Andrei vasilyevich, to accompany you, oh, no, lyosha, no need, ill come there myself. What time can i pick you up tomorrow . Lyosh, lets start at 10 oclock, i want to sleep, i cant, goodbye, andrey vasilyevich, yes, whos there . Sunny, its me, yes, dad, im opening it. I want to show you something, although you may have already seen it, while drunk. Shot down several people, among those shot down was a child , what is this, a list of sins, its more of a verdict, i heard about this case, the accused was someone roshchin, yes, if im not confusing anything, then the information that he was drunk was later refuted, the medical report stated that while driving the jeep, roshchin had a heart attack, there is also information about this here. Based on a false medical certificate, he was released from custody right in the courtroom , heres another thing, these are photographs, they all died, including the child, execute, pardon, this is a hoax, so you explain to me whether this is a hoax or not
The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip each, to five minutes but in no event shall debate ontinue beyond 1 50 p. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Lumenauer, for five minutes. Mr. Blumenauer i arrived at my office this morning to a politico on the front page head line blumenauers death panel bill lives on. Its actually a terrific article by jo ann kenan but a terrible headline about nonexistent death panels symbolizes why three congresses later we still have not helped families deal with the most difficult circumstances any of us will ever encounter. This issue hit me with full force 10 years ago in the midst of the Terri Schiavo case. Where we watched one familys tragedy turn into a National Media circus and a political spectacle. All because one 27yearold woman didnt have a conversation with her loved ones to make her wishes kno
Engineering giant L&T has established an all-women team at Tata Steel s mining site in Odisha, handling large machinery repairs, inspired by a successful pilot. Amazon, which initiated all-women virtual customer service in 2020, now operates nine all-women delivery stations in various locations. Companies like Shell, KFC, and Dr. Reddy s are also creating all-women teams in various sectors, boosting productivity, reducing attrition, and attracting female talent. These initiatives aim to address the gender gap and promote inclusive practices across industries.
George Mireku Duker, the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources has emphasised that exploitation of natural resources in Ghana and Africa at large must result in tangible benefits for the general population.
Joda : Joda East Iron Mine, Manmora Manganese Mine, Bamebari Iron and Manganese Mine, and Joda West Iron and Manganese Mine, operated by M/s Tata Steel Ltd. under Joda Mining Circle in Keonjhar district, have received consent for mining from th