When deciding to work on a side-project three factors are needed to transition from fancy to application: goal, motivation, and time.
Time is usually the biggest sticking point for me personally but with COVID most of what I may have spent my time on this year was cancelled. However, motivation was still a huge sticking point until I came across a couple of projects that helped propel me forward. First, I spent some time earlier this year combing over Mary Rose Cook‘s lovely Little Lisp interpreter code. Given what I knew about Mary’s previous projects it was no surprise that the Little Lisp implementation was simple and elegant. However, what I wasn’t prepared for was that hacking on the interpreter turned out to be straight-forward and addictive. However, it wasn’t until I re-discovered William Taysom‘s old Scheme-like language Misp that I had a form for the interpreter in mind. At the time of William’s original blog posts about Misp I was drawn to his passion and enjo