Decisions. Number 759, bernies miranda, Petitioner Versus arizona. Number 218, roe v. Wade. The most famous decisions are once that the court took were quite unpopular. Lets go through a few cases that illustrate very dramatically and visually what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people, who helped stick together because they believe in the rule of law. Good evening. Welcome to cspan in the National Constitution centers landmark cases. Our 12 part series looks at some of the Supreme Courts most interesting and impactful historical decisions over the course of our countrys history. We are going to be talking about a case you might not know much about, but by the and you understand why it is on our last. Its called the slaughterhouse cases, it was the first time that the Supreme Court reviewed the newly enacted 14th amendment to the constitution. Let me introduce you to our two guests, here to tell you about the history and importance of these cases. Paul clement s
Coming here. Its a smart crowd. You are going to be mesmerized and just fascinated by the program we have for you tonight. And we ask that you turn off your cell phones because they wontr need them. Youre not going to look at your cell phone for the next hour i guarantee it. You will be completely mesmerized by our author and we are so proud to bring you today. Thank you for supporting the passage. We are an independent bookstore one of the few remaining and bookstores. These are very very proud of that fact. Thank you for coming to our location we also have a a beautiful store in the building in San Francisco and if youve never been there its a beautiful store. Buy a few books and then go have dinner in the city. Its a wonderful way to spend your evening. Remember book passage is so much more than just a bookstore. We bring to you probably thousand author readings every year if you can believe that. And in addition, we have all kinds of classes, and which, writing, book groups, childr
Publication of James Mcphersons the war that forged a nation, and louis masurs lincolns last speech. As i said before i really wanted to do this event because over the years i have been educated and stimulated by reading these two historians. And i also got an extra bonus on baseball from louis masurs book on the first world series in 1903. But as when you actually spent time lobbying the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights act of 65 and all the Voting Rights acts after that this book, these books in the work of these authors this isnt their only work as you know. Helps us to understand why the civil war, its causes, its aftermath and matters affecting raise, regional conflicts within our borders the boundaries between state and national authority, Nation Authority was a word that lincoln used, and with the the significance of the game change a, the postcivil war amendments, and how long it took, to have a way of making them real. So we are often a people who have trouble wi
Now, landmark cases. Tonight looks at the 1873 slaughterhouse cases. Lead marquesas, cspan special history series produced in cooperation with the National Constitution center exploring the human stories and constitutional dramas behind 12 historic decisions. Number 759, Ernest Miranda Petitioner Versus arizona. Argument 18, rule against roe versus wade. Quite often, famous decisions took to that the court be quite unpopular. Lets go through a few cases that illustrate very dramatically and visually what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people who helped stick together because they live in a rule of law. Landmark cases. Of series will look at some the Supreme Courts most interesting and impactful historic decisions. Tonight, we are talking about a case you might not know very much about. It is called the slaughterhouse cases. It was the first time that the Supreme Court reviewed the newly enacted for to them in the to the constitution. I may introduce it to our gu
Most famous decisions, are ones the court took that were quite unpopular. This decision changed our lives. Lets go through a few cases that illustrate dramatically and visually what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people who help stick together because they believe in a rule of law. Good evening and welcome to cspan and the National Constitution centers landmark cases. Our 12part series that looks at the Supreme Courts most interesting and impactful, historic decisions over the course of our countrys history. Tonight, were going to be talking about a case you might not know much about. Its called the slaughterhouse cases. It was the first time that the Supreme Court reviewed the newly enacted 14th amendment to the constitution. Let me introduce you to our terrific guests tonight, here to tell you more about the history and importance of this case. Paul clement, a Law Authority who served during the bush 43 administration. He has argued more than 75 cases before t