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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220924

the u. s. records new sanctions against moscow, as ukraine says, people in russian control dare. it's a forced to vote to succession referendums. ah, 11 o'clock, this is out there a lot. also coming out, relatives grieve is at least 77 people die when the boat kept sizes of syria, they were fleeing lebanon's economic questions. thousands, the government's voters takes the streets in iran and county demonstrations of the days of protest of the death of a woman in these companies. an independent investigation finds its social media. john meta sentence had palestinian and arabic content during the 2021 adult who so ukrainian say on soldiers going door to door to get people to vote on whether for occupied regions of eastern and southern ukraine should join russia. official say some residents are being threatened with punishment if they don't vote. the referendums are taking place in the hunts. good thing that's comes up, reach, and cousin, but about 15 percent of ukraine's territory caves western allies condemned the votes as a sham. it appears to be a step towards russian annexation. carol is on their reports now faruqi in the den esque region of ukraine, a russian appointed election official tours, a polling station. this is one of 4 regents where people are voting to join the russian federation. the young girlfriend was so it's young, we grant the right to vote to all citizens of the done yes, people's republic as well as abroad. becky is where you put you in a nearby park. people under the watchful eye of the russian state, say they welcome the referendum for sierra. russia has always been our mother letters. without it, we had no one left ukraine abandoned us long ago. languishing. yes, you must, alyssa. there are no international election monitors. only those invited by russia media have been tightly controlled. many western analysts say it's nothing more than an exercise by the kremlin to shape how people think about russian occupied parts of ukraine. look, this is no referendum. this is no expression of will do. but at the same time, they want to say face a meaning, getting observers, meaning, filming stories of work when voting of pulling stations, the protocols being written and so on. this is kind of an invitational democracy bottle where pictures are important. and this, in some areas, russian installed officials said they would be going door to door with police to invite residents to vote. critics say it's clear intimidation. under international law, it is illegal to hold referendums during conflict and where people are under threat . most countries, as well as international body, such as the european union and united nations, have said they won't recognize the results. the head of ukraine's election commission has told us the vote violates the constitution or she live with us as a whip. there are no legal mechanics in the ukranian constitution to give up territories. this is completely unconstitutional under martial law that we live under now. it is prohibited by ukrainian laws to organize any referendum on our lands. in 2014, russia held a referendum in crimea, in which it alleged 96 per cent, to the people voted to join the federation. 5 days later, the annexation of crimea was signed into law. it now appears that same process is happening again. but in a much larger area, in the middle of a war, and with more at stake for both ukraine and russia. gabriel, as hondo al jazeera keith, want to get a sense of how people on the ground ophelia by the referendum sal deserves hot out . hm. and it traveled to the crating controlled part of the dynette screeching in the east. his her report from new or crossed close the front line. it is difficult to get the full picture of how is this referendum that was only called for about 3 or 4 days ago. how in the, in that short span of time, they were able to put all of that together specially that is happening in 4 different regions in the south and east of the country. now from what we understand and from the little information we're getting in some areas like in his own, for example. and apparently, according to the governor of lugens, the ukrainian governor of lou ganske day, people are going around with these ballard boxes. 2 flats, 2 houses, telling people to vote. he says that there's also a lot of intimidation that whoever says no, then has his name registered in a different note book for further repercussion. so it seems that you know, people are either staying at home because after all, this is a referendum that is happening in a war zone and the shelling is continuing or people simply don't want to vote that a few people who are left because you have to remember that by and large, the populations as civilians in those areas have fled because of the danger of being there because of the explosions because of the war. and many of us told us also because they didn't not want to live under russian occupation. now anyone i spoke to was coming out from those regions to me that they believed anyway that the result will be yes. i didn't believe that there would be a vote. they said that we haven't even heard about it. no one came to tell us, there were no preparations, nothing on the ground with us as is prepared to impose more sanctions on russia. if the criminal moves to annex pulse of ukraine or white house correspondent, kimberly, how can pull snuff from washington d. c. the white house calling these referendums, shands and illegitimate. now it is the belief of the white house, according to white house press. secretary, korea, jean pierre, that these will be manipulated in terms of the results. as a result, the white house will not accept the outcome of these referendums and also they believe that they will very much be manipulated. now we can tell you that as a result of the white house has decided in consultation with allies to impose economic penalties. but the weight has not saying specifically what those penalties will be. we do know, however, that this comes on the heels of escalating rhetoric from vladimir putin, the russian president who has threatened to use nuclear weapons. and we, i also know that the white house has said at this time that it is not adjusting its nuclear posture, its own nuclear posture in response to mobilization of army reserves is continuing across russia. president vladimir putin is looking to bolster his forces in ukraine in the far eastern region over your katya. an indoor stadium has been turned into a reception center for those cool, called up for military service. written announced $300000.00 service, would be drafted as follows. its successful country offensive from ukrainian forces this month. well, film plans to significantly restrict the entry of russian