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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin 20180726

it's the first of two midwest stops today, his mission to convince voters that his tariffs will punish china and other countries not american farmers and not american manufacturers currently feeling the burn. the last time in 2016, his private jet landing in front of reco reporters. he would become the first republican to win that county since eisenhower, today, though, a more reserved approach, shall we say. a round table trying to show that he hears voters concerns. voters in the midwest are in fact quite concerned. new polls from nbc and maris, those polls showing that by wise margins voters in three other midwest states would not re-elect the president. that includes two states, michigan and wisconsin that he won. the wore about republicans, as goes the top of the the i belie believe -- goes the top of the ticket goes the rest. shannon penny, white house reporter for bloomberg news. and lynne sweet, washington bureau chief for the chicago sun times. tell us about some of the protests that i know you've been watching as well. >> reporter: craig the presidentpresident e president's second stop will be in illinois where he is helping open a steel plant. he's trying to convince voters that his tariffs on u.s. steel will help bring those jobs back. in dubuque, iowa, he's meeting with local community members, many of them farmers, he's making the case for a prolonged trade war. it's been 4 1/2 months since he first imposed those tariffs. as you noted, iowa's two republican senators have called for this president to end these trade wars, to end the tariffs. just 48 hours ago, the president himself said he heard the voices of those midwest farmers, and he introduced a bailout for those farmers. you've got how many acres of land. >> we run about 600 acres. >> reporter: soybeans and corn? >> soybeans and corn. >> reporter: what does the president need now with the $12 billion aid package? >> we're looking for a long-term solution being some good free trade. >> reporter: good free trade. what did you want out of this president? and how long does he have to make that happen? >> i think, you know, he's doing what we have asked him to do, he's starting to rectify some of the problems we have had with our trade agreements. they have been there long enough we're at a disadvantage and have been. how long does he have? if we can get through the end of this year and start seeing some results that's going to help. but the local economies in farm life is getting tough. >> reporter: it's getting toughs? you're planning for next year's crops already? >> already, yes. >> reporter: you're buying seed? >> yes. >> reporter: you're buying fertilizer? >> yes. >> reporter: so if the president at the end of this year does not have new trade agreements, has not renegotiated nafta, what are you going to see? >> we have already southeasteee effect happening. we have seen them go up 40 cents, in the last day, as a result of the eu deal. at the end of the year, if we have not seen anything else happening, we're going to definitely say we're going to put more pressure on seeing some results on trade issues. >> reporter: your message to the president if he goes back and listens to this, would will what, right now? >> continue working for free trade and get ourselves in line to where we should be. we went through three administrations at least with no addressing of the free trade and tariffs and so forth and we doe beliedoe -- do believe it's time to work on them. >> reporter: there's still that hope from the president. there's support of his hardball tactics. as a result of these tariffs, soybeans have dropped in price. they need the president's help and they're looking for him to do exactly what he said in the campaign and for the last year and a half what he said he would do. >> we were showing our viewers at home some of the images of you talking to farmers in other areas, cranberry farmers and other soybean farmers as well. lynne, i want to throw up a few stats about dubuque specifically here. in 2008, the democrats win 17%. and what's happening to the president's popularity in the midwest this week? >> reporter: in 2007, when then senator obama was just running, he camped out in iowa and he had an extensive operation there. what changed is that president trump came in and decried the republican field. he had a message to the base in the primary and in the general election that was just stronger. i would look at the obama win in iowa as for obama himself, it wasn't transferred to other democrats. >> shannon, in advance of this trip, trump touting an agreement that he reached to help soybean farmers in the midwest. this is what the president said in the rose garden yesterday. >> soybeans is a big deal. and the european union is going to start almost immediately to buy a lot of soybeans. >> the organization bloomberg, shannon, has poured a bit of cold water on this, the headline why the eu is already likely to import more u.s. soybeans. explain that for us, shannon. >> like a lot of these agreements that the president makes, the devil's in the details and we don't really know all the details to this one. at least for the moment, it appeared that there was a deescalation of hostility in this trade war in trying to talk about some negotiation. but this deal, this agreement with the european union, this was no game changer. this was nothing that was going to move the ball forward here. and it, i think, was sort of again, this trip to heiowa was way to show that the president does hear their concerns but it's not enough to change this strong feeling he has about tariffs and that that is the best mechanism to balance these trade imbalances that have happened during the last several decades. >> most of those popup states, iowa has two, michigan, illinois, ohio also have seats up for grabs. in all, nine republicans