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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20130919

>>darya: you may not be able to smoke anymore in a popular bay area city. we will tell you why. taking a look at weather and traffic this thursday morning. hi george. >>george: the morning. we are tracking hot spots. starting with the shore freeway if interstate 80 on the westbound ride. it is backed up beyond highway 4 with a crash westbound at san tableau ave. we continue to see delays on to 38 and interstate 580 here in the westbound direction. although the accident that caused the problems is clear in the crash occurred northbound on 880 at 238 and that's backing up the nimitz freeway ride. we continue to see delays bulk of 680 south and 580 west. an early morning accident southbound ever know. a new crash now in the back up and the westbound accident heading to heavy traffic between livermore and dublin. erica. >>mark: a chilly start to your thursday. >>erica: once we approach the afternoon expect today to be the warmest day of the week. 70's along the coastal low 90s and lead. today is going to be a warm one so we're talking a drastic slowdown and even some rain as we have been closer to the weekend. i will break down your 7 day around the bay coming up in just a couple of minutes. james? >>james: the golden gate bridge could soon get an important safety change. we're talking about that movable media and the barrier. a debate over years. kron4's mike pelton is reporting. we are closer than ever to see become reality. hey mike. >> there's been 36 deaths since 1971 here on the bay bridge. i had a collision was back in to about 013 of is what to make sure that is no longer a possibility by putting a movable median barrier. it will go into a vote before the full board of directors tomorrow morning and officials tell me they do expect the measure to pass. here is the rendering of that move a boat media barrier. it consists of 12 dutch wide and 32 in. high clamor units filled with concrete. it will include a barrier transfer machines called river trucks. the project dates back to the late 1990's but it took several years to identify funding. state and federal funds in addition to bit bridge tolls will make up the 26 and a half million dollars this project costs with an overall safer bridge. >> we are taking 6 in. away from the center lanes on either side of the barrier those lanes would be reduced to nine that have feet. driver behavior and shot a little bit away from a country. but once people get used to it they will be able to judge their depths of field and know exactly where they need to be. >> in order to get to this point officials have to conduct environmental and technical studies. if approved as expected crews will begin to install late october and enter to do so the golden gate bridge will have to be shut down for a friday to monday morning weekend. a 52 hour stretch. officials summit albedo long as the golden gate bridge has ever been shut down. an >> incredible pictures here. developing news out of oakland. amass a plant fire erupted overnight. the flames rip through dazzling industries in the city of thomas. here's video of the explosion and fire-danlin industries. police reported no injuries as a everyone at the plant is safe and accounted for. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >>darya: it is 7 05. new this morning. if you like smoking and walnut creek your days of doing that could be numbered. the city is taking steps to ban smoking in many places including the very busy downtown area. kron4's will tran is live along the creek to tell you why the city as to when desperate >>will: the reason is they want to make the city healthier. people have been asking for years what are we going to do about second hand smoke. this is what they are planning to do. the city as it evolved. it's very close to becoming a lot. it passed yesterday 4- 13 for step. they have to have one more vote next month and if it passes, next people enjoy and a cigarette could be fined 100 to $500. the smokers obviously not very happy about it but on the creek says it's the betterment of everybody. it won't just be downtown but it will be parks picnic areas playgrounds sporting events. they will vote and if it becomes law that will put up signs all over walnut creek downtown area so you will be wars and then they will really crack down on february of next year. we will try to get reaction from people wanting to do when you go down to a coffee shop that always claim they are very busy. back to you. indeed thanks a lot will. an >> >>mark: there that says the a's are gaining some ground last night despite a disappointing finish at the coliseum. sizable crowd of 20,260 at the coliseum. at the top of the first and mike trout, the young phenom, homer's to left- center off of a.j. griffin. the bottom of the third two- zero angels. coco crisp tis and up with one swing. the to run shot to left. crisp and the and céspedes have some fun in the dugout during the 2-2 tie. three batters later, the affirmation that céspedes he is heating up at just the right time hits his 24th of the season 4-2 a's. the cuban flag flying. top of the ninth four-two days grant about our on to close it out. -hamilton spoils it for a stamp printed the to run off bauer and it's tied for. after converting 44 street, bellflower elbows- blows third save in last 15 chances. top of the 11th hamilton again. the sac fly brings home the winning run. a's lose up 5-4. but texas' loss to the race in 12 innings. base 6.5 game lead with 10 to go. >>james: coming up on the kron4 morning news. a man is in custody after a four hour standoff. more on the shooting and that led to