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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130808

they don't end up doing what they are meant to be doing. >> really, really good advice for you if you think your child is sort of going that direction as a performer, we're going to have a couple of casting agents on in a little bit, showing what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong. >> i remember hearing about tiger woods' dad and tiger woods' dad said when he was a little boy, he held the golf club at age 3 and tiger said to his dad, i want to hit another one. and he said, tomorrow we hit another one. he went to sleep, dreamt about it, next day, he hit it. i want to hit two more, tomorrow we hit two. >> something to look forward to, as opposed to getting burnt out on it even then. >> exactly. >> i did everything wrong, apparently. >> all right, so jimmy fallon was talking about us yet again. >> gosh. >> anyway -- >> anything to do with that stuff. >> it's a pros and cons segment. i hope we're in the pros section. >> depends, let's see what he said. >> tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of shark week. pro, sharks can smell a drop of blood from over a mile away. con, kathie lee and hoda can do the same thing with merlot. it's a gift. it's an amazing gift. >> i just sent over baby gifts to jimmy. >> to winnie. >> winnie rose. i bet she's adorable. >> congrats to him. >> so, we had pictures taken yesterday. >> oh, yes, we did, you're right. >> our least favorite thing to do in the world and pretty much everybody knew it at the time. >> we have an entire "today" staff, as you know, and cast, and it's a lot of people, so that's us. but there were actually all seven -- >> there we are. >> we were outside on the plaza snapping pictures for promos. >> i leaned on al roker to beat the band. >> that was a fake smile. anyway. >> that's real. >> that was real. >> i don't know why we showed you that. probably bored you as much as it did us. you know who's not bored right now because he's in a little bit of trouble, these ugly american tourists, hoda. >> 55-year-old american tourist who shall remain nameless. >> because we don't know his name. >> he was at a museum in florence and right before him was the statue of the virgin mary. a 600-year-old statue of the virgin mary. he decided it would be a good idea to high five the virgin mary. or maybe compare his hand to the virgin mary. anyway, while doing it, the pinky snapped off. okay? the pinky snapped off of the virgin mary hand. people are livid. >> they are outraged! and they are taking umbrage all over italy. >> we should point out that the finger wasn't marble. it had snapped off before. >> it was a plaster one. >> anyway, the museum director said, quote, the fundamental rules for visiting a museum has been forgotten, it's do not touch the works. okay, anyway, it's happened before. i guess at the met museum here in 2010. >> yes, a lady tripped. >> she was walking and she fell into a picasso. >> hey, it happens. six-inch gash. >> it happens. >> now, that was an accident. she wasn't planning on it. he did something you shouldn't do. >> she just fell down and gashed it. can you imagine? >> we'd love to know, talk to us on facebook and let us know if there's anything you've ever done that you just, oh, my god. >> have you? >> of course. >> i can't remember -- >> you know what's more fun than anything? >> what? >> one ton of fat. >> 15 tons. >> 15 ton ball of congealed -- love that word, congealed fat has been removed from a london sewer. >> this is weird. this is what it looks like. just so you know, you know when you pour grease or something down the sink because you're too lazy to put it in a can in the garbage? >> yes. >> in london, all of this congealed together, everyone's dumping of grease, and it turned into a big blob the size of a double decker bus. they've dubbed it the fatburg. it's blobby and oozy and it reminded us, thank you, howie, it reminded us of the blob. remember? >> that's the first horror movie i ever saw. >> 1958, look. ♪ >> every one of you watching this screen, look out, because soon, very soon, the most horrifying monster menace ever conceived will be oozing into this theater. >> i want to see it. >> "the blob." >> where is it? >> come under the door, it would crawl. run, run! comes under the door. it creeps. it eats you alive. >> that is ridiculous. >> danger. >> steve mcqueen. >> i miss movies like that. that's when movies were movies. >> remember when "jaws" was really scary? the movie "jaws"? looks kind of dumb now, but when you saw it then, i remember how terrifying it was. now everything looks so much more real. >> you know, christine, my dear, dear friend, is to this day terrified of birds because of the movie, hitchcock movie, "the birds." >> you could see that happening. >> yeah. >> that's scary, yeah. yeah. >> it is scary. all right, do you want to live until you're 120 years old? >> pew research center asked -- >> they need to change their name. >> sorry. >> you guys, we decided since there's so many things we have to apologize for during this show, we just have a button that joanne found at the toy store. >> every time you push it, it's a different version of -- >> sorry. >> i'm so sorry. sorry. i apologize. i'm so sorry. sorry. my bad. sorry. >> this is my favorite, i think. >> i'd like to take a brief moment to offer my apologies. >> we're going to keep this button here. >> this is going to be here for all time and we want two more, one with applause, we often need that. we want one with laughter and one that has flatulence. i'll be the happiest talk show person ever. >> excellent. >> we asked you the question, do you want to live to 120? 69% of the people said they do not want to live until they are 120 years old. >> first of all, nobody knows somebody that old and nobody wants to, let's be honest. i don't want to -- i'm 70, if i'm not healthy. it's all about your health. >> how long would you want to live if you are healthy? >> as long as the lord has me here, yeah. if i'm sick and a burden and i can't enjoy the beautiful things in life, i would rather go to a better place. >> i wouldn't want to -- >> where there's no blob, you know? >> i wouldn't want to outlive everyone from my era that understood my movies, my music, the things i loved. careful. you want to discuss things with people. >> i'm sorry. >> anyway -- >> we've got to quit today, got to quit talking early, because we have a room full of little kids who have a lot to say. >> this one has a youtube video, nearly 7 million hits. she's only 13 years old. >> is she the next big thing? a live performance from internet sensation, maddy or maddie? maddie lee. >> from a pint sized preacher to budding chef. >> inspiring kids making a difference. and we are drinking "star trek" wine. >> in honor of the children. >> 50 years since "star trek." we didn't think that through. >> we'll be right back. >> wait, wait. >> sorry! >> better. alright guys, let's huddle up here and talk probiotics. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. all right. if you have been wondering where all the inspiring role models are for your kids, you are about to meet three young people who are making a huge difference. >> michael, we are already in love with him because he says we're 21, is a 13 year old. he's raising money to help the victims of the boston bombing. as a amputee himself, he knows firsthand the challenges many of them are facing. >> jordan summer is the president of ms. amazing pageant, she created it to help girls and women with disabilities realize their potential. >> and 8-year-old anna chung -- >> wong? >> what is it? >> choung. where's my sorry button? michael, let's start with you. you've got your t-shirt on that says "mikey's run." when you were younger, 8 years old, you had an illness and lost some of your limbs. tell us about what happened. >> when i was about 8 years old, like you said, i have an immune disease called cdd, i don't know the full name, dirt gets in my bloodstream, oxygen and blood stops flowing through my body. what happened is i had dirt under my finger nail, had a bug bite, started scratching it and the dirt got into it and the blood stopped flowing to my hands and feet and they turned black. after seven weeks in the hospital i was released. and a month later they had to amputate my hands and feet because they were no longer working. >> wow. you got prosthetics -- >> never heard of that. very rare, isn't it? >> my brother, harris, has it, too. they already knew about it for him. it happened to me first, so they were able to stop it. >> we should point out you do all kinds of things. >> besides charming women. >> we know you're good at that. >> you got prosthetic legs and have this great run that helps benefit other amputees, right? >> yeah. >> we're really, really happy for all the things that you're doing. let's move on to ms. jordan and ms. amazing. >> ms. amazing. you did a beauty pageant yourself as a child. >> yeah, yeah, i've been doing pageants since the age of 7. it wasn't something i did every two weeks, i wasn't obsessed about it. >> you were no honey boo-boo? >> pageantry has taken an odd turn. it's something i did once a year to meet friends, learn public speaking skills, interview skills. yeah, just been a really beneficial thing for me and i wanted to provide that opportunity for girls with disabilities. >> it must be so uplifting for them. tell us what that feels like to watch one of those pageants. >> when i first started the ms. amazing pageant, i was 13. i didn't realize the kind of impact it would make, but what keeps me going and inspired is just the girls who just completely transform, have that nice moment to realize their abilities. >> value for who they are, which is awesome. >> that's what everyone needs. >> look how cute hannah is sitting in her little chair. it's your turn. >> what do you do that's amazing? >> you had diabetes since you were a little girl? >> i had it since i was 3. >> what are you doing to raise awareness? >> we're doing walks, diabetes walks over the brooklyn bridge and my cousins actually held a lemonade stand. >> great. >> to raise money. i'm not sure how much money there is. >> we hear so much bad news about kids today, some of the ones doing all kinds of bad things. what advice would you give a kid today who wants to make a difference with their life? >> if you try your hardest, you can do it. it only takes one person to make a huge difference. just find the right people to help you and you can make a bigger impact than you ever expected. >> what do you think, hon? >> mainly, value your youth. it's the time when you don't have the responsibility. >> which i had. >> you can experiment and find where you feel inspired, where you feel comfortable, where you're really, truly happy without all the strings attached. >> you kids are really -- hannah, all of you kids are doing great, great, great work. we're so proud of you. >> proud and delighted that you're with us. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> we only had to say sorry once. >> excellent. they say every child has a talent, but you have to give a little nudge. >> advice on how to inspire your kids to find their own specific passion. >> this guy is passionate when he's at the pulpit. >> the pint-sized preacher. >> samuel green. >> first, these messages. easo why do you feel exso tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] harvey's i'm so happy you're home dance. that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. but some leading dog foods add sugar, or dyes, or artificial preservatives. [ dog whimpers ] but now there's new so good! from iams. with 100% real wholesome ingredients and none of those other things. now that's real love. so is that. new so good! see what's really in your dog's bowl at so many wonderful kids today with such strong passion and talent. >> as parents we often wonder what our children will grow up to be and do and what we can do to nurture those talents or help our kids find them. >> how do you raise inspired kids? here with advice are michelle and mike. -- bruce fieler the author of the secret of families. once named father of the year, by the way. >> i was, actually. >> my kids don't respect it, but it did happen. >> michelle, every parent, obviously, wants their kid to flourish and sometimes you see something your kid is good at. what should you do to sort of encourage him or her? >> most important thing is we're going to tune into our kids and let them lead us. you're really looking to see where's that child's passion lie? because the new research is really showing us that the right conditions and the right parenting, we can really help stretch our kids to all of them, shine a little brighter and that's what it's about. not having them win the pulitzer. >> not become celebrities, but the finest little people they can be. >> what you're doing is you're going to look a little closer to figure out where his natural interests are. listen, i'm sure while they were watching a tv show and said i'm really upset about what happened in oklahoma. tune into that. then you can always ask a teacher at a parent conference, what are his strengths, what are his talents, and then assess, because a passion becomes an obsession with a child who's really talented. >> can't stop them from doing it. we are going to have a little girl on in a bit that can't stop singing and a boy that can't stop preaching. >> you have to be careful about not pushing them. kids are funny, when you push them, they don't want to do the things you want them to do. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that. first of all you can't decide you're going to raise a talented child. you have to make sure your expectations are right. and some fabulous new research is actually been tracking these kids to discover, first we have to be a champion. we've got to be a cheerleader and support our own children. second of all, the first teachers are absolutely critical for a child that's really talented. they have to be one who's child oriented and also fun. >> unfortunately, sometimes that's not the case. >> you want a child that's well rounded, as well. not only a talented kid, but kid who's empathetic and can feel what's going on. >> there are things parents can do. you mentioned my book, the secrets of happy families, and i spent time looking at families trying to figure out what i could learn. the single most surprising thing i learned is if you want to have inspiring children, tell inspiring stories about your own family. kids who know more about their family history have a higher belief that they can control the world. >> just makes sense. >> and a greater sense of -- >> what if you don't have a great family story? >> even better. that's the point i want to make, don't just tell the positive stories, maybe an aunt had breast cancer, house burned down, maybe lost a job. by being open, this has changed how i parent, because i think my instincts were to only tell positive stories to protect. now when you talk about pain, they become -- they get out of themselves and they relate to it. as you all know, i spent a year fighting cancer in my leg and i was on crutches and i was worried it would traumatize my children. instead, they went running to the kid with the amputated leg on the playground or would look at the rabbit in the kids book that had crutches and would reach out. telling your own stories of your own struggles will actually help your children to become more empathetic. >> that's so smart. meredith vieira once said her husband has m.s., how has that affected your family? i raised more caring children, that's what it gave me. >> because it stretches their empathy. that's what you have, three children here who have such heart. heart is what opens it up. >> otherwise we're sort of basically selfish, aren't we? me, mine, down, no. we have to teach them, i'm sorry -- >> my bad. >> we got to go, you guys. we could talk about it forever. got some great kids we got to get to. >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. her parents helped nurture her plans of making it big. >> she's well on her way. maddie lee is here to sing for us. >> and preacher samuel green is here. we're back with more of "today" and a special show for anyone hoping to raise responsible and inspierd children. we're about to meet one young lady who's both of these. maddie lee has been belting out songs since she learned to talk. >> now at the ripe age of 13, she's a bona fide internet sensation with fans who can't get enough of her music. check it out. ♪ ♪ if i were a boy i think i could understand ♪ >> her youtube videos have been viewed nearly 7 million times. she covers popular songs from taylor swift, one direction, justin timberlake, and maddie lee is here with her mom, vanessa. wheeler or weiller? >> weiller. great to see you both. >> congratulations, sensation. >> thank you. >> you've been singing ever since you can remember. >> yeah. >> i was reading where your brother would cry and you would have maddie sing and what would happen? >> stop, completely. maddie, sing something. >> are your husband have musical ability or skipped a generation? >> total fluke, yes. >> you sang at one of the ball games in cleveland. you're from cleveland. you sang "god bless america." what did that feel like to sing in front of a crowd like that? a lot of the stuff you've been doing has been on youtube. >> it was really amazing and the crowd was really great. it was just a lot of fun. >> who has inspired you, honey, i know taylor swift, you like her. who's the best singer in the whole world, do you think? >> taylor swift, of course. lea michele. >> yeah. you like "glee" and all that stuff. do you see a career in broadway or singing popular songs, what do you think? >> i hope one of those happens, something with singing. >> you will, i think. >> you're going to sing a little bit of a taylor swift song for us, right? which one is it? >> "we are never getting back together." >> that's a good one. >> never, ever. >> maddie lee. >> take it away, maddie. ♪ i remember when we broke up the first time ♪ ♪ saying this is it i've had enough ♪ ♪ we haven't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space ♪ ♪ then you come around again and say baby i miss you and i swear i'm going to change ♪ ♪ trust me ♪ never lasted for a day ♪ i say i hate you we break up ♪ you call me i love you ♪ we called it off again last night ♪ ♪ oh this time i'm telling you i'm telling you ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪ ♪ so we are never ever ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ like ever [ cheers and applause ] >> maddie, nice job! >> that's so good. you were born for this. born for it. >> thank you. very, very proud of her. all righty. does your child have a voice like maddie? >> or do they want to be the next big tv star? >> what you need to know to help them land that first gig right after this. uh-oh! guess what day it is?? guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at take a look. >> look at our fans, we have two. >> your song -- >> i want to hodie on your kotb. >> caught on with one other person. >> going to be big. do you think you have the next justin bieber/selena gomez on your hands and think my child can do that? >> who doesn't think your kid can do it? if you think your kid has what it takes, better listen up. heather finn and bob kline, an independent casting director, who's actually found me a job once. it's great to see you guys, welcome. >> when you have a casting call of a lot of kids, is there something you're looking for right away, sparkle, what is it that you're searching for first? >> i'm always looking for personality. really that's what sets everyone apart from each other is someone who has a good personality and can show that to other people. it's not just a personality when they are at home, they are really fun. >> it's got to be a natural one, though, doesn't it? >> i always beg for the right amount of confidence, mixed with a little dash of humility. >> that's not easy with a child who's been told all their life how fabulous they are also. >> personality is what stands out the most. even when you get a group of kids together, which one are you paying attention to? >> parents wonder if they should go to a cold call and bring their kid or get an agent. what's the best approach, do you guys think? >> the first step is always try and find an agent. there are lots of different ways to find agents. you can send your child's picture in the mail, there are things like call sheet back stage that have lists of agents and managers, and send in pictures of your child, regular snapshots of your child, and that's what's going to start getting them noticed. then they can start going out for auditions. >> if you find out what we're looking for through call sheet or backstage or play bill. then you can read the descriptions of what we're looking for. and if your child seems right, submit them. >> how difficult -- we hear about the back stage mothers and fathers. have you all experienced that in your careers? >> i cast the "annie" tour for many, many years. >> besides me. >> for many, many years and they didn't know it, but i was always the one in the holding room measuring every child because we need to know how tall they were and stuff like that. i was really sent out there to watch the parents and see if there were any red flags about personalities or kids who didn't want to be there that their parents wanted them to be there to fulfill their dream. >> parent might be the problem, not the kid. >> we are looking for kids who want to do this and whose parents are going to be helping them and not hindering them. >> what if you have a child who's talented but the mom is an out of control stage mom? do you not hire those people? >> we try not to, you know, we try and talk to the parents first and, you know, try and temper it with, okay, try and get someone to relax first if we can. someone going to be kind of a nightmare, might not be someone we can worth with. >> how lucrative is this for a kid, if a kid gets a commercial, what are parents going to get at the end? >> national commercial can start a nice savings account, but it's not going to change their lives forever unless it keeps happening and keeps happening. >> a series will. >> absolutely. it depends what kind of job they are doing. a print job is not going to necessarily pay much, but, you know, sometimes it's just for what i call, especially babies with grandparents actors, oh, look we're in "people" magazine, oh, toys "r" us. >> and it should all be baby steps, too. let each successful thing build on the next step. >> thank you both. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. you changed my life. coming up, his sermons have mesmerized thousands across the country. >> the little preacher with the big message. 8-year-old samuel green. oh, yeah, can i hear a hallelujah? right after this. good morning the seven-day forecast working through august here. more showers in the northeast. thursday afternoon rain moves into the interior northeast and anywhere there is red on the map is a threat for a severe storm. in the plains, parts of kansas and missouri more isolated severe weather and more heavy rain in the southeast, new orleans up to the atlanta area. 75 in minneapolis. we have much cooler weather behind a cold front. 77 in chicago. not typical for august. 104 in dallas. the heat is on in the southern plains. 76 in los angeles. the closer to the coast the cooler it will be. we have fires in southern california. no relief from the rain here not in the near future. all of the rain stays east of the mississippi and more severe storms headed into the northeast on friday. and we get rid of everything on saturday. saturday looks better in the northeast. if you are going to jones beach and along the cape, 81 in boston. it will be nice for saturday. showers in the mid atlantic all the way back here along the mississippi. still dry across the west with the exception of areas across northern washington and northern montana. 83 in kansas city on sunday. we dry out in the nation's midsection. on monday we are looking at showers in arkansas, oklahoma, down in the southeast. still 78 in chicago. we're not shaking the cooler than average weather around the great lakes. 96 in salt lake city. wednesday looks quiet with the exception of the southeast. what's new? you can get the latest weather weekday mornings on wake up with al at 5:30. ♪ [ bats squealing ] we weren't really morning people. we're vampires after all. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. it's amazing what we're getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. slow down, boy. mornings. who knew? kellogg's nutri-grain fruit crunch. love the morning. kellogg's nutri-grain fruit crunch. easo why do you feel exso tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours. there is a pint-sized preacher in jackson, mississippi, who has everybody fired up. at 5 years old, samuel green realized he had a special gift. >> three years later he's already a veteran at the pulpit, inspiring everyone who wants to listen wherever he goes. take a look. >> he had nothing. he lost his land, he lost his animals. he lost his sons and daughters. but do you know what job did? job got to his knees and began worshipping god saying the lord has gave and the lord has taken away. blessed be the name of the lord. >> samuel's here with his mother, joanne green, and his mentor, beverly coleman. >> hello, hello, hello. >> hi. >> you are just a bright light sitting over there. you can preach even without those teeth. it's unbelievable. >> when you're up there preaching, are you just memorizing things? tell us what you're doing up there at the pulpit. >> it's something i do, like everyday stuff. i really don't forget it. i really don't get nervous, because i know god has my back. >> god has your back. >> are all your sermons about bible stories? >> well, yes. >> do you have a favorite one, like david and goliath? >> i have a favorite one and it's named "job." >> job. >> because job had double for his trouble. >> joanne, were you surprised when you saw what was coming out of this little one's mouth? >> i was very surprised. i was very surprised. i was amazed. my husband and i, we were amazed just to see samuel get up and preach without any notes or anything. >> and you took him to church, obviously, but when did you realize he had the gift, how young was he? >> i realized he had the gift when he was invited to speak in a church in birmingham, alabama, and he stepped up and preached without any notes. it was just so amazing. >> was it about job? >> you're the only one i know that likes job that much. job is a tough book to get through. good for you. beverly, how did you get involved? >> actually, through preschool. he was brought to me at age 13 months, which is a little early. i actually start teaching academically at age 2 and i met him at 13 months. by 18 months i knew he was gifted academically. >> how did you know that? >> most teachers know you do this repetitious work and we were doing the repetitious work and just out of spite i said, samuel, you do it. it's your turn now. he did all of it just like the 3 and 4 year olds. he knew everything we had been doing just by observing. >> what do your friends think about what you do? >> they really don't -- they really don't mind. they are like, oh, samuel is a preacher. let's play soccer ball. >> so you're well rounded, right? an average kid and when you're not preaching. >> do you want to grow up and be a preacher? >> yes, i want to grow up to be a preacher and a doctor that takes care -- >> to be what? >> a preacher and a doctor that takes care of children. >> so like a pediatrician? >> a pediatrician preacher. i like it. >> i am totally captivated by you, samuel. i adore you. is that all right? >> uh-huh. >> samuel, thank you. congrats, mom. >> congratulations. beautiful, beautiful young man. this is fun. her cooking got her all the way to the white house. >> now amber kelly is sharing those healthy recipes. we're going to get a taste. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> samuel, samuel! back now with what's cooking, celebrating inspirational kids. we are in the kitchen with 10-year-old amber kelly, who wants us all to eat healthy. >> as if not busy enough appearing on her local news station, amber won her state's healthy lunchtime challenge and got invited to the white house and got to sit with the first lady. >> let's look at this picture for a second. was that fun? >> it was amazing. >> was she impressed with what you are trying to do? >> i think so. >> what are you going to cook for us today, sweetie? >> numb -- nummy no-noodle lasagna. this is the recipe i entered in the contest and it has three steps. >> okay. >> we call these our, like, fake noodles. >> fake noodles, okay. >> and really you just have a mandolin and you're going to go like this. >> what is that, zucchini? >> yes. >> you shave it. that becomes your noodle. >> yes. >> like that. the mandolin is like a knife in disguise. this is a knife right here. >> comes out the bottom. >> you can do some. you got to be careful with your fingers. >> i'll be very careful. >> let's just move on to the sauce. so we have some yellow onions in here. thank goodness they are already cut, because they make me cry. >> me, too. you are so cute. >> we have that and we add in our two cloves of garlic. >> aunt kathie doesn't know what she's doing. >> why do yours look so pretty and mine look like hoda made them? >> hey! am i not right here? >> then you just add in your turkey sausage. >> turkey sausage. >> dump it? >> dump it. >> that makes it healthier. >> then you kind of want to break it up. you don't want any pink. then you add in your chunks. >> is that just tomato? >> then your paste. >> tomato paste. >> kid's getting on my nerves. >> then you're going to add in some dry basil. >> okay. >> do we salt and pepper to taste? >> yes. >> just a little bit. try not to add too much salt, right? >> yes. >> kathie, that's not right. >> then you're going to let it simmer for 30 minutes. >> 30 minutes! >> then you're going to move over. we have our finished sauce. you want it to get thick. this is pretty thick. now we're going to assemble it. just need a ladle of your sauce. >> awe sweet. >> she's putting up with us. >> you make a layer of that first. >> we get it. we want to eat. >> thank you for all this cooking. >> then you put on mozzarella and parmesan. >> here's yours. >> i am dying to try this. we have a surprise for you and all the other kids. let's bring in all the other kids. come on, everybody come in. we have a surprise for everybody. all right, you guys, ready? you guys were so inspiring to us we want to give you something back, so we are going to send each of you -- >> thank you, girard. >> and three members of your family to universal orlando. you're going to experience all of it. remember, the theme parks, you're going to stay at the lowe's hotel. >> it's fantastic. >> orbitz is flying you out there, so you get to bring you and how many others? two or three? >> let's just say ten. >> oh, no. oh, no. anyway, where's amber? >> three other people. this is awesome! where's maddie? maddie! where's samuel? where's michael? >> you've been nothing but trouble since the minute you got here. >> michael! all right, tomorrow, decorating tips. you have to taste it. >> i'm tasting it, it's fantastic. samuel, you want a bite? >> no. >> samuel's not hungry. >> have an awesome day, everybody. >> this was a fun show, everybody. >> nice job! >> see you tomorrow. >> bye, everybody. jeff: the braxtons! >> we're not the jacksons, we're the braxtons. [applause] jeff: the reality of putting their family values on display. >> there are no cameras. jeff: oh, a few. we went inside toni's heartbreaking health scare. >> i thought i would decide when i wanted to slow down. i didn't know life was going to tell me i had to take a break. [cheers and applause] jeff: a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm also on a talk show because there is a lot to talk about. this is the adv


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130807

the new crime targeting women. thieves stealing purses inside your car as you fill up at the pump. how to protect yourself from so-called sliders today. wednesday, august 7th, 2013. from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, welcome to "today." it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast, on wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm savannah guthrie along side al roker and natalie morales. take a look at this house. >> michelle knight was there to watch it happen. she released several yellow balloons in the air, and we will have complete coverage of that in just a few minutes. and then we have a lot of news this morning, including a cautionary tale of addiction. let's go to the story out of cleveland. >> reporter: good morning, matt. dump trucks are lining up to take away the rubble of the house, not only to watch michelle knight here to watch it, but also de-jesus' aunt was here. it did not take long at all to erase the house, but it will take longer to remove the memories from inside. >> it's difficult. it's stressful to do this but this is one of the last steps. >> reporter: those empty of belongings the house is full of painful memories for amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight, the three women held captive here over 11 horrific years. years that knight described last week at castro's sentencing. >> days never got shorter. days turned into nights. night turned into days. years turned into eternity. living in bedrooms with toys and musical instruments but also with 99 feet of heavy iron chains strung through the walls to hold the women. windows nailed shut and an alarm system on the doors. their only bathrooms, plastic toilets rarely emptied. they were fed just one meal a day. as castro begins a life sentence in prison, the women are trying to move on with their lives. berry recently appearing on stage at a concert by rapper nelly and dejesus riding in the city's puerto rican parade. anthony castro wants to do what he can to help. >> we would like to honor the wish of the victims and give them respect. >> reporter: he hopes today's demolition is a step in that direction. >> there's a lot of horrible memories for many people here and it's for the best for this house to be demolished. >> reporter: the crews made quick work of the house this morning, taking it down in less than 90 minutes, but on google map they blurred it out of sight in google's street view. john yang in cleveland this morning. thank you very much. we asked what the tkepl tpheugs leans for these three young ladies. >> well, this begins the healing for not only the three ladies but this community, you know. the goal of taking the house down is to make sure that there is no remanence left of ariel castro here in this neighborhood. >> you are close to the de-jesus family, and you have been in constant contact with gina. has she talked to you about this moment? did she ever think she would live to get out the house and did she ever think she would see it torn down and demallished? >> she always had faith that she would be here. >> i understand that she and michelle knight visited the house over the last several days, and they did not go inside from what i have been told, but they wanted to view the house from the outside, a perspective they were not able to have over those 12 -- 10 or 11 years. >> they were here in the dark of the night, and they never left the house for over ten years, and when they were rescued they were whisked in a ambulance and taken away, and in michelle knight's case, she wanted to thank the community and had to endure all the crush of the community and the media on them, but really for holding on to hope that one day they would be found and be reunited with their loved ones. >> what should be done with that site? there are a lot of different plans being put forward. how much impact will these three young ladies have in what eventually happens on that site? >> i think they will have significant impact. they are listening to the residents of greater cleveland, and i think they will have significant say to what the future use of the property will be after a long collaborative community process. think of the world trade center when it came down in new york, the long conversation that occurred, and we are hoping it won't take that long, but we are hopeful and anticipating something grand to happen here in this space. >> an important morning in that neighborhood in cleveland. city councilman, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you, matt. savannah we have breaking news from the white house this morning. the president is canceling plans to meet with vladimir putin next month amid growing tension between the u.s. relations. peter, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. it's a slap in the face, and the white house announcing in the last hour the u.s. president will not travel as planned to moscow where he was supposed to meet one-on-one with vladimir putin, and the new tensions exist over nsa leaker, edward snowden, and the white house now saying the president will instead travel to sweden, and last night president obama said terrorists depend on us being terrorized, but we are going to live our lives. president obama made his first comments about the threat. >> it's significant enough that we are taking every precaution, and it's a reminder, that in all the significant steps we have made that this radical violent extremism is still out there, and we have to stay on top of it. >> we would not say whether the nsa surveillance programs tipped the u.s. off on it. >> i think the general rule is to snow common sense and use caution. >> what i say to them and what i say to president putin, is that's the past, you know, and we have got to think about the future. >> the president insisted he will attend the g-20 summit next month. >> if russia wants to uphold the olympic spirit, then every judgment should be made on the track or in the swimming pool or on the balance beam, and people's sexual orientation should have nothing to do with it. >> about hillary clinton. >> she had the post election glow, and two weeks later after leaving the white house, they look great. >> reporter: the president is getting comfortable on the comedian's couch, and it was his sixth appearance on the night show, and he will go to visit with marines and their families to thank them for their service. all right. thank you. >> reporter: good morning. first the u.s. identified the al qaeda plot and is now moving to disrupt it. >> foreigners at the international airport in yemen's capital, leaving the country. american citizens have been told by the state department to leave after nonessential u.s. embassy staff were evacuated on an airport c-17, and they are getting out of harm's way and because of joint u.s. yemeni fights are intensifying. two drone strikes in 48 hours, part of the offensive authorized by the white house over the last ten days, following a lull. the ancient walled capital, there is aircraft. the kphaamerican officials said trainers are still in yemen, and busy. but al qaeda in yemen is well armed. this group doesn't hide. it wants to control the country. overnight, it shot down a yemeni military helicopter. u.s. officials say al qaeda in yes, ma' yemen was given an order for a big attack, and the u.s. is trying to delay it or stop it. the officials today claimed to have stopped the al qaeda plot to blow up oil and gas facilities in yemen and takeover at least two ports. >> thank you very much. natalie is here with news on a big fire at an international airport overnight. >> yeah, good morning, everybody. huge flames and dark black smoke billowed up in the air, and it has forced the cancelation of inbound and outbound flights, and it's expected to cause major disruptions in air travel throughout the region. the justice department filed the first criminal charges on the attack in libya, benghazi. four americans, including the u.s. ambassador were killed in the attack. a nice wide manhunt on for a man suspected of abducting two children in california. they were last seen on saturday, and police believe they were with 40-year-old james demaggio. the children's father pleaded for their return. >> hanna, we all love you very much, and if you have a chance, you take it, you run. >> police say demaggio may have had a relationship with the mom. the man accused of mowing down pedestrians in california killing one had his first court appearance on tuesday, and this as we are learning more about the victims. migu miguel has the story from los angeles. >> reporter: the 38-year-old suspect facing nearly three dozen felony counts including murder pleaded not guilty in court. >> he is disputing the stated facts, and the facts as to his version will come out in a court of law. >> with nathan campbell learning more here, and we are learning more about who was killed. the italian couple's dream honeymoon turned into a nightmare. she was one of 17 people struck by a man. her sister and husband who survived the collision are planning her funeral. >> there are no words to describe. our situation our love. >> the driver accelerated and purposely swerved into the crowd. court records indicate campbell, who is said to be homeless and living in his car has spent three stints in jail for shoplifting and trespassing. >> he is quite distraught, and saddened, and he does not believe that he is a homicidal person. >> this week along the ward walk, a growing tribute for the victims, as the man accused of the deadly collision faces the possibility of a life in prison. heated moments involving anthony weiner and mcdonald, the exchange happened before the debate started and it was caught by a photographer. take a listen. >> in case you didn't hear it, weiner called mcdonald grandpa, and the event was hosted by aarp. and one day after a successful heart procedure, doctors discovered a blockage during bush's annual physical and inserted a stint to open the clog, and he is said to be in high spirits and expected to resume his normal schedule on thursday. actor dustin hoffman has undergone treatment for cancer. the publicist for the actor says the cancer was detected early and was surgically cured and they did not say when the actor was diagnosed or what kind of cancer he had. we are wishing him all the best today. >> maybe my favorite guest over the 17 years i have been here, and he has done something great, and the crew adored him. >> yeah, one time he brought a big basket of muffins. >> we love dustin hoffman. >> we do. we have a first check of the weather. >> we have another hurricane to talk about out in the paw secif. as we look and show you, it's about 1,425 miles east of hilo, and it's moving northwest, and the path of the storm should stay fairly south of the big island, but again we are going to continue to watch this as it moves through you will probably see swells and clouds. west coast, looking good. pretty toasty. boise, 97 degrees today. temperatures will be in the mid to upper 80s in seattle and in eugene. look at this. it's going to be hotter in seattle than it will be in san diego. san diego, 71 degrees, and tucson getting up to 99. the rest of the country, we have a risk of strong storms in the center of the u.s., and we are also looking at rough weather as we make our way into the upper midwest, and showers from the gulf coast all the way up into western new york. that's what is going on, and we will get your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ♪ ♪ good wednesday morning. i'm christina loren. íç flight delays and 1:20 due to low clouds and drizzle. temperatures unseasonably cool. 78 degrees in 4livermore. 