Starts right now. HeLLo, ari. WeLL see you this weekend. Thank you very much. Its a Big Show tonight, because it is officiaLLy starting. Yes, i can teLL you officiaLLy the voting begins. If youre keeping count aLL the way to eLection day, stiLL theres 46 days Left, which is a Long time, but voting begins today in three states. If it sounds extra earLy, its pretty earLy. These are the first states that aLLow for earLy vote, but a reminder what happened on the Debate Stage. On the stage with oprah and the Vip Voters in virginia were passing the imbaLances aLready. The turnout is notabLe. The earLy voting begins in the state of minnesota, which we have heard more and more about, as weLL as south dakota. Theres 10 MiLLion registered voters in those states. Harris campaigning in battLeground georgia, part of a Lineup of key events. Today, in many ways, was centered on the issue that onLy democrats says is important subtantiveLy, but its one that in a cLose race couLd actuaLLy end up decidin