Getting 170 million in studies, a fat cat that gets fat off of subsidized hogs of the land. Who are you calling fat . You hate farmer that much . No, i hate washington screwing farmers and putting their name on a bill. Spending money on nothing that has nothing to do with farmers that much. Hey neil, try i next time, if that includes spending over 170 million to monitor catfish game already over, to be fair, vast majority of emails were far more supportive than opposed. Sam, in atlanta writes what part of broke cant they understand. And we keep this up were all going down, or sip skip. Like you said, republicans signed off ito this that makes them all slop. You are right. I start with those critical emails to show you it is the same thing all of the time, if you are going to stick your neck out get ready for someone to try to chop your head off, remember, the bike pin on his lapel that wanted to double the gas tax. You are talking about doubles the gas tax and acting like it is no big