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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180109 00:30:00

everybody welcome to the show there's lots to look forward to as we kick off another week on your next here's what's coming up today. golden globes in the fade is named best foreign language film in los angeles. holiday on ice the world's best known ice skating show turns seventy five. and canine work is how dogs help boost sales in british shops. the award season is upon us and the first major event for film and t.v. fans was the seventy fifth golden globes which is my personal favorite because the films and series i enjoyed tend to get recognized that and there was plenty of recognition for european artists with winners from france scotland and germany will bring you up to date on how europe's finest did at the awards ceremony but first a look at how fashion was used to deliver a strong message to. the red carpet was full of. alack at the golden globe awards on sunday the stars wore somber outfits to show solidarity with victims of sexual assault and harassment in the film industry. but the mood of the winners was anything but black german director fatty cockiness pictured in the face one best foreign language film it was a moving occasion for the director and lead actors deonna clear thank you monique my wife my kids without you. because you are the dollar thank you so much i feel privileged today to do what i think is the elevating the foreign language thing. in the fayed tells the story of a right wing terror attack in germany the film is based on a real series of murders committed by a neo nazi terrorist group called the n.s.u. its members systematically killed at least nine people of foreign backgrounds director hakim is himself the son of turkish immigrants. people could have killed room i could be one of those targets of little or nothing which separates me from the targets and i was kind of like we are the people like kill me just because i don't car look south cal castro i crack him this year three of the five best foreign language film nominees came from europe film was up against swedish satire the square winner of the palme d'or at cannes this year. this little golden globe jury voted for in the fate it likely helped that the film's theme proved topical as discrimination is currently a big issue in tinseltown and beyond and european cinema is contributing to the debate. last year dance director power fan who founded won the golden globe with alan the wonderful isabel. before it was hungary and last low nam ish with son of saul so european cinema is very present. present. sees her go plays a woman who loses her husband and child in a right when terror attack she gave a heart rending portrayal of paying film by those left behind. because of the. within the fade you can clearly sense the influence of american independent cinema since martin scorsese is fatty hawkins big role model woods and naturally lead actress deana kluger has enjoyed international success for years and worked with hollywood directors like quentin tarantino and vault and pages of. that are so i think that contributed greatly to in the faith winning the golden globe. going global. hunger made her acting debut with a hollywood blockbuster in two thousand and four she played helen involved on paper since troy alongside orlando bloom and brad pitt. in two thousand and nine she appeared in quentin tarantino's inglourious basterds. in the fade was her first german language film and it's now a golden globe winner in the fade is also nominated for an academy award will it take home the best foreign language film oscar as well the golden globes often predict the oscar winners but we'll just have to wait till march to find out. well we keep things current with our express up next which begins with a fantastic charity event that helps homeless people all over germany. seventeen head dresses from the baba angels brotherhood association have given more than two hundred homeless and needy people in ballin free haircuts. the association was founded in stuttgart in twenty six days. ever since the charitable baba's have travelled around germany to draw attention to the un's usual idea. that goal is to give a face to the homeless and the needy and to put a smile on. their says aisha now has one hundred eleven members throughout germany the offer for people in their respective cities free headcounts once a month. in twenty seven thousand more than three hundred thousand pilgrims followed the way of st james to santiago de compostela in spain that's a new record ninety three percent made their way in classic style on foot while seven percent rode bicycles in one thousand nine hundred seventy the council of europe declared the way of saying change its first ever european cultural route ever since the tradition of the pilgrimage has undergone an impressive revival with more and more people making this spiritual journey. last weekend the annual hack c. hood rugby match took place in northern england the event is held every january between the villages of hexie and west woodside. its route stay back to a legend from the fourteenth century. according to the tale the winds blew away a lady's silky riding hood thirteen farmers tried to chase it down and when they succeeded the lady gave them thirteen acres of land. bought on the condition that the chase for the herd be reenacted every year. right now it's freezing cold here in berlin one of the best ways to get through the long and cold winter is to embrace the elements and enjoy some seasonal and to time and a great example is holiday on ice one of the world's most famous ice shows twenty eighteen marks an important milestone for the touring company they've now been going to seventy five years of course a lot has changed since the show's humble beginnings in the u.s. state of ohio in the one nine hundred forty s. my colleague meghan lee took a look at the latest installment cold atlantis. this is one of the world's longest running shows holiday on ice now entering its seventy fifth year it's an acrobatic adventure of sorts some thirty five skaters take to the ice in a program that changes every year one of the principle stars of the show is twenty five year old mighty long graf he's already had a long and successful skating career and this is yet another feather in his cap to do and i am no it's just the world's largest ice show you can hear the audience tonight right off to the number of people and that keeps you motivated to go out to get. this year's story centered around the legend of atlantis monte plays one of its richest inhabitants a man who seduces dozens of women before atlantis sinks underwater. legend has it the ancient utah big city suddenly disappeared due to the god's anger at the population to greet. the costume story ideas