Little Brother Friends of the Elderly and the Marquette Elks worked together to prepare more than 200 meals for local Seniors on Thanksgiving. Volunteers delive
MARQUETTE, MI - Sonny Longtine, age 83, passed away on Thursday, July 13, 2023. Mr. Longtine was born March 6, 1940, in Marquette, Michigan, to Gene and Della
The Marquette Elks served more than 85 people for a Mother’s Day brunch. $700 was raised and donated to the Elks National Foundation, to provide grants to lo
All money raised at the event goes to the Elks National Foundation, which supports community organizations and events across the nation, including in Marquette.
The Marquette Elks donated $750 to the Marquette Senior High School robotics team, ZetaBotics. The robotics team of 19 high school students utilizes math, engin