April 17
12:17 p.m., 700 block of Penfield Street
Citizen assist: A resident who called police to assist with the opening of a locked bathroom door suggested an officer bring a “Jimmy” to help facilitate the job. The officer said if a child or elderly person were trapped in the bathroom, fire-rescue would also respond because police aren’t equipped for such emergencies. The resident said no one was in the bathroom, so the officer recommended a calling a locksmith.
Dogs from out of town
2:12 p.m., 6400 block of Gulfside Drive
Dogs on the beach: A resident who did not wish to speak to a law enforcement officer called police to report several dogs on the beach. When the officer arrived, he found the visiting owners of two dogs who said they did not know dogs were prohibited from visiting the beach. The people apologized, gathered their pets and belongings and departed without incident.