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Transcripts For SFGTV 20150512

>> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> yes. >> commissioner white? >> yes. >> all right that motion passes 4 to zero and we have a quorum and thank you commissioners. >> lastly, if i could put it out there -- you know, we're certainly willing and enthusiastic to help your community understand the amnesty provision and you know i think that given that the office of small business is here to help people work through the process, we'll spend sometime to kind of unravel this and try to make sense of it for your community and we'll work hopefully with you all with your assistance so that brian here can help with any analysis that's necessary. >> okay. sorry? a question? >> it's generally no but it is to your prerogative i mean note -- >> can i get in trouble? can i lose my presidency? >> technically it is out of order. >> okay. >> unless you do it specifically -- invite somebody up. >> can i specifically invite somebody up? i can. okay i'd like to specifically invite you to come up and say what you have to say real quickly. >> thank you. are we allowed to volunteer to help you do the amnesty program and explain it to our people? >> yeah, sure. >> okay we'll have volunteers to help you. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. i think that concludes these two items. thank you all very much for coming out tonight. very much appreciate it. and to be continued. all right. let's move onto the next item. >> all right. item number 7. discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on bos file number 150462 the public works code waiver of street space fee for small business week sidewalk sales. >> commissioners, so this is the annual sidewalk sale fee waiver that we support. >> yep. >> so just as a matter of pro forma putting it before the commission and i've highlighted for you we're doing it over 2 we 2 weekends -- mother's day weekend and may 23rd which is memorial day weekend so different districts had desires to do it in different weekends and some districts are doing it both weekends and i did get the supervisor of that district's support to support the two weekends so anyway? >> we've had mother's day. >> oh wait mother's day was last week sorry. >> so memorial day and father's day. >> so saturday may 16th and then the 233rd and i have the different districts participating. >> do we have a motion? >> we need to take public comment. >> do we have public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. do we have a motion or any discussion before the motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> okay. so commissioner dooley motioned and commissioner white seconded and role call? >> commissioner dooley. >> yes. >> commissioner dwight. >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> yes. . >> commissioner white. >> yes. >> thank you very much. item number 8 is the director's report. >> all right commissioners first i just want to say welcome to brian pool -- [applause] yeah i wanted him to give just a quick, you know introduction about himself. >> great thank you regina. >> i've been with the city and county of san francisco for the past couple of years as a manager in property tax with the tax collect or and prior to have for 8 for 8 for 8 to 9 years worked with a title company and one of my accomplishments there directly relatable to this is i established amen tore program to help them get started and the program is very successful and something that i was very proud of and i'm happy to be here tonight with all of you. >> welcome. >> delighted to have you. >> okay. all right. just want to remind everybody next week is small business week and would you like for us to to do calendar invites for the different activities? >> yes. >> that are before us and so we do have flavors for the kick off. we have the boards and wednesday night is the vip reception and then friday is the all-day conversation day conference and there's a couple of other activities happening throughout that week and i'll make sure we get meeting invites and you had the calendar of activities ahead of time so and just really excited, you know, to have a really great great week again this year. in your packet is our quart ly dashboard for january through march and so just wanted to provide you with our client services numbers so total over previous year 2014 we're down 9 percent some of this has to do obviously with staffing and we did have to close the office in february for a couple of days due to vacation schedules but we are now working and staffed up so that should change. we've provided a list of our borrowers that we worked with this past quarter and i won't go into great detail. in your binder last meeting and i forgot to note this but two dates since the office has become a trust ye we've done 8 loans for a total of 83 $83,000 worth of lending to the small businesses and so very proud of that and want to highlight some of our trends that we see in -- at at the at the counter is food and beverage obviously and manufacturing and sales continues you know to be a trend and certain interesting items such as such as -- bill bill tong a type of south african jerky and beer and alcohol production is a great interest and technology business continues to be a good business and then children's play and activity centers including workshop rooms art studios and indoor playgrounds tend to be interesting things that we're seeing and the next page we've highlighted out our clients by industry and percentages and a couple of interesting -- i asked the counselors to pull out some interesting cases that are a little unusual or kind of very san francisco and the first one was a woman is a pilot and she wants to utilize drones to help her husband's business in doing soil engineering so and she wants to be based in san francisco even though likely the drones would be not in san francisco not much soil engineering i mean the kind of soil engineering she wants to do with drones and that's interesting and of course we have a mission native who came to our office because he has sort of developed a -- he worked on some bean ies with the logo system the logo sam sam and he wanted to know how to trade mark his name and get the business going and develop it as a product so then there is -- jane went over the business portal information for you so i won't repeat that and you have that here in terms of the first quarter of 2015 some accomplishments for the office and a couple of elements with the legacy business registry program commissioner adams talked about a meeting he was part of with dr. hudson and dr. lescent-giles and lisa paul, an attorney who does mostly residential condo conversions and also worked on the commercial side, doing some discussion what's involved taking a look at this so that we can -- so that the staff can start putting together this information to put it in front of you -- what would be involved and i think from that meeting we did really, you know, our next step is to really kind of work with the small property owners and the real estate industry to kindly of discuss and take a look at well, if we really pushed this kind of program, could it have some other kinds of impact to the real estate market that we may not necessarily think of -- what's the cause and effect and also for the small property owners -- who would be an incentive for them to subdivide -- you know, do a vertical subdivision and retain the residential portion and be willing to sell off the commercial portion -- so those are some things to take a look at and then i also did have a meeting with sf heritage the historical preservation staff and tim fry and sf travel again doing some exploratory discussions around criteria and also how can we work to work together to sort of leverage what will then be when we establish a legacy business registry how did we leverage it from all 3 entities's perspectives and now that brian is here i'll have the bandwidth to start focusing on that and developing the materials to put in front of you. and then i also -- in response to you know the work that supervisor tang has done around the massage and understanding just the difficulties that businesses go through, she has called for a hearing -- it was specifically with dbi and with planning to ask them about you know, what they can do they can do to improve the process not just with this particular industry but what can they do to improve the process so the hearing date has not been scheduled yet but i will let you know when it is so you know just note her continued interest but just because she's working on the legislation gets it passed but she's not you know -- she's continuing moving on wanting to ensure that things improve around the permitting process. so i think those are start of the most significant things to bring to your attention and with that if you have any questions? >> is the meeting about the cu system how to simplify it for supervisor tang or -- >> it's more than just the cu because with dbi -- so with dbi there's you know recently a small solo practitioner shared her experience of getting her business her business open and so you know this is somebody -- they are opening in in a 291 square foot place and putting paint on the wall and not doing anything else yet but yet we're asking them for architectural drawings so there's a lot of little nuances that have room room for improvement. >> all right. thank you. >> shall we move onto the next item. >> yes. item number 9 the president's report. >> i don't have anything to report except that last week i attended two events and they were very successful and that continues to be a great initiative here in the city and of course next week small business week i encourage everyone to participate as much as they can and straus events has done a fantastic job of organizing it as always that's all i have. >> the the vice president's report? >> nothing to report. >> item 11, commissioner reports? >> no? >> item 12 new business. >> nothing for tonight. >> then so item number 13 is adjournment. >> mr. dwight motion to adjourn do we have a second? >> mr. white seconded it. all in favor. it is 7: 14. >> thank you. >>. >> hi, i'm ryan a prlth letting project manager with the sfpuc working at the sfpuc is a fast-paced environment the puc is american people eye person so breath and depth allows us to work on allows me to move across my career path. >> fill the roadway. >> our unique projects is the heritage puc water treatment long-term improvement plant it's one of the largest projects i've managed and supervised to be successful as a project manager you have to be hard working and self-motivated and being adaptable is important because the construction it is very fabulous that get me up in the morning you're going to be project solving and seeing the project go to me that's fun, i like coming to


Transcripts For SFGTV 20150512

we worked with this past quarter and i won't go into great detail. in your binder last meeting and i forgot to note this but two dates since the office has become a trust ye we've done 8 loans for a total of 83 $83,000 worth of lending to the small businesses and so very proud of that and want to highlight some of our trends that we see in -- at at the at the counter is food and beverage obviously and manufacturing and sales continues you know to be a trend and certain interesting items such as such as -- bill bill tong a type of south african jerky and beer and alcohol production is a great interest and technology business continues to be a good business and then children's play and activity centers including workshop rooms art studios and indoor playgrounds tend to be interesting things that we're seeing and the next page we've highlighted out our clients by industry and percentages and a couple of interesting -- i asked the counselors to pull out some interesting cases that are a little unusual or kind of very san francisco and the first one was a woman is a pilot and she wants to utilize drones to help her husband's business in doing soil engineering so and she wants to be based in san francisco even though likely the drones would be not in san francisco not much soil engineering i mean the kind of soil engineering she wants to do with drones and that's interesting and of course we have a mission native who came to our office because he has sort of developed a -- he worked on some bean ies with the logo system the logo sam sam and he wanted to know how to trade mark his name and get the business going and develop it as a product so then there is -- jane went over the business portal information for you so i won't repeat that and you have that here in terms of the first quarter of 2015 some accomplishments for the office and a couple of elements with the legacy business registry program commissioner adams talked about a meeting he was part of with dr. hudson and dr. lescent-giles and lisa paul, an attorney who does mostly residential condo conversions and also worked on the commercial side, doing some discussion what's involved taking a look at this so that we can -- so that the staff can start putting together this information to put it in front of you -- what would be involved and i think from that meeting we did really, you know, our next step really kind of work with the small property owners and the real estate industry to kindly of discuss and take a look at well, if we really pushed this kind of program, could it have some other kinds of impact to the real estate market that we may not necessarily think of -- what's the cause and effect and also for the small property owners -- who would be an incentive for them to subdivide -- you know, do a vertical subdivision and retain the residential portion and be willing to sell off the commercial portion -- so those are some things to take a look at and then i also did have a meeting with sf heritage the historical preservation staff and tim fry and sf travel again doing some exploratory discussions around criteria and also how can we work to work together to sort of leverage what will then be when we establish a legacy business registry how did we leverage it from all 3 entities's perspectives and now that brian is here i'll have the bandwidth to start focusing on that and developing the materials to put in front of you. and then i also -- in response to you know the work that supervisor tang has done around the massage and understanding just the difficulties that businesses go through, she has called for a hearing -- it was specifically with dbi and with planning to ask them about you know, what they can do they can do to improve the process not just with this particular industry but what can they do to improve the process so the hearing date has not been scheduled yet but i will let you know when it is so you know just note her continued interest but just because she's working on the legislation gets it passed but she's not you know -- she's continuing moving on wanting to ensure that things improve around the permitting process. so i think those are start of the most significant things to bring to your attention and with that if you have any questions? >> is the meeting about the cu system how to simplify it for supervisor tang or -- >> it's more than just the cu because with dbi -- so with dbi there's you know recently a small solo practitioner shared her experience of getting her business her business open and so you know this is somebody -- they are opening in in a 291 square foot place and putting paint on the wall and not doing anything else yet but yet we're asking them for architectural drawings so there's a lot of little nuances that have room room for improvement. >> all right. thank you. >> shall we move onto the next item. >> yes. item number 9 the president's report. >> i don't have anything to report except that last week i attended two events and they were very successful and that continues to be a great initiative here in the city and of course next week small business week i encourage everyone to participate as much as they can and straus events has done a fantastic job of organizing it as always that's all i have. >> the the vice president's report? >> nothing to report. >> item 11, commissioner reports? >> no? >> item 12 new business. >> nothing for tonight. >> then so item number 13 is adjournment. >> mr. dwight motion to adjourn do we have a second? >> mr. white seconded it. all in favor. it is 7: 14. >> thank you. >> as a society we've basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people don't have any of those i'm mr. cookie can't speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. >> open the door and walk through that don't just stand looking out. >> as they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure i'm david one of the co-founder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didn't know how to cook. >> i heard about the cooking school through the larkin academy a. >> their noting no way to feed themselves so they're eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. >> as i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. >> particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is charity foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this charity foundations and she said, yes. >> i'm a co-found and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday they're really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city they're our stand alone cola's we had a series or series still city of attorney's office style of classes our final are night life diners. >> santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and i've been here about a year. >> we want to be sure to serve as many as we can. >> the san francisco cooking school is an amazing amazing partner. >> it is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. >> i'm sutro sue set i'm a chief 2, 3, 4 san francisco. >> that's what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like it's there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. >> hi, i'm antonio the chief in san francisco. >> the majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. >> i like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like it's a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. >> i go for vera toilet so someone can't do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they can't use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me you're not successful. >> we made a vegetable stir-fry indicators he'd ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen i'd cook more. >> some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasn't taught how to cook. >> i have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. >> the more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify they're not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. >> it is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. >> we'll have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 we're really excited. >> a lot of the of the conditions in san francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the san francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. >> we'd never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case that's something people are 2rrd in doing. >> you can't buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids don't have this you have to instill they can do it they're good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in well with the innovation capital world i can't think of a better k with the wifi connection in our city it is crossing different economic lines and neighborhoods it helps not only young people with their education but regular folks to find out where their muni bus is or their routine or opportunities in the city it was lead by the department the of technology they've proven themselves they wanted to take on such a great responsibility on market street i want to thank the department of technology they've found great partners with marcus in the valley along with mayor 42 boss of them gave us very expensive equipment to use but also gave us some great guidance how to do that the combination of the public private partnering was another compliment off our department the government some work with the technology to do those sorts of exist things and compliments all the things we're trying to do to use technology in a positive woo san francisco is one of the greatest city's in the world and suddenly give a support to a service that - wifi is a utility like power and water and it has to be available i think in all the public venues >> i will live in oakland i'm here on microsoft a lot and not familiar with the area especially the part of market street so be able to navigate around is really, really helpful and i appreciate the fact the city is doing it's civic duty in providing a connection to everyone there was a huge manpower effort 3 shops involved with the overhead the underground cable company and the radio shop doing all the turn on and trouble shooting all of the shops put in at least 3 months of manpower hours time and six or eight people in each shop no issues are the app the access ptsz points out to the system there were a sophisticated innocent that was broadcasting the signal ate. >> as far as mobile devices we can use a public-private partnering to hit up the corridors corridors across the city where people traverse with small businesses and transit corridors and they want to get online with their education folks connecting with friends are looking for a job i think we have a lot of people in the city veterans they're not just on market street they're all over the city and want that. >> it is an old market street has been did you live up several times since installed we had to run links to link the conduits system to get the links to the fiber $3.1 million is a lot to pull that is the fiber to our shop procuring it getting it to the job. >> we pay a good amount of taxes in san francisco it would easy the burden to have access r sees to wifi we won't have to pay egregious cell phone bills when they can connect to the intersect is it so kind of silly why not. >> free internet and wifi is a way forward for the division of the city across the country oakland and san jose and chicago and filled we're saying we want our families and kids particular from backgrounds with they're used a to be an great deprived people can look for jobs or a game for the 21st century is it it is about making sure we take care of the. >> good afternoon. welcome ladies and gentlemen, i'd to call this meet to order in the the regular meeting of the san francisco land use & transportation committee i'm commissioner cohen and transportation authority supervisor wiener and to my left is jane kim and our clerk a lacing i can't and want to recognize and thank the threatened folks at sfgovtv jim smith and jonathan for helping us broadcast this commissioner lee committee meeting ms. clerk madam clerk, any announcements? completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the may 19th board of supervisors board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated excell