citizens in the coming days. it seen a surge of travelers over its eastern border of the preachers mobilization orders. on wednesday, finland's foreign minister says that russians on tourists fees this will soon be banned from entering or race is more from the valley emma border crossing infant. there are no longer many ways to leave russia, but this is one of them. the board with finland volleyball, 3 hour drive from st. petersburg, where the numbers departing seem to be increasing. the wake of president vladimir putin. partial mobilization of the russian people. crowded with league and net while it there has been more traffic crossing from russia to fiddle. and since wednesday evening there no particular restrictions. we are an external border to the shaken zone. so we perform thorough checks. most people are traveling into finland on tourist baez's. capiro milk will okay. one of those is to be tree by josh kirk, an engineer from st. petersburg, on his way to helsinki and then sro lanka, where he hopes to be safe from a call up to fight the war in ukraine. when did you decide to, to leave russia 2 days ago? because of the mobilization? yes. i don't a have a least of for a mobilization, but i scared. how did you get through the border of oh good. good. no question. so oh it's good. just go and leave russian border. police said that 6000 russians came into friedland through this crossing alone on thursday. double the number of a week earlier friday was another busy day, with cues stretching back some 400 meters. elaina gruff over has been commuting over the border since february. she doesn't believe most people are in any great rush to leave. i don't feel any cur, around. people here on the borders, so it's very, very, i'm not like some people think it is later calm turned into almost a total quiet as evening draws in head. there's just a few cars left from the long queues of the morning. most of the russians have tried to get across the border seem to have been successful. those could be the lucky ones, report to the finish media. se ministers are working on a plan to get around the principles of the shing, an agreement and freedom of movement. by claiming that finland's, acceptance of russian tourists is damaging it's international relationships. paul reese out his era volleyball on the finland. russia border authorities in kazakhstan are reporting an increase in the number of russians entering the country . videos from several different crossing points along the border, showed large traffic huge kazakhstan, russia share the 2nd longest continuous international border. the world of east 77 people trying to migrate to europe of died off to the boat, capsized off the coast of syria. rescuers did manage to save more than 20 of the migrants, but many more are still missing. survivors told officials, the boat left from northern lebanon on tuesday was bound for europe, lebanon to seeing a rise in migration recent years with a growing number of liberties. syrians and palestinians, trying to flee the country by sea. ha ha, march. magical had a little al, a matter that there is no more fear. your meat, just fading away. let the fish just eat us. it's better than living here. those in charge are eating us alive here to shakes the different palestine infections the un, these no one is just a people around you here, but no one to support us. we're lebanon has been in the grip of a mountain economic meltdown since 2019. and the crisis is pushed more than 75 percent of the population into poverty was in order has been speaking with the family members of some of the victims and sent this report from northern lebanon. him with his in shock. person's family was on the boat that sunk off the syrian coast on thursday. they have buried 9 year old me and 6 year old maya. but there are 2 brothers and mother are still missing. it really didn't them. they brought me the 2 kids. what about the others? will they bring the others to me? i can't say more than this. my heart is broken. it's the deadliest migrant both tragedy and living on in years. passengers were hoping to reach europe and a better life. families and friends waited at the border with syria as the dead, and few survivors were brought home. why not all were lebanese? some were palestinian and syrian refugees, but all share the same story. one of poverty and desperation. number the law, if i get the chance, i will lease if there is a boat here right now, i will get on with my 2 children and i'm the one i've been at, lebanon's economy began to spiral 3 years ago. the political elite blame for decades of mismanagement and corruption have still not agreed on a recovery plan. can i do with out of poverty is what pushed with some to sell a property and his house to go on the boat. and then he lost his wife and children . our government doesn't care about the people, the living conditions. oh, just a few months ago, a migrant boat sank well being pursued by the lebanese navy. thousands of people drowned. many of them are still missing. with some risk, everything knowing that there was a 70 percent chance the boat would sink so desperate. he was football. many of those who attempt the journey or from the impoverished north, which has been neglected by successive government. despite the dangerous migrants continued to lead from the shores of northern lebanon, united nation says the number of people who departed or try to has yearly triple since 2020. it says so far as this year. the number is nearly 3500. but 30 sources tell us that's a conservative estimate and it's no longer just young people. whole families are trying to escape. what many here say is a hopeless situation center for their ashes. eda, northern lebanon. so they are now to sierra italians head to the polls on sunday. oh hear more about their top concerns. just how will the next helping solve, which leads clipping economic crisis. fighting for their voices to be heard, brazil's indigenous people see co political presence. ah, the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to a castle book your travel package today. hello there. let's look at east asia and japan see more wet and windy weather thanks to a storm system. that's gonna roll its way up the east coast of han shoe, bringing large amounts of rain and some stronger winds. it's only a tropical depression and it is weakening. it is set to join up with some wet weather, sweeping its way from the north east of china, however, so her kind oak could see some heavier rain in the days ahead, but it does dry up by the time we get into sent to sunday temperatures, rebounding here and across northern areas of china, sunshine in beijing, and for shanghai breaking through the cloud. that has been lingering here hong kong as well. seems some clear and settled whether it was a move to south asia. it's looking pretty settled in the south and across more central areas. it's the north west that continues to see the very heavy rain. we have seen flooding in parts of new delhi, but we're seeing the monsoon retreat so much dryer for the likes of pakistan. we could see that heavier rain shift its way further north, and turn more wintery as it edges into the mountainous areas. still very wet, however, for bangladesh, me and mart nepal for that east coast of india. however, scattered showers and some sunshine that to weather update. cancer, airway official airlines of the journey. danty semitism is an eagle under a labor government, it will not be tolerated in any form. what so ever. beneath the surface lies a darker side in british politics. the labor files hot one on al jazeera. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state i'll just euro really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist ah ah, how can you watching out 0 mind about top stories and ukrainians? reporting that soldiers have been going door to door gets you people to vote on whether for occupied regions of east events of ukraine should join russia. keep says the votes are a sham and an unlawful land grab rusher is continuing its mobilization of reservists in the far east region of your katya and indoor stadium has been turned into collections center for those draft. at least 77 people trying to migrate to europe who died off the boat capsized off the coast of syria. rescues managed to save more than 20 of the migrants, but many more are still missing. ron's army is warning that it will confront what it calls enemies is. protest continue after the death of a 22 year old women in police custody. masa many died last week after being arrested by the so called morality police for allegedly violating the countries headscarf policy. or on state tv is reporting that at least 26 people have been killed during the unrest. ok, government counterparts. decibels have been taking place across or on the writing. kaufman says these rallies were spontaneous. the c e o of space x e l o musk says it will activate it. satellite internet service stalling. can iran that's off to the u. s. government announced it's easy export restrictions or to help improve internet access in truck interstate surveillance to ron has limited internet services as protest spread across the country. rosen. jordan is more na from washington dc. the u. s. our government has announced that it is going to try to make it easier for iranians to do just that by imposing what they're calling a general license to make it possible for tech companies based both here in the us and overseas to provide this sort of software these sorts of platforms and other material to iranian citizens so that they can not only access the internet, but a tried to do so without being detected by the iranian authorities. this is everything from cloud based platforms, to social media platforms, to virtual private networks, or v p and all of this sort of technology that has really developed in recent years . the u. s. is allowing these companies to make this kind of equipment and software available without running the risk of being sanctioned by the us treasury department. now it's fortuitous that this announcement is coming right now in the days after the death of mos on many but u. s. officials have told reporters that they were working on this policy with tech companies for the past us several months, really trying to get a sense of what was available, what could be provided, and what things needed to be put into place in order to make it possible for these tech companies to provide these services to iranian citizens policy, the president mahmoud abbas has used his address to the un general assembly to challenge the united states to prosecute those who killed al jazeera dentistry and up worker. she was shot while an assignment in the occupied westbank in may. an independent forensic investigation found that israeli soldiers deliberately kilter israel denies that. look on some that on the thought you have all heard of serene abu, our claim. she was shot and killed by a sniper, the sniper, deliberately kilter, and israel recognized that the sniper killed her, and as well as her palestinian nationality. he was also an american citizen, idea of the united states to prosecute those who have killed this american national . but they weren't. why? because they re lease an independent audit of social media. john meta has found that its services, facebook and instagram home, the rights of palestinians report investigated messes, handling of content. during the 2021 gone to war and orders was found that facebook deleted more arabic posts and hebrew ones. it also restricted content with a hashtag. alexa, because it's a name of an on palestinian group. it is also one of his loves wholly of sites. meta initially blamed a software malfunction, but later added that the bulls human error last year and oversight board recommended to review off to face, but remove to pose sharing an al jazeera story during the 2 week wall digital rights group. pamela found that from 500 instances where content was taken down, 85 percent was, was removed by facebook and instagram. and many more posts were labeled by the tech john to sensitive and last year in scrum. apologize for removing a picture of a possible belonging to the father of american palestinian supermodel. bella had deed that listed his birthplace as palestine. lisa campbell is the former director of cybersecurity and emerging technology program at middle east institute. and she says, the report shows that discrimination is systemic on methods platforms. this really just confirms findings that activists and journalists in and around palestine have been telling us for on, upwards of a decade at this point. and so in many ways, i think this is really just showing us that we already know, but it is validating to understand that this is something systemic. and i am excited by the idea that we're starting to consider some of the linguistic implications of discrimination on menace. platforms matter is incredibly non transparent about the nature of its content moderation system. this is the system of human and algorithmic actors that's responsible for flocking and deleting posts that end up getting taken down. and we simply don't know enough about how they work to really know whether this was an intentional or unintentional, technically. but at what i would say, and what many palestinian activists and journalists in human rights groups have said repeatedly, is that you know, at some point if you're making the active choice as is being such an enormous company with so many resources not to invest and really taking the seriously, not just an arabic language, which is to stomach lee and discriminated, and you know, translated in really poor