„June always starts with the International Children’s Day. This year, the day was particularly sensitive for the community of Maisto Bankas as, for several months now, mothers fleeing the war in Ukraine and their young children have been flooding into our offices and warehouses every day. It is still difficult to convince people who fled the war zone just a day or two ago that they can feel safe in Lithuania and it is hard to elicit a smile on the faces of children who flinch from the slightest sound.
„We are living through a time when we must all take decisive action to help those who have lived through the horrors of war. We cannot delay our help. We are contributing with our resources and overwhelming support to alleviate the suffering of Ukrainians. At the same time, we hope that a huge wave of support from Lithuanian businesses will sweep across the country,“ said Arūnas Martinkevičius, president of SBA Group.