72 at room temperature in san jose for the 7th day of august. we hold on to unseasonably cool conditions for the next couple of days warming back up monday into tuesday. have a fantastic day. and that's your latest weather, matt. >> al, thank you very much. tonight's powerball drawing has a lot of americans dreaming big. the jackpot is now up to $425 million. that's the third largest in the lottery's history. katie has more. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. the odds are good. it's only 1 in 175 million. but it's $2 a pop. it's worth it, especially if you're thinking what i'm thinking. it's that time again. so run, don't walk to your corner store because you might just hit the jackpot. >> don't usually buy them but when the jackpot gets pretty big, then we play. >> are you going to be the one that wins tomorrow? >> are you kidding? >> so that's a yes? >> no. >> absolutely. i'm going to be the one. >> are you going to be the one? >> i hope so. i want to be the one. i really want to be the one. >> i'll share. >> after no winners last weekend, the powerball is now at $425 million. start your engines please, and let's play what can you do with all that cash? stars in your eyes? well, you could go to the moon. you and 1,699 of your closest friends. got a sweet tooth? buyout hostess and never ever ever run out of twinkies, ever. you could buy tom brady, tony romo, carmelo anthony and david beckham combined or if you're like me, six roger federers. then again you could just buy a-rod out of his contract and save the yankees a lot of trouble. matt murphy on twitter must be sure he is going to win or that his boss doesn't follow him tweeting last day of work tomorrow ever. you can play the powerball in 43 of the 50 states including d.c. and the u.s. virgin islands, but who are we kidding, if you live on an island you already won. let's talk reality. the jackpot is $425 million but the lump sum is $244 million before taxes. so what are we thinking? like 120, 130? 140 million? good news is we could still all go to the moon guys. you up for it? >> yeah, that sounds good. >> then you can get three roger federers. >> and a trip to the moon. >> i knew i liked her. >> meanwhile, coming up, a warning about a brazen new crime. how thieves are targeting your belongings while you stand feet away pumping gas. >> and the frantic 911 call after the near drowning of usher's 5-year-old son. >> is he breathing? >> is he breathing? is he breathing? >> why that is leading to a new custody battle for the super star. but first, this is "today" on nbc. super star. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! just ahead, ariana huffington's daughter opens up about the dark secret she kept from her family for years. the powerful addiction to cocaine. and the american tourist accused of breaking any museum's first rule, don't touch, just look. [ male announcer ] zzzquil. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. ♪ new jif whips -- whipped peanut butter, ma'am. oooh. [ store manager ] fluffy, dippable, and oh-so-delicious -- people love it. i got one! [ female announcer ] give your day a lift with new jif whips. we can't keep them on the shelves. i got one! ♪ ♪ ♪ into time 7:26. good morning, i'm jon kelley. a 1 qurl and his 20-year-old father shot inside a home in oakland. homicide detectives trying to piece together what happened between six and eight rounds fired in back of the house this morning. and that sent right now is on for the gunman. san jose city council considering new regulations for adult themed gentlemen's club. the new rule proposed after a bikini bar would open in downtown san jose. sam liccardo wants the city to consider making adult entertainment establishments pay a public safety fee and proposing no touching rule, brighter lights and earlier closing time. the gold club set to open tomorrow. ac transit struck a deal with union workers to avoid a strike. that happened this morning. deal includes a pay raise and changes to health benefits. a b.a.r.t. strike is still looming. a state board hearing arguments from b.a.r.t. and its unions on the stalled negotiations. but won't be slowing down is the weather. christina loren is here to talk about our wednesday. >> good morning. funny thing, 7th day of august, i've activated radar, we're not getting as many returns as we had an hour ago. america's cup is in town and win is likely going to play a factor out there. as we head throughout the afternoon, of course, catch that cup right here on nbc bay area. starting at 1:00 p.m. and it is going to be exciting just like yesterday. 78 degrees livermore. 68 degrfremont. we'll have the seven day outlook in a few minutes. talking about the bay bridge approach. behind me, the lights are on and things are very slow here in this location. we do have an accident and that is in north bay. this is on 101 near marin wood. through petaluma. things are heavy from hayward on 880 over towards san mateo bridge headed down into the south bay. south bay, not looking at major accidents but the slow spots on 17s and toward 101. that's a quick check of morning news. [ female announcer ] new nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. hearty oatmeal now softly baked with a drizzle of cinnamon. it's a brand-new take on a morning classic. soft-baked oatmeal squares. new from nature valley. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. >> are you going to be the one that wins tomorrow? >> are you kidding? >> so that's a yes? >> no. >> absolutely. i'm going to be the one. >> are you going to be the one? >> i hope so. i want to be the one. you are looking at one of the newest ways on the planet to get around. the world's first human powered flying bike. we will take you for a ride in just a bit. it's 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 7th of august, 2013. >> it's human powered with the help of a huge fan. also ahead, check out the thieves. they are snatching purses from cars as women standing next to the cars are simply pumping gas feet away. authorities call these thieves sliders because they slide up next to the car and jump out and steal from you. we'll tell you how you can protect yourself. christine huffington is joining us with a live interview. it's an addiction that she kept hidden from everybody in her life for years, including her mom. if you have a question about addiction for them, tweet it to us with the #asktoday was the 12th time a charm in the parents of 11 boys decided to try for a girl, and they will introduce us to their newest bundle of joy. we will begin with the 5-year-old son of singer usher recovering from almost drowning in the backyard swimming pool. gabe, good morning to you. >> reporter: usher's ex-wife filed paperwork asking for the emergency custody hearing. the singer was not at the home during the incident, but he rue hospital after a very close call. >> a frantic 911, a boy trapped under water. >> i need the ambulance. >> atlanta police say monday afternoon 5-year-old usher raymond v was swimming in this residential pool when he got stuck in a drain. according to the police report, when the child's aunt couldn't pull him out she screamed for help and called 911. >> my nephew was in the pool and he -- he went and i couldn't get him -- i couldn't -- i couldn't get him. >> two contractors working inside the house ran to the rescue and were able to free the boy. one of them performed cpr. >> is he breathing? >> is he breathing? is he breathe stphg? >> he is breathing, yes, ma'am. >> the scare comes just a year after another terrifying accident in the water when usher's 11-year-old step son was hit by a jet ski and killed. all this after a turbulent few years for the star of nbc's "the voic voice". he and his ex-wife tamika foster went through a battle where usher was granted custody of his two sons. now she is asking for a custody hearing claiming the children are at risk while in the care of third-party caregivers while usher travels around the world. >> in light of the accident he has to readdress his confrontation with his ex-wife and i'm sure it's another thing he would rather not deal with right now. >> reporter: so far no comment from usher. the emergency custody hearing is scheduled for friday, and meanwhile the 5-year-old boy is expected to make a full recovery, matt and savannah. >> those near drownings, those drains can be so dangerous. >> they're so powerful. >> a good reminder. >> those drains t kids get near them and the power of the suction is very scary. >> we want a check of the weather now. mr. roker has headed outside. al? >> thanks, guys, we have friends -- mom, sorry you had to work. where is mom? >> mom is working. we're going to a broadway play. way to rub it in, yikes. sorry, mom. it's hot down in texas. heat advisories and heat warnings from mississippi up into arkansas, oklahoma, texas. it's not just the air temperature, but the feels like temperature, and it says it will feel like 108, and 107 in shreveport. but you get here in the 70s in new england. 60s in the up of michigan and on into northern minnesota. 90s interior sections of the pacific northwest. the two risk areas for severe weather both in the central plains and also upper midwest and the heat continues on into parts of new mexico. but gorgeous in los angeles today. sunshine, 75. 7:34 on wednesday morning. cloudy start to the day over the go bridge. we have a lot of high and mid levelle clouds, not a lot of fog. updated all morning long. what is going to happen, we'll see the westerly flow, cool ocean air inland. enough of the wind so a fog isn't much of a factor even later tone when it rolls in. 58 degrees in san francisco. 72 in san jose 74 santa teresa. finally seasonal averages monday. >> al, thank you very much. this morning on rossen reports, a new crime targeting women at gas stations. thieves striking as you're standing only feet away at the pump. today national investigative correspondence jeff rossen is in midtown manhattan with more on this. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. here at the gas station most women leave their pocketbooks on the front seat of the car. my wife does it. that's her bag right there. then you go to pump gas thinking what could possibly happen? my stuff is safe. i am standing here, feet away from my car. but that's exactly when these crooks strike on the opposite side of the car, while you are pumping gas and distracted, all of it caught on tape. >> reporter: you're watching a brazen crime in action. see this woman pumping gas off to the side. now, watch this silver car pull up next to her just like any other customer. as the woman is focussing on the gas pump, watch, the thief crouches down, opens her passenger door and grabs her purse. the entire crime takes only 19 seconds. police call these crooks sliders. >> they say it's sliding because they're sliding below the eye level of the door. >> reporter: and it's happening nationwide. from houston to miami to washington d.c. in this case, watch as the thief checks the door, it's locked so he jumps through the window to snatch the purse. the victim pumping gas just feet away. >> this is such an easy crime for them to commit because they're in and out so quickly. >> reporter: it happened to susan while filling up her tank. surveillance cameras caught this car pulling up next to her truck. watch as the thief creeps out, opens her door, and makes off with her purse. >> i me ever even thought to lock my doors because i'm standing right there next to my car. >> reporter: but it wasn't over yet. just minutes later while susan was waiting for police to arrive, another crook hit the same station. watch this white sedan pull up to another woman's suv. the thief sneaks out and tries to grab her purse from inside. susan saw it and sprang into action. >> i ran out and i started yelling he's robbing you, he's robbing you. i didn't want it to happen to her. it just happened to me. it's an awful feeling. >> reporter: he got away empty-handed. while cops nab some of the thieves, many are never caught. leaving women vulnerable, easy targets at the pump. >> where do you keep your pocket book when you are pumping gas? >> the front seat passenger seat. >> so it's right over -- here it is. it would be easy for a criminal to come from the other side and grab this. >> especially considering i always leave the windows down. >> even worse. >> yes. >> reporter: so how do you protect yourself? ideally police say you take your pocketbook out of the car and bring it with you to the pump while you pump gas but at the very least matt lock your doors and roll up your windows so when the crook tries to check your car from the other side he can't get in. >> roll up your window on the driver side or roll down your window so you don't lock yourself out of the car? >> reporter: good point, yeah. >> just thinking here. >> lauer reports. >> jeff, you'll get an update on that one tomorrow. appreciate it. >> reporter: yeah. >> jeff, thank you. coming up, the man who couldn't open a water bottle at a baseball game with a new explanation for his struggles. we'll talk to him. >> and up next, the new flying bike that promises to revolutionize the way you travel. we'll take you on a ride right after this. revolutionize the wa travel. we'll take you on a ride right after this. 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[ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasiss. started getting in the way, that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. we're back at 7:42 with a new spin on cycling. a bike that can actually fly. michelle kosinski is in london with the story this morning. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, these boris bikes are everywhere here. problem is it can beer the identifying to bike in london. but two guys in a pub came up with this somehow kind of less terrifying alternative to biking on the street or on the ground at all. people have always been trying to make their bikes fly with not much success. even catching a little air is elusive. for everyone except "e.t.," until the bike with a light weight attachment. snap it together and blast off. it can fly for three hours, 9,000 feet above your city's traffic jams. >> so the first time you road on it and it worked -- >> it was crazy. >> this is a perfectly good bike. what have you done? >> it's a perfectly good flying bike now. >> like a page from "the notebook," these two engineers dreamed it up in their local public. >> complicated. >> after i don't want to know how many pints did one of you say flying bicycle. let's do it. how did it come up in conversation? >> you should come out drinking with us. all kinds of things come up in conversation. i love that it's a completely new form of transport. >> reporter: and with those immortal words -- oh, my gosh, what do i hold on to? oh, my god. [ music playing ] beautiful. landing perfect. made it. not since "e.t." have there been such lovely bike flights, and you just ride it off again. so they envision somebody takes one of the bikes to work and then afterwards bikes out to the field and then uses it to fly away to the countryside for the weekend. there's a couple of restrictions on what you can fly it over but believe it or not you don't need a license to fly one of those and they picture some day this would be very popular in america. so who knows? maybe one day we'll see you biking in on one of those. >> yeah, fly on over here. >> what could possibly go wrong? >> exactly. >> flying over the buildings manhattan. >> yeah. or like flying over a military installation. >> yeah, exactly. >> all right. michelle, thank you. just ahead, how long do you want to live? >> as long as possible. >> we'll tell you why most americans don't seem to totally want the fountain of youth. but first, these messages. th. but first, these messages. hey! yummm! totally got it all! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon ♪ ♪ use your debit or credit redcard for an extra 5% off our everyday low prices. your next trip is calling you. saying, "dan, schedule a 5 o'clock meeting at a hilton garden inn." or "dan"... hey, dad. ..."explore your family tree at a homewood suites." 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[ female announcer ] kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. help feed their full potential. now with kellogg's family rewards, you can get even more from the products you love. join today at we're back now on a wednesday morning which also coincidentally is day two of never letting al live town that he overslept and missed "wake up with al" yesterday. we decided to make sure he showed up this morning. take a look. >> the city is better prepared and -- >> wake up. time to get up -- >> hold on, just a second. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> this show is called "wake up with al". >> meanwhile, you are everywhere on this. everybody loved the concept of you sleeping in. >> how slow a news day was that. >> you have been getting tweets from huge -- >> a lot of tweets. >> mcdonald's tweeted stick with us, al roker, we will help you wake up for the next 29 years. >> didn't he here from walmart. >> yeah, it was fun. coming up next, we have trending in the next half hour. >> right after your local news. what is that?! ] this is ted. he's gonna help pick the color. blue. we have that. can you take him? [ gasps ] ah, we have that, too. aah! [ male announcer ] save big on a great selection at toyota's nationwide clearance event right now, get 0% apr financing on a 2013 camry. hurry. the amazing deals won't last long. did you find him? still looking. [ male announcer ] toyota. let's go places. ♪ okay, someone who you really are. i heard from my friend's cousin that someone was shopping at jcpenney. so you know she's gonna bring it. [ female announcer ] this weekend, buy more and save more with your jcpenney coupon. come find your first day look at jcpenney. come find your first day look if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. j.d. power and associates has ranked quicken loans highest in the nation in customer satisfaction... i say "family," because we've been blessed with this honor for 3 years in a row... rest assured we'll treat all of your mortgage needs with tender loving care. amazing client satisfaction: it's a quicken loans family value. call 800-quicken or go to to experience it for yourself. .. . . . start at just 6 bucks. .. . served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. and i'm here to talk about your bums. these are bum-wipes. do you think that would be quite an interesting addition to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go? yeah, we could do that. it's awesome! [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. where to next? 7:56. good morning, i'm jon kelley. family and friends of a missing oakland mother desperate for any answers. sandra coke last seen sunday night leaving her home in her mini cooper. she apparently told her 15-year-old daughter she was going to meet somebody who had information about the family's missing dog. coke, however, never returned. police found her car late flr oakland. coke is a death penalty appeals investigator for the office of the federal defender in sacramento. water is safe to drink in los altos and surrounding cities but it doesn't smell like it. cal water received close tie dozen complaints about a musty odor in the watt rp the company says don't worry about it it smells bad but it's safe to drink. the smell is from algae in the delta. this we're being told is common this time of year when the weather is very hot. speaking of the weather, let's bring in christina loren. not hot out there now. >> not at all. nowhere in the near future. we are going to warm up towards next week. cool until then. picking up light showers in sonoma and marin county area of low pressure spinning, pushing inland. it's going to create a drizzly pattern throughout the day. you'll get a couple hours of sunshine. 72 in san jose. 74 on the way to santa teresa. let's check the drive with anthony slotter. >> things are in the heart of rush hour. congestion across the area highways, bay bridge approach bogged down. 880 things are slow there. cars stalled in the center lane on 880 north bound. that's keeping things majorly slow. san rafael moving at a snail's pace because of an earlier accident through petaluma. that's a quick look at weather, news, traffic. do you see the 10% back in points, aw baby, i'm seeing triple again. plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. yeah. my first. congratulations. your applewood pulled pork with extra pickles sir. [ male announcer ] new subway applewood pulled pork. the sweet and smoky flavor you love. subway. eat fresh. [ camera shutter snaps ] ♪ we're the red hatters and we're here to have fun. >> wake up florida. we're from texas. >> hi, grandma in colorado. >> wake up dad, we're on "today". >> it's my 13th birthday. it's 8:00 now on a wednesday morning. it's the 7th day of august, 2013. we got a great crowd of people gathered on our plaza this morning enjoying a sunny morning. we could get a little rain later today, but for the moment, no complaints. we thank them for stopping by. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie and al roker. it is always a good day on the plaza when the red hatters are here. we love these ladies. they come about every year, don't they? >> that's right. >> yeah. some of them from kingsport, tennessee. home of our favorite john palmer. >> exactly right. anyway, remember a video we showed you a little bit earlier in the week. this guy was at a baseball game. big muscular guy, trying to open up a water bottle. kind of went viral on line. guess what? this guy is going to join us this morning and explain what happened. he's got he thinks a good explanation. >> a big dude. >> he is. >> mind your manners. then a different story, a well-known family coping with addiction. arianna huffington and her 24-year-old daughter christina are opening up to us about christina's struggle with cocaine. it's a personal story she's telling and it can serve as a warning for all parents and teens. >> and then we're kicking off a three-day series ask the expert. first up, waiters, the advice on tipping to the right way to read a menu, and are those specials all that special? we'll find out. >> interesting answer for that. >> we have a little news to share. on friday on the plaza we were supposed to have a concert from michael buble. something came up. michael is going to send us a message and explain that tomorrow. so we're happy to tell you that stepping in, pitching in, flo rida will be here. on friday morning. so come down to the plaza and check out what is always a great concert when flo rida stops by. >> because our executive producer's wife has a shirt and flo on speed dial. # >> maybe he'll do buble tunes. that would be interesting. >> let's it is rare to change command of an aircraft so close to safety issues. 16 people were injured when the planes' nose gear collapsed and the plane skidded to a stop. the cleveland house where ariel castro held three women captive for a decade is now a pile of rubble. it took demolition crews less than two hours this morning to tear down the house. castro agreed to pay for the demolition as part of the guilty plea. his victims and neighbors will help decide what should be done with the property. health officials say there's a significant decrease in childhood obesity nationwide. in 18 states the obesity rates for low income preschoolers are down slightly after rising for decades. despite that decline the cdc says obesity rates are too high. more than two-thirds of adults in the u.s. are either obese or overweight. and something new may be coming to a taco bell near you. it's a new breakfast waffle taco which includes scrambled eggs, sausage and a side of syrup. it is being test marketed in southern california. it was a top seller and now it's expanding the test to about 100 restaurants in several states starting tomorrow. may go nationwide with it next year. it is 8:05. let's go back out to matt and savannah. i think al actually is the one who invented that idea with his waffle bacon wrap. >> exactly right. >> a logical progression. >> al gets ten cents of every -- no, kidding. >> he'd like that deal. >> absolutely. i will go up against taco bell with my bacon waffle any day. as far as today is concerned, oh, man, our pick city of the day, we love topeka, kansas. they're looking at showers, afternoon storms. high of 87 degrees today. look, we have flash flood watches and severe thunderstorm watches up right now from kansas on into missouri. where we do not need more rain. they have already picked up to eight inches of rain. in fact, garden city to wichita, up to five inches. some areas locally more than that. a slight risk of strong storms and wet weather in the gulf. the heat continues in the yes, warmer in the pacific northwest and right here in the beautiful bay area, plenty of low clouds start the day. over san francisco, you can make out alcatraz, coat tower seeing a chop pick up on the bay. it will be choppy later on as the winds start to build throughout the day, flight delays an hour and 21 minutes out of sfo. check there 78, livermore, 72, bay side at the coast, 60, get nothing the upcoming weekend. only a hint warmer by sunday into monday, reaching seasonal averages. and that's your latest weather. matt, savannah. >> all right, al, thank you ve >> and that's your latest weather. wanted to try to have one girl. so did she get her wish? we'll find out right after this. . but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. [ male announcer ] advair diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. get your first prescription free and save on refills at [ female announcer ] what if breakfast was set free? ♪ where might it take you? ♪ where might you go? ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. ♪ the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up -- and go. kellogg's®. from great starts come great things. ♪ ♪ ♪ it can only be called black silk. from folgers. a taste you can enjoy fresh brewed one cup at a time or on the go. black silk from folgers. or on the go. i tthan probablycare moreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us. we're back at 8:10 with what's trending today. the stories you're talking about online. trending on the associated press, this is a really interesting story. dad's opinion matters, at least when it comes to sibling rivalries. do you parents play favorites? did they? >> not intentionally. >> they said they loved us all equally. >> they always say that. >> what about as parents? have you ever felt you played favorites? >> i try not to. >> i try not to but sometimes you get along with one more than the other. >> okay. >> parents say they don't. >> ear muffs. >> but kids often feel differently. a new study says that when dad seems to prefer one child over another, that causes a higher rate of sibling rivalry, especially among daughters. favoritism by mothers, less likely to provoke tension. now one possible explanation has to do with men's lower life expectancy. adult children may come to value their aging fathers even more as they realize that their time with those fathers might be limited and that might spark competition for affection. >> that accounts for it later in life. but for little kids. >> seek dad's approval. especially little girls. >> unless you're a football player when you score that winning touchdown. >> exactly. meantime trending on the website of the los angeles times, how old would you really want to live? remember that 1992 movie death becomes her? it imagined what life would be like if you could drink a potion and live forever. >> drink that potion and you never grow one day older, don't drink it and continue to watch yourself rot. >> bottoms up. >> well, seems a lot of us wouldn't have the same reaction. there was a poll that said 56% of americans wouldn't want to live to age 120 saying it would be bad for society. so the ideal age according to the study, what would you guess? >> 90. >> 90. and by the way, an average a child born in the u.s. today can expect to live to about 79. >> i say like 85 in good health. >> but you say that until you're 84 and it's like i don't want to die next year. >> it's good health and if you're mobile. if you can do things for yourself it's great. >> those chairs do wonders. >> i don't really need to be that mobile. >> clap on and clap off. >> exactly. trending on nbc, look but don't touch. as if american tourists didn't have a bad reputation already, now there is this. a missouri man traveling in italy accidentally snapped a finger off a 600-year-old statue. one italian paper said the man was trying to compare hand size with the virgin mary and the pinky finger broke off. the priceless work in florence dates back to at least the early 15th century. the tourist has apologized he still may face a large fine. >> i think we all thought the same thing. the italians were seen giving a different finger. >> exactly. >> you don't touch statues. >> he was trying to do a high five. >> well, obviously, not quite priceless. >> i'm sure it was covered in fair coverage in the italian press. >> absolutely. >> they love it. >> trending on youtube, the bottle battle, earlier this week we showed you this video of a strapping guy struggling to open a water bottle during a baseball game. yeah. so jokes pouring in all over the web. even the announcers got in a few cracks. >> oh, come on. sir, i think you got the wrong workout program. >> oh, that's mean. >> his name is christopher and he is here to explain what happened. christopher, good to see you. >> how are you. >> i'm a good sport about it. >> what happened? >> what happened was i was given tickets to attend the mets game and there was nobody there so i didn't want to lose the opportunity to sit so close and i was just minding my own business and security guard handed me the water bottle and asked if i could have some assistance and i obliged and kept struggling with it and people around me were watching and they were laughing and a few minutes later i still couldn't get it and i was getting frustrated. i felt completely shut down by the situation. i started with my shirt and i just couldn't get it. >> do we think it's a trick bottle? >> you were set up. >> i think i just had a bad day. >> you don't think -- >> have you seen your muscles? i think you could open any water bottle. >> it could happen to anyone. they say it happens to guys all the time. so who knows. >> who knows what happened. but i got a call two minutes later from a good friend of mine and she said do you know you were just on tv and what's your problem with that water bottle. >> and the announcer said you should change your workout. would you like to go with that announcer. >> i would challenge him to an arm wrestling contest. have no problem with that. >> we could do that right here on the show. >> savannah is really thirsty. would you mind? >> there better not be a trick. >> i hope not. >> i sense a trick on this one. >> is it? why would we do that? that's mean. >> we would never do anything like that. >> can i tell you why we did that? she just wants to see your muscles again. >> you should try the other one. >> see, this one opens. >> there we go. >> all right. >> you are a good sport. >> it was fun. i'm glad everyone had a good laugh at it. it was a fun experience. >> glad to have you here. >> thank you. that is what is trending today. straight ahead in our 8:00 block, was the 12th time the charm? we'll meet the newest bundle of joy for the parents of 11 boys who decided to try once again for a girl. we'll find out what happened. but first on our cover story this morning, addiction. these headlines are all too familiar, from the tragic deaths of cory monteith and amy winehouse to the public disbehavior of lindsey lohan and amanda bynes. but now christina huffington, daughter of arianna huffington is sharing her story in glamour magazine. she says cocaine nearly killed her. >> reporter: she was just 16 when she first tried cocaine. 24-year-old christina huffington grew up in the white hot glare of the media spotlight. her famous parents going through a very public divorce when she was young. it was the drama that played out on camera but few saw the damage going on off camera. christina's drug and alcohol use spiralled out of control. >> they are brilliant at doing it. it could be right under your nose and you never know it. if you see the slightest sign. you're seeing the tip of the iceberg. >> reporter: for years christina successfully hid her drug and alcohol abuse from her parents, her friends, her bosses, she even got into yale but began snorting cocaine daily. she was hired at glamour magazine. >> she was a fantastic intern. her internship happened to fall during a period she was not using drugs. >> reporter: christina attended a women of the year event with her mom who was being honored. she developed chest pains caused from a cocaine bing the night before. on that day she confessed to her mom and sought help. she has been sober for over a year and now she is telling her story to dispel the glamourization of drug use. >> her drug addiction was not her up all night at fantastic parties. it was her had loan in her dorm room at 7:00 in the morning getting high. and i think with high profile cases like the tragic death of cory monteith and people like lindsey lohan that struggled from addiction it's important to hear from a woman that's gone through that that can say you can do it. it's hard but you can do it. >> christina huffington is with us this morning exclusively along with her mom, arianna huffington, founder of the huffington i was struck by this piece. there is nothing glamorous about what you described. can you give us a snapshot. at it's worse, what was life really like for you. >> absolutely unglamorous. it was very much me by myself, in my apartment, using drugs all day from morning to night. there was nothing fun about it. i wasn't at fun parties. i was depressed. i was scared and anxious and felt isolated and alone. >> it sounded to me from reading your piece that you were almost immediately addicted. some people think they can flirt with drugs but it sounds like the second you tried cocaine it was a problem. >> yes, i think for me cocaine was my drug and it sort of really quickly erased all of my insecurities, all my fears. all of my ideas -- the idea that i'm not good enough that i think a lot of people can relate to, especially young women. and all of a sudden with one line i was on top of the world. >> you have been through a lot. you lost your father young. you have a great mom. i know that you're both so close. was it shocking to you? >> well, absolutely. we got divorced but her father has been very involved in her life. but i think what happened is that when christina decided to go public about her struggle and her recovery, we rallied as a family because we felt that millions of young people in their teens and 20s struggling with alcohol and drug addiction and if christina's story can prevent one parent watching now from getting the call that i got of mommy i can't breathe and help one young woman or young man come out, reach out for help and know that you can turn your life around, then it would have been worth it. >> and christina it wasn't seize easy to come forward like this. one thing is people would say she had every advantage and every resource available to her. what would you say to that? >> i understand that criticism and i've seen that criticism. even today when my mom posted something on facebook. it's the idea that i've been really blessed and i have been really blessed. that's part of the reason i struggled coming forward but what i want to show is that addiction can strike no matter what. you can come from a loving family. you can have financial resources and you can still feel that pit of loneliness and emptiness and that desire to fill it with substances. so i wanted to give a different face to the disease. >> we have twitter questions and a few of them are pretty thought provoking. one is from joe. what's one thing you lost due to your addiction that you wish you could have back. >> the biggest thing i lost, i actually have regained which is my self-esteem and my self-worth which were shattered when i got sober a year and a half ago. i felt like i was the scum of the earth and now i have slowly rebuilt that self-esteem through the last year and a half. >> and arianna, from the mother's perspective, did you have any suspicion at all, that's probably the tip of the iceberg. >> yes, well, 5 million young people, teenagers, people in their 20s who need treatment and only 10% of them get treatment. so for me this is also a moment to restart a whole conversation about the drug war that we're basically waging against our own children. 725,000 people are arrested every year for drug violations. and yet so few of them get treatment. that's really, for me, what we need to change. and if christina's story can help that, can stop the sort of emergency visits, almost 1 million a year for all the violations, it really would be a great conversation for us to have. >> well, it's a personal story that will start that conversation for sure. arianna and christina, thank you for being here. >> thank you savannah. >> thank you. >> this appears in the september issue of glamour magazine. here's matt. >> thank you very much. let's switch gears now. we all heard of couples trying for a boy when they already have girls or trying for a boy when they have girls. one michigan couple took that to the extreme. after having 11 boys, they decided to try for number 12 hoping this time for a daughter. and they welcomed home their new baby. >> having another baby in the house, it's just natural now. >> terry and joe are submiten with their newest bundle of joy. a homecoming that's a regular ritual in their family. >> we were getting ready to leave the hospital and i said 12. 12 kids. that's crazy. >> already at home, 11 big brothers. tyler, zach, drew, brandon, tommy, vinny, calvin, gabe, wesley, charlie, and luke. >> this is a pretty testosterone filled house. >> yeah. >> a lot of sneakers, and a lot of bruises. a lot of food. >> we assumed that if we had any more it was just going to be more boys. >> terry has been expecting a baby off and on for the last 22 years and as the only woman in the house, she is used to being out numbered. really outnumbered. >> we thought maybe, maybe, you know, we're going to have a girl. number 12 could be the one. >> all right. they are with us now. guys, good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> all right. do you want to introduce us to the newest member of your family? what is his or her name? >> this is tucker. >> tucker as in a boy tucker. >> the name should give it away. >> a boy tucker. >> yes. >> well, congratulations. how is tucker doing? >> he is doing great. >> yeah. >> he is acclimating well. >> is there any baby -- any baby is a blessing, but you were trying for a girl. how are you feeling? >> we are confident that he is going to fit right in and we gave up a long time ago on a little girl showing up in this family. >> well, you have now got three entire golf foursomes. you have a whole baseball team with three in the bull pen which is great. we'll talk to you more in just a little while. thanks very much. stick with us. we're back right after these me good morning to you, it is 8:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. the hunt is on this morning for a man who shot and killed a 1-year-old boy and 20-year-old father in their own home. it happened on good morningry avenue early this morning in oakland. homicide detectives say between six to eight rounds were fired through the back of the house. the father and son were in the same room at the time when the shots were fired. the father died at the scene while the little boy died at the hospital. simply tragic. check the morning commute now, switch gears, literally, with anthony. >> good segue there here we are talking about traffic that is still bogged down right now the bay bridge approach, you can see this on our camera and lots of cloudy skies in the area, once you actually get on the bridge, fog and a little bit of drizzle as well. also show you 880, you can see very heavy on the northbound side. there was actually a stall in the center divide about half an hour ago and that's really made things worse on this particular location. you can see the maze approaching the bay bridge from every single highway, from 580, even 880, as you just saw, really keeping things slow, otherwise, typical slow spots continue across the bay area. laura, back to you. >> thank you very much. we will have another local news update in half an hour or so we hope you get a chance to enjoy your morning. subject will break in later. we will check in with christina. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. 8:30 now on this wednesday morning. it's the 7th of august, 2013. we say hello to our wonderful crowd out here on rockefeller plaza. beautiful spring like temperatures, fall-like temperatures. nice and cool. good morning i'm savannah guthrie along side al roker, natalie morales and matt lauer. >> we'll start a special three part series called ask the expert. this will be fun. this morning, a professional waiter dishes on everything from how much you should leave in a tip to that so-called waiters revenge and also tells you about the specials on the so-called specials menu. >> right. are they special or are they special? >> also want to get in one more family vacation before the end of summer but don't have the money? we'll reveal the top free attractions in america. >> plus with 200 million active users, twitter has been called the pulse of the planet and coming up we'll talk about how much the site changed the world. we want you to join in the conversation by of course tweeting us using the #twitterrevolution. >> we gave you a review on tuesday. this morning we'll have more of my conversation with oprah winfrey. >> all right. but first we want to bring them back in who just welcomed their 12th child. 