seat, two open for the democrats. that e summer recess officially starts tomorrow. what's the big worry going home for the republicans? >> the big worry is like that farmer in iowa that the president does not get any significant deal and the situation spirals out of control without a solution. i can tell you with certainty that at the too much of the party without a doubt, that these tariffs are going to undo what republicans see as the benefits of the republican tax bill that passed earlier this year. listen, republicans have basically thrown all their chips in the middle, that this tax bill that passed last year would bring economic benefits to all of their members, all of their districts across the country, that they believe that this tariff situation puts that at jeopardy. so if this under mines the central argument that they have, going into november, which is now just a couple months away, that's very dangerous for them, especially with the major enthusiasm we see on the democratic side of the aisle. and by the way, there are more seats even than you put on the screen, people like steve king the congressman from iowa that has an ag friendly district. and we need to look at some of these seats that are going to be problematic if there is no solution here. >> the republican from south dakota reportedly telling republicans during a private lunch that he's seeing fewer make america great again hats. this is of course anecdotal. but we did see that report about the convention hall in iowa not packed again, both anecdotal. can we take anything from those two things? >> no. i do think there's a very fascinating phenomenon when it comes to the president's approval ratings. there's basically a six-inch space between the floor and the ceiling. he's always between 42 and 45 and a little bit higher. no matter what happens, no matter what he does, which we all think at times people will find objectionable, or people will abandon him. there's no evidence that's the case, his approval rating is shockingly consistent, and through what can only be described as an interesting and tumultuous three years, he hasn't moved that much. so i don't think those anecdotal pieces of evidence mean much. >> we'll have to leave it there. l we have some breaking news, in robert mueller's investigation about why he may be at least partly, partly focused on president trump's twitter feed. the "new york times" reporting now the special counsel is scrutinizing tweets and negative statements from the president about attorney general jeff sessions and the former fbi director james comey, this is according to three people briefed on the matter, several of the remarks came as mr. trump was also privately pressuring the men. both key witnesses in the inquiry about the investigation and mueller is questioning whether the actions add up to attempts to obstruct the investigation by both intimidating witnesses and pressuring senior law enforcement officials to tamp down the inquiry. again, this is coming from the "new york times," the reporter who broke this story, joins me now, michael schmidt from the times. michael winebeck is also with me, former assistant special prosecutor. michael, what more can you tell us? >> well, most times that people are accused of obstructing justice it's things that happen in private, it's pressuring witnesses, it's making threats against folks to try and stop them from speaking. what's unusual here, what's difference is that the president has made so many public statements about the investigation, about the former fbi director james comey, about attorney general jeff sessions, things that could be construed as trying to influence them. if you line up his public statements with what he's accused of doing privately, you can see where the president may have been trying to move these guys in different directions as it relates to the investigation. trying to get them to do things that he wanted. remember, the president is accused of asking the fbi director to end the investigation into his former national security advisor michael flynn, the president is accused of trying to get comey to put out the word that he's not under investigation. the day after comb ey said i'm going to do that publicly, the next day we goes out and says something publicly. they say that the president should be able to do what he needs to do politically to defend himself from these attacks. he's under 24/7 political siege and he needs to have his twitter account to push back on them to push his own narrative. he has a first amendment right like anyone else and he should be able to do that as the chief executive. he should be able to say what he wants about an ongoing investigation about witnesses or folks that are running the investigation. >> jill, how could using president trump's tweets and there are a lot of them, how could using those tweets and statements help establish an obstruction case? >> in many ways. first of all, it establishes a pattern of behavior and it shows what his intent really is. so it will be very helpful to see that as part of the evidence eagain against the president. i have been saying for more than a year that the case for obstruction is in plain sight and part of it is that he talks to the public and he talks through twitter and that is the same as if he approached someone in private. he's sending a message to all these people, do what i want you to do or else. he could say that in a one-on-one meeting or he could say it through his twitter account, both of which amount to obstruction of justice and the president should be held accountable. the president certainly has a first amendment right. but judge buckwold ruled that he cannot use his twitter account to criticize them. he is an official of the u.s. government and he can't use his twitter account to punish americans. so i think there's a lot here that is going to help mueller in prosecuting this case. >> jill, what does this latest development, again, "the