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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20180602 00:00:00

as he goes into it. however when you contrast it to what the president has said up to tonight. here is how the administration has been describing its goal for the singapore talks. >> north korea has the opportunity to end decades of poverty and oppression by following the path of denuclearization. >> the conversation is going to be focused on denuclearization in the peninsula. the goal and the purpose of the conversations is to have denuclearization of the peninsula. >> the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. >> the president has laid out to what he wants to see as a commitment to denuclearization. >> i will be meeting with kim jong-un in the coming weeks as we seek to denuclearize the area and the entire korean peninsula. >> the stated goal and now, not so much. >> i think it is a getting-to-know-you meeting plus. >> there is another one. whatever else you might think of the summit, that sounds like a different agenda. human rights might not be on the agenda either. here is the president talking about today's meeting. >> we did not talk about human rights. >> do you expect to talk about it? >> could be. we did not talk about human rights >> the answer is could be, probably will. that was criticized by many. as the president preemptively deferring quote, hundreds of sanctions. only saying again, quoting here, why would i do that when we are talking so nicely. the envoy from the north's original mission as you saw moments ago is to submit the letter to his boss. which he did, it is not clear whether the president read the letter. first he indicated he did, and then he said he didn't. >> this was a meeting to where a letter was given to me by kim jong-un. and that letter was a nice letter. oh, would you like to see what is in that letter? >> how much. how much? >> can you give us a flavor. >> it was an interesting letter. at some point it may be appropriate, i may be able to give it to you, and maybe fairly soon. >> he seems to have read the letter, what he said next, maybe the size of it. >> i didn't open it. i haven't opened it in front of the director. >> you can decide for yourself what that means. jim acosta is there for us tonight. do you know anything about what was in the letter? >> reporter: we don't know exactly what was in the letter, but the white house press secretary sarah sanders said the president did read the letter before he left for the weekend. one of the steps on the path to the summit in singapore. it is not what is in that giant letter, as what is in the deal in what you heard the president say earlier today, it is no longer a summit about denuclearization, it is about a getting to know you session plus. and very interestingly he said to reporters, no longer is this a maximum pressure campaign. repeatedly, that they are applying a maximum pressure on the campaign. but that he is not going to consider new ones. and the big question about the up coming summit is this is going to be a coin without currency. >> it was just last thursday that the president canceled the summit. given the kind of planning that normally goes into something like this that now it is back on. >> that is right. and we have been hearing from officials. this felt like in that officials were heading over to singapore to work on logistics. you saw mike pompeo in a meeting with the top lieutenant to kim jong-un. it seems like they were keeping all of the wheels in motion for the summit with exception of any kinds of demands, some hard concessions before sitting down at the table. that is why you heard mitch mcconnell saying today, and i think it is an can kpoextraordi comment. for reality tv moment and nothing much more. >> we are joined by jim sciutto. it is striking to see what appears to be a shift and certainly tone from the president in terms of what this meeting is about and any kind of a time line for denucle denuclearization. >> what you had in the last 24 hours is really a complete re-defining of expectations that were set by this president himself. one, on what this meeting would be about today for the first time he said it is really just a get-to-know-you meeting. that is not abnormal. keep in mind the iranian nuclearizations cook two years. so that is typical. but this president given the strong impression that there would be more, more crucially is a re-defining of the white house's own expectations prior to the meeting. white house officials said that the u.s. wanted some grand gesture to demonstrate how serious north korea is about this. we don't know what that gesture is. and on the issue of denuclearization, he said today he thinks they want to denu denuclearization. that is not a commitment before you go into these talks. >> obviously a summit with a sitting u.s. president is something that the north koreans have wanted for a long time. it gives kim jong-un a legitimacy that he has craved and his father before him. so now it is a simple getting to know you meeting has the north already received and gotten out of the meeting than the u.s. has gotten. >> they certainly have gotten something. this is something that north korean leaders, kim, his father, and his grandfather have wanted for years to demonstrate their stature in the world. and sitting across from the u.s. president, arguably the most powerful person in the world is a give. it is a concession you would expect something in return and it is not clear that the u.s. got anything in return. and that meeting in the white house today in itself is something, i don't want to say a gift. but top spy there standing there in the oval office. it remains to be seen what the u.s. is going to get back in return. >> i want to bring in former north korean analyst for the cia. and max boots. dr. terry, do you see a shift in how the u.s. is describing what this meeting is about, from total denuclearization to just getting to know you plus? >> absolutely. president trump is walking away from. they have always been talking about denuclearization of the korean peninsula. which of course has alliance implications. our true presence in south korea and extended nuclear umbrella. it is very unclear from this meeting that kim jong-un had with pompeo. it is different what they are going to put denuclearization on the table as we define it. >> and max, even