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unnecessary suffering because of it. i unnecessary suffering because of it. ~' , ., of it. i think the question may be that did — of it. i think the question may be that did the _ of it. i think the question may be that did the us _ of it. i think the question may be that did the us make - of it. i think the question may be that did the us make a - be that did the us make a mistake by not providing this weapon assistance at the beginning of the conflict and instead dragging it out and providing more of a trickle in terms of weaponry?- providing more of a trickle in terms of weaponry? that's an easy question. _ terms of weaponry? that's an easy question. absolutely - terms of weaponry? that's an | easy question. absolutely yes. we would be in a much different place, ukraine would be in a different place, american interests, european security would be in a far different place if we had the courage at the beginning of the war that we are showing now. present biden is self deterred, he put many lines impositions on what the us could do in places that were not necessary. he said he would not send tanks or attack is, he's put these limitations in place and he ends up sending them and he finally does the right thing but it's too late and the cost has been enormous


that's going to either be their safety and security or - that's going to either be their safety and security or other's| safety and security or other's safety~ — safety and security or other's safety~ one _ safety and security or other's safety. one thing _ safety and security or other's safety. one thing that - safety and security or other's| safety. one thing that appears safety and security or other's - safety. one thing that appears in the indictment _ safety. one thing that appears in the indictment is _ safety. one thing that appears in the indictment is that _ safety. 0ne thing that appears in the indictment is that jack- safety. one thing that appears in the indictment is that jack smith| the indictment is that jack smith doesn't — the indictment is that jack smith doesn't claim _ the indictment is that jack smith doesn't claim what _ the indictment is that jack smith doesn't claim what he's - the indictment is that jack smith doesn't claim what he's —— - doesn't claim what he's —— donald trump _ doesn't claim what he's —— donald trump stated _ doesn't claim what he's —— donald trump stated to _ doesn't claim what he's —— donald trump stated to go _ doesn't claim what he's —— donald trump stated to go peacefully. . doesn't claim what he's —— donald i trump stated to go peacefully. why was that _ trump stated to go peacefully. why was that information _ trump stated to go peacefully. why was that information excluded - trump stated to go peacefully. why was that information excluded fromj was that information excluded from his presentation— was that information excluded from his presentation that _ was that information excluded from his presentation that he _ was that information excluded from his presentation that he gave - was that information excluded from his presentation that he gave for. his presentation that he gave for the charges? _ his presentation that he gave for the charges? if— his presentation that he gave for the charges? if you're _ his presentation that he gave for the charges? if you're going - his presentation that he gave for the charges? if you're going to l his presentation that he gave for. the charges? if you're going to ring charges _ the charges? if you're going to ring charges against _ the charges? if you're going to ring charges against someone, - the charges? if you're going to ring charges against someone, you - the charges? if you're going to ringi charges against someone, you need the charges? if you're going to ring - charges against someone, you need to -et charges against someone, you need to get the _ charges against someone, you need to get the positive — charges against someone, you need to get the positive in— charges against someone, you need to get the positive in the _ charges against someone, you need to get the positive in the minus— charges against someone, you need to get the positive in the minus as - get the positive in the minus as well as— get the positive in the minus as well as what— get the positive in the minus as well as what may _ get the positive in the minus as well as what may be _ get the positive in the minus asi well as what may be exculpatory get the positive in the minus as - well as what may be exculpatory as evidence _ well as what may be exculpatory as evidence of— well as what may be exculpatory as evidence of the _ well as what may be exculpatory as evidence of the defendant - well as what may be exculpatory as evidence of the defendant can - well as what may be exculpatory as . evidence of the defendant can defend themselves — evidence of the defendant can defend themselves i— evidence of the defendant can defend themselves. i understand _ evidence of the defendant can defend themselves. i understand people - evidence of the defendant can defendl themselves. i understand people have strong _ themselves. i understand people have strong feelings — themselves. i understand people have strong feelings about _ themselves. i understand people have strong feelings about donald - themselves. i understand people have strong feelings about donald trump . strong feelings about donald trump and would _ strong feelings about donald trump and would love _ strong feelings about donald trump and would love to _ strong feelings about donald trump and would love to see _ strong feelings about donald trump and would love to see him - and would love to see him incarcerated, _ and would love to see him incarcerated, but - and would love to see him incarcerated, but i'm - and would love to see him incarcerated, but i'm a - and would love to see him - incarcerated, but i'm a person that believes— incarcerated, but i'm a person that believes in— incarcerated, but i'm a person that believes in our— incarcerated, but i'm a person that believes in our constitution, - incarcerated, but i'm a person that believes in our constitution, i- believes in our constitution, i believe — believes in our constitution, i believe in _ believes in our constitution, i believe in our— believes in our constitution, i believe in ourjudicial- believes in our constitution, i believe in ourjudicial system| believes in our constitution, i- believe in ourjudicial system and everyone — believe in ourjudicial system and everyone has— believe in ourjudicial system and everyone has an _ believe in ourjudicial system and everyone has an opportunity - believe in ourjudicial system and everyone has an opportunity to l believe in ourjudicial system and i everyone has an opportunity to have their day— everyone has an opportunity to have their day in— everyone has an opportunity to have their day in court— everyone has an opportunity to have their day in court and _ everyone has an opportunity to have their day in court and present - their day in court and present evidence _ their day in court and present evidence so— their day in court and present evidence so that _ their day in court and present evidence so that the - their day in court and present evidence so that the jury- their day in court and present - evidence so that the jury couldn't make _ evidence so that the jury couldn't make a _ evidence so that the jury couldn't make a decision _ evidence so that the jury couldn't make a decision based _ evidence so that the jury couldn't make a decision based on - evidence so that the jury couldn't make a decision based on facts. i evidence so that the jury couldn't i make a decision based on facts. so, this is not like _ make a decision based on facts. this is not like nazi germany or an autocratic state, russia, or others around the world? this is the legal process unfolding as it should?


