a dry day for today. it will be partly cloudy and cooler temperatures out there. and then come monday the rain returns with a little bit of wind as well. also monday evening we have the cleveland a's home opener. that is you are going to see some showers for that. we could see a possible delay. 56 degrees for that game tomorrow night. here's our highs for today. 62 in oakland. 63 in san jose. and 60 up in santa rosa. the next seven days clear today, partly cloudy today. rain moves in monday and we could see some thunderstorms come tuesday but then once wednesday hits, we hit a dry period. >> do people in san francisco really care about one of their prominent politicians is in legal house water? the big debate ahead. for ,,,,,,,,,,,, can't hold my breath ♪ ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable offender ♪ boom, boom, shake the room ♪ the unstoppable -- [ male announcer ] an electric city car here... makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. ♪ the quick charging, zero emission, all-electric all-new smart electric drive. just $139 a month. u-c san francisco. big changes in store for san francisco general hospital after an independent review by uc san francisco. it was prompted by the case of this woman lynn spalding. a patient who's body was found two weeks after she disappeared. the report makes several religions including periodic checks of stairwells. new security cameras and alarms. and hiring a full-time security manager to oversee it all. >> transparency is parent for this process. and this is a transparent public tomb. >> the total cost of the changes is expected to be about $1 million a year. state and federal regulators are still investigating the case of lynn spalding. the state senate has -- >> all of them democrats and all of them in trouble with the law. >> that is why we sat down with willly brown and carl to ask what the fallout from this might be. >> mayor brown, we understand the mate senate today is going to meet for probably what 12 minutes? >> a reasonable period. >> right. and they are going to vote to suspend all three senators. your reaction to that. this move. what was behind the move? why do it so fast? >> i think the membership in the state senate is being innone dated from politicians from all over the land. all of the people connected with them in the world of politics shut this down. cut off the damage and the blood. eliminate it and the way to do it is send all three packing. >> still they are going to be receiving their paychecks. >> voters have got to be saying enough already with this. the democrats if they are walking this and they better stop the bleeding. republicans are starting to have a field day on corruption charges here. >> you referred to the voters. i wondered around the city all day yesterday and last night and believe me, it was just a consistent level of hilarity about the leland situation, about the keith jackson situation. the voters don't seem outraged, they seem entertained. >> i think on a statewide level the voters are outraged. they are watching these guys get paychecks. they are watching the corruption charges come down and they are saying enough already. the independent candidates out there must be getting ready to run. >> but if those candidates will run, they are going to need campaigns and the campaigns take money and it appears in the case of leland yee a lot of this was about campaign contributions. mayor brown, how common is it for lawmakers to set up meetings? to write letters? to get people together? >> not directly in return for but you do hope to have people be of assistance to you if you are of assistance to them. that is a standard process. it happens every day of the week and it happens in the life of every politician, period. >> one hand washes the other, i guess that is how it works in politics, but people have got to be saying does the leland yee case make him a poster boy for public financing? this case shows a guy begging for money. >> the one thing you have to do if you are going to survive at all, is be clear that every rule must be followed to the letter. and enthusiastically. everything that occurs on the contribution side can be absorbs if you have followed every single solitary rule pip did this for 40 years and i followed all the rules and people always attacking and every time they finish their attack, they would have to come away shaking their heads. how did he do it? simply being obedient to the rules. that would also include if you get nailed with an indictment, you really ought to instantly withdraw. not just from running for secretary of state, but you are instantly withdraw from the body. you've got to protect the integrity of the body. that is the most important thing. >> i think what makes the public so upset is the politicians still get paid. >> right. >> why is that? >> because they are elected by the people. and if you suspend somebody you are saying you are out of here. but you can't take away their pay or office until they are actually convicted and the hammer comes down. that is the rules. because it's irrevocable. if somebody got off, if this indictment fell apart, there is always that theory so they always suspend them with pay. >> that is one reason that leland is stepping down. if he steps down, he resigns, he is not getting paid. >> i was talking with one of the senators about this, he said if you were allowed to suspend people without pay, then there would be the very huge concern about people just politically suspending people for their own reasons rather than you know something. >> checks and balances you might not be happy with it but it has worked so far. >> march madness really going mad on one campus. we'll show you what happened after one school got eliminated from the basketball tournament. it's perhaps the bay area hot spot for auto racing. why the raceway in sonoma county wants to expand. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, morning. the time is _ _ _. good morni welcome back to kpix 5 this morning. the time is 7:59. good morning, i'm phil matier. >> and i'm anne makovec. the new bike path opened up. what about the temporary entrack to the bike path that stood for seven months? that is being torn down. that cost $9 million. >> and there is questions being raised about leland yee. the feds put him into court this week. and one of the biggest scandals we have seen in a long time and a lots of criminal implications about organized crime in the china area. >> and the culture of corruption in sacramento. >> and we will be talking about immigration reform? is it still possible? it seems like it died in congress last year. but first let's start with your top stories. the deadline for cover california hard to believe but it's tomorrow. those seeking health insurance coverage must sign up but midnight tonight. and here's the look at the health fair at san jose community center. enrollment counselors and insurance agents helped answer people's questions there. cover california says people who start an online application by 11:59 on march 31 will have until april 15 to finish that application. arriving international passengers at the san francisco airport could be detained at custom this morning. this was the scene there yesterday. a computer glitch in the federal custom and border protection system is to blame. many passengers were forced to stand in line for hours. the backups started yesterday morning and is still unclear if the delay is completely resolved. today's first arriving flight is due in at 9:00 a.m.. southern california residents are still on edge this morning following friday night's magnitude 5.1 quake. in fullerton apartment dwellers waited for the fire department to inspect crack there is. many structures in fullerton may be red tagged because of the damage. people continue to feel after shocks most of the day yesterday. friday's quake was the strongest to strike the greater l.a. area since 2008. the number of missing has dropped substantially from that massive mud slide in washington state. authorities now say 30 people are missing down from 90 earlier. 18 people confirmed dead. crews have been using heavy equipments and dogs and bare hands to find any signs of victims. sometimes they are discovering only partial human remains. they are also finding personal belongings including family photographs and albums. arizona wildcat fans got a little too wild for their own good last night. arizona fans took their frustration to the street after the wildcats lost to wisconsin 64-63 in the ncaa basketball tournament. tucson police fired pepper spray to control that group. it resulted in the end of 15 arrests. fortunately no serious injuries. wisconsin advances to the final four last night as did florida. today on kpix 5 it's connecticut against michigan state at 11:00 a.m. and kentucky verse maybe at 1:30. those are a look at your top stories. back to you. let's take a look at weather forecast. finally drying out today after a very wet day yesterday. a live look in san jose. the rain has ended but it will be back. cool start to the day. temperatures in the 40s to low 50s. our weather headlines this morning we do have the dry break today. partly cloudy skies. a cool afternoon. more rain on the way tomorrow and a chance for the next seven days. state senator leland yee of san francisco will be back in court tomorrow. he will be entering pleas on charges from everything to public corruption to allegations of conspiracy to sell weapons. >> the fbi used entrapment to lure him spool this alleged wrong doing. his arrest was the work of an fbi sting operation involving under cover agents. one law professor says yee's lawyers could argue the agents persistently goaded them into criminal acts. but that is difficult to prove. >> it will billion really hard in this case. >> more likely defense might argue that bribery allegations were not quick quo pro. another possible approach would be to question the probability of any witnesses. yee's pleas tomorrow will provide the first end cases of his legal strategy. >> i don't have any idea what he might be thinking tonight the eve of that court appearance. because you know the media will be all over it. >> it has been all over him so far. it is a very, very interesting case. one that involves not only allegations of political corruption but criminal activity by chinese gangs in the area that stretched up and down the coast of