the dots. to no.dots to try tonight, the most dire threat to a free and fair elections ini the history of the united states . it is now coming from within, will explain it all by coordinating with the dnc and big tech top brass at our own fbi have been puttingr their thumbs on the scales of our elections. now, fors now fo years, the laso presidential elections in particular, and the mob and the media are totally and completely complicit througare totah censorship, thrg lying, through disinformation, not vetting candidates. they all deliberately work w hand in hand to help elect democrats all across the country. but thanks to several new investigations, a handful of reporters and a guy by the s eportersname elon musk.ght, t that s righthe, the billionaire, t of thisexten corruption is now beginning to come to light. and tonight we re going to walk you through this step by step.u it mayth seem complex, but it ss also actually pretty simple. we we ll begin tonight with elondod m
administration? forto secure the border? have how many more people havtoe to die? how many more drugs will pour across the border? how many people will die frollm drug overdoses? how much more human trafficking is tooaffickin much human traf g for the biden white house? now, marhite houk my words, in t time when title forty two ends this crisis will spiral evenof more out of control and comingtd my monologue on president joe biden s blunders. that s straight ahead. that s straight ahead. by innov .com powered by innovation refunds can help your businessno get a payroll tax refundn th eva if you gots and it only takes if you gots and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their web site, uploaded everything, and i was blown away. a bin away. get refunds, .com help businesses get over a billion dollars and we can helpefunds your busines.cs. you qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to get refunds .com to get started powered by innovation