Manappuram Finance shares were trading at Rs 173.40 on BSE, up 1.97 per cent. The stock is up 45 per cent year-to-date. CLSA suggested a ‘Buy’ rating on the stock with a target price of Rs 185 post the recent analyst meet.
TCS would turn ex-date for share buyback. The record date for the same is November 25, Saturday. The IT major is looking to buyback up to 4,09,63,855 shares at Rs 4,150 apiece for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 17,000 crore.
Manappuram Finance failed to comply with the RBI’s directions on payment of surplus amounts realised by auctioning gold articles pledged by certain borrowers
Manappuram Finance share price: The stock surged 7.88 per cent to hit a 52-week high of Rs 162.30 over its previous close of Rs 150.45. Turnover on the counter stood at Rs 20.14 crore, commanding a market capitalisation (m-cap) of Rs 13,593.74 crore.