if that is on the table for the summit, there is no way, i mean, it is realistic for the president to say it is getting to know you meeting, unrealistic to portray it was anything other than that until now. working out specific details. >> and we just saw the leak of the c oochlt achia assessment t korea is not interested in giving up their weapons. president trump was tweeting they have agreed to denuclearization, did he know something that we didn't know? and clearly he didn't. he was making it up. he hyped it up and now it came crashing down a few weeks ago. so it has the appearance of a summit. and why are we giving the leader of north korea opportunity to legitimize himself. and the sanctions are basically collapsing because of the concessions that we already are basically making in order to bring kim jong-un to the table. >> it seems like north korea has already, i don't know if won is the word. >> north korea has gained a lot for the past few months with the summit and the diplomacy and kim jong-un is played his cards very well. as you said, political will to implement sanction is loosening particularly on the chinese front. and that is going to continue. so this maximum pressure that we are going to do is going to be hard, right? and then the whole talk of this military strike, it is impossible for us to get back to that particularly if north korea does not continue with further provocation. i don't think they will because kim jong-un is smart about this. how are we going to get back to maximum pressure. kim jong-un is doing well even without that message. >> trump reminds me of churchill's line he is either at your throat or at your feet. and now he is swung to the other stream saying he is open and honorable and we are going to do a great deal together. i am uncomfortable that trump is doing this grin and grip photo op. he is in charge of a gulag where people are in prison. all of the abuses in north korea. and now he is rushing to embrace kim jong-un and he has got to find a happy medium. he can't swing from hostility to excessive flattery on the one hand. >> it is remarkable for the president to say, why would we be putting in sanctions because they are being nice to us right now. >> and to say there is no discussion of human rights is remarkable. this is a man who has been guilty of hor rbi humrible huma. so it is remarkable not to bring these things up at least in the conversation. but another point here too, it was interesting to hear mitch mcconnell of course a republican senate majority leader warn the president, don't get snookered by north korea. a lot of players here that have agendas. china may be weakening sanctions on north korea so that sanctions by themselves don't get what the u.s. wants and it is in fact force somewhat to get to the table. making the point south korea is interested. get to something formal end. perhaps not on terms that are favorable to the united states. more than one party here that can snooker as mitch mcconnell says, the u.s. in these negotiations. >> do you think the u.s. has already been snookered. >> we already have. i am hoping something will come out of it. by i am not optimistic. >> donald trump is, if you look at his record, he has made an awful lot of bad deals. >> samantha bee and roseanne barr. join t-mobile. and get netflix included for the whole family. so you can get lost in space in your own backyard... or get pumped up for your grand entrance. only t-mobile lets you watch your favorite movies and shows in more places, without paying more. get an unlimited family plan with netflix on us. and right now at t-mobile, buy one samsung galaxy s9 and get one free. this scientist doesn't believe in luck. she believes in research. it can take more than 10 years to develop a single medication. and only 1 in 10,000 ever make it to market. but what if ai could find connections faster. to help this researcher discover new treatments. that's why she's working with watson. it's a smart way to find new hope, which really can't wait. ♪ ♪ those we love is an act of mutuality. we can help with the financial ones. learn more or find an advisor at we can help with the financial ones. powerful potential... signature toughness... and one more thing... the world comes with it. the new, reimagined 2019 jeep cherokee. you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed?m let's get someone to say it with a really low voice. carl? 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(vo) go with the best. starting at $40 for four lines. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ♪ otezla. show more of you. should the president have commented on both? >> it is so hard. the opening is so exhausting. this is tasteless versus tasteless and racist and xenophobia and what we are looking at is power and the power of words and who is wielding that power by saying those things. the president of the united states should be in a totally different standard than a political satire and also one of the the traps of the false equivalent conversation is that you don't consider context in history. rosanne has a history of calling black women monkeys. that was the last straw. samantha, as tasteless as it was, it was political commentary about helpless children. who are the people they are representing when they say these tasteless words. and we are often in this false narrative. but to hold the president as the same standard as two comedians is strange and also the fact that we are expecting him to tweet about comedians when we have puerto rico, so we are in this strange moment that we are even having this commentary. >> that was your point. the president has a lot to do why should he weigh into the roseanne barr thing. should he, does it, do you see it okay that he weighs in on samantha bee thing and the roseanne barr. >> no equivalency. both horrible and racist in nature. and samantha bee was horrible and vile and different levels. traditionally i would say the president did not need to weigh in on samantha bee. but i am never going to criticize a father for standing up for his daughter. i feel like we are chasing the wrong thing here. i feel like political opponents on both sides are looking for, i think people who are mad about what roseanne barr said, but political opponents are looking towards president trump and want to pin it on him. i mean, the bottom of the line is people need to get their