In 1943, the woman named Madge Knight lived a fairly content life in Aldingbourne, West Sussex, England, where she lived with her retired architect husband, and her sister and her sister’s husband, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Moore, who had a room at their home. In November of that year, Mr. Knight took a trip to London with Madge’s sister and the two returned on the afternoon of the 18
th. According to the Moores, that evening the Knights got into a huge argument, which was rare for them and was suspected to be caused by jealousy over the trip to London mixed with the heavy drinking Marge had been doing that evening. The fight was so bad that the Moores allegedly left the premises for a while until it cooled down, coming back at around 10 pm. This seemingly normal turn of events would soon spiral out of control, and be only be the beginning of a strange mystery and eerie unsolved death that has eluded all understanding to this day.