Transcripts For SFGTV 20150516

thank you for considering this. this is a subject that's been going around and around for a long time. i've been a professional massage therapist for over 40 years working in san francisco in the healthcare business cpmc aids patients ortho services and working for chiropractors and licensed by the city of san francisco and they have been in business for 30 years and everything is going along wonderfully and i've provided myself over sixty thousand healing massage sessions in my career so far. i'm probably one of the few in the bay area that has more than 30 years as an american massage therapy association member so i'm pretty aware of most of the people that are in the business in san francisco and i want to thank them for stepping up just like you thanked them and i want to thank supervisor weiner for taking an interest in this and i think he's he's a could not she he's a good supervisor and i see some things that i that i that i find i wouldn't say disturbing but alarming and i'll bring this to the attention of supervisor weiner and katie tang as well and i hope that all of these issues are hashed out and that the business -- for example myself you know my profession is respected and my livelihood is respected and as a health serving institution is respected and they are not put under extraordinary pressure for more fees and regulations which will not control which is really the problem which is the criminalization of prostitution got a problem here where a massage therapy is associated with prostitution and it's an ongoing trouble and i don't want to have to suffer my career and the public's access to healing massage suffer because of that and thank you. >> thank you for coming out. >> yes. mr. hollis? >> good afternoon commission. first of all, i would just like to thank you all for dealing with us for the past couple of months not months as long as we have been here [laughter] definitely appreciate supervisor weiner and his recommendations to help us out with bringing us some kind of right into this bill that we have going on. i have a couple of questions though just to throw out some ideas about some some of the things you mentioned when it comes to something like an out call, so to speak, like if i was working for myself and i can, you know, i guess lease, not lease but rent time out on somebody else's lease building will that make me obligated to have to go to a cup process? if i'm renting time on somebody's building so to speak? what would be the regulations behind nonprofit massage? would they have to go through the same regulations just as much as a regular corporate business would or something along those lines and a couple of the business advocates here with the -- what's that? the university of san francisco? i believe. their incentive program would be very good to implement such as small businesses starting out and if there's people who are doing something right you know going through the right regulations and things of that nature to help drop the fees on small business owners such as those that don't have the money to take out the loans that will definitely help us out along with those advocates that are not doing so well with the traffic ers and prostitution and stuff like that that they can keep the fees but help us get through the fees and that would be something good to implement i would think in my own eyes and i think it has been listened to and responded to in some kind of way and i appreciate that. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other comments? >> i feel like i spend with you all than i do my entire family. >> we're part of your family [laughter]. >> i'm going to miss you all so much. thank you so much. i've been through some horrific stuff but my business, , i'm letting go. i think supervisor weiner has great ideas i'm really really thankful for him and i think amnesty is still confusing and we don't have any goals about starting to get into that and imagine it gets voted on next week and it's a law what happens? what do i tell everybody? i'm going to start getting phone calls and i'll need to work with regina regina about what when and where because people are confused and we're not getting any response from supervisor tang's office and i'm going to read what she wrote. pointing out that quad are you that quad ruple regulation -- if the the space is shared by 4 practitioners could be a problem. weiner asked that a single space may be inspected 16 times. she says it seems that all 4 practitioners should be able to share the same permit or at least share one set of inspections plus fees and a lot of the practitioners are only renting maybe one or 2-days a week when first starting out and possibly in multiple locations and that's an issue with solo practitioners having the same department go to the same space 16 times that's kind of crazy so if you could recommend something for that that would be like amazing other than that thank you very much i'm sure we'll be back hopefully for happy things. a party? i have no idea at this point thank you and we'll keep sending you random e-mails i have 41 seconds left i can keep talking i'm teasing. . >> thank you very much. any other speakers for comment? >> yes. announcing speaker. >> how do you say it? oh, easier than it looks. all right thank you. >> my name is tony -- i'm the governmental regulation s chair california chapter and i really want to thank you guys you took time to dig into our issue and see showed a very keen grasp of the problem that these ordinances cause for us and advocate on our behalf and thank you very very much and a few things briefly first supervisor weiner suggested that making new massage businesses eligible for the 3 bcp priority processing program in seeking conditional use permits we think it's a good idea. this would draw up a process that could take up to 6 to 12 months to 30-day and see this would be critical to the small businesses that we run and land use regulations where other xat compatible businesses -- so now with the concession that there's going to be a permit process to guard the door these become prejudicial and unnecessary. supervisor tang was great in trying to work this out and the mechanics of it but nobody is going to understand it and even if it becomes law to have workshops for people that have massage businesses will be not only beneficial i think it will be essential and requiring a duplicate background check. it's actually illegal under the act as amended. it specifically says you can not require a certificate holder to undergo a second background check so those lines should be amendmented to reflect that. >> someone also mentioned the other side of the issue not only one massage therapists getting permits in multiple location but also one location having multiple therapists and the costs that that imposes and finally the ordinance right now charges for an application and annual fee for the first year -- that's my warning. we would like to see the annual fee change to a renewal fee and the renewal fee would come up in the second year and you wouldn't have to pay twice in the first year to establish your business. thank you very much. >> first off do we have any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you for those very specific and substantive suggestions it's really hard to write legislation so when you come to the table with very specific, well-thought out suggestions like that they often get written into the legislation and you save people a lot of hassle trying to write it themselves and these are the types of issues we'll help you work on and dedicated to applying our resources to it and brian just joined us here not only to help us administer our meetings but more importantly to be to be to be an analyst and one of our commissioners is on a short fuse here we're here to make a recommendation tonight and if i may cut to the chase there's a couple of items that we might recommend as as a group here and put forth as an official recommendation on behalf of the commission looking forward. the first recommendation is to work with supervisor weiner's office on the proposed amendments to the planning code and also to work with him going forward on any follow along legislation that that might be recommendations whether it might be the planning and or the department of health and where necessary to make, to work with supervisors in specific districts around zoning issues and understand that zoning -- geographically around the city we have to take it up with the supervisors and ultimately the residents and business owners in those micro districts and or micro neighborhoods where they might have already you know passed certain restrictions so we can certainly take that up with supervisors on a case by case basis and assist you in that way and then finally, working with the massage community to define the potential need to develop a more nuanced established license fee as you mentioned. soul practitioners sharing a space or in the case where a sole practitioner operates in multiple spaces and these issues, there's probably more and your list provides a really excellent framework for moving forward so. >> i would second your -- >> those would be the suggestions if there are any comments, please make them now. >> i would like the president -- to be specific about what we're supporting as to supervisor weiner's proposals should we go over them and be specific about them or read them into the record? >> well, so he has made proposals to to the current -- to be considered and written into the current legislation. >> yeah he's going to be introducing new legislation and the 4 items i read to you earlier on page 3 those were confirmed by mr. powers his aid this afternoon whether it's him or somebody else i think there will be i think there will need to be something done to define that but in terms of -- >> this is about the planning code. >> this is about the planning code so supervisor weiner has committed to deal with the solo practitioner colocated in the chiropractor offices -- the multiple licenses if a practitioner is located in multiple does business in multiple locations the permit making any changes to that is under the health code so he won't be dealing with that it's only around the land use zoning applications. and then allowing an amnesty program -- allowing those that have completed the amnesty to move one time and then find a means for massage establishments to go through the cb 3 p and amend the definition and this is only under the planning code of service medical to include something like massage i think that that is a means to try to help deal with the issue where medical services are permitted in one zoning district but massage establishments are not. in addition to -- so the specifics of how those get written you know is really to the land use attorneys but those are kind of the laymen's terms of the objectives of what he wants to accomplish. >> if i may continue on this issue i propose -- i move that this commission supports supervisor weiner's efforts along these lines as read into the records. >> okay. >> just another point of clarification once it's correct me if it's introduced it will come back before you to be reviewed and heard. >> very well. anyone second the motion? >> commissioner dooley? >> oh, sorry. yes, please. >> i just wanted to say that i think we've made some progress here. i personally think that there's still things in this legislation that are punitive towards the massage industry and not really understanding or being respectful of what a solid profession this is but i'm hoping that these issues will be addressed ongoing because i personally do think that there are still problems with this legislation that are going to have a negative effect on your industry so i just want to let you know that that is a concern. >> okay. thank you. any other comments before we move on with commission tour-sarkissian's motion? >> so your motion dealt with working with supervisor weiner on his 4 items? >> at least on this issue. >> okay. and then do we want to take that specifically? commissioner dwight had made other suggestions. >> add on to that yeah. i wanted to be a little bit more specific about supervisor weiner's suggestions but we can add on everything that our president said. >> okay so to include that -- to have the commission and staff work with the massage industry in the community to work where needed with supervisor's offices on specific zoning districts and then to continue to work with the massage community to define -- i mean it's not maybe just the solo practitioners but i think the larger issues are around the solo practitioners but there still needs to be some clarification -- >> clarification when they have multiple locations primary versus -- >> right and then i don't know -- i mean there might be some other elements that i think have been brought up that fall sort of in that broader umbrella of you know things like duplicate background checks and things of that sort that we can take a look at. >> i think that that motion you know expresses our desire to help move this forward even beyond the current legislation. >> all right so we have a motion before us. is there a second? >> second. motion by commissioner tour-sarkissian and seconded by commissioner dooley. shall we do a role call? >> yes. >> commissioner dwight? >> yes. >> commissioner dooley? >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> yes. >> commissioner white? >> yes. >> all right that motion passes 4 to zero and we have a quorum and thank you commissioners. >> lastly, if i could put it out there -- you know, we're certainly willing and enthusiastic to help your community understand the amnesty provision and you know i think that given that the office of small business is here to help people work through the process, we'll spend sometime to kind of unravel this and try to make sense of it for your community and we'll work hopefully with you all with your assistance so that brian here can help with any analysis that's necessary. >> okay. sorry? a question? >> it's generally no but it is to your prerogative i mean note -- >> can i get in trouble? can i lose my presidency? >> technically it is out of order. >> okay. >> unless you do it specifically -- invite somebody up. >> can i specifically invite somebody up? i can. okay i'd like to specifically invite you to come up and say what you have to say real quickly. >> thank you. are we allowed to volunteer to help you do the amnesty program and explain it to our people? >> yeah, sure. >> okay we'll have volunteers to help you. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. i think that concludes these two items. thank you all very much for coming out tonight. very much appreciate it. and to be continued. all right. let's move onto the next item. >> all right. item number 7. discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on bos file number 150462 the public works code waiver of street space fee for small business week sidewalk sales. >> commissioners, so this is the annual sidewalk sale fee waiver that we support. >> yep. >> so just as a matter of pro forma putting it before the commission and i've highlighted for you we're doing it over 2 we 2 weekends -- mother's day weekend and may 23rd which is memorial day weekend so different districts had desires to do it in different weekends and some districts are doing it both weekends and i did get the supervisor of that district's support to support the two weekends so anyway? >> we've had mother's day. >> oh wait mother's day was last week sorry. >> so memorial day and father's day. >> so saturday may 16th and then the 233rd and i have the different districts participating. >> do we have a motion? >> we need to take public comment. >> do we have public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. do we have a motion or any discussion before the motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> okay. so commissioner dooley motioned and commissioner white seconded and role call? >> commissioner dooley. >> yes. >> commissioner dwight. >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> yes. . >> commissioner white. >> yes. >> thank you very much. item number 8 is the director's report. >> all right commissioners first i just want to say welcome to brian pool -- [applause] yeah i wanted him to give just a quick, you know introduction about himself. >> great thank you regina. >> i've been with the city and county of san francisco for the past couple of years as a manager in property tax with the tax collect or and prior to have for 8 for 8 for 8 to 9 years worked with a title company and one of my accomplishments there directly relatable to this is i established amen tore program to help them get started and the program is very successful and something that i was very proud of and i'm happy to be here tonight with all of you. >> welcome. >> delighted to have you. >> okay. all right. just want to remind everybody next week is small business week and would you like for us to to do calendar invites for the different activities? >> yes. >> that are before us and so we do have flavors for the kick off. we have the boards and wednesday night is the vip reception and then friday is the all-day conversation day conference and there's a couple of other activities happening throughout that week and i'll make sure we get meeting invites and you had the calendar of activities ahead of time so and just really excited, you know, to have a really great great week again this year. in your packet is our quart ly dashboard for january through march and so just wanted to provide you with our client services numbers so total over previous year 2014 we're down 9 percent some of this has to do obviously with staffing and we did have to close the office in february for a couple of days due to vacation schedules but we are now working and staffed up so that should change. we've provided a list of our borrowers that we worked with this past quarter and i won't go into great detail. in your binder last meeting and i forgot to note this but two dates since the office has become a trust ye we've done 8 loans for a total of 83 $83,000 worth of lending to the small businesses and so very proud of that and want to highlight some of our trends that we see in -- at at the at the counter is food and beverage obviously and manufacturing and sales continues you know to be a trend and certain interesting items such as such as -- bill bill tong a type of south african jerky and beer and alcohol production is a great interest and technology business continues to be a good business and then children's play and activity centers including workshop rooms art studios and indoor playgrounds tend to be interesting things that we're seeing and the next page we've highlighted out our clients by industry and percentages and a couple of interesting -- i asked the counselors to pull out some interesting cases that are a little unusual or kind of very san francisco and the first one was a woman is a pilot and she wants to utilize drones to help her husband's business in doing soil engineering so and she wants to be based in san francisco even though likely the drones would be not in san francisco not much soil engineering i mean the kind of soil engineering she wants to do with drones and that's interesting and of course we have a mission native who came to our office because he has sort of developed a -- he worked on some bean ies with the logo system the logo sam sam and he wanted to know how to trade mark his name and get the business going and develop it as a product so then there is -- jane went over the business portal information for you so i won't repeat that and you have that here in terms of the first quarter of 2015 some accomplishments for the office and a couple of elements with the legacy business registry program commissioner adams talked about a meeting he was part of with dr. hudson and dr. lescent-giles and lisa paul, an attorney who does mostly residential condo conversions and also worked on the commercial side, doing some discussion what's involved taking a look at this so that we can --


Transcripts For SFGTV 20150516

staff can start putting together this information to put it in front of you -- what would be involved and i think from that meeting we did really, you know, our next step is to really kind of work with the small property owners and the real estate industry to kindly of discuss and take a look at well, if we really pushed this kind of program, could it have some other kinds of impact to the real estate market that we may not necessarily think of -- what's the cause and effect and also for the small property owners -- who would be an incentive for them to subdivide -- you know, do a vertical subdivision and retain the residential portion and be willing to sell off the commercial portion -- so those are some things to take a look at and then i also did have a meeting with sf heritage the historical preservation staff and tim fry and sf travel again doing some exploratory discussions around criteria and also how can we work to work together to sort of leverage what will then be when we establish a legacy business registry how did we leverage it from all 3 entities's perspectives and now that brian is here i'll have the bandwidth to start focusing on that and developing the materials to put in front of you. and then i also -- in response to you know the work that supervisor tang has done around the massage and understanding just the difficulties that businesses go through, she has called for a hearing -- it was specifically with dbi and with planning to ask them about you know, what they can do they can do to improve the process not just with this particular industry but what can they do to improve the process so the hearing date has not been scheduled yet but i will let you know when it is so you know just note her continued interest but just because she's working on the legislation gets it passed but she's not you know -- she's continuing moving on wanting to ensure that things improve around the permitting process. so i think those are start of the most significant things to bring to your attention and with that if you have any questions? >> is the meeting about the cu system how to simplify it for supervisor tang or -- >> it's more than just the cu because with dbi -- so with dbi there's you know recently a small solo practitioner shared her experience of getting her business her business open and so you know this is somebody -- they are opening in in a 291 square foot place and putting paint on the wall and not doing anything else yet but yet we're asking them for architectural drawings so there's a lot of little nuances that have room room for improvement. >> all right. thank you. >> shall we move onto the next item. >> yes. item number 9 the president's report. >> i don't have anything to report except that last week i attended two events and they were very successful and that continues to be a great initiative here in the city and of course next week small business week i encourage everyone to participate as much as they can and straus events has done a fantastic job of organizing it as always that's all i have. >> the the vice president's report? >> nothing to report. >> item 11, commissioner reports? >> no? >> item 12 new business. >> nothing for tonight. >> then so item number 13 is adjournment. >> mr. dwight motion to adjourn do we have a second? >> mr. white seconded it. all in favor. it is 7: 14. >> thank you. >>. >> >> america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all roll call please commissioner makras commissioner cohen commissioner bridges commissioner driscoll commissioner meiberger commissioner paskin-jordan commissioner stansbury is out of town we have quorum great, thank you i will continue item number 3 the minutes of march 11 4r7d i'd like them to come back and spell all the amendments at that time rfp for the hedge fund more clearly than they were presented and i will continue item number 8 to the june meeting next item is open important public comment important any item not open the agenda thank you did i understand you categorical parklets your postponing this again. >> i'm arthur during public comment an e s board i'm patrick march 11 videotape shows at 4 hours and 55 minutes commissioner meiberger suggests under the code of conduct to consider complaints 200 under mroeshgs a minute later commissioner makras incorrectly stated it is up to dr s executive director he commissioner makras will let even though ethics commission to do your job, your rules require this board to come expose of the amendment there is nothing pro bono this board from pro bono commissioner paskin-jordan conflict of interest with the investigation retirement board should dispose of this language this body adopted you're in the best position to know what is incompatible why leave this to the mission or the executive director after all there is no experience of investment training at all compared to this board compromised of the members of the century of investors how long is reasonable time to wait for quote/unquote advise from the ethics commission don't you all want to put this behind you commissioner makras singles this board operates in the robert rule of order when will i calendar in the e r s investigation of commissioner paskin-jordan did they did, in fact gain in inethical activities you'd like look foolish if you fail to investigate her own admission of a golden state warriors fund we need to schedule an investigation soon commissioner makras thank you >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm kay walker welcome. >> i've come here to talk once again about small business owner something noted on this agenda this is the hundred million dollars that the mayor wants from our pension fund i talked to the gray panthers and others in the union, etc. and they're a wide range of opinions nobody took the position if the gray panthers i'll give you responses number one most people don't think the mayor should get a dime of our money one of the reasons the first one he did when he became mayor was to go after the pensions of retirees and transform civil service in a way that harms the employees so, now he comes back and asks the same people i did for hundred million dollars this to a lot of 0 people you know outages so that's one opinion another opinion is that affordable housing only you know forgot what the mayor did but you know we're in a crisis a housing crisis everyone knows that the whole country knows about it why why not help two people's but not in the sense the may may or may not pose having to do with the bloovt we don't even have $15 an hour minimum wage yet and that's between 28 and $29,000 nothing in the bmr range to cover that so people are also saying here's another idea i favor this this is well, the building idea you know buying a building forgetting all the mayor's office proposal it is so political so hugely political now and a lot of unknowns patrick shaw wrote a column about this going into the statistics and the trust fund and not know where all the money is going yet and then looking at the planning commission numbers hundred and 13 percent of has been used for market rate building and only 21 percent for affordable housing so going back to the idea of affordable housing which seems to appeal to some people that i know and that are more progressive there is also another idea why not limit who can enter the lottery. >> 30 seconds and make the range under 50 percent to hundred percent instead of going to hundred and 20 percent that's all i have the time that's my proposal that is more affordable and keep this is our money basically and also we're taxpayers so let's keep it within this particular group and it might work thank you. >> thank you. >> hi jed. >> hello commissioner makras jed from fossil free infrastructure i want to reat that point what the board did relative to the fossil fuel the board tasted a level two procedure against the tractors list and the board moved to allocate up to hundred million dollars into a fossil fuels fund and asked the staff to talk about section 8ing out of worse of the worse with him level 2 is going on so really we want to follow up on all the items we're really excited the last two meetings were milestones for the nation even though it may not be so in this room we want to make sure that things are moving forward so the first one we would like to see a timeline for implementing level 2 we submitted to you folks your requested idea of a timeline in actions that can be taken we would like to see staffs version of that unless they plan on acting on otherwise the board and public has not way of insure the boards wishes are acted on one think of the financier joining the climate risk and other activities we want to know that has happened and other activities underway as far as the fossil fuels we don't side see investment on the calendar we expect the worst of the worse we sent you a letter on march 7 by 7 which kind of reflected different ways at looking at the worst of the worse jeremy and a come up of other suggestions we'd like love to know the status of the level 3 the partial level that process and want to insure that the fossil fuel issue stays at the full board rather than a subcommittees so for the fundamental since this meeting is archived for the public amp all 3 of the issues we could benefit prosecute potentially some kind of more formalized stakeholders interaction with the staff around those issues so there is information glow flow and really want to thank you very much for your actions in the last two meegz if fully implemented they'll make a stronger contribution. >> 30 seconds. >> to the future stability of the system thank you. >> jeremy welcome. >> good afternoon, commissioners jeremy legislative aide to supervisor campos commissioner avalos and follow-up on what mr. hypothesis man said about the e-mail from the flesh man and covering the way to look at the worst of worse offending i've brought copies of the recommendations that mr. fleischer talked about the top 2 hundred coal companies and mania 20 list a dynamic list of the companies the top 5 are published on the website and the remainder for discrepancy around $900 per year and updated quarterly and similar data from the black and blue beggar the gentleman that application specialist will be helpful on that i'm excited about the took the order to look at the worst of the worse and happy to help support that n in any way possible one other issue i want to touch on a new report from carbon tracker for the exploration and shell oil and gas companies that includes 3 of the 5 in the portfolio and looking at the way they've used hedge fund to the following oil prices and look at those hedges will be expiring and companies in position for future declining oil pros privacy and to read from the carbon tractorer hedges have given oil and shelf for the falling oil prices we've not seen the market share they go both been in-debt petroleum are particular vulnerable in oil prices and those are not exactly the worse of worse their expiration gas companies but further evidence of the sort of risky landscape. >> 30 seconds. >> i heap e hope you'll reconsider that and thank you for your time. >> any other speakers? seeing none, i'm going to close public comment item 2 >> item 2 an action approval of the minutes of the april 2015 retirement board meeting and entertain a motion of adoption. >> i'll make motion. >> opening it up for public comment on approval of minutes important april 8, 2015. >> thank you commissioner makras sunshine section states that written testimony quote shall if more than hundred and 50 words be included in the minutes unquote the task force repeating said in the minutes medians e medians included in an agenda item not in the attachment at the end of the document i'm asking for a board member to introduce a motion to move my written testimony regarding commissioner paskin-jordan from page thirty in the draft meeting minutes page 3 where they belong because and was the first person to spoke during the normal pub public comment if you don't i'll file a sunshine complaint i'll win given that the sunshine task force has ruled this repeatedly it makes no sense to include oral testimony summarized by our secretary given the board minutes and supplement the written testimony by punishing pushing it to the end of the document that is simply disjointed as far as that goes i'm not i'm going to address the twice selected minutes that's got the same problem only worse i'm going i'm going to repeat section states hundred and 50 word testimony be included in the minutes before commissioner makras proposed postponed the deduction of the march 11 draft minute meeting in april the march 11 draft minutes as presented them including my written testimony before the items on pages 37 and 38 for general item one public comment and item approval the board mini meeting minutes and agenda 9 simply managed accountants, however, the revised minutes your supposed to consider today simply deleted all of my written testimony that amounts to censorship by the board you need to table the adoption of those minutes so my minutes can be put in the proper place the order of the body of the minutes from sunshine ordinance requires not at the end as in the attachment thank you commissioner makras. >> thank you. any other i'm going to close public comment could you opine in this is in violation of the section. >> commissioner the sunshine ordinance does provide for the hundred and 50 word written summary the good government guide testifies that it can be attached at the end or included in the portion of the minutes where the speaker made his comments it is correct the sunshine ordinance task force has taken the position that the minutes that the statements should be included in the minutes for the agenda item where the agenda item were the statement was made in that portion of the minutes your there's a chair about the good government guide not a legal document. >> malia cohen thank you the city attorney answered my question i'd like to make a motion to accept those minutes. >> okay. and we have a second. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. passes unanimously thank you next item 4. >> the motion i introduced to accept the minutes. >> next item 4. >> next item 4 approval the minutes of the february 6th and 72015 retirement board retreat. >> entertain another motion of adoption. >> gridlock open up for public comment of the minutes the retreat for april 6th and 7 i'm going to close public comment passes unanimously please call next item 5. >> item 4 the consent calendar and action item. >> we'll entertain a motion of adoption. >> great opening it up for public comment none i'm going to close public comment. >> > all in favor, say i. > i. > passes unanimously of a 2 o'clock certain time item. >> i'll passes if and come back to it. >> or your pleasure come back. >> to 2 if their come in for this item so, please call item 7 and 7 discussion reporting 2014 proxy the fossil fuel proxy updates as mr. shaw. >> commissioners before you is our just want of the proxy voting season with regard to the fossil fuel companies as far in the season we're in the midst of the issues are similar 0 what we're seen last year as you'll note open anticipation 16 a board meeting dates most of the meetings have taken place i've looked the relative the proxy votes the vote relatives are in the mid 20 percent for this is consistent with what we've seen over the last proxy voting season that concludes any comments unless questions. >> questions from the commission mr. reiskin. >> if you could expand. >> for item one the report to address stranded carbon asset risks i know that is a big deal by the fossil fuel organizations could you give us color in terms of the what the report what they're asking for just to be more specific the report i'm planning on addressing the carbon asset risk remove or adjust mayor's office of housing and economic development for that the use of which have competitive contemplation. >> that's a fairly new one. >> of conco and ann dark is to plan to address the stranded carbon it's a line item issue. >> can you expand what do i expect. >> right what the stakeholders proposals are zigzagging for management put out a risk report with regard to the reserve evaluations from the 89 or 88 asked for reductions in the carbon assets and the value of the company should they be unable to extract a level of reserves fossil fuel task force has come up within an estimate that is global temperatures rise and it will not be reserve the will be extractable what is the financial impact on the companies. >> the fossil fuel folks that's one of the issues and we've seen that come forward in stakeholders proposals. >> question are there any any shoulder proposed items on the ballot this is talk about the pension fund to get their issues obtains the ballot to address the climate issues are you aware artist issues on the ballot button out by