own acts together and treating people with more respect. and we are talking about the actual job of the presidency. and that is to go and create jobs and opportunity, for all backgrounds and all people in society. and not look at validation that the president is going to come in and give moral. >> it does say something about where we are in terms of the national dialogue and conservatives have talked about the coarseness of the culture. everybody is in their tribe or political camp and they see it through the lens of the politics and they excuse what samantha bee said. >> and that is natural. tribalism is natural and this is unnatural that we are having this conversation in the context of the presidency and that the tweet would conflate so many things together like adding in commentary about a show. this is not normal and i think that we have to resist -- or i have to resist thinking that this is normal to talk about a president of the united states of america and his tweets about two comedians. that is not normal. >> it is interesting that he talked about ratings for both of them. >> and again, you have to consider who each person is representing when they say what they say. so roseanne barr and his core, he said this is about us. so of course he would weigh in on roseanne because he is talking for his people. samantha, even though it was tasteless, in her mind speaking for immigrant children. so we have to look at the difference between who these people are speaking to and how they are using their language and their power. and words have power. but coming out of the president of the united states of america, the fact that you have that run down is extraordinary. >> so here is where i would disagree with you. and i would say i don't think what samantha bee said was some kind of commentary on a public policy matter. this was a very orchestrated, they wrote it up -- >> but it was connected to the immigrant. >> they loaded it into the prompter and that language to go towards the daughter of the president of the united states with that vile and foul of language, that was not an accident and that was not going to move the ball forward on immigration policy. that was specifically to tear down the president's daughter. and at the cultural side, here is what i get frustrated when i see the white house correspo correspondence dinner tearing down sarah sanders. from far too many where it is open season on the president, his supporters, anyone who works for him and anyone in his family. it has gone way too far and tasteless. and the standard that is being set here s, is if you criticize the president -- >> that would make sense if the president didn't say what he said about mexicans, immigrants, our private parts. the tone that he set from the moment he came down those escalators, you saw all the names he called people. so we can't talk about this in a regular context. >> let's encourage everybody to take steps forward with their language, to be more positive with it rather than a point that you did this or you did that. we would be better off. >> thanks very much. >> there is a chance that the roseanne show could continue without roseanne barr. abc is focusing on the possibility of of darlene played by sara sanders. discover card. hey, i'm curious about your social security alerts. oh! just sign up online and we'll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites. that sounds super helpful. how much is it? well, if you have a discover card, it's free. no way! yes way! we just think it's important for you to be in the know. all right! hey... ewww! everything ok? being in the know is very good. yeah, it is. ooo don't shake! don't shake! ahhh! know if your social security number is found on risky sites. free from discover. wait what? directv gives you more for your 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no proof of hackers being responsible. so she apologized again for the post but still didn't take responsibility for writing the post. >> i genuinely do not believe i wrote those hateful things because they are completely alien to me. i can definitely understand based on things i have tweeted and have written in the past why some people do not believe me. i have not been exempt from being dumb or hurtful. i own that. i get it. and for that, i am truly, truly sorry. >> reporter: in a statement late today msnbc called the post hateful and hurtful. adding that joy reid. >> for the record, i was only a runner up in the gayest. if she says she was hacked, was that a lie? i mean, and if she lied, isn't that something that something that msnbc would be concerned about. >> that would affect her credibility going forward. that is the key here. she may have posted a lot of offensive things. that documentary of 9/11 seems especially offensive to me. what happened when she was caught or cornered is the most troubling. in april, she was backed binto corner and seemed to come up with this story about hacking. i don't know what she was thinking but she issued a statement back then and said i found out that an unknown party. run counter to my personal beliefs, she said she was hacked. and later she admitted she couldn't prove she was hacked and today she didn't mention hacking at all. but it is going to be up to her viewers to decide she is credible going forward. >> it is also interesting that msnbc, they have had a lot of time to think of this or consider because this has been dragging on now for months and they haven't said anything. >> and the new report about the 9/11 report, came 24 hours before the network weighed in. the network is strongly supporting reid. i agree, people do change over time. they have to have the space to evolve and change over time. that is great. but the issue is the deceptive comments about hacking. >> the apology about the anti gay post. i mean, we are talking about 2005, 2006. i can see if it was something where she was a teenager in high school or college, but this is something in her professional life. >> it is a reminder when you are blogging twittering, or posting online, those words have meaning, they have significance and they are not going to fade away. the way back archive, it allows you to pull up old posts that you thought have been deleted. we have been talking about roseanne barr, again, a different case, but a reminder that what people post matters. and in these case, it has haunted reid decades later. a lot of it offensive. and there is frankly more coming out from her blog. that is why she is trying to issue the statement today. brian stelter, thank you very much. breaking news, the "wall street journal." this would be their third meeting but their first one-on-one summit. up next, children torn away from their parents. two migrant mothers sharing their stories as we get rare access to a detention story when we continue. 