that take a lot of money and want to keep their jobs. you don t need a middleman for a lot now. you don t need a travel agent anymore. that s true. you don t really need a real estate agent a lot of the time but try to get them out of the deal. beautifully i managed to string that out so we can come back with the same tease we had last time, two words, ted cruz, this time we will talk about ted cruz. okay. i know we can t establish a religious test for office, but if you believe we re living in the end times like michele bachmann does, we can take away the car keys. yes, let jesus take the wheel. if you think the world is about to end that s your right but you don t get to vote on next year s budget because it doesn t concern you.
if you believe we re living in the end times like michele bachmann does, we can take away the car keys. yes, let jesus take the wheel. if you think the world is about to end that s your right but you don t get to vote on next year s budget because it doesn t concern you. americans take care of business. they always have. they always will. that s why you take charge of your future. your retirement. ameriprise advisors can help you like they ve helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way. with confidence. that s what ameriprise financial does. that s what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach.
eight signatures and so on driven by legal fear, paranoia, somebody will sue me. that s middlemen, lawyers. right. we have a lot of middlemen that take a lot of money and want to keep their jobs. you don t need a middleman for a lot now. you don t need a travel agent anymore. that s true. you don t really need a real estate agent a lot of the time but try to get them out of the deal. beautifully i managed to string that out so we can come back with the same tease we had last time, two words, ted cruz, this time we will talk about ted cruz. okay. i know we can t establish a religious test for office, but if you believe we re living in the end times like michele bachmann does, we can take away the car keys.