Kareena Kapoor opted for a mint green shirt and taupe-coloured flared pants. The mid-rise waist, flared hem, and baggy silhouette made her look chic. She accessorised the ensemble with a pink beaded layered necklace.
From Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone- Ranveer Singh, Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal, Malaika Arora, Kareena-Saif to Rhea Chakraborty this is how Bollywood celebrated Christmas 2022.
Deepika Padukone–Anisha Padukone, Kareena Kapoor–Karisma Kapoor, Alia Bhatt–Shaheen Bhatt are some of the popular and adorable sisters duos of Bollywood. Sister s Day 2022: Deepika Padukone–Anisha Padukone, Kareena Kapoor–Karisma Kapoor, Alia Bhatt–Shaheen Bhatt – 7 Adorable Sister Duos of Bollywood!.