and choreography have come a long way in seventy five years holiday on ice began in one thousand and forty three in the united states over the years it has grown as a production introducing new characters and attracting many stars its audience has also grown steady over the years the show's signature opulence has remained consistent throughout. even after seventy five years holiday on ice still remains one of the most successful shows of its kind thanks in no small part to the theatrical performances its creative directors are always on the lookout for the most modern concepts to keep the audiences in awe . i'm a big fan of game of thrones and i love the opulence and the beauty and the slight feel of of history but i wanted to give it a modern edge so if if we thought atlantis was alive now. artois this is how i would i would think it would look holiday and i says chalked up a number of records it's the most visited i show in the world with over three hundred twenty nine million audience members it's also appeared in the guinness book of world records five times. skaters who want to participate must have experience like julie sherry from switzerland another principal skater in the show up till two years ago she was competing on an international level. by the invade to be bad but the mules petitions you feel more into pressure on the atmosphere is tense. now i notice that the show is how we can all enjoy it because we have put a show together all of this can be socially orientated so this larry family and we show that to the outside weld deep in the in the house and. aside from the skating acrobatics n.p.r. trickle performances the costumes also play a central role created by international designer michael sharpe they were a major endeavor with many a lot just sticks. of a number of different worlds always thought. so how it once was in the trees bright pure moment and then when you have the place sinking on the go below the water it's a lot more surreal a video to inspire it. because it's essentially a sports everything has to be super flexible and really do your both durable enough to last at least six months many of the skaters have no less than seven costume changes per show and as the show progresses so does the opulence of each outfit. great costumes very impressive and. lovingly designed great music you know it's great fun it's fantastic i'm upset me thrilled i didn't it was beautiful inside me i liked it when the fire came spouting out. how they are nice where seventy five years of history behind it the extravaganza is still as popular as ever. now to an artist who combines two of life's greatest joys art and food and it's not healthy ingredients that take her fancy. uses chocolate as a pan and margarine to mold her sculptures so apart from looking good some of the pieces probably taste quite nice to what happens when she suddenly fancies a snack. a sculpture made from marjorie created and modeled by artist sun you're on a poison. and what other minds you go by my mother always baked a lot so it was a normal material for me dough and margarine and it's easy to shape and to make sculptures with. plastic this is a special margarine it's in the it's keeps its shape well and it's very high lastic a bit like a modeling clay lasts business almost like touching a living thing. i've been these. piece called just also made from archery in. their part of a performance held at the proms five university of out west on your isle why is it was a lecture and. that it taught us to us here something is destroyed when we eat them edible things are also destroyed we consume something and it's gone up. here it's a sculpture i just made that's being destroyed when it loses half of its shape through the impact but i think that's incredibly beautiful. the artist has won many accolades for her work including her drawings which revolve around the theme of cooking this one shows how to bake rye bread from sourdough. that's until she had misread us in the end i'm interested in how things intermingle and how things are created and you can show that nicely in a drawing those individual stamps and then use it in a recipe. just looking at her drawings is enough to make your mouth water and leave you longing to share a meal with good friends. this time isn't the same guy we had last the spirit of sharing on that's where i'm coming from. you set the table invite guests and share something. that's got a bit lost with old cuisine where everyone has his own plate and must make do with what's on it it's so restricting. a chocolate bar with another installations added that stuff mart the specialty ought to be allowed to depict this kind of decadence i have to use a lot of chocolate to show that i mean a lot of chad it's an overabundance i work with that and sometimes it can be wasteful but there's also positive wastefulness and for me using this much chocolate is positively wasteful and i simply wanted to see it. doesn't use that much chocolate while working in her own kitchen yet it remains a sweet temptation. markoff i miss i love milk chocolate although i discipline myself while i'm working otherwise you just end up nibbling presence nasty. massy pans another sweet treat she's pressed it into a silicon mold to form a head is farms that moment i'm happy when the head emerges and it's all shiny when it's been well pressed and then the almond oil settles around the edges and it looks like it's been freshly lacquered i really like that. sonia tops off her works of art with a chocolate coating their sweet but much too good to eat. let's continue now with another trip for your remarks extra tour that's our segment where you are audience can send us your dream travel destinations and we'll take you there. this time we got a request from the city of dia in costa rica dixie. wants to know more about austria a country that's almost ten thousand kilometers away one of the most beautiful corners of the alpine country is a town called time it's often referred to as the poem of to roll and it certainly looks the part. hoof stein is a feast for the eyes especially on a lovely day like this one with a dusting of snow and clear blue skies. the old market square is home to the town's and loveliest buildings luckily they were spared when a fire destroyed much of course in the eighteenth century. this is where visitors can also begin their ascent to the fortress many come just before twelve noon each day and there's a special treat in store. as the bell finishes tolling a concert begins it can be heard through much of. the music is coming from the so-called citizens tower. it's home to the world's largest freestanding organ locals call it the hero's organ each day the song the good comrade is played to honor all those who have fallen in wars throughout the world. the organ pipes are located at the top of the tower