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Peru: Investigations against president and security forces must not put justice for victims at risk

Authorities must redouble their efforts to secure truth, justice, and reparation for all the victims of one of the gravest episodes of widespread human rights violations in Peru’s recent history, said Amnesty International 12 months on from the beginning of a wave of protests that erupted across the nation, resulting in the deaths of 49 civilians and hundreds gravely wounded during a military and police crackdown. On 27 November, Peru’s Attorney General Patricia Benavides presented a


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anger still simmering in peru, months after the after of the countries left. this president doesn't have been killed in what critics are calling a brutal police. crack dale. ah . i burned gov. it's good to have you with us on this tuesday and we begin tonight in nigeria, opposition parties. they are calling for last weekend's presidential election to be scrapped saying that it was rigged. the labor party and the peoples democratic party say that the election has been compromised. police gathered today in front of the electoral commission. but officials have yet to respond to the demand early results show bowler to new boom of the ruling. all progressives, congress leading the rates to replace outgoing president mohammed, who, who hoary, but half of the countries states have still to report their results and we are effort. we're trying to go to a corresponded in nigeria. we'll bring that to you. as soon as we get that lined up now to ukraine, ukrainian, president zalinski to day warning that the situation for ukrainian forces in the embattled eastern city of barcode is getting more and more difficult. russian troops have been trying to capture the city for 6 months. recently they've stepped up their assault in a bid to encircle the city losses have been huge on both sides. ah rushes relief, plus the tax on back moot, had produced the city to rumble. there a few signs of life on the ground and from above, the scale of the damage is overwhelming. now moscow has thither and teams to find its shelling, ukrainian soldiers a fighting bag as hard as they can follow. we are hitting them with whatever we have us. we are holding on against their infantry here. they are not sparing people on the whole area is filled with their dead bodies and the date of birth of the sea . and also for russian troops have full month's trying to capture the city whether emma and both sides have suffered hi casualties. i don't know. i don't know when whether it was a breakfast, my medical work practically nonstop or for the full scale invasion. we have $50.00 to $60.00 wounded in a 9 month rotation of a war. now sometimes we have more than that in one day. so there's a lot of work, but these soldiers are the best backlog holds limited, strategic importance, but taking it would be a major symbolic victory for russia, ukraine's president admitted things were not going well. which can avenue so the situation is constantly becoming more difficult. the enemy is constantly destroying everything that can be used to protect our positions for fortification and defendable. our soldiers defending in the back in what direction had our real heroes was partially little. as russia ramps up its attacks, it could be on the verge of claiming the city ending the longest battle so far of its invasion of ukraine, dw grade corresponding to connelly. he has more nell from the city of buck, looked after weeks and months of full starts. seemed like he ukrainian withdrawal from baltimore might finally now be on the cards report suggest there's just one safe route left between the city and ukrainian l territory. we've heard from top ukraine in general, who's complained russia is sending in its best prepared and most experienced troops despite a huge losses. and we also know that the u. s. has long been pushing ukraine to get out there, convince the potential gains from forcing russia to commit shoes. resources are simply not worth the risk of seeing ukrainian troops encircled there and most of the planners, the military planners, the experts. they say this isn't a city with a huge strategic importance. logistics hub sorta minister of center. it just one of many cities in don bass in that part of his new grain, but symbolically, is taken on a huge some important issue significance in the last couple of months. it's been the top verin's news feeds here. and it's city that present lensky refers to very often talking about the fortress, but more so trying to explain to an or ukrainians it was worth risking. ukrainian soldiers lives there for the last couple months. and that is now no longer the case that is going to be very difficult. indeed. there was dw connelly reporting there from ukraine. finland's parliament is holding a final debate on a bill aimed at speeding up the country's effort to join nato. the debate coincides with a visit to helsinki from nato secretary general un stoughton bert, of speaking alongside the finish prime minister salton beg you've said that now is the time to allow both finland and sweden to join the military alliance. with that comment directed at 2. busy nato members, you know, who were talking about turkey and hungary who are still standing in the way. as d w. 's, terry schultz reports to night turkey's opposition is causing the most can sir side by side. that's how almost everyone presumed nordic neighbors, finland, and sweden would travel the path to nato when they submitted their applications in may. this is a good day or at the critical moment for our security. but turkish president, wretched tie, bear to one, put the brakes on the 2 countries bids do primarily to their perceived tolerance for kurdish groups. he considers enemies, that 3 countries made a deal at the nato summit in madrid to work out their differences. but only finland has succeeded in sweden where the officially designated kurdish terrorist organization, the p k. k is more visible. activists have targeted air to one personally, and burned the qur'an stoking anchor as animosity. the vertigo, we do know to have relatively a major problem with respect to finland on that. we are always underlining that sweden should take concrete steps as the this has led to a distinct