Transcripts For SFGTV 20150526

support the two weekends so anyway? >> we've had mother's day. >> oh wait mother's day was last week sorry. >> so memorial day and father's day. >> so saturday may 16th and then the 233rd and i have the different districts participating. >> do we have a motion? >> we need to take public comment. >> do we have public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. do we have a motion or any discussion before the motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> okay. so commissioner dooley motioned and commissioner white seconded and role call? >> commissioner dooley. >> yes. >> commissioner dwight. >> yes. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> yes. . >> commissioner white. >> yes. >> thank you very much. item number 8 is the director's report. >> all right commissioners first i just want to say welcome to brian pool -- [applause] yeah i wanted him to give just a quick, you know introduction about himself. >> great thank you regina. >> i've been with the city and county of san francisco for the past couple of years as a manager in property tax with the tax collect or and prior to have for 8 for 8 for 8 to 9 years worked with a title company and one of my accomplishments there directly relatable to this is i established amen tore program to help them get started and the program is very successful and something that i was very proud of and i'm happy to be here tonight with all of you. >> welcome. >> delighted to have you. >> okay. all right. just want to remind everybody next week is small business week and would you like for us to to do calendar invites for the different activities? >> yes. >> that are before us and so we do have flavors for the kick off. we have the boards and wednesday night is the vip reception and then friday is the all-day conversation day conference and there's a couple of other activities happening throughout that week and i'll make sure we get meeting invites and you had the calendar of activities ahead of time so and just really excited, you know, to have a really great great week again this year. in your packet is our quart ly dashboard for january through march and so just wanted to provide you with our client services numbers so total over previous year 2014 we're down 9 percent some of this has to do obviously with staffing and we did have to close the office in february for a couple of days due to vacation schedules but we are now working and staffed up so that should change. we've provided a list of our borrowers that we worked with this past quarter and i won't go into great detail. in your binder last meeting and i forgot to note this but two dates since the office has become a trust ye we've done 8 loans for a total of 83 $83,000 worth of lending to the small businesses and so very proud of that and want to highlight some of our trends that we see in -- at at the at the counter is food and beverage obviously and manufacturing and sales continues you know to be a trend and certain interesting items such as such as -- bill bill tong a type of south african jerky and beer and alcohol production is a great interest and technology business continues to be a good business and then children's play and activity centers including workshop rooms art studios and indoor playgrounds tend to be interesting things that we're seeing and the next page we've highlighted out our clients by industry and percentages and a couple of interesting -- i asked the counselors to pull out some interesting cases that are a little unusual or kind of very san francisco and the first one was a woman is a pilot and she wants to utilize drones to help her husband's business in doing soil engineering so and she wants to be based in san francisco even though likely the drones would be not in san francisco not much soil engineering i mean the kind of soil engineering she wants to do with drones and that's interesting and of course we have a mission native who came to our office because he has sort of developed a -- he worked on some bean ies with the logo system the logo sam sam and he wanted to know how to trade mark his name and get the business going and develop it as a product so then there is -- jane went over the business portal information for you so i won't repeat that and you have that here in terms of the first quarter of 2015 some accomplishments for the office and a couple of elements with the legacy business registry program commissioner adams talked about a meeting he was part of with dr. hudson and dr. lescent-giles and lisa paul, an attorney who does mostly residential condo conversions and also worked on the commercial side, doing some discussion what's involved taking a look at this so that we can -- so that the staff can start putting together this information to put it in front of you -- what would be involved and i think from that meeting we did really, you know, our next step is to really kind of work with the small property owners and the real estate industry to kindly of discuss and take a look at well, if we really pushed this kind of program, could it have some other kinds of impact to the real estate market that we may not necessarily think of -- what's the cause and effect and also for the small property owners -- who would be an incentive for them to subdivide -- you know, do a vertical subdivision and retain the residential portion and be willing to sell off the commercial portion -- so those are some things to take a look at and then i also did have a meeting with sf heritage the historical preservation staff and tim fry and sf travel again doing some exploratory discussions around criteria and also how can we work to work together to sort of leverage what will then be when we establish a legacy business registry how did we leverage it from all 3 entities's perspectives and now that brian is here i'll have the bandwidth to start focusing on that and developing the materials to put in front of you. and then i also -- in response to you know the work that supervisor tang has done around the massage and understanding just the difficulties that businesses go through, she has called for a hearing -- it was specifically with dbi and with planning to ask them about you know, what they can do they can do to improve the process not just with this particular industry but what can they do to improve the process so the hearing date has not been scheduled yet but i will let you know when it is so you know just note her continued interest but just because she's working on the legislation gets it passed but she's not you know -- she's continuing moving on wanting to ensure that things improve around the permitting process. so i think those are start of the most significant things to bring to your attention and with that if you have any questions? >> is the meeting about the cu system how to simplify it for supervisor tang or -- >> it's more than just the cu because with dbi -- so with dbi there's you know recently a small solo practitioner shared her experience of getting her business her business open and so you know this is somebody -- they are opening in in a 291 square foot place and putting paint on the wall and not doing anything else yet but yet we're asking them for architectural drawings so there's a lot of little nuances that have room room for improvement. >> all right. thank you. >> shall we move onto the next item. >> yes. item number 9 the president's report. >> i don't have anything to report except that last week i attended two events and they were very successful and that continues to be a great initiative here in the city and of course next week small business week i encourage everyone to participate as much as they can and straus events has done a fantastic job of organizing it as always that's all i have. >> the the vice president's report? >> nothing to report. >> item 11, commissioner reports? >> no? >> item 12 new business. >> nothing for tonight. >> then so item number 13 is adjournment. >> mr. dwight motion to adjourn do we have a second? >> mr. white seconded it. all in favor. it is 7: 14. >> thank you. >> >> good morning, today is april 14th, 2015. welcome to the finance committee of the san francisco transportation authority. i am john avalos joined by david campos maliha cohen and we will be joined by other colleagues. mr. clerk. do we have any announcements? >> there are no announcements. let's go on to our next item. roll taken. >> we have quorum. >> next item is part of our consent calendar. items two to three comprise the consent calendar. staff is not going to present. >> colleagues changes to the amendments. comments on item 3 of the consent calendar. we will go to public comment. any member that would like to speak come forward. we will close public comment. may we have a motion to approve. >> move to approve. >> seconded by commissioner cohen. >> we need a roll call vote for the first one. okay. on the consent calendar. commissioner avalos. aye. >> kim, abcent. maher, absent. >> four, state and federal legislative update. this is an action item. >> good morning, chair and members, mark wats representing sacramento. two items of interest. on the matrix we added constitutional amendment number 5 and relates to the voter threshold for local special taxes, not designating a purpose for the tax, but under any tax approved by the voters reduce the threshold to 35%. we are recommending support for that measure. another measure that was brought to my attention by staff to relay to you and ask for your action on is to reconsider ab 779, found on page 7 of the matrix. this measure has been a watch and we're asking for you to reconsider and recategorize it has opposition. essentially, it pertains to the metrics used to measure traffic and greenhouse gas emissions in transportation priority areas. and on further reflection and collaboration with local agencies we find it's too flexible and a step backwards from where the city has been moving and recommend oppose. >> we had a discussion about the other items last time. questions or comments? we can go to public comment. public comment is open. >> additional -- >> i was going to give a quick update on the federal transportion project. >> the current bill expires at the end of may and the federal trust fund will be bankrupt by july. so just a little better than the may prediction they had before but still we're looking at deficit and no real way to fund it since no one is talking about that. and the president introduced the grow america tax. this would be paid by a tax on earnings in addition to the gas tax. it increases transit programs more than doubles the discretionary tiger grant program, which is very over subscribed at the federal level and increase an $18 billion freight program. we're watching but unfortunately, it would be great for transportation and he introducing he's every year and usually congress doesn't go anywhere. we're looking at another short term >> thank you. bad congress. >> good morning, chair avalos. i was proud to join with agencies around the region to rally and call on congress to pass a long-term bill. our delegation in california is fantastic. it's the other folks in the nation that need to come toward. what we heard interestingly from the director of cal trans, malcolm dougherty, in other parts of nation where we don't have voter approved bill. both at the local and state level, they are really facing tough choices. they can't enter into construction projects. that i need to demobilize once there's a federal long-term bill. this is so disruptive and we are fortunate to be cushioned from that or protected from that because of our ability for self help at the local level as well as state level. >> thank you. okay. and no comments from the committee here. thank you for the presentation and the updates. this is open for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, we will close public comment and can we do the same inhouse call. >> we need to amend the item first. >> so colleagues we need to make an amendment to move from watch to oppose for ab 77 and can we have a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> and we will take that without objection. and on the item underlying item we can take the same inhouse >> okay. gavel. >> we will approve that. next item please. item number five, recommend awarding an 18 month contract for planning and environmental at a-280 at balboa park and negotiate terms and conditions. >> good morning i am liz rutman. i am senior engineer for capitol projects transportation authority. as you may recall last june we came to the plan and program committees for the adoption of the balboa park study we completed in the spring. at that time the board adopted the staff-recommended petition for bicycle safety and minimize traffic going from i-280. out of the study came recommendations for several project elements. element one is to close the northbound on ramp from geneva avenue. element two is reassign the southbound lane and the third is a potential kiss and rider access. this past february we came before the board for an appropriation of $750,000 to advance the next steps in the study and that would found the transportation staff and the interagency agreements with cal-trans and a consultance report. i am here asking for an amount not to exceed $450,000. the consultant scope of work for the next steps include a traffic analysis for both ramp modifications and the precurser to the subscent project approvals. this analysis would be presented to fhwa for approval since it changes access for an interstate highway. the southbound off ramp realignment to ocean avenue we hope to have completed for next year and the consultant would support our community outreach in helping with a funding and implementation plan for the projects. we released the proposals in every february. we set an sbe dbe goal. any one would work for 28%. we received two proposals in early march. both competed the 28% goal. we interviewed both firms and the unanimous, the panel selected ae com as the most qualified team with the best relevant services. chs consulting and recco, three of the four firms are of the dbe, slb firms. >> thank you. that's the end. i think there's one part of the study that i'm concerned that should be addressed and i'm not clear if it's being planned. there are a lot of people in district 11 and probably close around district 11 who are concerned about the meeting forward program, in particular the 29, 54 and 52 that have been dropping off on geneva and will pick up on ocean avenue. the plans to access the change were done in 2007 2006 when the tep was put forward. we have seen changes dramatic in terms of traffic patterns around there and often and certain times of the day you see that ocean avenue is at a stand still and whether it makes a lot of sense to actually move these bus lines to ocean avenue is you know one that i think is worth considering. as we're adding in these other changes where we're closing down an on ramp going north from geneva geneva, that's going to move traffic to ocean avenue as well. i think we should be being lewing at in this -- looking at this in the ways we're changing to getting on and getting off of the 280. is that something that's being proposed? >> when the circulation study was done, we assumed that the changes to the routing proposed by the tep was in place. the analysis done already included those. we will continue to include those and coordinate with mta on which elements are moving forward versus which have changed since the tep was written to ensure we're including the changes correctly in the traffic analysis. this would be more detailed and we will include those improvements to make sure it's holistically evaluated. >> great, i'm concerned that we're diverting more congestion into ocean avenue that will lead to huge impacts to the speed which we're trying to address with our changes to on ramp -- >> it's a valid concern. it's the first thing we will do to make sure these projects can continue to move >> great. thank you. >> colleagues any other questions? thank you for the presentation. this item is open for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment. please come forward. seeing none, we will close public comment and this item we can take same call, colleagues. the item passes. our next item. >> item next 6 introduction of new items. this is an introduction item. any new issues? colleagues discussions? okay. we will open this up for public comment? and seeing no member come forward. we will close public item. we will go on to general public comment. any member of the public that would like to comment? count down from five to one in my head. we will close public comment and our next item. >> item 8 is adjournment. i would like to thank sfg tv staff for their presentation. we you at the full ta meeting next week. we're adjourned. i'm the president of friends of mclaren park. it is one of the oldest neighborhood community park groups in san francisco. i give a lot of tours through the park. during those tours, a lot of the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary. it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres. the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings. one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim. it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on week


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140425

yahya abdi. the woman claiming to be the mom said her ex-husband told her son she was dead. she said that her exremarried and left with her three kids for the united states. he told them she was killed in a rocket attack. yahya only found out the truth a few days ago from someone else. his mom told the newspaper if i could give a message to my son, i am still alive and i will come one day. i'm extremely worried about my son. the fact he did what he did shows he is unhappy. the teen's mom is currently getting a sponsor to move to the u.s. and she is determined to win custody of her children. chef had a message for your exchildren. you are supposed to protect them and put them first, but you didn't do what is best for them. now look what has happened. and she went onto say she did not believe yahya and the other kids are safe with their father and stepmother because she claims she doesn't treat her kids very well. meanwhile, yahya is still at a hospital in honolulu. it is unclear at this point when he will be returning home to the bay area. live in san jose, betty yu, kpix5. >> the father told the voice of america radio network yesterday his son talked a lot about going back to africa. live look outside right now. some of us are going to see a few showers tonight. paul says more rain is on the way. >> first widespread rainfall in 21 days. scattered showered already on kpix5 kpix5 high-def doppler. half-moon bay picking up showers. no rain recorded yet on the live neighborhood network. concord, half-moon bay. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s . scattered showers overnight and the morning commute, could be a little slippery. rainfall will not be that impressive, but then tomorrow, we have a thunderstorm threat. we will talk more about that and see if any of this rainfall will impact your weekend. that is in about ten minutes. >> we'll see you then, thanks. huge flames are lighting up the night sky of new jersey tonight. more than half a dozen forest fires are burning. this is something we don't usually see on the east coast. hundreds of people were evacuated because one of of the fires. tonight, it was oh, so close, just about 45 minutes ago, the warriors lost to the clippers at oracle arena. much of the bay area is decked out in blue and yellow including san francisco city hall. but game three of the series ended in disappointment. vern will be here with details later. one oaklander summed it up. >> i love being here. this the home. it is awesome. to be here for the warriors game and be a part of this, oakland is amazing. there is no other place like the bay area. >> she is right. and city hall also lit up in blue and goal tonight. an 84-year-old man is in jail accused of trying to shoot and kill a doctor in a daly city medical building. joe vasquez went to find out what set him off. >> there's the bullet just a few feet from our office. >> reporter: shirley sneed took this picture of the bullet hole. one day after a single gunshot forced a swat team to surround the building and dozens to be evacuated. last night, daly city police arrested raymond awase and charged him with attempted murder. kevin wong is the target. he said it was a former patient. >> i don't know the whole details. i know it was about medication and his health. >> reporter: mrs. sneed said security officers briefed personnel today. apparently the gunman didn't recognize his own doctor. >> he ran so quick, the guy when he shot, he missed him. >> nobody was hurt. >> reporter: and old friend of the suspect says he is a peaceful man. she's surprised. >> when you know somebody and i just can't picture him doing something like this. >> reporter: in daly city, joe vasquez, kpix5. >> raymond is in jail tonight with no bail. he is supposed to go before a judge tomorrow. tonight, we learn about the details of a murder of an oakland woman who died last summer. these guys killed her. tonight, they are under arrest. the victim, 66-year-old judy salamon used her phone to film them committing a crime. then she followed them in her car. minutes later, they turned open her. she was dead. >> it is really sad that it wound up costing her her life. this is just so horrible. she was very adamant about justice and things being right. >> after judy's murder, the neighborhood paid for private security guards and crime has gone down. tonight, all the thieves running around stealing people's cell phones should be thanking the california state senate. in san francisco, two out of every three rob roys aboved a cell phone. in oakland, 75%. but today, the senate voted down a bill that would have required cell phone makers to install a kill switch so people could disable stolen phones. the bill's sponsor blames the influence of big corporations. >> unfortunately, the industry which, just stating a fact here, makes tens of billions of dollars annually replacing lost and stolen phones and makes $8 billion selling you and me insurance, just in case we get robbed. so if that in fact goes away, their bottom line will be impacted. >> the senate will take up the issue one more time next week. lots of bay area tech workers about to get a chunk of change. google, apple, intell. they have agreed to pay millions of dollars in a class action lawsuit. the suit had lots of evidence. >> these companies along with pixar and lucas film were accused of a wide ranging wage fixing and nonsolicitation and agreement that prevented them from hiring employees. >> 64,000 engineers from those employees will share in the settlement when a court signs off on the deal. lots of people blame tech money for driving up the cost of living in the bay area and forces people out of their homes. tonight, mark kelly watches up with a come on the top of the list. >> reporter: a name that strikes fear in the heart of many san francisco tenants. >> she has a nickname as a serial evictor. >> reporter: sure enough, elba pounced after buying this building in the richmond district. >> these are all the letters this woman sent us. >> reporter: eviction notices, but these people are all on fixed income. the average rent in the building, $800. >> this is my sanctuary. >> it will be devastating. >> it is tearing my heart out. >> reporter: this building is just the latest. she has used the ellis act to evict dozens of tenants in six other apartment buildings in san francisco. >> there's a loft of money to be made. >> reporter: raquel fox represents the tenants of 10th after. >> she looks for senior and disabled tenants. that will bring down the purchase price. >> reporter: state law allows landlords to get out of the business, but borgen was never in the business. >> she evicts, fixes, and flynns it. >> reporter: we wanted to get elba's side of the story, but a fellow realtor says she has not been in the office four months. >> we don't see her often. >> reporter: sources yesterday us to the san francisco yacht club, but elba was nowhere to be found. according to her blog, she is often sailing. attorney lisa paul says evicting people is referred to as the dirty work, but nobody has to do it. >> if there is a six unit building, then i have six new first time home buyers who now have a place to live. >> reporter: that is because a building full of empty rental unit can be sold cheaper than condos but riskier because everyone has to share one mortgage. >> entry level homeowner ship. >> reporter: we finally caught up with the elusive elba at a court hearing. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >> why? we want to air this story and have your side of it so we can be fair. >> because given where we live, nothing would be reported on my side. >> reporter: that's not true, we want your side right now. >> well i'm not sharing it. >> reporter: back on 10th avenue, it is down to the wire. may 2 is d-day, or face eviction. mark kelly, kpix5. >> and we have the complete list of serial evictors on techies love silicon valley. turns out mexican drug cartels, do to. >> a person dangling over the freeway. find out who came to the rescue. >> and a ticket to mars. a bay area doctor is screening people now to move to the red planet. ,, their school bus crashed and ended up against a tree in eim. the driver was >> well, a terrifying ride home for some students in southern california today. their school bus crashed and ended up against a tree in anaheim. the driver trapped inside. the crews had to free him. now he is in the hospital along with two kids from the bus. they are in critical condition. one of the students who walked away describes what happens. >> when we went up the hill, i went off the seat. we stopped and went back down straight onto the floor. i didn't know what happened until the shock and i looked up and we just crashed. >> nine other children had minor injuries. a dramatic rescue, christin ayers tells us who helped. >> reporter: monroe was hanging on for a couple of hours trying to keep a perfect stranger from jumping to his death on the freeway. the picture says it all. a suicidal person threatening to jump from an overpass onto the freeway while a group of good samaritans cling on. >> just looking at the traffic. wanted to start crying. >> reporter: lonnie monroe was one of the good samaritans. he was passing when he noticed someone slip through this opening on the wrong side of the overpass. >> i turned around. and i said young man, why are you on that side of the fence? that is dangerous. he said i'm over here to kill myself. >> reporter: lonnie didn't think twice. hi started following the would be jumper standing face to face in the fencing. >> you have one person right now that loves you and wants you on this side. >> reporter: that is when things went from bad to worse. >> he got down to jump, my mind said grab him. don't let him go any further. i grabbed him and i held onto him and i just talked to him. >> reporter: for more than two hours, lonnie and a handful of others stayed there with the individual. 580 was shut down as lonnie told the person his own life story. the death of his mother and the loss of his stepson. at one point, another passer by brought a rope. >> i gave it to him. >> reporter: finally, the police were able to escort the individual down a ladder. >> would you call yourself a hero? >> no. no. it was just the thing to do. that is what i was supposed to do and i think that is what anybody in the world would do. >> reporter: lonnie says if today taught him one thing, it is this. >> we have to slow down in life and get off this fast train of me, me, me, i, i, i. it is u.s. >> reporter: in oakland, christin ayers, kpix5. >> oakland police thanked lonnie for his help today. the person trying to commit suicide was safely brought down and taken to the hospital. well mexican drug cartel turns silicon valley into drug valley. this man whose nickname is blocko is a high ranking cartel member in san jose. they were running millions of dollars of drugs from mexico to the bay area and beyond, the feds say he was doing big business for years. >> what i can tell you is he is a prolific drug trafficker. back in 2009 when he was firsted identified by dea, he moverred more than 30-kilos of cocaine. >> there could be more arrests. bad boys better watch out in san jose, we spotted the show cops filming downtown tonight. it is the first time the reality tv series has filmed there. police department is welcoming the cameras saying they will let the community see what they will do. one of the fab four will drop the curtain on candlestick park. paul mccartney will play the last show in august. it was his idea. the 49ers have been trying to get him to open up the new santa clara stadium, levi stadium, but looks like san francisco will get in a fair well jab. the beatles played their last live concert ever at candlestick park in 1966. hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to go to mars. yes, we know this sounds like some kind of internet scam. >> but this is for real, tonight, andria borba speaks to a bay area doctor screening the applicants. >> very curious. very interesting. >> reporter: make room marvin, the humans are moving in. >> we had the technology today to live on mars. we know how to do life support. we understand how to scrub the carbon dioxide from the air. >> reporter: nasa hopes to be there in 2030, but several private companies are hoping to colonize the red planet sooner than that. with one small catch. >> it is one way. >> reporter: you heard that right. one way trip. >> we would never be able to cop back to earth. >> reporter: craft of san jose is the chief medical officer. he has space credentials for galaxies. screening and training astronauts and nasa for the past few decades. mars 1 received more than 200,000 applications to make the seven month flight to mars. the candidate pool is down to 1500 and will get smaller for the planned trip in 2024 and the potential conquerors of mars will not just be astronauts. they are looking for everyday folks with exceptional teammate skills. >> we want to have people with the knowledge, the background. then he has to come up with ideas, what he has around to solve the problem on the spot. >> reporter: there are serious obstacles besides the distance to earth. >> oxygen, and we will need to bring our own water. >> reporter: and there is another reason for your permanent vacation and martian headstone. >> to fly back seven months in zero gravity, you lose 11% of bone density. then reentering gaffty on earth would crumble your bones. >> andria borba, kpix5. >> if you want to see who signed up, go to you are from mars obviously. >> i got a lot of frequent flier miles too. >> the whole not coming home ever thing? no. but those pods are really cool. >> that is where you are staying forever. >> hope you like it! you are not coming back! we will come back from this dry stuff we have had the past few weeks. rain tonight. it is not raining in san francisco yet, the rain is coming. there is kpix5 high-def doppler. san mateo county, you are the bulls eye. palo alto, half-moon bay. across the bay to hayward and fremont picking up showers. mckinley elementary school in petaluma. first coming at us is the front. that is why it is raining outside for some of you. you might want the get up five minutes earlier tomorrow. lawrence will have the forecast for you. after the front is through, we get a little bit of a break, the most unstable air gets here tomorrow afternoon. that will increase the risk of thunderstorms. we only get this a couple of times a year. tomorrow may be one of the times. over the weekend, a lot of you have outdoor plans. this low a little further away. there will be showers over the weekends. not completely dry. we will call it mostly dry. the best chance of showers will be sunday morning. future cast, the green behind me, i will stop the clock here at 3:00 or 4:00 tomorrow amp which will likely be the wettest part of the day. watch out for the thunder and lightning tomorrow afternoon. showers tonight, on and off showers tomorrow with the thunderstorm threat. and mostly dry this weekend. there will be some showers around especially send morning. pretty chilly day tomorrow. low 60s , that's it. redwood city, fremont, 61, a soggy morning in walnut creek. 61 degrees. antioch, 61. san francisco, only 57, san rafael, 58. and showers in cloverdale, we are pretty dry saturday. sunday morning, another round of showers, but look at next week. 80s inland starting tuesday. well into the 70s in the bay. it will feel like may next week. >> lit be gorgeous. can't wait. >> we need the showers. this woman has no idea, the homeless guy she is giving food to is actually a very famous actor. that is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. for what reality teaches you firsthand.. in the face of danger, and under the most demanding circumstances. experience builds character. experience builds confidence. and experience... has built this. the 2014 glk. the engineering, and the experience, of mercedes-benz. starting at $37,480. him.. for a while today it looked like he wouldn't be allowe >> what do you think of justin bieber? love him or hate him, for a while, it looked like he wouldn't be allowed in the country. officers detained him after he landed in los angeles. after several hours, they let him go. that is him in the hat and the plaid shirt. he is actually canadian. so the immigration officers were probably asking him about his pending legal cases like the dui charges he faces. after richard gere pulled a fast one on new yorkers this week. >> this random woman thought he was homeless, and walked up and gave him a bag of food. she is not random. she was actually very nice about it. gere plays a homeless guy in an upcoming movie. he stayed in character. accepted the food, and nobody recognized him. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,, moments of certainty. when you know, you know. the all-new volvo v60 sportswagon. the s60 sedan and the xc60 crossover. test drive one today. model year end sales event. the s60 with 0.9% apr and up to $2500 in allowances. a critical series game-3 a >> nba playoffs, warrior fans, have you been waiting for this one? a critical series game three at home. here we go. 20,000, versus the clippers. led by as many as 18. and blake griffin. 32 points in the game. there is klay thompson. 26 for klay. they put in 31 times, only had six. got hot late. shots were falling l is curry. 15 seconds left. clippers up four. curry again. cuts the lead, down to two. too little too late. last ditch effort. very short ball game. 98-96 and the clippers take a 2- 1 series lead. game four is sunday. >> you think that should have been a foul? >> he's supposed to be able to land. clearly he wasn't able to. i'm not looking for an apology tomorrow, though. >> obviously, it didn't go my way. nothing i can do about it now. definitely frustrating way to end the game. >> we lose a game like this. that foundation, learning how to win, fragment. you know. it was huge for us going forward. >> nhl playoffs, the sharks, a sweep situation if they could take care of the kings. let's drop the puck. actor larry davis, star of curve your enthusiasm. a group of kings fans, gets the equalizer. it is tied at 2-2. by the end of the period, oh boy. going the kings way. justin williams, it is 3-2 and they never looked back. they win 6-3. game five, saturday, at the tank. yeah, i think of trains when i think of houston. that is where we are. as doing damage. josh donaldson backs the way it gone. fourth rbi for him and the as take care of matters 10-1 behind scott cashmere. yeah. in the meantime, fog in daly city delayed the lgpa classic. paula cramer shot a four over 76. she is ten shots off the pace. all the rage. turns 17 today. carter, 468. two off the lead. we'll be back. ,,,,,,,, staand the speed readingsng incrare off the chart!appiness. paradise found! luscious locks! great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! save up to 20% on rooms at a disneyland resort hotel on select nights. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time. newscast is tomorrow mornin 4-30. >> dave letterman is next with neil patrick harris. >> umbrellas tomorrow? >> yes, umbrellas up. have a great night. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the w it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now,, mr. uy, muy, caliente, david letterman! (applause) captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140425

♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! start exploring at bulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event ends sunday. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. hurry! mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event ends sunday. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters >> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> all right, could you lie to this face? tonight, our first look at the bay area kid who stowed away to maui. the dark family secrets that sent him running. >> betty yu is at the airport in san jose. the kid's mom says the dad has some explaning to do tonight. >> reporter: that's right, we learned tonight from the daily mail newspaper that the teen's far deliberately kept his son away from his mother in africa for the last eight years and that is why he hopped on the plane in the san jose airport. it was a desperate attempt to reunite with his mom. he wanted to find his mom in somalia, but ended up in hawaii. these are face book photos of yahya abdi. the woman claiming to be the mom said her ex-husband told her son she was dead. she said that her exremarried and left with her three kids for the united states. he told them she was killed in a rocket attack. yahya only found out the truth a few days ago from someone else. his mom told the newspaper if i could give a message to my son, i am still alive and i will come one day. i'm extremely worried about my son. the fact he did what he did shows he is unhappy. the teen's mom is currently getting a sponsor to move to the u.s. and she is determined to win custody of her children. chef had a message for your exchildren. you are supposed to protect them and put them first, but you didn't do what is best for them. now look what has happened. and she went onto say she did not believe yahya and the other kids are safe with their father and stepmother because she claims she doesn't treat her kids very well. meanwhile, yahya is still at a hospital in honolulu. it is unclear at this point when he will be returning home to the bay area. live in san jose, betty yu, kpix5. >> the father told the voice of america radio network yesterday his son talked a lot about going back to africa. live look outside right now. some of us are going to see a few showers tonight. paul says more rain is on the way. >> first widespread rainfall in 21 days. scattered showered already on kpix5 kpix5 high-def doppler. half-moon bay picking up showers. no rain recorded yet on the live neighborhood network. concord, half-moon bay. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s . scattered showers overnight and the morning commute, could be a little slippery. rainfall will not be that impressive, but then tomorrow, we have a thunderstorm threat. we will talk more about that and see if any of this rainfall will impact your weekend. that is in about ten minutes. >> we'll see you then, thanks. huge flames are lighting up the night sky of new jersey tonight. more than half a dozen forest fires are burning. this is something we don't usually see on the east coast. hundreds of people were evacuated because one of of the fires. tonight, it was oh, so close, just about 45 minutes ago, the warriors lost to the clippers at oracle arena. much of the bay area is decked out in blue and yellow including san francisco city hall. but game three of the series ended in disappointment. vern will be here with details later. one oaklander summed it up. >> i love being here. this the home. it is awesome. to be here for the warriors game and be a part of this, oakland is amazing. there is no other place like the bay area. >> she is right. and city hall also lit up in blue and goal tonight. an 84-year-old man is in jail accused of trying to shoot and kill a doctor in a daly city medical building. joe vasquez went to find out what set him off. >> there's the bullet just a few feet from our office. >> reporter: shirley sneed took this picture of the bullet hole. one day after a single gunshot forced a swat team to surround the building and dozens to be evacuated. last night, daly city police arrested raymond awase and charged him with attempted murder. kevin wong is the target. he said it was a former patient. >> i don't know the whole details. i know it was about medication and his health. >> reporter: mrs. sneed said security officers briefed personnel today. apparently the gunman didn't recognize his own doctor. >> he ran so quick, the guy when he shot, he missed him. >> nobody was hurt. >> reporter: and old friend of the suspect says he is a peaceful man. she's surprised. >> when you know somebody and i just can't picture him doing something like this. >> reporter: in daly city, joe vasquez, kpix5. >> raymond is in jail tonight with no bail. he is supposed to go before a judge tomorrow. tonight, we learn about the details of a murder of an oakland woman who died last summer. these guys killed her. tonight, they are under arrest. the victim, 66-year-old judy salamon used her phone to film them committing a crime. then she followed them in her car. minutes later, they turned open her. she was dead. >> it is really sad that it wound up costing her her life. this is just so horrible. she was very adamant about justice and things being right. >> after judy's murder, the neighborhood paid for private security guards and crime has gone down. tonight, all the thieves running around stealing people's cell phones should be thanking the california state senate. in san francisco, two out of every three rob roys aboved a cell phone. in oakland, 75%. but today, the senate voted down a bill that would have required cell phone makers to install a kill switch so people could disable stolen phones. the bill's sponsor blames the influence of big corporations. >> unfortunately, the industry which, just stating a fact here, makes tens of billions of dollars annually replacing lost and stolen phones and makes $8 billion selling you and me insurance, just in case we get robbed. so if that in fact goes away, their bottom line will be impacted. >> the senate will take up the issue one more time next week. lots of bay area tech workers about to get a chunk of change. google, apple, intell. they have agreed to pay millions of dollars in a class action lawsuit. the suit had lots of evidence. >> these companies along with pixar and lucas film were accused of a wide ranging wage fixing and nonsolicitation and agreement that prevented them from hiring employees. >> 64,000 engineers from those employees will share in the settlement when a court signs off on the deal. lots of people blame tech money for driving up the cost of living in the bay area and forces people out of their homes. tonight, mark kelly watches up with a come on the top of the list. >> reporter: a name that strikes fear in the heart of many san francisco tenants. >> she has a nickname as a serial evictor. >> reporter: sure enough, elba pounced after buying this building in the richmond district. >> these are all the letters this woman sent us. >> reporter: eviction notices, but these people are all on fixed income. the average rent in the building, $800. >> this is my sanctuary. >> it will be devastating. >> it is tearing my heart out. >> reporter: this building is just the latest. she has used the ellis act to evict dozens of tenants in six other apartment buildings in san francisco. >> there's a loft of money to be made. >> reporter: raquel fox represents the tenants of 10th after. >> she looks for senior and disabled tenants. that will bring down the purchase price. >> reporter: state law allows landlords to get out of the business, but borgen was never in the business. >> she evicts, fixes, and flynns it. >> reporter: we wanted to get elba's side of the story, but a fellow realtor says she has not been in the office four months. >> we don't see her often. >> reporter: sources yesterday us to the san francisco yacht club, but elba was nowhere to be found. according to her blog, she is often sailing. attorney lisa paul says evicting people is referred to as the dirty work, but nobody has to do it. >> if there is a six unit building, then i have six new first time home buyers who now have a place to live. >> reporter: that is because a building full of empty rental unit can be sold cheaper than condos but riskier because everyone has to share one mortgage. >> entry level homeowner ship. >> reporter: we finally caught up with the elusive elba at a court hearing. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >> why? we want to air this story and have your side of it so we can be fair. >> because given where we live, nothing would be reported on my side. >> reporter: that's not true, we want your side right now. >> well i'm not sharing it. >> reporter: back on 10th avenue, it is down to the wire. may 2 is d-day, or face eviction. mark kelly, kpix5. >> and we have the complete list of serial evictors on techies love silicon valley. turns out mexican drug cartels, do to. >> a person dangling over the freeway. find out who came to the rescue. >> and a ticket to mars. ,, female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry, sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. their school bus crashed and ended up against a tree in m. the driver was >> well, a terrifying ride home for some students in southern california today. their school bus crashed and ended up against a tree in anaheim. the driver trapped inside. the crews had to free him. now he is in the hospital along with two kids from the bus. they are in critical condition. one of the students who walked away describes what happens. >> when we went up the hill, i went off the seat. we stopped and went back down straight onto the floor. i didn't know what happened until the shock and i looked up and we just crashed. >> nine other children had minor injuries. a dramatic rescue, christin ayers tells us who helped. >> reporter: monroe was hanging on for a couple of hours trying to keep a perfect stranger from jumping to his death on the freeway. the picture says it all. a suicidal person threatening to jump from an overpass onto the freeway while a group of good samaritans cling on. >> just looking at the traffic. wanted to start crying. >> reporter: lonnie monroe was one of the good samaritans. he was passing when he noticed someone slip through this opening on the wrong side of the overpass. >> i turned around. and i said young man, why are you on that side of the fence? that is dangerous. he said i'm over here to kill myself. >> reporter: lonnie didn't think twice. hi started following the would be jumper standing face to face in the fencing. >> you have one person right now that loves you and wants you on this side. >> reporter: that is when things went from bad to worse. >> he got down to jump, my mind said grab him. don't let him go any further. i grabbed him and i held onto him and i just talked to him. >> reporter: for more than two hours, lonnie and a handful of others stayed there with the individual. 580 was shut down as lonnie told the person his own life story. the death of his mother and the loss of his stepson. at one point, another passer by brought a rope. >> i gave it to him. >> reporter: finally, the police were able to escort the individual down a ladder. >> would you call yourself a hero? >> no. no. it was just the thing to do. that is what i was supposed to do and i think that is what anybody in the world would do. >> reporter: lonnie says if today taught him one thing, it is this. >> we have to slow down in life and get off this fast train of me, me, me, i, i, i. it is u.s. >> reporter: in oakland, christin ayers, kpix5. >> oakland police thanked lonnie for his help today. the person trying to commit suicide was safely brought down and taken to the hospital. well mexican drug cartel turns silicon valley into drug valley. this man whose nickname is blocko is a high ranking cartel member in san jose. they were running millions of dollars of drugs from mexico to the bay area and beyond, the feds say he was doing big business for years. >> what i can tell you is he is a prolific drug trafficker. back in 2009 when he was firsted identified by dea, he moverred more than 30-kilos of cocaine. >> there could be more arrests. bad boys better watch out in san jose, we spotted the show cops filming downtown tonight. it is the first time the reality tv series has filmed there. police department is welcoming the cameras saying they will let the community see what they will do. one of the fab four will drop the curtain on candlestick park. paul mccartney will play the last show in august. it was his idea. the 49ers have been trying to get him to open up the new santa clara stadium, levi stadium, but looks like san francisco will get in a fair well jab. the beatles played their last live concert ever at candlestick park in 1966. hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to go to mars. yes, we know this sounds like some kind of internet scam. >> but this is for real, tonight, andria borba speaks to a bay area doctor screening the applicants. >> very curious. very interesting. >> reporter: make room marvin, the humans are moving in. >> we had the technology today to live on mars. we know how to do life support. we understand how to scrub the carbon dioxide from the air. >> reporter: nasa hopes to be there in 2030, but several private companies are hoping to colonize the red planet sooner than that. with one small catch. >> it is one way. >> reporter: you heard that right. one way trip. >> we would never be able to cop back to earth. >> reporter: craft of san jose is the chief medical officer. he has space credentials for galaxies. screening and training astronauts and nasa for the past few decades. mars 1 received more than 200,000 applications to make the seven month flight to mars. the candidate pool is down to 1500 and will get smaller for the planned trip in 2024 and the potential conquerors of mars will not just be astronauts. they are looking for everyday folks with exceptional teammate skills. >> we want to have people with the knowledge, the background. then he has to come up with ideas, what he has around to solve the problem on the spot. >> reporter: there are serious obstacles besides the distance to earth. >> oxygen, and we will need to bring our own water. >> reporter: and there is another reason for your permanent vacation and martian headstone. >> to fly back seven months in zero gravity, you lose 11% of bone density. then reentering gaffty on earth would crumble your bones. >> andria borba, kpix5. >> if you want to see who signed up, go to you are from mars obviously. >> i got a lot of frequent flier miles too. >> the whole not coming home ever thing? no. but those pods are really cool. >> that is where you are staying forever. >> hope you like it! you are not coming back! we will come back from this dry stuff we have had the past few weeks. rain tonight. it is not raining in san francisco yet, the rain is coming. there is kpix5 high-def doppler. san mateo county, you are the bulls eye. palo alto, half-moon bay. across the bay to hayward and fremont picking up showers. mckinley elementary school in petaluma. first coming at us is the front. that is why it is raining outside for some of you. you might want the get up five minutes earlier tomorrow. lawrence will have the forecast for you. after the front is through, we get a little bit of a break, the most unstable air gets here tomorrow afternoon. that will increase the risk of thunderstorms. we only get this a couple of times a year. tomorrow may be one of the times. over the weekend, a lot of you have outdoor plans. this low a little further away. there will be showers over the weekends. not completely dry. we will call it mostly dry. the best chance of showers will be sunday morning. future cast, the green behind me, i will stop the clock here at 3:00 or 4:00 tomorrow amp which will likely be the wettest part of the day. watch out for the thunder and lightning tomorrow afternoon. showers tonight, on and off showers tomorrow with the thunderstorm threat. and mostly dry this weekend. there will be some showers around especially send morning. pretty chilly day tomorrow. low 60s , that's it. redwood city, fremont, 61, a soggy morning in walnut creek. 61 degrees. antioch, 61. san francisco, only 57, san rafael, 58. and showers in cloverdale, we are pretty dry saturday. sunday morning, another round of showers, but look at next week. 80s inland starting tuesday. well into the 70s in the bay. it will feel like may next week. >> lit be gorgeous. can't wait. >> we need the showers. this woman has no idea, the homeless guy she is giving food homeless guy she is giving food to is actually a ,, oh! the name your price tool! you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. i told you to wear something comfortable! this is a polyester blend! whoa! uh...little help? i got you! unh! it's so beautiful! man: should we call security? no, this is just getting good. the name your price tool, still only from progressive. ♪ well i love a rainy night.♪ ♪ i love a rainy night ♪ i love to hear the thunder, watch the lightning ♪ ♪ when it lights up the sky. ♪ ♪ you know it makes me feel good. ♪ ♪ 'cause i love a rainy night.♪ yoplait with flavors the whole family will love. him.. for a while today it looked like he wouldn't be allowe >> what do you think of justin bieber? love him or hate him, for a while, it looked like he wouldn't be allowed in the country. officers detained him after he landed in los angeles. after several hours, they let him go. that is him in the hat and the plaid shirt. he is actually canadian. so the immigration officers were probably asking him about his pending legal cases like the dui charges he faces. after richard gere pulled a fast one on new yorkers this week. >> this random woman thought he was homeless, and walked up and gave him a bag of food. she is not random. she was actually very nice about it. gere plays a homeless guy in an upcoming movie. he stayed i'd say i clean the toilet 6 or 7 times a day. like clockwork, every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing. [ female announcer ] it balances you... it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. my mornings are definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. [ female announcer ] introducing nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. a critical series game-3 a >> nba playoffs, warrior fans, have you been waiting for this one? a critical series game three at home. here we go. 20,000, versus the clippers. led by as many as 18. and blake griffin. 32 points in the game. there is klay thompson. 26 for klay. they put in 31 times, only had six. got hot late. shots were falling l is curry. 15 seconds left. clippers up four. curry again. cuts the lead, down to two. too little too late. last ditch effort. very short ball game. 98-96 and the clippers take a 2- 1 series lead. game four is sunday. >> you think that should have been a foul? >> he's supposed to be able to land. clearly he wasn't able to. i'm not looking for an apology tomorrow, though. >> obviously, it didn't go my way. nothing i can do about it now. definitely frustrating way to end the game. >> we lose a game like this. that foundation, learning how to win, fragment. you know. it was huge for us going forward. >> nhl playoffs, the sharks, a sweep situation if they could take care of the kings. let's drop the puck. actor larry davis, star of curve your enthusiasm. a group of kings fans, gets the equalizer. it is tied at 2-2. by the end of the period, oh boy. going the kings way. justin williams, it is 3-2 and they never looked back. they win 6-3. game five, saturday, at the tank. yeah, i think of trains when i think of houston. that is where we are. as doing damage. josh donaldson backs the way it gone. fourth rbi for him and the as take care of matters 10-1 behind scott cashmere. yeah. in the meantime, fog in daly city delayed the lgpa classic. paula cramer shot a four over 76. she is ten shots off the pace. all the rage. turns 17 today. carter, 468. two off -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ newscast is tomorrow mornin 4-30. >> dave letterman is next with neil patrick harris. >> umbrellas tomorrow? >> umbrellas tomorrow? >> yes, ,,,, h,z/ female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event >> umbrellas tomorrow? >> yes, ,,,, is ending soon. get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry, sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the nutribullet brought to you by nutribullet llc. special tv offer. stay tuned to find out how you can get the nutribullet superfood nutrition extractor free! that's right. get the complete nutribullet system free! details just ahead. >> my muscle aches, my back aches really started to decrease significantly in one week. >> first night that i actually used the nutribullet, i actually slept really well. that was exciting. that was phenomenal. >> the bad cholesterol which was 290 went down to 190. >> before you turn to drugs, please, give this a shot.