ways over time and in other languages as well. that shows where your priorities are. and that shows that you're intending to not take something seriously. and intending not to make investments in things that really impacts people's lives and safety. so to me, that is intentional in some ways a 2 or 3 now where the final campaign rallies have been held ahead of sundays, general election, a full prime minister, just because they speak to a large crowd in rome. but your post, jesse will not come out on top. predictions just to far right coalition will win. well, one of the 1st priorities, the new government, will be rising energy prices. stephanie decker, a post now from naples, where the cost of living has become more expensive. ah, it's a routine and a recipe that has been handed down to generations. continuity is guaranteed success . but decades of hard work, i now at risk y'all out fortune punitive i been a baker for 40 years. the situation as it is they are never been so bad with the gas and electricity bills increase in getting the costs are raw material. becker in the sense of risk of collapsing. we're sounding the lar, if there is no bread on the table. so battalions, there is a risk about horrible ocean energy prices of sort this time last year. this was dominique was bill no electric, and now resource will go and increase of around 600 per cent. i think to be safe. economists say it's unsustainable. a lot of only diarrhea was going baron logan for italy. this coming winter will be the toughest yet the storm of the energy crisis one hit us at the end of 2021. and then with the war with ukraine, things become far more complicated than is, italy is worse off than other you. countries, as we rely more on imported energy and meaning it is more vulnerable to the fluctuations of a gas and electricity markets. i wonder why misha, ah, and yet somehow, while walking around, you don't feel how bad things are. the streets here in the city center of naples are busy tourism is booming. it's very difficult to find a hotel room, but this isn't indicative of the real economic crisis that is unfolding here, affecting small family run businesses which make up around 90 percent of companies here in italy. which basically means it's affecting everyone at the morning market . the answer is the same, just as to say, the gear demo, vancleve. we're all in this crisis together. we need at least 200 euros a week to buy food. and that's just the basics. there's no room for any extras here on, on java. so i don't make it at the end of the month, everything has increased gas light, everything is all right, and my pension doesn't increase. robin's yield. we ask her if she thinks the elections will change anything in the log arrival door? no, i won't go to holland yet. i'm telling you straight up like an appellate honor. i will have her get selected. it's so the same mass. for now the bread continues to rise as do the bills. you all are not brought up. our worries that will chair with political call of come to power with the selection. the problem will not be fixed. so people's anger, we bowler, opinion polls suggest a far right wing coalition could when sundays, vote with italy's 1st female prime minister, whatever the political predictions, the economic forecast is a, this is only going to get worse and for whoever wins these elections that may have been the easy part, stephanie decker, al jazeera naples is this it is people in brazil are uniting to bank their own candidates for political positions in congress and state legislatures, no matter who wins october's presidential race, either the incumbent jap, off, nora left his candidate news to na soon to silver indigenous communities want representatives to fight for their rights. monica yankee of reports done real well with the maybe few in number less than one percent of brazil's population. some live deep in the jungle isolated from the modern world. but lately, brazil's 1000000 indigenous people have been making their voices heard in the centers of political power. good, yahoo, girl junior. oh, we had to unite indigenous people from all over the country and make strategic alliances in brazil and abroad to fight our common enemy. president, jaya bol, sanara. his government has been pushing for legislation, opening our lands to commercial mining and farming, and turning a blind dye to the destruction of the amazon cell global. the goal is to fight back by electing their own lawmakers and they have significant support in organization called the articulation of brazil's indigenous people is back in 30 candidates like so. now why shatter, recently described by time magazine, is one of the $100.00 most influential people in the world that was doing well, man, we have never suffered so much violence in indigenous territories like now, with that tax on assassination seen by boeing, the independently run indigenous missionary council register 305 cases of attacks in 226 indigenous territories. 2021. that's me times more than in 2018 or earlier this year. indigenous expert benefit era in british journalist dom phillips were shot dead by a local fishman in a remote air. the amazon, the killings attracted global attention. they did, i had been helping indigenous patrols, investigate legal fishing and poaching in their job id valley. the territories home to the world's largest number of isolated tribes and invaders were allegedly working for drug cartels. world renowned photographers, sebastian salgado, like many others, points the finger at bull seattle. yes. you this will be you. i blame the government, the deaths of bruno valera and dom phillips because the president left the amazon unprotected promising criminal gangs to take over all fallen from the amazon has increased from him. this was so long before the presidential election campaign started. hundreds of indigenous tribes gathered in brasilia to put their demands in writing or by sonya was a shadow present to the document to left his candidate wheezing as to lula. the silva who's leading in the polls against current president bushel natalie signed it and promised to create a ministry for the indigenous for brazil's indigenous people. what's at stake in these elections is their constitutional rights and by extension, their very survival. hundreds of claims for indigenous ancestral lands have been put on hold during both sonatas term as president. this has created an environment of uncertainty that critics say pro development groups are exploiting. through increased land invasions and violence, monica and i kept al jazeera rio de janeiro. a roger federer has played his final competitive tennis much the 20 times grand slam champion took to the court with long time rival raphael. the dull delayed in them for these were scrapes, was unable to leave the gable in the high losing to the.


Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200312

hello to you. just then the past hour, president trump has announced a ban on all travel from europe to the united states for 30 days. to try to limit the spread of the coronavirus was addressing the nation from the white house, he said the band which comes into effect on friday will not applied to the uk. he also announced plans to provide birds of dollars in loans to small businesses to minimise the outbreaks economic impact. after consulting with the top government help professionals, i decided to take several strong but necessary actions to protect the health and well—being of all americans. to keep new cases from entering oui’ keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. the new rules will going to effect friday at midnight stop these restrictions will be adjusted is subject to conditions on the ground. these two there will be exemptions for americans who have undergone appropriate screenings and these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of pride and —— trade and cargo, various other things as we get approval. anything coming from europe to the united states is what we are discussing. these restrictions also not apply to the united kingdom. there was much more in the address the matter let's get more from our correspondent. david, this is quite a shift in position from a president whojust quite a shift in position from a president who just a couple of days ago was still describing what he called the china virus is a hoax and no worse than seasonal flu. absolutely, he was indeed. the fa cts absolutely, he was indeed. the facts really are now beyond dispute. they include the fact that more than a thousand people here in united states now known to have the coronavirus and there have been more than 30 deaths. just silly right though, the president is not that long ago was saying that basically, this would all go away if we stay calm and don't panic. he also the media and democrats for basically trying to play this up. that statement from the oval office of the white house tonight, and acknowledgements i think, that he now believes it's much more serious, this crisis, than he originally had taken it to be. and the fact that we have this travel restriction coming into effect, a 30 day travel restriction, on people coming to the us from europe aside from those coming from the uk, bound to have a very serious impacts on the economy here at a time when a tourism, travelling, is just getting going if you like ahead of the spring holiday and easter. there are questions about how much he can actually do about this himself by executive order, how much will require congress, whether congress is even sitting given the way the pandemic is progressing. also there are some questions about stopping other people coming into the united states in bringing the virus as he sees it. very little about stopping the spread between americans. that's right, rather the president did refer bleakly to a public gathering, large public gatherings but he didn't zero in on that. just silly right. even in certain parts of this country, one thinks of seattle in washington state for example, in certain counties there, public gatherings are being restricted to no more than 250 people for the simple reason that there has been such an explosion of coronavirus cases there. i think underpinning this amongst other things is the fact that this is a such an economic toll on this country, the stock markets have plunged from their peak in february, the dow jones plunged from their peak in february, the dowjones losing 20% of its value today. this is one of the things president trump has hailed about his time in office with an election just around the corner in november of this year, his management and the effect that the economic boom has had on the stock market. why was seem that wiped out in recent weeks, or because of this virus. another indication that president trump and his administration clearly does need to take this very seriously. thank you very much for the david. the president did recommend all nursing homes across united states suspender all unnecessary visits to protect elderly residents. of the elderly population must be very, very careful. in particular, we strongly advising that nursing homes for the elderly suspender or medically unnecessary visits. in general, older americans should avoid non—essential travel in crowded areas. we speak now to lisa campbell, public health nurse in san antonio, texas. i'm so been following this very closely. what did you make of what the president that? i was listening to your clips on the bbc, didn't have an opportunity to listen to it on the television today. i do agree with the president that we... are elderly population needs to be very careful. they are at greater risk for coronavirus, especially if they have chronic diseases, respiratory diseases. ido diseases, respiratory diseases. i do agree that limited exposure to the elderly who might reside in nursing homes oi’ might reside in nursing homes or the community definitely needs to be implemented. under administration is pressing health insurers to help people out. there has been concern about whether there are enough testing kits, what is your experience? yes, there are many states who are clamouring for more test kits. under the cdc and other agencies and independent testing centres are trying to roll those out as quickly as possible but there aren't enough test kits to test everybody who could potentially be exposed and positive. so we read and have a true number of the case here in the united states. it seems that a lot of the action may come down eventually to individual cities, individual states. eventually to individual cities, individualstates. do you feel you're getting enough in your situation? i believe we need a better system of mobilisation. unfortunately, and this has been addressed as much as it should, our public health system has been woefully underfunded for deco and we really... it's kind of like if you need a fireman, he wants the firemen there when you need him and public health professionals a re him and public health professionals are trained to address issues like the pandemic and we have been underfunded and understaffed. i would say that if the us government