change in nato's emphasis that the nordics joined together. the main question is not whether the feminine sweden are rectified together. the main question is that they are both ratified as full members. as soon as possible, there's been a shift in helsinki to finish president sally mister says joining together is his preference, but our hands, sorry, in a way tight. we applied for membership should be no say that no, we cons. hello, application know that we can. fins are thinking more about their other neighboring now decades of opposition to nato membership, evaporated after russia launched warren crane will be very hard for decision makers to justify to the people war, i think over 80 percent in favor of nato right now. and also we're seeing over 50 percent offenders now in favor of going in in aid. so at this point, even if we're not run it by the swedish prime minister of kristen has reacted angrily warning that leaving sweet and outside nato even temporarily would compromise both of their security. henry vaughan and disagrees. sweden would be a nato invitees, surrounded by nato members. and have would have finland on its eastern neighbor a, nate, so i wouldn't say would be the worst possible scenario i would say to you. it was significant improvement at the moment. it's the most likely scenario with finland, holding parliamentary elections in april. the current government would like to see a finished flag raised at nato under its watch, and there still a sliver of possibility for a tandem accession, as stalled talks with turkey resume in march and our corresponded terry shows. she joins me now for brussels. she is following developments. we're going to start in finland. terry, this debate that's going on right now. i mean, is this basically perfunctory. i mean, is there anything left to debate as far as the parliament and far as lawmakers are concerned? when it comes to joining nato, we very much know what finish lawmakers think because they had to vote once already on giving the government permission to seek the application for membership. and at that time, they voted a $188.00 for seeking membership and only 8 against. so today in this final reading of the bill, there were still a handful of people who felt like this was their last chance to make a stand against joining nato. there was a couple of speakers in opposition to it, but again, the bill is going to sale through, in fact, is support for nato membership has only grown over the months since says since it was initially introduced with the russians continued brutality in ukraine. and we know that finland and sweden applied together to join nato. and now it seems of kate, sweden may not be able to join as soon as finland, it seems that finland is contemplating. maybe you know, going it alone. is that having any type of strain on relations between finland and suite? you can definitely see some tensions in public at the munich security conference, swedish prime minister of kristen warned against splitting the bids. he said that this would be dangerous for his country, that it would leave them abandoned. and this, we very much feel that this would take pressure off turkish president air to want if, if they were allowed to get finland. and now, but i spoke to someone at nato, who said, you know, this is what we think is the best path. now get finland in and then we can all focus on helping sweden get over that line to in the finish. prime minister. i mean, she had said that the delay in ramification, that delay that's coming from hungary, turkey. she said it's strange, the open door policy of nato. is that the case? that's right. and that was very interesting that she said that with nato secretary general ian stoughton berg standing right next to her today. and i think that was a very bold thing to say because it again puts pressure back on nato to help finland and sweden overcome these obstacles that aren't even really clear anymore in hungary and turkey. so i think it, it streams the division of unity in the alliance, but you know, henry von and who i spoke with in that story said, you know, this is a good lesson for finland. anyway, we find out that is not a rose garden inside nato, that there are compromises to be made in. politics are being played out everywhere, not even with direct relevance to the issues at stake. he said, so we're learning some lessons here. i think that them both countries eventually will get in, but it very much looks like finland will be 1st and that makes some people uncomfortable, especially across the gulf there in sweden, in turkey, obviously being the big blockade here. what. what's the status right now with turkey and with president air to one? so we thought that turkey was the biggest obstacle and it probably is. but, you know, just to de hungary announced that it was going to delay yet again. it's vote on finland and sweden. you know, this is a fellow you member so you would think that to hungary would see fit to let it say let it's to partners and but no a victor or bond is delaney yet again, there is some hope for the turkish talks because now it talks are set up for next week, march 9th, for the 3 parties to come to nato headquarters. so that will be secretary general stoughton berg, putting some of his own pressure now on turkey to let in finland and sweden. he said to day, it is time to get this done. corresponded to resort to the lady's delight in brussels. terry, as always, thank you. and we wanna return yell to our top story in nigeria. 