Excerpts and summaries of news stories from the former Intelligencer Journal, Lancaster New Era and Sunday News that focus on the events in the county’s past that are noteworthy, newsworthy
Excerpts and summaries of news stories from the former Intelligencer Journal, Lancaster New Era and Sunday News that focus on the events in the county’s past that are noteworthy, newsworthy
Excerpts and summaries of news stories from the former Intelligencer Journal, Lancaster New Era and Sunday News that focus on the events in the county’s past that are noteworthy, newsworthy
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In the early 1990s, Lancaster County was shaken and captivated by two murders that took place almost exactly one year apart.
The first was the murder of Conestoga Valley High School student Laurie Show. The subsequent arrest, trial and appeals of the three young people charged in relation to the killing dominated Lancaster newspaper headlines off and on throughout the 1990s.
The case resulted in national coverage as well, and several TV shows dealt with it over the years.