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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181018 00:30:00

tonight, several developing stories. the new and graphic description. what might have happened to that "washington post" writer and u.s. resident after he entered that consulate and never came out. the grisly new account tonight, as this mystery deepens. also tonight, the scare involving the first lady. the plane carrying melania trump suddenly filling with smoke midair. the flight forced to turn around. pilots wearing oxygen masks. the deadly storm tonight. images of parts of homes washed away. rescue crews helping families then trapped themselves. the emergency move at a major dam tonight, and we're on the scene. the drama in court late tod. the well-known doctor, once on reality tv, and his girlfriend, accused of drugging women together and then raping them. holding hands in court. what their attorney now says. the major change north of the border tonight. marijuana now legal across canada. the huge lines. and this question tonight -- will americans be able to bring marijuana back over the border? mega millions now at $900 million, almost a billion. the game's biggest jackpot ever. why are the jackpots so big now? and what are your chances tonight? and the major headline involving an actor likely you and so many children grew up with. but would you recognize his face? good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. and we begin here with new reporting. the mystery deepening. grim new details tonight in the disappearance of "washington post" writer jamal khashoggi and what might have happened to him. it was 15 days ago now that he went into saudi arabia's consulate in istanbul, never to be seen again. and tonight, we are now hearing from a close friend of khashoggi's. his friend says khashoggi feared for his own safety. and that friend now revealing what turkish authorities have told him. what they think happened inside. and this evening, president trump has asked about the alleged recordings of what transpired, and what the president is now saying. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off tonight from turkey. >> reporter: tonight, shocking new details about what may have happened to "the washington post" writer inside the saudi consulate in istanbul. when jamal khashoggi went in, he told his fiance to call two people if he got into trouble. one was one of his closest friends, and tonight, in his first sitdown interview with u.s. media, he tells me they not only killed him in the consulate, but also in a barbaric way. turan kislakci describing what he was told in multiple briefings with turkish security officials. there have been repeated claims that there is proof that mr. khashoggi was killed. that there is an audio recording. are you aware of that? "security officials said they do have audio," he tells us. he says the recordings reveal when khashoggi walked into the consulate, he was given a document to sign. he refused and was then killed. tonight, "the new york times" reporting turkish authorities say the audio tapes reveal the hit squad beheaded and dismembered him. turkish authorities say khashoggi's body was then taken over to the residence. tonight, turkish forensic investigators are combing through the grounds. and turkish officials releasing to a turkish newspaper images of 15 saudis they say traveled to istanbul the day khashoggi went missing. according to "the new york times," among the suspects, an autopsy expert. "the times" also reports several of the suspects have ties to the saudi crown prince, like this man, maher abdulaziz mutreb. he was allegedly in istanbul the day khashoggi went missing. also seen here in boston within a few feet of the crown prince in march of this year. one month later, both of the men in houston. and in the same month, traveling together in madrid. calling into question president trump's remarks on monday that "rogue killers" might be responsible. today, the president asked if he's providing cover for the saudis. >> i'm not giving cover at all. with that being said, saudi arabia has been a very important ally of ours in the middle east. >> so, let's get right to ian pannell again tonight in istanbul. and ian, there's been so much reporting on the alleged audio that might have captured what played out here. but as far as we know, reporters have not heard the recording. certainly not the public. but ian, tonight, president trump has said he's asked for those recordings? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. apparently the message has been conveyed to turkish authorities president trump wants audio or video recordings, whichever exist. he's waiting for a full report from secretary of state mike pompeo. and he's also made it very clear that america is not yet ready to walk away from one of its closest allies, the saudis. david? >> ian pannell leading us off tonight. ian, thank you. we turn now to the midair scare involving the first lady, melania trump. smoke filling the plane. the flight crew then putting on oxygen masks. that plane forced to turn around. here's abc's david kerley. >> reporter: the first lady and reporters were forced to return to andrews air force base after a haze and smell of something burning spread in the cabin. >> we're having some issues up here. likely to turn around and go back to andrews, if you could coordinate that for us? >> reporter: the pilots of the converted boeing 757, dubbed "bright star," donned their oxygen masks. >> do you require any special assistance? >> no assistance required at this time, thanks. >> reporter: but reporters on board were told to put wet towels over their noses if the smoke got too bad. the air force flies four of these 757s. average age, 18 years. >> we've got the situation all cleared up now, but we still want to go back to andrews. boareporter: the first lady >> ierthfit but yeah, they had. yeah, they had a problem, but she's fine. >> reporter: and on the ground, melania trump only made a passing reference to the smoky cabin. >> i'm sorry for a little delay. >> reporter: the air force says that it was some communications equipment that overheated, causing that smoke. that equipment was shut down and the smoke cleared, but the pilots wanted to come back here, david, as a precaution. >> we're just glad everyone's okay. david kerley tonight. david, thank you. we turn next tonight to the deadly storm and the dramatic images now emerging from texas. rushing rivers tearing off a deck from a home and right over the edge of this dam. flooded roads causing high water rescues, even some of the first responders suddenly needing help themselves. and tonight, the move at a major dam. abc's clayton sandell is on the scene at the mansfield dam in austin. clayton? >> reporter: good evening, david. tonight, the lake behind this dam is rapidly filling up. so, to control the water level, they are now opening more of these floodgates than ever before. in central texas tonight, the death toll is rising, and in some places, the water is, too. lakes and reservoirs are swelling over capacity. today, even first responders needed help. >> stuck in the floodwaters, on top of his car. >> reporter: this stranded travis county deputy rescued by firefighters. along lake travis today, people scrambled to load up and get out as water creeps closer. >> because you can't stop the water, it's going to come in. >> reporter: officials say the body of a woman was found this morning at a low water crossing. upstream, after tearing apart this bridge and sending debris over dams, rivers are dropping as quickly as they rose. the llano river, down 30 feet in 24 hours. gerald hudson's home was barely saved. >> i didn't think it would get this high. >> reporter: but his neighbors lost everything. and david, in just one week, lake travis here has taken in enough water to supply the city of austin for four years. david? >> clayton sandell with us again tonight. clayton, thank you. tigth rial rape case making national headlines. the well-known surgeon who once appeared on reality tv, walking into court late today with his girlfriend. the couple is now facing charges of drugging women together and then sexually assaulting them. and that list of victims is now growing. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: the california couple accused of preying on female victims at parties and bars making their first court appearance. dr. grant robicheaux and cerissa riley now facing new charges of kidnapping, drugging, rape and sexual assault in alleged attacks on seven women. >> this is a crime of a predatory nature. >> reporter: the couple holding hands. their attorneys entering pleas of not guilty. >> you seem, like, too perfect. >> reporter: the orthopedic surgeon, who appeared on this bravo dating show, was arrested last month with his girlfriend. since then, more women have come forward.ngal anxpect to continue to get more. >> reporter: outside the courthouse, riley's sister insisting the truth will come out. >> she's a loving and kind person. she's a christian, she loves god. she has been nothing but a wonderful sister and niece, daughter, to our whole entire family. >> reporter: the couple denying all allegations of nonconsensual sex and drugging people for the purposes of sex. david? >> kayna whitworth. kayna, thank you. and there are breaking developments in the case of the missing 13-year-old girl whose parents were found dead in their wisconsin home. just moments ago, police revealing how her parents died, and they now fear her life is in danger, as well. abc's alex perez from wisconsin. >> reporter: police dogs and forensic teams searching for any sign of 13-year-old jayme closs. investigators think she was home when her parents were killed. were her parents shot to death? >> yes. her parents died from gunshot wounds. that's why we're ruling this a homicide. there was no gun found on the scene. >> reporter: here at the home, authorities have set up a command center. you can see the police tape. this area remains a crime scene. more than 150 investigators now working the case. police arrived at the home after a suspicious call to 911 about 1:00 a.m. monday. no one spoke to the dispatcher, but the