new york times" reporting here, what does this tell us about where the mueller probe stands right now? >> well, it certainly, this focuses on obstruction of justice. and i think the case for obstruction has been clear for over a year, it's very, very clear now and i think that's where he may be focusing for anything he will do before the election, before he has to sort of remain silent so as not to interfere with the midterm elections. the collusion case will then come after that. and we're certainly moving toward that, given the last indictments of the russians, it seems logical that the next indictment would be for the americans who worked with those russians and that would be a collusion case. >> michael, based on your reporting, is this something that the special counsel wants to talk to the president about? does he want to talk about him about his twitter feed? >> in march, the special counsel's office was trying to make the argument to the president's lawyers about why he should sit for an interview and they went through the different subjects they wanted to ask him about as a way of sort of getting him to do it. and several of them related to the tweets. tweets about jeff sessions from last july, when the president was privately trying to get sessions to quit and publicly launching an entire attack on him to basically intimidate him and undermine his contribute. they want to ask him about his tweet when he said comey better hope there's no tapes. that is something that prompted comey, comey said he had a friend of his leak memos about his interactions with trump after that came out. these are different statements the president has made. mueller wants to ask the president about the maria bartiromo interview, that the president put out that he's not under investigation, he certainly raises questions about his job. these are questions about public statements that mueller does want to ask him about. >> to a certain extent, this notion about a president's social media feed can be used to demonstrate intimidation. is that uncharted territory? or is this something i'm just not familiar with? >> i think it's probably something new, but we are in a new world, and in the old days you had to either do it by either telephone or in person. you had no other means. now with social media, you have a lot of ways to reach potential witnesses and to send warnings to them. i think a lot of what he does, his pardons have been sort of a message to other witnesses, stick with me, don't worry. i pardoned joe arpiao for not answering questions. so don't say anything and i will take care of you. so he has a lot of mechanisms that weren't for example during wear ga watergate. we are very lucky that he happened to be taping himself while he committed his crimes. but now we have apparently at least 100 tapes which may or may not video of the president that were recorded by cohen. we also have the testimony that will be available from cohen. so we have to wait and see what evidence develops. >> did you get the sense from the president's people that this is something they that are overly concerned about? >> well, the president's lawyers say publicly that nothing that he has done would constitute obstruction, none of it on its face. what they're privately concerned about is if you take all of these different things that the president has done, whether it was stuff with comey or sessions or with his own white house counsel, and you put them into a larger narrative, does it tell a story of a broader obstruction? does the president take several different actions as a way of trying to impede this investigation? and could mueller take all of that stuff and give it to congress? and with what would a democratic congress do with that information? >> jill, lastly to you, picking up where michael left off there, let's say hypothetically that the special counsel does in fact conclude that there is enough evidence to demonstrate that president trump obstructed justice, then what? >> well, there are two things, one, he has said that he would abide by the office of legal counsel of the department of justice and their opinion that the president cannot be indicted. i don't agree with that opinion. i think the president could be indicted and if the evidence is there, should be. but if he doesn't, he would have to issue a report, which is actually what we chose to do rather than to indict, we named the president an unindicted co-conspirator in watergate and we turned over a road map to impeachment to the judiciary committee. they acted on it. i don't know what will happen unless there is a democratic congress with any report that gets turned over. so that's a high risk. and i think it's very clear that some of what he is doing is clearly obstruction and you cannot argue as they are arguing that he has total power to fire people. he does have power to fire people. but he can't use that for the wrong purposes. and if the firing is based solely on protecting himself and obstructing the investigation, that is obstruction of justice and it is not allowable. it would be a crime. >> former assistant watergate assistant processer jill winebanks. again, according to the times, the special counsel is now looking very closely at the president's twitter feed as the special counsel continues to look at whether president trump obstructed justice, more on that here on msnbc. also, long shot, the president's allies in congress filing to impeach rod rosenstein, but is it just a little offense in a week of defense? plus impossible deadline. the trump administration scrambling to reunite thousands separated at the border by the end of the day. and a new inside look at michael cohen's decision to release that recording and why it may actually hurt his chances for a plea deal. it lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. it keeps your insights from prying eyes, so they're used by no one else but you. it is... the cloud. the ibm cloud. the cloud