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140425

airlines plane. these are facebook photos of 15- year-old yaya abdi picture for the first time on the "daily mail"'s website. a woman claiming to be his mother told the paper that her ex-husband told their son she was dead. speaking through a translator from a refugee camp in ethiopia, she said that her ex remarried and left with her three children for the united states. he told them she was killed in a rocket attack in war-ravaged mogadishu. he only found out the true two years ago from someone else. his mom told the newspaper, if i could give a message to my son, i would say i am still alive and i will come one day. i am extremely worried about my son. the fact that he did what he did shows he's unhappy." the teen's mother said she is currently in the process of getting a sponsor to move to the u.s. and she is determined to win custody of her children. she had a message for her ex- husband. "you are supposed to protect them and put them first but you didn't do what was best for them. now look what has happened?" betty yu, kpix 5. >> the woman also told the "daily mail" she doesn't believe her children are safe with their father. as for the teen, he remains at a honolulu hospital. it's unclear when he will return home. 4:32. two men have been arrested in the shooting death of an oakland dog walker last summer. she was killed while trying to protect her neighborhood. mario floyd and stephon lee were charged with murder yesterday. the victim was 66-year-old judy salamon. police say she used her cell phone to record the suspects committing a crime in her mention well park neighborhood and then followed them in her car and minutes later she was killed. >> it's really sad that it wound up costing her, her life. it's just so horrible. she was very adamant about justice and things being right. >> after salamon's murder, neighbors raised money to pay for private security guards and people say crime has gone down. happening today, an 84-year- old man is due in court to face accusations that he tried to shoot and kill a doctor inside a daly city medical building. kpix 5 reporter joe vazquez went to find out what may have set him off. >> there is a bullet that was just a few feet from our office. >> reporter: shirley sneed took this photo of the bullet hole in the second floor hallway of the serramonte medical building where she works for a cardiologist. >> what happened? >> not good. >> reporter: one day after a single gunshot forced the s.w.a.t. team to surround the building and dozens to be evacuated with their hands over their heads. daly city police arrested 84- year-old raymond iwase and charged him with attempted murder. dr. kevin wong was the target. he has told colleagues that the suspect is a disgruntled former patient. what's your understanding about what he was upset about? >> i don't know the whole details. i know it was just about medication and his health. >> reporter: mrs. sneed says security officers briefed employees here today and at first apparently the gunman didn't even recognize his own doctor. >> when dr. wong walked out of the office, he says, do you know where dr. wong is? he says i'm dr. wong. then he saw the man reach in and start to grab the gun. i guess he ran so quick, the guy when he shot, he missed him. >> reporter: nobody was hurt. an old friend of the suspect says he is a peaceful man. she is surprised. >> when you know somebody and then -- i just can't picture him doing something like that. >> reporter: in daly city, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> the suspect has been held since wednesday night without bail. it's friday! lawrence is going to have a little fun in the weather department because we have some rain. >> i'll tell you what, this could be a very interesting day. we have already seen the light showers out there but we have the core of the low that's going to make its way across the bay area and the state that could touch off some thunderstorms. you never know, we could see some funnel clouds in the central valley. out the door we go. we have a lot of clouds moving through california. and so far, just some light showers. as a weak front slides through, i think as we get to the back side of this system, going to probably see a couple of sunny breaks and then that very unstable air going to rotate into the bay area and that could bring with it a chance of those thunderstorms. meantime our hi-def doppler radar showing you just some light showers passing on through. looks like we are going to see more of that on and off but it looks like it could intensify especially in the afternoon hours. temperatures will be much cooler today plan on 50s toward the coastline, maybe some low to mid-60s in the warmest spots inland. that's a look at weather. let's check on traffic with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. the roads are wet but so far we have been checking out chp reports nothing really brewing out there as far as accidents go. it's quiet at 4:35 this morning. that could change. if you want to use mass transit everything is quiet here as well, no delay for bart systemwide. ace train number one, caltrain, ferries, nothing reporting anything off schedule. here's a live look at some of our acceptsers in the east bay. if you are traveling eastbound 80 now, you will hit some overnight roadwork still out there in lanes even though the commute has officially begun. it should wrap up in the next 20 minutes. the bay bridge toll plaza things are quiet, easy coming into san francisco. eastbound though there is still some roadwork before you get to treasure island. that's your latest traffic. frank, michelle, back to you guys. some developing news. tension is mouning between russia and ukraine as it seems only one side is willing now to play fair. russian military launched drills yesterday close to the border with ukraine. it's a sign the truce achieved in geneva last week is on shaky ground. secretary of state john kerry issued a stern warning urging russia to back off or face more economic sanctions. >> simple reality is, you can't resolve a crisis when only one side is willing to do what is necessary to avoid a confrontation. >> according to the white house, those economic sanctions could come within the next few days if russia doesn't honor the geneva agreement and stand down. meanwhile, authorities in afghanistan are investigating why a security officer allegedly killed three american doctors. one was a pediatrician from chicago who had spent the last nine years volunteering at the hospital in the kabul. he was among three americans killed wednesday when an afghan guard allegedly opened fire at a group approaching the hospital gate. the accused gunman was wounded and later captured. the state senate voted down a proposal to require a kill switch on smartphones. proponents say it should come enabled with it to deter theft. this comes as the rate of cell phone thefts has soared to two out of every three robberies in san francisco. and 75% in oakland. the bill sponsor senator leno blames corporate influence for its defeat. but the senate will take up the issue one more time next week. the name puts fear into some san francisco renters called one of the top evictors in the city. in a story you'll see only on 5, mark kelly catches up with the elusive woman. >> reporter: alba borgan a name that strikes fear in the heart of many san francisco tenants. >> she has quite a history. she has a nickname as the serial evictor. >> reporter: sure enough, soon afternoon buying this 8-unit building on tenth avenue in san francisco's richmond district, alba pounced. >> these are all the letters that this woman has sent us. >> reporter: eviction notices. but rose edgar and her neighbors are all on fixed incomes. the average rent in the building $800. >> this is my sanctuary. >> it's going to be devastating. >> where can we stay? >> it's just tearing my heart out. >> reporter: this building is just the latest. alba has used the "ellis act" to evict dozens of tenants in six other apartment buildings in san francisco. >> there's a lot money to be made. >> reporter: the tenderloin housing clinic represents the tenants. >> she looks for low income, senior disabled tenants. that's going to bring down the purchase price. >> reporter: state law allows landlords to get out of the business but raquel says alba was never in the landlord business. >> she buys it and then serves the ellis evictions, that's it. personally i think it's immoral. >> reporter: we wanted to get elba's side of the story. but a fellow realtor told us she hasn't been in the office for months. >> we don't see her often. >> reporter: sources led us to the san francisco yacht club in tiburon. but elba was nowhere to be found. according to her blog, she is often sailing. >> i can see why somebody wouldn't want to be in front of a camera. >> reporter: attorney lisa paul says evicting people is referred toes at dirty work. -- is referred to as the dirty work. but someone has to do it. >> i have six new first-time home buyers who have now a place to live. >> reporter: because a building full of empty rental units can be sold as a tenancies in common, cheaper than condos but riskier because generally everyone in the building has to share one mortgage. >> entry level home ownership. that's what tenancies in common can provide. >> reporter: we finally caught up with elba at a court hearing. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >> reporter: why? we want to air this story to have your side of it in it of course so we can be fair. >> because given where we live, nothing would be reported on my side. >> reporter: that's not true. we want your side right now. this is your opportunity. >> i'm not sharing it. >> reporter: back on tenth avenue, it's down to the wire. may 2 is d-day or face eviction. mark kelly, kpix 5. >> we have the complete list of serial evictors on it is 4:40 on your friday. coming up the pace of recovering bodies picks up in the south korea ferry disaster and now a new theory about what caused that ship to capsize coming up. >> would you call yourself a hero? >> no. no. it was the worthy thing to do. that's what i was supposed to do. >> good samaritans step in to save a life. a dangerous decision they made over a busy east bay overpass. ,, too much extra cargo a review of the ferry's car d almost in developing news, the south korean ship that sank may have had too much extra cargo. a review of the ferry's cargo load shows the ship had almost 4,000 tons. the boat could only carry about 1,000 tons. meanwhile, the families of loved ones missing are upset at the slow pace of recovery. there may still be 120 missing. so far, 183 bodies have been recovered from the dark sunken vessel. 4:43. a mexican drug cartel allegedly turned silicon valley into a drug valley. investigators say this man known as blanco is a high ranking cartel member who was arrested in san jose. they say the cartel was running millions of dollars in drugs from mexico to the bay area and beyond. the feds say he was doing big business for a number of years. >> what i can tell you is that he is a prolific drug trafficker. back in 2009 when he was first identified by dea, he moved more than 30 kilos of cocaine in 3.5 weeks. >> at least 18 people have been arrested and there could be more. a dramatic rescue played out over the macarthur freeway in oakland. a man threatened to jump off an overpass. but as christin ayers reports, a group of good samaritans would not let him end his life. >> reporter: the picture says it all a suicidal person threatening to jump from an overpass on to the macarthur freeway while a group of good samaritans cling on. >> just looking at the traffic, i wanted to start crying. >> reporter: lonnie monroe was one of those good samaritans. he was crossing the ardley overpass at 580 in fruitvale when he noticed someone slip through this opening on the wrong side of the overpass. >> i turned around and i said, young man, why are you on that side of the fence? that's dangerous. and i'm over here to kill myself. >> reporter: lonnie didn't think twice. he immediately started following the would have been jumper standing face to face through the fencing. >> you got one person right now that loves you and wants you on this side. >> reporter: that's when things went from bad to worse. >> when he sat down on that sign to jump, that's when my mind said grab him, don't let him go any further. i grabbed him around his waist and held on to him and i just talked to him. >> reporter: for more than two hours, lonnie and a handful of others stayed there with the individual. 580 was shut down as lonnie told the person his own life story, the death of his mother, the loss of his stepson. at one point, another passerby brought a rope. >> i reached around and grabbed a rope and put it around and gave it to him. >> reporter: finally to lonnie's relief the police were able to escort the individual down a ladder. would you call yourself a hero? >> no. no. it was the worthy thing to do. that's what i was supposed to do. and i think that's what anybody in the world would do. >> reporter: in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. >> oakland police thanked lonnie for his help. the person who was trying to jump was safely brought down and taken to the hospital. it is 4:46. the all-important weekend is here and just in time for the weekend, lawrence, you bring us -- >> a couple of raindrops outside, maybe throw in a couple of thunderstorms. how about that? >> a couple of. as long as it's a couple. >> at least it won't rain all weekend but we have some showers in the forecast at least a possibility into sunday but today hey, we have already got that rain outside right now. most just some light showers showing up out the door. along the peninsula into the south bay we are seeing most of it. scattered showers pockets of moderate amounts of rainfall now headed toward santa cruz and we have even got the possibility of some thunderstorms so i think that will come a little bit later on today. so it could be a very interesting day today. we have cloudy skies now with some showers. cool showers continuing today with the possibility of some thunderstorms toward the middle of the day and the afternoon. and then a partly cloudy but dry saturday. all right. we have a cold front swing on through. that's bringing some light showers now. we have this low off the coastline. i think that's the key to the storm. this is going to drag right down through the bay area and as it does, that may touch off some of those thunderstorms with that instability and that nice spring sunshine in between the clouds this afternoon. so could be a wild day into the central valley. maybe funnel clouds, could get interesting. 60s for highs. in the high country we are going to see a lot of snow up there. still five to ten inches of snow a real possibility. snow level about 6500 feet. here's the system sliding through. into the afternoon the core of the low moves by and that will spark some of these downpours and possible thunderstorms and then it looks like into saturday, things begin to dry out just some partly cloudy skies. temperatures looking like this. it will be cooler today 50s and some 60s. next couple of days we are having a dry saturday, possibility of a few more showers on sunday and then much above-normal temperatures mid- 80s as we head in toward tuesday and wednesday. all right. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. windshield wipers are necessary this morning in some parts of the bay area as you just heard lawrence say. i'm kind of surprised we are not seeing too many incidents on our chp reports. so i guess it is friday. "friday light" so far. in fact your drive times are still all in the clear if you are traveling in some of the more popular spots in the east bay, westbound 580 for example through livermore or the eastshore there's still some roadwork eastbound. but westbound looks great in the commute direction. so here is what it looks like outside. this is light showers, westbound 580 all those headlights still moving okay and it looks that way through the dublin grade and continuing on to the castro valley y. and farther east out of tracy, we're just beginning now to see some delays pop up some brake lights the yellow sensors pop up now in 205 out of tracy but once you live the livermore valley things are clear to vasco. 880/237 in silicon valley, problem-free right now all the way to sunnyvale. you can get a close-up look of the slick conditions at the bay bridge toll plaza. but obviously no metering lights, 4:49 this morning, things look good coming into san francisco. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to travel to mars. yeah. sounds unbelievable. some think it's a scam. >> i know. but this is for real. andria borba talked to the bay area doctor who is screening the applicants. >> very curious. very interesting. >> reporter: make room, marvin. the humans are moving in. seriously. >> certainly we have the technology today to live on mars. we understand how to do life support. we understand how to scrub the carbon dioxide from the air. we understand all those things. >> reporter: nasa hopes to be there in 2030. but several private companies are hoping to colonize the red planet sooner than that with one small catch. >> it's a one-way trip to mars. >> reporter: you heard that right. one-way trip. >> you will never be able to come to earth. >> reporter: the chief medical officer for dutch company "mars one" has space credentials for galaxies, screening and training astronauts with the russian and japanese space agencies and nasa for the past few decades. "mars one" received over 200,000 applications to make the 7-month flight to mars. >> some might make it. >> reporter: the candidate pool is whittled down to 1500 and will get smaller for the planned trip in 2024 and the potential conquerors of mars won't just be retired astronauts. the company is looking for everyday folks with exceptional team work skills. >> we want to have [ indiscernible ] so they have to have the knowledge and the background. and then you have to come up with ideas what he has around to solve the problem on the spot. >> reporter: there are serious obstacles besides the distance to earth. >> we'll need, you know, oxygen and we'll need to bring our own water. >> reporter: and there's another reason for your permanent vacation and martian headstone. >> to fly back 7 months in zero gravity you lose about 11% of bone density additionally and then to re-enter gravity on earth, [ indiscernible ] >> just sounds terrific. >> would you do it? >> no way. >> no. >> are you kidding me? i'd go up and come back but i wouldn't go up and stay. >> neither would i. >> by the way, you can see who signed up already. i think lawrence karnow is on the list. you can go to our -- there he is. hands are up -- website, >> good-bye, lawrence. >> bye! that would be a heck of a weather report. 4:51. a new use for facial recognition technology. how it could be used to keep the roads a little safer. >> clear your summer calendar. there's a concert you won't want to miss. ,, ,,,, ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a car that is able to see to calculate, to think -- and can respond to what it encounters. even if that means completely stopping itself. it's the stuff of science fiction... ...minus the fiction. the 2014 e-class. the most intelligent e-class ever. all right. could be a very interesting day in the bay area. we have some light showers outside right now. we could see some pretty strong downpours this afternoon with a possibility of some thunderstorms. temperatures will be much cooler today. highs topping out maybe low to mid-60s in the warmest parts of the south bay. into the east bay we could see some thunderstorms pop up too so watch out for that. about 62 degrees as you make your way into dublin, 63 in danville, 64 warmer in antioch. about 63 degrees in pleasant hill. it will be cool in the north bay in spots especially clearlake at about 54 degrees. 59 in santa rosa. 60 in petaluma into san francisco. it will be cool brisk, 58 degrees in san francisco with some showers. looking at road conditions right now you can see some of the moisture out the door if you are heading across the san mateo bridge. and i'm just getting word of a new accident on 101. this is near the airport sfo. so all the details on your "kcbs traffic" just minutes away. speaking of traffic, new this morning when it comes to road rage you think new york maybe new jersey but no, bay area drivers lead the nation. >> there is a device though that can help you calm down while driving. it's called an emotion detection system. an infrared camera reads your facial expressions. when anger is detected, an alarm sounds and mellow music comes on. [ laughter ] >> to relax you. experts say the device can bring peace out on the roads. >> it could be also a device that is court ordered to be put on a vehicle if somebody has road rain. >> the company behind the emotion detection system is also working on a camera that can identify fatigue and sound an alarm. but this new technology is not available in the u.s. >> so the carpenters come on when you're ticked off? >> mellow music? >> that would tick me off more, i think. >> make you more mad. paul mccartney is coming to san francisco this summer. he sure is. the former beatle will play the last concert at the stick in august. seems only fitting because it's back in '66 the beatles played their final live performance at candlestick. the 149ers have been rumored to try to get him to play the first concert at their new santa clara stadium for the 49ers at levi stadium. >> there's paul mccartney and every other she we do. the idea that he is closing this park as the last event is fantastic. there's paul mccartney and every other show we do. >> concert scheduled for august 14. tickets on sale in may. as for what songs he will play, got a little preview of the likely set list. check it out at it is 4:56. the 84-year-old man accused of trying to kill his doctor is due in court today. coming up, what that doctor's colleagues have to say about what happens when their office became a crime scene. >> reporter: and a huge drug bust in san jose as the feds break up a cartel ring worth millions of dollars. we have a live report coming up. ,, he love being here. this is -- i love being here. this is home. to be able to be a part of this -- oakland is amazing. there's no other place like the bay area: >> it was so close at the end but the warriors lose to the clippers in the final seconds of game 3 at oracle. >> walk out of the office he says, do you know where dr. wong is? he says i'm dr. wong. then he saw the man reach in and start to grab the gun so i guess he ran so quick, the guy when he shot he missed him. >> an 84-year-old map accused of trying to shoot and kill a doctor inside a daly city medical building facing a judge later today. >> mexican drug cartel turns silicon valley into drug valley. investigators say this man, whose nickname is blanco, is a high ranking cartel member who was arrested in san jose. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. happy friday! it's 5:00. we have a little bit of rain to talk about. right, lawrence? >> yeah. some showers showing up already mainly just some light showers. pretty good downpours today and even some thunderstorms. out the door we go, you have some cloudy skies and those scattered showers. the back side of the low could make for an interesting afternoon. right now light showers pushing on through. the heaviest amounts along the peninsula, parts of the south and the east bay but it will be on and off throughout the day today so yeah, it will be cool, as well. we'll keep the numbers in the 50s coastside, 50s and 60s inside the bay, low to mid-60s in the warmest valleys. what about the weekend? well, we could see some rain then, as .


