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since tension soaring on the korean peninsula. ah, i'm how much i'm doing this is al jazeera live from. don't have also coming up. a church service in the ruins of an ancient turkish city, destroyed by earthquakes, people and on takia avow to rebuild ukrainian forces brace for a new russian offensive on the strategic town of buck moot as they wait for more western health. france ends its military mission in burkina faso, a month after the west african nation decided to defend itself against on rebels. ah, north korean leader kim jong own sister, kim, jo john says whether her country uses the pacific ocean as quote its shooting range depends on the united states. the statement comes after north korea fired another ballistic missile off its east coast. apparently angered by joint military drills between the u. s. and south korea. fenton monahan has more the latest tests come just 24 hours after saturday's launch of the wa song 15 intercontinental ballistic missile. mm. north korea says it's proof of its capability to deliver a quote, fatal nuclear counter attack. kimmy john, the sister of north korea's leader, says whether to use the pacific ocean as its shooting range depends on the united states. north korea is not happy with the ramping up of military exercises between the u. s. in south korea, which will take place in march. there's also a table top exercise that will look at nuclear scenarios that will happen between the u. s. and talk to you next week, and i think north korea sending a message that it is unhappy with that and it will fight fiber, fire us, and south korea. warplanes carried out a highly visible response to saturdays launch. south 3 defense ministry set the drill headed by nuclear capable american b, one bombers affirmed, united states commitment extended to terms of its nuclear weapons. the u. s. and japan held a similar, separate exercise over waters of japan's west coast. years of diplomacy, sanctions and international censure have done little to slow north korea's missile program since martin al jazeera ah, in it's now 2 weeks since the earthquakes, the devastated parts of southern turkey and northwest syria. more than 46000 people have been confirmed dead. but many more are still unaccounted for. turkish rescue efforts have ended in all provinces except the 2 hardest hit. come on, marsh and her tie. a doctors without borders, aid convoy has now entered northwestern, syria, a region divided by more than a decade of civil war. the world health organization estimates 26000000 people across both countries need humanitarian aid. survivors are being forced to come to terms with the fact that there is likely no one left alive under the rubble. but there are still an unknown number of people missing. bernard smith reports from on takia in south eastern turkey. there's no expectation now that this kick is rescue team will find any one alive under the rubble of these apartments in untouched. what they're trying to do is at least give relatives a body to bury memory glass. last 5 members of his family needs him on. good. oh, it has been 14 days. i'm waiting for my aunt dead or alive. what matters is we get it from here. so we can bury her and give her a place under the soil. memory aunt is classified as missing amidst the constantly updating statistics on the 10s of thousands of dead or injured or homeless. there's one number, the turkish government can't provide. it doesn't know how many people are still missing. the scale of the disaster expectations of the survivors takes its toll on the more than 35000 turkish and foreign rescue was working here. what color gelatin we have psychologists in our team offering support to help us get over stress and depression. i've never seen an earthquake like this in my whole life, and you have to shut down your emotions when you do the job in attack. yes, of ivers have access to food medicines and tense, but the government wants somehow to start rebuilding as soon as possible. at least 345000 apartment buildings have been destroyed according to the turkish government . of course, every one of them. somebody's home, and now the search and rescue operation has effectively ended. the task of demolishing and rebuilding is beginning. it may prove impossible to calculate exactly how many people are missing or dead. following the earthquakes here. but in some places they know. every balloon here represents the life of a child that lived in this apartment. building. bernard smith, al jazeera and tuck year. the usda department has announced it will provide an additional $100000000.00 an aide to the quake victims. you a secretary of state antony blank and visited some of the affected areas in turkey . on sunday, he promised that washington would provide long term help to the country. there's been extensive damage to turkey is cultural heritage. people in the ancient city of on takyo are vowing to rebuild. many religious buildings were destroyed as natasha, her name reports. it's the 2nd sunday since the earthquake. the antonia protestant church is resuming services. but the pastor now balances the top. what used to be the wrought iron gate pon about with bible in hand. we walk 5 minutes a log deserted street to find the greek orthodox church. we stop a rare passer by to ask where it's gone. and the b b i'll news are mosque believe to be built in the 7th century, was one of the oldest in the country. now in ruins. on takia, known as antioch in ancient times was one of the biggest jewels of the roman empire in modern her kiya. it's a city, celebrated for its diversity. were there because of this, there is brotherhood here, not discrimination. we all live together. here are churches here, a mosque is here and they're all next to each other as well. one nation, one fist, it's duchess. religious history that's been lost at i's house of parliament built before the area became part of turkey is now tilting, precariously booklet i was. i be shaken. it's impossible to describe seems such a beautiful city like this in ruins. i hope will return to our good old days. this is a beautiful city and i love it so much and i'm not going to leave the minister of culture and tourism says on takia and had tie province or a mosaic, a place where historically and until to day adherence of