the suspect to barricade himself inside a bay area home. and a 745 we will take a look at sports in the world according to gary. plus or keeping an eye on wall street this morning. an update on your early morning trading next. at mes yr faly sle? he, trthis backips lovechinmm, ! i ke t fac th the' ts odiffenttaes gng o mmmm breaast i'verympreed. thiss a eat real breaast honebuncs ofats. thisshearou cnchi. breaast we nev plaon aull use. jus..haens. li my nch p. o cu of ur cam, litt thi a ltle at, and pack of ddenalle orinalanch rah di hidd valy it >>darya: massive layoffs are on the horizon for struggling to our phone maker blackberry. the company is reportedly cutting up to 40% of its work force by the end of the year. the layoffs will " cut across all departments and will happened in waves. " after the news, blackberry stock fell as much as 5% from its peak yesterday. the company has felt jump-start sales despite releasing the funds and software. >>james: if you on an iphone and haven't yet down what apple's new i o s seven operating system the better hurry. top prosecutors from san francisco, new york and london want you to install the update as soon as possible. they said the system's new code activation lock " feature could be a huge first step toward ended iphone thefts worldwide. i o s seven will come installed on the new iphone 5 s and five c models that go on sale tomorrow. an >> >>mark: i downloaded mind as well. we want to hear what you are going to think about. if you do have a smaller space this and does require a 3.2 gates of space so you have to do a lot of clearing out. we are seeing the dog just off seven. we have a weekly unemployment claims, and the number of applicants rising dramatically but the thing is last week's numbers were skewed. a quiet day today. we're watching to see what will happen with the u.s. government with a showdown looming coming up 11 days from now. the dow still in record territory, 15,00670. we'll be right back as the kron4 morning news continues. [ maragno ] if the car was invented today, it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ >>james: developing news out of mexico. officials are saying that 50 people are missing after a massive landslide smashed through a tiny village in the country's southern mountains. rain from hurricane man well continues to be an issue for emergency crews were working to rescue those who have been evacuated. more than 40,000 tourists are currently traded. hurricane man well devastated mexico's pacific coast over the weekend then regained strength yesterday afternoon. the death toll is now at 80. --hurricane manuel. evacuations are still in progress and what your block portions of northern colorado. --waterlogged. the deadly floods have claimed six lives and left hundreds of accounted for. a military liaison for the colorado national guard-gave a tally of the people rescued and boulder. at least 17 countries have been infected with what about 300 people on the pawn accounted list. state emergency officials believe that most of those people are likely to live as well--and well but have not checked in with all '40's. in >>george: and update for your weather now-traffic. our earlier hot spots and problem spots 580 westbound onto 238 is clearing up nicely. but 880 is still jammed in both directions around to 38 and southbound leading down to 92. an earlier our current problems have left 680 southbound still slow as well as westbound interstate 580 not only in the livermore but continuing into dublin as well. i want to jump down to the south bay. taking the long route to get there. slow traffic here. 280 started to back up right around the 101 interchange. now a quick bridge check for you. first look at your bay bridge ride. a backup to west of grand avenue parade and 80 minute average commute time. san mateo bridge is not yet stop and go but we may see that in the 8:00 hour. as for the golden gate bridge and the easy ride still for both directions 101 at northbound and southbound. erica? >>erica: good morning to you george. clear skies but cold temperatures on this thursday morning. santa rosa at 47 degrees. even '40's out of vallejo. the warming will occur relatively early. we have sun shined bright skies. look like sixties will remain in san francisco. but the rest of the bay area will warm-up. today is slated to be the warmest of the week because afternoon highs could reach as high as a '90s and the inland spots. 82 degrees in mountain view. i think we will see some nineties for the san ramon valley. the delta up 3 to 83 degrees in vallejo and upper 70's in richmond. upper 70's for downtown san francisco. at 79 degrees in san mateo and 84 in a bottle. friday could see some evening showers east of the golden gate bridge. saturday some of the models show that a chance for rain it could increase. temperatures can also cool. scattered showers along the coastline and for the peninsula. in response probably will see any rain but as cooler conditions and cloudy skies for those of you in the santa clara valley. as he looked ahead follow rise on sunday. temperatures are too warm and would like to hold on to quiet weather as we start the next work week. >>darya: think you erech up. at new this morning. gates at the washington navy yard have reopened to workers this morning three days after a gunman killed 12 people and a shooting rampage there. the building where the shootings took place remains off limits in the base the gym is being used as an fbi staging area. investigators are still trying to determine a motive for the shooting. the department of veterans affairs said wednesday that 34 year-old. alexis visited to hospitals in the weeks before the monday morning