in the first innings looked the path that we were brilliant in the first innings, went out there with positive attitude, definitely did a lot on the first day. hopefully it will flatten out again tomorrow we can make a. ~ flatten out again tomorrow we can makea. , make a. where probably a little bit disappointed today _ make a. where probably a little bit disappointed today though - make a. where probably a little bit disappointed today though the - make a. where probably a little bit i disappointed today though the wicket was pretty good. obviously spun around _ was pretty good. obviously spun around the overheads for that the wicked _ around the overheads for that the wicked itself played nice. quite a few of— wicked itself played nice. quite a few of us— wicked itself played nice. quite a few of us got started and go on to make _ few of us got started and go on to make a _ few of us got started and go on to make a big — few of us got started and go on to make a big score. we had a few 50 round partnerships with the love we made is _ round partnerships with the love we made is a _ round partnerships with the love we made is a little bit bigger, we set ourselves— made is a little bit bigger, we set ourselves up a little bit better. wasn't — ourselves up a little bit better. wasn't to be, were in this position now where — wasn't to be, were in this position now where we are 12 in front to one innings— now where we are 12 in front to one innings from here, pretty much. ferrari's charles leclerc will start on pole position for sunday's belgian grand prix. championship leader max verstappen was quickest in qualifying by almost a second but will take a grid penalty for sunday's race. lewis hamilton will start third. qualifying took place today because there's a sprint race on saturday. emma norsgaard bjerg produced a stunning effort from the


focused on the country's steadily improving economy. with news this week that the bidenomics, biden's formula for strong economic growth from the bottom up, is not only driving a surge in the u.s. economy and a boom in large-scale infrastructure, it's so much greater than even the experts and economic stuff expected it to be. at morgan stanley, crediting biden's infrastructure and jobs act with forcing that bank to make a, quote, sizable upward revision to its u.s. gross domestic product estimates and the top u.s. equity strategist admitted to clients this week that the rally for growth has, quote, gone further and persisted longer than we anticipated. we were wrong. the biden white house telling cnbc this, quote, this report confirms what we long said. our strong and resilient economy is bidenomics in action of the president's economic agenda is spurring investments in manufacturing and infrastructure


released this week says that much of the extreme weather would be virtually impossible without human-caused climate change. world weather attribution an international group of scientists says that because humans continue to burn fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, we can expect more weather like what we are experiencing, but according to the report, the most horrifying part is that, quote, even if we stop our current output, temperatures would not cool again. they will just stop rising. that's according to one professor in the report. quote, the heatwaves we are seeing now we definitely need to live with. joining ours conversation by phone, andy hoyle, scientist with the noaa physical sciences lab and editor for the american meteorological society's journal of climate. also joining us our friend former white house health policy director and current msnbc medical contributor dr. patel is here. andy, this is, i think, on


taxes on the people of this country. and they don't need more. >> governor chris christie of new jersey, thanks so much for joining us today. appreciate it. happy father's day, again. >> hey, jake, let's get people to go to if they want to hear these arguments made on the debate stage, make a $1 donation and they'll get me on that stage and meet those rnc rules that you talked about. >> governor, thanks so much nfo joining us. coming up, i'll talk to the chairman of the house intelligence committee on those classified documents found. and next, homelessness is a rampant problem across the united states, particularly in california. los angeles' mayor says that she has a solution that is starting to work. mayor karen bass, coming up.


a speech to leave. ould obama would go make a speech and leave. they all went in e, wemad a speech and left. e pa and in the meantime, we'reying paying for most of nato . so u they took advantage of us n trade. i got them. all i first of t allhe trade, i tradeb the trade. ee muings are mucn h different now, but it would have been reallychd much different. covid interruptive us , be much unfortunately, but it was goingn to be much different. we did a good job trade, but more importantly, we got them to pay hundreds of billions of dollars. and , you know, the money thatth we got, that money went to .thi this is why they have money right now.t now to for nato to fight russia. they have money.n't have they didn't have any money. they were going bust. eak up nato is going to break up now. as to whether or not it should break up, you know, let's not talk about that. but we were spending money on nato to protect europe and they were taking advantage t of us trade. when i wenont and did this whole thing, it was a second meeting . i had the first meeting. i had to say, well, wait a minute, this is very unfair. the second time i went six months later, i said, deliu you guys are delinquent, you're not paying and we're


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Abby Phillip leads an in-depth conversation on the week's most important political storylines, with Isaac Dovere, Olivia Beavers, Eva McKend, Jackie Kucinich...


as we have long speculated, florida governor ron desantis will enter the 2024 presidential race. nbc news has confirmed exclusively that an official announcement is expected next week. here's the governor on wednesday signing bills targeting drag shows, transgender kids, and the use of bathrooms and pronouns. a clear message of what his presidential priorities would look like. he isn't the only fresh face entering what will become a crowded republican field. senator tim scott plans to make a, quote, major announcement in south carolina next monday. weeks after he launched an exploratory committee for presidential bid. while virginia governor glenn youngkin is signaling a run with an ad that he released today, invoking ronald reagan in his call for a new era of american


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