12th straight boy to the family and just before we let you guys go off to try and raise 12 boys, is it true, one of you has a sister who also has 10 boys? is that right? >> that's correct. >> so the boy thing is definitely overpowering in your family. but do you -- do you not have movies out there? or anything else? >> we get that question all the time. there is other entertainment in central michigan here. >> will you have more kids or is number 12 it for you? >> little tucker is it for right now. >> oh. >> let's ask mom that question. >> i don't know. >> all right. well, listen. >> got one running away. you got a runner. >> good luck with tucker. congratulations on the new arrival. we appreciate you spending time with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> beautiful family. >> i know. so cute. >> let's get a check of the weather now from mr. roker. >> all right. starting off with today, we're looking at severe weather in two areas, one in the upper great lakes. the other in the central plains. the heat continues in the pacific northwest down into texas and the southwest. beautiful along the eastern seaboard but rain moves in tomorrow. showers and thunderstorms from new england into the gulf. straight risk of strong storms from north texas into southern illinois. well, not going to be hot, nor very sunny here today, al. good morning, made it to wednesday. this is the golden gate bridge. few low clouds still hanging out. got plenty of midlevel and high clouds out there, area of low pressure, starting to push inland right now, getting some of that wrap-around moisture, might find drizzle on your way to work, the immediate coast. look at these numbers now, hard to beat this time of year, 57 in san francisco, we stay steady through friday, a hint warmer for saturday, then finally, seasonal averages monday into tuesday. where are you from? >> south carolina. >> you said that in unison. did you practice that? get that weather any time you need it. go to the weather channel on cable or online, matt. thank you very much. twitter launched seven years ago and changed the way we share opinion, get news and keep up with friends and family. the new documentary the twitter revolution examines the global phenomenon and it's impact on holiday. >> when your goal is to be the global town square it helps to have a few celebrities to draw a crowd. twitter is now home base for the who's who. after a lifetime of publicists and handlers what william likes best about twitter is speaking his mind no matter the feedback. >> don't get into hating. get into expressing your opinion without four letter words and express what you think so i can answer it and we can have a dialogue. >> carl is the reporter for the twitter revolution. good to see you. >> good to see you, matt. >> clearly hollywood embraced this but put it in perspective in terms of the broader population. >> clearly from that segment you can see if you love justin bieber you might be on twitter. if you love matt lauer for instance, you're going to join twitter. there's a tipping point, though, when the pope comes on twitter and creates an account and says i'm going to start making blessings on twitter. this has changed the way everyone sort of receives and gives information and it's -- they're trying to move beyond the celebrity world. >> what percentage of the american population is tweeting. >> american adults online, maybe one in five. >> what happens to those four people that are not tweeting? are they left behind? is it essential or will it become essential or will it be the last big thing. >> ais lot of people wonder am being left out of the party. i try to explain it to my mom and she says leave me alone. we look at the boston marathon. there's a story where people that were eyewitnesses to element of that manhunt, to that explosion tweeted first. they beat the media. we had them on after they tweeted. it was ground zero for information and that's what twitter is counting on. >> that is the good side of twitter. there is a darker side of twitter. there are a lot of haters tweeting out there and the company just found a way to allow people to actually report that type of behavior directly through a tweet as opposed to navigating the website. what's the future of that? >> it's a tough call. they have a team of 40 people that investigate harassment. who investigate stalking. death threats. they will suspend your account but you don't need to give your real name. >> no accountability. >> you don't need to give your phone number. and that makes it very easy to misbehave and torment to the people to the point where an alec baldwin says i've had enough of this, i'm closing my account. >> real quickly, you talked to the ceo of twitter. what are the plans for growing this company? >> he has a big enemy in facebook. it's five times their size. a lot of people still see facebook as the central ground for social media. he's trying to go around the world. 70% of the users are outside of the country. we don't know if they'll go public. he has a big job. staying relevant. not just how we communicate today but how we will communicate in five years. >> fascinating subject. thank you very much. the twitter revolution premieres tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central on nbc. >> ask the expert. from ordering to tipping, what every waiter wants you to know. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ [ hero mom ] oh, yeah. we're gettin' cereal. 'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® we're back on a wednesday morning. this morning we're starting a three part series called ask the expert to give consumers information they really need to know. >> we'll start today with waiters. shall we sit down at our little cafe and get started. >> yes. >> thank you. where's the food around here. oh, there's darren. he's our waiter. >> hello. >> mock surprise. >> also the creator of the blog. i think we know where you're coming from. >> i'm nicer than you might think. >> let's get to it. what's the one thing that drives you and every waiter crazy. >> when you come in, there's a few things you don't want to do. if you have some allergies when you sit down at your table you need to be aware of your allergies. if you're allergic to onions and you order the philly cheese stake that has it on it, it says it on the menu. >> but there are people that are professional waiters. >> there are and that bothers us when people ask us what's your real job. this is a real job. i make real money and pay real bills with it. so it's a real job so when somebody asks me what my real job is i'm offended and there's a lot of people that make the decision to be a server as their life and you can make a good living doing it. >> part of the thing that i server does is know the menu. sometimes people sit down and they say what's good here. what should i have. that gets on your last nerve? i would think you might enjoy the interchange. >> it's not so bad. if somebody asks me what my favorite thing is. i'm going to tell them that. but i don't like seafood. maybe their favorite thing is salmon. give me a couple of the things you like and i'll tell you which one is better. >> but you don't mind a customer asking for input. no but if it's already on the menu i'm going to get irritated. you shall read it. >> so spaghetti or pizza and you'll give an opinion. >> so i'll say, sir, can you tell me what the specials are tonight. what do i need to know about the specials. >> the thing about the specials is sometimes they're not so special. if you have maybe an overstock, maybe a little bit too much salmon maybe that special of the day is going to be something that we needed to get the salmon out of there before it turns. so special sometimes not always so great. >> this surprised me because i thought the specials were things that came in that day and we're highlighting them. at some restaurants, absolutely. >> but apparently not at the restaurant where you work. >> not at the restaurant i work at. >> do people come in and announce they're great tippers. >> yes they do. >> really? >> it's really tacky or sometimes they'll give you the $5 bill and the attitude like there's more where that came from. just do it at the end of prove to us. every time somebody says they're a greater tipper nine times out of ten they're just average. >> just be a good tipper. >> 20% is the basic guideline. what's appropriate in your mind? >> i am satisfied with 15%. i like 20%. but 20% is easier to figure out than 15%. why not make it easier than yourself with math and do 20% tips. it's like an a. 15 is like a b plus, 10% is c. anything below that is failing. >> can we disspell something right now, any truth to the urban legend that if the waiter doesn't like the customer he or she spits in your food? >> i think it's a big urban legend. waiters talk about it more than it ever happens and customers worry about it more than they should. i have been waiting tables 23 years and i've never seen it happen. >> don't shoot the messenger. if the food is bad it's not your fought. >> all i did was type in medium well. if it came out rare, that's the kitchen's fault. tell me what the problem is and i'll fix it. but don't yell at me. all i did was carry the plate. >> thank you very much. >> i appreciate it. >> tomorrow on ask the expert we'll talk to a professional dry cleaner coming clean about all the dirt. >> coming up next, why are more weight loss plans now targeting men? the battle of the sexes when it comes to the battle of the bulge. but first, this is "today" on nbc. back at 8:46. in the world of dieting not everything is created equal unfortunately. men and women find success in different ways. now weight loss companies are targeting male clients. the wall street journal explored this idea in a article. he diets, she diets. he is an obesity and weight loss expert. brooke is a nutritionist here in new york city. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> i'm sorry. this is just irritating. i know men that chew sugarless gum and lose 10 pounds off the bat. is there a reason. >> men are bigger. we have more muscles. we have larger frames and if we make more calories, in a sense, we have more wiggle room. >> and men and women diet differently and different plans work for genders differently i guess? >> absolutely. men like the on off switch. while women like the dialogue about it and they like to think about it more. >> let's get into some of the specific plans. what is the criteria for a diet plan that will really work for a guy? >> i think men, we want easy. we want to have a plan where there's minimal cooking or prepared foods already available for us and we want a plan with no counting, and simple to follow rules. and something that appeals to our inner carnivore. a lot of men like their protein and like it in the form of meat. >> and about for women, they like to talk and have comrade ri. >> while men like to pound their chest about their diet women like the community. they like a weight loss community and options and variety. they also really like to have the allowances. room for an indulgence, whether it's the piece of chocolate or extra glass of wine. >> so the weight loss support groups women belong to, are those helpful? >> absolutely. it is the girlfriends you talk to about your diet. >> we're seeing a lot more of these plans target either men or women. the atkins diet is popular with guys. >> no question. >> they love the meat. >> it's been a decade i have been working with weight management and rarely met ayman that hasn't tried atkins. it's straightforward. no counting requires. it appears to our inner carnivore with high protein foods. it's a lot easier to eat out with and it is very simple to follow. >> how do women do on atkins? >> women do okay. they can't maintain it for a long time. they need more variety than just eating meat. >> okay. let's talk about the fast diet or some people call it the 5-2 diet. men like this too. why? how does it work? >> it's the go big or go home that men are for. straightforward diet. five days you eat normally, two days you have 500 calories total. really easy to follow rules there. you can eat virtually whatever you want and it gives the man that testosterone fuelled bragging right about their primal i did it no pain, no gain style diet. >> what about you? for the ladies, what's a diet plan you feel works for women in particular. >> something as simple as weight watchers works well for women because it's the community. whether you're in person or online, you've got that relationship. there's flex points. you can use it whether you want a salad. whether you need that indulgence. however you want to eat it and women like to have those options. >> and nutrisystem too some women like because they deliver the food to you. >> exactly and there's tons of selections so figure out which plan is best for you. >> bottom line here, we'll start with the guys. what does a guy really need to be successful with sustained weight loss? losing the weight and keeping it off? >> losing is the easy part. at the end of the day, the only question anyone needs to ask about any weight loss plan is could i live like this for the rest of my life? if the answer is no, a person needs a new diet. that would be a waste of time. >> we'll let the ladies have the last word. >> women need a life style approach. it can't be eat like this for the next four months and then go off of it. you need something consistent and just like we spoke about earlier it needs to be a life style approach they can maintain for the rest of their lives. >> one size does not fit all. appreciate it. coming up next, planning a last minute get away? we'll tell you where to find the country's best free attractions. but first, this is "today" on nbc. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. we're back now with today's travel. this morning we're talking about the best free attractions in america. if you're hitting the road for a vacation this summer, why not find something that costs you nothing? she is the director for travel and leisure magazine. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning matt. >> are there restrictions on some of these? do you need a reservation? >> nada. >> really? >> there's a few you want to make sure you get in but otherwise you just go. >> let's tour the country, then. let's start in chicago. you like the lincoln park zoo. no fee. >> no fee. 365 days a year and this is a wonderful zoo. they created a lot of natural habita habitats. you'll see everything you want to see. lions and gorillas and red pandas and zebras and baby animals. for the little kids in your life they have a farm experience where you can see ponies. >> how did they manage to do this? zoos are expensive to operate? private donations or the city? >> it's a combination but most importantly for everyone going they don't have to shell out a dime. >> let's go to new orleans now known for jazz. you suggest visiting the jazz national historical park. do you get to hear music there? >> you do. you think of a natural park where you commune with nature? here you commune with jazz. it's in the birth place of jazz, new orleans. they have a lot of activities around the city. they have live jazz that they set up six day ace week. you can learn about jazz history. the kids can go to louis armstrong park on saturday and they get two walking tours you can take on your own, audio walking tours. >> is this all seasons. >> all seasons. six days a week. >> what a good idea. let's go to los angeles. you like the getti center. what can we find there? >> it's one destination that everyone in this country should go to. they spent a billion dollars creating this experience. visitors and museum center. what i love about it is how beautiful it is. how light filled it is. the arts they have on display is unbelievable. people think museum, i'm nervous about going with kids. they have an incredible kids area where they have details done as a treasure hunt. >> do you have to book in advance. >> they don't but travel and leisure recommends going on friday or saturday because they're open until 9:00 p.m. and you get to see the sunset. >> let's bring it back to new york city. you like the staten island ferry. >> i do. 20 million americans, new yorkers take the staten island ferry every year. why not be one of them. talk about sunset, you can get incredible sunset views of new york city and the beautiful statue of liberty at sunset. >> and people think of las vegas and they think of gambling but you like the conservatory at the bilagio hotel. >> it's 13,000 square feet of greenery, and ponds inside the bellagio. everything is bigger and better. >> and quickly up in portland man, the prubrewery. do you get a free beer? >> you get four free beers. it's one of the primary fantastic craft brews of this country. you have to go to portland and check it out. it's free. >> our crew just left. >> see you there. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> just ahead, al is going to go one-on-one with oprah. but first, we're back after these messages. good wednesday morning to you, it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. america's cup action returns to the san francisco bay today. sweden's artemis racing looking to get its first win, the louis vuitton cup. yesterday, the team lost to italy's luna rosa in race one in the best of seven semifinal series. watch the race right here on nbc bay area or lucky enough to head to the bay what will the weather hold? let's check in with christina? >> a cool, cloudy day at the coast, 60 there 72 at the bay side, 78, inland. stay unseasonably cool yet again, finally starting to see seasonal raf edges sunday into monday that means 88, inland, 74, bay side, 63 at the coast. until then though, stay nice and cool. hope you have a great day. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. today's take, with al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to today on this wednesday morning, august 7th, 2013. i'm willie geist along with al roker and natalie morales but you know that by now because you heard the voice of god. >> yes. >> they got it announced now. >> first a table and now a guy saying our names. >> we're in the big leagues. >> we're huge. we're fixing to get into the real big leagues tonight. >> yeah, three powerball tickets. >> three powerball tickets. >> we have the winning tickets. so the rest of you don't bother. >> the pot is 400 $25 milli$425 >> if you take it in a lump sum it's 120 million. >> 130 and cut tax out of that. >> that's after taxes. >> oh, yeah, you could buy a lot. >> after the taxes, forget it. >> please. >> truth be told these tickets were purchased by our props department. >> what will we give him if we win. >> we were negotiating the commission. >> 10%. >> i think he goes a quarter. i think it's split four ways. >> how many of us would show up the next day. >> oh, i'd show up. oh, i'd show up. i'd be here early. see you suckers. out. >> i think i give them a week. give them a grace period to find somebody else to slide in. i'd just kidding. i would do this for free you guys. >> wow. >> there's yours. >> there's yours. >> 425 and they think it will get up to 500. you can buy it in 43 states. >> yeah. >> and the store that sells the ticket, that's a huge day for them as well. >> yeah, they get a percentage. have you ever won anything? i have no luck. >> not the lottery but i've won things. >> like my kids school lottery where you get like terrible -- it's a bad prize, i don't win the bad prize. >> you don't even get that. >> i don't even get the bad prize. although their lotteries are good. >> it took an ugly turn. >> it did. >> i'm so sorry. >> natalie. >> i never win. >> do you want to talk about it? >> no but you can wear a size kids 5 t-shirt. >> and you can wear a size 2. >> exactly but i can't breathe. >> it's a rare show when twice in the same show you find yourself ripping a t-shirt off your body. >> with hulk hogan. >> that was weird. it was scary. >> it was a surprise. >> what was amazing is he was already glistening. >> he was glistening. >> i think he presweats before to make sure he looks good when he reps. >> oh, the hulkster with all the old tricks. >> enjoy that starbucks. >> so the president of the united states was on with jay leno last night. he had good questions. >> we got a lot of information out of that. >> the president's 4th appearance since he became president. did talk about pretty serious issue. this is the first time the president had spoken publicly about the terror threat around the world that shut down embassi embassies. he said americans should be prudent when considering their travel but there were, of course, lighter moments. >> now i've seen michelle tease you about your grey hair. you have a bit of silver in your hair. do you tease back. >> no. no. >> yeah. >> that's why we're celebrating our 25th. >> is it me or do i see a bromance with you and john mccain. you had the lovers quarrel for awhile and now you're best friends. >> what happened? >> that's how a classic romantic comedy goes, right? >> yeah. >> initially you're not getting along and then you keep on bumping into each other. >> you and hilary had lunch last week. who invited who to lunch? i'm curious? >> i invited here and we had a great time. she had that post administration glow. >> yeah. >> when folks leave the white house, two weeks later they look great. >> she came back and told about life on the outside. >> it's when i saw meredith a couple of months ago -- >> it's our postadministration glow too. >> she looked fantastic. >> no stress, no worries. >> sleep, things like that. >> yeah. >> we dug up some old sort of presidential or first lady moments. >> yeah. >> first lady of the united states dancing with jimmy fallon. >> that's probably one of my favorites. >> evolution of mom dancing. >> steps out. >> oh, yeah. >> shopping cart. we all know this one. that's my dance. that's my move. raise the roof. raise the roof. >> what about bill clinton when he showed up in 1992. >> remember that, playing the sax in '92. going for the cool factor. >> we're still on the mom dance. >> we won't get off the mom dance. >> i remember when richard nixon went on and was like sock it to me. >> that didn't play so well with the kids. >> it didn't. didn't get his hip factor up. >> but it certainly does a lot, i think. it's a wide audience. it allows them to get important points across, including, the important news of the day, the terror threats, but at the same time it's a kinder gentler place to do it. it's so rare that you see them in unscripted moments. >> there's prompters right there. >> you get real interaction. so there's a movie coming out this fall about diana. you heard about it. we're getting our first look at the trailer. there's a lot of scenes involving diana and her postcharles romance with a heart sur surgeon. >> perhaps i can show you around. >> you can always pop around the corner. >> i'm serious. >> i don't know how to contract you. >> well, i'm like most people. i've got a mobile. actually i'm not like most people. i have four. >> i'm in love with a heart surgeon. i've never been so struck by someone. >> if your feelings are this strong. >> where are we going? >> to the edge of the kingdom. >> i was trying to find a way for us to be together. >> diana. >> oh. >> not excited about that, al? >> i feel my eyes are bleeding. >> it's one of those chick movies. maybe i'll have to go with deborah. >> are you going to see it? >> i don't know. >> seeing that trailer, kind of has a little cheese factor in there. >> a little cheese factor? my gosh. it has kraft on the side of it. >> but i'm a sucker for cheese. >> so am i but on a sandwich. not at the movies. >> comes out october 10th. >> are you going to see it? >> it's unlikely. i think natalie you should go see it. >> unless we get naomi watts on our show. >> then of course we'll see it. >> and we'll rave about it. we'll go together and hold hands. >> she looks like her. >> she does. >> good for her. >> she's an incredible actress. >> that's fantastic. >> we reached out to the palace, by the way to see what they thought -- who did we reach out to? how does one reach out to the palace. >> i guess to reach out to -- >> they have people. >> you just shoot a name out. >> they respond. they're good. rereached out to comment on behalf of prince william and harry. >> queen elizabeth@gmail. >> and she responds instantly. >> all right. i love this because these are so good. >> these are the best. brian williams, right now he is recovering, had a little knee surgery. so this is something to lift his spirits because you know how much jimmy fallon and he has a bromance. so jimmy fallon and his late night team were at it again showing us his latest rapping stunt and this is young mc's hip hop bust a move. take a look. >> okay. go to a party. girls showing body. chick walks by you're standing on the wall. movies showing. could care less about the five year glowing. theaters get tark and then you've got a fine woman in your row. she says hello come sit next to me you fine fellow. run over there without a second to lose. what's comes next? bust a move. >> that's a best part. the smolder. >> what happens is they did that in real time. he just keeps changing. >> that's just amazing though. >> it is. >> they dig through years. >> i would love for them to do that for us. >> throw it out there. >> pick out a song and do that for us. >> although we would happily do it live as well. rap and bust a move. >> by we, she means she. >> i'm a good rapper. >> your singing is so fantastic. >> maybe i should try rapping. >> please no. we're begging you not to rap. >> please. the two things we don't need. >> baby you got it. >> diana and you rapping. >> you can do the chorus. >> brian, hope you're feeling well and don't watch this. >> no, brian is doing great. >> yeah, he's holding up well. >> resting comfortably and will be back soon. >> on painkillers. >> hitting the heavy stuff. all right. al, how about a look at the weather. >> we'll show you what we've got today. we're looking at severe weather from missouri all the way on up into the upper great likakes wi rounds of severe weather and hail damage as well. there's a lot going on right now. you can see where they don't need it -- where we've had a lot of flooding in missouri, up to 8 inches of rain. there are flash flood watches and advisories out. the reason for that from the northeast all the way back into the midwest over the next 48 hours anywhere from 2 to 5 inches of ra the 9:10 on a wednesday morning, good morning, i am meteorologist christina loren. this is actually sinole. look at these layered and stratus clouds, midlevel clouds and high clouds as well as low clouds out there with an area of low pressure actually bringing very light rainfall to parts of the bay area. widen out, see wrap-around moisture coming into the bay area that will be the case for today. highs will be unseasonably cool to the tune of 78 degrees in livermore today. 57 on the way to san francisco. warmer by friday. we're trying to pick a rap song that we could do. please, if you have any ideas just tweet us. >> please don't. stop giving her ideas. >> tweet us. >> her first was baby got back. you see how this is going to go. >> big sir mix a lot fan over here. >> coming up next, al goes one-on-one with oprah talking >> coming up next, al goes young women are oprah talking sacrificing so much today not giving a thought to their own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. you love it. you've gotta have it. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares.® cinnamon toast crunch. why didn't they think of this sooner? you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop. absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! introducing... 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[ store manager ] fluffy, dippable, and oh-so-delicious -- people love it. i got one! [ female announcer ] give your day a lift with new jif whips. we can't keep them on the shelves. i got one! [ command center ] this is command center. [ man ] ...3, 2, 1. [ command center ] all systems go. [ female announcer ] introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. steam-activated cleaning pads penetrate deep. [ command center ] we have lift off. [ female announcer ] don't just clean your floor. boost it. [ female announcer ] don't just clean your floor. and didn't know where to start. a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? taking a look at the headlines, demolition of a house of horrors in cleveland. crews tore down the house where ariel castro held three women captive for a decade. michelle knight was there to release balloons and said she felt liberated. he agreed to pay for the demolition. this could be much at stake for homeowners if congress goes through with plans to shut down fannie mae and freddie mac. it's a move analysts say would mean higher mortgage rates. they were rescued by a $187 billion bailout a few years ago. president obama said it's time to overhaul the system for financing mortgages. >> health officials say for the first time there's a significant decrease in childhood obesity nationwide. in 18 states the obesity rates for low income preschoolers are down after rising for decades. despite that decline the cdc says obesity rates are still too high. one third of children and teens and more than 2-thirds of adults in the u.s. are either obese or overweight. parents say they don't show favoritism but kids feel differently. now a new study of adult children says that when dad seems to prefer one child over another that causes a higher rate of sibling rivalry, especially among daughters. favoritism by mothers was less likely to provoke tension. an american tourist has apologized for accidentally breaking the pinky off a 600-year-old statue of the virgin mary. they were outraged but have not charged him yet. that is a big whoopsy. >> good thing he didn't go see the david. >> something american. >> yeah. >> heidi klum falls hard for >> yehey! yummm! totally got it all! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon is sweatier and messier than my family on the field. so like the nfl i use tide... ...because i'm the equipment manager in this house. that's my tide. what's yours? good morning tour 9:26 now, i'm laura garcia-cannon. a 1-year-old and his 20-year-old father have been found shot and killed inside a home in oakland. homicide detectives are trying to piece together what happened. they say between six to seven rounds were fired through the back of the houser think morning. the search is now on for the gunman. san jose city council considering new regulations today for adults and gentleman's club a bikini bar called the gold club announced it would open in downtown san jose. a councilman wants the city to make adult entertainment establishments make a public safety fee and proposing a no-touching rule, an earlier closing time. the gold club is scheduled to open tomorrow. ac transit has struck a deal with union workers for the strike this morning. it includes the pay raise and changes to health benefits. the meantime, a b.a.r.t. strike is still looming. the state board will hear arguments from b.a.r.t. and its unions today on those stalled negotiations. going to take a quick break but have a look at weather and traffic right after this. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ good morning tour 9:28, taking a live look here, where you can actually see alcatraz and coit tour, midlevel clouds overhead, showers in the north bay, nothing heavy, might have to use windshield wipers, 78 on the way to livermore, 70, oakland, look at the difference, once you cross that bay bridge getting into the city, only 58 degrees, probably need that coat. we head through the upcoming weekend, finally, temperatures starting to warm up, 80 degrees by friday. slowly rising to 82 for saturday. and then seasonal averages arrive monday into tuesday. let's check on that drive on the wednesday with anthony slaughter. >> thank you, christina. things are actually looking really good now, especially at the bay bridge approach, where things have thinned out, not seeing any congestion for the time being. have a few accidents to tell you about, get straight to them, see on 280, moving through san bruno, the 380 connector and that's right at cutting boulevard -- no, excuse me, that's actually at -- right at 380 connector, you can see crystal springs road is where that accident is. and on cutting boulevard, off the ridgeton bridge that's causing some slow downs through emeryville. back to you. >> thank you very much. we will have another local news update in half an hour. hope to get a chance to enjoy your morning. have a good day. triple again. do you see the 10% back in points, plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. welcome back to today. wednesday morning, august 7th, 2013. i'm willie with al and natalie. you're listening to the back street boys but we're talking rap. >> yeah we are. >> we asked you at the top of the show to put songs out there that we could have a fallon-type rap edited together. >> where they take stuff we already recorded. >> we're getting great suggestions. >> she says we should wrap the fresh prince of bel air. >> or the french prince. >> that was good. >> that was quick al. >> very good, yeah. >> a short run but very strong. how about thrift shop. [ music playing ] >> thrift shop. that's more modern. we're getting there. >> you can't touch this. >> a little hammer. >> old school. that's great. can we wear the pants too. >> you can, yeah. >> you keep saying we. >> you're doing this with us. >> she says she votes for the humpty dance. >> that's not it? >> no, that's not it. >> no. ice, ice baby. >> that's a remix of it. >> i'm still going for baby got back but we have to figure out a way to say anaconda on the air. >> anaconda don't want none. >> i love it when you're ethnic. >> rappers delight is another one. >> i love it when you talk rap. >> i think we go straight hardcore. >> i know what happens. we're off the air. >> that is decidely not. >> they're saying let's see some moves. i have no moves. i got no moves. >> but this project doesn't require moves. they're going to edit together things we said on the show. >> unless we embellish it a little bit. >> that's my rapping. >> the worst idea we've ever had. >> okay. >> i can think of a couple of of others. >> can you rap the weather? >> i can't do it. >> oh, you can. >> that would assume i know what the weather is. anyw anyway, let's show you what we've got for today. severe weather to talk about in the mid-section of the country. also in the upper midwest. the heat continues in the pacific northwest. southwest as well. gorgeous along the eastern seaboard. that will change tomorrow when we get rain moving in down through the gulf. a slight risk in the central 9:32, good wednesday morning to you, i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is sinole. look at all these clouds overhead. we have some steady drizzle right at the immediate coast this morning. let's get right to your temperatures, for today, 78, inland, 71, bay side, 60 on the way to the coast. here's the deal. summertime numbers are back in the mix as we head throughout saturday, sunday, finally starting to see the 80s return and then we are going to be in the upper 80s for monday and tuesday. we will see you in about 15 minutes. hope you hxq@:%uá$qpv thanks so much. so you tried everything to lose weight. scale doesn't seem to budge. whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds so lose, sometimes you need a little inspiration. >> heres some of the strategies to help kick start your diet. today joy powers. >> hey. >> good to see you. >> we all know that losing weight is tough. while most people know the basics, more vegetables, pull back on portions, i have found that it's the personal creative strategies that tend to really take people all the way to the finish line. so i'm honored to share with you guys five weight loss super heros and their unique tips and tricks. the hope is that viewers will use the tips and tricks and also get inspired to create their owns. these things work. >> let's look at the first case. this is sandra. 40 years old. she had a health scare. >> she gained a significant amount of weight with her pregnancy and had a heart attack after delivering. her baby is healthy and beautiful. but that's when she decided to make the commitment. she lost 63 pounds and she looks gorgeous. >> terrific. >> good for her. >> the perfect healthy role model for her family now. >> what was the secret? >> she is incredibly social. she is hopping from party to party and get there is and faced with the fattening spread so what she now does, her big tip is she brings a slim recipe or dish for the hostess. it's a win win. this is her low calorie layered taco dip. fat free cream cheese and beans and salsa and even the nondieters eat it. she has something to eat and the hostess praises her for the thoughtfulness. >> let's move on to caroline. a 32-year-old that had her moment when she got to college. >> at her heaviest she was 300 pounds. she lost literally half her body weight. >> oh my god. >> she is 150 pounds. is that unbelievable? that's what she lost and that's what she weighs. >> what's her tip? >> her biggest challenge was oversnacking. she was in and out of the refrigerator all the time. so she planted in the refrigerator a secret weapon. are you ready for her secret weapon. the big reveal, a pair of skinny jeans. >> in the fringe? >> in the fringe. >> that's a lot of fiber. >> so this was her visual reminder to not overeat. if you don't have the room for the skinny jeans a picture of a hot outfit or bathing suit. >> i keep my old i.d. picture. it's on my i.d. so remind me of where i was. >> as a reminder. >> very powerful. >> how about greg. he was up to 450 pounds. >> right. greg weighed in at his heaviest, he's 40 years old from hollywood, california. over 450 pounds. he lost 275 pounds. >> look at that? that's a different person. >> he is a handsome hunk. when he started dieting it was all about deprivation. he was focused on the things he was giving up. potato chips and ice cream and pizza and pass to so instead he turned it around. instead of focussing on what he was giving up for the diet he focused on what he was gaining from the diet and he created a scrapbook of all the things he was going to gain as he started getting healthier. this was his beginning. i'm going to tilt this up and. he has pictures of hot clothes he would be able to wear. all the different health attributes. >> yeah. >> absolutely. so i encourage people to cut things out whether it be a caribbean vacation or bicycle. >> your goals. >> as the old saying goes, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. >> exactly. turns it into a positive. >> team work is important too. jen and keith worked together on this. >> right. each of them weighed over 280 pounds at their heaviest. together, they have lost 230 pounds collectively. >> spectacular. >> so how did they do it? they injected fun into their exercise regimen. regular workouts for torture so they hooped their way thin and they're hooping instructors now. >> i know this is going to go badly. i tried it with my daughter over the weekend. >> ready? >> okay. >> worked out well. i feel better already. >> if you keep it up for half an hour, you burn 200 calories per half an hour. >> 3 seconds we couldn't cut it. >> here i go. >> joy's got it. >> take us out to break. >> by the way, for the recipe for sandra's healthy dip, it's on our website coming up next, they've taken radio city music hall completely over across the street. i attempted to interview the celebrity judges of america's ♪ [ bats squealing ] we weren't really morning people. we're vampires after all. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. it's amazing what we're getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. slow down, boy. mornings. who knew? kellogg's nutri-grain fruit crunch. love the morning. new blue fig & orange blossom scent. ♪ it's bright. it's rich. it's freshness mixed with care. your skin will sing, and you can go fresh three more ways with scents like pomegranate & lemon verbena, cucumber & green tea, and plum & sakura blossom. ♪ go fresh every day. it's fresh at its best. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains so dentures are cleaner, fresher, and brighter. [ male announcer ] polident. so dentures are cleaner, fresher, and brighter. it'sin vivid color sensational the vivids, from maybelline, new york. brighter color from our vivid pigments... ...honey nectar for a creamier feel. color sensational the vivids ♪ maybe it's maybelline. ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with new ceramic tile, now 57 cents a square foot at lowe's. ♪ more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. hearty oatmeal now softly baked with a drizzle of cinnamon. it's a brand-new take on a morning classic. soft-baked oatmeal squares. new from nature valley. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. watching a little girl become a little lady,from nature to you. and finding the courage to let her go. but what about the little victories? a smile... a confident glow... or a "thanks, mom." these are the victories we're famous for. famous brands, famously easy... famous footwear. victory is yours. competition is heating up on america's got talent as they vie for a final spot in the semifinals. >> willie had a chance to sit down with the celebrity judges. >> sitting down is all i got to do as howard stern and company just took over. >> reporter: for the past three weeks america's gott talent has taken over radio city music hall for the live elimination round and the competition is becoming dangerous. at the center of it all, the judges, howard stern, heidi klum, mel b. and howie mandell. >> i want to know who is the most talented of this group? >> i think i am. i do. >> really? >> i'm the highest paid, right? i make more money than all of you. >> that's true. >> you do. >> yeah, i think so. look. we're all super talented. >> now what about hidden talents? >> heidi, you must have a hidden talent. >> cooking. >> is that right? >> got you. >> howie what are you not looking for? in other words somebody comes out and they do something and you're like -- >> i won't give something a category but i don't want to see the same old. if you can do something i've seen before but do it in a new way. >> i did but he hasn't made it through, the sword guy. >> i love it. >> he was incredible. >> he was dangerous. >> really life threatening. >> let me go to you howard. you have all the money in the world. the exposure, the fame, you have everything you want. why did you agree to take this job. >> i took it because i thought it was fun. i was a viewer of the show. i would sit there and judge from my bedroom. and i would two on the air and say i should be a judge on one of these shows. it would be terrific. >> i'll make it simple. special head has run out of steam. >> it would be funny to see someone like me on a family show that kids watch and i've said this before, i'll be sitting in a restaurant now and parents are throwing their 10-year-old on my lap and i'm going you don't realize who i am. they think i'm like santa claus. i'm not. i'm evil and bad. >> what were you preconceived notions about howard stern. >> she was petrified. >> no i wasn't. >> you were. heidi doesn't know i know it. they said to heidi what are you going to do if howard says something really out of line or inappropriate? and you said i will flirt with him. >> true story. >> so when you flirt with me i know it's fake. i'm a married man. i can't -- >> down she goes. >> it was all howard could do not to accept that kiss. >> he has very strong neck muscles. >> it's funny. you ask one of them a question and you're speaking to them and the other three are having a separate conversation. >> and mel was fanning herself the whole time. >> yeah it's warm in there. maybe it's a look. the japanese fan. >> by the way -- >> speaking of talent. sandra's dip. >> wow. >> she lost weight with sandra's dip. do you know what you can do while eating it? >> watch america's got talent. 