the 3 monotheistic religions found a home to worship the government is promising to rebuild damaged heritage. sites like this one within a year introduce regulations for reconstruction and provide financial assistance to private building owners. you not the case? get on. thank you. i will return to its diverse community until in days we will return and continue to preserve the cultural fun, takyo discussion. one of them people here are quit to mentioned that an takia has been decimated by multiple earthquake since the 2nd century. each time it was rebuilt, they say history will repeat itself. natasha named l 0 and tuck ya, takia. ukrainian forces or fortifying their positions in the eastern city of severs anticipating a potential rush. an offensive cave believes diverse could be next in line of russia takes the fiercely contested town of blackwood. some 1500 civilians still remain in the city. moscow says its forces are making gains in the harkey region. it says russian troops had taken control of a village near the city of harkey. russian forces have been advancing in the area since keep reclaimed control of the city in september. meanwhile, russia news agencies are saying one person was killed and 11 were injured in a shelling of daniel by key forces. 40 rockets were fired in an attack that last of 2 minutes, the danielle prosecutors building and a library were hit. ukraine's electrical grid has been a major target of russian attacks. are science editor colon baker explains why it's difficult for keith to replace damaged infrastructure. a target stands out among the intense fighting of the last few months of the war and ukraine. russian missiles have damaged 2 thirds of the countries electrical grid. many of the strikes targeted ukraine's transformers, which are unique, vulnerable, and difficult to replace ukraine's electricity comes from 15 nuclear reactors, thermal plants and renewables. many received direct or near strikes and summer occupied electricity leads power plants at hundreds of thousands of volts. that's the most efficient way to get it from the plant to the user. but a house runs at 220 volts. so the electricity needs to be stepped down and that's what happens inside a transformer. as the power passes between its magnets, the voltage decreases, the current increases, and it becomes useful for a home. after damage the electrical load can overwhelm stations, as happened in odessa, in february. not like a small microchip to be replaced and actually replace some equipment. it is actually on the one hand, a huge logistical operation to get this equipment into place. but on the other hand, you have to find this equipment somewhere. ukraine's electrical grid was built to fit a system that was deployed across the soviet union. but western europe's grid runs at a lower voltage, so it's high capacity. transformers cannot be swapped. searches turn to former eastern bloc countries. lithuania, which has similar units donated doesn't including one high capacity auto transformer. we do not need compassion, but we need equipment and a defense. we also needs import supplies from europe and more mobile generation to support our system. fuel run generators keep the hospital lights on, and in cities across ukraine, people have gotten used to rolling blackouts, calling baker elders here. the united nations nuclear watchdog says it's in talks with iran. after reports, the country has enriched uranium to 84 percent. and 90 percent threshold is required for use in a weapon. iran was last known to enrich up to 60 percent. tara started stepping up its nuclear activities in 2019 a year after the u. s. pulled out of landmark nuclear deal between iran and western powers. been at ramberg as a former us state department official and member of the pacific council on international policy. he joins us from los angeles. bennett, thanks so much for being with us. bridget. much been there were so many attempts to restart the iran nuclear deal negotiations. how is all this going to impact that well they did. the concern is that they did the deal is, has collapsed and just have to be made accordingly on the. ready with a. ready lease for example. ready over the years you try to peek a program through 7 dash assassination, but that just provided an interim, a block, the rate of progress. and so evidently the progress is continuing and unfortunately, well fortunate rather that the deal was knocked out by the, you know, last. ready american ministry and bennett, what is the runs in game here and, and can anything be done to salvage the nuclear deal at this at this point with edlio show ations for. ready many was the finding ministration, attempted to go forward with the deal. they're going impediments apparently in the negotiation. i don't know the details of why the negotiation last class. there was a consensus that the associations are going. ready to work and are on is making progress in the production of enriched uranium that's approaching this level where they can they can be a breakout in terms of the reach rating. that would be nuclear, available for weapons program. all right, that's been ramberg a former u. s. state department official and member of the pacific council on international policy. thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate it. what happens when you combine tennis, badminton, and think on for one of the worlds fastest growing sports, coming in with with hello, the weather slipping fine and troy across set china over the next couple of days for the most part likely find a dry 2 across the korean peninsula, i can't say the same for japan, this area of low pressure, this weather system that's now with the process of pushing its way through drawing in the northwest, the wind, and that means see effects smoke coming back in. say that when she weather coming back in across that western child of home, she pushing across into her qaeda on the side of the mountains, we'll take it up to around 13 celsius on monday afternoon. speak cooler than that as we go into tuesday. the snow still implies that at this stage more that wet sess stuff coming down has to be said, brightest guys, try whether they're across the korean peninsula for celsius, for solar, for their full bashing as well, little bit of snowy weather, not too far away, but for much of china a will stay