Ending his decade of silence, the voice of Marc Andreessen rises from the dust, trumpeting forth a rousing cri de coeur: "It is time to build." Andreessen's essay has got a lot of play in certain circles, and it generated many responses. The general rule for those galvanized by Andreessen's call to action is to…
The Girl in the Green Ribbon shimmies with a satyr, fiddling with the bow that is keeping her head from tumbling onto the dance floor. Medusa and her sisters dance in the corner, trying not to turn t
The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History will be highlighting artists who made a lasting impact on comic books in its new exhibit "Werewolf Hunters, Jungle Queens, and Space Commandos: The Lost Worlds of Women Comic Artists," which opens Friday the 13th and runs through Jan. 21.
The role female comic artists have played in horror comics will be explored in the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History's new exhibit "Werewolf Hunters, Jungle Queens, and Space Commandos: The Lost Worlds of Women Comic Artists," which opens with a special reception Friday.