bruising primary if that s what it takes. in many cases he has to get this out of the way now. chuck todd, thank krogh. much more still ahead, including mad money s jim cramer. plus, did the president go far enough handling the crisis in egypt so far? we ask senator dick durbin next. first, here s bill karins with a check on the storm. cold morning, everyone. let s start in new england. temperatures before to go above freezing though. the worst of it is now. it will improve from here on out. snow and sleet from hartford to southern new england and all snow from albany to boston northward. another coating out there on top of what has been an epic winter so far. as far as the forecast will go, we are going to watch the
mad money s jim cramer moments away. plus, more out of cairo when morning joe returns. pumpkin pie! gingerbread men! egg nog! [ female announcer ] grab a box of multigrain cheerios. get a code to. .a 7 day plan to get going on that new years weight loss. get the box. get the code. get started!
you didn t go out last night? i went out. where did you go? none of your business. hines ward denying that he in fact made it rain. when did they invent, quote, making it rain? i don t think i like this. it comes from hip hop. i think people have been making it rain for as long as there s been strip clubs. now it has a name. what s coming up next, willie? mad money s jim cramer. he s going to make it rain. and dexter filkins is back with us. also, a live update from cairo and brian williams. keep it on morning joe. [ male announcer ] at&t has big news about the new motorola bravo. no, not its brilliant touch screen or android operating system. ok go ahead.
come on, let s stop fooling ourselves. i agree, we ve got to have the discussion. we will continue it right here. we have a big show this morning. new jersey governor chris christie, former congressman john shadegg of arizona and he ll be onset? former minnesota governor tim pawlenty as well all here on the set of morning joe. plus mad money s jim cramer joins us for a preview of his invest in america series. also politico s top stories out of washington this morning. you re watching morning joe brewed by starbucks. guarantee me the best deal on my refinance loan, or pay me $1,000? that would be nice, not getting swindled. um.where are we?
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