would do anything, it would definitely increase funding to public health. how concerned are you about this virus? officially, pandemic? yes, i'm seriously concerned about it. we all have to take it seriously and we all have two practice measures that will reduce, not only our risk, but the risk of our community and oui’ the risk of our community and our loved ones. i'm sure you're familiar with those measures that we need to be implementing. everybody needs to practice those. thank you for your time. just a little earlier the world health organization for the first time to declare the upper gate pandemic. of who are sure countries to make aggressive effo rts countries to make aggressive efforts to contain a virus. in south korea, a network of nearly a hundred laboratories has been set up and test on a more people per capita than anywhere else in the world. getting critical patients to hospital is a race against time. they have to be tracked and tested, quickly. so in this battle to contain the contagion, these labs have become the front line. so, because of the safety, we are not going to go into this room. this is where the samples are being opened and prepared. they're testing up to 20,000 people a day, more than any other country in the world. a lesson learned from bitter experience with previous infectious diseases. so is this the busiest you've ever been? yes. this is my busiest day. the computer programme can tell whether the sample is positive or negative for the virus. how long does the process take? the whole process takes about 5—6 hours. so it's quite quick? i think it's quite quick. scientists believe early testing and early treatment could be why fewer people are dying here. makeshift clinics such as this one are set up to combat mass infections. makeshift clinics such as this one are set up to combat infections. nearly a hundred staff at this building in seoul contracted covid—i9 — now everyone who works here will be tested. there is no shortage of kits — they were mass produced to prepare for this outbreak. the blood of recovered patients like mr lee is also being monitored in the hope of finding antibodies and potentially a vaccine. lee told me he had almost no symptoms, just a little cough. translation: it's really important to be cautious and safe, but i wish people would have less fear of the virus itself. but i also know those who are older need to be careful. while they appear to be containing this outbreak for now, they know that with coronavirus, there's no room for complacency. laura bicker, bbc news, seoul. just an add—on that, couple of other on the common head of the who did say that the declaration of pandemic was made because of deep concern, he put it, over alarming levels of inaction over the virus. laura has just of inaction over the virus. laura hasjust added of inaction over the virus. laura has just added a of inaction over the virus. laura hasjust added a point too, however fact check, laura hasjust added a point too, howeverfact check, a correction on mr trump's assertion that countries in europe did not restrict travel from china. italy did and all direct travel from china, the first in the eu to do so on january the 31st and it included hong kong, macau, and taiwan. in italy, you have's was affected country, spinning is an increase to help the economy cope. the prime minister has announced tighter restrictions, including the closure of all stores except pharmacies and food shops. tourists and visitors can leave a present italian residents only allowed to travel for serious work or family residence. i2 serious work or family residence. 12 one half hours and had italy now have the virus ina and had italy now have the virus in a number of deaths have jumped from 200 to 827. connecting the epicentres. a doctor in wuhan and those in europe's equivalent, northern italy. colleagues in crisis sharing the know—how. we reached that italian doctor on the right in his hospital. the first to diagnose coronavirus here. it hit like a bomb that has kept on exploding. the first few hours, we received 10, 50, 60, 70, until 200 patients in our emergency department and we had some hours where the oxygen supplies sockets were insufficient to give oxygen to all the patients. so we were in a sort of, let me say, war scenario. but, in his town, it may have peaked. with no cases there, in the past day, it could be a sign of containment working. i think that what we did in this area has demonstrated that we are on the right pathway. so i am quite optimistic, i am quite confident that this could be the right way to go. but the rest of italy is days behind, and the virus is still surging. rome is quiet with limits on movement. under new restrictions beginning tonight, companies must close departments not needed for production and all shops apart from food stores or pharmacies will be closed. pharmacies are only allowing customers in one at a time. at the next—door cafes, tables be one metre apart. they will close at 6pm. if you come over here, you can see a children's playground over there is closed, as are schools, universities, cinemas, theatres and so many other venues. police have a new target — traffickers of hand gel and face masks, cracking a ring that tried to make a huge profit, like prized drugs, in these dystopian times. airlines have closed many flights in and out, a concern for brenda and simon. i'm worried about the disease, were taking all precautions we can but where worried about going home, whether we will... our flight home, whether we will... our flight was get us home. police have a new target — traffickers of hand gel and face masks, cracking a ring that tried to make a huge profit, like prized drugs, in these dystopian times. mark lowen, bbc news, rounding up the other significant stories and coronavirus. the nba has announced its spending a season until further notice. then out and arrive shortly after a game between the jazz and oklahoma city finder which abruptly postponed with the news that a player who was not on the pitch at the time had tested positive. india has suspended tourist visas until april, saying it will quarantine travellers arriving from seven virus it countries in an attempt to contain the spread. the government also buses indians to avoid non—essential travel abroad. mark is