9:00, 8:00 central here on nbc. >> is it ever okay to wear white to a wedding? >> we'll check our morale my name is lee kaufman. married to morty kaufman. [ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. oh i like that. look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. what's the rush? nthe smoky eye has never been easier. new master smoky shadow pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-saturated pigments in a rich, creamy formula. draw, smudge. whisper:so easy. our most intense smoky look ever. new master smoky pencil ♪ maybe it's maybelline. with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1 proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles high performance skincare™ only from roc® younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit for safety information and a free one-month trial. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. but when you have a picky eater... won't touch this. it can be a bit of a dance. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together. can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. all right. so you have probably been invited to a lot of social events this summer. may have come across an awkward situation or two. >> we'll put our etiquette skills to the test this morning. the grand prize is a morale compass. not a huge incentive to win. but there it is anyway. >> she is the coauthor of emily post etiquette and 24 karat etiquette. >> good morning. >> we'll make it a competition with our moral compass here. take it away. >> first question, you probably remember the video that went viral recently of the passenger that recorded a woman falling asleep on her shoulder on a flight. if this happened to you, should you wake the person up? always, sometimes, never? >> is that red. >> yeah. >> okay. willie and al we're going red, right? willie and al you got it right. you should wake the person up. >> really? >> just left the guy asleep on you. >> well, you know -- >> depends on what he looks like? >> if they're drooling on my shoulder then i move them. >> otherwise they're fine. >> i'm nice. >> some people are door mats, natalie is a pillow. next question. >> okay. so you have a friend who wants to wear a skimpy bikini to the beach but it looks awful. can you tell her? >> how good a friend is it? >> this is a tricky one. >> i'm staying with sometimes. >> okay. i see a couple of nevers here. >> no, red arrow. >> sometimes. >> okay. sometimes. absolutely no one got it correct. it is actually a never. i mean, we're adults. your friend is perfectly welcome to wear whatever she wishes. >> even though you have to look at it? >> even though you have to look ator? if you say something you risk coming across judgmental and that will put her on the defense. my advice is say nothing, keep the friendship. >> but if you're a really, really good friend, don't want you to protect her from herself. if it is unsolicited advice that's one thing. if it's solicited, tell her the truth. >> okay. so your second baby, can you have a baby shower? >> sure. why not. >> go for it. >> yes. okay everyone gets this one across the board. the key is not to throw your own baby shower. looks like a grab for gifts. but maybe you had a girl the first time, now it's a boy, to ask for things you don't already have. maybe a different guest list. >> next one. next question. you have a very close friend with body odor. consistent bad body odor. can you say something. >> very close friends. >> staying right there. >> yes. >> sometimes. >> i like the always but i appreciate the sometimes. sometimes. again, it's a little bit interesting. no matter how you slice it it may come across -- >> is it time. >> yes. >> they may take offense. if they're doing themselves a disservice, we want to come in as a good friend and help save the day. you can suggest a stronger deoderant or something. >> who wins? >> who wins. >> everybody is a winner. >> i think i win. >> moral compass. >> all yours. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. up next, kathie lee and hoda getting ready for a special show about inspirational kids making it big and making a difference. from a tween singing sensation to a pint sized creature you'll meet them all. >> coming up after your local news and weather. the water is safe to drink in los altos and surrounding cities but it doesn't smell like it. cal water has received close to a dozen complaints about a musty odor in the water, but the company says it is safe to drink. the smell is from algae and the sacramento san whacken delta. it is common this time of year when the weather is hot. we are in the second week of august, doesn't feel like it around the bay area. get a long at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> thank you, marla. what an interesting forecast we have. hard to believe we are in august, temperatures like this. long at this, even picking up some returns on the radar this morning, area of low pressure sitting and spinning offshore, going to kind of move inland today, see the wraparound moisture move into the area. 68, fremont, another cool day in san francisco at 58 degrees. we stay steady through friday, then temperatures slowly start to creep up, getting into this weekend, monday and tuesday. check your drive with anthony slaughter. thank you, christina. things looking good on the bay bridge approach, all rains are clear and even approaching the bay bridge from the eastshore freeway, things are moving very smoothly, in the south bay, one accident keeping things slow from 280, cupertino to willow glenn, 280 headed that way, you can see, it is keeping things slow because of an accident that's actually on 85, so, folks trying to get onto 85 keeping things slow on 280, again back to willow glenn. marla, what we got for you now. >> thanks. we will be back with our next with local news update at 10:26. hope to see you then. from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. wines day wednesday, august 7th. are you ready for a whole bunch of little nose pickers? because they are here and they are adorable. >> we have a really uplifting, terrific show, and it involves -- it's all about inspirational kids, talented kids, kids who are preachers and singers and inspirational. and they are doing things that make you -- >> they are changing the world. they are changing the world. >> we're going to try to inspire your own child, because sometimes we have good intentions for our kids and we end up pushing them too hard and they don't end up doing what they are meant to be doing. >> really, really good advice for you if you think your child is sort of going that direction as a performer, we're going to have a couple of casting agents on in a little bit, showing what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong. >> i remember hearing about tiger woods' dad and tiger woods' dad said when he was a little boy, he held the golf club at age 3 and tiger said to his dad, i want to hit another one. and he said, tomorrow we hit another one. he went to sleep, dreamt about it, next day, he hit it. i want to hit two more, tomorrow we hit two. >> something to look forward to, as opposed to getting burnt out on it even then. >> exactly. >> i did everything wrong, apparently. >> all right, so jimmy fallon was talking about us yet again. >> gosh. >> anyway -- >> anything to do with that stuff. >> it's a pros and cons segment. i hope we're in the pros section. >> depends, let's see what he said. >> tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of shark week. pro, sharks can smell a drop of blood from over a mile away. con, kathie lee and hoda can do the same thing with merlot. it's a gift. it's an amazing gift. >> i just sent over baby gifts to jimmy. >> to winnie. >> winnie rose. >> congrats to him. >> so, we had pictures taken yesterday. >> oh, yes, we did, you're right. >> our least favorite thing to do in the world and pretty much everybody knew it at the time. >> we have an entire "today" staff, as you know, and cast, and it's a lot of people, so that's us. but there were actually all seven -- >> there we are. >> we were outside on the plaza snapping pictures for promos. >> i leaned on al roker to beat the band. >> that was a fake smile. anyway. >> that's real. >> that was real. >> i don't know why we showed you that. probably bored you as much as it did us. you know who's not bored right now because he's in a little bit of trouble, these ugly american tourists, hoda. >> 55-year-old american tourist who shall remain nameless. >> because we don't know his name. >> he was at a museum in florence and right before him was the statue of the virgin mary. a 600-year-old statue of the virgin mary. he decided it would be a good idea to high five the virgin mary. anyway, while doing it, the pinky snapped off. okay? the pinky snapped off of the virgin mary hand. people are livid. >> they are outraged! and they are taking umbrage all over italy. >> the finger has snapped off before. >> it was a plaster one. >> anyway, the museum director said, quote, the fundamental rules for visiting a museum has been forgotten, it's do not touch the works. okay, anyway, it's happened before. i guess at the met museum here in 2010. >> yes, a lady tripped. >> she was walking and she fell into a picasso. >> hey, it happens. six-inch gash. that was an accident. she wasn't planning on it. he did something you shouldn't do. >> she just fell down and gashed it. can you imagine? >> we'd love to know, talk to us on facebook and let us know if there's anything you've ever done that you just, oh, my god. >> have you? >> of course. >> i can't remember -- >> you know what's more fun than anything? >> what? >> one ton of fat. >> 15 tons. >> 15 ton ball of congealed -- love that word, congealed fat has been removed from a london sewer. >> this is weird. just so you know, you know when you pour grease or something down the sink because you're too lazy to put it in a can in the garbage? >> yes. >> in london, all of this congealed together, everyone's dumping of grease, and it turned into a big blob the size of a double decker bus. they've dubbed it the fatburg. it's blobby and oozy and it reminded us, thank you, howie, it reminded us of the blob. remember? >> that's the first horror movie i ever saw. >> 1958, look. ♪ >> every one of you watching this screen, look out, because soon, very soon, the most horrifying monster menace ever conceived will be oozing into this theater. >> i want to see it. >> "the blob." >> where is it? >> come under the door, it would crawl. run, run! comes under the door. it creeps. it eats you alive. >> that is ridiculous. >> danger. >> i miss movies like that. that's when movies were movies. >> remember when "jaws" was really scary? the movie "jaws"? looks kind of dumb now, but when you saw it then, i remember how terrifying it was. now everything looks so much more real. >> you know, christine, my dear, dear friend, is to this day terrified of birds because of the movie, hitchcock movie, "the birds ". >> you could see that happening. >> yeah. >> that's scary, yeah. yeah. >> it is scary. all right, do you want to live until you're 120 years old? >> pew research center asked -- >> they need to change their name. >> sorry. >> you guys, we decided since there's so many things we have to apologize for during this show, we just have a button that joanne found at the toy store. >> every time you push it, it's a different version of -- >> sorry. >> i'm so sorry. i apologize. i'm so sorry. sorry. my bad. sorry. >> this is my favorite, i think. >> i'd like to take a brief moment to offer my apologies. >> we're going to keep this button here. >> this is going to be here for all time and we want two more, one with applause, we often need that. we want one with laughter and one that has flachulance. i'll be the happiest talk show person ever. >> we asked you the question, do you want to live to 120? 69% of the people said they do not want to live until they are 120 years old. >> first of all, nobody knows somebody that old and nobody wants to, let's be honest. i don't want to -- i'm 70, if i'm not healthy. it's all about your health. >> how long would you want to live if you are healthy? >> as long as the lord has me here, yeah. if i'm sick and a burden and i can't enjoy the beautiful things in life, i would rather go to a better place. >> i wouldn't want to -- >> where there's no blob, you know? >> i wouldn't want to outlive everyone from my era that understood my movies, my music, the things i loved. careful. you want to discuss things with people. >> i'm sorry. >> anyway -- >> we've got to quit today, got to quit talking early, because we have a room full of little kids who have a lot to say. >> this one has a youtube video, nearly 7 million hits. she's only 13 years old. >> is she the next big thing? a live performance from internet sensation, maddy or madie? maddie lee. >> from a pint sized preacher to budding chef. >> inspiring kids making a difference. and we are drinking star trek wine. >> in honor of the children. >> 50 years since "star trek." we didn't think that through. >> wai victory is seeing him find balance, watching a little girl become a little lady, and finding the courage to let her go. but what about the little victories? a smile... a confident glow... or a "thanks, mom." these are the victories we're famous for. famous brands, famously easy... famous footwear. victory is yours. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. are so soft, chewy, and filled with their fruity selves... they think this world isn't big enough for the both of them. but we assure you - it is. bites. little greatness. [ superfan ] helper help line. we're on our way. you have got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken! that's really good. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. [ male announcer ] we're here to help. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. boredgive it a color boost! with l'oreal healthy look crème gloss haircolor. go from mousy to glossy! l'oreal healthy look haircolor lasts through 28 shampoos. so boost the color you've got - a little or a lot. go from mousy to glossy with l'oreal healthy look. whew - that is the samsung galaxy s iii. it's only 30 bucks a month with unlimited web and text. even you can afford that one little buddy. who you calling little? get the latest galaxy smartphones with t-mobile's $30 unlimited plan. only at walmart. and i'm here to talk about your bums. these are bum-wipes. do you think that would be quite an interesting addition to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go? yeah, we could do that. it's awesome! [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. where to next? all right. if you have been wondering where all the inspiring role models are for your kids, you are about to meet three young people who are making a huge difference. >> michael, we are already in love with him because he says we're 21, is a 13 year old. he's raising money to help the victims of the boston bombing. as a amputee himself, he knows firsthand the challenges many of them are facing. >> jordan summer is the president of ms. amazing pageant, she created it to help girls and women with disabilities realize their potential. >> and 8-year-old anna chung -- >> wong? >> what is it? >> choung. where's my sorry button? michael, let's start with you. you've got your t-shirt on that says "mikey's run." when you were younger, 8 years old, you had an illness and lost some of your limbs. tell us about what happened. >> when i was about 8 years old, like you said, i have an immune disease called cdd, i don't know the full name, dirt gets in my bloodstream, oxygen and blood stops flowing through my body. what happened is i had dirt under my finger nail, had a bug bite, started scratching it and the dirt got into it and the blood stopped flowing to my hands and feet and they turned black. i was released and a month later they had to amputate my hands and feet because they were no longer working. >> wow. you got prosthetics -- >> never heard of that. very rare, isn't it? >> my brother, harris, has it, too. they already knew about it for him. it happened to me first, so they were able to stop it. >> we should point out you do all kinds of things. >> besides charming women. >> you got prosthetic legs and have this great run that helps benefit other amputees, right? >> yeah. >> we're really, really happy for all the things that you're doing. let's move on to ms. jordan and ms. amazing. >> ms. amazing. you did a beauty pageant yourself as a child. >> yeah, yeah, i've been doing pageants since the age of 7. it wasn't something i did every two weeks, i wasn't obsessed about it. >> you were no honey boo-boo? >> pageantry has taken an odd turn. it's something i did once a year to meet friends, learn public speaking skills, interview skills. yeah, just been a really beneficial thing for me and i wanted to provide that opportunity for girls with disabilities. >> it must be so uplifting for them. tell us what that feels like to watch one of those pageants. >> when i first started the ms. amazing pageant, i was 13. i didn't realize the kind of impact it would make, but what keeps me going and inspired is just the girls who just completely transform, have that nice moment to realize their abilities. >> value for who they are, which is awesome. >> that's what everyone needs. >> look how cute hannah is sitting in her little chair. it's your turn. >> what do you do that's amazing? >> you had diabetes since you were a little girl? >> i had it since i was 3. >> what are you doing to raise awareness? >> we're doing walks, diabetes walks over the brooklyn bridge and my cousins actually held a lemonade stand. >> great. >> to raise money. i'm not sure how much money there is. >> we hear so much bad news about kids today, some of the ones doing all kinds of bad things. what advice would you give a kid today who wants to make a difference with their life? >> if you try your hardest, you can do it. it only takes one person to make a huge difference. just find the right people to help you and you can make a bigger impact than you ever expected. >> what do you think, hon? >> mainly, value your youth. it's the time when you don't have the responsibility. which i had. >> you can experiment and find where you feel inspired, where you feel comfortable, where you're really, truly happy without all the strings attached. >> you kids are really -- hannah, all of you kids are doing great, great, great work. we're so proud of you. >> proud and delighted that you're with us. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> we only had to say sorry once. >> excellent. >> they say every child has a talent, but you have to give a little nudge. >> advice on how to inspire your kids to find their own specific passion. >> this guy is passionate when he's at the pulpit. >> the pint-sized preacher. he's at the pulpit. >> th[ male announcer ]her. this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. 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'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ so many wonderful kids today with such strong passion and talent. >> as parents we often wonder what our children will grow up to be and do and what we can do to nurture those talents or help our kids find them. >> how do you raise inspired kids? here with advice are michelle and mike. once named father of the year, by the way. >> i was, actually. my kids don't respect it, but it did happen. >> michelle, every parent, obviously, wants their kid to flourish and sometimes you see something your kid is good at. what should you do to sort of encourage him or her? >> most important thing is we're going to tune into our kids and let them lead us. you're really looking to see where's that child's passion lie? because the new research is really showing us that the right conditions and the right parenting, we can really help stretch our kids to all of them, shine a little brighter and that's what it's about. not having them win the pulitzer. >> not become celebrities, but the finest little people they can be. >> what you're doing is you're going to look a little closer to look where his natural interests are, listen, i'm sure while they were watching a tv show said i'm really upset about what happened in oklahoma. tune into that. then you can always ask a teacher at a parent conference, what are his strengths, what are his talents, and then assess, because a passion becomes an obsession with a child who's really talented. >> can't stop them from doing it. we are going to have a little girl on in a bit that can't stop singing and a boy that can't stop preaching. >> you have to be careful about not pushing them. kids are funny, when you push them, they don't want to do the things you want them to do. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that. first of all, you got to make sure your expectations are right and some fabulous new research is actually been tracking these kids to discover, first we have to be a champion. we've got to be a cheerleader and support our own children. second of all, the first teachers are absolutely critical terror a child that's really talented. they have to be one who's child oriented and also fun. >> unfortunately, sometimes that's not the case. >> you want a child that's well rounded, as well. not only a talented kid, but kid who's empathetic and can feel what's going on. >> there are things parents can do. you mentioned my book, the secrets of happy families, and i spent time looking at families trying to figure out what i could learn. the single most surprising thing i learned is if you want to have inspiring children, tell inspiring stories about your own family. kids who know more about their family history have a higher belief that they can control the world. >> just makes sense. >> and a greater sense of --:what if you don't have a great family story? >> even better. that's the point i want to make, don't just tell the positive stories, maybe an aunt had breast cancer, house burned down, maybe lost a job. by being open, this has changed how i parent, because i think my instincts were to only tell positive stories to protect. now when you talk about pain, they become -- they get out of themselves and they relate to it. as you all know, i spent a year fighting cancer in my leg and i was on crutches and i was worried it would traumatize my children. instead, they went running to the kid with the amputated leg on the playground or would look at the rabbit in the kids book that had crutches and would reach out. telling your own stories of your own struggles will actually help your children to become more empathetic. >> that's so smart. meredith vieira once said her husband has m.s., how has that affected your family? i raised more caring children, that's what it gave me. >> because it stretches their empathy. that's what you have, three children here who have such heart. heart is what opens it up. >> otherwise we're sort of basically selfish, aren't we? we have to teach them, i'm sorry -- >> my bad. >> we got to go, you guys. we could talk about it forever. got some great kids we got to get to. >> thank you so much. >> great to see you. her parents helped nurture her plans of making it big. >> she's well on her way. maddie lee is here to sing for imagine a new level of skin quality. refined, perfected. at pixel level. breathtaking. new l'oreal texture perfector. advanced skincare with two powerful ingredients that work with skin. refine texture reduce pores diminish lines for every skin type. even close up, skin looks remarkable. new youth code texture perfector. only from l'oreal paris. texture perfected. we're worth it. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. but honestly... it's not that hard. younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! a father had been found shot and killed inside a home in oakland with his 1-year-old child. detectives are trying to piece together what happened. they say between six to eight rounds were fired through the back of this home early this morning. search is now on for the gunman. christie smith is at the scene. she will have the latest information for us today at 11:00. we will have a look at weather and traffic after the break. 10:28. welcome bang. taking a look at america's cup park and look at all these ripples out there on the bay, getting down right chop pick, the wind is picking up, likely to play a big factor in today's races. of course, all that action start its 159 p.m. we will have a full forecast for you at 11 a.m. 77 degrees in livermore, 69, fremont, 71 in san jose. let's check noon drive with anthony slaughter. >> thank you, christina. things pang out nicely, most of the bay area is clear as far as traffic goes, roads are wide open, only exception the south bay, santa clara over toward cupertino, you can see on 280 headed up to 85, that's actually an accident right off of the off-ramp headed over to 85. keeping things slow back to willow glenn but not a complete stop and go and also on 101 near san mateo at foster city, there's an accident on the northbound side. otherwise, things are good to go now. marla? >> okay, anthony, thanks so much. one of the stories we are following today, ac transit struck a deal with union workers avoid a strike. the deal includes a pay raise and changes to health benefits. meantime that b.a.r.t. strike is still looming, a state board will a hear arguments on stalled negotiableses. we will have a live report on the latest negotiations in 30 minutes 11:00. jon kelley and i hope to see you then. we're back with more of "today" and a special show for anyone hoping to raise responsible and inspierd children. we're about to meet one young lady who's both of these. maddie lee has been belting out songs since she learned to talk. >> now at the ripe age of 13, she's a bona fide internet sensation with fans who can't get enough of her music. check it out. ♪ ♪ if i were a boy i think i could understand ♪ >> her youtube videos have been viewed nearly 7 million times. she covers popular songs from taylor swift, one direction, justin timberlake, and maddie lee is here with her mom, vanes vanessa. wheeler or weiller? >> weiller. >> congratulations, sensation. >> thank you. >> you've been singing ever since you can remember. >> yeah. >> i was reading where your brother would cry and you would have maddie sing and what would happen? >> stop, completely. maddie, sing something. >> are your husband have musical ability or skipped a generation? >> total fluke, yes. >> you sang at one of the ball games in cleveland. you're from cleveland. you sang "god bless america." what did that feel like to sing in front of a crowd like that? a lot of the stuff you've been doing has been on youtube. >> it was really amazing and the crowd was really great. it was just a lot of fun. >> who has inspired you, honey, i know taylor swift, you like her. who's the best singer in the whole world, do you think? >> taylor swift, of course. lea michele. >> yeah. you like "glee" and all that stuff. do you see a career in broadway or singing popular songs, what do you think? >> i hope one of those happens, something with singing. >> you will, i think. >> you're going to sing a little bit of a taylor swift song for us, right? which one is it? >> "we are never getting back together." >> that's a good one. >> never, ever. >> maddie lee. >> take it away, maddie. ♪ i remember when we broke up the first time ♪ ♪ saying this is it i've had enough ♪ ♪ we haven't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space ♪ ♪ then you come around again and say baby i miss you and i swear i'm going to change ♪ ♪ trust me ♪ never lasted for a day ♪ i say i hate you we break up ♪ you call me i love you ♪ we called it off again last night ♪ ♪ oh this time i'm telling you i'm telling you ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪ ♪ so we are never ever ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ like ever [ cheers and applause ] >> maddie, nice job! >> that's so good. you were born for this. born for it. >> thank you. very, very proud of her. all righty. does your child have a voice like maddie? >> or do they want to be the next big tv star? 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[ female announcer ] dove. this is care. ♪ who with almay's eye makeupccoon doremovers.?s care. it's easy to remove the makeup soap and water can leave behind. and they're gentle on my eyes. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. wherever your sutwist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. land of the free and home of the mouth watering ball park frank. made with 100% angus beef and just a dash of democracy. ball park franks, so american you can taste it. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? which comes out on top? we brought real people to the texas desert to find out. it's just nice. very crisp. cool and fresh. that's what i was thinking! fresh. that's exactly what i was thinking. yeah. fresh. fresh. like i could definitely wrap myself in it. odors are no match for the febreze car vent clip. another way febreze helps you breathe happy. take a look. >> look at our fans, we have two. >> your song -- >> i want to hodie on your kotb. >> caught on with one other person. >> going to be big. do you think you have the next justin bieber/selena gomez on your hands and think my child can do that? >> who doesn't think your kid can do it? if you think your kid has what it takes, better listen up. heather finn and bob kline, an independent casting director, who's actually found me a job once. it's great to see you guys, welcome. >> when you have a casting call of a lot of kids, is there something you're looking for right away, sparkle, what is it that you're searching for first? >> i'm always looking for personality. really that's what sets everyone apart from each other is someone who has a good personality and can show that to other people. it's not just a personality when they are at home, they are really fun. >> it's got to be a natural one, though, doesn't it? >> i always beg for the right amount of confidence, mixed with a little dash of humility. >> that's not easy with a child who's been told all their life how fabulous they are also. >> personality is what stands out the most. even when you get a group of kids together, which one are you paying attention to? >> parents wonder if they should go to a cold call and bring their kid or get an agent. what's the best approach, do you guys think? >> the first step is always try and find an agent. there are lots of different ways to find agents. you can send your child's picture in the mail, there are things like call sheet back stage that have lists of agents and managers, and send in pictures of your child, regular snapshots of your child, and that's what's going to start getting them noticed. >> if you find out what we're looking for through call sheet or play bill, you can read the descriptions of what we're looking for and if your child seems right, submit them. >> how difficult -- we hear about the back stage mothers and fathers. have you all experienced that in your careers? >> i cast the "annie" tour for many, many years. >> besides me. >> for many, many years and they didn't know it, but i was always the one in the holding room measuring every child because we need to know how tall they were and stuff like that. i was really sent out there to watch the parents and see if there were any red flags about personalities or kids who didn't want to be there that their parents wanted them to be there to fulfill their dream. >> parent might be the problem, not the kid. >> we are looking for kids who want to do this and whose parents are going to be helping them and not hindering them. >> what if you have a child who's talented but the mom is an out of control stage mom? do you not hire those people? >> we try not to, you know, we try and talk to the parents first and, you know, try and temper it with, okay, try and get someone to relax first if we can. someone going to be kind of a nightmare, might not be someone we can worth with. >> how lucrative is this for a kid, if a kid gets a commercial, what are parents going to get at the end? >> national commercial can start a nice savings account, but it's not going to change their lives forever unless it keeps happening and keeps happening. >> a series will. >> absolutely. it depends what kind of job they are doing. a print job is not going to necessarily pay much, but, you know, sometimes it's just for what i call, especially babies with grandparents actors, oh, look we're in "people" magazine, oh, toys "r" us. >> and it should all be baby steps, too. let each successful thing build on the next step. >> thank you both. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. you changed my life. coming up, his sermons have mess ma rised thousands across the country. >> the little preacher with the big message. 8-year-old samuel green. oh, yeah, can i nthe smoky eye has never been easier. new master smoky shadow pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-saturated pigments in a rich, creamy formula. draw, smudge. whisper:so easy. our most intense smoky look ever. new master smoky pencil ♪ maybe it's maybelline. iand we're talkingl time with maria about the walmart low price guarantee. you got your list? let's go. if you find a lower advertised price they'll match it at the register. really... yeah, in a "jif". you ready? what?! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. bring in receipts from your local stores and see for yourself. theand the kids always eat sky their vegetables.e. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. hearty oatmeal now softly baked with a drizzle of cinnamon. it's a brand-new take on a morning classic. soft-baked oatmeal squares. new from nature valley. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. there is a pint-sized preacher in jackson, mississippi, who has everybody fired up. at 5 years old, samuel green realized he had a special gift. >> three years later he's already a veteran at the pulpit, inspiring everyone who wants to listen wherever he goes. take a look. >> he had nothing. he lost his land, he lost his ammo, he lost his sons and daughters, but do you know what job did? job got to his knees and began worshipping god saying the lord has gave and the world has taken away. blessed be the name of the lord. >> samuel's here with his mother, joanne green, and his mentor, beverly coleman. >> hello, hello, hello. you are just a bright light sitting over there. you can preach even without those teeth. it's unbelievable. >> when you're up there preaching, are you just memorizing things? tell us what you're doing up there at the pulpit. >> it's something i do, like everyday stuff. i really don't forget it. i really don't get nervous, because i know god has my back. >> god has your back. >> are all your sermons about bible stories? >> well, yes. >> do you have a favorite one, like david and goliath? >> i have a favorite one and it's named "job." >> job. >> because job had double for his trouble. >> joanne, were you surprised when you saw what was coming out of this little one's mouth? >> i was very surprised. i was very surprised. i was amazed. my husband and i, we were amazed just to see samuel get up and preach without any notes or anything. >> and you took him to church, obviously, but when did you realize he had the gift, how young was he? >> i realized he had the gift when he was invited to speak in a church in birmingham, alabama, and he stepped up and preached out any notes. it was just so amazing. >> you're the only one i know that likes job that much. job is a tough book to get through. good for you. beverly, how did you get involved? >> actually, through preschool. he was brought to me at age 13 months, which is a little early. i actually start teaching academically at age 2 and i met him at 13 months. by 18 months i knew he was gifted academically. >> how did you know that? >> most teachers know you do this repetitious work and we were doing the repetitious work and just out of spite i said, samuel, you do it. it's your turn now. he did all of it just like the 3 and 4 year olds. he knew everything we had been doing just by observing. >> what do your friends think about what you do? >> they really don't -- they really don't mind. they are like, oh, samuel is a preacher. let's play soccer ball. >> so you're well rounded, right? an average kid and when you're not preaching. >> do you want to grow up and be a preacher? >> yes, i want to grow up to be a teacher and doctor that takes care of children. >> so like a pediatrician? >> a pediatrician preacher. i like it. >> i am totally captivated by you, samuel. i adore you. is that all right? >> uh-huh. >> samuel, thank you. congrats, mom. >> congratulations. beautiful, beautiful young man. her cooking got her all the way to the white house. >> now amber kelly is sharing those healthy recipes. we're going to get a taste. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> samuel, samuel! back now with what's cooking, celebrating inspirational kids. we are in the kitchen with 10-year-old amber kelly, who wants us all to eat healthy. >> as if not busy enough appearing on her local news station, amber won her state's healthy lunchtime challenge and got invited to the white house and got to sit with the first lady. >> let's look at this picture for a second. was that fun? >> it was amazing. >> was she impressed with what you are trying to do? >> i think so. >> what are you going to cook for us today, sweetie? >> numb-y know noodle lasagna. this is the recipe i entered in the contest and it has three steps. >> okay. >> we call these our, like, fake noodles. >> fake noodles, okay. >> and really you just have a mandolin and you're going to go like this. >> what is that, zucchini? >> yes. >> you shave it. that becomes your noodle. >> yes. >> like that. the mandolin is like a knife in disguise. this is a knife right here. >> comes out the bottom. >> you can do some. you got to be careful with your fingers. >> i'll be very careful. >> let's just move on to the sauce. so we have some yellow onions in here. thank goodness they are already cut, because they make me cry. >> me, too. you are so cute. >> we have that and we add in our two cloves of garlic. >> aunt kathie doesn't know what she's doing. >> why do yours look so pretty and mine look like hoda made them? >> hey! am i not right here? >> then you just add in your turkey sausage. >> turkey sausage. >> dump it? >> dump it. >> that makes it healthier. >> then you kind of want to break it up. you don't want any pink. then you add in your chunks. >> is that just tomato? >> then your paste. >> tomato paste. >> kid's getting on my nerves. >> then you're going to add in some dry basil. >> okay. >> do we salt and pepper to taste? >> yes. >> just a little bit. try not to add too much salt, right? >> yes. >> kathie, that's not right. >> then you're going to let it simmer for 30 minutes. >> 30 minutes! >> then you're going to move over. we have our finished sauce. you want it to get thick. this is pretty thick. now we're going to assemble it. just need a ladle of your sauce. >> awe sweet. >> she's putting up with us. then you're going to lay this on top. >> we get it. we want to eat. >> thank you for all this cooking. >> then you put on mozzarella and parmesan. >> here's yours. >> i am dying to try this. we have a surprise for you and all the other kids. let's bring in all the other kids. come on, everybody come in. we have a surprise for everybody. all right, you guys, ready? you guys were so inspiring to us we want to give you something back, so we are going to send each of you -- >> thank you, girard. >> and three members of your family to universal orlando. you're going to experience all of it. remember, the theme parks, you're going to stay at the lowe's hotel. >> it's fantastic. >> orbitz is flying you out there, so you get to bring you and how many others? two or three? >> let's just say ten. >> oh, no. oh, no. anyway, where's amber? >> three other people. this is awesome! where's maddie? maddie! where's samuel? where's michael? >> you've been nothing but trouble since the minute you got here. >> michael! all right, tomorrow, decorating tips. you have to taste it. >> i'm tasting it, it's fantastic. samuel, you want a bite? >> no. >> samuel's not hungry. >> have an awesome day, everybody. >> nice job! >> see you tomorrow. >> bye, everybody. mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ and right now at 11:00, the hunt is on for a killer who shot a 1-year-old by and his father to death inside a home in the east bay. and as police investigate, we are learning more about these victims. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> i'm a he jon kelley. good morning, everyone. the shooting that marla mention happened at a home on gormley avenue in oakland, a few blocks away from the 98th avenue exit off interstate 880 where nbc bay area's christie smith is now with an update from police. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. this is a horrible story, a little baby boy shot and killed. i just spoke with an aunt who was shaken up and didn't want to go on


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130826

