Book World: Meet the forgotten rebels and quiet revolutionaries of women s history
Lisa Birnbach, The Washington Post
March 5, 2021
By Rosalind Miles
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Gather round, sisters, to read tales of female rebels and pioneers from earliest days to Stormy Daniels. Our leader (leadress? I think not), Rosalind Miles, a woke 78-year-old British novelist and historian, takes us through tranches of lessons about our forebears in a brisk, almost impatient way - she has a lot of material to get through and only so many pages in The Women s History of the Modern World: How Radicals, Rebels, and Everywomen Revolutionized the Last 200 Years. The tranches have sparky titles - Turning the Wheel, One-Way Pendulum, Some Like It Cold and The Longest March - and they are organized chronologically, mostly, and by category.