dry with sunny spell, sunshiny showers, meanwhile, across southeast asia, the heaviest of the showers running across that eastern side of a loose on pulling away casa, that aces high all by the philippines, scattering a showers, their cross malaysia, and also into indonesia marcy, a shower or 2 grassy, making its way into west lancaster over the next couple of days. but for much of india, much of pakistan it stays hot and sunny. ah ah ah ah. ah, lou ah, you're watching out 0 reminder of our top stories this, our turkish rescue efforts have ended in all provinces accept carmen rush and aha, ty, areas hardest hit by the earthquakes 2 weeks ago. within 46000 people have been confirmed dead in turkey and syria. moscow says it's forces are making gains in the harkey region. it says russian troops have taken control of a village near the city of parky. russian forces have been advancing in the area since key reclaimed control of the city in september. north korea has fired at least one more ballistic missile off its east coast less than 2 days after a similar launch. gangs been angered by military drills between the u. s. and south korea, scott snyder is a senior fellow for korea studies at the council on foreign relations. he joined us from washington, d. c. s. scott, these latest missiles that were launched is this purely in response to the joint us south korean military drills? or is there any other message being sent here by north korea. busy the north koreans themselves have said that the latest tests are directly response to us or ok military drills. and i do believe that we have moved into a kind of tit for tat phase as the u. s. and so we are planning to do a number of other military roles over the course the next few weeks. and so north korea, i think basically wants to deter the u. s. and saw korea from doing military drills . us at south korea would like to deter north korea from conducting additional missile tass. but that's not really what deterrence does. it's really just about trying to prevent the other. so raising the cost to the other side of potential conflict or war. and so i think that one of the problems, we have insurance competition, but the objectives on both sides are unrealistic. scott, you're talking about a deterrence a contest going on, but also you talked about this tit for tat that's been going on. this sort of cycle of escalation. can it be d escalated and, and how much concern is there about this? just becoming more of a cycle of escalation. well, i think that it can be escalated, but i think that it's likely to continue to escalate for the time being nor for i think needs crisis in order to be able to change its trajectory. and a lot of this is driven by the north korean desire to signal its displeasure around the us south korean military exercises and their resumption. the reason i think why we're free is uncomfortable with these exercises is because they've also taken a very negative view toward the conservative south korean government under the sun . y'all that replace the more friendly one the head of just last year under miss jan. and likewise, there's really been nothing going on in terms of your career relations. you might my next question there, scott, because i was curious about that. you know, the administration of former us president donald trump had engaged with north korea . but there hasn't been any diplomatic overtures made by the administration of president joe biden. i mean, is that part of why we're seeing north cree acting in this way? well, i actually think the vital ministration has made a lot of overtures they've just been rejected by more korea and what north korea really finds unacceptable about the by the ministrations approach is that it continues to be about d new zation. but north korea wants to be recognized as a nuclear states. and so i think the problem is that even if the us in or were to stablish dramatic talks, it's not clear that there is enough common enough in common. but for them to be able to make diplomatic progress. and so as a result, both sides are trying to shape the environment of the other in order to achieve their objectives. alright, scott snyder, senior fellow for career studies at the council on foreign relations. thanks so much, great to get your thoughts. thank you. appreciate it. serious foreign ministry has called on the united nations to condemn israel from israel for missile strikes on the building and damascus that killed at least 5 people. the building is near large security complex and close to iranian installations. iran and russia have also condemned, is israel for the strikes african leaders. we're in ethiopia as capital for the final day of the african union. summit talks focused on trade humanitarian issues and violence in both the democratic republic of congo and the sad region. how come, what reports from addis ababa? the fallacy african leaders gathered at the african union in c, a. p as capital addis ababa group annual summit. the suspension of molly's guinea and the keen fasa following military were up held. so the committee, the commission is ready to support this member states to return to constitutional order. israel's delegation was scooted from the meeting room by security. israel's been seeking, observe a status at the you for 20 years when the states still divided and whether or not it should be granted south africa against it. president pool company of rwanda met president felix jessy, katy of democratic republic of congo, to talk about the escalating, conflicting congress east. congress has its fighting rwanda's army under the guise of the m $23.00 armed group. rwanda denies the 1023 is proxy. east african leaders issued yet another statement calling for peace. previous statements in recent month, haven't stopped and 20 three's advance or the increasing reports of rapes and massacres of civilians. 