the second european country to announce a lockdown, is seen a tenfold surgeon cases since monday. kindergarten, schools and universities are too close for two weeks. in events attended by more than what hundred people will be banned. juventus defender tested positive. his 25 and has been placed in quarantine as the syria our club makes checks on those who come into contact with him. as cases of the coronavirus double in 2a hours, the kingdom has already closed schools unrestricted travel as it moves to halt the spread of covid—i9. much more to come on bbc news, including this: as the who levels the coronavirus a pandemic, more on its impact the world. —— labels. the numbers of dead and wounded defied belief. this the worst terrorist atrocity on european soil in modern times. in less than 2a hours then the soviet union lost an elderly sick leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years his junior. we heard these gunshots in the gym. then he came out through a fire exit and started firing at our huts. god, we were all petrified. james earl ray, aged 41, sentenced to 99 years and due for parole when he's 90, travelled from memphis jail to nashville state prison in an eight—car convoy. paul, what's it feel like to be married at last? it feels fine, thank you. what are you going to do now? is it going to change your life much do you think? i don't know really. i've never been married before. welcome back. very glad to have you with us and it is in use. the latest headlines this hour: president trump has banned all flights remain an lyrup to the us for 30 days to defeat the coronavirus pandemic —— banned all flights from europe to the us. alljobs except food stores and pharmacies shot in italy —— shops. borisjohnson will chairan italy —— shops. borisjohnson will chair an emergency meeting on thursday. it is expected he will confirm the uk is moving from the containment phase of the outbreak to delay. there are currently 460 people infected here, eight people have died. our political correspondence jessica have died. our political correspondencejessica parker has more details. we understand is there will be another cobra meeting, what is expected to happen is we will move into the delay phase now. we have kind of been on the borderline between what is known as contain and delay, contain being the focus recently contain being the focus rece ntly o n contain being the focus recently on finding people who may have tested positive for the virus, contact tracing those who they have come into contact with. delay, a further range of measures. what's important is you are necessarily going to see an announcement that schools are going to be shut and sports stadiums will be closed down, there will be no mass gatherings. i think what we are being to do is what chris whitty outlined as possible social distancing measures at a press co nfe re nce social distancing measures at a press conference earlier this week and this idea that perhaps even showing mild symptoms, respiratory tract infections, might be asked to self isolate for a time. so is the kind of thing we may be looking at. ministers will also be looking ata ministers will also be looking at a range of steps that could be taken over a timeline period over the coming weeks and months. i think the anxiety is from the government's perspective, not to go too fast too soon and to take measured steps as there is outbreak carries on spreading. jessica parkerfor carries on spreading. jessica parker for us carries on spreading. jessica parkerfor us there. tom hanks has been in australia forming an upcoming elvis presley biobank and said he and his wife have been diagnosed with coronavirus —— biopic was that he posted on instagram, saying we'll keep the world posted and updated let's get more from phil mercer in sydney. you have any other details for us on this, phil? yes, he did release that online saying he and his wife rita wilson had eggs and codes and did a test on those tests confirmed that they were suffering from covid—i9. they say they will stay in isolation for as long as it takes, tom hanks adding in that statement, my, that they would be taking it one step at a time. —— mike. they are in isolation in hospital on the gold coast in queensland in eastern australia filming that biopic about elvis presley, filming due to start next monday. difficult to gauge the mood of tom hanks in this statement but it seemed he was in reasonably good spirits, given the fact he and his wife have been confirmed to have the coronavirus. he is pretty active on social media, isn't he? there will be a lot of people worried about getting it watching his feed. and for information on how he deals with having it? yes, and the australian government is spending millions of dollars on a public awareness campaign here to try to urge australians follow the official advice. this advertising campaign is meant to thwart some of the information and inaccuracies found on social media around the coronavirus. and you are right, tom hanks is pretty prolific online and his statement is very sensible. he said he felt ill, he was tested and now doing what medical authorities are advising him to do. he is in isolation in isolation in a hospital here in eastern australia and he says he will stay there as long as it takes. phil, thank you very much for that. lots more information available for you on our website, including this from our reality check team. it looks at what measures countries are taking to do with the coronavirus ranging from airport screening to counselling events. other news, in new york the former hollywood producer harvey weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault. our north america correspondence nick brya nt america correspondence nick bryant was in court. —— correspondent. there was joy in this moment for the victims of harvey weinstein. that the convicted rapist will spend so long behind bars, that their voices have finally been heard. in courtjessica mann and mimi haley delivered victim statements describing how he ruined their lives and then had to listen to weinstein's rambling remarks, in which he expressed remorse for the women but also the men going through this crisis. then came the sentencing, 23 years. there were gasps in the courtroom as the sentence was read out, not least