2 of the main opposition parties are saying that the presidential election has been rigged. want to go live now to law goes into our correspondence. there. elisa took wilma alicia. it's good to see you this, this sale and it looks very troubling. i mean, the vote counting is not even over in nigeria. why are these opposition parties? why are they taking this extreme step calling for these elections to be cancelled? well, very yeah. just like you said, the vote counts and you know, i said yesterday there was drama at the collision center and i bridget, wendy opposition party p. and also on the i legal posse, which has a really huge grass with that kind of, it is both parties really a stage to walk out on the installation process on. now they've got on demand, you know, the elections be cancelled, and they are now quite possible cancellation. they say that i q, the electoral body. i never colleen a b a. i don't impact this kind of what i meant. and it was, i did use an allocation, does it go every day? so, you know, i spent a lot of allegations being made now by both parties. again, study electoral commission. now these have because of the problems that were witness on election day, are they not? because of the lack of transmission of results, which did not have a lot to be on saturday due to what the electric clinical technical glitches affected by the collision process of the election. to have these technical glitches, it appears to be a major problem. do we know when the final results will be announced when, when can we expect them? well, terry, at this point a good. i mean don't c 98 p c would in passing candidate them all the time it is played in the front row shows. things comes in this way. i think on the back of the brain. second, i'm p that i'm going to go by 3rd, that's the way it looks like right now. i'm with i strongly do believe that by this time tomorrow the final results should be on now because we're not all right now for the correlation. a saturday, we have sunday with very little happening. i sent yesterday. we have movies all coming in and so today, so anyway, i tomorrow wednesday, it just, it doesn't, it doesn't that will might have a final result on prevention mentions by tomorrow. and we understand the turn out was rather look, i mean, how do you explain that to our nigerians? are they basically frustrated with the whole political process now that we offer the great time, because many will say i, i've won and that it's when i was, you know, better than the last election in 2019 i was when you look at the numbers of the race that versus was supposed to have 93 medium with percent of them. you mother was have a population supposed to be you and you look at and that was my guess and right that with the results and the not good cast, it's really not making it look like a massive are out. although people will argue that there was a mass for that. so now i suppose that once the final results have been happening now and then we'll see, didn't know about it and about made that will design. this was really truly records on out of in my area on know, well there you will fail. the story may be by this time tomorrow we will have those final results are corresponded. elisa chuck will not joining us tonight from nigeria with the latest on the the election in the boat county that is still under way. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . medics say sudanese security forces shot did a protester during a demonstration against military rule. on tuesday, he was the 100 and 25th person to be killed in the weekly protest that had been held since the military coup. back in october of 2021. these also fired tear gas at protesters marching towards the presidential palace in the capitol car to the bell . a routine leader alexander lucas jenko, has arrived in beijing at the start of a 3 day trip to china. lucas jenko, who was a key ally of moscow will ab torso, with chinese liter, she's in pink. the visit comes amid continuing us concerns that china is seeking to arm russia against ukraine. the european parliament has become the latest e u institution to ban the popular app, tick tock on its staff, telephones. it follows the european commission and the european council. the united states has also given government employees 30 days to take the apps off of their smartphones. there are fears that the app chinese company could be using it for spy. north korea's leader him john owen has ordered a fundamental transformation of the countries agriculture. there is speculation about a serious food shortage in the country. state media haven't reported what measures will be taken. we do know that on monday, kim opened a political conference dedicated to agriculture. on the other side of the planet south, south america, peru, public anger is still simmering after mass protests following the removal of the countries left. his president pedro castillo 2 months ago. anger in rural indigenous areas. it remains particularly high. these demonstrators were on their way to the peruvian capital lima, to demand the resignation of the new president. deena boulevard south scores of protesters have already been killed and more than a 100 wounded in the unrest. prosecutors are now investigating the violence, but critics say they're going after the wrong people. these days, the mere sight of policeman triggers feelings of anger and fear. into this quandary, 6 weeks ago, police arrested her husband alejandro in their hometown in the andes, mountains on charges of subversion. russ mylanta police picked him up at 1 in the morning as he and at 1st we didn't know why. now we found out that he is accused of being part of a terrorist organization acre lot with 7, they've been misled. i one out of any, says him, the buddies alejandro is crime was attending a demonstration like many poor rural peruvians. he was protesting for more rights, fresh elections and a new constitution. the protesters want a solution for peruse, national crisis. the police response was brutal. according to amnesty international security forces killed 48 people. the majority were indigenous. automatically palace, the police and military fired into the crowd of demonstrators, sliminess these. they even shot at peaceful protesters and was gonna peruse. andean population are furious at the police and the interim government in lima. they're already hard hit by prue's tanking economy, dairy farmer, luciano keys pay is at his wits end. was element. those animal heat is becoming more and more expensive than normal. so it's no longer profitable to produce milk and cheese. and the soon i'll have to shut down my pharma, cala nobody helps us charmers of an especially not the government nor will you ever know garbo voyo the marginalized peruvians are banding together. their rebellion is not likely to end soon and for more now i'm joined by marina navarro. she's head of amnesty international in peru. marine is good to have you with us this evening. do we know how our authorities in peru? how are they investigating possible human rights violations during the protests over the last 2? lots. hello. yes. i'm still rushing away, quite concerned that the mistake in our going really is slow and they don't have