california involving the fbi and a number of law enforcement agencies. it's quite, quite a story and quite a case that will unravel in the next couple of months. >> we will talk more about that between now and 8:30. meantime cal tran is under fire far project that had a huge price tag but a very short self- life. the bay bridge bike path is being ripped out after only six months. >> reporter: since the bay bridge opened on labor day thousands of cyclists have enjoyed the view. but after only seven months the entrance of that bike path that cost $9.5 million to build is already being ripped out and placed. why did we spend that money to tear it down? >> the thought was that the bike path is an entry call part of the bridge. >> but as it turns out some of the old bridge was in the way. >> so they had to build a detour to get bicyclists on to the bridge. >> reporter: and it didn't come cheap. the cost of the temporary entrance came to $47,000 a day. >> this is the thing we had to do in order to open it for everybody. we knew it would cost money. we knew it was temporary. it was about making it open for everyone. it was about doing it all at one time. >> reporter: now remember opening on time was a big deal for the bridge especially after all of the cost overruns not to mention the $30 million bolt disaster that threatened to delay the opening for months. how much pressure was on to get the bike path open alistening with the bridge -- along with the bridge? >> the bike advocates thought it was the right thing to do. so that continuity lets them open the bike path when we open up the bay bridge. >> it really does seem a ridiculous amount of money for that short amount of time. do bike lobbies really wield that much power out of cal tran? >> the perception. remember this bridge was way behind schedule. way over budget. they wanted to open it and make it look good. i don't think they were interested in opening up and saying by the way, it's not really done. >> is that perception somehow trumping the perception they just wasted millions of dollars? >> when it comes to the bay bridge the words waste and millions seem to be in the sentence all the time. public safety is the subject of the candidate form in oakland. >> at least nine of the brave souls running for mayor will be facing off. including jean quan. they will be answering questions about how to deal with the high rate of robberies and burglaries. all with a limited police force. it's a problem that has gotten so concerning neighbors are paying for their own private security guard. some very heavy issues that they will be tackling. >> it ought to be very interest because it will clearly be jean quan will be on the hot seat with everybody questioning her about public safety because poll after poll in egg land says it's the number one issue. the raceway in sonoma county. why it may soon be for more than fast cars. >> and the super bowl coming to a stadium near you. why santa clara will not be the only city that benefits. man ,,,,,,,,,,,, see what's new at congressman eric swalwell fm dublin has a lot to process. and he j legislation to from immigration reform to bay area political scandal. eric swalwell has a lot to process. phil is sitting down with him now. >> that is right. we have a lot to cover. thank you for joining us. first up immigration. i see why the democrats want to put it back on the front burner. republicans don't want to get near it. how much of this is an effort to get past it? how much of this is midterm politics? >> this is about real people who want real reform. over 218 members of congress that is the majority say they will pass it. one person stands in the way and that is speaker boehner who won't bring it to the floor for a vote. >> now it's more than one person that stands in the way. he won't bring it to the floor because he says the votes are not there. democrats want it on the floor so they can have something to debate. right? >> we want it on the floor because i saw just a couple weeks ago every month i work in the shoes of someone in my district. i went to a bakery in hayward founded by an immigrant that came here and worked in the bakery himself and bought the bakery and now has ten employees but he is wondering what it means to not have an earned pathway to citizenship. i want to do this for real people. there are three reasons to do something in politics. the first should always be it's the right thing to do. second economics makes sense. and third political sense. right now the republicans are not coming around that it's the right thing to do. they are not sure the economics line up on this so they have to pay a political price before they do it. they are going to pay a price but it is still the right thing to do. and that is the reason we should do it. >> let's move on with something i think everyone can agree upon. you got your first bill past. >> back in november while knocking on doors i met a filipino gentleman in hayward. he told me he had a family member he couldn't find and that sprung me into action to realize people here in the bay area a large filipino vibrant area knew people over in the philippines that were suffering. so we moved through a bipartisan bill that says if