because it's so severe. most legal analysts had expected 10—15 years. so from this courthouse in manhattan, a punishment that will echo around the world. this is whatjustice looks like, 20 plus three years. the model tarale wulff was one of the women who testified during the trial. for the first time i can say i can feel a sense of happiness, i guess. because this is not a happy circumstance to be, that we are all here for. vut i feel joyous. this is very severe, what is your response? ridiculous, is what it is. harvey weinstein's defence team had sough the minimum sentence of five years in prison. he faces 23. i think that number is a cowardly number to give. i think the judge caved, just as i believe the jury caved and i am not happy. but it is the feelings of weinstein's victims that matter and for the model, ambra battilana gutierrez, that number, 23, is especially poignant. i was 23 when he assaulted me. that is the number when my life was ruined, so... and your response to today's sentence? i am super happy. from his limousine to a prison van, from the red carpets of hollywood to the notorious rikers island jail in new york, a metoo message, especially to men of power that wealth and menace offer no immunity from prosecution. nick bryant, bbc news, new york. just briefly, an ancient town in turkey thought to be more than 12,000 years old has been engulfed by floodwaters from a new dam. vehicle reports. 12,000 years ago this town rested by the shores of the sivrice river. now the village centre with scores of ancient architecture is surrounded by water and it's not going away. -- tigris water and it's not going away. —— tigris river river. water and it's not going away. -- tigris river river. it work in the tourism industry, told the story story of this place but unfortunately in the last few months no—one has come here —— i work in the tourism industry. the government started feeling the hydroelectric dam mid last year. 3000 residents were forced to relocate to a government built village on the other side of the river. but some residents are standing by the justification. translation: above all, it's good for the energy sector, for power generation, but it will also be useful and beneficial for agriculture. the full extent of the damage caused by the swollen river is yet to be known. a court battle to save the ancient town was last, only some cultural artefacts have been salvaged. so now all residents can do is sit and watch while their homes slowly go under. freya cole, bbc news. that is it for now. thank you so much for watching. hello. meteorologically speaking, it is now the start of spring. but of course, winter is not that far behind us and i think we will get a reminder of that through the next couple of days. cold air flooding into the uk around an area of low pressure will bring us quite a few showers actually, on thursday, the most frequent closest to the low centre, so across the northern half of the uk. but can't rule out some pretty sharp ones whipping through on that strong wind further south, either. and as you can see, the blue has flooded its way right across the uk for today, but all sitting in the polar air. so it will add a definite chill to proceedings, even where we see some sunshine. but after showers overnight and plunging temperatures, snow and ice are a possible hazard as we start our morning commute. there could be some further falling snow through the earlier part of the day as well for scotland, for the higher ground of northern england and for northern ireland. we should see the snow levels rising as the day progresses, however. some showers to the south, though, could have a little bit of hail mixed in with them from time to time. there'll be quite squally winds here, too. but the showers should be more scattered, they'll tend to come in more persistent bands to the north of the uk, across northern ireland, parts of northern england and scotland. it will feel chilly and the wind, while the strongest across southern scotland, northern england, northern ireland and to the north—west of wales, gusts could touch up to 60 miles per hour here but gusts of a0 miles per hour quite widely. through thursday evening, still a lot of showers around, then we move into the small hours of friday and things start to become quieter. we pick up a northerly wind on the length of the north sea, that will feed some showers into eastern counties the uk, temperatures fall away across the northern half of the uk and in particular again into the small hours of friday. so ice a risk for the north of the uk for first thing on friday once again but our showers will tend to shift offshore quite quickly through friday morning as high pressure starts to build just a little ridge — a brief ridge of high pressure starts to buil for friday daytime. so the early showers clear, the northerly wind eases, there'll be pleasant sunshine the majority for a time at least before our next low starts to approach from the south—west as we get into friday afternoon. the wind will begin to pick up once again and we'll see the arrival of some further rainfall. and then it's another weekend, another area of low pressure. saturday the wettest of the weather to the north—west of the uk. for sunday, this front needs to make its way through so i suspect all of us will see some rain at some stage. so quite a bit of cloud around widely around the uk on saturday, rainfall fairly limited. sunday definitely looks like soggier prospects across the board. welcome to bbc news. our top stories: president trump bans all flights from mainland europe for 30 days to try to limit the coronavirus pandemic. ex- ex— basques have confirmed that the coronavirus outbreak is now a pandemic. donald trump said the 30 day ban will start on friday but won't apply to the uk. he also announced plans to provide a billions of dollars in loans to small businesses. in italy, new restrictions close all shops except food stores and pharmacies. it is estimated 12,500 people are infected with the death tolljumping by over 200 and last day alone to 827. harvey weinstein is sentenced to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault. he was found guilty ata sexual assault. he was found guilty at a trial in new york last month.


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