Rehragout Rendezvous, the latest installment in the Bavarian Eberhofer franchise, is causing waves at the German and Austrian box offices. Directed by Ed Herzog, this crime-comedy is now poised to overtake Oppenheimer for second place, trailing closely behind the reigning champ Barbie. The film's release on August 10
05/11/2021 - Ed Herzog is directing a new feature set in Bavaria, based on the crime novels of Rita Falk and starring Sebastian Bezzel as a village policeman
05/11/2021 - Ed Herzog is directing a new feature set in Bavaria, based on the crime novels of Rita Falk and starring Sebastian Bezzel as a village policeman
05/11/2021 - Ed Herzog is directing a new feature set in Bavaria, based on the crime novels of Rita Falk and starring Sebastian Bezzel as a village policeman