commotion police heard leads them to believe jayme was in danger. >> no one was on there asking for anything, except we heard background noise and that's what these experts are working on, that 911 call, to break it down. >> reporter: and david, since issuing that nationwide amber alert, authorities say they have received more than 400 tips they're following up on. david? >> alex perez. alex, thank you. north of the border tonight, recreational marijuana is now legal across canada. and it comes not without controversy. can americans bring some of that marijuana back over the border? abc's gio benitez in montreal tonight. >> reporter: they started lining up before dawn, down the street, around the block. thousands of canadians waiting >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: as the day went on, the lines grew longer. canadian flags unfurled. the country now one of only two in the world to legalize recreational pot. >> it's pretty cool, actually. it's like coming out of a prohibition. so, that's why we're here, because it's such a big moment. >> reporter: yes, there are detractors. "the canadian medical association journal" calls it all an "uncontrolled experiment," putting money above "the health of canadians." but prime minister justin trudeau, who campaigned on a promise to legalize, today tweeted that regulating pot means "profits out of the hands of criminals. protection for our kids." it could also mean an estimated $400 million in tax revenues. >> cannabis is legal in canada. and everybody should come to canada and enjoy our cannabis. >> big news north of the border tonight. gio is in montreal for us. and gio, a lot of people back here at home likely asking, can you bring some of that marijuana back across the border, is that legal? >> reporter: well, david, customs and border protection says absolutely not. and if they catch you with it at the border, you could be arrested. david? >> gio benitez in montreal tonight. gio, thank you. there is a developing headline from the justice department tonight. we've been following today a high-ranking official at the treasury department is now charged tonight accused of leaking sensitive financial information in several high profile cases. federal prosecutors say natalie mayflower sowers edwards shared reports generated by the banks about paul manafort, rick gates, the russian embassy and the alleged russian agent, maria butina. that information appeared in dozens of reports in buzzfeed media. next tonight, the countdown to the midterm elections. less than three weeks away now. and a texas race in the headlines tonight. democrat beto o'rourke fighting to unseat senator ted cruz. the two facing off in a heated debate overnight. o'rourke using a nickname for cruz first used by president trump. here's mary bruce. >> reporter: it's a feisty flashpoint in one of the most closely watched senate races of the year. >> we welc senate in texas. >> reporter: democrat congressman beto o'rourke taking on republican senator ted cruz, with the words of president trump. >> in the case of lyin' ted cruz, lyin' ted. lies. oh, he lies. you know ted, he brings the bible, holds it high, puts it down, lies. >> ted cruz is for ted cruz. he's dishonest. it's why the president called him lyin' ted, and it's why the nickname stuck. because it's true. >> reporter: cruz is leading in the polls, but o'rourke is hauling in the cash. a staggering $38 million in just three months. he's cultivated a nice guy image in these behind the scenes iphone campaign videos. o'rourke skateboarding and air drumming through the drive through. but now, as he sharpens his attacks, cruz is changing his tone, too. the conservative firebrand now calling for americans to come tre is a lo oci there is an anger. there is a rage on the far lefte the images of -- >> whoa. >> -- a left wing mob beating on the doors of the supreme court. that's not good for our country. we can disagree while treating each other with respect, while treating each other with civility. >> this senate race making major headlines across the country. mary bruce with us here in new york tonight. great to have you here in person. the president first coining the phrase lyin' ted during the presidential campaign, but now it's the democratic candidate for senate using that snaame terminology. >> reporter: yeah, and president trump says he was watching that debate last night, saying o'rourke isn't in the same league as ted cruz. and now the president, who once so fiercely attacked cruz, will be out campaigning for him on monday. >> and no longer calling him lyin' ted. all right, mary, good to have you here in person. and the nation's highest military honor tonight 50 years in the making. president trump awarded the medal of honor to retired marine major john canley for his actions during the battle of hue in vietnam. he took charge of his unit when their commander was wounded, risking his life over and over again, pulling injured marines off the battlefield, saving some 20 lives. and there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the actor making news tonight. someone so many of you grew up with, right here in this country. also, the powerful explosion at an apartment complex. the images coming in. at least seven firefighters injured. there's news on their condition. the new consumer alert tonight. the growing salmonella scare. the warning from the cdc involving chicken. and the confrontation at a children's soccer game. the woman on the sidelines calling police after she witnessed a black father yelling instructions to his son. what was her argument? much more news ahead tonight. much e news ahead t ht. ♪ you keep doing you. we'll take care of medicare part d. by helping you save up to five dollars on each prescription, and with free one-on-one pharmacy support, we've filled over 2 billion prescriptions and counting. stop by walgreens and save today. walgreens. trusted since 1901. at fidelity, our online u.s. equity trades are just $4.95. so no matter what you trade, or where you trade, you'll only pay $4.95. fidelity. open an account today. you'll only pay $4.95. but choosing to go doug's athat extra mile... can be tough on his body. that's why he wears dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. they provide all day comfort so he has the energy to keep moving. delivering joy every step of the day. dr. scholl's. born to move. you need insurance. but it's not really something you want to buy. it's not sexy. or delicious. or fun. but since you need both car and home insurance, why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%? which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like... well, i don't know what you'd wanna buy because i'm just a guy on your tv. esurance. it's surprisingly painless. we turn next tonight here to a woman calling police on a black father, and it turns out, he was simply yelling instructions to his son on the soccer field. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> i wasn't talking to you. >> reporter: parents who were at this kids soccer match east of jacksonville are shaking their heads tonight over the unidentified woman in this golf cart who's on her phone calling police about this man. >> he was standing next to me, talking to his son and this lady decides to butt in somehow. >> reporter: the woman on the cart is the field marshal, here to keep parents in line. she thought this black father was yelling at a ref, when he was actually yelling a play at his son. when other parents tried to correct her, she threw them all out. >> ma'am, you can leave, too. videotape yourself as you're walking out. >> now, she's calling the cops on everybody. >> reporter: sure enough, the cops came. >> i said, no, ma'am, i was only talking to my son, and that's it. she kept going. >> reporter: they talked to her, too. >> and then he just got, like, nasty with me. >> reporter: the deputy ended up sending everyone home. the other parents recorded it all. >> i don't understand why this woman felt the need to call the police on this man. >> reporter: the other parents are calling her golf cart gayle, and her athletic association is defending her tonight, saying that there were other issues at this game. david? >> steve, thank you. when we come back, the new salmonella scare tonight. the warning from the cdc about raw chicken across 29 states. the powerful explosion at an apartment complex. reports of several firefighters injured tonight. they've been raced to the hospital. and mega millions, the jackpot nearly a billion tonight. why are the jackpots getting so big? and what are your chances and what are your chances tonight? stronger, mes to making bones are you headed in the right direct we are. we have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. so with our doctors we chose prolia®. to help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones by stopping cells that damage them with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. are you on the path to stronger bones? 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>> reporter: i did. >> isn't she awesome? >> reporter: i've watched her since i was a kid. >> you did? >> really? >> reporter: yeah, i was a kid at one point. a kid that watched big bird with the rest of you at home. tonight, the man who played big bird, and it turns out, oscar, too. this moment from the pilot, the first show. >> oscar, come on out. come on out, say hello to sally. >> go away. close my can. you're letting all the fresh air and sunlight in. buy, i hate that. >> reporter: orange before he was green. the man behind it all, carroll spinney, is now retiring. >> you get to meet so many good people. i hear so many stories about what "sesame street" has meant to people. i'm really proud of that. >> reporter: carroll at 84 has now revealed he's turning the bird over to someone else. after nearly five decades on-set. >> it's days like this that make me happy to be a bird! >> reporter: and this was "sesame street" creator jim hensen back in 1984. thankful for carroll spinney, who brought big bird to life. >> i'm sure that big bird is the most well-known children's character in the world. and it's really neat, and i think it's really due to carroll and his talent.


