ainsley: good morning, 8:00 a.m., tuesday, may 28, this is fox and friends. maganomics verses bidenomics. americans say the economy is not working for them and democrats say biden need to have more empathy, more compassion or they will lose in november. steve: and democrats are fr freaking out. cell phones taking over america s schools. we asked an expert how to combat children s addiction to a smartphone in school. lawrence: one billionaire commencement speaker giving $1000 to 1000 all in a mission to giveback. lawrence: okay, that s fine. two guess, our gift to you and gift of giving. each of you is getting $1000 in cash right now. lawrence: he will join us. final hour of fox and friends starts now. mornings are better with friends. lawrence: embracing the life changes this morning. we are in a new studio, new look for period of time. we ll be back in our old studio when it is finished remodeling, we are embracing new change, new graphics and brian w