that's built for all your apps. ai ready. secure to the core. the ibm cloud is the cloud for smarter business. a new move from the president's allies on capitol hill may be more political than practical. a handful of moving to impeach the man who oversees the russia investigation, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. in the last hour, one of those congressmen jim jordan announced that he plans to run for speaker of the house if republicans keep the majority after the midterms. the group calling for impeachment is saying rosenstein is impeding the request for documents in the investigation into hillary clinton and president trump. this agrees with that assessment. >> it is appropriate that we conduct oversight of the executive branch and that we get full compliance with the executive branch on our document requests. do i support impeachment of rod rosenstein? i do not. since i have gotten involved, i have been getting a lot of compliance from the doj on document requests. we don't have full compliance and we have to get full compliance and we have been making progress to that point. >> the house has him peaimpeach 19 people since the beginning of our country. jeff benefit has been following the action. usually he's at the white house, today jeff benefit is -- jef is compliance. >> i would put the chances of this board slim to none. in part because the board who put forth these articles of impeachment did not put forth a resolution to force the house to vote on it. and as you said, this doesn't have the support of house leadership. so he's not going to voluntarily bring it to a vote on the floor. he should say we heart from mark meadows, one of the freedom caucus members who said this is something he thinks will gain support for it over time. it is highly unusual if not unprecedented for the presidedet of justice to hand over documents to legislative investigators when there is an active ongoing investigation. not only that, as you heard the house speaker say, the doj has already turned over some 4,000 documents and is another step toward compliance. >> does this factor in at all? what exactly did jim jordan say about running for speaker? >> reporter: it factors in to a certain degree. it also shifts away from catastrop controversy. the rap on jim jordan is that he turned a blind eye to sexual what are rabbit mis harassment. >> i have talked to numerous of my colleagues and they can all see through that story. >> reporter: and look, this has been and still is a race for kevin mccarthy, the house majority leader to lose. this could be a case of jordan trying to aim high and settle well, maybe he's aiming for a committee chairmanship or something like that, craig. >> fitting in nicely there on the hill. we'll get you back to the white house soon enough. questions swirling today over whether michael cohen may have damaged his chances at cutting a deal with prosecutors by releasing that audiotape of the secretly recorded conversation with his boss president trump. "the washington post" reports today that current and former law enforcement officials question why cohen as someone who's angling for a plea deal, can make it harder to cut a deal. jill, could releasing that audiotape, could it actually end up hurting michael cohen? >> well, it's unusual way to try to arrange a plea deal. if he wants to cooperate, the normal way would to have his attorney approach the office of the special prosecutor and make a proffer of evidence, this is what michael cohen knows, this is how valuable he could be to you. these are the dock k50u78uments has. and mind you, these documents are already in the possess of the doj. if they have anything to do with the mueller case, they can be turned over to mueller. and if he wants to make a deal with the special prosecutor, if he wants to release his evidence, if what he wants is either something from trump or from the prosecutor. either way it doesn't help him. it doesn't make him look great. it doesn't make the president look great. i don't know who looks worse at the end of this tape, cohen or trump. >> this twitter back and forth between michael avenattivenatti the president's counsel. giuliani tweeting this morning, please be warned that avenatti is becoming desperate since he is being ignored. the cohecohen-cuomo tape makes r daniel claim is dead and with it avenatti. avenatti firing back in a tweet. you are a walking train wreck of a lawyer, rudy. each time you open your mouth it is a disaster. where are all the tapes? release them. our case is over because president trump's co-conspirator said so? i'll debate the law with you any time, anywhere. >> and avenatti going back and forth with rudy giuliani, the president's personal attorney? >> personally i don't think that anybody benefits from name calling and this kind of childishness back and forth. but if i were going to say who wins between rudy giuliani and michael avenatti. i don't see anything he has been caught in lying about. he released things that i personally wouldn't have released. he's doing it because he believes that people have a right to know and he has information that is certainly of interest to the public. as to any lies, i think that's totally incorrect as to giuliani saying things that are not true. that's clear, his interpretation of the tape is clearly not in accordance with what i heard and i don't believe the president is correct when he says don't believe what you see and hear, i do believe what i see and hear. and i think facts matter. and the tape recording that cohen has released does have the president clearly knowing in advance when he said he didn't have any knowledge of the deal about karen mcdougal, clearly he did, he clearly says the word cash and michael avenatti -- i'm sorry. michael cohen says clearly, why would he say no, no, no, if they were planni they weren't planning on using cash for this payment. >> we have some more developing news here that i want too ask you