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181020

tonight, we now learn he was forced to draw his weapon when a gunman opened fire moments after a meeting. the boy speaking out to abc news. wrongly accused by a woman, in this surveillance, of groping her. she says she called the police. it was just his backpack. you'll hear from that boy tonight. and, it's friday night. are you dreaming of $1 billion? your questions answered. how late can you buy your ticket? and how much of that billion will you actually see? but we're not complaining. good evening. it's great to have you with us on a very busy friday night. we begin with fast-moving developments in the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. the saudis moments ago confirming he is dead, saying he was killed in a fistfight inside the consulate. never to be seen again. 18 people now detained. a top intelligence official has been dismissed. khashoggi was last seen alive 17 days ago. entering the saudi consulate in turkey. his fiancee waiting outside. let's get right to ian pannell. what have you learned? >> reporter: that's right, david. major breaking news. what we're hearing is the saudi account of what happened on october 2nd, when the "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi went into that building. they're saying an argument broke out, it led to a fistfight, and ultimately led to the death of mr. khashoggi. they say there will be an investigation, and people will be held to account. 18 people have been taken into custody. a number of senior intelligence officials have been relieved of duty, including the deputy head of intelligence. who was, apparently, extremely close to the crown prince himself. other investigations still going on in the meantime, but like i say, major news here tonight. david? >> confirming jamal khashoggi is dead, in fact. and ian, thank you on the breaking news tonight. we're following another developing story at this hour. the images of chaos south of the border, the caravan of migrants pushing its way towards the u.s. president trump warning that if they are not stopped by mexican authorities, he will send the u.s. military to the border. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: police in mexico wearing riot gear today faced with migrants fleeing deep poverty and gang violence in central america. the caravan of an estimated 3,000 or so people, many of them families with children, broke through a fence near mexico's border with guatemala. president trump says he's prepared to bring in the military to keep them out of the united states. >> if that doesn't work out, we're calling up the military, not the guard, we're calling up the military. and we're going to have the military stationed. they're not coming into this country. they might as well turn back. they're not coming into this country. >> reporter: after declining last year, the flow of undocumented immigrants is now surging to near record levels on president trump's watch. more than 37,000 apprehended at the u.s./mexican border in august alone. now the president wants to make the migrant caravan a defining issue for the midterm elections. >> this will be an election of kavanaugh, the caravan, law and order, and common sense. >> reporter: the president is on a campaign blitz, 16 days on the trail since labor day. he's telling his supporters that even though he is not on the ballot, the midterm elections are really all about him. >> get out in 2018, because you're voting for me in 2018. you're voting for me. and i'm not on the ticket, but i am on the ticket. because this is also a referendum about me. get out and vote! i want you to vote. pretend i'm on the ballot. >> reporter: still, the president tells the associated press that if republicans lose, it won't be his fault. >> jon, with us live from the white house. you heard the president saying this is the election of kavanaugh and the caravan. president trump will be campaigning in arizona today and in nevada tomorrow, but there will be a lot of him in the days ahead? >> reporter: he will be a near constant presence. if they stick to the current plan, he will spend more days on the campaign trail than he does at the white house between now and november 6th. david? >> jon, thank you. and another developing story. this one also involving the midterm elections. the justice department just announcing charges in an effort to interfere with the election which is just 18 days away now. president trump responding to this as authorities say the russians are at it again. pierre thomas on the breaking headline tonight. >> reporter: tonight, for the first time, an alleged russian operative has been indicted on charges of meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. the fbi says 44-year-old elena khusyanova is part of an ongoing russian conspiracy "to spread distrust towards candidates for u.s. political office, and the u.s. political system," and to "sow division and discord." much of the activity involves social media posts like this targeting hot-button issues in the u.s. gun rights, immigration, the nfl national anthem debate, and race relations, specifically tensions erupting from the 2017 charlottesville protests. the russian posed as americans and had thousands of followers on social media. president trump suggesting the impact was minimal. >> it didn't have anything to do with my campaign. all the hackers and everybody that you see, had nothing to do with my campaign. if they're hackers, they probably like hillary clinton better than me. now they do, now they do, but they go after some hacker in russia, that had nothing to do with my campaign. >> pierre, federal prosecutors say this russian woman charged is part of a wider conspiracy? >> reporter: that's right, david. prosecutors say she's part of the same group that targeted the 2016 elections. including the russian oligarch who is very close to putin. she remains in russia, with little chance she is brought here. david? >> pierre, thank you. and now to the plane out of miami hitting severe turbulence. passengers sent into the air. personal items thrown across the cabin. here's david kerley tonight. >> reporter: it was violent, jarring, and damaging inside this a-330. "we had tremendous turbulence. there were people who were slammed against the roof," this passenger said. some injured, bleeding, as food, containers, and pillows were thrown into aisles. the galley, a mess. the inside fuselage stained from drinks that went flying as well. turbulence can hit with no warning. it happens when a fast moving jet stream and one moving slower pass along each other, disturbing the air. pilots often can't see it. that's called clear air turbulence. the flight from miami to buenos aires was cruising at altitude when they hit the rough air. 15 of the 192 passengers were injured. nearly all were shaken. >> david, we know that several passengers were evaluated for further treatment? >> reporter: of the 15 that were injured, 8 were taken for a medical checkup. all injuries were described as minor. about 24 people in the u.s. are injured on flights in the u.s. every year. >> david, thank you. we're going to turn now to the close call for a u.s. commander. a clearer portrait now emerging after a deadly attack in afghanistan. the commander of u.s. and nato forces, general scott miller, was forced to draw his weapon. martha raddatz and what she's learned tonight. >> reporter: this is general scott miller in kandahar minutes before gunfire erupted at a meeting with officials discussing the upcoming election. >> we know there is going to be some violence, but i am very confident your forces are going to be prepared for this election. >> reporter: later, the group moved outside to await miller's helicopter, when a man in an afghan uniform opened fire on the group with an automatic weapon. that's when general miller pulled out his own 9 millimeter pistol, and others also drawing their weapons. the gunman was quickly shot dead, but he left a trail of carnage. the kandahar police chief, seen here at the meeting, was killed, as well as a kandahar intelligence official. the local governor wounded, along with two americans, a service member and a civilian, and a contractor working for the u.s. government. today, the general back on the streets of afghanistan. in this 17-year war, this appears to be the closest a commanding general of forces has been to being shot or seriously harmed. >> martha, we know the taliban has claimed responsibility. do officials know if miller was the target? >> u.s. officials believe kandahar officials were the target, but it's hard to say. the gunman is dead and miller was in the group the gunman had fired upon, and they knew he had probably been there for several hours. >> martha, thank you. back at home, and the new headline in robert mueller's investigation. paul manafort arriving to court in a wheelchair. his attorney says he's suffering significant health issues in confinement. he's now scheduled to be sentenced february 8th. prosecutors have dropped ten remaining counts, it's all part of the deal for cooperating with robert mueller's team now. next to the growing flood warnings in texas. flash flood watches in effect as we start this weekend. authorities opening the floodgates to relieve the pressure. that's the mansfield dam in austin. elsewhere, cold moving in by sunday. windchills in the 20s and 30s. rob marciano tracking it all for us tonight. rob? >> reporter: hey, david. as the next batch of colder air sets up in canada, we're looking at more rain still in dallas and ft. worth. with their wettest autumn on record. you see it on the radar, the rain ahead of the cold front stretches into southern michigan. it will be released down to the south. it will be all the way through the northeast and deep south by sunday morning. windchills in the 30s along i-95. 20s, pittsburgh, columbus, detroit, chicago. monday morning, temperatures will be below the freezing mark with windchills in boston and albany. could see record cold daytime highs in tennessee, kentucky, and new york. david? >> rob marciano, thank you. we're going to turn overseas tonight. one more troubling image. the deadly train accident in india. more than 50 people killed when a speeding train slammed into a crowd during a religious festival. authorities say victims were standing on tracks, watching a fireworks display and did not see the train coming. witnesses say the train did not stop after the accident. back here tonight and to an abc news exclusive. the video seen by millions. a woman wrongly accusing a 9-year-old boy of grabbing her in a store on camera, but it turned out to be his backpack. the woman confronting the boy and his mother. now the mom and child are talking to linsey davis. >> i was just sexually assaulted by a child. >> reporter: 9-year-old jeremiah harvey was in a brooklyn convenience store with his mother last week when theresa klein, who was dubbed on social media as "corner store caroline," accused him of sexual assault and said she was calling the police. >> her son grabbed my [ bleep ]. >> reporter: but surveillance video proved jeremiah did not assault the woman. his backpack accidentally grazed her. >> it's still hard because i've had this lately on my mind. i can't thinking of nothing but this. >> reporter: that night, jeremiah says he cried out of fear he or his mom would be taken away by police. and now, more than one week later, jeremiah, still visibly traumatized by the incident. are you concerned this has permanently scarred jeremiah? >> yes, i am. >> reporter: after watching the surveillance video, klein apologized. >> young man, i don't know your name, but i'm sorry. >> reporter: do you accept her apology? >> yes. yes, i do. >> that this is going to take some time. it's going to take a lot of healing. >> reporter: healing and heartache. but beyond this hashtag, there is also hope. jeremiah has emerged with a message. >> friendship is the key. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> linsey, thank you. we are going to turn to the headline worth $1 billion tonight. have you bought a ticket? i hope so. the first ever $1 billion mega millions jackpot. the drawing just hours away now. the images coming in. this is the california/nevada border line. they waited up to three hours to buy their ticket. long lines in atlanta. tickets printing nonstop in washington, d.c. we did an office pool in the newsroom. i hope somebody shows up on monday. gio benitez is in line tonight as well. >> reporter: tonight, this lotto sign needing a giant post-it of sorts. the "m" replaced with a "b." for the first time in mega millions history, the jackpot has soared to a jaw-dropping $1 billion. lines growing and excitement soaring, too, from coast to coast. in chicago, lottery officials inviting people to try to catch as many free tickets as possible. tonight, people everywhere sharing this moment. dreaming -- >> it's going to win. >> a never-ending vacation. i'd travel the world. >> reporter: dancing. and promising. >> that's the winning ticket and if i do win, this is the last time you will ever see me in penn station. >> reporter: the odds are not in our favor, but they show there is a chance, 1 in 302 million. and some incredibly lucky person could potentially win this, and tomorrow night's $470 million powerball. the odds, 1 in 88 quadrillion. you're going to buy the yankees and an island in the caribbean? >> yes. >> reporter: that's your big dream. and david, a lot of people are asking the question, what's the cash value with the lump sum option? right now, $565 million. but that could go up before the drawing tonight. >> no one will complain. gio, thanks very much. i agree with that guy, not wanting to be in penn station. nothing wrong with penn station, but it can be ugly, particularly at this hour. still ahead, the case of the missing teenager. her parents found dead. what has been revealed about the front door and the 911 call. the search for a missing and pregnant postal worker. last seen on surveillance. authorities do fear foul play. they want the public's help tonight. and the scare on the interstate. the plane forced to make an emergency landing in the middle of traffic. you'll see it all, as the news continues here. of traffic. you'll see it all, as the news continues here. just some mind-blowing engineers from the ford motor company and pivotal who developed fordpass, allo you to reach out to your car from wherever you are to check your fuel level, unlock your doors and start your engine... so when you're ready to go, your car is, too. magic can't make digital transformation happen... but we can. that's the power of pivotal, part of dell technologies. introducing the new capital one sacard. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? 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principal. we can help you plan for that. i'm missing out on family ogs because i can't find a bladder leakage product that fits. everything was too loose. but depend® fit-flex feels tailored to me. with a range of sizes for all body types. depend® fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. than psoriatic arthritis. as you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain... ...swelling and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests, and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't let another morning go by without talking to your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. also a lot to know. like, it doesn't pay for everything. yep. you're on the hook for the rest. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. a plan like this helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. so you could end up paying less. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today for your free decision guide. to the "index." a small plane making an emergency landing, the piper aircraft coming down between cars on interstate 8, east of san diego. the flight instructor taking controls from a student pilot. no one was injured. and new developments in the disappearance of wisconsin 13-year-old jayme closs. authorities releasing a transcript of the 911 call made from her mother's phone with yelling heard in the background. authorities were unable to get that caller back on the line. the door of the house kicked in when police arrived. her parents were found fatally shot inside. authorities say they have received over 1,000 tips. and the royals, ready to open the invictus games. prince harry scaling the sydney harbour bridge, raising a flag to mark the start of the annual event he founded to support injured military personnel and veterans. duchess meghan skipped the climb, she did just announce a baby on the way. the couple did visit bondi beach, joining a mental health advocacy group. when we come back, $1 billion up for grabs tonight. how late can you buy that ticket? 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we asked gio, how late can you buy the mega millions ticket? >> reporter: the deadline varies by state. in new york, it's 10:45 p.m. eastern. but in maine, it's 9:50 p.m. eastern. so, the best thing to do is check your state lottery website to make sure you're getting the tickets before the deadline. >> i think i heard 10:45 p.m. eastern. see you in line. good luck to all of you at home. we understand if you're not watching on monday. but the rest of us, see you on monday. ♪ low


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181019

from inside the house. what authorities are now saying. the dramatic rescue at the mine. the man who fell, landing 100 feet down a shaft. reportedly surrounded by rattlesnakes. the 911 calls just out. the 2-year-old boy discovered on a doorstep, a woman running. the father, who just hours later said, "that's my son." the far-reaching astros fan. did he really cost his team the game? what he's saying tonight. you make the call. and what would you do with a billion dollars? now's your chance. good evening. and it's great to have you with us tonight. and we begin with that question, what does secretary of state mike pompeo now know about any recording, and has he heard any of it in the disappearance and apparent killing of "washington post" writer jamal khashoggi? tonight, what one turkish official is now telling our team. khashoggi was last seen in that surveillance, now seen by the world, entering the saudi consulate in istanbul, never coming out. you can see blue lights being used to search inside the consulate and the residence for any signs of blood or other evidence. and take a look at this image. the saudi crown prince on the left, and on the far right, a man who is often not far from the crown prince. that man now seen in several surveillance stills from those 24 hours when khashoggi disappeared, entering the consulate, outside the consul general's home and then at security right there at the airport before his flight left, on the ground only a matter of hours. and tonight, this question -- what does secretary pompeo know about this alleged recording, and has he heard any of it? abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off from istanbul. >> reporter: tonight, explosive new developments about the alleged murder of "washington post" writer jamal khashoggi. abc news has been told u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo was played an audio recording of the writer's murder during meetings in ankara 24 hours ago, according to a senior turkish source. speaking anonymously and exclusively to abc news, the official said secretary pompeo was also given a transcript of the recording. separately, abc news has been told of allegations that khashoggi was killed in the consulate following a struggle that lasted eight minutes, and that he died of strangulation. abc news reached out to the white house for comment, which referred questions to the state department. the state department spokesperson tells abc news, quote, the secretary addressed this yesterday. he has not heard a tape. late today, the president asked, do you believe jamal khashoggi is dead? >> it certainly looks that way to me. it's very sad. certainly looks that way. >> reporter: the president also asked, are you considering possible consequences for the saudis? >> well, it'll have to be very severe. i mean, it's bad, bad stuff. but we'll see what happens. >> reporter: his comments come after pompeo briefed the president for nearly an hour this morning about his visits to saudi arabia and turkey. afterwards, pompeo saying the saudis promised him a complete and thorough investigation. >> i told president trump this morning that we ought to give them a few more days to complete that. they are an important strategic alliance of the united states and we need to be mindful of that, as well. >> reporter: overnight, investigators carrying boxes out of the saudi consulate. as mounting evidence appears to tie a member of the saudi royal family's entourage to the incident. maher abdulaziz mutreb is frequently seen traveling with the crown prince. the two men just a few feet from each other in houston earlier this year. now, a pro government turkish newspaper publishing new images of mutreb in istanbul the day the writer went missing. mutreb is seen apparently entering the saudi consulate at 9:55 a.m., october 2nd. a little more than three hours before khashoggi goes inside. at 4:53 p.m., mutreb is seen outside the consul general's home. that residence becoming a key focus of investigators in the last 24 hours. turkish police searching for blood with ultraviolet lights. and just over an hour later, mutreb is seen clearing security at the airport, apparently leaving turkey. abc news has obtained flight records showing a private plane registered to a riyadh-based company, left the airport some 50 minutes later. one of two private saudi planes that made one-day stops in istanbul that day. >> and so let's get right to ian pannell again tonight from istanbul. we heard the secretary of state there today say that the u.s. should give the saudis a few more days on this, and there had been questions, ian, for days now whether the treasury secretary, steve mnuchin, would still attend a major saudi investment conference that others had pulled out of. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. but after a lot of delay and a lot of pressure, he has now announced that he will not now be attending this conference nicknamed davos in the desert. he joins a long list of senior ceos and major corporations who have also pulled out, leaving saudi plans to reinvent itself as a tech hub in tatters. david? >> ian pannell leading us off again tonight. ian, thank you. we are also following that headline tonight out of the white house. a blowup inside the west wing. tonight, the expletive-laced shouting match outside the oval office, and it comes after president trump tweeted a threat to send the u.s. military to the border with mexico, as a caravan of migrants now approaches. some 3,000 hondurans are making their way through central america, headed to the u.s. border. the president threatening to cut off aid to those countries if the migrants aren't stopped. and we learned of that explosive exchange about all of this right outside the oval office. so, let's get right to mary bruce, she's live at the white house tonight. mary, what have you learned? >> reporter: well, david, the issue of immigration is reaching a boiling point here at the west wing, today sparking that explosive shouting match between two of the president's top aides. his national security adviser, john bolton, and his chief of staff, john kelly. the two men actually cursing at each other outside of the oval office. but tonight, the white house press secretary says, "while we are passionate about solving the issue of illegal immigration, we are not angry at one another." david, it comes as the president, though, is ramping up his rhetoric on this issue. you mentioned that threat of military action along the border. the president has made clear, he thinks this issue excites his base and is good politics. the president tweeting, "great midterm issue for republicans." >> mary bruce live at the white house. thank you, mary. we're watching a precarious situation play out in texas tonight, where they do not need anymore rain, but it is coming. the flash floods have already been deadly. and look at this tonight. the stunning views of the power of the colorado river at major flood stage tonight. now surging through floodgates to take the pressure off. but setting up a second emergency downstream, with days of rain now coming. abc's victor oquendo from texas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the floodgates are open on multiple dams across central texas. more than a foot of rain in the last 72 hours has turned rivers into raging rapids. families rescued by boat. high water vehicles bringing others to higher ground. at the buchanan dam, eight floodgates are open. in austin, officials hoping they don't have to open more floodgates on the mansfield dam. if they do, communities downstream will flood. it's holding back lake travis, which is 130% full, approaching record levels. bill lockett lives downstream. >> i have some concern that this is going to get more serious than we've ever seen it. >> reporter: much of that water coming from the llano river, already destroying this bridge. >> there it is right there. >> reporter: its fast-moving waters carrying pieces of it downstream. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: across the flood zone, at least two bodies have been found in the floodwaters. in the town of kingsland, the water receding. the cleanup beginning. >> and victor oquendo live from the mansfield dam at lake travis in austin. and victor, i know that whole region is now bracing for more rain. >> reporter: that's right, david. the water levels haven't been this high at lake travis in decades. there is more heavy rain on the way. every drop is bad news for people here and in flood-prone areas. a flash flood watch remains in effect through tomorrow morning. david? >> all right, victor oquendo in austin. thank you, victor. a major new arrest in the usa gymnastics scandal tonight. the organization's former president was arrested at a cabin in tennessee overnight, more than a year after he resigned. tonight, months after he pleaded the fifth in front of congress and the country, what he's now accused of doing. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: tonight, the former head of usa gymnastics is behind bars. steve penny arrested overnight by u.s. marshals at a tennessee cabin. he's accused of tampering with evidence in the investigation of disgraced olympic doctor larry nassar. >> i've been instructed by my attorney to assert my rights under the fifth amendment. >> reporter: penny refused to answer questions before congress and resigned in the wake of the scandal, saying it was heartbreaking to learn about the abuse. but prosecutors say penny impaired the investigation by ordering "the removal of documents" from the karolyi training camp, where multiple gymnasts say nassar assaulted them. coaches bela and martha karolyi say they knew nothing of the abuse. former olympic gymnast tasha schwikert is now speaking out for the first time, saying she too was abused by nassar at the ranch, and that penny pressed her to publicly support usa gymnastics at the height of the scandal. >> steve, you know, had always manipulated all of us, really, but i felt indebted to him. him and usa gymnastics made me feel like if it wasn't for them, like, i wouldn't be the person or the athlete who i was. >> reporter: when more than 150 accusers spoke at nassar's sentencing, gymnast lindsey lemke took direct aim at penny. >> steve penny, you are a coward. resigning from your position to give responsibility for someone else for creating the environment to let this monster thrive. >> so, let's get to linsey davis now. what is steve penny saying, if anything at all, tonight? >> reporter: david, he is saying when the facts are known, it will be shown that he did nothing criminal. and usa gymnastics says it is fully cooperating with investigators, however, the allegations certainly raise questions about just how cooperative they've been. if convicted, penny faces up to ten years behind bars. >> all right, linsey davis tonight. linsey, thank you. we have also learned tonight that federal authorities are now investigating the sexual abuse of minors by catholic clergy in pennsylvania. the department of justice has subpoenaed at least seven of the eight catholic diocese in that state. it comes after that searing grand jury report that found credible evidence that 301, quote, predator priests, abused more than 1,000 children since 1947. next tonight, to that case in wisconsin, the 13-year-old girl missing, her parents both found dead. and tonight, word that the phone that was used to make that 911 call where no one could talk, but they could hear noise in the background, that phone has now been recovered. here's abc's alex's se. >> reporter: tonight, authorities in wisconsin determined to find 13-year-old jayme closs, enlisting dozens of volunteers. teams carefully combing through a 14-mile rural area. why do you think so many people came out? >> we want answers, i guess. it's just -- you're trying to help the community. if they need us to look, we're going to look. >> reporter: authorities revealing they believe jayme was home when her parents were shot to death. police racing to the house after a suspicious 911 call about 1:00 a.m. monday. they say the background noise on that call makes them think jayme was there and is now in danger. >> there was no one onsite, no vehicles in the immediate area when our deputies arrived onscene. >> reporter: authorities have the cell phone that was used to make that 911 call and are examining it, but have not revealed who it belongs to. >> every tip that comes in is important to us. it's a piece of the puzzle that we're trying to build here. >> reporter: the people in this tight-knit community are not ready to give up hope. >> you don't know what's going on. we don't know what happened to her. and it's not right. >> reporter: david, the number of tips coming into police growing, now at more than 800. but so far, investigators here say there have been no credible sightings of the teenager. david? >> alex perez in wisconsin again tonight. and overseas this evening, a close call for the u.s. commander in charge of afghanistan. the taliban tonight taking responsibility for a deadly attack that killed top provincial leaders in kandahar, just after this meeting. the commander had attended it. a gunman in an afghan army uniform wounded kandahar's governor on the left and killed two top security chiefs. general scott miller, on the right there, he was already on the way to his helicopter. he was not harmed. back here at home tonight, and to the upsetting video being seen across the country this evening. a woman appearing to abandon a toddler at a stranger's front door in texas. ringing the doorbell and then ringing. running. a local abc reporter then finding the boy's father and playing him the video. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the 2-year-old seen here in home surveillance video being roughly rushed to a stranger's door by a woman with an odd smile on her face is safe tonight, and will soon be reunited with his family. this was after 8:00 p.m. last night. at first, houston area police thought that the unidentified woman with the long hair was a mother abandoning her child. but this morning, a reporter at our local station in the city helped crack the case. >> that's my son. >> reporter: discovering that the boy's father lived at the house next door. >> who was watching him normally? >> he was with his mother. >> reporter: police say the mother, who had custody of the child, was supposed to bring 2-year-old royal prince simmons to his biological father's house wednesday afternoon. but mom ended up in the hospital. the woman in the video is the mother's friend, dropping the child off in the dark, hours late, at the wrong home and then speeding away. >> had she waited just seven more seconds, the homeowner would have opened the door and maybe would have started a conversation, a dialogue, to direct her to the correct house to drop the child off. >> reporter: police tonight say they're charging the friend with felony child abandonment. both parents are furious. police say they knocked on the father's door, but no one answered. david? >> steve, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. new cases of that polio-like illness involving children. the new states, where they're concerned tonight. also, the dramatic rescue at the mine. the man who fell, landing 100 feet down a shaft, reportedly surrounded by rattlesnakes. the 911 calls just out and this rescue effort was incredible. also tonight, the forecast is now in from noaa, and what they're saying about the winter coming for the u.s. you'll want to hear this. and that far-reaching astros fan. did he really cost his team the game, giving it to the red sox? what he's now saying tonight. you make the call, as the news continues here. for me. that last place was pretty nice. i don't like this whole thing. i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that. cancer survivor. surviving for five years is a big deal. i had so many people at ctca helping me find a way to go through the treatments. the reality of cancer is not everybody survives. at ctca, they have a huge celebrate life event. that was amazing, because the whole day was about all of the survivors. i'm excited about my future. visit to schedule an appointment now. should happen everydred five hundred years, right? fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade. allstate is adapting. with drones to assess home damage sooner. and if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? i'm begging you... take gas-x.ed beneath the duvet your tossing and turning isn't restlessness, it's gas! gas-x relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort... fast! so we can all sleep easier tonight. next tonight here, the remarkable rescue at a mine in arizona. the man falling down the shaft, landing 100 feet down. he was there for more than two days. how did authorities know where to find him? here's abc's will carr. >> reporter: for the first time, we're seeing the daring rescue. search and rescue crews in arizona pulling a man to safety from this mine shaft after he went searching for gold. but wound up trapped for more than two days at the bottom of that dark and narrow hole. >> the actions of folks standing here with me and many others who are not present saved a life yesterday. in a very challenging circumstance that had incredibly dangerous dynamics. >> reporter: according to authorities, john waddell rappelled halfway down the 100-foot shaft, lost control and plunged 50 feet to the bottom, breaking both legs. >> his leg's broke all to hell. he's going to have to have somebody to rappel down in there. >> reporter: making matters worse, his friend says waddell landed in a rattlesnake den. >> three of them he said he killed, i guess. >> reporter: waddell clung to life inside that shaft until his friend, terry shrader, came to the rescue and called 911. >> he had called me monday and told me he was coming to the mine. and we always had a deal, well, if he's not back by tuesday -- >> reporter: -- then shrader would go looking for him. a deal that may have saved his friend's life. waddell is expected to make a full recovery. authorities say the mine was on his property and they are giving him credit for telling a friend where he was going. david? >> wow. that is a good friend. will carr, thank you. when we come back tonight, the winter forecast is out this evening from noaa. what to expect. also, news tonight about that polio-like illness. the growing number of suspected cases involving children. the new states. and are you dreaming of a billion dollars? send me a tweet, tell me what you would do with it. we'll be right back. learning about medicare and supplemental insurance. medicare is great, but it doesn't cover everything, only about 80% of your part b medicare costs. a medicare supplement insurance plan may help cover some of the rest. learn more about aarp medicare supplement plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. with any medicare supplement plan, you can choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. call today for a free guide. who accepts medicare patients. touch shows how we really feel. but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz, the first and only treatment of its kind offering people with moderate to severe psoriasis a chance at 100% clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of people quickly saw a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? 