you make a contribution to the typhoon relief all the way up to april 15th of this year, you can count it back to the 2013 tax reform. >> now that you are here i have to ask you about some questions about leland yee scandal because you are both a politician and a former prosecutor. what is your take on the case? >> it is disturbing. people sphere what is going on -- people fear what is going on. we have this obsession in our system right now of campaign contributions. and you see all of this outside money being spent on campaigns. and there is this mad dash to raise money that i think it raises the issue should we have a publicly financed system. we had a joint orientation with members of parliament from over in the uk. they were pulling their hair out. they couldn't believe how obsessed candidates have to be over here to raise money and how much that predominates learning your job, doing your job, and serving the people who sent you there. >> okay. but leland yee is an old hand at politics. where is the line? as a prosecutor you sit there. you take contributions regularly. people expect something whether it's a group whether it's a good government group. they are expecting something in run. access or a vote. >> you can -- there is a tall thick wall that has to separate the two. as long as we don't have publicly financed elections, as long as you are a kid like me that doesn't have a trust fund, you have to go out and ask your friends and family for support. but you have to draw the line. there has to be a very, very distinction line that says this contribution is supporting my campaign and the message i want to get out there it cannot relate back to anything i'm doing. >> you can wink and nod but you can't say yes for this? >> you should really make it clear to the person making the contribution that it does not tie back to official duty. >> this is interesting because he did say i can't do this. it is against the law and i won't do it but then he took the money. as a prosecutor how does that play? >> right. in the leland yee case as i said it's very disturbing. what you see is a pattern of money coming in. action going out. and sometimes what he was saying is not necessarily matching up with what he was alleged to have been doing. >> i want to thank you for joining us and congratulations on helping to get your bill passed. i us you are heading off to another town hall meeting this morning. >> yes. let's take a live look at sfo. and clouds in the sky. but the rain has ended. we have a dry break today for your sunday. partly cloudy skies and we are going to see a storm returning tomorrow. so not drying out quite yet. really could get kind of crazy weather wise on tuesday. highs today in the 50s to low 60s. cooler than normal temperatures. and a look at your seven-day forecast. you can see the rain returning it's tomorrow afternoon. the possibility of thunderstorms on tuesday and then drying out through the rest of the week. temperatures in the 60s. sonoma race way planning to shift into another gear. >> yes they want to add more [ moremusic festivals and wine tastings. >> for more than four decades sonoma raceway has provided heart pumping speed to raceway fans and now the raceway says it's time to change direction. >> we think what we can offer here is a festive environment. >> he pictures a multiday music festival surrounding this sprawling racetrack. the mechanics would work from parking to stadium seething the infrastructure is already there. there is just one obstacle. >> the use they have is currently defines us as a racetrack and doesn't allow for activity other than motor racing. >> reporter: but if page can convince city though ma county to broaden its permit from strictly racing to event and entertainment center they could host music festivals and wine tastings. and several businesses and locals living near the raceway admit to me off camera they are not on board. the raceway says it's always looking at ways to ease traffic congestion but all the while they are keeping an eye focused squarely on the finish line. >> we think there is a much broader opportunity to do things over the decade to make this a better community resource. >> so they want to add lights to the facility so certain light hours can be extended even later. possibly 10:00 p.m.. another part of it they want to increase the noise threshold to allow for a racing school and several days they even want to open up the permit so they can have fire works and fly overs and that thing. so really broaden what they are allowed top. >> i was wondering what was going to do. festivals have gotten bigger or bigger whether outside lands or the other ones around the state. it's a big entertainment venue. it's been sitting out there like that. thing is that traffic i've got to tell you. >> and a lot of the businesses around there say that. it's not necessarily good for a lot of them. the traffic people are not necessarily stopping at their business they are sitting in traffic. super bowl coming soon to santa clara. why it won't be the only local city that benefits. ,,,, the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can senate voted overwhelminglyo suspend leland yy and two o seantors who have