miley cyrus catching everyone off guard today. monday, august 26th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to today on a monday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm carl quintanilla. mike bettes has the morning off. did you stay up to watch the vmas? >> no. i never felt so old in my life. >> miley, wow. >> wow. we'll have a lot more of that including the reaction from inside the hall. a lot of people couldn't believe that shall we say, dramatic performance. >> also ahead, a dramatic 911 call from a 12-year-old boy who was home alone and kept his cool when two burglars broke in. >> but we'll begin with the crisis in syria and how the white house will respond to the government's apoeur pair apoeurant use of chemical weapons. we have two reports this morning. we'll start with richard engle. she in turkey near the syrian border. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. we just came out of syria. that is syria right behind us. that is the turkish to syria gateway. and when we were inside talking to syrians they were desperate asking for the united states to intervene militarily. they said yes, this is not the united states war. they don't want american troops here. they don't want this to become another iraq but they said if there is not a military response from the world super power after what everyone in this country and inside syria absolutely believes was a chemical attack, that if there's no response it will only encourage bashar al-assad to use chemical weapons again. we saw families who are terrified of chemical weapons. we met a family that just escaped their village and came closer to this area because they're afraid of more chemical weapons attacks. we saw a hospital where they're trying to defend themselves and prepare for receiving patients that may have been exposed to toxic elements and nerve agents and their capabilities are extremely limited. they set up a caravan, a nose to wash people off, to get them off of them and one gas mask. they are not prepared for what they fear would be the next phase of this war and they say that bashar al-assad started with guns and then used helicopters, and now in their opinion is using chemical gas, and also somebody does something it will only escalate further this morning, savannah. >> all right. richard engle, thank you very much. let's bring in andrea mitchell, nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondence. good morning. syria's government allowed un inspector seems teams to get to the site of the suspected chemical attacks. but u.s. officials say this is too little, too late. >> reporter: the u.s. and it's allies are now considering military options. most likely cruise missiles from navy destroyers or the mediterranean or jets targeting syrian command and control or airfields from which chemical attacks could be launched. >> we do know there are four warships off the coast of syria. missiles are an option to try to take out these chemical stock piles. and i think that's an option the president should be looking at. >> reporter: owe officials say the evidence the regime used chemical weapons is now hard to ignore. after these horrifying imagines backed up by international organizations like froms without borders. hundreds of men, women, and children, delivered by rockets not even possessed by rebel forces. no longer in doubt about the chemical attacks the president and secretary of state spent the weekend calling key arab and european allies. >> we're clear in the british government that the regime carried out this large scale chemical attack last wednesday that lead to the death, the agonizing death of so many hundreds of people including tragically so many children. >> with russia's vladimir putin blocking u.n. action against syria, they're looking for a man date from nato allies and the arab world. a big test for president obama. >> it's the credibility of the united states. if we're not willing to punish regimes that violate international law. if we're not willing to act on our own red lines then no other country, friend or foe, will take us seriously. >> the pentagon has it's target list ready for limited air strikes. nothing is imminent but this is moving very, very quickly. back to you, savannah. andrea mitchell, thank you very much. republican senator bob corker of tennessee is the ranking member on the foreign relations committee. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah, good to be with you. >> good to be with you as well. my first question is is u.s. credibility really on the line here? if your mind, is military action now required, no longer an option? >> well, savannah, i do think that the administration feels like that there's no question chemicals were used. i think they're rallying support around our nato allies. hopefully they'll come to congress with an authorization as soon as we get back. i think action is going to occur. i think we realized recently that the u.n. inspectors are not looking to see who is to blame with these gases, they're only to looking to see if it occurred. >> i believe we are talking about military action. you have suggested what you call the surgical and proportional strike. i would like to have you elaborate on that. are you imagining something simply to send a message or deter or involvement that would radically alter the military situation on the ground? >> i do think we should continue the policy put in place now and that is to support the opposition on the ground. i think we should continue that. i don't think our strike ought to be something that tries to alter that dynamic. i think it should be surgical. it should be proportional. it should be in response to what has happened with the chemicals. but the fact is, i don't want us to get involved in such a way that we change that dynamic on the ground. >> isn't that the tricky part of it, though? even the chairman of the joint chiefs said in the past that deeper involvement is hard to avoid. it's hard to dip your toe into this conflict without getting mired more deeply into it in a way that's hard to get out of. >> yeah, i think savannah you're hitting on that fine point, and that is certainly a red line for us has been the use of chemicals against people. that has occurred. we need to obviously respond to that but i don't want us to change our overall policy and i think getting that right -- and there's a way of doing that. i know the administration is working on that. i talked to the situation room last night. i think we can get that right without us getting mired in a conflict that obviously is not something we want to do. senator bob corker. also good to get your perspective, sir. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> carl. >> savannah, thanks. that raging wildfire near yosemite is growing more dangerous threatening the national park and nearby homes. tom costello is in california, good morning. >> reporter: carl, good morning to you. this town is serving as a staging area, a base camp for thousands of firefighters assigned to this incident. firefighters inside yosemite who are watching the seqoias very closely but also firefighters here are holding the line. deep into that the night and early morning the battle to contain this massive wildfire is 24/7. >> i think we're going to be able to hold this thing. >> reporter: 200 square miles and growing, the stakes could not be higher should the fire jump the line on the west, this town sits directly in its path. but the wright family isn't leaving confident in the air attack. >> all we have to do is get in our cars and leave. >> everything is packed up ready to go? >> everything is ready to go. >> reporter: bob baits is the l.a. city fire captain watching their house. >> they have to stay here and shelter in place and we have to try to protect them as much as we can. it's a bigger challenge. >> reporter: it's where firefighters are making a stand to protect this town of 1700 and others. from across california, fire crews and apparatus crews are staging here. some of the residents are awe struck. >> we have a serious situation going on here. they're going to be our heros. >> reporter: just outside of town it's physical exertion. they are removing bone-dry brush and cutting fire breaks. for the kids in these northern california communities the fire means more time-out of school but when your dad is on the fire line it's hard to enjoy the time off. >> it's hard to sleep. i worry about him 24/7 because he's a firefighter and i don't want him to get hurt because he's been hurt before fighting fires and it's scary he is out there. >> they have evacuated -- >> reporter: meanwhile, inside yosemite national park, not as many tourist with the smoke on the horizon, but the valley floor remains safe. while the trees are also safe, park rangers are clearing nearby brush and watering them down, just in case. fire commanders say the yosmite granite rock cliffs, they have protected the park for centuries from fires, and they should do it again but they are worried about the floating embers that could travel for a mile and a half and those embers can also touch off other fires. tom, costello, thanks. >> meantime, breaking news for another controversy for the national security agency. >> if you you can believe new fallout this morning tied to the edward snowden scandal. according to a german magazine, the nsa secretly monitored the u.n.'s new york headquaters by haanizations video conferencing system. nbc's chief white house correspondent, chuck todd, is in wash with those details. >> good morning, tamron, that's right. edward snowden strikes again in documents leaked as you just noted. here's what we learned. the nsa was able to tap into a united nations video conferencing system. they were able to spy on the european unions delegation both to the united nations and other places and according to these documents, the nsa has a special collection unit. while that is about spying on and using some 80 u.s. embough seas and consulates as hubs to spy on various u.s. allies. now the timing of these leaks couldn't be more precarious for the united states. first of all in germany they're in an election year. so this is turning into a sticky election year situation for merkel and her relationship with president obama. but now he is in the middle of getting western allies in europe to side with him to do something with syria so the timing of this couldn't be worse for the obama administration. >> chuck, the saga continues. thank you very much. growing concern in iraq this morning after another wave of deadly violence. at least 46 people were killed on sunday as insurgents carried out a series of attacks. more than 3,000 people have been killed in iraq over the past few months. it is the worst rash of deadly violence there since 2008. japan takes the crown in the little league world series. japan turned a double play for the final out getting the 6-4 win over the team from chula vista, california. this is the 14th time japan played in the little league title game and their 9th championship. and pit row can be a dangerous place. a few crew members found that out the hard way, you might say, at the indy car race. with about 65 laps to go, the leader, scott dixon and will power pull into the pit. dixon drives off and clips a member of the crew setting off a chain reaction. thankfully everyone okay. scott dixon was penalized and ended upcoming in second to power. that is cra. and now it is 7:13. i say cray because i watched the vmas. >> cray cray. >> over 40 we say cray cray. under 40 says cray. >> thank you for that. that was a lesson in vocabulary. >> we have a lot of weather going on, especially in a place you wouldn't expect it, and that is in the southwest. plenty of flooding going on in las vegas and valanciunas. we have water up to the wheel wells here. homes and businesses here. more rain could be effecting these places today all from tropical storm eva. that is having influence in the southwest. flooding is an issue we're following in multiple states, that does include around palm springs and las vegas as well. heads up. it will be a tough day for you in a lot of places. that's what's going on around the country. a look at your local weather coming up in 30 seconds. a look at your local weather coming up in 30 seconds. ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! 7:15 on a back-to-morning monday. i'm meteorologist christina loren. the sky is starting the clear over san francisco. a pretty comfortable day ahead across the bay area. 86 in livermore, 74 for fremont and 65 in!u the city by the ba. into the next couple days, we'll warm up just by a couple degrees and cool you right back off thursday into friday with a comfortable weekend just around the corner. hope you have a great day. and that is a look at your weather. here's savannah. >> thank you so much. the mtv video music awards were last night and got to have people talking this morning. mara was up late watching the highlights good morning to you. >> good morning. >> it was cray. for the first time ever the vmas and moon man statue headed to brooklyn. everyone was excited about an 'nsync reunion andady gaga's return but it was a performance by miley cyrus that really got everyone's attention. >> where have you gone hannah montana? last night it was miley mtv style. the 20-year-old twerking her way on stage and out of her clothing to her single we can't stop. it was a performance that included a tv version of blurred lis. it left some in the audience like will smith's family shocked. but before the big show on the red carpet, it was all about what the stars were wearing. >> coture. >> can i pet it? it's so soft. >> what are the vmas without taylor swift drama. first appearae telling harry styles of one direction to shut up and then less subtle when picking up a moon man for i knew you were trouble. >> i also want to thank the person that inspired this song who knows exactly who he is because now i got one of these. >> but the night was all about the star performances. we got up close and personal with lady gaga. kanye west turned out the lights. and katy perry gave a knockout performance in the shadow of the brooklyn bridge. but in the end, one man was the champ. >> who are you looking forward to tonight? >> justi timberlake. >> justin timberlake is awesome. >> reporter: justin timberlake delivered one of the night's most anticipated performances and reunions getting back in step with 'nsync. timberlake won video of the year which he dedicated to his grandparents. >> my grandfather passed away in december so i know -- i hope my grandmother is watching right now. this is for you granny. >> now, there were also serious moments in the show. gay rights took center stage throughout the night. macklemore and ryan lewis winning best video with a social message and jason collins presented talking about his decision to come out but it's miley cyrus who has everyone talking this morning. >> talking or in stunned silence. >> yes, like the will smith family. >> we are not in montana anymore. >> i have gotten some tweets about this. someone tweeted me that that performance immediately sent her 11-year-old through puberty. >> someone tweeted out why is miley cyrus dancing with a prisoner in a 1940s uniform. because he had the pinstriped suit on. i'm speechless. i don't know what to say. i'm one of those people that i saw the clip and i just -- i don't know. >> i know. >> how about j.t.? the guy can do no wrong. >> he is awesome. >> next trick is going to be turning water into wine. >> really, carl? >> yeah. >> he's the man of the moment. >> it's j.t., not j.c. >> he won the michael jackson van guard award, which is fitting. >> what about 'nsync? they were good? >> yeah, coming up -- >> i don't do it. >> donald trump accused of running a pho university that cost students thousands of dollars. he'll speak out live on the $40 million lawsuit he is now facing. is it legal? the new app that lets you track somebody's every move, even monitor their phone calls. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. still ahead, was the legend dare battle of the sexes fixed? >> it's a very big story. >> did you hear about this encouraging news for the national zoo's newest giant panda? the hard part is getting it away from the mom so they could test it. we'll go there live. but first your lal news and weather. nobody knows wherer whn the next powerful storm is going to hit... but it will... that's why there's a new duracell battery. introducing duracell quantum. with its high density core, it's a quantum leap in battery power. the next storm is out there. but so are the heroes. so we're giving a million duracell quantum to first responders everywhere. power. in the hands of the most powerful. duracell. trusted everywhere. ♪ power. in the hands of the most powerful. at chico's we're famous for our so slimming jeans. ♪ now, meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. ♪ they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulou only at chico's and that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita. steady energy. all morning long. [ female annouer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains, they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. available in mixed berry and didn't know where to start. a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's st is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why mo than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. it is 7:26. good morning everybody. i'm jon kelley. the massive wildfire burning outside yosemite continues today. the rim fire only 7% contained, scorching about 144,000 acres. the fire is in its second week and crews from all over california are on hand trying to battle this one back and get it under control. san jose police hoping this surveillance video will help them find the gunman responsible for the city's 33rd homicide of the year. we've edited it to show you the moments right before and after the shooting. as you can see, the victim riding a bicycle pulls into a parking lot at 3rd and julian streets, the gunman seen running up to the victim, shooting and running away. moments late ert another man on another psych bicycle rides up and fired more shots on that victim. a total of four people including two young children recovering from gunshot wounds in oakland this morning. a 17-year-old boy was shot in the leg. a mother and her 8 1257bd-year-old children, all of them innocent bystanders were caht right in the middle of the gunfire. the good news, all are expected to be okay. right now let's get a check on the monday forecast. it looks like a cool start, but a nice day ahead, christina. >> it's going to be nice, jon. good morning to you and good morning to you at home. i wanted to show how far inland those low clouds are spanning this morning. this is sunol. as we head throughout the day, we'll see the natural ac make way to beautiful sunshine. 63 in livermore, mostly cloudy for now. we start the clock on the futurecast. clouds clearing by noon and temperatures down right comfortable. fremont 74, 76 in san jose and 86, not even too hot in the extreme east bay. we'll warm up for your tuesday and drop you right back off wednesday into thursday, into the upper 80s. let's check on the drive with mike inouye. >> we have folks that are camera shy, not these folks. around the bend, the big rig cleared about five minutes ago. that's where we had a lot of activity and more distraction as folks came around the berkeley curve. this is eastshore freeway west 880 as folks approach the bay bridge toll plaza, all activity cleared. look at the big jam out of basically hercules towards the bridge. we'll get you back to the "today" show. 7:30 now on a monday morning. it's august 26th, 2013. we have a great crowd with us this morning as we begin our second weekf shows out here on the plaza. studio 1-a is getting an extreme make over right now. in a few weeks we'll move back into the studio. >> good. it's cold. >> we're whimpy. tamron has a space heater under the desk. >> i'm savannah guthrie along side carl quintanilla in for matt and tamron in for natalie. >> we'll talk to donald trump about a $40 million lawsuit that alleges his university defrauded students. >> and a app that lets you monitor someone's phone calls, texts and photographs. and one woman says it makes her never want to date again. and good news for the giant panda cub just born at the national zoo. we'll go there live. >> can't go wrong. >> let's begin with the new trouble for donald trump. new york's attorney general suing trump calling one of his enterprises a fraud. today jeff rossen has details. >> good morning. a lot of people talking about this. as we all know donald trump puts his name on everything from buildings to planes. so he created trump university. there's no campus or actual school. it's mostly real estate seminars to help people get rich just like him. but this morning, new york authorities say trump university is a scam. a misleading bait and switch. >> reporter: thi trump university recruiting video and it starts with the dond himself. >> at trump university we teach success. that's what it's all about, success. it's going to happen to you. >> reporter: and authorities say thousands of people enrolled hoping to learn how to hit it big ineal estate. a three day seminar is 1495,he trump elite package, $10,000 and the personal mentorship, up to $35,000. authorities say trump university made over $40 million. >> we're going to teach you business. we're going to teach you life. we're goi to teach you salesmanship and what you need to know. >> reporter: but according to this new lawsuit filed by the new york attorney general, trump iversity engaged in numerous deceptive practices. even encouraging students to go into debt to pay for the elite programs. according to the complaint, the students were part of an elaborate bait and switch scheme where they kept getting up sold and up sold and up sold and paid more and more money in the hopes of getting the donald trump real estate investment secrets they never got. >> reporter: trump promises students the best in business education from top experts. >> these are all people that are hand picked by me. >> reporter: but the lawsuit claims trump didn't hand pick any of themnd many weren't real estate experts at l. sunday trump fought back on twitter and gotersonal suggesting the ag is suing him as pay back for not giving enough campaign money tweeting light weight new york state attorney general eric snyderman is trying to extort me with a civil lawsuit. how can an attorney general ask for campaign contributions during his evaluation of a case. a total sleezebag. he had no comment on the tweets but insists trump university is a fraud. donald trump says the university has a 98% approval rating among students but the attorney general wants trump to pay back at least $40 million, all of the moneyhat the students paid for that university. jeff rossen, thank you for that. donald trump is on the phone with us this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> the attney general takes a look at the literature you used to sell the seminars and you say things like learn from my hand pick experts. did you hand pick these instructors and ve anything to do with writing the courses? >> solutely. i was totally involved. i was involved to a hh degree. it's not my main business but applications resumes, i met with people. i had a lot to do with it and what they discussed. as you know, i was one of the good people in terms of picking the housing market. i told people what to do and if they would have listened to me they would have made a lot of money. had school had a 98% approval. harvard doesn't have one. >> yeah but those are universities mr. trump. you used that word until they told you that the state charter doesn't let you use that term. >> we filed an application, the application was accepted and signed by a person in the state but when they ultimately came back and said you're not allowed to use the word university. we changed the name and took the word out. very simple. let me just tell you something, we're dealing with an attorney general who everyone in new york knows is a total lightweight. he is very unpopular. he lets him -- disappear, $1.4 billion disappear and doesn't do a thing. he goes after donald trump for a school that has a 98% appval rating. >> you mentioned that. >> you know ivanka trump, very honest person -- we don't have a case, don't worry, this case is going away. >> let's talk about the univsity, though, do you believe the students that enrolled thought they were going to college and not just a three-day seminar. >> no, the students that enrolled knew exactly what they were doing and what they were getting and after the seminars and after they finished t courses, they were gen an application to sign or a report card on us, what do you think of the job that they did? what did you think of the instructors. we had a 98% approval. now,ou turn on television late at night, you'll see hundreds of people going around, and none of these people get sued. if they listened to me, they would have made a lot of money. >> you said this is about ext s extorti extortion. he wants campaign funds. do you have any e-mails or voice mails or letters? >> absolutely. he asked for money during the investigation, people in my fm including one of my lawyers for campaign contributions. who ever heard of this? he is asking for campaign contributions while he is looking into trump. what kind of attorney general is this? one other thing that is very interesting i just found out yesterday. on thursday evening in syracuse he met with president obama. he then signed the lawsuit and filed the lawsuit on saturday at 1:00. now i have been doing this a long time. when was the last time you saw a government agency bring a lawsuit on a saturday? >> saturday? that's a tough one. assume you're going to want to fight this in court donald. >> we could ha settled this case easily. he thought i would settle it because he said i wouldn't take the bad publicity. i get plenty of bad publicity, i'm used to it and frankly i didn't want to settle the lawsuit. they wanted to settle the lawsuit. i didn't want to settle the lawsuit on principle. >> he's clearly got your attention donald. >> well, the school is a great school and it's really a shame. thank you very much. >> donald trump. let's get a check of the weather as it starts torain on us. >> thank you carl, a few sprinkles right now. hello to the crowd from colorado. grandma is 87. who is she and where does she live? >> felicia and long island. >> happy birthday to you. 87 years young. it is the heat across the midwest. big dome of high pressure building in here. what does that mean? scorching temperatures to the tune of triple digits in the twin cities. may rival one of your hottest august days you've ever seen in the twin cities. des moines will top out at 99. excessive heat advisories and warnings in a lot of these places. the entire state of iowa is under an excessive heat advisories. there's a lot going on in the midwest with the heat but there's storms in the southwest and deep south and orlando and down through 7:38 on a back-to-work and back-to-school for many kids monday. i'm meteorologist christina loren taking a live look over the clouds. we have some sunshine over the city by the bay. the clouds are forcing flight delays at about 1:06. 65 degrees with sunshine coming into the city. between about noon and 4:00, 74 in fremont. in san jose, we should see sunny skies by about 9:00 a.m. temperatures will warm up tomorrow and level off wednesday into thursday. that is your weather. a little wet here. carl and savannah, i know you're dry, though. >> we haven't noticed. >> more than an anchorman. >> who says chivalry is dead. >> are you being watched? the controversial new app that lets you track your spouses every move. >> and more on the vmas including how miley cyrus's shocking performance is playing on twitter this morning. but first, these messages. to talk about your bums.d ie these are bum-wipes. do you think that would be quite an interesting addition to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go? yeah, we could do that. it's awesome! 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[ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. back now at 7:43 inside our studio as the rain is falling a bit on rockefeller plaza. meantime there's a new app and it's raising eyebrows and privacy concerns this morning. nbc's kerry sanders has details on this story. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. much of the nation's attention has been on the nsand how the national security agency has the ability to read your e-mails and listen to your phone calls. now there's an app that rivals those capabilities and approximate may make spies jealous. our story begins in brazil. >> reporter: brazil is a country known for it's beauty and passion. but mix those with love, jealousy and technology and you have a volatile mix called. >> boyfriend tracker. >> reporter: you can hide this app on your beloved phone and listen to every call, read every text and look at every photograph they take. >> i just got this phone here. you can do this in the united states just like they're doing it in brazil. >> yeah, brazil had an app for it but there's ways to get it on to your phone here in america as well. >> reporter: computer security expert put a similar app on my phone. when i sent a text, let's meet for dinner, i hope nobody sees this message, it was recorded on a website. when i posed for pictures on south beach, same thing. >> hey, savannah, it's kerry. >> when i called savannah in new york. >> just driving back to the city, i had a nice little trip over the weekend. >> reporter: the conversation she thought was private, not so much. and the gps mapped my every move. >> be less concerned about the nsa and more concerned about your girlfriend. >> or boyfriend. >> he just knew who i was with and it was allunknown to me. >> reporter: this woman who fears for her safety said her ex-boyfriend put one of those apps on her phone when they were dating. after they broke up he was able to follow her every move. >> it makes you never want to date again. >> can i get that program off the phone? >> so the quick answer is no. >>hile it's illegal to use these sort of apps in the united states and brazil, that's not stopping people from using them. in brazil, in the last two months, 120,000 people have downloaded boyfriend tracker. savannah, big sur prize, huh. >> real shocker? next time you call me, i'm screaming. i don't want to talk to you ymore. >> i want to know who breanna was. >> very thought provoking piece. coming up next, we'll go live to the national zoo with good news tied to the birth of the rare giant panda cub. that's right after this. before william hughes fought in vietna.. and john hughes jumped into normandy... and john anderson hughes served in world war i... and before robert hughes joined the spanish-american war, there were families connected to the belief that freedom was worth fighting for. join us in thanking th at ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up and go. all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. [ male announcer ] let's go places. but let's be ready. ♪ let's do our homework. ♪ let's look out for each other. let's look both ways bef. ♪ let's remember what's important. let's be optimistic. but just in case -- let's be ready. let's go places, safely. goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant and? and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kids love, kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. help feed their full potential. we've just topped our arter pounder with even more bold new taste. you love bacon. we added thick-cut, applewood bacon to our new quarter pounder blt. now more than ever, there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ ♪ back now at 7:50 with new details on the giant panda cub that was just born at the smithsonian's national zoo in washington. it was followed by the surprise birth of a second stillborn cub. kristen welker is at the national zoo. good morning. >> good morning to you. well, despite the mixed news, they are focussing on the new life they have here at the national zoo. i'm standing in front of one of two pandas that could be the father to that new cub. and while the baby is too young for them to know the sex, they know they have something special here. >> reporter: it was the news and the sound that everyone was hoping for. the national zoo's female giant panda gave birth to a cub late friday afternoon, witnessed by many on the zoo's hd panda cam. >> today is a great day for the national zoo. >> reporter: she immediately picked up her cub and started grooming it and zoo keepers did their own exam but first had to pry it away from mom. >> i was able to feel the head of my cub and slip my hand on top and pull it right out. the cub was active and squealing and seemed healthy. >> reporter: but the news wasn't all good. she delivered a second cub saturday night that didn't make it. >> the stillborn cub wasever alive. >> reporter: but the zoo is focussing on their success story. female giant pandas only go into heat once a year. >> we have a 48 hour window and if you miss that window it's an entire year before she can breed again. >> reporter: so the breeding process is difficult and in this case, artificial insemination may have been key with donations from two male pandas. one at the national zoo with her and another from the san diego zoo. >> with the hormones, we know exactly when she is going to ovulate. when she is going to lay an egg. >> reporter: but ultrasounds are inconclusive. they didn't know if she was pregnant until the baby arrived. at 4.8 ounces this cub is the new bundle of joy. >> and there's similar excitement building in scotland where they believe one of their giant pandas is expecting. a big deal because giant pandas are an endangered species, carl. >> you know how pandas are cute, newborn pandas, not so cute. >> but we await their cuteness at any time. >> panda behind the shot there i actually thought was fake. >> it's real. >> it looked lik she has this fake scene behind her but he is moving his mouth. must be real. >> it is real. >> you said he might be the father. just ask him. >> barely knew her. >> when we come back on trending, a stunning new claim, did bobby riggs throw his battle of the sexes match against biie jean king? wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. over the age of three have gum disease? but not happy. happy eats dentastix® as part of her oral care routine. dentastix® treats are clinically proven to reduce up to 80% of tartar buildup. smile, it's dentastix® time! that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita. steady energy. all morning long. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with dicious ingredients and whole grains, they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. it is 7:56. good morning, i'm jon kelley. a former child psychiatrist from san mateo who pleaded no contest to molesting boys in the 1990s is set to be sentenced this morning. william ayers charged with nine counts of lewd acts for allegedly touching five boys inappropriately during counseling sessions. he pleaded no contest in may. also in court today a united airlines employee and his wife accused of stealing luggage from passengers following the crash of asiana flight 214. investigators say shawn crew duck and ray chez thomas skoel luggage after the deadly crash in july. prosecutors san jose thomas took clothing from the bags to nordstroms and got $5,000 for those items. right now let's say good morning to the always lovely christina loren for a look at your monday forecast. >> good morning to you, jon. good morning at home. taking a live look at san jose. that flight leaving on time. we have delays at sfo due to thick low ceilings. we should see those lifted by 10:30, 11:00. 64 in livermore, 64 in san jose. hour by hour detail works like this. about 76 degrees at noon in antioch today. 71 in concord, 77 in the heat of the day in oakland. talking about a comfortable day. the kids are heading back to school at oakland unified. you want to keep that in mind. 65 in san francisco. as we head through rest of the week, a little warmer. already noticing more volume, mike. >> talking oakland school kids and more faculty to a lot more traffic down the eastshore freeway. look at the map. it is jammed. red zone in the 20s, all the way from highway 4 out of hercules through richmond and around the curve, merging with the folks from the bridge and down toward the bay bridge toll plaza where the earlier crash has cleared. still the distraction ripples back. 880 north through oakland, but jamming toward union city. into fremont and the northbound routes into san jose, especially 85. good luck on your first day of school momma. i l good luck on your first day of school, love you. 8:00 now on this monday morning. and the end of summer is fast approaching. >> did we just go from august to october? >> yes, but the rain has stopped. coming up on trending we're going to very machine last night's vma, we'll talk about the top entertainers of the year, and then lady gaga's performance. also a quick note, this week marks the 50th anniversary of martin luther king's iconic "i have a dream" speech. and nbc news wants you to share your dream on twitter. use the #dreamday. if you want to read the dreams of everyone from the dali la ma to snoop dog. >> i think i know what that might be. breaking news out of syria this morning when u.n. weapons inspectors came under fire. one of the vehicles hit by snipers as they were trying to get to the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack. the u.s. and it's allies are weighing a military response after seeing videos of hundreds of dead near damascus. u.s. warships are off the coast. dozens of people were killed in attacks in iraq on sunday. concern about the moupting violence in that country rose. more than 3,000 people have been killed in iraq over the past few months. militant groups stepped up their insurgency. it is trading fears to the conflict that broung irght iraq the edge of a civil war. >> sentencing begins today for major nadal hassan. he was convicted in the 2009 shooting rampage in fort hood texas. he says it was carried out to protect those abroad. now the jury will decide whether hassan should be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison. from texas this morning, the chilling call to 911 from a boy home alone when burglars broke in. terrified and alone last tuesday, deion murdoch called police. >> they just broke the window ma'am. >> they just broke the window. what room are you in. >> my mother's room right now, please hurry. >> i am, stay on the phone with me. >> the dispatcher told him to lock himself in the closet. >> i'm going to have to whisper now because i think they're coming in. >> do you have weapons inside the closet. >> no, ma'am. please hurry. >> they are. they are. they're turning on your street. >> as police drew closer so are the intruders. they're in here. >> they're inside the room now. they're inside the bedroom where he is at. then dead silence for nearly a minute. are you there deion? just stay there. the officers, i think they're going to catch the guy. >> it sounds like there are multiple people. >> okay. be quite. the intruders took off when police arrived but were later caught and arrested. >> so is the police officer outside the house. >> yeah. but stay inside the closet because they're trying to find the bad guys, okay? you're good doing. you're good real good. doing perfect. your mom's going to be so proud of you. >> this is actually the only thing i could think of. >> well, you thought well. you thought well. you're a very, very smart young man. you did a good thing. >> he absolutely did. well, deion's mother who was at the port author housing authority at the time of the break in says she is proud of her son. caught on camera, marlin fishing doesn't get easier than this. check it out, 350 pound blue marlin was hooked but hadn't been reeled in when the fisherman got a surprise. take a look, the big fish found it's own way on to the boat. they usually release the catch back into the ocean. they did not in this case because the marlin died of a self-sustained injury. the crew did donate the fish to grateful local fishermen. how about that. look at that? >> it's 8:05. true but shocking savannah and carl. >> i was going to say they didn't do the catch and release because the marlin seemed to want to be on board. >> okay with this option. >> that is astonishing. tamron, thank you. we want a check of the weather now. it's changing by the second. let's go to mike bettis who is in for al. >> we're dry again on the plaza. who knew that some of our folks had a foot fetish. you love savannah's choose. >> i do. and tamron's, they're cute. >> what's the key to good shoes? >> good style. >> we're doing the weather in style today. we're talking about heat in the midwest and nice conditions in the southeast. we say hello to you, our pick city, winston salem, mostly sunny. hello to everyone watching us this morning. you haven't had much this summer. excessive heat in the midwest. watching for showers this morning. we already felt the sprinkles here on the plaza but 99 today in omaha. 92 in memphis, looking for 87 in the capitol. that's a look at the weather across the country. now a look at the weather clos 8:06. no flight delays out of any major airport except for san francisco. 61 degrees there. mostly cloudy conditions. for your back to business monday we're looking pretty good up in the air for now. temperatures are going to be warm today, not too bad. 86 degrees in livermore, 76 for fremont. 68 degrees in places like fremont for today. getting to the next couple of days, temperatures are going to get a little bit warmer for tuesday. level off wednesday and thursday and then a nice, comfortable weekend ahead. >> that is your weather. weather.'s carl and savannah. here's carl and savannah. >> mike, thank you so much. when we come back -- we have to show it again. miley. how people are reacting to this provocative performance at the vmas last night. >> sad news from another big name in music. coming off the parkinson's battle that left her unable to sing. >> and one woman's quest to improve her confidence and marriage by having sex every day with her husband for one year. we'll hear about that story. but first, these messages. when you're ready to take skincare to the next level you're ready for roc® new roc® multi correxion has an exclusive 5 in 1 formula it's clinically proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles together these 5 elements create ageless looking skin roc® multi correxion 5 in 1 it's high performance skincare™ only from roc® and? and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kids love, kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. helpeed their full potential. a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ ooh, strong grip! ow! (pop) (balloons popping) i can see the edge omy couch! (balloons popping) [ malennouncer ] with new smucker's natural fruit spreads, every day can be truly extraordinary. ♪ spread a little sunshine with naturally delicious smker's natural. spread a ♪ittle sunshine and now there's a new way to do the same for your g. introducing new purina dog chow light & healthy. it's a no-sacrifices, calorie-light way to help keep him trim... ...with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he'll love... ...and 20% fewer calories than dog chow. discover the lighter side of strong. new purina dog chow light & healthy. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit airoptix.c for safety information and a free one-month trial. ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up and go. we're back at 8:11 with what's trending today and trending on twitter, the internet is on fire after miley cyrus's performance last night at the video music awards. the 20-year-old took to the stage performing her summer hit we can't stop. well, then, robin thicke joins her. the two sang blurred lines, which as we all know is rather suggestive but she decided to add a little somhing extra to it. it dropped a lot of jaws in the audience and living rooms across the country. people were staring. will smith's family was like -- >> oh dear. >> so we get a lot of reaction. here's brooklyn decker. she said i'm so uncomfortable. nick cannon said remind me to never let my kids into showbiz. thanks. jenniwoww said miley killed it at the vmas. new girl crush. >> remember when we were shocked when she danced with the ice cream tuck and the pole and that would be it? she one upped it. >> i see a new segment, talking to your kids about miley cyrus. >> yeah, puberty and all things considered. >> it was amazing. >> trending on msn, a scandal surrounding the battle of the sexes tennis match. billie jean king defeated bobby riggs in front of a crowd. many people saw it as a benchmark for women's equality in the sports world. on a new report this weekend alleges that riggs actually threw the match to haveambling debt to the mob wiped out. they overheard four mob members talking about the fix in 1972. riggs passed away in '95. billie jean king has not commented. >> is it the same people popping up saying they know the things. >> i believe she won fair and square. >> let's go with that. >> speaking of epic tennis rivalries, well, matt and i went and played tennis with serena williams and andy murray. matt did well of course and there's andy and i discussing strategy. >> okay. >> i was like i can't serve, nor can i hit at the net. >> what about the part where you yelled at the umpire? >> i did. >> at least you had a great outfit on. half the battle is how you look. you look adorable. >> thank you. you don't know fear until you have serena williams serve to you. my heart was in my throat. i'll show you guys that tomorrow. >> okay. also trending on new york times website, a new book on the way from one of history's most notable authors. a new upcoming book and documentary from j.d. salinger. some works are said to be new and some are extensions of past writings and they could come out as early as 2015. he passed away in 2010. meanwhile his son and widow are keeping mum onhe the article. there's pictures never been seen before and details about his relationship. incredible. one of his wives, they were from linda ronstadt. she suffering if parkinson disease. erica hill has more. it was the news no one expected in the new interview from the singer but the diagnosis had people talking and wondering if they'll ever hear ronstadt sing again. music legend linda ronstadt never shied awayrom the stage. yet the grammy award winning songstress has performed in public in nearly four years. this weekend, we learned why. the 67-year-old has parkinson's disease. >> she was diagnosed about 8 months ago but she believes she has had it for seven or eight years. she thought she couldn't sing because of this disease she contracted from a tick and then she did see a neurologist and he said you have parkinson's disease and she was so shocked. >> reporter: shocked and silent. ronstadt says the disease robbed her of her ability to sing. telling aarp no one can sing with parkinson's disease no matter how hard you try. a bitter pill for a woman who earned 11 grammys, multiple top 40 hits and that number one that never seems to get ol and yet, she tells aarp she is not done living. >> what struck me was there was no -- to use one of her song titles, poor, poor pitiful me. she wasot going to sit down and let the disease overwhelm her. >> much like actor michael j. fox who has been living with parkinson's for more than 20 years. >> it's the gift that keeps on taking. but it woke me up to what was possible in life and what ever i lost because i had parkinson's i have gained so much. >> reporter: his foundation aims to improve the lives of those living with with par kin sons and ultimately to find a cure. fox and mohammed ali who was diagnosed in 1984, are among the most visible american with the disorder. and now linda ronstadt, a familiar voice tackling a new tune. she remains very upbeat about it. as for why she is talking about it now, she does have a memory coming o this fall but does not discuss her diagnosis in the group. theaarp reporter that interviewed ronstadt said she brought it up on her own and was looking for an opportunity to talk about it. >> dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical director. sayi that parkinson's robs you of your voice, how can that happen? >> vocal chords are muscles. it causes stiffness and slowing down of the muscles. no reason to think your voice wouldn't be effected too. people that speak for a living can get by with it but when you have to rely on the fine muscles of a vocal chord a singer can't do what she needs to do. >> like holding a note. >> yeah. >> some of these symptoms started years ago in conjunction withther diseases. is that common. >> linda had a tick bite and developed weird, mild symptoms so you think well maybe i have a mild case of lime disease. then she had shoulder surgery and when her hands started trembling she thought perhaps it was due to her shoulder but the stiffness and changes in muscles can be gradual. it can be one side of the body and not both. and there's where the fingers literally go like this. and unless a doctor who hasn't seen these other isolated incidents looks at you and said you're pill rolling, you have a tremort rest or your hands move, only then can they say none of that other stuff matters, you have parkinsons. >> this i famously difcult to diagnose. for those on the look out for signs, what do you look for? >> you look for just those things. change in speech. change in how you can walk. you're feeling like your feet are stuck to the ground. a stiffness. a change in gate. i mean, any of these sort of automatic movements that you take for granted. those things. but the tremor is a hallmark and the treatment is medicine first. there's a chemical in the brain called dopamine and those levels drop. the idea is to get them back up to noal. medicine works well. it's not a curable disea but you can make the disease slow down it's progress and there's things le deep brain stimulation and surgery further down the line. but medicine is the first trick. >> and linda ronstadt. >> we love linda and want her t get -- she will get all the good treatment she needs. >> thank you so much. >> you bet. >> let's toss it over to savannah. >> carl, thank you so much. now to something that could be seen as a dream come true for some. for others, maybe not so much. what happens when a woman sets out to have sex with her husband every day for an entire year? well, britney gibbons did that and wrote about her experience on her blog britney herself. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> first question, why? what were you trying to accomplish or figure out by having sex with your husband 365 days in a row. >> i know it's a really provocative thing but a lot of body imagine things are in the news. we have amazing women in fashion and public but that doesn't self-esteem issues weren't ending in the bedroom. >> you have been married a long time and have three kids and felt like i still don't feel comfortable with myself, with my husband and you felt like that was hurting the relationship? >> i did. he would tell me amazing things and my head would hear it but my brain wouldn't process it. i realize that a lot of it was up to me. i had to get in that place in order to enjoy it. i wked on that. that's what i worked on for an entire year. >> instead of avoiding sex you dove into it. let's t practical for a few minutes here. was it 365 days in a row. >> it was. varying travel or like i had my gallbladder out. but overall, yes. >> you have three kisd. >> first of all, there's the matter of exhaustion but how did you find time? >> you know, that was a huge problem to begin th. we have three small kids. i'm exhausted now just talking about it but i'm not going to lie. if it was in the closet or bathroom, it counted. >> i heard you had a creative way to keep the kids out of the room. >> santa claus meetings. >> that's what you told them. >> we did. if it's important they'll keep out. we told them we were meeting with santa and they didn't want to interrupt it. >> that's a brilliant thing. >> your husband, andy, obviously agreed to let you write about this and make it so public. we asked him about the effect he felt it had on the relationship. let's take a look. >> now that i think the level of comfort has come together it's a little bit easier to find time and to want to find time. that's probably the biggest thing. not just finding the time. but wanting to find the time. >> so it really works. it sounds like it really transformed the relationship. >> it really did. it took awhile to get in a space where we understand i had a self-esteem issue with myself. he was hurt that he thought he was not living up to his end of the bargain. and it worked out publicly. >> there must have been times when it felt like a chore. >> it did. the act wasn't a chore. it's now i get to go be uncomfortable in my skib. the burden of the emotional part. >> i'm dying to know what your friends thought. >> my friends thought it was crazy but his friends wanted to get their wives on board with it. >> your friends are thinking thank you for giving my husband these ideas. is it something you recommend for others? you feel like it was good for the relationship? >> the underlying message is good. a lot of our self-esteem is our own responsibility. we can only get so much from our partners and friends. a large part is schanging how w see ourselves. >> you're not going for another 365 days? >> i'm exhausted. >> thank you so much. still ahead, how to decipher the codes on price tags. >> and the recipes that are nutritious too after your local news. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good monday morning to k-my 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police say they have one more place to search as they look for missing toddler daphne webb. they tried to find the 22-month-old. webb was last seen on july 10th. family members believe she is still alive. this weekend's search didn't turn up anything, but officers say they have another area they intend to search. there is a $20,000 reward in that case. check the morning commute now with mike. how is it looking out there? >> over here towards palo alto, southbound 101 jammed up towards university. reports of crashes in both of those areas. i didn't see the one at university but it might be directly under the camera. slowly approaching this towards embark ka darrow. on the east bay we'll look north towards east 880 all the way to the coliseum to the bay bridge toll plaza which is jammed as well. west 80 has been sluggish. from san pablo all the way down to the berkeley curve. >> thank you very much, mike. i'll have another local news update in about an hour. hope to see you then. have a great morning. 8:30 now on a mony morning, the 26th of august, 2013. a bit of a cloudy day to start here in rockefeller plaza but we have a great crowd spending the waning days of summer with us. i'm savannah guthrie with carl quintanilla and tamron hall. >> we all like bargain. how do you know whe the sale is the best deal? we'll tell you how to read the secret price codes on the tags. >> you make it sound exciting. >> isn't that amazing? >> that's good stuff. then healthy back to school cooking with the white house chef. doesn't get better than that. >> no. then we'll take a turn from snakes to monkeys and more. we will come face to face with remarkable animals. they have been rescued and we'll have that stor >> remarkable d hungry. >> we have a big announcement and it concerns that guy right there. keith urban drinking his coffee because he will be here for a live concert on the plaza, tuesdaseptember 10th. and that is not all folks. he's going to fly one lucky fan and a guest to see him perform in baltimore, nashville, and then here for new york. go to keith on and you can center a chance to win. >> can employees enter? >> i'm going to go kick it with keith urban. >> fine. >> no, you conditiannot win. >> meantime, the today book club launched with samantha shannon's the bone season. we have a question, what is the significance of the red poppy field. >> we'll ask a new question next week. this is all leading up to natalie's google hang out with the author next month. so grab the book, start reading and follow along. it's the first book in our book club and very exciting. >> very cool. >> now let us get a check of the weather for mike bettis in for al this morning. >> good morning. big shout out to our suffolks from the midwest this morning. joining us from missouri and michigan. >> what's the weather like this time of year. >> unpredictable. it's 90 degrees today. >> 91 yesterday. >> it is hot in the midwest. one of our big stories. also very hot in the west. one of the problems we had there has been wildfires. major wildfires burning out of control from california all the way up to washington and montana. one of the biggest fires is the rim fire here. threatening the yosemite village. temperatures will be warm. across the west, we'll watch for scattered showers that could lead to flooding for places like palm springs and las vegas. more storms across south florida inwding tms around 90 degree that's a look at your weather. now, here'sillard scott with today's birthday shout outs. >> a little ice cream, a little cake. a little good time charlie. let the good times roll. whatever they say. happy birthday to sylvia dockery from phoenix, arizona where it's warm they tell me. happy birthday. she likes a glass of red wine. 100 years old. we love her. wish her the best. we have roland piette from wrentham, massachusetts. oh, yes. getting bigger and bigger and bigger. 100 years old today. wish roland a very happy birthday. felice atencio. from los angeles, california. 100 years old today, every night she says a little margarita. don't mind if i do. good for you. good for you. walter, walter, lead me to the altar dassdorf from webster, texas. 100 years old today. loves working with wood. we like him very much. and virginia jefferson, lynchburg, virginia, that's a nice town. 101 years old today. makes makes makes biscuits in the world. hermann weinberg from cleveland, ohio. 101 years old today. worked his way through college playing the saxophone. that's all for now but we'll be back. there's more to come. >> all right willie, thank you so much. >> when we come back, are you really getting the best deal? but first, this is "today" on nbc. when you're shopping for a deal, how can you tell if that price is really a great bargain? here to help us decode the secret language of price tags, apparently there is one, is our retail analyst. what are we talking about? what's the hidden language of prpre tags? >> retailers have two missions, one to make a product and two get product out the door so new product can come in. when you go shopping you see these price tags around 99 cents and that is so the customer thinks she is getting a better deal but it's regular price and not a discount at all. >> a lot involves how the price tag ends. >> exactly. let's say you're going shopping at sears or costco or office depot for example. the price tag ends in a 99 cents. >> we're so used to it. >> everything is 4.99. >> you think you're getting a discount. that's the regular price and these stores are known to just have that ending as the regular price. >> okay. sohen not all stores folw that rule, though, right? >> no, there are stores that have their own rule. for example, staples uses a letter system. they have a letter system, it's a, i, or p or office depot end in a 0, 5, or 9. it's confusing. >> why the difference? why would one retailer choose the letter and the other go with the 99 cents. >> it's depending on their system and sometimes it has to do with inventory as well. >> the bottom line here is if i'm a shopper and looking for the best deal, what do i look for? >> well, depending on the store again, there's people that can go out there, what you want to look for are price tags that end in a 7 or 4. those 7s or 4s means those prices are discounted and in some instances they might even be discounted to 88 cents. that's another indication that's not the regular price but discount rate. >> that's not always the standard for low prices either. >> no, you have staples using a c or f in order to determine that discounted price for them in tt store; how about those that go and see a sn for something that is marked down. that's one sign. later they'll see sign that something is called final mark down. is it really final? >> it isery final. the final mark down is the final price and the caveat is that you won't be able to return that item. what you're getting a final price is what you get. a mark down, the price just comes down a little bit but the store has overinventory and wants new inventory. that's why they mark down the price. >> some retailers, they change their own strategy from time to time, right? >> absolutely. >> jcpenney they discounted and didn't and now they are again. >> that's a good example. the bottom line is, if you want to find that price, that discounted price, the take away here is to look for prices that either end in a 9 or 9. if they do you're getting the regular price. anything that doesn't end in those numbers you're getting a discounted price. >> we'll be back to school big time in a few weeks here. are retailers going to be looking to get stuff off the shelves? and will the discounts get better. >> absolutely. looking at data the average user spends $146 a month on education and supplies. so yes, you're going to see a lot of these retailers wanting to get the merchandise out of the door in order to get new merchandise in. and they'll be discounting. i tell people to wait a couple more -- they were discounting early in the summer. wait a few more days or weeks as your kid is going back to school. >> it will be the holidays before we know it. >> i can't blooielieve it. comes up quick. >> up next, we'll get your kids eating healthy as they come back to school with help from the white house's ch we are back this morning on today's kitchen, healthy back to school menus. first lady michelle obama launched her let's move initiative to teach families how to make better news choices. well, sam is the program's executive director. good morning. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> do you feel like the proam is having the intended effect? do you think people are thinking differently about food, now? >> absolutely. we're seeing the country unite around our kid's health and seeing obesity rates starting to come down and now we have to get them in school and getting healthy. >> there's a new initiative this year and the focus is getting kids to move and do exercise. >> we're looking at it wholisticallily. last year the new school lunch standards were in place. they're cooking much healthier food and that will happen this year and next year much healthier food at vending machines and then the first lady's initiative to get kids active throughout the school day. parents can get involved. they can sign up and help their schools. >> you are going to cook. these are healthy nutritious breakfast on the go. this is a baked eggs thing. >> yeah, a little planning can go a long way. here we're going to do some potatoes with sausage, greens, and cheese. but if you had chicken the night before and gre beans, you can cut it up the night before. >> you can prep this the night before. >> all could be done the night before. alyou do is throw some of this. this could be ground beef. it could be bacon. it can be whatever you want. >> all right. >> we'll put greens in there. green beans, it could be broccoli. >> this is chard. >> i know it anywhere, sam. >> is it butter or oil? >> olive oil or a little butter can work. get it rm so right now you're basically done. we're going to poor our eggs in. >> how many eggs is that? >> six eggs. three or four kids. just a little salt and put cheese on top. let this go on the stove and cover it or pop it in the oven at 300 for six or seven minutes. >> you can bake it? >> yeah. >> you're trying to tell me this is healthy. it looks delicious. >> turkey sausage, greens, low fat cheese. seven minutes or so. >> beautiful. can we taste it. >> yeah. >> take this one. >> i'll eat, you talk. you did the state dinner last year. >> yes, the first lady hosts kids from all over the country. one winner from each state gets to come to the white house for cooking a healthy recipe. they get the full service, butlers, entertainment, white house china. like 8-year-olds making the most delicious food. it was amazing. >> this i give an a plus too. now a smoothie. these are fresh berries and that's important. using stuff in season. >> you can buy fruit when it's in season when it's cheaper and freeze it. then all you do is pop some in a blender like this. add a little low fat milk and a ttle honey. just a touch if you need it. but you don't necessarily. >> don't go crazy. >> just a little bit. add a little sweetness a then you blend it. >> what about these bananas? >> oh, yeah. >> they're sitting there. are those frozen or does it matter? >> you can use fresh bananas. but the point is you can freeze it. it's good to go. >> i didn't know you could do that. yeah. you just blend it up. >> the magic of television. >> and you have whole wheat toast and smoothie. as good as it gets. >> put a little butter on that toast? >> absolutely. >> and a couple of snacks. tell us how you make those. >> tasty, right? >> really good. >> afternoon snacks. here we have simple popcorn with dried fruit. you can use any fruit you want. cherries and nuts. toss with olive oil and salt. if your kids like spicy, a little and it's good. >> just a little. >> and put a little humus on there. >> so you get the moisture but not all the fat. >> exactly right. and whole wheat tortillas. a couple of bites and you're good. >> thank you for making me breakfast. great to see you, sam, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up next, saving the wild, from monkeys to snakes we'll meet rescued animals and tell you about them. but first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back with some remarkable animals that have overcome pretty difficult circumstances. >> brian is a zoology and sounder of staple safari zoo. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you brought along friends taking notes already. >> can you read that, savannah? >> yes. it says to ask you what' the mission here? >> well, our mission is to reconnect america's youth with our natural world. we do it with a lot of rescued animals. >> the animals have all been rescued. >> every one of them. >> they would have been put down. >> zoos around the country have done a remarkable job taking in different kinds of animals but when an animal isn't available or capable of being part of that program, wilson, for example was somebody's pet, doesn't know how to socialize well with other an pals. >> we know he is an excellent writer. what kind of monkey is he? >> you like that cool hair cut. >> looks good. >> he helps us teach kids about conservation. you have done a good job wilson. >> what does the childrening sound mean? happy sound. >> loves to talk about it. >> he put the cap back on. >> when you saul him can you say wilson? >> exactly right. how did you get him? >> well, this lilile guy was -- he came out of another zoo. didn't get along well with the other monkeys. just because he is mostly very spoiled and since then, he appeared in some film and tv and now he hangs out with you guys. >> people believe they can own these and then organizations like yours end up in the recipe program. >> it's a slippery slope. i try to teach conservation and get them exced about the natural world and here a monkey is wearing a polo. but my objective is to get them excited about this. wilson can be the ambassador for others. >> who else do we have today. >> wilson, y work on getting us a drink there and i'll bring out another monkey for us. dr. jane goodall who spent time with chimps infrica could find out they could problem solve and reason and use tools. >> this is joey. he was in bad shape. >> he was a victim of hurricane ivan. a branch came down and damaged his piespinal cord and he was paralyzed. so david and i took this monkey, put a skateboard on his rump so he could get around from room to room. david, if you just give a little exercise. we had to figure out a way to take a monkey never in human hands before from biting us so we found out these old world primates that have big cheek pockets -- >> marshmallows work. >> no room for fingers. >> those minimarshmallows wouldn't work. >> we also have a cockatoo named angel. >> see you joey, thanks. >> here's angel. >> keep your eye on the spar row. >> we're showing our age. >> a little bald spot near the back of the head. that produces dust and it serves as a natural bug repellant. super social animals. spent most of her life in a cage and never got to stretch her wings. if one of you guys were brave enough i would fly her from me over to you. >> where are you going savannah. >> d it. >> you know how jumpy i am. >> don't be jumpy. >> what do i do? stand here. >> this is preparing you for the next animals. hold your arm out. >> she was asking maybe you hold both as out. larger landing pad. she wants to know if you'll flap your arms and come to us. here she comes. from me right over to you. are you ready for this. >> no. >> show us how it's done. stretch those wings. >> yes. >> a perfect landing. >> good job. okay, that was -- >> watch where you step. >> oh. >> now the kangaroo is going to do the same thing. >> holyour arms out. >> now it's my turn. >> this is a baby joey. he's called a western red kangaroo he is tarting to develop the red coloration and the red comes off like a natural bug repellant. but he was growing with his tail curved. >> finally, a python named nanas. >> yes. >> this depends o what the request is. >> now, people think these are cold, wet and slimy but they feel like a really nice purse. >> that's awful. >> you all touch it. come in here guys. good morning to you, it's 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. army staff sergeant ty carter of antioch will receive the medal of honor this morning. in 2009 three hundred insurgents attacked their command. he fought back. check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning to you, laura. live picture to show you the low clouds spanning all the way inland this morning. that natural ac is on. temperatures as a result are going to end up a touch cooler than average. we're going to warm you back up to 90 tomorrow. the warmest day of the week. we'll level off wednesday through friday with a much cooler weekend headed our way. hope you have a fantastic monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's time healthy gets a dose of happy. new yoplait greek. bye-bye, stir. so long, sour. hello, happy. it's time to lick the lid again. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's takeith al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to today on this monday morning. it's august 26th, 2013. a little overcast. cooling off here in new york city. i'm willie geist along with brooke shields. she is my special guest cohost this week. al will be back tomorrow. it's cool to have you here. >> cool to be here. >> we're bonded immediately. >> instantly. >> we have the rainbow loom. >> my daughters made them. >> your daughters are 10 and 7. >> yes, this is the 7-year-old because the 10 made for me and then she took it. >> she took it back. >> yeah. they do them constant. there's double ones. i said what is it. she said it's a rainbow loom, mom. >> me too. my daughter now, you can barely distinguish where the rainbow loom ends and her skin begins. i told her she looked like mr. t. she is like who is mr. t? >> they're all doing it. >> we spent most of our vacation on the rainbow loom. >> it's actually sweet, too. we used to wear the rope bracelets in the summer. but it's sweet to watch them just play and actually play with thingsot electronic. >> they're outside with the fine motor skills. it's good. we're happy to have you here on any day but especially day. it's a strange vma day that you can relate to on so many levels. >> disturbing. >> so you were miley's mother. >> was hannah montana's mother. i don't approv >> i was going to say. >> where did i go wrong. >> you think to yourself last night, wow. >> what have i done. >> there you are with hannah. that a long time ago. >> a long time ago. >> it feels like it. >> i'm her dead mother, maybe that's the problem. maybe that's it. >> they wrote you out a little too quickly. >> they did. before the hair cut. they totally wrote me out. i just want to know who is advising her and why it's necessary. the whole finger thing and the hand and robin probably at that point was going i don't think this is a good idea. he also doesn't have to do it. he's got this hit song. 's nominated. >> if you didn't see it last night. these are the vma awards. we're not going to show you the worst parts because a lot of kids haven't gone back to school yet. >> my 7 -- our 7 -- we have a love child. >> yes, we do. >> my 7-year-old, my 10-year-old, they can't watch that. >> no. >> i feel -- here's the thing, it's a bit desperate. are you trying to be gatheriga, she has a genius behind all of it. it's not just display. it's different. >> i think there's also -- i said this earlier, there's a big disney overcorrection which is to say that whether you're christina, britney spears, or miley cyrus, you have been this kid actor and with brooke shields on the show and you he to show them i'm grown up. this is my new brand. >> we went to her concert with my daughters who were upset and met her when i was playing her mother and then we went to her miley cyrus concert. it was a very different vibe. >> i'm sure. >> she didn't have as much time to say hello to my kids and i saw my daughter's face. and she was like she is busy. she tired and my daughter said mom i think shes very tired and very, very busy. but you could see her trying to hard to go against that. >> she can try. >> she can sing. she can sing beautifully. i felt like if she let that lead rather than her bottom lead. >> and it was leading. >> if you notice us looking down, we're looki at a photograph that we're not going to show you this morning. >> and the tongue out. it's a little desperate. >> trying so hard. >> trying so, so hard. >> and robin thicke has to be out there. he is 30 mething. >> he's got kids. >> he's got a young kid. >> is that the move right there. >> and it's not necessary. i think that that's the -- that's the piece of the information. >> if you want to watch the worst parts go online. we wanted to shield you and your children this morng. >> she went for it. you have to give her credit. we're all talking about her and every station is talking about her -- not that there are any other stations at all. >> no. >> i didn't -- my bad. >> that's not cool at all. unless you think we're just old, there's a picture going around online, of will smith and his family, but we believe this is the moment they were watching the move we're describing but not showing u. >> i think it's funny that i had a problem with i whip my hair back and forth. >> right. >> that's too much. >> but they're shocked. >> they're stunned. >> it's stunning. >> so here's the question, is it worse than 1984, madonna in the wedding dress at the vma's working over the floor a little bit? the kiss, madonna britney and britnewith the snake? >> when i was doing calvin klien ads and i was young there was controversy about that. >> it's funny you should mention that. >> oh, queue the clip. >> we have that ready. >> queue the brooke shields clip. >> how old were you. >> 15. >> did you have your parents have any reservations about you doing that? >> no, because it was not considered that risque and i was very naive. i wasn't reading into the dialogue the way other people read into it. >> righ >> i didn't know that. i would say things like, well, nothing comes between me and my career or my mom or my dog. obviously not thinking that the spelling was different. >> nothing between the jeans. >> or the other word that they -- >> yeah. >> your life and career is so interesting. it ties into this miley cyrus thing because if you look at the films you did as a young girl and you were a girl, you took neat for nudity in those movies. you were hanging out at studio 54 when you were a teenager. >> i don't know how i didn't become -- >> well, that's it. how did you come out the other end? >> i think because i stayed in school. because i was -- i was kept pretty naive. i was in a bubble. i went to regular children schools. so i was never allowed to take off school and -- they wanted me to take a correspondence course and i didn't do that. we had a strong family. we didn't have social media. it wasn't as rampant. the access to our youth was not as bad as it is today. >> because you were on -- you re total fast track in your career and all of a sudden you said i'm going to stop and go to princeton. i don't think most young kids on that path make that decision. some do, but most don't. >> i didn't have control of my money. i wasn't given lumps of money. we would buy a house or a car and that was it and i lived with my mother in new york city. it was a very different environment living on the west coast to the east coast as far as entertainment is concerned. you're not consumed by it here. i had -- very few of my friends were from the entertainment business. and when i would go to studio 54, i was there when they opened the doors and i was home in two hours. >> come on. you weren't down in the basement. >> no, the bag never got tossed around. i never saw the bag. there w supposed to be this candy being. i nev bag. i never saw it. i was a pet. they took care of me. i never went to where the room was until i was stalling in cabaret and tt was my dressing room. >> is that right? >> that exact room was my dressing room. >> was there any left over stuff there? >> i looked everywhere. it has to be here. >> left anything behind? >> chiselling out a wall he signed. >> when the moon and the spoon came out, you weren't there. >> no, no moon, no spoon. >> youngest age you went to pseudoo studio 54. >> had to be right after pretty baby. so it was 12. >> 12 at studio 54. but it was the thing. i'm so gangsta. >> you are and if i eve say that again, please fire me. >> stop doing that. >> let's stop that. >> we have 10 other topics. we'll talk more. we'll check with mike bettis in for al with a look at the weather. >> we are monkeying around out here. we are happy to say good morning to you as coast guards visiting us. thank you for being here and thank you for your service. appreciate everything you do. let's look at the weather and show you what's happening for us today including extreme heat in the upper midwest. excessive heat warnings in the twin cities and oppressive heat through des moines and portions of central illinois. heat index could be as high as 110. somef the hottest weather this year. thormgs may cool you off but it will add to the humidity in the atmosphere. heads up on this storm. hail and wind are the threats. watching for and that's a look at your weather. wilson, say back to you brooke and willie. >> back to you brooke and willie. >> the world's worst vantriliquist. mike, you've got your hands full. we'll chk in with you later. >> i have a question for you. are you doing okay? nerves, first day, everything okay. >> i'm a little bit, youknow, in tt place. >> you feel good right now but we did read recently that when you g stressed out, you go to the container store to make you relax. >> i love the container store. >> to make you relaxed and at home we brought you containers. >> thank you. >> there you go. >> she is cuddling up to it. >> it's going to be okay. >> what is it about the container? >> it's the order. they're so ordered and there's a compartment for everything. i used to want to be alight attendant because of all the little things. >> a little crazy. that's good. >> a little crazy. a little bit child of an alcoholic, as long as my room was neat it was all fine. lo it. >> this is like a childhood thing. >> this is deep and the colors and you get to coordinate and if it's all neat, i'm fine. i'm not a tin wreck. maybe the lohans and miley, maybe they should go to the container store. >> miley, go to the container store. it's all going to be fine. >> contain yourself. >> we'll contie this fascinating conversation. up next, you'll find out if one of your coworkers about to get laid off, do you give them a heads upfirst? the dos and don'ts of comfortable situations and much more with containers after this. >> i better get a gift certificate. na na na na na ♪ ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ . . . azing ♪ ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinions of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden. i don't do any cleaning. i make dirt. ♪ very, very heavy. i'm not big enough or strong enough for this. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] [ morty ] here's a box, babe. open it up. oh my goodness! what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. there's a lot of dirt on here. morty, look at how easy it is. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] this is called the swifr dance. [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. warm, flaky, gooey [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ and your favorite songs always playing. [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they dot. let's go places, safely. younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? twice the protein it's awesome.calories. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! and i'm here to talk about your bums. these are bum-wipes. do you thi that would be quite an interesting addition to your dry routine? yes. so you like using them? i do. because you feel... ultimately clean, i guess. you're welcome to borrow my container. it's new, look at that. would you ever use these? i think i should. would you like to have a go? yeah, we could do that. it'swesome! [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. where to next? welcome back. brooke shields, my co-host this week. we're having a good time. if you share a bank account or credit card with your spouse, do you check with them about a big purchase before you make or just show up at home with a giant new tv? some people do. >> oh, wow. >> some people do. >> i would -- i would definitely run it by -- >> you would run it by? >> i would definitely run it by my husband. good to know. here's the dos and don'ts of sticky situations, psychologist, jen heartstein. you're going to throw some of these situations at us. >> the first question is about career. so you find out ahead of time that a coworker, who's also a friend, is about to be let go. do you or don't you tell them? >> i do, if it's a good friend. >> i think if it's a good friend. it also depends, part of me thinks it's none of my business. it involves myself in something on a bigger level, but if it's a really good friend, i feel like you're giving them the heads up, just in preparation. >> it's a hard call, right? if it's a really great friend, you might want to call them. and you've got to be careful, is it going to impact your relationship with your boss. if they get the heads up and go in defensive to the boss and say, well, i heard that -- is it going to impact your relationship -- >> and it's your friend, and they say, did you know about this? and the answer is, yes, i did know about this. >> if it's a really good friend, you might be able to say, it's not my place to tell, i'm sorry, i couldn't. >> i take friendship over -- >> and if you're not looking to find out and the information happens -- >> you have to do what's comfortable for you. >> good. >> talking about money. we've brought up the tv before. you and your spouse have a joint checking account. do you or don't you check with them before making a significant purchase. >> define significant for me. >> we'll go there, but initial reaction, you know, your first gut -- >> yes, absolutely. >> so most people, money is the biggest source of conflict in a relationship. so you want to be able to come up with some guidelines. so maybe anything over $200, you check in with or you come up with a number balance between you and your spouse that might work. so you don't have to check in, you know, i want to buy this poster for a hundred bucks or printer for the house. >> and there's a difference between checking before and making sure you tell after. what if you don't check, but tell the person after. >> there's a sticky line and some people go along the lines of, it's better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. but we want to be mindful about that. >> roll into the driveway with a new camaro, not cool, right? >> probably not the best move. in trouble? >> i need to tell my wife. >> so, your spouse is a slob. do you or don't you clean up after them? >> okay, here's the thing -- >> you do -- >> turn it like that. >> are you stuck in the middle? >> you know -- you know what you're getting into when you marry them. i think the first thing you do is you ask them, you know what, this is really driving me crazy. could you -- could you clean up a little bit. don't leave your pants in the shape of a body in the floor. however, if it really bugs you that much, you knew what you were getting into. i don't think it's a deal breaker. clean up after him and shut up about him. >> so money's the number one conflict, chores and household responsibilities the number two con fliflict in a marriage. if i clean up after you every time, we train our spouse to rely on you to clean up after them. so you overfunction in a relationship. >> quick public service announcement. putting a plate in the sink is not washing a plate. >> that's true! especially if the dishwasher is right next to it. >> that's putting the problem in another place. >> let's put it in the dishwasher. >> we're all in agreement on that one. okay. so friendship is our next topic. you have plans for a night out with your friends and realize a mutual friend isn't invited. do you or don't you check with the group before inviting them? >> i do. >> yeah. so it's interesting, when we leave someone out, one of my friends said, we're perpetually in sixth grade, we feel badly if we get left out, but sometimes i might want to go out with willie and not brooke. >> what?! >> i'm so sorry. i'll never be invited back. but it's important to have relationships and friendships. but when we're bringing someone in, we don't know if there's bad blood or conflict. >> there might be a reason they're not invited. >> all these things really just involve communication. >> exactly. we all have to be talking to one another. >> dr. jennifer hartstein, thanks so much. always great to see you. up next, all the headlines you need before you head out the door and the hot topics that had you running to your computer this weekend. but first, these messages. this is jim, ncer ] a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this m increase the risk of having a stroke. get help right away if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you have abnormal bleeding. xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto® and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is not for patients with artificial heart valves. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once a day xarelt® means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey... where? for life's bleachable moments. doll, you're sacrificing sfor the perfect wave? surf's up. op with the sacricing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy and twice the prein and 80 calories. light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! ♪ ♪ let no cupboard ever go bare. the everyday collection. by target. taking a look at the headlines, important news for moers that breast feed. the american academy of pediatrics is reaffirming it's standard that most medications are safe for breast feeding moms. they should stop taking painkillers and antidepressants and drugs used to treat alcohol abuse. but most medications you should be able to still take. it's already time to book your thanksgiving travel if you plan to pfly for you turkey dinner. the early bird will get the cheapest they say if you plan to travel on the peak days, the wednesday before thanksgiving or the sunday after, you better book before labor day. and for the second weekend in a row, lee daniels "the butler" did it again with $17 million in ticket sales, according to early estimates. "we are the millers" second, "city of bones" came in third. finally, can't play, can't sing in no problem, you can still be a rock star at the air guitar world championship. american eric "mean" maline shredded his way, a custom guitar, which is a great incentive to get back in front of your bedroom mirror and start practicing your moves for next year. i'm already starting now. back to willie and brooke. >> good piece of trivia, i've been a judge at the air guitar championships. >> and i was once the winner. >> in your own mind. we're not talking about your living room air guitar tamron. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredooup. inspired by perfection. that's why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. go to for savings. a mother and their 8 and 12-year-old children were innocent bystanders caught in the middle of that gunfire. all are expected to be okay. we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this break. welcome back now. the time now 9:28. taking a live look. still mostly cloudy over the golden gate bridge. we'll see a nice sunny day. temperatures are very representative of that sunshine coming in. 86 in livermore. still partly cloudy out the east bay. you should be clearing up over the course of the next hour and a half. you'll clear up at noon today in san francisco. 65 degrees there. 80 in los gados. you can't beat that for the final week of august. we'll continue to warm up. let's check on your drive. >> still very slow here in oakland north 880 past the coliseum. we'll take you to the maps and talk about the areas that are still very slow. north 880, southbound side slow. down the shoreñegz side, very s. starting to move better through berkeley. this, we had the fourth of five lanes reopen. we still have one closed. this continues on west 580 drags below 50 miles per hour. that's the worst of it, laura. back to you. we'll have another local news update for you in an hour. hope to see you then. enjoy that monday. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. welcome back to today on this monday morning, 26th of august, 2013. i'm willie geist with brooke shields here wit us all week. we already learned so much about her. >> so much more to learn. >> natal and al are off today. the interview we talked about earlier with the containers is going to come back to haunt you again. we learned more things about you. >> this is making me nervous. >> let's start with the easy thing which is you can open a beer bottle with your forearm. you jt put it like this. >> that's a strong forearm. >> well, you have to get it right there. >> wow. >> there we go. then it's done. >> wow. >> yeah. >> just kidding. >> did you learn that at studio 54? >> that is one thing i learned at studio 54. >> when you were 12. >> here you go liza. >> it's bad. >> that was really impressive. >> so, i don't know -- >> y can do the thing which i thought was difficult -- >> it's a shame i didn't have dates in college. i think we should have a contest. you should try it. >> she is tying a not with a cherry stem. >> oh, shoot. i just did it. >> let me see this. >> that is a kn. that's a full knot. can we get a close up of that. >> and i was a virgin until i was 22. >> you were a virgin. >> that's why. that's why. no prom date. >> you were busy. >> i was cultivating my talents. >> and organizing your containers. >> you want some purell of something? >> no i'm so impressed. >> i will never soocease to amag you. >> we're only 30 minutes into a week with brooke shield >> shock and awe. hey folks, welcome the fine folks joining us from boston today. how are you this morning? >> good. >> a little shy. older sister going to speak for him. how are you this morning. >> good. >> he's quite. he wants to nap, doesn't he? >> yeah. >> he wants breakfast. he wants food. let's get you otolaryngolout th morning. potential for rain in the southwest and gulf coast. very hot in the middle of the country. triple digits in the twin cities and storms later on today that could cool you down. tomorrow the risk moves into the ohio valley and more rain that may help the wildfires across the west. 9:33. good monday morning to you. taking a live look at a clearing sky over the san mateo bridge. looking pretty good here. starting to see some blue. we're going to have to wait for it in the city by the bay until noon, maybe even 1:00 p.m. you'll hit 65 degrees in san francisco. forecasting 77 degrees in san jose which means you don't need to run that ac today. you might want to turn it on tomorrow with temperatures climbing 3 to 5 degrees. warmest day of the week starting to level off through wednesday. >> and that is your weather now here's brook and willie. now, here's brooke and willie. >> the vmas, batman and amanda knox have you on google this weekend. >> here to break it down is daniel. good morning. >> good morning. >> i guess obviously one of the big searches last night and this morning still, the vmas. >> yeah. over the weekend the search interest was building up. it's almost a two or three screen kind of event. you have your laptop and smartphone and you're watching it on tv as well. we saw search interest around different performances, let's be honest, one of them got a lot of interest. >> miley. >> yeah. >> but certainly lady gaga. she came out there with her opening act singing applause and of course costume changes. >> that's still miley. there we are with lady gaga. >> and to close the show katy perry performed roar which is her new song from her new album as well. lots of search interest around plenty of performances and the nsync reunion. >> and lady gaga and katy perry have albums coming out. >> it's a measure of how crazy miley cyrus was when nobody is talking about lady gaga wearing two shells and a loin cloth and something else. >> it's almost as if we have seen it. >> that's the problem too. they keep having to get crazier and crazier. >> expect the unexpected. >> next one, batman, ben afleck. there was news about batman and people are not responding so kindly. >> t reviews were mixed about ben afleck playing batman in the new movie scheduled to come out in july of 2015. not a lot of folks were too thrilled. so people were searching not only ben afleck but previous batman characters and actors. so for example we saw a lot of search interest around va val kilmer and he was online in defense of ben afleck. give him a chance. we haven't seen him in this role yet although he did play a similar role in daredevil so that was being searched as well. >> not many people were searching clooney, right? >> yeah. >> michael keaton because of the lips. >> it's tough to play batman and not a lot of people are too happy about it. >> you have to be a good actor. you don't have -- you don't have a lot to show and work with. >> there's a passionate fandom behind batman. >> i don't get the backlash. >> i don't either. >> next one is -- what is our next one here. >> it's the "i have a dream" speech. >> wednesday is the anniversary. >> exactly. the anniversary itself, august 28th is the anniversary of martin luther king's "i have a drm" speech. we saw the beginning of the events at theational mall. tens of thousands of people. speeches from al sharpton. eric holder, the attorney general was there. >> and obama is going to be there on wednesday, right? >> on wednesday. he is scheduled to speak and it will be people talking about this moment in time and a lot of search interest around the speech itself, maybe wanting to see what did he say and how i that resinating today. >> whatever your politics, 50 years later an african american president standing there. >> yeah, powerful. >> and amanda knox. >> yeah, there's a new tri been ordered in florence italy. she was, the appellate court acquitted her in 2011 of this murder of her roommate. she is back in the u.s. and student at the university of washington. she had a book come out called waiting to be heard but this new trial starts september 30th and her lawyers said she is not going to go back for the trial. not surprising but she generates a lot of search interest a lot of the time even though this took place in 2007. >> she was there for four years prior to being acquitted. >> yeah and even then we have seen interest around her. >> quite a mixed bag of stuff there. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> the health check up that can help your kids do better in school. >> what you need to know before they head to the classroom, right after this. 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[ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. oh i like that. look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know morty are you listening? morty? i want it all... all the volume... all the drama. new l'oreal million lashes excess mascara. our legendary millionizer brush for a multitude of volumized lashes clean-sweep wiper system means... no clumps new million lashes excess from l'oreal paris [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're paed with vitamins and minerals. fr lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. look! she wears the scarlet markings! [ man ] out! your kind is not welcome here! nor your odd predilections! miracle whip is tangy and sweet, not odd. [ man ] it's evil! if you'd try it, you'd know. she speaketh the truth! [ crowd gasps ] [ woman ] reverend? ♪ can i have se? [ goat bleats ] ♪ today's classroom is brought to you by kelloggs frosted mini wheats cereal. in day's classroom, back to school check ups from hearing tests to flu shots, the right tests at the right age can actually help your children perform better in class. >> that's right. she is deputy editor of parents magazine and a pediatrician and chief medical officer. they teamed up to launch every child a chance wac sesz to healthcare can impact children's readiness to learn. >> good morning. >> we'll go by age group and start with elementary school and a hearing test is so important. >> babies get tested for hearing in the hospital but they can delop hearing problems atny time. obviously if a child can't hear what the teacher is saying, it's not going to be easy to keep nup class. >> even more so after a summer in water. >> sure. >> they get more ear infections. >> absolutely. >> and allergies. >> allergies can be a health barrier to learning for kids too. if they're not feeling well or awake at night coughing with with allergies or asthma it can effect their ability to concentrate and focus and do well while at school. >> are there certain allergies parents can be looking for in age groups with kids. >> there's the respiratory or seasonal allergies with pollen or pet or dust mites but also food allergies and peanut allergies. go see your doctor about it. there's a lot of testing we can do and different therapies to make sure that your child is feeling well so they can focused. >> i was surprised to read that 25% of school aged kids suffer from vision problems. that's a huge nuer. >> only a third of kids get their eyes checked before school starts. and kids don't necessarily realize that they can't see normally because that's all they know. you need to sort of be aware of your child squinting when it's not bright or they're holding a book close to their face or they have headaches. especially if the teacher says they don't seem to be paying attention in class. kids with vision problems are misdiagnosed with learning problems. so it's important. >> at children's health fund we take care of chids all across the country and we're identifying kids that have gone years without realizing they have a vision problem and need classes and what diane said is the most important point. most kids don't know. so don't wait until they're squinting or you notice symptoms. >> okay. we'll watch this way. middle school here, diet is a big one at this age. >> this is the time when kids are buying their own lunch and making their own dinner so they're probably not choosing the most nutritious foods. and weight problems can start at this age and certainly health issue are related to obesity but learn as good effected when kids are not having their brain fuelled by good nutrition. >> and protein. >> protein. >> and i thi that's the most important point. that healthy weight is important but you can be obese or at a healthy weight but still malnourished. it's important that they're get a good variety of vitamins and minerals and if you're unsure bring it up at the next health visit. >> this is a lot of controversy. what vaccines. >> they keep ahild healthy and community healthy but there's several that middle schoolers need. one that's really important for health at school time tetnas and pertussis. it causes a severe cough. >> talk about it. if you can have an open and engaged relationship your child, that's the first step. but if you're concerned at all, bring it up at your providers visit. >> i think pediatricians also can be a good person to talk to for this kids if they don't want to talk to their parents. >> absolutely. >> encourage that relationship. >> what's behind you, high school. >> this is where i leave. >> this is where it gets serious. >> sex ed, drugs and alcohol. >> no denying the fact that kids in high school and college are involved with alcohol and drugs and sex and the key is to give them the information and the resources they need to be safe and share your values about these topics with them, even from younger ages but let them know that you are there for them if they ever need to talk to you or have a question or need help. >> and again providing somebody else for them to talk to. >> and developing that relationship through the time with the child, we can help be that safety net to maybe be able to talk about some of those things with children that maybe they're not comfortable bringing up with you. >> and we're not comfortable. >> you have a few years. you're okay. thank you so much. good information. just ahead, a healthy make over for your favorite comfort foods. but first, these messages. one day, i want to win the science fair. and? and then go to college and study science. way to stay focused! and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kids love, frosted mini-wheats helps keep them full and focused. and when they're full and focused every day, who knows what they may become some day. that's what i call chemistry! [ female announcer ] kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. help feed their full potential. now with kellogg's family rewards, you can get even more from the products you love. join today at apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strongrip! ow! ♪ too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's . . phobia? glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ doll, you're sacrificing sfor the perfect wave? surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy and twice the protein and 80 cories. light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! me too. what's up karen? clorox disinfecting wipes. still tough on germs, now tough on grease. they say you are what you eat so we lightened up your favorite cfort foods to help you look and feel better. >> we're doing it without sacrifing flavor. peggy is a registered new transiti nutritionist. >> what does that mean? >> we take a who food approach to everything. real foods and whole foods to make you feel your best every day. >> we're making it. very few ingredients. sweet potatoes, brown rice flour and very very simple ingredients. >> what i'm going to get you to do first is we have seeds here th are brown. mix it up. what it does is it acts as a binding agent. so let that sit for about a minute and we can scoop in sweet potatoes. so here's a spoon here. scoop that one in and i'll start mashing. sweet potatoes are high in a type of vitamin a so high in antioxidants. great for your skin and body. we'll add in brown rice flour. so it's going to bind everything together. >> binding. >> and we have our omega 3s and fiber and then we have brown rice flour. what we're going to do is -- you can just smoosh it. >> how would this be with a regular potato. >> we're getting more fiber. sweet potato is higher in vitamin a. >> there we go. >> so what you have is a dough. wipe your hands there. you're going to roll it out with flour and you take a board scraper and you put little pieces. >> about an inch? >> about an inch wide. and stir it in boiling water and cook it for a few minutes. while that's training, we have coconut oil. it's more stable at a high heat temperature. >> would you do olive oil? >> olive oil or any oil you want. i like the flavor of the coconut oil. sage leaves to that as well. >> sage. >> and we'll add hazelnuts. >> so that's not just on top. >> we can add it on p. i'm going to add some to the pan. anyway you want to do it. >> do you have to put the garlic. >> put it right in there. >> you want to cook it down. >> okay. in the interest of time. >> it's longer than the three minutes. >> i can eat it fast. you can take your hazel nut and put it on top. >> it looks beautiful. and finish it off with a mojito. and double chocolate. >> thank you so much. recipes at we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. . we have learned so much this morning about brooke shields. mostly that she can tie a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue. "today in the bay." good morning to you. it is 9:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a former child psychiatrist from san ma at this owe who pleaded no contest to molesting boys back in the 1990s is set to be sentenced. he's charged with nine counts of lewd acts on a child for allegedly touching five boys inappropriately during counseling sessions. he pleaded no contest in may. also in court today, a united airlines employee and his wife accused of stealing luggage from passengers following the crash of asiana flight back in july. prosecutors say thomas took clothing from the bag to a nordstrom store and got 5,000 from those items. we'll check the forecast from meteorologist christina loren. >> thanks. a i lot of that cloud cover is clearing. they're expecting mostly sunny conditions for the greater bay area. highs in the 80s in livermore, 65 in san francisco and 80 degrees in redwood city. staying nice and comfortable every single day this week. tomorrow will be the warmest. wednesday into thursday comfortable conditions, unseasonably cool as we get into this upcoming weekend. speaking of cool, let's check that drive. all right, with me, mike. here, the drive is cool north of 680. the entire south bay not so bad. mckey over on the shoulder, that's before you get into the slowing on 880 to 287. there's a crash on 2 37 caused those two highways to be a problem. mountainville and sunnyville is a problem. slow westbound 580. one lane closed. big distraction. we need a big recovery from the altima. big personality, tell us all about it. thanks, mike. i'll have a local news update in about a half an hour. we'll see you then. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. are you ready for a whole bunch of little nose pickers? because they're here. they are adorable. >> we have a really uplifting, terrific show. and it involves, it's all about inspirational kids. talented kid. kids who are preachers and singers and they are doing things that oar. >> they are changing the world. >> we're going to try to help you inspire your own child. sometimes we have good intentions for our kids and end up pushing them too hard and they don't end up doing what they are meant to be doing. >> we have some really, really good advice for you if you think your child is sort of going that direction as a performer. we're going to have a couple casting agents on in a little bit to say what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong and it should be the child actually that determines -- >> i remember hearing about tiger wood's dad. when he was a little boy, he held the golf club at age 3. he held one ball and it went right into the hole. and he wanted to hit another one. he said tomorrow we hit another one. he said i want to hit two more. he said tomorrow we hit two. so eefr so instead of -- >> something to look forward to. >> he leaned in and -- >> instead of getting burned out on it even then. >> i did everything wrong apparently. >> all right. so jimmy fallon was talking about us yet again. >> gosh. >> anyway -- >> anything to do with that stuff. >> it's a pros and cons segment. >> let's see what he said. >> tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of shark week. pro sharks can smell a drop of blood from over a mile away. con, kathie lee and hoda can do the same thing with merlot. that is a gift. it's an amazing gift. >> so i just sent over baby gifts to jimmy. >> i bet she's adorable. >> congrats to him. >> we had pictures taken yesterday. >> yes, we did. you're right. >> our least favorite thing to do in the world and pretty much everybody knew it at the time. >> we have an entire "today" show staff as you know and cast. and it's a lot of people. so that's us. but there were actually all seven of us. >> there we are. >> we were outside on the plaza snapping pictures for promos. and -- >> i leaned on al roker. >> yes. >> that was a fake smile. that's real. >> that was real. >> so i don't know why we showed you that. probably bored you as much as it did us. you know who is not bored right now because he's in a little trouble. he's darn american ugly tourist. >> this 55-year-old american tourist who shall remain nameless. >> probably because we don't know his name. >> he was at a museum in florence. right before him was the statue of the virgin mary. a 600-year-old statue of the virgin mary. >> that's an old virgin mary. >> he decided it would be a good idea to high-five the virgin mary. while doing it, the pinkie snapped off. the pinkie snapped off of the virgin mary hand. people are livid. >> they are outraged. >> and they are taking umerage all over italy. >> the finger wasn't marble. it had snapped off before. it was a plaster replacement. the museum's director said the fundamental rules for visiting a museum have been forgotten. it is do not touch the works. okay. so anyway, it's happened before. i guess at the met museum here in 2010. a lady tripped. >> she was walking and she fell into a picasso. >> hey it happens. >> six-inch gash. >> now that was an accident. she wasn't planning on it. he did something you shouldn't do. so i don't think -- >> she just fell down and gashed it. can you imagine? >> we'd tlof know, talk us to on facebook and let us know if there's anything you've ever done that you just went, oh, my god! >> i'd love to know. >> have you? >> of course not. >> you know what is more fun than anything else? wonton of fat. 15 tons of, a ball of congealed -- don't you love that word? congealed fat has been removed from a london sewer. >> so this is what it looks like. you know when you pour grease or something down the sink because you are too lazy to put it in a can. in london, all of this congealed together. everyone is dumping of grease. and it turned into a big blob the size of a double decker bus. they dubbed it the fat burg. it's blobby and oozy and it reminded us of the blob. remember? >> that's the first horror movie i ever saw. >> 1958. look. >> every one of you watching this screen, look out. because soon, very soon, the most horrifying monster menace ever conceived will be oozing into this theater. >> i want to see it. >> the blob. >> where is it? >> it was coming under the door. it crawls. >> run, run! >> yeah it comes under the doors. >> oh, yeah. oh, it creeps. >> it eats you alive. >> stampede. >> before long the nation and then the world -- >> that's when movies were movies. >> you remember when "jaws" was really scary. it seems kind of dumb now. >> mechanical. >> but when you saw it then, i remember how terrifying it was. now everything looks so much more real. >> christine, my dear, dear friend, is to this day terrified of birds because of the movie -- hitchcock movie "the birds." >> you could see that happening. >> yes. >> that's scary. yeah. >> it is scary. all right. do you want to live until you are 120 years old? >> the pew research center asked more than 2,000 -- >> they need to change their name. >> sorry. >> we decided since there's so many things to apologize. we have a button. every time you push it, it's a different version of -- >> i'm sorry. >> i'm so sorry. >> sorry. >> i apologize. >> i'm so sorry. >> sorry. >> my bad. >> sorry. >> this was my favorite, i think. >> i'd like to take a brief moment to offer my apologies. >> so we're going to keep this button here. >> this will be here for all time. and we want two more. we want one that has applause because we often need that. we want one that -- >> laughter. and we want one that has flatulence. >> we'll just keep -- >> i will be the happiest woman -- happiest talk show person ever. >> excellent. >> okay. so we asked you, do you want to live to 120. 69% of the people said they did not want to live to 120 years old. >> yeah. >> well, first of all, nobody knows anybody really that old. and so it just -- and nobody wants to, let's be honest. but i don't want to live to 70 if i'm not healthy. it's all about your health. if you're still kicking it. as long as the lord has me here. if i'm sick and burdened and i can't enjoy the beautiful things in life that -- then i would rather go a better place. >> i wouldn't want to outlive -- >> where there's no blob. >> i don't think i'd want to outlive everybody from my era who understood my movies my music, the things i loved -- careful. you want to discuss things with people. >> you know, we -- we have to quit today. we have to quit talking early because we have got a room full of little kids who have got a lot to say. we're excited to meet them. >> this one has a youtube video nearly 7 million hits. she's only 7 years old. is she the next big thing? a live performance from maddie lee. >> she's not the only young star here today from a pint-sized preacher to a budding chef. inspiring kids who are making a difference. and we are drinking star trek wine in honor of the children. >> 50 years since "star trek." >> yeah, we didn't think that through. >> wait, wait. >> sorry! when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain is -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. [ tucker ] mrs. johns, thanks for teaching me that hard work is more important than neat handwriting. tucker phillips. [ female announcer ] send cheer to a teacher who's inspiring today's youth. open up! we have come for the foul, unholy beast! the one with the red markings! the miracle whip? stand aside that we may burn it! [ indistinct shouting ] have you ever tried it? it's actually quite sweet. and tangy. ♪ i like sweet things. [ man ] shut up, henry. ♪ [ man ] shut up, henry. nthe smoky eye has never been easier. new master smoky shadow pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-saturated pigments in a rich, creamy formula. draw, smudge. whisper:so easy. our most intense smoky look ever. new master smoky pencil ♪ maybe it's maybelline. wherever your sutwist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. hi, hi, i'm sherri. and i'm going to show sherri how collecting box tops for education earns cash for our school by shopping at walmart. come on. sherri, look at all these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me four times. find 4 box tops on your family favorites like general mills cereals and nature valley granola bars backed by our low price guarantee. if you have been wondering where all the inspiring role models are fur your kids, you are about to meet three young people making a difference. >> michael stoltenberger. he's a 13-year-old. he's raising money to help the victims of the boston bombing. as a quadruple amputee himself he knows firsthand the challenges many of those victims are facing. >> 19-year-old jordan summer is the president of miss amazing pageant. she created to help women with disabilities realize their potential. >> and hannah chung is a diabetes awareness -- >> wong? what is it? >> chuong. >> don't confuse us. where is my "sorry" button. michael, let's start with you. you have your t-shirt on that says miky's run. when you were younger, 8 years old, you had an illness and lost some of your limbs. tell us about what happened. >> when i was about 8 years old, like you said, i have an immune disease called cgd. meaning like soil or dirt gets in my blood stream, oxygen will stop flowing through my body. i had dirt under my finger nail and started scratching it and the dirt got into it and basically the blood stopped flowing to my hands and feet and they turned black. after seven weeks in the hospital, i was released. and then a month later they had to amputate my hands and feet because they were no longer working. >> i've never heard of that. it's very rare, isn't it? >> my brother has it, too. but, like, they already knew about it for him because it happened to me first so they were able to stop it. >> you do all kinds of things. >> besides charming women. >> yes, we know you're good at that, honey. >> you have prosthetic legs and you have this great run that helps benefit other amputees, right? >> yeah. >> we're really happy for all the things you're doing. let's move on to miss jordan. miss amazing. >> you did a beauty pageant yourself as a child. >> i've been doing beauty pageants since the age of 7. it wasn't something that i did like every two weeks. i wasn't obsessive about it. once a year. >> you were no honey boo boo. >> pageantry has taken an odd turn, but, yeah, it's just something i did once a year just to meet friends, public speaking skills, interview skills. yeah, it's just been a really beneficial thing. i wanted to provide that opportunity for girls with disabilities. >> it must be so uplifting for them. tell us what that feels like to watch one of those pageants. >> when i first started the miss amazing pageant, i was 13 so i didn't realize the kind of impact it would make. now what keeps me going, keeps me inspired is just the girls who just completely transform or have that nice moment to realize their abilities instead of disabilities. >> feel valued for who they are. >> that's what everyone needs. >> look how cute hannah is sitting in her little chair. it's your turn. what do you do that's amazing? you have had diabetes since you were a little girl. >> since i was 3. >> yeah. >> what are you doing to raise awareness? >> well, we're doing walks. diabetes walks over the brooklyn bridge. and my cousins held a lemonade stand. >> great. >> to raise money. i'm not sure how much money there is. >> we hear so much bad news about kids today. some of the ones that are just doing all kinds of bad things. what advice would you give a kid today who wants to make a difference with their lives. >> if you try your hardest, you can do it. it only takes one person to make like a huge difference. just find the right people. find the right people to help you, and you can make a bigger impact than you ever expected. >> what do you think? >> mainly, value your youth. it's the time when you don't have the responsibilities. >> which i had. >> you can just experiment and find where you feel inspired, where you feel comfortable, where you are really, truly happy without all the strings attached. >> hannah, all of you kids are doing great, great, great work. we're so proud of you. >> really proud and so delighted you are with us. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> we only had to say sorry once. >> excellent. they say every child has a talent, but you just have to give a little nudge. >> some advice on how to inspire your kids to find their own specific passion. this kid is passionate when he's at the pulpit. >> what? >> a pint sized preacher. >> samuel green. but first, these messages. ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide pods... a powerful 3 in 1 detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. three chambers. three times the stain removal power. pop in. stand out. ♪ [ female announcer ] today, flintstones means more than multivitamins. introducing flintstones healthy brain support gummies. an omega-3 dha supplement. specially designed to help support healthy brain function. that's the flintstones effect. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. ♪ ♪ and now there's a new way to do the same for your dog.ings. introducing new purina dog chow light & healthy. it's a no-sacrifices, calorie-light way to help keep him trim... ...with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he'll love... ...and 20% fewer calories than dog chow. discover the lighter side of strong. new purina dog chow light & healthy. faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. the only thing anyone really cares about is that first day. everyone will be stylin' their faves. love that! but i'll be bringing it every day, 'cause i went to jcpenney. i know, right? check these out. they even have them in my signature color. that's what i'm talking about. they have so much great stuff. oh, sweet! anyway, what's your first day strategy? [ female announcer ] come find your first day look at jcpenney. so many wonderful kids today with strong and passion and talent. >> as parents we often wonder what our children will grow up to be and do and what we can do to nurture those talents or help our kids find them. >> how do you raise inspired kids? here with some advice are psychologist michelle borba, and bruce feeler, the author of "the secrets of happy families." >> it's feiler. >> once named father of the year, by the way. >> congratulations. >> my kids don't respect it, but it did happen. >> michelle, i mean, every parent, obviously, wants their kid to flourish. sometimes you see something that seems like your kid is good at. what should you do to sort of encourage him or her to -- >> the most important thing is we're going to tune into our kids and let them lead us. you are really looking to see, where is that child's passion lie? the new research is really showing us the right conditions and the right parenting, we can really help stretch our kids to all of them shine a little brighter. that's what it's really all about. not having them win the pulitzer or the championship. >> they become celebrities. so that they become the finest little people they can be. >> and what you are doing is you'll look a little closer to figure out where his natural interests are. listen. these particular children, i'm sure while they were watching a tv show said i'm really upset about what happened in oklahoma. tune in to that. and then you can always ask a teacher at a parent conference, what are his strengths? what are his talents and then assess. a passion becomes an obsession with a child who is really talented. >> you can't stop them from doing it. we're going to have a little girl on in a little bit who can't stop singing and a little boy who can't stop preaching. >> you have to be careful about pushing them. kid are funny. when you push them, they don't want to do the things they are meant to do. >> you can't decide when your child is -- i'm going to raise a talented child. your expectations have to be right. and some fabulous new research has been tracking these kids to discover, first, we have to be a champion. we've got to be a cheerleader. and support our own children. but second of all, the first teachers are absolutely critical for a child who is really talented. they have to be one who is child oriented and also fun. >> unfortunately sometimes that's not the case. >> you want a child who is well rounded as well. that means not only talented but a kid who is empathetic and can feel what is going on. >> there are a lot of things parents can do. >> you mentioned my book "the sdr secrets of happy families." the single most surprising thing i learned is if you want to have inspiring children, tell inspiring stories about your own family. kids who know more about their family history have a higher belief that they can control the world. >> just makes sense. >> and a greater sense -- >> what if you don't have a great family story? >> even better. you don't just want to tell the positive stories but maybe the not so good. by being open, this has changed how i parent because i think my instincts were to only tell positive stories to kind of protect. now when you talk about pain, they become -- they get out of themselves and they relate to it. as you all know, i spent a year fighting cancer in my leg. i was on crutches. and what that did, i was worried it would traumatize my children. instead, they went running to the kid with the amputated leg on the playground or look at the rabbit in the kid's book that had crutches and they would reach out. so telling your own stories of your own struggles will actually help your children to become more empathetic. >> that's so smart. meredith viera once said, her husband has m.s., how has that affected your family? she said i raised more caring children. >> it stretches their empathy. and that's what you have here, three children who have such heart. heart is what opens it up. >> otherwise we're sort of basically selfish. we come out of the womb, me, mine, down, no. and we have to teach them, i'm sorry. >> my bad. >> we've got to go. we could talk about it forever. we have some great kids. thank you. great to see you. her parents helped nurture her dreams of making it big. she's well on her way. >> maddie lee is here to sing for us. >> and the 8-year-old who can get an entire church congregation on their feet. preacher samuel green is here. their own satisfaction. go doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! i want it all... all the volume... all the drama. new l'oreal million lashes excess mascara. our legendary millionizer brush for a multitude of volumized lashes clean-sweep wiper system means... no clumps new million lashes excess from l'oreal paris pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." the time now is 10:26. good morning, everybody. i'm john kelley. crews starting to gain a little ground on the rim fire burning in row sem met at this. they have it 15% contained. flames are scorching 150,000 acres. the fire now in its second week. still burning strong. crews from all over california, they're on hand there trying to get this one under control. closer to home, san jose police hoping this surveillance video will help them find the gunman responsible for the city's 33rd homicide of the year. we have it edited showing the moments before and after the incident. riding a bicycle on third and julie en. the gunman is running up to the victim, hitting them and shooting them. moments later another man on a bike rides up and witnesses tell us fired more shots at that victim. we'll have a look at your weather and traffic coming up right after this break. ♪ [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. welcome back now. look at this. we're seeing partly cloudy conditions over san rafael. most of the bay area starting to see sunshine. we're still waiting for it in san francisco. it will be out there. about noon. 65 degrees on the way to the city by the bay. 75 in fremont, 76 in san jose. at 11:00, the potential for some showers moving over the rim fire in yosemite. could be good news. drive first with mike. >> still have a backup at the toll plaza. not a big deal. the big deal is west 580. still have one lane closed. everything won't be cleaned up until 1:30. the south bay overall good but 101 still drags. 237 we'll have big backups, jon. back to you. >> thank you, michael. another local update coming up for you in 1/2 hour. we hope to see you at 11:00. ♪ we're back with more of "today" and a special show for anyone hoping to raise responsible and inspired children. we're about to meet one young lady who is both of these. maddie lee has been belting out songs since she first learned to talk. >> now at the ripe old age of 13, she's a bona fide internet sensation with tens of thousands of dedicated fans who can't get enough of her music. check it out. ♪ i want to fight i think i could understand ♪ >> her youtube videos have been viewed nearly 7 million times. she covers popular songs from taylor swift, justin timberlake. she's here with her mother. congratulations. >> you've been singing ever since you can remember, right? >> yeah. >> i was reading where your brother would cry and you'd have maddie sing and what would happen? >> he would stop. immediately. i'd say maddie, sing something. >> do you or your husband have musical ability? >> total fluke. >> you sang at one of the ball games in cleveland. you sang "god bless america." what does that feel like to sing in front of a crowd like that because a lot of the stuff you've been doing is on youtube. >> it was really amazing and the crowd was really great. it was just a lot of fun. >> so who has inspired you, honey? taylor swift, you like her. who is the best singer in the whole world do you think? >> well, taylor swift, of course. and lea michele. >> so you like "glee" and all that. do you see a career in broadway or singing popular songs? what do you think? >> well, i hope one of those happens. something with singing. >> well, you will, i think. >> you'll sing a little bit of a taylor swift song for us. >> we are never getting back together. >> take it away, madi. ♪ ♪ i remember when we broke up the first time saying this is it i've had enough because we haven't seen each other in a month ♪ ♪ when you said you needed what then you come around again and say i miss you and i swear i'm going to change ♪ ♪ it lasted for a day. i say i hate you, we break up, you call me i love you ♪ ♪ ooh this time i'm telling you i'm telling you ♪ ♪ we are never, ever, ever getting back together ♪ ♪ we are never, ever getting back together ♪ ♪ you go talk your friends talk your friends talk to me ♪ ♪ we are never, ever, ever getting back together ♪ >> madi lee. >> nice job. >> that's so good. >> you were born for it. thank you so much. >> all righty. does your child have a voice like madi or do they want to be the next big tv star. what you need to know to help them land that first gig right after this. >> congratulations. that was so great. [ male announcer ] even ragu users a. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious. ♪ [ dad ] what are you doing? she was full. i could tell. come on, she's not full! what? where'd you learn this? uh. who taught you how to do this stuff? you! all right! i learned it by watching you! 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[ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. if i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say "awesome." [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. take a look at the crowd. >> look at our fans. we have two. >> that song. ♪ i want to hodie on your kotb >> caught on with one other person. you think you have the next justin bieber or selena gomez on your hands and think my child can do that? >> who doesn't think their kid can do it. if you think your kid has what it takes to be in show business. heather finn is a talent agent. and bob klein is an independent casting director who has actually found me a job once. great to see you guys. when you have a casting call of a lot of kids, is there something you are looking for right away, sparkle? what is it that you are searching for first? >> i'm always looking for personality because really that's what sets everyone apart from each other is someone who has a good personality and can show that to other people. it's not just a personality that when they're at home they like are really fun and -- >> it's got to be a natural one, doesn't it? >> i always beg for the right amount of confidence, though, mixed with a little dash of humility. >> that's not easy in a child who has been told all their life how fabulous they are also. >> the personality is what stands out the most. when you get a group of kids together, which one are you paying attention to? >> a lot of parents would wonder if they should go to a cold call and bring their kid or get an agent. what's the best approach do you guys thing? >> the first step is to always try to find an agent. there are lots of different ways to find agents. you can send your child's picture in a mail. there are things like call sheets and backstages that have a list of agents and managers. just send in pictures of your child. just regular snapshots of your child and that's what's really going to start, you know, getting them noticed and then they can start going out for auditions. >> if you find out what's casting throughout through call sheet or pauj or play bill, then you know -- you can read the descriptions of what we're looking for. if your child seems right, submit them. >> we hear about the backstage mothers and fathers. have you all experienced that in your careers? >> i casted the "annie" tour for many, many years. i was always the one in the room measuring the child. we needed to know how tall they were. i was really sent out there to watch the parents and see if there were any red flags about personalities or kids who didn't want to be there, that their parents wanted them to be there to fulfill their dream. >> the parent may be the problem, not the kid. >> sometimes we really are looking for kids who really want to do this. and whose parents are going to be helping them and not hindering them. >> what if you have a child who wants to do it but the mom is an out-of-control stage mom. do you not hire those people? >> you know, we try not to, you know -- we try and talk to the parents first and try to temp ter with, okay, try and get someone to relax first if we can. if someone is going to be kind of a nightmare, they may not be someone we can work with. >> if a kid gets a commercial or what are parents going to get from this whole thing at the end? >> a national commercial can start a nice savings account but it's not going to change their lives forever unless it keeps happening and keeps happening and become child stars. >> a series will change things. >> yes. >> it depends on what kind of job they are doing. something like a print job will not necessarily pay much. but it's, you know, sometimes it's just for the, what i call, especially to be able to say, look we're in "people" magazine or toys "r" us. >> it should all be baby steps along the way. let each little successful thing build on the next step. thank you both. >> thank you so much. >> you changed my life. coming up, his sermons have mesmerized thousands of people across the country. >> the little preacher with the big message. 8-year-old samuel green. can i hear a hallelujah? right after this. skincare were ? from l'oreal the first ever facial oil. age perfect glow renewal. renews my skin's youthful glow. the incredible restoring power of 8 essential oils. l'oreal glow renewal is ultra-light, non-greasy, absorbs quickly. just a few drops, morning and night to deeply nourish. for skin with an incredible glow new age perfect glow renewal facial oil from l'oreal paris. you're glowing, and you're worth it. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ wherever your sutwist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. ♪ at chico's we're famous for our so slimming jeans. ♪ now, meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. ♪ they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulous. only at chico's and there is a pint-sized preacher in jackson, mississippi, who has everybody fired up at just 5 years old, samuel green realized he had a special gift. >> three years later he's a veteran of the pulpit inspiring everyone who wants to listen wherever he goes. take a look. >> he had nothing. he lost his land. he lost his animals. he lost his sons and daughters. but do you know what job did? job fell to his knees and began worshiping god saying the lord has gave and the lord has taken away. blessed be the name of the lord. >> preaching it there, samuel. samuel is here with his mother and his mentor. welcome to everybody. >> hello. >> hi. >> you are just a bright light, aren't you sitting over there. >> yes. >> and even without those teeth. it's unbelievable. >> when you are up there preaching, are you just memoryizing things? tell us what you are doing when you are up there. >> it's something i do every day stuff and i really don't forget it. i really don't get nervous because i know god has my back. >> god has your back. >> so are all your sermons about bible stories? >> well, yes. >> do you have a favorite one, like david and goliath? >> i have a favorite one, and it's named job. >> the one we heard here. >> because job had double for his trouble. >> were you surprised when you saw what was coming thoifout of little one's mouth? >> i was very surprised. i was very surprised. my husband and i were amazed to see samuel get up and preach without any notes. >> you took him to church, obviously, but when did you realize he had the gift? how young was he? >> i realized he had the gift when he was invited to speak at a church in birmingham, alabama, and he stepped up and he preached without any notes. it was so amazing. >> you are the only one i know that likes job that much. job is a tough book to get through. good for you. how did you get involved? >> actually, through his -- through preschool he was brought to me at age 13 months, which was a little early. i start teaching academically at 2. i met him at 13 months. i knew he was gifted academically. >> how did you know that? >> because most teachers know that you do this repetitious work and we were doing the repetitious work and just out of spite, i said, samuel, you do it. it's your turn now. and he did all of it just like the 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds. he knew everything we had been doing just by observing. >> what do your friends think of what you do? >> they really don't -- they really don't mind. they are like, oh, samuel is a preacher. let's play soccer ball. >> so you are well rounded, right? you are an average kid, when you aren't preaching. >> do you want to grow up and be a preacher? >> yes, i want to grow up and be a preacher and a -- i want to grow up and be a preacher and a doctor that takes care of children. >> so like a pediatrician? >> a pediatrician preacher. i like it. samuel -- >> i am totally captivated by you samuel. i adore you. is that all right? samuel, thank you. congrats, mom. congrats to you, too. >> beautiful, beautiful young man. this is fun. her cook got her all the way to the white house. >> now amber kelly is sharing those healthy recipes. we'll get a taste. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> we should have had samuel preaching. back now with what's cooking celebrating inspirational kids. we are in the kitchen with 10-year-old amber kelly who wants us all to eat healthy. >> as if she wasn't busy enough hosting her own cooking show online and appearing on her local news station, she won her state's healthy lunchtime challenge and got invited to the white house and sat with the first lady, right? >> let's look at this picture for a second. >> was that fun? >> it was amazing. >> was she impressed with what you were trying to do? >> i think so. >> what are you going to cook for us today? >> today we're going to make nummy no noodle lasagna. but this is the recipe i entered in a contest md and it has three steps. we call these like our fake noodled. we're going to make the noodles. you're going to have a mandolin and go like this. >> what is that, zucchini? >> it's zucchini. >> so that becomes your noodle. the mandolin is like a knife in disguise. >> look how clever you are. >> so you can do some of that. you have to be careful with your fingers. >> i'll be very careful. >> let's move on to the sauce. >> so we have some yellow onions in here. thank goodness they are already cut because they make me cry, so i don't have to cry. >> you are so cute. >> now we just add in our two cloves of garlic. >> aunt kathy doesn't know what you is doing. >> how come yours look so pretty and mine look like hoda made them. >> hey. >> then you just add in your turkey sausage. >> turkey sausage. >> dump it? >> dump it. >> that makes it a little healthier. >> yeah. then just break it up and you don't want any pink. >> okay. >> but then you add in your chunks. >> is that tomato sauce? >> fresh. >> you can use fresh every time you can, right? >> then tomato paste. >> this kid is getting on my nerves. >> and then you are going to add in some dry basil. >> do we salt and pepper to taste? >> you want me to dump that in? trying not to add too much salt, right? >> no, that's not right, kathie. >> we're going to move over, we have our finished sauce. i want it to get thick. so this is pretty thick. now we're going to assemble it. just need a ladle of your thick sauce. >> so sweet this one. >> she's puptting up with us. >> make a layer. >> spread it out. >> do you want to spread it? >> we get it. we get -- we want to eat. >> thank you for all this. >> you put on mozzarella and parmesan all the way until you run out. >> now we're going to tell you something because we have a surprise for you and all the other kids. let's bring in all the other kids. come on. everybody come in. we have a surprise for everybody. are you guys ready? you guys were so inspiring to us that we want to give you something back. so we are going to send each of you, and i think three members of your family to universal orlando. you are going to experience all of it. remember, the theme parks. you'll stay at the loews hotel. >> it's fantastic! >> we're flying you out there so you get to bring you and i think two or three others. >> leet just say ten. >> oh, no. >> where's amber. >> three other people. >> oh, my. this is awesome! >> where's madi. >> where's samuel. >> where's michael? >> you've been in trouble since you got here. >> michael. >> we have to taste it. >> i'm tasting it. >> samuel, you want a bite? >> no. >> samuel is not hungry. >> that's awesome. have an awesome day, everybody. >> nice job. >> all right. >> see you tomorrow. >> bye, everybody. >> i love this. nbc bay area news starts now. >> good morning, everyone. thanks as always for joining us. i'm jon kelley. marla tellez has the day off. happening right now, crews are starting to finally gain some ground on the wild fire burning out in yosemite. it is 15% contained. that is up monumentally. that is up 7%. so far we can tell you nearly 150,000 acres have burned. that's roughly for perspective here about the entire size of the city of chicago and crews are working very hard to protect 4500 structures including some homes out there. among the buildings already destroyed, the berkeley tuolumme .


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20130808

six-inch gash. >> it happens. >> now, that was an accident. she wasn't planning on it. he did something you shouldn't do. >> she just fell down and gashed it. can you imagine? >> we'd love to know, talk to us on facebook and let us know if there's anything you've ever done that you just, oh, my god. >> have you? >> of course. >> i can't remember -- >> you know what's more fun than anything? >> what? >> one ton of fat. >> 15 tons. >> 15 ton ball of congealed -- love that word, congealed fat has been removed from a london sewer. >> this is weird. this is what it looks like. just so you know, you know when you pour grease or something down the sink because you're too lazy to put it in a can in the garbage? >> yes. >> in london, all of this congealed together, everyone's dumping of grease, and it turned into a big blob the size of a double decker bus. they've dubbed it the fatburg. it's blobby and oozy and it reminded us, thank you, howie, it reminded us of the blob. remember? >> that's the first horror movie i ever saw. >> 1958, look. ♪ >> every one of you watching this screen, look out, because soon, very soon, the most horrifying monster menace ever conceived will be oozing into this theater. >> i want to see it. >> "the blob." >> where is it? >> come under the door, it would crawl. run, run! comes under the door. it creeps. it eats you alive. >> that is ridiculous. >> danger. >> steve mcqueen. >> i miss movies like that. that's when movies were movies. >> remember when "jaws" was really scary? the movie "jaws"? looks kind of dumb now, but when you saw it then, i remember how terrifying it was. now everything looks so much more real. >> you know, christine, my dear, dear friend, is to this day terrified of birds because of the movie, hitchcock movie, "the birds." >> you could see that happening. >> yeah. >> that's scary, yeah. yeah. >> it is scary. all right, do you want to live until you're 120 years old? >> pew research center asked -- >> they need to change their name. >> sorry. >> you guys, we decided since there's so many things we have to apologize for during this show, we just have a button that joanne found at the toy store. >> every time you push it, it's a different version of -- >> sorry. >> i'm so sorry. sorry. i apologize. i'm so sorry. sorry. my bad. sorry. >> this is my favorite, i think. >> i'd like to take a brief moment to offer my apologies. >> we're going to keep this button here. >> this is going to be here for all time and we want two more, one with applause, we often need that. we want one with laughter and one that has flatulence. i'll be the happiest talk show person ever. >> excellent. >> we asked you the question, do you want to live to 120? 69% of the people said they do not want to live until they are 120 years old. >> first of all, nobody knows somebody that old and nobody wants to, let's be honest. i don't want to -- i'm 70, if i'm not healthy. it's all about your health. >> how long would you want to live if you are healthy? >> as long as the lord has me here, yeah. if i'm sick and a burden and i can't enjoy the beautiful things in life, i would rather go to a better place. >> i wouldn't want to -- >> where there's no blob, you know? >> i wouldn't want to outlive everyone from my era that understood my movies, my music, the things i loved. careful. you want to discuss things with people. >> i'm sorry. >> anyway -- >> we've got to quit today, got to quit talking early, because we have a room full of little kids who have a lot to say. >> this one has a youtube video, nearly 7 million hits. she's only 13 years old. >> is she the next big thing? a live performance from internet sensation, maddy or maddie? maddie lee. >> from a pint sized preacher to budding chef. >> inspiring kids making a difference. and we are drinking "star trek" wine. >> in honor of the children. >> 50 years since "star trek." we didn't think that through. >> we'll be right back. >> wait, wait. >> sorry! >> better. alright guys, let's huddle up here and talk probiotics. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. all right. if you have been wondering where all the inspiring role models are for your kids, you are about to meet three young people who are making a huge difference. >> michael, we are already in love with him because he says we're 21, is a 13 year old. he's raising money to help the victims of the boston bombing. as a amputee himself, he knows firsthand the challenges many of them are facing. >> jordan summer is the president of ms. amazing pageant, she created it to help girls and women with disabilities realize their potential. >> and 8-year-old anna chung -- >> wong? >> what is it? >> choung. where's my sorry button? michael, let's start with you. you've got your t-shirt on that says "mikey's run." when you were younger, 8 years old, you had an illness and lost some of your limbs. tell us about what happened. >> when i was about 8 years old, like you said, i have an immune disease called cdd, i don't know the full name, dirt gets in my bloodstream, oxygen and blood stops flowing through my body. what happened is i had dirt under my finger nail, had a bug bite, started scratching it and the dirt got into it and the blood stopped flowing to my hands and feet and they turned black. after seven weeks in the hospital i was released. and a month later they had to amputate my hands and feet because they were no longer working. >> wow. you got prosthetics -- >> never heard of that. very rare, isn't it? >> my brother, harris, has it, too. they already knew about it for him. it happened to me first, so they were able to stop it. >> we should point out you do all kinds of things. >> besides charming women. >> we know you're good at that. >> you got prosthetic legs and have this great run that helps benefit other amputees, right? >> yeah. >> we're really, really happy for all the things that you're doing. let's move on to ms. jordan and ms. amazing. >> ms. amazing. you did a beauty pageant yourself as a child. >> yeah, yeah, i've been doing pageants since the age of 7. it wasn't something i did every two weeks, i wasn't obsessed about it. >> you were no honey boo-boo? >> pageantry has taken an odd turn. it's something i did once a year to meet friends, learn public speaking skills, interview skills. yeah, just been a really beneficial thing for me and i wanted to provide that opportunity for girls with disabilities. >> it must be so uplifting for them. tell us what that feels like to watch one of those pageants. >> when i first started the ms. amazing pageant, i was 13. i didn't realize the kind of impact it would make, but what keeps me going and inspired is just the girls who just completely transform, have that nice moment to realize their abilities. >> value for who they are, which is awesome. >> that's what everyone needs. >> look how cute hannah is sitting in her little chair. it's your turn. >> what do you do that's amazing? >> you had diabetes since you were a little girl? >> i had it since i was 3. >> what are you doing to raise awareness? >> we're doing walks, diabetes walks over the brooklyn bridge and my cousins actually held a lemonade stand. >> great. >> to raise money. i'm not sure how much money there is. >> we hear so much bad news about kids today, some of the ones doing all kinds of bad things. what advice would you give a kid today who wants to make a difference with their life? >> if you try your hardest, you can do it. it only takes one person to make a huge difference. just find the right people to help you and you can make a bigger impact than you ever expected. >> what do you think, hon? >> mainly, value your youth. it's the time when you don't have the responsibility. >> which i had. >> you can experiment and find where you feel inspired, where you feel comfortable, where you're really, truly happy without all the strings attached. >> you kids are really -- hannah, all of you kids are doing great, great, great work. we're so proud of you. >> proud and delighted that you're with us. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> we only had to say sorry once. >> excellent. they say every child has a talent, but you have to give a little nudge. >> advice on how to inspire your kids to find their own specific passion. >> this guy is passionate when he's at the pulpit. >> the pint-sized preacher. >> samuel green. >> first, these messages. easo why do you feel exso tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] harvey's i'm so happy you're home dance. that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. but some leading dog foods add sugar, or dyes, or artificial preservatives. [ dog whimpers ] but now there's new so good! from iams. with 100% real wholesome ingredients and none of those other things. now that's real love. so is that. new so good! see what's really in your dog's bowl at so many wonderful kids today with such strong passion and talent. >> as parents we often wonder what our children will grow up to be and do and what we can do to nurture those talents or help our kids find them. >> how do you raise inspired kids? here with advice are michelle and mike. -- bruce fieler the author of the secret of families. once named father of the year, by the way. >> i was, actually. >> my kids don't respect it, but it did happen. >> michelle, every parent, obviously, wants their kid to flourish and sometimes you see something your kid is good at. what should you do to sort of encourage him or her? >> most important thing is we're going to tune into our kids and let them lead us. you're really looking to see where's that child's passion lie? because the new research is really showing us that the right conditions and the right parenting, we can really help stretch our kids to all of them, shine a little brighter and that's what it's about. not having them win the pulitzer. >> not become celebrities, but the finest little people they can be. >> what you're doing is you're going to look a little closer to figure out where his natural interests are. listen, i'm sure while they were watching a tv show and said i'm really upset about what happened in oklahoma. tune into that. then you can always ask a teacher at a parent conference, what are his strengths, what are his talents, and then assess, because a passion becomes an obsession with a child who's really talented. >> can't stop them from doing it. we are going to have a little girl on in a bit that can't stop singing and a boy that can't stop preaching. >> you have to be careful about not pushing them. kids are funny, when you push them, they don't want to do the things you want them to do. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that. first of all you can't decide you're going to raise a talented child. you have to make sure your expectations are right. and some fabulous new research is actually been tracking these kids to discover, first we have to be a champion. we've got to be a cheerleader and support our own children. second of all, the first teachers are absolutely critical for a child that's really talented. they have to be one who's child oriented and also fun. >> unfortunately, sometimes that's not the case. >> you want a child that's well rounded, as well. not only a talented kid, but kid who's empathetic and can feel what's going on. >> there are things parents can do. you mentioned my book, the secrets of happy families, and i spent time looking at families trying to figure out what i could learn. the single most surprising thing i learned is if you want to have inspiring children, tell inspiring stories about your own family. kids who know more about their family history have a higher belief that they can control the world. >> just makes sense. >> and a greater sense of -- >> what if you don't have a great family story? >> even better. that's the point i want to make, don't just tell the positive stories, maybe an aunt had breast cancer, house burned down, maybe lost a job. by being open, this has changed how i parent, because i think my instincts were to only tell positive stories to protect. now when you talk about pain, they become -- they get out of themselves and they relate to it. as you all know, i spent a year fighting cancer in my leg and i was on crutches and i was worried it would traumatize my children. instead, they went running to the kid with the amputated leg on the playground or would look at the rabbit in the kids book that had crutches and would reach out. telling your own stories of your own struggles will actually help your children to become more empathetic. >> that's so smart. meredith vieira once said her husband has m.s., how has that affected your family? i raised more caring children, that's what it gave me. >> because it stretches their empathy. that's what you have, three children here who have such heart. heart is what opens it up. >> otherwise we're sort of basically selfish, aren't we? me, mine, down, no. we have to teach them, i'm sorry -- >> my bad. >> we got to go, you guys. we could talk about it forever. got some great kids we got to get to. >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. her parents helped nurture her plans of making it big. >> she's well on her way. maddie lee is here to sing for us. >> and preacher samuel green is here. we're back with more of "today" and a special show for anyone hoping to raise responsible and inspierd children. we're about to meet one young lady who's both of these. maddie lee has been belting out songs since she learned to talk. >> now at the ripe age of 13, she's a bona fide internet sensation with fans who can't get enough of her music. check it out. ♪ ♪ if i were a boy i think i could understand ♪ >> her youtube videos have been viewed nearly 7 million times. she covers popular songs from taylor swift, one direction, justin timberlake, and maddie lee is here with her mom, vanessa. wheeler or weiller? >> weiller. great to see you both. >> congratulations, sensation. >> thank you. >> you've been singing ever since you can remember. >> yeah. >> i was reading where your brother would cry and you would have maddie sing and what would happen? >> stop, completely. maddie, sing something. >> are your husband have musical ability or skipped a generation? >> total fluke, yes. >> you sang at one of the ball games in cleveland. you're from cleveland. you sang "god bless america." what did that feel like to sing in front of a crowd like that? a lot of the stuff you've been doing has been on youtube. >> it was really amazing and the crowd was really great. it was just a lot of fun. >> who has inspired you, honey, i know taylor swift, you like her. who's the best singer in the whole world, do you think? >> taylor swift, of course. lea michele. >> yeah. you like "glee" and all that stuff. do you see a career in broadway or singing popular songs, what do you think? >> i hope one of those happens, something with singing. >> you will, i think. >> you're going to sing a little bit of a taylor swift ng for us, right? which one is it? >> "we are never getting back together." >> that's a good one. >> never, ever. >> maddie lee. >> take it away, maddie. ♪ i remember when we broke up the first time ♪ ♪ saying this is it i've had enough ♪ ♪ we haven't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space ♪ ♪ then you come around again and say baby i miss you and i swear i'm going to change ♪ ♪ trust me ♪ never lasted for a day ♪ i say i hate you we break up ♪ you call me i love you ♪ we called it off again last night ♪ ♪ oh this time i'm telling you i'm telling you ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪ ♪ so we are never ever ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪ like ever [ cheers and applause ] >> maddie, nice job! >> that's so good. you were born for this. born for it. >> thank you. very, very proud of her. all righty. does your child have a voice like maddie? >> or do they want to be the next big tv star? >> what you need to know to help them land that first gig right after this. uh-oh! guess what day it is?? guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at take a look. >> look at our fans, we have two. >> your song -- >> i want to hodie on your kotb. >> caught on with one other person. >> going to be big. do you think you have the next justin bieber/selena gomez on your hands and think my child can do that? >> who doesn't think your kid can do it? if you think your kid has what it takes, better listen up. heather finn and bob kline, an independent casting director, who's actually found me a job once. it's great to see you guys, welcome. >> when you have a casting call of a lot of kids, is there something you're looking for right away, sparkle, what is it that you're searching for first? >> i'm always looking for personality. really that's what sets everyone apart from each other is someone who has a good personality and can show that to other people. it's not just a personality when they are at home, they are really fun. >> it's got to be a natural one, though, doesn't it? >> i always beg for the right amount of confidence, mixed with a little dash of humility. >> that's not easy with a child who's been told all their life how fabulous they are also. >> personality is what stands out the most. even when you get a group of kids together, which one are you paying attention to? >> parents wonder if they should go to a cold call and bring their kid or get an agent. what's the best approach, do you guys think? >> the first step is always try and find an agent. there are lots of different ways to find agents. you can send your child's picture in the mail, there are things like call sheet back stage that have lists of agents and managers, and send in pictures of your child, regular snapshots of your child, and that's what's going to start getting them noticed. then they can start going out for auditions. >> if you find out what we're looking for through call sheet or backstage or play bill. then you can read the descriptions of what we're looking for. and if your child seems right, submit them. >> how difficult -- we hear about the back stage mothers and fathers. have you all experienced that in your careers? >> i cast the "annie" tour for many, many years. >> besides me. >> for many, many years and they didn't know it, but i was always the one in the holding room measuring every child because we need to know how tall they were and stuff like that. i was really sent out there to watch the parents and see if there were any red flags about personalities or kids who didn't want to be there that their parents wanted them to be there to fulfill their dream. >> parent might be the problem, not the kid. >> we are looking for kids who want to do this and whose parents are going to be helping them and not hindering them. >> what if you have a child who's talented but the mom is an out of control stage mom? do you not hire those people? >> we try not to, you know, we try and talk to the parents first and, you know, try and temper it with, okay, try and get someone to relax first if we n. someone going to be kind of a nightmare, might not be someone we can worth with. >> how lucrative is this for a kid, if a kid gets a commercial, what are parents going to get at the end? >> national commercial can start a nice savings account, but it's not going to change their lives forever unless it keeps happening and keeps happening. >> a series will. >> absolutely. it depends what kind of job they are doing. a print job is not going to necessarily pay much, but, you know, sometimes it's just for what i call, especially babies with grandparents actors, oh, look we're in "people" magazine, oh, toys "r" us. >> and it should all be baby steps, too. let each successful thing build on the next step. >> thank you both. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. you changed my life. coming up, his sermons have mesmerized thousands across the country. >> the little preacher with the big message. 8-year-old samuel green. oh, yeah, can i hear a hallelujah? right after this. good morning the seven-day forecast working through august here. more showers in the northeast. thursday afternoon rain moves into the interior northeast and anywhere there is red on the map is a threat for a severe storm. in the plains, parts of kansas and missouri more isolated severe weather and more heavy rain in the southeast, new orleans up to the atlanta area. 75 in minneapolis. we have much cooler weather behind a cold front. 77 in chicago. not typical for august. 104 in dallas. the heat is on in the southern plains. 76 in los angeles. the closer to the coast the cooler it will be. we have fires in southern california. no relief from the rain here not in the near future. all of the rain stays east of the mississippi and more severe storms headed into the northeast on friday. and we get rid of everything on saturday. saturday looks better in the northeast. if you are going to jones beach and along the cape, 81 in boston. it will be nice for saturday. showers in the mid atlantic all the way back here along the mississippi. still dry across the west with the exception of areas across northern washington and northern montana. 83 in kansas city on sunday. we dry out in the nation's midsection. on monday we are looking at showers in arkansas, oklahoma, down in the southeast. still 78 in chicago. we're not shaking the cooler than average weather around the great lakes. 96 in salt lake city. wednesday looks quiet with the exception of the southeast. what's new? 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tell us what you're doing up there at the pulpit. >> it's something i do, like everyday stuff. i really don't forget it. i really don't get nervous, because i know god has my back. >> god has your back. >> are all your sermons about bible stories? >> well, yes. >> do you have a favorite one, like david and goliath? >> i have a favorite one and it's named "job." >> job. >> because job had double for his trouble. >> joanne, were you surprised when you saw what was coming out of this little one's mouth? >> i w very surprised. i was very surprised. i was amazed. my husband and i, we were amazed just to see samuel get up and preach without any notes or anything. >> and you took him to church, obviously, but when did you realize he had the gift, how young was he? >> i realized he had the gift when he was invited to speak in a church in birmingham, alabama, and he stepped up and preached without any notes. it was just so amazing. >> was it about job? >> you're the only one i know that likes job that much. job is a tough book to get through. good for you. beverly, how did you get involved? >> actually, through preschool. he was brought to me at age 13 months, which is a little early. i actually start teaching academically at age 2 and i met him at 13 months. by 18 months i knew he was gifted academically. >> how did you know that? >> most teachers know you do this repetitious work and we were doing the repetitious work and just out of spite i said, samuel, you do it. it's your turn now. he did all of it just like the 3 and 4 year olds. he knew everything we had been doing just by observing. >> what do your friendthink about what you do? >> they really don't -- they really don't mind. they are like, oh, samuel is a preacher. let's play soccer ball. >> so you're well rounded, right? an average kid and when you're not preaching. >> do you want to grow up and be a preacher? >> yes, i want to grow up to be a preacher and a doctor that takes care -- >> to be what? >> a preacher and a doctor that takes care of children. >> so like a pediatrician? >> a pediatrician preacher. i like it. >> i am totally captivated by you, samuel. i adore you. is that all right? >> uh-huh. >> samuel, thank you. congrats, mom. >> congratulations. beautiful, beautiful young man. this is fun. her cooking got her all the way to the white house. >> now amber kelly is sharing those healthy recipes. we're going to get a taste. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> samuel, samuel! back now with what's cooking, celebrating inspirational kids. we are in the kitchen with 10-year-old amber kelly, who wants us all to eat healthy. >> as if not busy enough appearing on her local news station, amber won her state's healthy lunchtime challenge and got invited to the white house and got to sit with the first lady. >> let's look at this picture for a second. was that fun? >> it was amazing. >> was she impressed with what you are trying to do? >> i think so. >> what are you going to cook for us today, sweetie? >> numb -- nummy no-noodle lasagna. this is the recipe i entered in the contest and it has three steps. >> okay. >> we call these our, like, fake noodles. >> fake noodles, okay. >> and really you just have a mandolin and you're going to go like this. >> what is that, zucchini? >> yes. >> you shave it. that becomes your noodle. >> yes. >> like that. the mandolin is like a knife in disguise. this is a knife right here. >> comes out the bottom. >> you can do some. you got to be careful with your fingers. >> i'll be very careful. >> let's just move on to the sauce. so we have some yellow onions in here. thank goodness they are already cut, because they make me cry. >> me, too. you are so cute. >> we have that and we add in our two cloves of garlic. >> aunt kathie doesn't know what she's doing. >> why do yours look so pretty and mine look like hoda made them? >> hey! am i not right here? >> then you just add in your turkey sausage. >> turkey sausage. >> dump it? >> dump it. >> that makes it healthier. >> then you kind of want to break it up. you don't want any pink. then you add in your chunks. >> is that just tomato? >> then your paste. >> tomato paste. >> kid's getting on my nerves. >> then you're going to add in some dry basil. >> okay. >> do we salt and pepper to taste? >> yes. >> just a little bit. try not to add too much salt, right? >> yes. >> kathie, that's not right. >> then you're going to let it simmer for 30 minutes. >> 30 minutes! >> then you're going to move over. we have our finished sauce. you want it to get thick. this is pretty thick. now we're going to assemble it. just need a ladle of your sauce. >> awe set. >> she's putting up with us. >> you make a layer of that first. >> we get it. we want to eat. >> thank you for all this cooking. >> then you put on mozzarella and parmesan. >> here's yours. >> i am dying to try this. we have a surprise for you and all the other kids. let's bring in all the other kids. come on, everybody come in. we have a surprise for everybody. all right, you guys, ready? you guys were so inspiring to us we want to give you something back, so we are going to send each of you -- >> thank you, girard. >> and three members of your family to universal orlando. you're going to experience all of it. remember, the theme parks, you're going to stay at the lowe's hotel. >> it's fantastic. >> orbitz is flying you out there, so you get to bring you and how many others? two or three? >> let's just say ten. >> oh, no. oh, no. anyway, where's amber? >> three other people. this is awesome! where's maddie? maddie! where's samuel? where's michael? >> you've been nothing but trouble since the minute you got here. >> michael! all right, tomorrow, decorating tips. you have to taste it. >> i'm tasting it, it's fantastic. samuel, you want a bite? >> no. >> samuel's not hungry. >> have an awesome day, everybody. >> this was a fun show, everybody. >> nice job! >> see you tomorrow. >> bye, everybody. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i'm cramer. other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to make you some money. why don't you call me. in recent years, i have to tell you, i think stocks have become the most hated commodity in existence. they're certainly hated, well, say anytime more than i can remember in my career, but i still believe anyone can turn a profit in the stock market as long as you're willing to put anytime time and effort. i wouldn't come out here every night and y to educate you if i didn't think this was a more than theoretical possibility. it's feasible for the mast majority watching this show. you can exceed at managing your money. if that's the case, why is it so darn difficult? how come so many people struggle to make money in the market? how the heck can i believe it's possible for you to beat the averages? the s&p 500, the dow jones, when so many people so regularly fail to do so. simple. you can do it. you've got to do it the right way. one f the biggest obstacles is the lack of clarity about what is the best, the right way to do it. what is investing supposed to mean? i've seen people try to follow wisdom it shall and the worst part is these people had no idea they were making a mistake. you know what? they thought they were being reasonable. >> here is failure to communicate. >> that's right. failure to communicate. that's why tonight, we're going to demystify the concept of wow, here's a code word. long-term invest. listen up, i'm going to set you straight. we're all about long-term investing. too often, people let the term long-term get in the way of investing. even longer and that's something i think i can teach you how to do using the disciplines back in my old hedge fund. however, there's a darker side to this concept. all too often, i've seen people invoke -- an excuse for performance or not paying attention. you'll make back the money you're losing with long-term gains. it's not just a big joke. but most of the time, most of the time losing money month after month or year after year just isn't a good recipe for making money over the long-term horizon. if yus


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