MACOMB TOWNSHIP The Macomb Township Board of Trustees prepared the township for 2024’s elections by selecting the township recreation center as its early voting site at the board’s Nov. 8 meeting.
The letter further outlined the need for an existing conditions analysis, including an understanding of the land uses and socio-economic conditions that drive transportation levels in the M-59 area. Wendling outlined that the existing conditions analysis will involve a review of existing plans, review of land use and zoning, and traffic analysis.
During a regular meeting on Oct. 25, the Macomb Township Board of Trustees approved the purchase of 13 key boxes from the Knox Company in the amount of $13,516.
Viviano also said that anything requiring a bid will follow the township’s purchasing policy, but that donations have come primarily through word of mouth among the trades. He also said that there is no set timeline to have renovations or upgrades on the historic town hall completed by, and no set timeline for opening the historic building.
In a memo to the board from Bocks dated Oct. 5, Bocks wrote that the study for the future extension of Broughton Road will include roadway layout, conceptual drawings and a 3D rendering of the future corridor.