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well i'm definitely thinking differently than i was yesterday. ask your doctor about jardiance- and get to the heart of what matters. finally tonight here, gio benitez is standing in line. can you guess where? >> reporter: tonight, in california, and around the country, they're already lining up. hundreds of people waiting hours for their chance at that earth-shattering jackpot, nearly $1 billion. >> it's worth it if we get the ticket. >> somebody's got to win it. might as well be one of us. >> reporter: friday's mega millions drawing -- $970 million. the odds of winning, even longer than those lines. 1 in 302 million. >> oh, yeah. playing it right here. it's the winning tickets right here. >> reporter: and if you don't win friday, there's always saturday's powerball jackpot -- $430 million. >> i'm going to buy an island. i'm going away and never coming back. >> reporter: your odds? 1 in 292 million. for some people, that's good enough. and david, we wondered what the odds would be if you wanted to win both jackpots. we found out, it's 1 in 88 quadrillion. the people here are willing to take that chance. david? >> all right, gio, thank you. and those tweets are really entertaining. i can't read some of them, but we will with others tomorrow night here. we'll see you then. good night. this is a saturday with thithe best wifi experiencey. and your shows streaming wherever you go. and with savings on wireless, this is a saturday you can share with the whole family. this is how xfinity makes life... simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet and tv for just $39.99 a month for 12 months and ask how you can save on your wireless bill when you include xfinity mobile. click, call or visit a store today. 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181019

forced to draw his weapon when a gunman opened fire moments after a meeting. the boy speaking out to abc news. wrongly accused by a woman, in this surveillance, of groping her. she says she called the police. it was just his backpack. you'll hear from that boy tonight. and, it's friday night. are you dreaming of $1 billion? your questions answered. how late can you buy your ticket? and how much of that billion will you actually see? but we're not complaining. good evening. it's great to have you with us on a very busy friday night. we begin with fast-moving developments in the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. the saudis saying he was killed in a fistfight inside the consulate. 18 people nowde. a dismissed. khashoggi was last seen days ago. let's get right to ian pannell. what have you learned? >> reporter: good evening, david. this is major breaking news. as you say, what we're hearing is that mr. khashoggi, when he went into that consulate on october 2nd, got into a disagreement with the people inside. they describe a fistfight breaking out, which they say led to his death. they then go on to say there will continue to be an investigation into what happened. but 18 people have been taken into custody. in addition to that, a whole series of senior officials in the saudi intelligence apparatus have been taken into custody, including the deputy head of intelligence. here in turkey, their investigation will presumably still carry on. david? >> confirming that jamal khashoggi is dead, and ian, thank you on the breaking news tonight. we're following another developing story at this hour. t the images of chaos south of the border, migrants pushing forward. president trump warning that if they are notopped, he will send the u.s. military to the border. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: police in riot gear today faced with migrants fleeing deep poverty and gang violence in central america. the caravan of an estimated 3,000 or so people, many of them families with children, broke through a fence near mexico's border with guatemala. president trump says he's prepared to bring in the military to keep them out of the united states. >> if that doesn't work out, we're calling up the military, not the guard, we're calling up the military. and we're going to have the military stationed. they're not coming into this country. they might as well turn back. they're not coming into this country. >> reporter: after declining last year, the flow of undocumented immigrants is now surging to near record levels on president trump's watch. more than 37,00 apprehended at the u.s./mexican border in august alone. now the president wants to make the migrant caravan a defining issue for the midterm elections. >> this will be an election of kavanaugh, the caravan, law and order, and common sense. >> reporter: the president is on a campaign blitz, 16 days on the trail since labor day. he's telling his supporters that even though he is not on the ballot, the midterm elections are really all about him. >> get out in 2018, because you're voting for me in 2018. you're voting for me. and i'm not on the ticket, but i am on the ticket. because this is also a referendum about me. get out and vote! i want you to vote. pretend i'm on the ballot. >> reporter: still, the president tells the associated press that if republicans lose, it won't be his fault. >> jon, with us live from the white house. you heard the president saying this is the election of kavanaugh and the caravan. president trump will be campaigning today and tomorrow, but there will be a lot of him in the days ahead? >> reporter: he will be a near constant presence. if they stick to the current plan, he will spend more days owen the campaign trail than he does at the white house between now and november 6th. >> jon, thank you. and another developing story. this one also involving the midtemi midterm elections. president trump responding to this as authorities say the russians are at it again. pierre thomas on the breaking headline tonight. >> reporter: tonight, for the first time, an alleged russian operative has been indicted on charges of meddling in the upcoming midterm elections. the fbi says 44-year-old elena khusyanova is part of an ongoing russian conspiracy to "to spread distrust towards candidates for u.s. political office, and the u.s. political system," and to "sow division and discord." much of the activity involves social media posts like this targeting hot-button issues in the u.s. gun rights, immigration, the nfl national anthem debate, and race relations, specifically tensions erupting from the 2017 charlottesville protests. the russian posed as americans and had thousands of followers on social media. president trump suggesting the impact was minimal. >> i didn't have anything to do with my campaign. all the hackers and everybody you see, had nothing to do with me. if they're hackers, they probably like hillary clinton more than me. now they do, now they do, but they go after some hacker in russia, that had nothing to do with my campaign. >> pierre, federal prosecutors say this russian woman charged is part of a wider conspiracy? >> reporter: prosecutors say she's part of the same group that targeted the 2016 elections. she remains in russia, with little chance she is brought here. david? >> thank you. and now to the plane out of miami hitting severe turbulence. passengers sent into the air. here's david kerley tonight. >> reporter: it was violent, -3. "we had tremendous turbulence. there were people who were slammed against the roof," this passenger said. some injured, bleeding, as food containers, pillows were thrown into aisles. the galley, a mess. the inside fuselage stained from drinks that went flying as well. turbulence can hit with no warning. it happens when a fast moving jet stream and one moving slower pass along each other, disturbing the air. pilots often can't see it. that's clear air turbulence. they were cruising at altitude when they hit the rough air. >> david, we know that several passengers were evaluated for further treatment? >> reporter: as the 15 were injured, 8 were taken for a checkup. all injuries described as minor. about 24 people in the u.s. are injured on flights in the u.s. every year. >> david, thank you. we're going to turn now to the close call for a u.s. commander. a clearer portrait now emerging after a deadly attack in afghanistan. the commander of u.s. and nato forces, general scott miller, was forced to draw his weapon. martha raddatz and what she's learned tonight. >> reporter: this is general scott miller with officials discussing the upcoming election. >> we know there is going to be some violence, but i am very confident your forces are going to be prepared for this election. >> reporter: later, the group moved outside to await miller's helicopter, and a man in an afghan uniform opened fire on the group with an automatic weapon. that's when general miller pulled out his own 9 millimeter pistol, and other americans and afghans drew their weapons, too. the gunman was quickly shot dead, but he left a trail of carnage. the kandahar police chief, seen here at the meeting, was killed, as well as a kandahar intelligence official. the local governor wounded, with two americans, and a contractor working for the u.s. government. today, the general back on the streets of afghanistan. in this 17-year war, this appears to be the closest a comma commandi commanding officer has come to being harmed. >> do they know miller was the target? >> u.s. officials believe kandahar was the target, but the gunman is dead. so we may never know. >> martha, thank you. back at home, and the new headline in robert mueller's investigation. paul manafort arriving to court in a wheelchair. he's now scheduled to be sentenced february 8th. prosecutors have dropped ten remaining counts, it's all part of the deal for cooperating. next to the flowing flood warnings in texas. authorities opening the flood gates to relieve the pressure. that's the mansfield dam in austin. elsewhere, cold moving in by sunday. windchills in the 20s and 30s. rob marciano tracking it all for us tonight. >> reporter: as the next batch of colder air sets up in canada, we're looking at more rain still in dallas and ft. worth. you see it on the radar, the rain ahead of the cold front stretches into southern michigan. it will be all the way through the northeast and deep south by sunday morning. 20s, pittsburgh, columbus, detroit, chicago. monday morning, temperatures will be below the freezing mark in boston and albany. could see record cold daytime highs in tennessee, kentucky and new york. david? >> rob marciano, thank you. we're going to turn overseas tonight. one more troubling image. the deadly train accident in d india. a speeding train slammed into a crowd during a religious festival. they were watching a fireworks display and did not see the train coming. witnesses say the train did not stop after the accident. back here tonight and to an abc news exclusive. the video seen by millions. a woman wrongly accusing a 9-year-old boy of grabbing her on camera, but it turned out to be a pabackpack. now the mom and child are talking to linsey davis. >> i was just sexually assaulted by a child. >> reporter: 9-year-old jeremiah harvey was in a brooklyn convenience store with his mother last week when theresa klein, who was dubbed on social media as "corner store caroline," accused him of sexual assault and said she was calling the police. >> he grabbed my [ bleep ]. >> reporter: but surveillance video proved jeremiah did not assault the woman. his backpack accidentally grazed her. >> it's hard because i've had this on my mind. i can't thinking of nothing but this. >> reporter: that night, jeremiah says he cried out of fear he or his mom would be taken away by police. and now, more than one week lat traumatized by the incident. arer -- are you concerned this has permanently scarred jeremiah? >> yes, i am. >> reporter: after watching the surveillance video, klein did issue an apology. >> young man, i don't know your name, but i'm sorry. >> reporter: do you accept her apology? >> yes. yes, i do. >> that this is going to take some time. it's going to take a lot of healing. >> reporter: healing and heartache. but beyond this hashtag, there is also hope. jeremiah has emerged with a message. >> friendship is the key. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> thank you. we are going to turn the headline worth $1 billion tonight. the fit ever $1 billion megamillions jackpot. this is the california/nevada border line. long lines in atlanta. we did an office pool in the newsroom. gio benitez is in line tonight as well. >> reporter: tonight, this lotto sign needing a giant post-it of sorts. the "m" replaced with "b." for the first time in mega millions history, the jackpot has soared to a jaw-dropping $1 billion. lines growing and excitement soaring, too, from coast to coast. in chicago, lottery officials inviting people to try to catch as many free tickets as possible. tonight, people everywhere sharing this moment. dreaming -- >> it's going to win. >> a never-ending vacation. i'd travel the world. >> reporter: dancing. and promising. >> that's the winning ticket and if i do win, this is the last time you will ever see me in penn station. >> reporter: the odds are not in our favor, but they show there is a chance, 1 in 302 million. and some incredibly lucky person could potentially win this, and tomorrow night's $470 million powerball. the odds, 1 in 88 quadrillion. you're going to buy the yankees and an island in the caribbean? >> yes. >> reporter: and david, a lot of people are asking the question, what's the cash value with the lump sum? right now, $565 million. but that could go up before the drawing tonight. >> no one will complain. i agree with that guy, not wanting to be in penn station. still ahead, the case of the missing teenager. what has been revealed about the front door and the 911 call. the search for a missing and pregnant postal worker. authorities do fear foul play. and the plane forced to make an emergency this is a saturday with thithe best wifi experiencey. and your shows streaming wherever you go. and with savings on wireless, this is a saturday you can share with the whole family. this is how xfinity makes life... simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet and tv for just $39.99 a month for 12 months and ask how you can save on your wireless bill when you include xfinity mobile. click, call or visit a store today. at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. ♪ ♪ ikea family members get 10% off their purchase at the ikea kitchen event. we, thye family members get 10% off their purchase but they're more than pancakes. s they're pancakes they're a pancake experience. introducing the new craft pancake lineup from denny's. we turn next to the case of the missing postal worker. she's three months pregnant, and was last seen on surveillance. authorities suspect foul play, and are asking for the public's help. here's alex perez. >> reporter: more than two weeks after 26-year-old postal worker kierra coles vanished without a trace, police suspect she was the victim of foul play. she was last seen here, near her home, on a neighbor's surveillance video. >> there she goes right there. she didn't go into her place, which is right there. she walked down there. and you can see her in a post office uniform. and then she crossed the street. >> reporter: co-workers say coles, who is three months pregnant, had called in sick that morning. >> something don't sit right with me about the whole video. >> reporter: cole's family found her car parked on the street, cell phone and purse inside. >> she wouldn't go this long without talking to me. we talk every day. we talk every day. she wouldn't have me worrying like this. >> my daughter's missing. >> reporter: family and friends desperate for answers as the mystery deepens. david, postal authorities are now offering a $25,000 reward for any information leading the coles. >> thank you. still ahead, the new clues in the case of the missing teenager, her parents found dead. what authorities have revealed about the front door and to the "index." a small plane making an emergency landing, the piper aircraft coming down between cars on interstate san diego. no one was injured. and new developments in the disappearance of wisconsin 13-year-old jayme closs. authorities releasing a transcript of the 911 call made from the her mother's phone. with yelling heard in the background. authorities unable to get that caller back on the line. the door of the house kicked in when police arrived. her parents were found fatally shot inside. authorities say they have received over 1,000 tips. and the royals, ready to open the invictus games. prince harry scaling the sydney harbour bridge, raising a flag to mark the start of the annual event he founded to support injured military personnel and veterans. the couple did visit bondi beach, joining a mental health advocacy group. >> finally tonight, you may be wondering, do you still have time? we asked gio, how late can you buy the lottery ticket? >> reporter: in new york, it's 10:45 p.m. eastern eastern. but in maine, it's50 p.m. eastern.the b is check the state lottery website to make sure you're getting the tickets before the deadline. >> i think i heard 10:45 p.m. eastern. see you in line. see sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today.


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181018

the missing 13-year-old, her dead parents and the phone call from inside the house. what authorities are now saying. the dramatic rescue at the mine. the man who fell, landing 100 feet down a shaft. reportedly surrounded by rattlesnakes. the 911 calls just out. the 2-year-old boy discovered on a doorstep, a woman running. the father, who just hours later said, that's my son. the far reaching astros fan. did he really cost his team the game? what he's saying tonight. you make the call. and what would you do with a billion dollars? now's your chance. and re t he ytoght.v anh qution, keow know about any rent killingf "washington post" writer jamal khashoggi? ofals now tebling our team. khashoggi was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul, never coming out. you can see blue lights being used to search inside the consulate and the residence for any signs of blood or other evidence. and take a look at this image. the saudi crown prince on the left, and on the far right, a man not far from the crown prince. that man, now seen in several surveillance stills from those 24 hours when khashoggi disappeared, entering the consulate, outside the consul general's home and at security at the airport before his flight left. and tonight, this question. what does secretary pompeii know know about this alleged recording, and has he heard any of us? abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off from istanbul. >> reporter: tonight, explosive new developments about the alleged murder of "washington post" writer jamal khashoggi. abc news has been told u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo was played an audio recording of the writer's murder during meetings in ankara 24 hours ago, according to a senior turkish source. speaking anonymously and exclusively to abc news, the official said secretary pompeo was also given a transcript of the recording. separately, abc news has been told of allegations that khashoggi was killed in the consulate following a struggle that lasted eight minutes, and that he died of strangulation. a bc news reached out to the white house for comment, which referred questions to the state department. the state department spokesperson tells abc news, quote, the secretary addressed this yesterday. he has not heard a tape. late today, the president asked, do you believe jamal khashoggi is dead? >> it certainly looks that way to me. it's very sad. certainly looks that way. >> reporter: the president also asked, are you considering possible consequences for the saudis? >> well, it'll have to be very severe. i mean it's bad, bad stuff. but we'll see what happens. >> reporter: his comments come after pompeo briefed the president for nearly an hour this morning about his visits to saudi arabia and turkey. afterwards, pompeo saying the saudis promised him a complete and thorough investigation. >> i told president trump this morning that we ought to give them a few more days to complete that. they are an important strategic alliance of the united states and we need to be mindful of that, as well. >> reporter: overnight, investigators carrying boxes out of the saudi consulate. as mounting evidence appears to tie a member of the saudi royal family's entourage to the incident. maher abdulaziz mutreb is frequently seen traveling with the crown prince. the two men just a few feet from each other in houston earlier this year. now a pro government turkish newspaper publishing new images of mutreb in istanbul the day the writer went missing. mutreb is seen apparently entering the saudi consulate at 9:55 a.m., october 2nd. a little more than three hours before khashoggi goes inside. at 4:53 p.m., mutreb is seen outside the consul general's home. that residence becoming a key focus of investigators in the last 24 hours. turkish police searching for blood with ultraviolent ligultr. just over an hour later, 5:58 p.m., mutreb is seen clearing security at the airport, apparently leaving turkey. abc news has obtained flight records showing a private plane registered to a riyadh-based company left the airport some 50 minutes later. one of two private saudi planes that made one-day stops in istanbul that day. >> and so let's get right to ian pannell again tonight from istanbul. we heard the secretary of state there today say that the u.s. should give the saudis a few more days on this, and there had been questions, ian, for days now whether the treasury secretary, steve mnuchin would still attend a major saudi investment conference that others had pulled out of. >> reporter: that's right. but after a lot of delay and a lot of pressure, he has now announced that he will not now be attending this conference nicknamed davos in the desert. he joins a long list of senior ceos and major corporations who have also pulled out, leaving saudi plans to reinvent itself as a tech hub in tatters. david? >> ian pannell, thank you. we are also following that headline tonight out of the white house, a blowup inside the west wing. tonight, the expletive-laced shouting match outside the oval office, and it comes at president trump tweeted a threat to send the u.s. military to the border with mexico, as a caravan of migrants now approaches. some 3,000 hondurans are making their way through central america, headed to the u.s. border. the president threatening to cut off aid to those countries if the migrants aren't stopped. and we learned of that explosive exchange about all of this right outside the oval office. so, let's get right to mary bruce, live at the white house tonight. mary, what ahave you learned? >> reporter: well, the issue of immigration is reaching a boiling point today, sparking that shouting match between two of the president's top aides. his national security adviser, john bolton, and his chief of staff, john kelly. the two men actually cursing at each other outside of the oval office. but tonight, the white house press secretary says we are not angry at one another. david, it comes as the president is ramping up his rhetoric on this issue. you mentioned that threat of military action along the border. the president has made clear he thinks this issue excites his base and is good politics. the president tweeting, "great midterm issue for republicans." >> mary bruce live at the white house. thank you, mary. we're watching a precarious situation play out in texas tonight, where they do not need anymore rain, but it is coming. the flash floods have already been deadly. and look at this tonight. the stunning views of the power of the colorado river at major flood stage tonight. now surging through floodgates to take the pressure off. but setting up a second emergency downstream, with days of rain now coming. abc's victor oquendo from texas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the floodgates are open on multiple dams across central texas. more than a foot of rain in the last 72 hours has turned rivers into raging rapids. families rescued by boat. high water vehicles bringing others to higher ground. at the buchanan dam, eight floodgates are open. in austin, officials hoping they don't have to open more floodgates on the mansfield dam. if they do, communities downstream will flood. it's holding back lake travis, which is 130% full, approaching record levels. bill lockett l >> i have some concern that this is going to get more serious than we've ever seen it. >> reporter: much of that water coming from the llano river, already destroying this bridge. >> there it is right there. >> reporter: its fast-moving waters carrying pieces of it downstream. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: across the flood zone, at least two bodies have been found in the floodwaters. in the town of kingsland, the water receding. the cleanup beginning. >> and victor oquendo live from the mansfield dam at lake travis in austin. and victor, i know that whole region is bracing for more rain. >> reporter: that's right, david. the water levels haven't been this high at lake travis in decades. there is more heavy rain on the way. every drop is bad news for people here and in flood-prone areas. a flash flood watch remains in effect through tomorrow morning. david? >> victor, thank you. a major new arrest in the usa gymnastics scan doll tonight. the organization's former president was arrested overnight, more than a year after he resigned. tonight, months after he pleaded the fifth in front of congress and the country, what he's now accused of doing. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: tonight, the former head of usa gymnastics is behind bars. steve penny arrested overnight by u.s. marshals at a tennessee cabin. he's accused of tampering with evidence in the investigation of disgraced olympic doctor larry nassar. >> i've been instructed by my attorney to invoek the fifth amendment. >> reporter: penny refused to answer questions before congress and resigned in the wake of the scandal saying it was heartbreaking to learn about the abuse. dering "the removay penny documents" from the karolyi hebela and marta karolyi ple th. say they knew nothing of the abuse. former olympic gymnast tasha schwikert is now speaking out for the first time, saying she too was abused by nassar at the ranch and that penny pressed her to publicly support usa gymnastics at the height of the scandal. >> steve, you know, had always manipulated all of us, really, but i felt indebted to him, you know, he made -- he made -- him and usa jim magymnastics made m like if it wasn't for them, i wouldn't be the person or athlete who i was. >> reporter: when more than 150 accusers spoke at nassar's sentencing, gymnast lindsey lemke took direct aim at penny. >> steve penny, you are a coward, resigning from ur position to give responsibility for someone else for creating the environment to let this monster thrive. >> what is steve penny saying, if anything at all tonight? >> reporter: david, he is saying when the facts are known, it will be shown that he did nothing criminal. and usa gymnastics says it is fully cooperating with investigators, however, the allegations certainly raise questions about just how cooperative they've been. if convicted, penny faces up to ten years behind bars. >> all right, linsey, thank you. we have also learned tonight that federal authorities are now investigating the sexual abuse of minors by catholic clergy in pennsylvania. the department of justice has subpoenaed at least seven of the eighth cat liholic diocese in t state. next tonight, to that case in wisconsin, the 13-year-old girl missing, her parents both found dead. and tonight, word that the phone that was used to make that 911 call where no one could talk, but they could hear noise in the background, that phone has now been recovered. here's abc's alex perez. >> see what we can find. >> reporter: tonight, authorities in wisconsin determined to find 13-year-old jayme closs, enlisting dozens of volunteers. teams carefully combing through a 14-mile rural area. why do you think so many people came out? >> we want answers, i guess. it's just -- trying to help the he ne' ty. going to look. >> reporter: authorities revealing they believe jayme was home when her parents were shot to death. police racing to the house after a suspicious 911 call about 1:00 a.m. monday. they say the background noise on that call makes them think jayme was there and is now in danger. >> there was no one onsite, no vehicles in the immediate area when our deputies arrillt was u ininut not revealed who it belongs to. >> every tip that comes in is important to us. it's a piece of the puzzle that tight-knit community are not ready to give up hope. >> you don't know what's going on. we don't know what happened to her. and it's not right. >> reporter: david, the number of tips coming into police growing, now at more than 800. but so far, investigators here say there have been no credible sightings of the teenager. david? >> alex perez in wisconsin again tonight. over seas this evening, a close call for the u.s. commander in charge of afghanistan. the taliban tonight taking responsibility for a deadly attack that killed top provincial leaders in canakanda. just after this meeting, the commander had attended it. a gunman wounded kandahar's governor on the left and killed two top security chiefs. general scott miller, on the right there, he was already on the way to his helicopter. he was not harmed. back here at home tonight, and to the upsetting video being seen across the country this evening a woman appearing to abandon a toddler at a stranger's front door in texas. ringing the doorbell and then ringing. a local abc reporter then finding the boy's father and playing him the video. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: the 2-year-old seen here in home surveillance video being roughly rushed to a stranger's door by a woman with an odd smile on her face is safe tonight, and will soon be reunited with his family. this was after 8:00 p.m. last night. at first, houston area police thought that the unidentified woman with the long hair was a mother abandoning her child. but this morning, a reporter at our local station in the city helped crack the case. >> that's my son. >> reporter: discovering that the boy's father lived at the house next door. >> who was watching him normally? >> he was with his mother. >> reporter: police say the mother, who had custody of the child, was supposed to bring 2-year-old royal prince simmons to his biological father's house wednesday afternoon. but mom ended up in the hospital. the woman in the video is the mother's friend, dropping the child off in the dark, hours late, at the wrong home and then speeding away. >> had she waited just seven more seconds, the homeowner would have opened the door and maybe would have started a conversation to direct her to the correct house to drop the child off. >> reporter: police tonight say they're charging the friend with felony child abandonment. both parents are furious. police say they knocked on the father's door, but no one answered. david? >> steve, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. new cases of that polio-like illness involving children. the new states, where they're concerned tonight. also, the dramatic rescue at the mine. the man who fell, landing 100 feet down a shaft, reportedly surrounded by rattlesnakes. the 911 calls just out and this rescue effort was incredible. also tonight, the forecast is now in from noaa, and what they're saying about the winter coming for the u.s. you'll want to hear this. and that far-reaching astros fan. did he really cost his team the game, giving it to the red sox? what he's now saying tonight. you make the call, as t next tonight here, the remarkable rescue at a mine in arizona. the man falling down the shaft, landing 100 feet down. he was there for more than two days. how did authorities know where to find him? here's abc's will carr. >> reporter: for the first time, we're seeing the daring rescue. search and rescue crews in arizona pulling a man to safety from this mine shaft after he ntng forol than two days at the bottom of that dark and narrow hole. >> the actions of folks standing here with me and many others saved a life yesterday. in a very challenging circumstance that had incredible dangerous dynamics. >> reporter: according to authorities, john wadell rappelled halfway down the 100-foot shaft, lost control and plunged 50 feet to the bottom, breaking both legs. >> his leg's broke all to hell. he's going to have to have somebody to rappel down in there. >> reporter: making matters worse, his friend says wadell landed in a rattlesnake den. >> three of them he said he killed, i guess. >> reporter: wadell clung to life inside that shaft until his friend, terry shrader, came to the rescue and called 911. >> he had called me monday and told me he was coming to the mine. and we always had a deal, if he is not back by tuesday -- >> reporter: then shrader would go looking for him. a deal that may have saved his friend's life. he was air-lifted to a hospital in phoenix, where he's undergoing surgery today. he says he's happy to be with family and looking forward to a successful recovery. david? >> wow. that is a good friend. will carr, thank you. when we come back tonight, the winter forecast is out tonight from noaa. what to expect. also, news tonight about that polio-like itness. the growing number of suspected cases involving children. the new states. and are you dreaming of a billion dollars? send me a tweet, tell me what to the index of other news tonight, the winter forecast is out. noaa predicting higher than normal temperatures for much of the country this season. el nino is expected to bring warmer weather from the pacific northwest to the rockies and milder temperatures in the northeast, while the south should brace for a wet winter. milder temperatures in the northeast. going to save this one for later. there is new suspected katss tonight of that mystery outbreak we've been following, that rare polio-like illness effecting mostly children. maryland and pennsylvania reporting eight more patients. they are being treated for afm, as it's called. there are 62 confirmed cases in 22 states. most of them children. the average age, just 4 years old. you don't need me to tell you, the controversial call overnight, heartbreak for astros fans last niump took away a home run in the first inning, ruling fan interference, preventing mookie betts from catching that ball. astros fan troy caldwell insisting tonight the video showing he never reached over the wall. red sox nation might not agree with that. they won 8-6 and now one win away from the world series. i'm staying out of it. when we come back tonight, who wants to be a billionaire? 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1 in 292 million. for some people, that's good enough. and david, we wonder what the odds would be if you wanted to win both jackpots. we found out, it's 1 in 88 kwa rillon. take that chance. david? >> all right, gio, thank you. and those tweets are really entertaining. i can't read some of them, but we will with others tomorrow nig night. we'll see you then. good night. this is a saturday with thithe best wifi experiencey. and your shows streaming wherever you go. and with savings on wireless, this is a saturday you can share with the whole family. this is how xfinity makes life... simple. easy. awesome. get started with xfinity internet and tv for just $39.99 a month for 12 months and ask how you can save on your wireless bill when you include xfinity mobile. click, call or visit a store today. well, yes they're pancakes but they're more than pancakes. they're a pancake experience. introducing the new craft pancake lineup from denny's.


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