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i told him i don't know. the immigration attorney for the two women says she doesn't know either. >> it's unknown how long these mothers are going to be separated from children. they're in proceedings. and their children are in proegs in two different courts. >> neither woman had a cell phone when they left honduras. on the oneill don't ve they have children. she only has one picture of her son. olga has no pictures. >> i want to live a good life with my kids says olga for them to have a good future, not as i've had. marbel tells us, i love him so much i never thought i'd bring him to have him separated from me. if i would have known i wouldn't have brought him. i wish him to be together with me. after our interviews both women go back to cells with no idea whatsoever what will happen to their lives. or the lives of their children. >> and gary joins me now. is there -- does anyone have any idea how long the legal process could last for the two women? >> yeah, anderson, i asked the lawyers for the women. what do you think? how long could it last? are we talking about weeks? talking months? are we talking 2019, 2020? and they said with all the parents being separated from children there is absolutely no way to know. all bets are off as to when it comes to a conclusion. how long the children will be separated from parents nobody seems to know. >> gary thanks very much. up next beer and straejly large glass shoes and my chat with anthony bourdain about the new episode in parts unknown heading to one of his favorite seasons. we'll tell but the location when we come back. derate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. you're trying to lower your very hwith a healthy diet... and exercise. and maybe even, unproven fish oil supplements. not all omega-3s are clinically proven or the same. discover prescription omega-3 vascepa. the one that's this pure... and fda approved. look. vascepa looks different... because it is different. it's pure epa. vascepa, along with diet, is clinically proven to lower very high triglycerides by 33% in adults, without raising bad cholesterol. that's pure power. proven to work. vascepa is not right for everyone. do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. tell your doctor if you are allergic to fish, have liver problems... or other medical conditions and about any medications you take, especially those that may affect blood clotting. 2.3% of patients reported joint pain. it's clear. there's only one vascepa. ask your doctor about pure epa prescription vascepa. ♪ join t-mobile. and get netflix included. so your family can watch what they love in more places. get an unlimited family plan with netflix on us. and right now, buy one samsung galaxy s9 and get one free. (burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even "close claws." (driver) so, we took your shortcut, which was a bad idea. [cougar growling] (passenger) what are you doing? (driver) i can't believe that worked. i dropped the keys. (burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ this sunday night on parts unknown anthony bourdain takes us to hong kong where the past is slowly being erased. here is a preview. >> already be ware of the unique culture. the people in hong kong want to see that for the foreign people like you we want you to see all old hong kong. ♪ >> all this is disappearing. all this could be gone. it's vanishing before our eyes. >> i recently talked about all this with tony at the new york hidel berg restaurant. take a look. >> this this episode you go to hong kong one of your favorite places. >> i love hong kong. it's easy to -- it's so easy to make tv there because there is incredible food everywhere. incredible scenery sfla i've never been it looks amazing. >> but, this was a special show for me because it was an odd and miraculous confluence of events. for years, though i've shot in hong kong many times i am obsessed with the work of the film maker who made happy together, chun king express, mood for love and many other films. and almost all of those films a guy name christopher doyle known for his mandarin name there. is the cinema graver. and my dream to for years i've been reaching out trying to make this happen was to go to hong kong and to look at hong kong through his eyes. well at the last minute our director pulled out to have emergency surgery two days before we were set to go we had no director. fortunately i know a film director names od chlt zzie and i asked her to step in. and we arrived in hong kong. and we shoot with christopher doyle for the first scene. and let's just say we all really got along well together. had a couple of cocktails. next thing you know christopher doyle agrees to shoot every scene in the show and ends up being the director of photography for the entire episode. >> it's so interesting how somebody with a different eye or particular talent can under -- does he use the same quipped you normally use. >> yeah. >> did he make it look different. >> yeah. >> that's fascinating. >> to go to chun king mansions which is this huge frightening rabbit warren of hotel and businesses where refugees from all over the world hole up in the sight of chun king express one of his master works i don't think he had been back a long time to return with him with cameras and say shoot me, i'm still pinching myself. of everything i've done this was probably the professional highlight to work with an artist that great. >> wow! . that's cool. >> we came back with a show that looks and sounds unlike anything we've done before. >> that's saying a lot. >> well, between, ozzio who is the trerkt appear christopher doyle as the director of photography, we really did something special. >> wow! . i can't wait. >> don't miss antingly bourdain parts unknown in hong kong sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. thanks very much for watching


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