2 weeks ago, protesters in congo brought the eastern city of goma to a standstill. they demanded that kenyan and other east african regional forces deployed in congo. either fight and 23 or leave is can you ready to fight and 23 or even rwanda in congo, kenya is ready to do what we agree. the east african head of peat cannot use the only country that that's deployed in there. in d r t, we have agreed that the military intervention is going to be in parallel with a political engagement of the competence on the ground, empty, and all the other fighting forces. for that we can give us the best opportunity to succeed. a free trade agreement is meant to remove terrorists and these trade between african countries with disgust, the african free trade agreement has been talk about here for yes. was written on paper is far from the reality. inter african trade is less than it is in most of the continent. economists say it's been in decline since 2012 and then it's been pad not only by terrorists, but also by lack of infrastructure. and a lack of freedom of movement of people between the member states, the new chair for the air ahead. he's the president of commerce as ali, as money, who's jailed his political opponents and changed the country's constitution to extend his rule. malcolm web al jazeera at the african union in addis ababa french troops are leaving burkina faso marking the end of their military presence. in january, burkina, faso gave france a one month's deadline to withdraw as relations deteriorated. french forces had been helping burkina faso take on al coddling fighters. nicholas hawk has more from neighboring synagogue. this was a small but solemn ceremony, marking a big moment in history for burkina faso. the french flag was brought down in a ceremony in a camp outside the capital one could do in the presence of the chief of staff, but also the commander of the french forces. lieutenant colonel lucretia, the $200.00 to $400.00 men, will be re deployed to de carson and all right here, but also to our because they were in charge with neutralizing leaders of arm grouped linked to iceland al qaeda operating in this a hell, according to diplomats i've spoken to this is a victory for rush a while well, because the leadership of mckinney faso is looking for greater ties with russia and less ties with the west. there were st protest a couple of months ago against the french military prince president, to the call for a different relationship with france, a former colonial power. so this marks the end of a chapter and it comes at a time where there's another attack in the country, a people killed in the north in the region of tito. nicholas hawk al jazeera de car, senegal, 2 weeks after a train accident in the u. s. cit of ohio st. toxic gas into the year residence there, say they still don't know if they're safe. the train was carrying hazardous chemicals when it came off the tracks in the small town of east palestine authority set off a controlled explosion to prevent a bigger disaster that created a toxic cloud. the baton administration has defended its response, saying it mobilized a robust, multi agency effort. one white house safe. we'd have to have proper tests if we need help. we do we need if we be president the item we need fema housing, or giddy. we should not have been white back into town until all of this was done. you for any families that with their kids that are like once and then tell them to scrub withdrawn. he thought that we were told the whole entire time that we did not have to leave when i in all reality, this whole entire left. it was, i say, really many people are concerned about the fact that they're still coughing having headaches, that pet pets, animals, wildlife is being affected by this 11 people have now been confirmed dead in new zealand. after cyclone gabrielle and the death toll could still rise several days after the storm moved into pacific, thousands of people are still reported to be out of reach. prime minister chris hipkins says the focus is now on recovery. the cyclone destroyed homes and infrastructure, and the cost of the clean up is expected to reach billions of dollars. there is no doubt that as a country we have a steep mountain ahead of us and we will climb that together. we know that this recovery is going to come with a big price tag, and we will have to once again reprioritize and re fire focus ary fits into our resources. we will build back better. but we will also need to build bit more resilience than before. many habits change during the pandemic, but one activity that was given a boost by coban 19 that's continuing to thrive as the sport of pickable, particularly in the u. s. the boom began when jim's closed, leading people to search for new ways to stay fit and have fun. rob reynolds has more from santa monica, california. it's the fastest growing sport in the us. 36 and a half 1000000 people played pickle ball last year. that's 14 percent of all adult americans, and many more than the 23 and a half 1000000 people who played tennis. pickle ball is easy to learn. inexpensive and fun, yet pickle ball is a hybrid between tennis, badminton, and ping pong people really get into it because with pick up, well, there's a lower part barrier to entry than tennis. so you, you king competence and skill fat and people get addicted to that feeling of accomplish? 0, one of those pickable fanatics is retired attorney lynn. so dick, even after 2 knee replacement surgeries, the 66 year old hits the court 5 days a week. she loves the sense of community amongst players. so it doesn't matter if you're a ceo or a limo driver or you work at 7 aladdin. everybody's treated the same. i failed that it's made me healthier. i think it has opened me up to a lot of new friendships. pickable as a good sport for people like me who's knees and hips aren't quite what they used to be. but it truly is a sport for all ages. pickable is challenging enough for players like 28 year old rob bellamy who played tournament level tennis at the university of southern california people. i went to college a little low into high school with people i work with. a lot of them are, you know, hopping on like the pickable bandwagon and getting into it. it's me, it's been fun. so many people have hopped on that bandwagon that there are far more players didn't places to play in this southern california community players are lobbying the local government to build more pickable courts as the sports popularity continues to spread. rob reynolds, al jazeera santa monica, california. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories, north korean leader, kim jong and sister, kim, you john says whether her country uses the pacific ocean as quote it's shooting range.


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