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140425

we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. thank you, lawrence. outside we go, and i mentioned that one accident was near the airport near sfo. right now two lanes are blocked. so we are not seeing any delays. this could change. these are first reports coming in. it is northbound 101 near sfo. east bay, i mentioned delays at the altamont pass. looks like they are mostly actually in tracy right now over the altamont pass in through the livermore valley. things still look clear. you see that one drive time sensor there 61 miles per hour. and for silicon valley drivers westbound 237 looks great no delay so far out of milpitas and one more quick live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, at 5:01 this morning no metering lights. you may still find some roadwork if you are traveling eastbound 80 trying to get to oakland. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." frank, michelle, back to you guys. 5:01. happening today a man accused of trying to shoot a doctor in daly city is due in court today and the suspect is 84 years old. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec in our newsroom now with more on this potentially deadly incident. anne. >> reporter: police have until 11 a.m. to turn in all of the paperwork and we're waiting to find out what, if anything, the suspected shooter said to his former doctor before firing that shot, which may give us some clue as to what brought this all on. this photo of the bullet hole in the second floor hallway of the serramonte medical building shows the single gunshot that forced the s.w.a.t. team to surround the building and dozens to be evacuated. dr. kevin wong was the target. he told colleagues that the suspect is a disgruntled former patient. daly city police arrested 84- year-old raymond iwase and charged him with attempted murder. people who work in the building were told the gunman didn't even recognize his own doctor at first. >> when dr. wong walked out of the office, he says, do you know where dr. wong is? he says i'm dr. wong. then he saw the man reach in and start to grab the gun. so i guess he ran so quick the guy when he shot, he missed him. >> reporter: nobody was hurt. a friend of the suspect will talk to us in the next half hour. iwase has been in jail without bail since wednesday night. he will be in court in redwood city this afternoon. frank? >> anne, any word on the demeanor of the suspect? >> detectives have been interviewing him. police say he was arrested without incident and has been generally cooperative. >> anne makovec live for us in the newsroom, thank you. oakland police say a dog walker murdered last summer was trying to protect her neighborhood when she was killed. mario floyd and stephon lee were arrested and charged for the crime yesterday. the victim was 66-year-old judy salamon. police say she used her cell phone to record the suspects committing a crime in her maxwell park neighborhood, followed them in her car and they killed her. >> it's sad that it wound up costing her, her life. that's just so horrible. she was very adamant about justice and things being right. >> after salamon's murder, neighbors raised money to pay for private security guards and some tell kpix 5 crime has gone down. now to some developing news. authorities say they have arrested a big timex can drug cartel member operating right out of the silicon valley. they say he ran a multi-million dollar meth business much like a fortune 500 company. kpix 5's keit do live at the san jose federal courthouse now. kiet, this guy was a major drug distributor and he got busted. >> reporter: yeah. this was a huge operation two years in the making worth millions of dollars and they arrested 18 people. a lot of them will be arraigned here at federal court in downtown san jose, in particular this man, his nickname blanco. the feds say that his real name is esdras avila carillo and he was a high ranking member of a mexican drug cartel. he moved millions of dollars in meth, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs throughout california. the operation had a satellite office in elk grove near sacramento and feds say that location was nicknamed the store. it made millions of dollars worth of methamphetamines every month. the neighbors say they knew the house was shady. >> what i can tell you is that he is a prolific drug trafficker. and back in 2009, when he was first identified by dea, he moved more than 30 kilos of cocaine in a 3 1/2-week period of time. >> reporter: a lot of these guys if convicted face more than 20 years in prison. live in downtown san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. the state senate has voted down a proposal to require a kill switch on smartphones. proponents say phones should come enabled with it to deter thefts. it would let owners remotely lock and disable stolen phones. this comes as the rate of cell phone thefts has soared to two out of every three robberies in san francisco, and 75% in oakland. the bill's sponsor senator mark leno blames corporate influence for its defeat. but the senate will take up the issue one more time next week. happening right now in vallejo, people are actually lining up for a free dental clinic. kpix 5's cate caugiran is live at the solano county fairgrounds. cate, the clinic doesn't open for another half hour. >> reporter: that's right, frank and michelle. it doesn't open for another half hour but i want to show you this line. these people have been here some since 9:00 last night. i just spoke with one woman who drove all the way from sacramento just to take part in this clinic so you can really get a feel for how important this event is to people here in solano county and throughout the bay area and northern california. right now i'm joined live with a volunteer with the clinic dr. ken wallace. thank you for being here. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> good. what's happening here today? >> well, we have the fortunate ability to be able to treat probably about 2,000 people this weekend doing dental services. we're doing fillings, extractions, cleanings, some limited root canals. so we have a wide variety of services for people who don't have the ability to the access these services elsewhere. >> reporter: and people want to know what do they need to do to be able to be seen here today? >> all they need to do is show up. it's a free clinic. we don't have any restrictions as to who we see. anyone willing to wait in line can be seen. we certainly will be able to see anybody today or tomorrow who shows up. i would say, gosh, probably going to be able to take care of 2,000 people, 2500 people probably. >> reporter: that's wonderful. thank you so much. if you can't make it out here today, the clinic also be offered tomorrow. just show up. they will open their doors at 5:30 tomorrow morning, as well. live in vallejo, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> thank you. more than 6200 people have volunteered for the program in the last couple of years. >> they provided more than $6 million of dental service to more than 8,000 people. 5:07 on your friday. coming up, the fragile truce between russian and ukraine is falling apart. coming up, the white house responds to the escalating violence in the region. >> many call her a serial evictor. why activists say a san francisco realtor is taking advantage of the disabled and elderly. >> cloudy skies some showers outside right now maybe some thunderstorms coming our way. we'll talk about a very interesting day ahead coming up. >> and your bridges still look good but we have a couple of accidents one along the peninsula, a new one in the east bay. stay tuned. your "kcbs traffic" after this break. ,, bulldog: [yawning] i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event ends sunday. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters [ female announcer ] it balances you... it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. my mornings are definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. [ female announcer ] introducing nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. mounting between russia and ukraine as it seems only one side is willing to play fai in developing news tension is mounting between russia and ukraine as it seems only one side is willing to play fair. russian military launched drills yesterday close to the border with ukraine. it's a sign the truce achieved in geneva last week is on shaky ground. secretary of state john kerry issued a warning urging russia to back off or face more sanctions. >> simple reality is you can't resolve a crisis when only one side is willing to do what is necessary to avoid a confrontation. >> according to the white house, those economic sanctions could come within the next few days if russia doesn't honor the geneva agreement and stand down. some renters in san francisco say if you haven't come across elba borgen, consider yourself very lucky. the woman has been named one of the top evictors in san francisco and mark kelly has more on this serial evictor in a story you'll only see here on kpix 5. >> elba borgen. >> reporter: elba borgen a name that strikes fear in the heart of many san francisco tenants. >> she has quite a history. she has a nickname as the serial evictor. >> reporter: soon after buying this 8-unit building on tenth avenue in san francisco's richmond district, elba pounced. >> these are all the letters that this woman has sent us. >> reporter: eviction notices. but rose edgar and her neighbors are all on fixed incomes. the average rent in the building, $800. >> this is my sanctuary. >> it's going to be devastating. >> where can we stay? >> it's just tearing my heart out. >> reporter: this building is just the latest. elba borgen has used the "ellis act" to evict dozens of tenants in six other apartment buildings in san francisco. >> there's a lot of money to be made. >> reporter: raquel fox at the tenderloin housing clinic represents the tenants of tenth avenue. >> she looks for buildings that have low income and senior and disabled tenants. that's going to bring down the purchase price. >> reporter: state law allows landlords to get out of the business. but raquel says alba borgen was -- elba borgen was never in the landlord business. >> she buys it and then serves the "ellis," evicts, fixes, glimpse it. personally i think it's immoral. >> reporter: we wanted to get elba's side of the story. hello? but a fellow realtor told us she hasn't been in the office for months. >> we don't see her often. >> reporter: sources led us to the san francisco yacht club in tiburon. but elba was nowhere to be found. according to her blog, she is often sailing. >> i can see why somebody wouldn't want to be in front of a camera. >> reporter: attorney lisa paul says evicting people is referred toes at dirty work -- is referred to as the dirty work but someone has to do it. >> if it's a six unit building and "ellis act," i have six first time home buyers who are looking for a place to live. >> reporter: it can be sold as a tenancy in common. but risky because everybody shares one mortgage. >> entry level home ownership is what it can provide. >> reporter: we caught up with elba at a court hearing. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >> reporter: why? we want to air this story and have your side of it in it, of course, so we can be fair. >> because given where we live, uhm, nothing would be reported on my side. >> reporter: that's not true. we want your side right now. this is your opportunity. >> i'm not sharing it. >> reporter: back on tenth avenue, it's down to the wire. may 2 is d-day or face eviction. mark kelly, kpix 5. >> we have the complete list of serial evictors on it's 5:14. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thanks, guys. we have seen a couple of different problems out there but nothing causing a huge delay so i mentioned a couple of different accidents. this is the one in the east bay actually already cleared off to the right-hand shoulder. it didn't take too long but it was reported westbound 80 by appian. this was coming into pinole. and it was initially reported as a wrong-way driver. again, right now everything looks for the most part free and clear between richmond -- between hercules and richmond. and along the peninsula, we still have this accident still out this blocking lanes. and it's right there by the airport kind of a popular spot potentially at this time of the morning if you are trying to get out of town for the weekend. northbound 101 it is by sfo and unfortunately the latest sensor we put up the drive time sensor in the it's about 65 miles per hour. so i think traffic is just so light, fortunately, at this time of the morning even with a couple of lanes blocked no huge traffic jam. where you can see a little bit of a jam-up is coming on 205 trying to get out of tracy. once you hit the livermore valley it's "friday light" even as you get closer to vasco road so the drive time is 15 minutes between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. and if you are a silicon valley driver, silicon valley commuter, all this traffic coming around the bend westbound 237 only 7 minutes right now between 880 and 101. and bay bridge, you may need windshield wipers during the day today. you can see the roads are slick. so far though no delay all the way into san francisco. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." with the forecast, here's lawrence. this could be a very interesting day ahead, elizabeth. we have some light showers outside right now. but things getting very unstable in the atmosphere today. maybe some thunderstorms as we head toward the afternoon. out the door we go. with your hi-def doppler radar, you can see some scattered light showers right now especially in along the peninsula but another wave just off the coastline. we are going to see more of that pushing onshore. into the south bay we have some pockets of moderate amounts of rain in toward gilroy and just south of san jose toward morgan hill. and some headed this way in toward santa cruz right now. so we're watching the rain picking up this morning. looks like it's going to be on and off throughout the day today and there's even the possibility you might hear the rumble of thunder outside especially in the middle of the day and the afternoon. and then partly cloudy but should be a dry saturday outside. things are going to change just a little bit maybe some more showers on sunday. things very unstable and i think the key to the system right here is the core of this weak low that's going to rotate through the bay area that may be just strong enough to touch off some of those thunderstorms. could be a very interesting day in the central valley, funnel clouds, as well. temperatures into the central valley into the 60s here. just checked up in tahoe they are getting some snow flurries there now and lots of snow to come in the high country some of the peaks above 7,000 feet or so looking at 5 to 10" of snow, several inches at lake level. be prepared there. storm clouds this morning and the core of the low moves through. that will spark with it the possibility of some more downpours, maybe some thunderstorms into the afternoon. and then things settling down overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. the skies are going to begin to part. and it looks like a dry saturday. temperatures for today will be much cooler in the 50s and the 60s. as we look toward the weekend, here we go. a dry saturday. a slight chance of some showers on sunday. and then as we head in toward next week what a week it will be. we'll go from one extreme to another as temperatures run well above the average. maybe some mid-80s in the warmer spots next tuesday and wednesday. maybe some 70s out along the coastline with some offshore winds so yeah -- >> rain today. >> yeah, almost summer-like temperatures next week. >> we need that on the weekend. >> i'll trying. i'm workin on it. >> you still have 24 hours. >> thank you very much. [ laughter ] how about trending right now? andy warhol lost collection of art. he created the images on a computer in 1985. they were recovered. ronald mcdonald getting a makeover including yellow cargo pants, vest, red and white striped rugby shirt and blazer. jim and the holograms. producers have revealed the cast for the remake of the '80s cartoon movie. friday the 13th, the classic horror movies, are coming to the small screen as a tv series and beyonce the singer on "time" magazine's 100 most influential people issue coming up. follow us at twitter at #cbssf. 5:19. for the first time we're hearing from the mother of the santa clara teenager who rode to maui in the wheel well of a plane. coming up at 5:30, why she says he took such an enormous risk. >> reporter: good morning, frank. good morning, michelle. good morning, everybody! hey, did the sharks break out the broom and take care of the kings last night? kind of an imaginary broom. and the warriors were physical last night at "roar-acle." was it enough to beat the clippers? >> okay. here's the clue for you this morning. this is not as easy as it looks. "where's roberta?" as the news continues on kpix 5. wirethey're big. fast. andome. dependable. and at net10 wireless, we let you tweet, text, talk and surf... on those amazing nationwide networks... without getting locked into a pricey phone contract. america's best 4g lte networks for half the cost. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data starts at just $40 a month. and now android smartphones start at under 50. net10 wireless. [sis when i said i weren't ready to have a baby, we're actually eight-weeks pregnant. [women] shut up! [brother-in-law off camera] we're pregnant! [woman] you're kidding me! [man] shut up! [woman] shut up! [screams] take the kid,take the kid,take the kid! [woman] oh my god! [everyone laughter,crying] so yso you can happily let the life get in the way,... while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel. banking for the life you have... investing for the life you want chase. so you can. checking "kcbs traffic" road conditions traffic is flying by at the airport. all lanes open after an earlier crash. the roads are slippery so mass transit always a great idea. right now everything is on time including bart systemwide. full look at your drive to work is coming up. hey, good morning, everybody! by the way, michelle, did you know that frank was a terrific bocce ballplayer? and if it was bocce ball last night and frank was on the team maybe the warriors might have had a chance! let's go to "roar-acle." this series tied with one with the l.a. clippers. look how physical it was. blake griffin boy did he pay for going inside with that shot. griffin though could not be stopped. clippers led by as many as 18. the warriors shipped it all the way to one late going. chris paul went crazy. warriors fought hard but lost 98-96, game 4 sunday. kings in l.a., larry david watching. they had to win the game. sharks up three games to nothing. could have swept it. but the kings certainly respond. justin williams and three minutes later they get another. kings win 6-3. in baseball, how do you remedy a three-game sweep for texas? send the a's to houston. josh donaldson yard. a's win 10-1. round one of the swinging skirts lpga classic. lydia ko shot a 68 just two back of the leader karine icher as round 2 will be under way today in daly city. everybody have a terrific day. frank, michelle, adieu! >> someone had some coffee last night. >> i love vern. >> thank you, vern. play of the day now nba play-offs we have memphis and oklahoma city. time is running out. and the thunder need a miracle. watch. >> up by four, for 3 -- it counts! he will go to the line for a potential four point play! >> marv albert there very nice russell westbrook hits the shot makes the free throw to send it to overtime but it wasn't enough for the thunder who lose to the grizzlies in the extra period. play of the day though. >> pretty good. today could be an important moment for college sports. by midday players on northwestern university's football team will have to cast ballots on whether to form a union aimed at gaining more rights. the school's president and football coach have been speaking out in opposition and support among players is uncertain. separately, the ncaa says it is considering upgrades like expanded health insurance and more academic and career counseling. it is 5:25. some of the silicon valley's biggest tech companies will spay some $300 million to settle a lawsuit brought by former employees. the evidence against them coming up. >> reporter: and a huge drug bust in san jose some of them cartel members from mexico. i'm kiet do with a live report coming up. ,, female announcer: sleep train's interest is ending soon.t get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, free set-up and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry, sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at live in th the elderly man accused of trying to kill his doctor is due in court today. i'm anne makovec live in the newsroom with more on the shooting that put a daly city medical center on lockdown this week. and the questions that remain. >> a new focus today in the investigation of that south korean ferry disaster. why the ship's cargo is now under the microscope. >> and we are starting out the day with some light showers around the bay area. but it could pick up maybe some thunderstorms this afternoon. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and the bay bridge commute looks perfect coming into san francisco. no delay. full look at your drive to work is all coming up. good morning, it's friday, april 25. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. developing news, suspected members of a mexican drug cartel will be in a san jose federal courtroom today arrested in a massive drug bust. kpix 5's keit do is live at the courthouse this morning. kiet, investigators say this drug operation was a multi- million dollar business. >> reporter: run like a fortune 500 company with headquarters in mexico, regional offices in the south bay and satellite locations like a factory near sacramento. one of those locations was in elk grove. it was a method lab nicknamed the store. and before it was raided by two dozen federal agents, the store was making millions of dollars in meth every month. feds arrested 18 people including this man, esdras avila carillo, aka blanco. investigators say he was a high level cartel member responsible for moving massive amounts of cocaine, heroin, meth and marijuana up from mexico. >> what i can tell you is that he is a prolific drug trafficker. and back in 2009, when he was first identified by dea, he moved more than 30 kilos of cocaine in a 3.5 week period of time. >> not surprising it's happening in this area. i never thought -- especially with those numbers? i mean, sure little things here and there but not to that extent. >> reporter: a lot of those neighbors in elk grove say they knew something shady was going on at that house. all the suspects, if they are convicted of the crimes, many of them could face more than 20 years in prison. we're live in downtown san jose. kiet do, kpix 5. the mother of the santa clara teen who made it to hawaii in the wheel well of a plane is talking. she spoke to a british newspaper from a refugee camp in ethiopia. 15-year-old yahya abdi was trying to get to africa to see her when he ended up in maui, hawaii. the mother says her ex-husband remarried took her children to the united states. the kids were told she was dead but her son recently found out the truth. she says her goal is to move to the u.s. and win custody of her three children. it's 5:31. let's check the weather. in kiet do's live shot he had his hood on. >> we could see thunderstorms in the bay area. that could be interesting this afternoon. but right now scattered light showers out the door. grab a jacket as we'll see cool temperatures, as well. a cold front is sliding in. some snow flurries at lake tahoe, truckee. we are seeing snow there. in fact they could see up to 10" of snow at the higher peaks. hi-def doppler radar showing you the rainfall moving onshore right now. you can see some bands kind of lining up off the coastline, as well. so the focus has been further to the south but this next band will move onshore taking it further to the north and then pockets of some moderate amounts of rainfall. so throughout the day today, it is going to be on and off i think maybe picking up into the afternoon the possibility of isolated thunderstorms. temperatures will be cool though highs only in the 50s and 60s. all right. let's check on the slick roads now with elizabeth. >> it's been busy this morning. we have seen a number of different spinouts one wrong- way driver a little earlier. fortunately everything has been clearing pretty quickly so we haven't seen any hot spots developing because of it but it is a reminder to slow down. southbound 880 at montague. i think that accident may still be blocking lanes. again it's so early and it's kind of "friday light" out there anyway. some people may still be on spring break week actually so all lanes are also open near the airport near sfo. this was northbound 101 just before you reach that airport exit. so that is off to the right- hand shoulder. 65 miles per hour. westbound 580 is beginning to fill in now as you come into the livermore valley. we saw the delays early out of tracy on 205. and now all the way toward north flynn we're seeing those yellow sensors. it's not enough to impact the drive time, still good, 15 minutes between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. and once you get past livermore everything is cruising along. if you are a silicon valley driver about to hit the roads, in milpitas westbound 237, no delay. and at the bay bridge the roads are a little slippery. you can see them as you head outside right now. at the bay bridge toll plaza though with no metering lights on there's no delay in the cash or fastrak lanes. coming up we'll also get a check of mass transit on this friday morning. in the meantime, back to you guys. happening today an elderly man is due in court accused of trying to shoot a doctor he was angry at in daly city. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec is in our newsroom with more on what police call a case of attempted murder. anne. >> reporter: today will be our first look at the elderly man accused in this case. this morning, we're waiting to find out what if anything he may have said to his former doctor before that shot was fired. >> there's a bullet that was just a few feet from our office. >> reporter: shirley sneed took this photo of the bullet hole in the second floor hallway of the serramonte medical building where she works. a single gunshot that forced the s.w.a.t. team to surround building and dozens to be evacuated with their hands over their heads. daly city police arrested 84- year-old raymond iwase and charged him with attempted murder. dr. kevin wong was the target. he told colleagues that the suspect is a disgruntled former patient. >> what's your understanding about what he was upset about? >> i don't know the whole details it. i know it was just about medication and his health. >> reporter: she says that at first, the gunman apparently didn't even recognize his own doctor. >> when dr. wong walked out of the office, he says, do you know where dr. wong is? he says i'm dr. wong am then he saw the man reach in and start to grab the gun so i guess he ran so quick the guy when he shot missed him. >> reporter: nobody was hurt. a friend of the suspect says he is a peaceful man and she is surprised. >> when you know somebody and then -- i just can't picture him i just can't pictured it. >> reporter: raymond iwase is going to be in court in redwood city this afternoon. >> thank you. >> the suspect went peacefully when arrested at home wednesday night. tensions mounting between russia and ukraine as it seems only one side may be playing fair. russian military launched drills yesterday close to the border with ukraine. it is a sign that the truce achieved in geneva last week is now on shaky ground. secretary of state john kerry issued a warning. he urged russia to back off or face more economic sanctions. some developing news in that south korea ship that sank. it may have had too much cargo on board. a review of the ferry's cargo load shows the ship had almost 4,000 tons of cargo and an inspector says the boat can only carry about 1,000 tons it. the families of missing loved ones are upset at the slow pace of recovery. there are still over 120 people missing. so far 183 bodies have been recovered. a routine ride home on a school bus in southern california turned into a nightmare for students. their school bus crashed and ended up against a tree in anaheim. the driver was trapped and crews had to free him. now he is in the hospital along with two children all in critical condition. nine other children have minor injuries and we still do not know what caused the driver to crash. thousands of tech workers are getting some extra cash from the silicon valley giants. google, apple, intel and adobe have all agreed to pay $324 million to settle a class action lawsuit. the suit laid out some strong evidence. >> these four companies along with intuit, pixar and lucasfilm were accused of a wide-ranging wage-fixing and nonsolicitation agreement that prevented them from hiring engineers and employees from each other. >> they will now pay for that. more than 64,000 engineers from those companies will share in the settlement. some bad news for detroit automakers and the price of wedding season is going up. >> for more on that, let's go to cbsmoneywatch reporter jill wagner. good morning, jill. >> reporter: good morning. ford just reported that its profit in the first three months of the year fell 39%. they say sales dropped in north america. the automaker also had to spend about $100 million on costs related to the brutal winter weather and that includes more money to ship parts. general motors reported their 1st quarter results yesterday and no surprise that massive car recall wiped out profits. they fell 86% in the first three months of the year and that is gm's worst financial report in four years. here on wall street we'll see if stocks can end the week on a high note. the dow ended the day yesterday unchanged and that's the first time since christmas eve 2001 that that happened. the nasdaq added 21 points yesterday. apple is using some new technology to stop people from texting and driving. the tech giant has patented an automatic lockout system that links your iphone to apple's carplay system. the new technology uses sensors which can tell when a driver is moving and then locks them out of their phones so they can't send messages. and san francisco-based lyft an on demand ridesharing company is now launching in 24 new u.s. markets. it is seen as a rival to uber and it matches cars with passengers. now, with this expansion, lyft is open for business in about 60 cities across the country. lyft is offering free rides for the first two weeks to get people to sign up. frank and michelle? >> all right, and apparently we're all going to pay more for weddings this year even if we're only a guest. >> reporter: well, that's right. it's costing a whole lot more just to attend a wedding. according to a survey by american express, wedding guests will spend an average of $539 per wedding this year and that doesn't even factor in a gift. now, that is up about 10% from last year and it's up about 75% from two years ago. now, this includes everything from flights and hotels to getting a dress and a tux and frank and michelle, if you are in the wedding party, even more than that. >> yeah. you're in deep trouble. just write a check. they can go buy a house or whatever. it's not romantic but it's so practical. >> good luck talking a bride into that one. cbsmoneywatch reporter jill wagner, have a great weekend, thank you. 5:40. thousands of people applying for a one-way ticket to mars have to get past a doctor first who he says will make the cut. >> good morning, everybody. roberta gonzales live somewhere around the bay area where lawrence karnow will be happy to know we have a little bit of light drizzle or sprinkles occurring right now. okay, this is my favorite time of the week. it's time for "where's roberta?" and i have a couple of clues for you. are you ready? >> ready. >> reporter: okay. first off, i am featuring something very historic. but it will really be for the young and the old this weekend in fact if you miss out on it today or tomorrow you don't have the opportunity to see it again for one more year. you can't be afraid of heights and at times it can be quite noisy. >> ah. >> any ideas? >> wow. a lot of clues but i have no clue. >> coit tower? >> i was going to say that. >> not quite open yet. >> i don't know. >> i thought you were at a jiffy lube because you were underneath something but that's not right. >> reporter: no, it's not right. and one more clue here. perhaps when you see our story coming up at 6:18, it might remind you of a certain movie. so again, "where's roberta?" coming up at 6:18 today as the news continues right here on kpix 5. ,,,, bulldog: bulldog: [yawn] i just had a dream i was at mattress discounters with tempur-pedic and the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! icomfort, by serta... optimum, by posturepedic... ahh! comforpedic, by beautyrest... ooh! 48 months interest-free financing, free delivery, and queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! that's more mattresses than you can shake a bone at. ♪ mattress discounters freeway in oakland yesterda person got on to an overpasd ing to jump into there were some intense hours high above macarthur freeway in oakland yesterday. a person got on the overpass and was threatening to jump down into track. lonnie monroe saw the man and tried to talk him down and things got worse. >> he sat down on that sign to jump. that's when my mind said grab him, don't let him go any further. i grabbed him around his waist and i held on to him and i just talked to him. >> well, some other good samaritans as you can see were also helping out monroe. they even found a rope and tried to tie the rope around the jumper. police eventually got the man down with a ladder below. he was later taken to the hospital. happening right now in vallejo, hundreds of people are getting much-needed dental work done for free. the event is hosted by the california dental association foundation. 1700 volunteers including 800 dental professionals are expected to help more than 2,000 people in solano county today. people started lining up for the clinic well before 4:00 this morning. if you can't make it out today, they will be there tomorrow, as well. more than 200,000 people from around the world have applied to make a flight to mars. >> who thought about this? a dutch company called "mars one" hopes to make a 7 month trip to the red planet in 2024. the chief medical officer in san jose says the potential travelers will not just be retired astronauts. the company is looking for everyday folks with exceptional team work skills. >> we want to have four mac gaver macgyver on the team. we have to come up with what he has around to solve the problem on the spot. >> okay. but anyone interested should be aware this is a one-way adventure. after reaching mars there is no possibility of reentering the gravity of the earth because it would crumple a person's bones. go to mars, have a party and you're hanging out not rest of your life. >> you have to have team work ability. if someone starts getting on your nerves -- >> macguyver? >> you're not going anywhere. that sounds scary actually i think i would get bored on mars for the rest of your days. here at home on earth, it's actually been a busy morning. we have had a couple of different incidents. everything has been cleared to the right-hand shoulder relatively quickly but lawrence will be talking more about this, the roads are a little slick. so that's what's going on. you can see some of that ghostly halo effect across the san mateo bridge. so just some light sprinkles i think michelle called it spritzing. everything looks good bart systemwide on time and we checked in with ace train number one and so far there's no problems. at the bay bridge things are starting to stack up. traffic is backed up to the middle of the parking lot right now but once again, fastrak holders you're cruising along. also typical for this time of the morning the altamont pass and the livermore probably slowest drive time right now looks like about 20 minutes between those wind turbines and the dublin interchange. what's driving you crazy on your commute? it's friday. we got a viewer email who writes, drivers who travel below the speed limit in the third lane. backing up a line of traffic behind them. you can't pass them in the carpool lane and usually the second lane is too full to pass on the right. people need to look in their rear view mirror and move into the slower lanes. thank you for your email. in fact, you can get ticketed for driving too slow. the ticket counts the same as any other violation against your driver's license or insurance. so if you are driving slower than the other cars, do everyone a favor and don't drive in the number one lane also known as the fast lane. your best bet is to watch the pace of other commuters and go with the flow. we want to know what drives you crazy during your commute. you can ask a question or share a gripe by emailing or tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. that is a check of your "kcbs traffic." always going with th flow. here's lawrence. the roads are slick this morning. we are seeing scattered light showers for the most part right now. it could pick up and we could see afternoon showers and thunderstorms. we have showers popping up now with a weak system sliding through the bay area most of it in the south bay. still pockets of moderated rain. things pick up this afternoon when low pressure moves through. that may be just enough to give us the instability to create some thunderstorms. some thunderstorms a real possibility. we could see some hail, a little rainbow or two and could be a very interesting day outside with some cool temperatures and then we calm things down for the weekend at least the first part. partly cloudy skies and a dry saturday. but for today, you have that cold air dumping right into the gulf of alaska. this area of low pressure right here that's going to cruise right through the state. that may touch off some of those thunderstorms we have seen also a couple of lightning strikes already in northern california this morning. around the state you will see some showers and some thunderstorms. the high country already getting snow and they should plenty above 7,000 feet. you could see up to 10." snow level at 6500 feet so you will see snow at lake level into lake tahoe maybe several inches there. so be prepared if you are headed to the high country. computer models showing the front moving by and getting into cold, unstable air into the afternoon could bring thunderstorms and downpours throughout the bay area today so watch out for that. then that system swings on out of the bay area and things calm down as we start out your saturday. so with that in mind, today going to be a cool day outside with the showers continuing. 50s and some 70s for highs. and your sunrise time for today 6:21, sunset at 7:55. as we look out over the next couple of days, we are going to see the rain and showers today. maybe some thunderstorms tomorrow. should be dry. a slight chance of a few showers on sunday early in the morning and then we dry out and then next week wow, we get that offshore wind going maybe some mid-80s the warmest spots. yes, mr. mallicoat, you have a question? >> yes, sir, professor karnow. big golf tournament big reunion for cal guys at tilden park tomorrow. how are we going to do? it's in the morning. >> it should be nice, partly sunny skies. i don't know if i can help your game -- >> apparently going to bocce. >> playing with the boss. >> got to be good at something. >> i'm good at bocce. >> all right, lawrence, thanks. this is good, too. paul mccartney is coming to san francisco. >> the former beatle will play the last concert at candlestick in august. it seems only fitting because in 1966 the beatles played their last concert ever at the stadium. the 49ers had been rumored to be trying to get mccarty to play the first concert at their new santa clara staple but paul mccartney chose candlestick instead. tickets go on sale in may. time now 5:51. facial recognition technology could make road rage a thing of the past. we'll tell you how it works coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. pollen count is down today. it gets higher on the weekend and higher on monday. >> the commute is under way in san jose. i want to show you a live look at one of our sensors. northbound 101 the delays begin just after tully and continue to pass the mckee exit. full look at your drive to work on this friday morning is all coming up. thank you. some developing news in afghanistan. authorities are investigating why a security officer allegedly killed three american doctors. one was a pediatrician from chicago who spent the last nine years volunteering at the cure hospital in kabul. he was among three americans killed wednesday when a guard allegedly opened fire at a group approaching the hospital gate. the accused gunman was wounded and captured. wind whipped flames for more than half a dozen forest fires in new jersey overnight. 620 homes were evacuated as a precaution because of one fire that burned half a square mile. residents have now been allowed to return home. new this morning, if other drivers are making you angry on the road, there is new technology that can calm you down. >> this is a little strange but here we go. it's called an emotional detection system. it's an infrared camera behind the steering wheel. it reads your facial expressions. so when anger is detected, an alarm sounds and how about that, some mellow music comes on the radio to relax you! experts say the device can help with road rage. >> it could be also a device that is court ordered to be put on a vehicle if somebody has road rage. >> the company behind the emotional detection system is also working on a camera that can identify fatigue and sound an alarm, as well. but this new technology is not available in the united states. 5:55. coming up in the next half hour, the 84-year-old man accused of trying to kill his doctor is due in court today. what that doctor's colleagues have to say about it when the office became a crime scene. >> reporter: a massive drug bust in san jose reveals mexican drug cartels are running a multi-million dollar operation here in the bay area. i'm kiet do with a live report coming up. ,, ,, happened at the company picnic. oww, that's hot. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. on brand name mattress sets. get three years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. i love being here. this is home. it's awesome and to be able to be here for the warriors game and be a part of this, oakland is amazing. there's no other place like the bay area. >> it was oh, so close at the end but the warriors lose to the clippers in the final seconds of game 3 at oracle. >> walk out of the office he says, do you know where dr. wong is? he says i'm dr. wong. then he saw the man reach in and start to grab the gun so i guess he ran so quick, the guy when he shot missed him. >> an 84-year-old man accused of trying to shoot and kill a doctor inside a daly city medical building facing a judge today. >> mexican drug cartel turning silicon valley into drug valley. this man is a high ranking cartel member arrested in san jose. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. happy friday, everybody! happy 25th. it's a blessed event. we love friday. >> we do. time now is 6:00. let's check in with elizabeth for a traffic check. >> we also like friday because it's typically lighter on the roadways. we have seen a couple of different incidents around the bay area a few more than usual. the roads are slick. so just a heads up. this knows the actually blocking lanes but we are getting first reports of this one coming into fremont northbound 880 by auto mall and just take it slow. this driver actually lost control ran off the side of the roadway into a ditch. right now everything looks good. at the bay bridge no metering lights yet so this is kind of