enough resources. that's what we have seen so far. some late in bought them that have been taken at 3 in a little and also into political live. i think the explanation of into their best and empty and have a lot and some of it is ministers. but what we can see here is that some of the evidence have not be in like really well for service. and there are like some of their like, important issues. like for example, there are not many, many of the people that have been keel natal, half out of c, s, ah low, it would have 2 examples. so people aren't quite concerned about about this. and this is also like the, the, the anger that people have in south term and maybe help our viewers understand how did the divisions are in peru right now. i mean, is it, is it correct to say that we've got a situation where society is divided between the rural areas that support the alfred president castillo it vs the cities, the urban areas that support the current president? well there is certainly other via chumps, but i will then say it's really like want support hip, the never laura, they never, north a has are very high a little of a people i gave her length william people in li, milan does not support the never live there, and i will say the same with gusty, you're not all the protests at once. castillo to call back, but there are certainly a division because i between lima and mainly areas from there. and yet regions in the south for rural because they have feel like completely is clue that discriminated and doing this brought this, it has like race really, these races that has been be high and like hair during and many they gets but now they feel it. and they're certainly these divisions, and they want this elections and they want to be part of this political system that they feel of people from in rural areas feel that they have been excluded from the blue gases. yeah, it sounds like a reckoning is taking place in peru and i know that peru has promised to deepen it's collaboration with the united nations to improve the human rights situation in the country. do we know that collaboration is it takes place. what does it look like? well, it should be taking place that we know that there has been a crazy man with them. i pay commissioner for human rights, bad a to a start. what we'll expect is that the regression will stop because the steam will come see that there are a lot of products around the country and there is like a very violent repression. excessive use of force in different air regions. so ah, for human rights to, to be, i mean for to, to, to start these commitment with human rights, their oppression, sheila stuff that will be the 1st commitment that the commission to the demonstrators that we're, we're seeing pictures of right now. they are calling for president. will ortiz government to resign? how, why clean is a resignation? and if that were to happen, what would it do to the stability of the political system in the room? well, and they have been asking for the resignation of the dinner. laura and from the beginning of the protest 2 months ago. and so for our sheep thus and say like a word about that the rustic nations, ah, what they want is that resignation. a neo elections are because if she resign goes to the family, the congress should call for new elections. that's what the really like they are calling for. ah, but the political instability emperor has been taking in like in the last 67 years . like with that we have had 5 presence in 7 years, sorry, 6 years. so it's not so likely that only with these new selections, things that they will, it will stop. ah, i think that we need like more of the pan reforms political form still have like a more stable and, and ceased them political system that is more inclusive. so people can feel that they far back also from indigenous people and campus in this community. yet it's true and you know it is a, it's a problem that we see in countries all over the world on practically every comment when we're talking about voter participation elections and inclusive. marina navarro with amnesty international peru, marine. we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. thank you. thank you. i miss sports news for you now and a major change in french football. the president of the federation, noel leger 8, has resigned. he's involved in a scandal over alleged harassment on the french sports ministry included that he's no longer fit to be president, highlighting inappropriate behavior towards women. the 81 year old, 81 year old had already taken a step back following an investigation into other allegations. the french women's had coach corina the octave is expected to resign as well due to criticism from key players. last week, captain wendy renard, quit the team, saying that she wants to preserve her mental health problems all around. there is dw news from berlin. has a reminder of that top story we're following for you. nigeria is 2 main opposition . political parties demanding that this past weekend presidential elections be cancelled. they want new elections. they are alleging widespread voter fraud. and the early results show a lead for viola, tend to boot of the ruling. apc, i'll be back with help with the our, with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you then ah, with ah, with to take up a pulse with the beginning of a story that moves us and takes us along for the ride. it's only about to perspective culture information. this is either you news and more d, w. made from mines. oh, she's up to date. don't miss our highlights. the d w program online. d w dot com highlights. mm. mm. should we eat? oh, how do we treat animals and why hasn't anything changed? does this is actually a clear violation of animal protection. why do we love some as companions while eating others? yet i never thought about how strange it was that i could to pat my dog with one hand while i ate a pork chop with the other. what is the alternative and how does it taste? it's like the real thing. yeah. will we all be vegan and 50 years? i senior very sure, 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Peru: Lethal repression shows contempt for Indigenous, campesino populations

Amnesty International has released the initial findings of its investigation into the state response to the recent protests in Peru.


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