Euroyen shows you the dynamic away from the dollar, translated. It is all about the weaker dollar across the board when i look in yields, i really look at the inflationadjusted yield as a 0. 92. 2012. Reaches the jonathan 2 trillion and 99 days. A 2 trillion spread between democrats and republicans, and 99 days until the election. You have to believe the president steps forward and says it needs to be bigger. Tom no question about it. The president just reads the riot act to his republicans about losing the house, losing the senate, losing the presidency, and getting out. I dont think it is 1. 5 trillion where we are heading with mr. Trump. What i would focus on in a week of Technology Earnings is that equities are so resilient here compared to what else you and i see on the bloomberg terminal. Jonathan a massive week ahead. Lets get to the morning brief. A fed decision coming up later this week. Tech earnings in the mix. Latere get u. S. Gdp data in the week. Heres the price action to