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20140426

37 degrees. brrr, that's in santa rosa, otherwise 40s around the bay area. we're going to see things warming throughout the day after this chilly start moves out. we're going to see breezy conditions, a cool afternoon and last chance of rain coming up in the next 24 hours. more details on that coming up in a few minutes. regardless of drought conditions, many homeowners' associations will not tolerate brown lawns, but now the governor is giving people a pass. andrea borba talked with some h.o.a. members in the east bay to gauge reaction. >>reporter: it's not hard to find a green lawn right after a rain storm, but come august in the middle of a crippling drought, it might be another story. in this neighborhood, the homeowners association sent nasty letters and fined people for brown lawns back in january. >> they are going to fine us for not having green lawn, that it has to be maintained no matter what. minimum fine is $100, a maximum fine of $5,000. >>reporter: the deguzmans paid that $100 fine, but won't have to this summer. a sweeping executive order concerning california's drought, governor jerry brown made it illegal for h.o.a.s to fine residents for saving water and letting things turn the color of his last name. >> who doesn't want a pretty, clean lawn? who wouldn't want to put nice flowers out there, but, yeah, in the middle of a drought, it's just not feasible, it's ridiculous. >> the whole point of the housing association is to keep our values up. if we're in a drought, yeah, there should be some exceptions. >>reporter: andrea borba, kpix5. >> the governor is also cutting red tape to give water to farmers. he's asking restaurants not to serve water unless customers ask for a glass. and he wants hotels to limit how often they wash their linens. developing news on the peninsula, two people died this morning in a high speed crash. their car hit a tree, flew into the air and then slammed into a second tree. it happened in menlo park on southbound highway 101 near the willow road off ramp. the highway patrol says the woman behind the wheel was speeding and lost control. both she and her male passenger died at the scene. police say the man who went hunting for a daley city doctor earlier this week was looking for revenge. 84-year-old raymond iwafay made his first court appearance yesterday. he is charged with attempted murder. prosecutors say the doctor had treated him a couple of years ago, a lawsuit claims failed treatments left him in extreme pain. he did not enter a plea yesterday but is scheduled to be arraigned next week. a trip to get ice cream turned tragic in southern california. a 73-year-old woman was killed and six other people were hurt when an suv plowed into them outside a ferrel's ice cream parlor in buena park. the car ended up against the front door of the shop. the elderly driver stayed at the scene. it's not clear what caused the car to jump the curb and hit the pedestrians. well, the mayor of antioch says when it comes to crime, things are looking better. but that's not what the city's police chief says. kristen ayers takes us through several neighborhoods that are under attack from vandals. >> the wife woke me up about 1:30, 2:00 this morning and heard a noise. >>reporter: when steven got up to check it out, this is what he found, the front windows of his antioch home bashed in. >> there was glass everywhere. it just shattered, tempered glass, so we were immediately upset. >>reporter: the vandals used rocks from his own lawn >> that's green paint off my wall. >>reporter: and his house wasn't the only one hit. antioch police say the vandals hit at least 25 homes in the mira vista hills, black diamond estates and diamond ridge neighborhoods. >> my wife and i, we were home, and we just heard the crash and came out, but they were gone. >>reporter: the same thing has happened to oscar menendez twice in the last couple of weeks. he's had to board his front window up with plywood. >> it's a battle in townment >>reporter: it's something we heard over and over today in antioch, at today's city council meeting, crime is up 3% this year. property crimes have climbed 6%. mayor wade harper's response? >> i'm hearing from people that they're feeling things are getting better. >>reporter: the backlash was swift on facebook, sounds like a man out of touch with his city, said one user. another, this is ignorant, crime in antioch has never been worse. dialy has noticed a decline too, but he says he's hopeful that the hiring of a handful of new officers will be the beginning of a desperately needed shift. in antioch, kristen ayers, kpix5. a preliminary report says the drivers in that deadly bus and truck crash in or land had started their day in sacramento. the ntsb makes no mention of the fed ex truck being on fire before the crash. witnesses in the car say they saw flames coming from the semi as it crossed over the i-5 median. 10 people died when that fed ex truck hit a tour bus stul full of students head on. the preliminary report doesn't specify a cause and the full investigation could take months. well, california voters are getting a rather ironic message from state senator leland ye in the mail. federal agents arrested him last month, accusing him of widespread corruption to pay off campaign debt. but in an information guide for the june primary, ye who was running for sceaf state wrote this, the job is to empower californias to govern california, guarantee fair elections and prevent corruption. the voter guide was printed before his arrest. ye has since dropped out of the race. a rising democratic star on trial for peeping into a woman's bedroom and this morning the jury is deadlocked. effrem coreo is a supervisor. neighbors claim he peeked in mind. deliberations resume monday morning. a bay area family has sued a skydiving school after their daughter plung ath. deliberations resume monday morning. a bay area family has sued a skydiving school after their daughter plunged to to her death. >> their daughter checked out the school online and found that it had a great safety record, but only on 5 allen martin tells us that the school never disclosed that other people had died there too. >>reporter: jumping out of a moving plane at up to 18,000 feet is not for the faint of heart. but hundreds of people a year come to skydive holster to experience the adrenaline rush. >> adventurous. >>reporter: jennifer mcconnell was one of them. her parents, jim and marilyn say their daughter did a lot of research back in 2009 to find the safest school. the holster lawsuit claims it had never had a fatality. >> she went out of her way to tell us how safe this was. >>reporter: but on her 17th jump, jennifer fell to her death. an faa investigation found velcro straps on her rented pair of shoes were in very poor condition and could have very easily been a contributing factor. >> we thought how could somebody issue any diver a piece of equipment like this? >>reporter: not only that, jennifer's brother soon discovered the company's safety claims were false. >> i found records of at least two other fatalities prior to jen's. they are under no obligation to report that to the u.s.p.a. >> we don't have regulatory authority. >>reporter: jim crouch with the united states parachuting association says reporting a death is voluntary. >> we just tell consumers to do a local search in the media for accident reports and visit the drop zone. >>reporter: nonetheless, he says the sport is safer than ever, something skydive holster's owner says he can attest to. >> things have changed quite a bit, especially when it comes to gear that people are using. >>reporter: mako took over skydive holster shortly before jennifer's death. he says he now buys state-of- the-art gear every couple of months and the new packs don't have velcro. as for accidents? >> basically we've had a few injuries here and there. unfortunately we've had one person pass away. >>reporter: the drop zone's fourth fatality, a jumper filming tandem students. a u.s.p.a. report on the accident points out she had 150 jumps, only half the recommended amount. >> the drop zone didn't follow our recommendation. >>reporter: cameras are a dangerous distraction that skydivers take very seriously. last year gerardo florez was heavily criticized videotaping himself at skydive monterey without enough jumps. he crash landed but survived. an faa report found that his rented equipment, just like jennifer's was worn beyond industry standards. >> there needs to be actual oversight, having the self- regulating u.s.p.a. that really focuses on marketing instead of actually monitoring the safety and doing something about it, that's not working. >>reporter: in holster, alan martin, kpix5. >> gerardo florez is now suing. an indiana lawmaker tried to pass a national safety bill, but the parachute association worked to defeat t. still ahead, many called her a serial evictor. why this woman taking advantage of the disabled and elderly. in the next half hour, we will be joined by activist, comedian and nutritionist to talk about his bay area visit. plus new details about who will be attending the canonization of the pope and the major difference in the holy preparations from years past. we'll be right back. 's the first amer today president obama arrived in malaysia for start of a two-day visit. he's the first american president to go there since lyndon johnson in 1966. now, there's a state dinner tonight and tomorrow mr. obama holds talks with the prime minister on trade and defense. however, he is not meeting with the prominent opposition leader as human rights groups had asked. national security adviser susan rice will do that instead. today four more crew members from the south korean ferry that sank were arrested. now all 15 people who were involveed in navigating the boat are in custody and they're all accused of negligence and failing to help passengers in need. the ferry went down 10 days ago, 187 bodies have been recovered and 115 remain missing. today bad weather forced suspension of diving missions. thousands of pilgrims are converging on the vatican for sunday's canonization of pope john paul ii and pope john xxiii. susan mcginnis now on how pope francis, cardinals and bishops plan to celebrate the sainthood mass. >> i confess. >>reporter: cardinal sean o'malley led friday's mass at santa maria del agatoria in rome. he'll join 7 million other catholics here on saturday for the canonization of two century popes, john xxiii and john paul ii. >> these two popes were so well known and it's unusual that a canonization would take place so few years after a person's death. >>reporter: sunday's mass will also be unique because two other popes, pope emeritus, benedict the 16 and pope franice believe the conse corroboration. >> what's going on in the church today under pope francis is the result of what these two popes did. >>reporter: and the vatican is going high tech to bring the events live to the millions of catholics around the world who will not be here in st. peter's square. that includes a 3-d production, according to monsiggnor, the person of vatican television. he says the people at home can feel they're in the middle. this is part of a large delegation from dallas. >> not only myself, but many other young people are following the pope. >>reporter: they're staying in touch with the pope's smart phone app. >> i think it's the way to reach people nowadays, especially the youth. >>reporter: and their organization, marion minute came up with the rosey sticker so they can play the roseary on the road. susan mcginnis, the vatican. let's take a look at the saturday morning forecast. we'll start things off with a live picture over san jose. there it is. looks like it's partly cloudy out there, still a little dark this morning and definitely a chilly start. so here's what you can expect when you're heading out the door. partly cloudy and a cool start this morning, cooler than yesterday. also a breezy and chilly afternoon. and our last chance of rain is going to be early, early sunday morning. so here's our highs for today, 64 in redwood city, 63 in santa rosa, 63 also in vallejo and 62 over in livermore. and the next seven days we have some clouds rolling in for the next two, and then come monday, tuesday and wednesday it's going to get a little bit warmer out there. >> as you found out, mark, the name elba borkin comes fear into some san francisco renters. >> in a story you'll only see here on kpix5, we track the elusive woman down. >>reporter: elba borgan. >>reporter: a name that strikes fear in the heart of many san francisco tenants. >> she has quite a history. >> she's got a nickname as a serial econvicter. >>reporter: soon enough, after buy town hall meeting ealgt 8- unit building in san francisco's richmond district, elba pounced. >> these are all the letters that this woman has sent us. >>reporter: eviction notices. but rose ed gar and her neighbors are all on fixed nblgs. the average rent in the building $800. >> this is my sanctuary >> it's going to be devastating. >> where can we stay? >> it's just tearing my heart out. >>reporter: this building is just the latest. elba has used the ellis act to evict dozens of tenants in six other apartment buildings in san francisco. >> there's a lot of money to be made. >>reporter: raquel fox at the tenderloin housing clinic represents the tenants of 10th avenue. >> she looks for buildings that have low income and senior and disabled tenants. that's going to bring down the purchase price. >>reporter: state law allows landlords to get out of the business, but raquel says elba a borgan was never in the landlord business. >> she buys it and then evicts, flips it. >> personally i think it's immoral. >>reporter: we wanted to get elba's side of the story. hello? but a fellow realtor told us she hasn't been in the office for months. >> we don't see her often. >>reporter: sources let us -- led us to the san francisco yacht club but elba was no where to be found. according to her blog, she's often sailing. >> i can see why someone wouldn't want to be in front of the camera. >>reporter: attorney lisa paul says evicting people is referred to as the dirty work, but somebody has to do it. >> if it's a 6-unit building, then i have six new first-time home buyers that now have a place to live. >>reporter: that's because a building full of empty rental units can be sold as 10anceys in common, cheaper than condos, but riskier but risky because everyone shares a mortgage. we finally caught up with the elusive elba at a court hearing. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >>reporter: we want to air this story and have your side of it in it, of course, so we can be fair. >> because given where we live, nothing would be reported on my side. >>reporter: that's not true. we want your side right now. this is your opportunity. >> i'm not sharing it. >>reporter: back on 10th avenue, it's down to the wire. may 2nd is d-day or face eviction. >> she's got no compassion at all. we have to fight it. >>reporter: by the way, what elba borgan is doing is perfectly legal. we have the complete list of serial evictors on coming up we have a touching story of a young man who's navigating two different worlds. it's our student rising above. plus: >> okay. here's a clue for you this morning. this is not as easy as it looks. "where's roberta" as the news continues on kpix5. ,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, they're in the kitchen pairg ory sides with chi father and daughter team stephanie and tony tantillo are back with us this week and they are in the kitchen pairing up some savory sides for chicken. >>reporter: if you love onions, spring onions are wonderful, especially when you make it with cargo potatoes and chicken. >> potatoes nice and creamy and these spring onions are so sweet. chicken stock in olive oil, the sweet potatoes, yukon potatoes and chicken. >> of course the chicken we grilled first and put it in. we reduce the chicken stock about 50%. >> we don't want the chicken to get too rubbery, so we grilled it halfway done, we let it finish cooking in here and the sauce goes down and down and down and down, it thickens up and becomes nice and savory. >> it smells so good. a little pepper. a little parsley. >> just a little bit. >> perfect. nice. then just a little bit of red pepper flakes. sorry, steph, i like that spice. >> you put them in a piping hot pan like this, they release those beautiful oils all over the dish. >> look at this. look at this dish, steph. >> oh, that is so nice, nice and hearty but still sweet. >> so beautiful. the colors. >> and so simple. >> the flavor, beautiful. time to eat. >> looks good. kid don't just get educated at school, they learn about life in the world 24/7. as wendy jakuta tells us, our student rising above tells us some life skills some people never learn. >>reporter: the college preptory school in oakland is one of the most prestigious private schools in the east bay. when alejandro won a scholarship there. it was a bit like winning the lottery, except he had to be really smart. >> the expectations here for college are you're going to go to college, you're going to go to a four-year institution and you're probably going to do very well. >> he's constantly looking for ways to get better, for ways to improve. he's not satisfied with being as he is. he's always pushing himself. >>reporter: his scholarship came through a nonprofit program called a better chance. the name says it all. because when alejandro takes the bus home to east oakland, the focus is on survival, not education. >> there's gangs roaming the street, the possibility that you might end up dying on the street because of a stray bullet has happened with many people. >>reporter: 39 murders in east oakland last year, 865 aggravated assaults and poverty. alejandro's five family members live in a two bedroom apartment. in this shaky home video, you can hear. alejandro's parents are divorced. his single mother works long hours cleaning houses. >> she comes home tired and it's like it's been so many years of this same thing going on, just work and work and work. it definitely makes me want to strive to be better so i can help her out. >>reporter: which he does, cooking, making sure his brother does his homework. >> he has a small apartment, he doesn't have a place to do his work, he doesn't have quiet to do his work. it's an entirely different universe. >>reporter: the boys sleep on a bunk bed in the front room. money is always short. >> rent is $900 and my mom makeses maybe a little -- makes maybe a little more than $1,000, so we don't do luxuries. >> not enough money to buy school supplies, not enough money to buy a snack if he's hungry. >>reporter: it would be hard for most teenagers to navigate these two worlds, but alejandro does it with a dignity that's unusual for someone his age. >> there have been families here who know of our situations and sometimes they'll give us clothes they don't need or sometimes it'll be a box of food or vegetables. my deepest thanks to them because they've definitely helped us out. it's meant a lot. >> he's grounded enough to know that money doesn't define him and have a sense that other things are more important. >>reporter: what has helped you rise above? >> education is key. it's something that my mom has told me and it's something that i live by. it's that search for knowledge. >>reporter: alejandro has already been accepted to williams college in massachusetts. wendy takuta, kpix5 >> congratulations, it paid off. if you want to help alejandro and other kids like him, go to kpix5/college to find out how. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this saturday morning, aprie 26th. good morning, i'm mark kelly. welcome back. it's 7:30 a.m. on this saturday morning, april the 26th. good morning, i'm mark kelly. >> i'm anne macovic. it's a cool start to your saturday. >> let's show folks a live look at the bay bridge and how it's looking out there right now. the good news is the clouds are gone, at least in this part of town, but further south down in the peninsula, you'll definitely see some clouds and a chilly start this morning. so right now oakland sits at 48, san francisco also 48 and santa rosa a little cooler at 40. here's what to expect when you're heading out the door, partly cloudy and a chilly start, a breezy and cool afternoon first developing on the pebz, a car crashed into a tree, it happened in menlo park, southbound 101 in the willow tree off ramp. police say the woman behind the wheel was speeding and lost control. both she and her male passenger died at the scene. you can hear the stress in a pilot's voice after his plane almost crashed into a united flight from sfo. the united boeing 737 was landing in newark, new jersey thursday and at the same time a united express commuter jet was taking off. the commuter jet crossed the path of the landing jet. listen to the pilot of that commuter jet talking to the power. he is flight 4100. the newark airport has chand some of the normal traffic . >> yikes. the ntsb is now investigating. cruz at the newark airport has changed some of the normal traffic flow. and a man who had just landed at the oakland airport was less in the bay area less than an hour before he helped save somebody's life. he was expecting to take an uneventful shuttle bus ride to a bart station, but as betty yu shows us, he saw wreckage on the road and knew exactly what to do. >>reporter: the 95-year-old driver in this overturned car was hanging upside down, strapped in by a seat belt as blood gushed from his head. the one-car accident happened on the san leandro off ramp near heggen berger road. this white blood-stained shirt on the ground belongs to this man, a stranger he didn't know would help save his life. >> i tore off my dress shirt because i knew we would have to find a way to stop the bleeding on this guy's head. >>reporter: he is the former chief financial officer in town on business. he hopped on the shuttle minutes before the accident. he says he was standing in the aisle when they ended up behind the wreck. he says the driver then opened all the doors and several people got out to help, but he went straight for the driver because of his severe bleeding. >> so i quickly opened the door behind the driver and jumped into the car which was upside down and then got a couple of guys to hold his legs while i released the seat belt and then got him laying flat. >>reporter: he used his dress shirt to put pressure on his head until paramedics arrived a few minutes later. wayne says he spoke to the elderly driver who couldn't remember what had just happened. >> he basically had a three- inch gash across his forehead in the shape of a v, but it looks like down to the bone. >>reporter: the 75-year-old passenger in the car wasn't as seriously injured. both of them at last check were in stable condition. betty yu, kpix5. >> after helping with the emergency, wayne rancourt was able to buy a new dress shirt. he continued on to his business meeting and flew out of oakland that same night. developing news in connecticut, students and teachers at a high school are in shock after a teenaged girl was stab today death in what appears to be a prom dispute. students attended a memorial to remember 16-year-old maren sanchez. her life ended at the beginning of the school day on friday when a male classmate stabbed her multiple times. friends say she had rejected his request to that night's junior prom. >> i think it's crazy someone would throw their life away over something like that. >> i remember her for what she really was, like a happy, great person. >> the violence happened underneath a staircase. some kids and staff members tried to jump into action and save the girl's life, but a half an hour later she was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. that boy has been charged with murder. fresno police say these two women kidnapped an 80-year- old and took her on a crime spree. the elderly woman was taken from her garage. the suspects also took her car. they tried to rob a bank but left without any money. a bank employee followed the group until police pulled the stolen car over and that's when the officers found the elderly victim. >> this is very unusual, i'm not aware of any other similar case that we've had in the last 10 or 15 years. there could be but this is extremely unusual to have a male suspect, to have a kidnapping occur at the same time as an attempted bank robbery. >> the good news is the 80-year- old woman was not hurt. police say they did not know she was kidnapped until they spoke to her and no one had realized that she was even missing. well, carjackings are up across the bay area. now one school is teaching people how to fight back. >> the classes are very popular and as kristen ayers found, the training pretty realistic. >>reporter: deanna perez' children are in the back seat when she hops in her car and suddenly -- >> get out of my car! get out! get out! >>reporter: it happened to hundreds of oaklanders last year. this time it's just a drill. perez is an instructor and this is part of an anti-carjacking workshop at oakland's kraub mcgau institute. >> we always try to keep updated about what are the current threats. >>reporter: owner danny zellick says in oakland carjacking is one of those threats. carjacking jumped 23% in 2013 over the year before. >> we decided that it's time to do a seminar. >>reporter: taking students off the mats and onto the streets where zellick and his team teach them to take down carjackers, even wrestling a real gun away at one point >> taking classes will definitely help you with prevention if you should get carjacked. >>reporter: the training is aggressive and sometimes violent and oakland police flat out discourage resisting. their philosophy, fighting back is not worth getting hurt or killed over property. zellick agrees the best case scenario is to deescalate the situation or walk away. but he says there are some situations that require aggression. >> your kids in the car, you cannot give away the car. you cannot just let the person take the kid. >>reporter: zellick says he teaches a full range of scenarios, when to flee and when to fight. in oakland, kristen ayers, kpix5. >> and the next carjacking seminar is today at the crowd megainstitute. coming up a bad employee? the reason this postal worker gave for hording thousands of piece of mail. and a bay area teenager makes giving to others a priority. we'll introduce you to this week's jefferson award winner. plus a history maker live in studio. dick gregory is here. he's going to talk about health and comedy coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, introduces us to one teenag who is quiet and shy. but how much would you give to help a homeless person? sharon chin introduces us to one teenager who is quiet and shy but her actions speak volumes when it comes to compassion. and that's what makes her this week's jefferson award winner. >>reporter: in the heart of the jungle, san jose's largest homeless tent city. >> thank you, sweety. >>reporter: brittany bates brings more than food and water. alongside pastor scott wages of chan dlibberrance ministry. >> i call her a cute mother teresa with a heart of gold. >>reporter: we saw her generosity firsthand. >> oh, thank you. [ sobbing ] this lady here is awesome, ya'll. >>reporter: brittany gave tina, a homeless woman the last $200 she said she needed to rent her own place. >> i thought maybe i can give her some money, like my birthday money and not have a party. >> she's a good girl. thank you. >>reporter: that's money for your sweet 16th birthday party, how hard was that for you to give up? >> it really wasn't that hard because this woman doesn't even have a whole lot of stuff. >>reporter: brittany began volunteering with her family at age 6 serving the homeless holiday meals. since then the koran lander honor high school student has kept giving and giving and giving. >> to make people happy and to serve, it just makes me feel good. >>reporter: each week the san bruno teenager helps kids against hunger pack meals for children overseas. >> brittany collects and sells donated clothes to the homeless for a penny a piece. she teaches sunday school and vacation bible school. she goes to mexico to build houses for the homeless and she volunteers teaching gymnastics. >> that was good. >>reporter: on top of her own 20 hours of practice a week. her coach, mike lynn calls brittany a role model whose actions speak louder than words. >> her voice is soft and easy going, but she's got a strong will and a lot of determination. >>reporter: but how does she do it all? >> when i'm happy, i have energy, and when i have energy, i'm just everywhere. >>reporter: still for her wide- ranging volunteer service, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to brittany bates. sharon chen, kpix5. >> you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at let's take a look at our forecast for this saturday morning. we're going to start things off with a live look. this is dublin where it is mostly clear this morning, but we do have some clouds out there further down in the south bay. here's what you can expect today, a partly cloudy, definitely a chilly start this morning, cool and breezy, also later this afternoon. then we have sort of a last chance of rain coming up very early on sunday. here's our highs for today, 63 in oakland, 64 san jose, 61 in san rafael and a cool 55 on the coast in pacifica. and over the next seven days it will definitely be getting warmer as we head into mid week. the bay area's signature healthy living event is under way in san mateo. every year the new living expo features exhibits on new age and natural products. even more interesting, though, the speakers. comedian, activist and nutritionist dick gregory is one of them, joining us live in studio right now. thanks for being here. we have all these titles, activist, nutritionist, comedian, yet you somehow blend them all together, how do you do it all? >> i have no choice, we have bills to pay >> this is true. you were also the first african- american comedian to sit on "the tonight show" couch. that was huge and that was certainly a melding of the civil rights movement, plus your comedic talent. what was that like for snu >> well, it wasn't talent. there were 100 folks qualified to sit there. there's an unwritten law that said you can sing and dance if you're black, but you can't stand flat footed and talk. >> but you did. >> and that's because i pushed -- i didn't even realize. i'd been watching jack parr every night for i guess five years and i never realized that a negro couldn't sit down on the couch, you could stand and do your acting and i didn't know that until a great trainer told me that's why he wouldn't go. i cried. i walked home 97 blocks crying because i didn't see that. you don't see things when you're not forced into it when you accept it. women don't see that men make you look the way they want you to look. that's why they make lipstick, but they don't wear it. they make high-heeled shoes, but they don't wear them. they make all the other things -- and the chinese really messed up when they thought, oh, if our feet could just be a little smaller, she'd be sexy, so they lost all their power, when they caught on to that, they're just beginning to get it back. so that's going to change now. >> but you are known for giving the state of the union address specifically to the african- american community. you did that for many years. what would you say today is the state of the union? >> we're the only group of people that have ever been enslaved or embond that we got out of it we thought by education. anytime you take education over liberation, you're going the wrong way. george washington they didn't beat up the british because they wanted the right to build a college, they wanted to be free, they wanted to be liberated, and we are going to find out that i cannot be liberate it until you are liberated. i calm up in a rigidly segregated city. i didn't see no white folks, st. louis, missouri, so i didn't know white folks would tolerate what they tolerate over a hand full of thugs and vandals. i didn't know a white woman who came over on the boat with this boy didn't get the right to vote until 1921 and i didn't know because i never heard her complain. >> but you saw so much change in society over the decades. >> yes. >> how do you effect change in this day and age? >> you can't until you understand it here, until you understand, you know, and co- exist with the universe, you know. i'm not talking about the church, 2 billion years ago the dinosaur left, there was no church, there was no religion. that same universal god force that put that together, that's the one that put the universe together says give me my hair, okay? so consequently that hair is therefore reason and it didn't come from sears robuck or wal- mart. as soon as we understand that, if it co-existd that, it if it's not too late. it might be too late. >> the reason you're here, the new living expo down in san mateo, it's running today and tomorrow if you'd like to see dick gregory in person at the san mateo center. tickets are $15. we have a lot of information on that at how did you get into nutrition? how did you get involved with this movement? >> there was a black woman 60 years ago i met, dr. fullerton, and she knew more about nutrition than anybody on the planet, and i just happened to bump into her and i thought she was crazy. you know, everything i was eating wrong, the ku klux klan, the nazis, the russians, my mother gave it to me and my father gave it to me. i got it at my church, i got it at my school. so it's hard for somebody to walk up to me and tell me this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. i got this at home. are you crazy? my biggest surprise, i never thought i'd see it grow this fast, as fast as it's growing now, and so now you have to go in and undo all the mistakes, like the number one cancer group in america today is vegetarians because they didn't know they weren't supposed to eat soy. soy was invented for the military, but the doctor, can you create something that can get paint, glu, ink and plastic, it was invented for plastic, and we didn't know we wasn't supposed to eat that. >> there's a lot of information, a lot of ideas, again, at the san mateo event center this weekend. dick gregory, thanks for joining us this morning, we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. and we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head coach jim harbaugh is criticizing the news media for coverage of k oo pernick. police in miami are investigate whag they call a suspicious incident at a hotel involving a 25-year-old woman and three nfl players, including kapernick. but no one has been charged with the crime. now harbaugh calls media coverage a "jump-the-gun witchhunt." he's confident kapernick will be cleared of any wrongdoing. hey, good morning, everybody. would you like to see the giants' bats come alive? well, it happened last night against an american league foe, the cleveland indians. look at that bobblehead. that's define kieper. now giants announcer, former cleveland indian and here he was announcing this, in the 1st, one to center field. that'll score pegano. in the 4th, michael morse. when he gets one, he doesn't shortchange it. three home runs over the last three days and the giants win it 5-1. a's manager looking to go 5-0 against the astros. we're in houston, and, you know, those a's factor in for one or two errors in a game. that was josh donaldson who later homered. tied at 5 in the 9th, derek barton gets through altuve. that'll score a go-ahead run and the a's go on to win 12-5. scinging -- swinging skirts lpga round two in the rain yesterday, didn't stop lydia koe, 17 years old, fourth ranked in the world, one shot off the lead, held by stacy lewis over 80 more in the field as round three soldiers on in daley city at lake merced golf club today. that'll do it. everybody have a good one. i'll check in with you later. >> thank you, vern. kpix5's roberta gonzalez takes a walk back in time in this week's "where's roberta." >> she's going to a very familiar place for a meetzologist, the sky. >>reporter: the hayward executive airport salutes the veterans and their aircraft open house 2014. it is a chance for today's youth to learn about our past. >> i actually like talking to the veterans when they come out and they get aboard the airplane and they'll start talking stuff that they haven't talked about in 70 years. >>reporter: meet keith youngblood, he travels with the 1942 memphis bell. >> above these bombers is actually stars and above those bombs the star indicates that -- if it's a gold star, it indicates they were bomb group lead for that particular mission, if it's a red star, it indicates they were wing group lead for that mission. >>reporter: the women's name? >> girlfriends, moms, whatever. anything to motivate the guys and keep the morale up. >>reporter: at nearly 90 years young, world war ii veteran and b-17 copilot phil arnot shares his insights on recently stepping back inside a b-17 after 70 years. >> i forgot how cramped the quarters were. it's awfully small, and, of course, i was in the pilot's compartment for almost all the mission. i think there was a little more room there. >>reporter: want to know what a nose looks like in a b-17? let me show you. >> this is the lead bomber who was critical. i do remember the four props going and that's one reason i lost a little hearing in the right ear because i sat on the right seat closest to two engines on the right. >>reporter: with having the open house at hayward airport this weekend, how important do you find that is to our community? >> war is hell. it may be necessary sometimes, but don't have any notion that it's going to be fun or exciting or adventuresome. >>reporter: in the nose of the b-17, i certainly hope you enjoyed this week's edition of "where's roberta." if you'd like more information about the open house here at hayward airport, visit us online at until next week, take care of one another. bye. coming up a bay area 3- year-old is now a viral personality. san jose. >> he drew millions of hitzs on youtube where organizers are hoping he will draw crowds today in san jose. ,,,,,,,, morning. first the warriors announced they're leaving oakland for san francisco. e oakland raider tomorrow on kpix5 this morning, first the warriors announced they're leaving oakland for san francisco, now it could be oakland raiders -- and now could the oakland raiders follow suit? >> san francisco needs a football team, the raiders want to get out of oakland. it seems to me we ought to provide them with the opportunity to play in our city. >> there is no way that their fans in the black hole could come to a hand-me-down 49ers stadium. >> i tend to agree with her, though. lines are drawn. our political insider talks of the raiders moving over the bridge. tune in tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. to hear the rest of that argument and lots more. well, also happening today, your chance to meet this 3-year-old internet sensation. take a look. [ baby talk ] >> matt belletran is from san jose and linda is his mom. there he was talking back in that video. the clip has gone viral with more than 4 million views. today mateo will kick off a children's fair at discovery meadow park in san jose. it starts at 10:30. we're told linda, linda, linda, linda. >> linda, listen. it's time for us to call it a morning. thanks for joining us. we'll be back tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. have a great saturday. >> see you then. ,, announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. dog, a fortunate littleucky puppy melts the hearts of a grief-stricken family. brandon: how long ago did you lose him? steve: probably six months ago now. we miss him a lot. narrator: but one last complication threatens to sink the entire adoption. brandon: this is very important for safety. lucky has to learn pool training. i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose, a family, and a place to


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