radnich but denied he was depressed or haven't thought of harming himself or others. >>james: new this morning. the secretary of the navy is ordering three reviews and to security clearances following the deadly navy yard chipping to washington dc. secretary ray mabus was to know if any red flags were missed in granting the gunmen aaron alexis clarence. two of the reviews will focus squarely on a lexus. the third will scrutinize the entire security clearance process. despite three arrests, possible mental health issues and a less than exemplary military record, alexis was granted security clearance as a military contractor. the u.s. government is once again approaching the debt ceiling. and if congress doesn't pass a bill by october 1st the federal government will start running out of money and face a partial shutdown. the goal that-the gop-controlled house is working on a bill to continue funding but they've attached a rider to that bill to defund the affordable health care act. while they may have a de votes to get the measure through the house, in the senate democrats have the votes to strip off the health care provisions and kick the measure back to the house. so, with just 11 days to go expect a major battle in congress over the debt ceiling in the affordable care act. >>darya: house republican leaders are still trying to organize support ahead of a scheduled vote today to cut nearly $4 billion a year from food stamp assistance. now used by one in seven americans. some gop moderates have questioned that 5 percent cut almost $80 billion a year program while democrats have united strongly against it. conservatives said the program is a blow to it. --bloated. the man who created one of the hottest toys in the '90s is set to plead guilty to tax evasion. beanie babies creator tied warner is accused of stashing $93 million worth of his to a fortune in a swiss bank million worth of his to a fortune in a swiss bank accounts. --ty what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. establish a standard, uniform labeling system. cut! i have no idea whats's going on. maybe you're the original really big chicken com, with curly fries and a drink for just $3.99. why the cowboyat? you're the barbecue chicken combo with two chicken patties, bacon, cheese, and barbecue sauc you also come with curly fries and a drink for $39. bubbles! i have no idea what's going on. >>darya: the labor department says legally married same-sex couples have the right to participate in employee benefit plans even if they live in states that don't recognize their union. the new guidance mean same-sex spouses enjoy the same rights as other married couples when it comes to pensions, 401 case, health plans, and health saving accounts. --401ks. the decision clarifies questions left unanswered after the supreme court's ruling in june which invalidated part of the 1996 defense of marriage act. >>james: california regulators are considering whether to enact formal rules for ride or car share and services. members of the state public utilities commission are scheduled to vote in san francisco today on whether to establish a new category of business called " transportation network . ". if so, on line based companies such as " lyft" "uber" and " sidecar " would have to meet certain requirements like requiring users to undergo driver training and criminal background checks. >>darya: the music and movie industry's top lobbyists are back on capitol hill this week trying to renew interest in the piracy issue. they said that illegal donald r. on the rise and search engines like " google " aren't doing enough to stop them. lobbyists are distributing their own research on what they say are " growing perils of piracy. " media executives say they have no intention of trying to revive legislation that failed last year. that legislation has imposed unprecedented regulations on internet companies. we will take a quick break and return with more headlines take a quick break and return with more headlines in a moment. we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that. we tend to do a lot of banking online. you play? yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly. chase. so you can. >>james: . we are back at 730. it proposed condo complex on san francisco's waterfront is causing a rift among city leaders. it's called, " 8 washington " and 134 unit condo complex to be built just north of the ferry building. it was approved by the board of supervisors last year, but opposition has steadily grown. many critics say it would ruin the beauty of that part of the embarcadero dubbing it the " wall on the waterfront. " some members of the current board are joining forces with capacity leaders to kill the project by encouraging people to vote no on propositions be and see this coming november. >>mark: how's it going and the traffic center george? >>george: the areas of right here is the portion of 101 at bats leading a round the corner of the golden gate bridge. it is backing up the right leave only to the lower deck. the accident is eastbound at fourth street. we continue to track east bay hot spots. the ride on the eastern freeway still backed up behind highway 4. we haven't fully recovered from the delays on north on 880 leading up to hayward. that's because of a north out crashaw 2 thirty 84. we're still backed up westbound on 580. --that's because of a northbound crash at 238. >>darya: we are waking up to clear skies and colder temperatures this morning. >>erica: look at the afternoon. a low 90s and land. of 70's for the coast. the low 80s inside the bay. and arrival of an early season storm is expected. i will walk you through futurecast for and talk about if the rain is having