run afoulh the law there wasn't much debate when the senate voted overwhelmingly to suspend leland yee and two other senators that had issues with the law. >> while one member wanted them expelled, most wanted to get the scandals behind them as soon as possible. >> and with good reason. >> they are trying to cover for themselves. period. they are simply trying to redirect the attention away from the body but back on to the three individuals involved. >> the public reaction to this. the idea is that they are moving to suspend. but the fact is these guys are still going to be getting their paychecks. does it work? >> look, the public has got to be angry watching two senators being nabbed by the fbi. another convicted and the money keeps flowing. the senate has protected these guys until now. but at this point the democrats have got to stop the building. >> keep in mind if you run for public office, you get elected for public office, there has got to be some pride in that role and some respect for that role and you really if you do something inappropriate potentially criminal, corrupt, you better get the hell out of there. >> if everybody did something corrupt and potentially bad, how come we are not having any hearings on this? >> they are trying to protect themselves, phil. nobody wants hearings on this stuff. because all of o sudden the contributor may have given to 22 senators. not just one. and he may have to explain 21 other contributions. you don't want that to happen. >> leland yee may be the straw that breaks the camels back that they will have to react. >> this certainly has been a significant amount of public outcry. but i talked to a lot of people out on the streets. people don't even know what happened. they don't know who leland yee is. it's pretty stunning the lack of involvement and also the assumption that there is just a bunch of corruption going on in sacramento. any way people are like whatever. >> i would have to say that assumption on corruption or misstep by politicians every week we seem to hear or see it everywhere. >> and the concern is going in and finding out that there is more than just one or two. >> the state senate president said to his caucus, one is a fluke, two is a coincidence, three is a problem and they've got a problem in sacramento. >> meantime cities from san jose to san francisco are about to start getting ready for super bowl l. giant billboard you see there shows off the date february 7th, 2016. jay my matthews says hosting the big game won't be easy but it will be worth it. as we know this will be a big grab for business, hotel stays. what do you think we will be seeing? >> first thing we are going to see is them trying to get it together just to make sure the first season runs down at levi park. they have to make sure all the traffic goes smoothly. then quickly it transforms into this entire super bowl thing which they are going to try to put the best face on that is going to be a herb lee january effort because the hosting city is up here and the game is down in santa clara and they don't want a replug of new york. >> kpix 5 will be home of super bowl sunday. ,,,,,, welcome back. let's take one final look at our sunday forecast today. first the high 60 in napa. 61 in vallejo. 56 on the coast in pacifica today. and 63 down in san jose. and over the next seven days it will be partly cloudy today. and all and a nice day but come monday we will see showers move in. tuesday a chance for some thunderstorms that is all from the same system. and in the next 48 hours and then wednesday it will clear up and we enter a dry period. here's the question before we leave you, how get do you think your memory is? dozens showed up to the national memory championship. >> competitors had to do things like memorize and shuffle a deck. and memorize the names of more than 100 strangers in 15 minutes. it seems impossible to some but competitors say you have to train your mind it. and one of the world's leading experts say if grow practice every day you will increase your abilities to memorize and everyone is capable of doing it. >> i feel like i'm not capable at all. >> did you do that thing that people can remember everything they experienced in their life. >> that would be scary. >> i want to thank you all for joining us. >> we will jump over to the cw network. enjoy your nice, dry sunday. ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ see what's new at from cbs news in washington, "face the nation" with bob schieffer. >> schieffer: today on fakes the nation, good news overnight on that devastating mudslide in washington state. some of the missing have turned up alive. we'll get the latest from washington governor jay inslee. we'll go to australia for the latest on the missing malaysian airliner. assian troops continue to amass on the border of ukraine and diplomatic talks presume, we'll get analysis from former cia official michael morell and former nsa chief michael hayden. and should college athletes be allowed to unionize and what does that mean for the future of college athletics. we'll talk to mark emmert the head of the ncaa. all that and an all-star panel of analysts.


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