but the organist sits down below it's not an easy job since you can never practice without thousands of people listening in. so in the afternoon belongs to the heroes but the night. belongs to an entirely different kind of character. he's armed with a lantern and a weapon called a how bird. he's stein's nightwatchman household level these days the night watchman is a tourist attraction but he used to serve an important function he'd warn the population if a fire broke out and keep an eye open for thieves not a job for the faint hearted. at the off best of all night watchmen were pretty special people and they weren't much loved by the townspeople because they were always on the go after dark. in the towns ordinary citizens were rather scared of the dark fact that there were no street lights no lanterns it was really dark quiet time gray so the night watchman was the only one who really dead to go out at night. that is apart from the people who wanted to stay out drinking. people still like to do that here in the remote hope. it's the quaintest street in kuta but also its most infamous. and is also the hour for example has been around for six hundred years or so and then there's a guest house there's also alcohol the local was known for its good beer back then today it's more of a wine bar. of course there were people who drank a lot and got into fights but in some towns the night watchman was more of a night police missed out and he kept peace and order this sort. of night is quite a sight during the winter season visitors can accompany the night watchman on his rounds at least once a week it's a chance to visit some of the town's lesser known corners as well as here scary stories and interesting anecdotes and see could shine from a completely different perspective. the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks but it turns out that all four legged friends are marketing geniuses and recent is marketing executives have come up with all sorts of innovative and crazy concepts to boost businesses but a recent study shows that dogs may hold the onset apparently canines keep the customer coming in fact they spend an average of eight euros more in shops that have a hairy help. this is bertie outwork. from notting hill spends the entire day at the house alone that belongs to his mistress crystal and christe. roller if you like. people that's what he loves doing all day long so i generally sit by the door and when the salon is busy with clients then he just walks around to each chair sort of gives everyone a bit of a cuddle. crystal's customers don't only drop by to get their hair done many enjoy as well. so the dog helps build her customer base that can be an advantage for a small business. a recent study by american express shows that having dogs in britain is places of business increased turnover by the equivalent of some sixty eight million euros a year. i come here to see firstly anyway even if i don't have my hair cut so i go past and say hello to. bertie's career is just getting started bulldog has become an instagram influence. the remote business people in britain are using dogs to improve their image on social media. he also appears as a must for the new book shop. people following you for for his personality for what he's up to and then by that. they end up becoming interested in his business where he lives what he dos eventually walk through the door. honey one cost to james is a business psychologist she's not surprised by the study's findings. the research by american express looking at the effects of having a pet in a small shop i think is really interesting because it confirms what we probably in charitably know. which is that pets are not only good for our health but they can be good for all wealth particularly if you have them in a small business environment where customers are going to be drawn in to interact with the dollar goal come in and it's a really good icebreaker sometimes yes sometimes no florist cari cooks loves having her dogs at work but not all of her customers are as happy as she is about getting an enthusiastic greeting from a four legged friend. when they come in here we always say we've got two dogs and a few will run and greet you which probably isn't the best big if you are afraid that if i come with you cannot be hopefully overcome some people face some people will just run out the show but it's very. talks and not just for one best friend that also find work colleagues. of p.t. and fandom happiness for attention. this is allowed them to generate free advertising the study says the likelihood that customers will post something about a shop on social media goes up twenty two percent if there's a dog in the place. dogs like huxley are definitely good for business. before we go we just have time to introduce this week's prize draw as it's a new year we'd like to know which resolutions you've made for twenty eighteen just head to our website d.w. dot com slash lifestyle to share what you intend to achieve in the coming twelve months and you could get the year off to a great start by winning a euro max wristwatch like this one. for today about for now. next time on your own max speed writer really casting holtz races down mt. hundred kilometers an hour speed riding is a cross between snowboarding and power and requires a lot of skill. and spectacular images that speed riding. a common european solution is nowhere in sight meanwhile thousands of asylum seekers are enduring inhumane conditions why can't the e.u. get the refugee crisis under control the limits of europe the e.u. and the refugee crisis. in fifteen minutes on. the fast paced life. shift as the web showing new developments and providing useful information. and interviews with the makers. of shifts in forty five minutes. and i think. it's certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child the only friend their homeland is the enemy invades. no one wants russia here which is the. global news that matters. d.w. made for mines. it's all about the moments that life before. it's all about the stories inside. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us and be inspired by distinctive instagram or hers at g.w. stories the two topics each week on instagram. are you up to speed on the latest technology. no then it may be time for an upgrade becoming part of the future. become a cyborg i'm a safeword so i've created a new sense and a new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my you can't on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. to at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it have been society does the human race really need an upgrade i think it's only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first t w. activists of protested at the white house against


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