The search and seizure conducted at the Mtunzini home of the Isis-linked couple charged with the kidnapping and murder of Rachel and Rodney Saunders has come under scrutiny at the Durban high court.
A former employee of the alleged mastermind behind the brutal killing of acclaimed botanists Rodney and Rachel Saunders painted a picture of how he met, befriended and was lured into the criminal activity of three people on trial for the double murder in the Durban high court.
The sister of slain botanist Rachel Saunders told the Durban high court the last time she interacted with her sister was via a Whatsapp chat before the couple's disappearance.
World-renowned botanists Rod Saunders, 74, and wife Rachel, 63, were pounced upon as a good hunt as they scoured a mountain region in South Africa for rare seeds for their business.