about. this is just in from "the wall street journal" reporting that the jump organization finance chief, this is a man named allen wiselberg, he's being called to testify in the michael cohen probe now. this is a man who folks have said is very close to the trump administration. he's got intimate knowledge of the company's financial dealings, he was executive vice president, chief financial officer for the trump administration, according to the article in the journal, described by a person close to the company as, quote, the most senior person in the organization that's not a donald trump. again, this is coming from the journal. jill, what do we make of him being called to testify. could this be a direct response to that secret audiotape we were just talking about? >> it certainly could be because he is named in the audiotape of that one conversation that we have already heard as someone that michael cohen consulted with about the financing of the payment and about setting up the secret corporation to funnel the money through. but i think his name lhas come p before and clearly he knows about the bankruptcies, he knows about the loans from russia and germany and from wherever else they are. he has some very important informatio information. you know, going back to watergate, it was follow the money. and now it may be follow the rubles instead of just the cash. and he may know about all of those things and so he could have a very important witness both in the subject against cohen, but potentially in any case that's brought against president trump. >> in the journal, he's considered a witness in the investigation, at this juncture we don't know whether he's actually appeared before the grand jury or he's just been summoned to appear. there's so much news, i did not get to ask you about your cheshire cat win there. >> it's from the alternate reality that we're living in, from alice in wonder land's alternate world. a race against the clock, the trump administration rushing to reunite migrant families bring teby the end of the day today. and if they don't, what will happen? >> and facebook is on pace for its worst day ever on wall street. that man, mark zuckerberg has lost a whopping $15 billion in the past 24 hours. we're going to look at what all of it means for the future of the social media giant. i never thought i'd say this but i found bladder leak underwear that's actually pretty. always discreet boutique. hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel. so i feel protected and pretty. always discreet boutique. omar, check this out. uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. for men. notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ] and then, i'm gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. -a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. -tell me about that dental procedure again! -i can still taste it in my mouth! -progressive helps keep you out there. -i can still taste it in my mouth! i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. the deadline is today for the federal government to ren reunite migrant children with their parents. hundreds of children ages 5 and up are covered by the order, but not all are expected to be reunited. according to the court filings, 1,012 children have been reunitreunite reunited and 463 children have been deported without their children. as migrants try to make their case for asylum and reuni reunification with their children. take a listen. >> what i want before anything is to have my daughter with me. >> where is your daughter? >> translator: in phoenix, arizona. >> all right, ma'am, is there anything you want to say about your case? >> translator: right now i'm unable to answer any questions, your honor. i just want my daughter with me. >> nbc's jacob silveroff has been covering this story since the controversy erupted and also is maria kumar, msnbc contributor. you can hear the anguish there in that mother's voice. how did we get to this point? >> well, jeff sessions declared in april that the trump administration was going to change a policy and decided that reunifying, basically separating people at the border would be a deterrent to people coming across the border. in the middle of june, they decided they were going to fix it, basically overturn their own policy and that they were going to start reunifying -- they were going to stop the process, at the same time, the aclu and a whole slew of groups basically filed and said what the government was doing was inappropriate and illegal, the government sided with them and they were going to start unifying their parents back with children. this is the second deadline that the trump administration misses. and as you heard before, at least 450 children have been deported without their children. in some cases the parents have signed away their rights to their children to give them a better life. in some cases the parents didn't realize they were going signing away their rights. and >> you have also spent some time with a family who was reunited. what can you tell us? >> this is not over, it's not over for the 917 parents who the government says are ineligible fob fob -- to be reunited today. we spent a couple of weeks trailing this family who's already been reunited. and the challenges facing going forward are as big as those they faced coming here. let's take a look at this. >> reporter: this is no ordinary home for maria gloria and her 7 and 11-year-old sons. she came to the u.s. from honduras to escape death threats for herself and her boys. but when she got her and tried to declare asigh muasylum, she separated from her sons. the children were locked up in cages. essentially what look like kennels. she was finally released from detention in texas and was headed to the airport in searcher of her sons. they were sent to a shelter in new york city thousands of miles away, and when she went to pick them up amid a media circus, prebro she broke down. >> translator: i feel like i'm dying because they have taken my kids away. >> reporter: she was uncertain what was going to happen next. the answer was a two-hour drive upstate to kingston, new york. here she has relatives to help her out. and others too. this is catholic charities in kingston, new york and this is where maria will come to help her get settled. maria gloria will get things like lodging and even food. >> we gave her a bed and that was terrific because she had passed so many nights sleeping on a mattress on the floor. >> reporter: now maria gloria is trying to find a job so her kids can have a new and better life here. what your job is to offer them services, are it? >> yes, she was saying, yes, i'm ready, i want to start working. >> reporter: how do you get the kids in school? >> we're going to talk with her social worker and try to set up an appointment and hopefully we'll be there with her. >> reporter: like thousands of others today faced with an uncertain future, maria gloria only has one thing in mind. we're standing on your new block, your new treastreet, youw city, how do you feel? >> my biggest glory is to have my children back again. >> reporter: they hope they're finally in the place that will bring them peace. >> are somethese reunified families slated to be deported? >> that's why the aclu is scramble to get them legal counsel. because the 463 that were already reported according to the government may not have had access to counsel and now may not see their kids again. >> what happens to these kids who are in this country whose parents have already been deported? >> reporter: maybe to a family member's home for a sponsor. that's just crazy to think about. a sponsor means you're not going to an aurnt or an uncle, and you're not with your family. so you came here to run from violence and danger and now you're just taken away. >> there is an opportunity for us in the media to sort of get distracted, our tendency to follow a story closely and a shiny new object appears and we start chasing that. with this particular story, do you feel like the outrage that we should have collectively as a society, do you feel like it is manifested itself? or do you feel like this is just another instance of us as a society getting distracted? >> i have to say that the outpouring of resources that have gone to folks at the border to ensure that they get the counsel that jacob was talking about, ask not only coming through but in spades. and it's basically coming in across party lines. what we need to do is continue telling the stories, making sure that we're continuing to shed light and we definitely need to call for an oversight committee congressional hear asking for jeff sessions and scott lloyds who heads up the refugee settlement to give us a plain plan of where we're going to sri reunification actually occur and that's where people can pick up the phone and call their representatives. a of the preside after the president signed the executive order, we thought it was all done. there's been children that basically have been reyunited with their people and they're still not speaking to them. >> big thanks to you both, j. fascinating report there as always. let's go to wall street here, investors keeping a very close eye on facebook. the stock today, down about 40 points right now. i think that's the last check. can we get the board up? the stock plummeted more than 20% wednesday after a disappointing earnings report, could be in for its worst day ever on wall street. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg himself taking a $17 billion hit. he says it's in part because of security increases. >> we're investing so much in security that it will significantly impact our profitability. we're starting to see that this quarter. >> derek thompson, senior editor at "the atlantic." he also hosts a podcast called crazy genius. mark zuckerberg and the company itself has been mired in a variety of controversies in the last few months. how much about that? how much this is about the facebook model itself perhaps running its course? >> that's the perfect question. before i get to it, i think it's worth spending a bit of time savoring that statistic. this was the largest drop in value for any company in the history of the country. >> that's staggering. >> first, it tells us that facebook was incredibly valuable to begin with. number two, it shows that facebook crude screwed up. there is a money problem and a trust problem. the money problem is sort of interesting. it's the way that facebook makes money is that it sells ads in the middle of the news feed. we know what the news feed is. it's what we see when we enter into our desktop. people are switching from news feeds to stories, those sort of movie-like images on snapchat and instagram. that's where people are going to consume content, and facebook's business model hasn't followed the eyeballs. that's the money problem. then there is a trust problem. facebook has had two and a half years from hel and a lot of its problems have been its own creation. you have the reunification propaganda problem, the disinformation problem, the privacy concerns that people have where they feel like cambridge analytica and other companies are surveilling then as they spend time talking to their grandmother and other friends. facebook has to solve the economic problem and the trust problem at the same time. that's why the price took a nosedive. >> we played a snip ket from that conference call that zuckerberg had. i don't know if you were on the call itself, but i'm sure you heard parts of the call. did that make it even worse, that conference call? >> you know, i think a lot of people came out of the for instance call concerned. in a lot of ways the reason they were concerned is because for so long facebook seemed invincible. >> yeah. >> compared to the a 1 stories, right? in a newspaper there is a 1, the news, b1 the business section. it was as though facebook kept the b-1 fortunes separate the from the a 1 news cycle and it came to a head. mark zuckerberg said, look, everything is coming to the point where we can see revenue declining in the near future. we can see profitability declining in the near future. we will have to spend more on hiring fact checkers, putting in more options for our users to be able to choose what advertisers can and can't follow when they are looking at people on facebook. so i think everything came to a head and investors bailed out. they said everything that we have been seeing on a1 all of a sudden it counts. >> shifting gears, president trump tweeting today, twitter's shadow banning prominent republicans, not good. we will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice at once. many complaints. what is shadow banning, and does the president have a legitimate point at all? >> the answer to the second question is not entirely. the answer to the first question, shadow banning is essentially a platform like twitter or facebook finding ways to suppress the visibility of certain users when you try to search for them. it's not as though twitter has banned certain conservatives from the network, but rather that it might be more difficult to find and follow them. twitter has already reacted to some of this news and found ways to essentially fix its protocol so these conservatives are more likely to be found. what you are looking at with both twitter and facebook today, i think these are two elements of the exact same story. twitter and facebook are both universal platforms for information grappling with the fact that it's basically impossible to satisfy everybody's wishes if you try to be a platform for all information. you have to decide, are we a platform for holocaust deniers or not? are we a platform for reunification propagandists or not, for right wing propaganda or not? these companies have essentially said the way to maximize revenue is by saying that we are going to be a neutral platform for all content and then the process of realizing right now, today, how difficult that is as a business model going forward. >> and all of this happening as we as a society continue to grapple with the role, responsibility, obligation of social media in our society. to us, perhaps to our democratic institutions as well. always learn something from you. thank you, derek. meanwhile, my colleague, nbc's lester holt, he sat down with superbowl champion malcolm jenkins and they talked about the role of activism in the nfl. jenkins said at the end of the day, at the end of the day he and so many others are fighting for disenfranchised americans. >> we talk about domestic violence for a whole year. we had commercials. we had things on the field. nobody had an issue with that. we talk about breast cancer for a whole month every year. we wear pink on the field, we do dedications have the moms out there before the game. no issues with that. we start talking about black issues and issues of race, now all of a sudden we just want football. >> that was good. these zebra and antelope. they're wearing iot sensors, connected to the ibm cloud. when poachers enter the area, the animals run for it. which alerts rangers, who can track their motions and help stop them before any harm is done. it's a smart way to help increase the rhino population. and turn the poachers into the endangered species. ♪ ♪ happy anniversary dinner, darlin'. can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. california had the worst wildfire season on record. scientists say, our weather is becoming more extreme and we all have to be better prepared. that's why pg&e is adopting new and additional safety precautions to help us monitor and respond to dangerous weather. hi, i'm allison bagley, a meteorologist with pg&e's community wildfire safety program. we're working now, to enhance our weather forecasting capabilities, building a network of new weather stations to identify when and where extreme wildfire conditions may occur, so we can respond faster and better. we're installing cutting edge technology to provide real-time mapping and tracking of weather patterns. and we use this information in partnership with first responders and california's emergency response systems. to learn more about the community wildfire safety program and how you can help keep your home and community safe, visit we want to send you off with a smile on this thursday. 100 people have donated their kidneys to total strangers. it's part of a massive project at the university of alabama going on for five years now. he has worked in the transplant lab for seven years and he was one of the donors. trust me, there is great sound there. because of donors like him, uab holds bragging rights for most people who donated their kidneys to strangers. that's going to wrap up this hour of msnbc live. katy tur is standing by to pick things up right now. see you tomorrow morning on tod. we are following a new development in the investigation into donald trump's former lawyer michael cohen and it is big news. "the wall street journal" is reporting that the trump administration's finance gatekeeper for president trump has been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in the criminal probe of mr. trump's former personal lawyer michael cohen, according to people familiar with the investigation. now, you know that name because you heard michael cohen reference him in the conversation he secretly recorded with then-candidate donald trump before the 2016 election. cohen and trump remember were talking about buying playboy play movie theat playmate karen mcdougal's story from the "national enquirer." karen mcdougal alleged she had an afire with donald trump. the pair can be heard talking about keeping mcdougal's story quiet before the election. here is the relevant portion once again. >> i need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that


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