to your area coming up in just a couple of minutes. >>darya: a movable medium barrier on the golden gate bridge will be one step closer to reality today. -- median. the committee overseeing its planning will vote on a final design this morning. the plan will then go before the full board of directors tomorrow they'll be asked to accept the design and authorize the barriers purchase. the board will also greenlight its installation during a 52 hour week and closure to the golden gate bridge sometime in the fall of next year. the total cost of the project is expected to be a little more than $26 million. an >> give yourself a few extra minutes if you're headed to the zero dacko coliseum today. jackie sissel explains why. >> the reason why is because they are increasing security measures out here. you will feel more like you are checking in at 10 airports in coming to a major league baseball game because you will have to walk through their newly installed metal detectors. as you walk through you will have to take everything out of your backs gained their pockets including keys sell phones. you can bring the same things but you have to go through these metal detectors before you get into the stadium. what does that mean? what that means is the lines will move probably a lot slower. it is suggested that you get here maybe an hour or hour and half ahead of time. the nba and nfl already doing this. if you come into the game tonight. give yourself some extra time and for the rest of the season. we should not have such as genetics. >>mark: >>james: kron4's a teris estacio reports live where people are camping outside of the apple store for the new iphone. >>terisa: these are some of the people who'll be the first to get the new iphone. listen to what they say it is supported to get that no fault. >> first and foremost how long can given out here? >> i have been out here since tuesday afternoon. >> i'm really interested in the camera which has a slow motion feature, its gold and it has a figure print security detector. -- fingerprint security detector. >>terisa: your third and line. how are you feeling about this new launch? >> pretty happy i guess. >>terisa: lie. >> because i'm a diehard apple fan. >>darya: a man is in custody after a four hour standoff with police in san ramon. this is video former helicopter partnership with abc seven news. it all started around 2 yesterday afternoon when officers came to a house in the 3400 block of ash born circle to serve at a foreclosure notice. police said a locksmith was drilling the door open when a man inside the home shot through the front door, striking a property manager in the leg. the man then barricaded himself and the home for several hours, finally he surrendered after the sheriff's swat team moved in. >> he attempted to negotiate and to continue dialogue with the suspect. we decided to interview some of the residents and about five or two minutes later the suspect came out and he surrendered. he was taken into custody and treated on scene for gas exposure. >>darya: the property manager who was hit by the bullet was taken to hospital for treatment and no one else was hurt. >>james: the trial for a 13 year-old boy accused of murdering his eight year-old sister has been delayed again. defense attorneys and district attorneys are need--say they need more time to collect and analyze data. leila fowler was stabbed to death, inside her own home earlier this year. while her brother isaiah fowler was watching her. originally isaiah said there was an intruder but he was eventually arrested by deputies and charged with second-degree murder. >>mark: 738 is bought time. still ahead on the kron4 morning news. >>mark: to small terriers' found in >>darya: to small terrier found in separate locations in fremont. now, police want to know who owns them. and we are taking a look at the bay area weather and traffic. a full update on what to expect in the rain that's in the forecast in what to expect in the rain that's in the forecast in just a minute. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. when you smoke, addictive ingredients like nicotine pull you in. every day, over 1200 people die from smoking-related diseases. don't sink deeper into addiction. pull yourself out! we're back at 741. the university of california is hoping to social media to help raise money for student scholarships. the uc system launched a six week campaign yesterday called crowd sourcing. participants will spread the word on social media and encouraged others to make donations of blood is on the campaigns website. make done it students, alumni, politicians and even celebrities have pledged to participate. actor jimmy foxx says he will perform rhapsodic. even governor jerry brown says he will host a lunch for the 10 uc students if the uc reaches a certain fund-raising goal. >>darya: a live look at the golden gate bridge. we will hear back. you also what's the matter with the browns. it is said loss' the bladder with the browns who've been sinking for everett, your questioning richardson. >>gary: about what i always do. the >>darya: tried to think through this. for those of new prefers it going just remember your ours alone. i'm getting feedback. >>darya: if he teams up and we played them how will that change things for the 49ers. >>gary: we've been talking about about super bowl tickets. first of how it will be freezing. but we're talking about the prices. >>darya: the most expensive. and they're doubling the price of the set was just charged $2,600 per ticket. >>gary: if they feel so bad about that they shouldn't make it that much. >>darya: how much do you think the first super bowl was in 1967? and >>gary: $20 $20. >>mark: 6 bucks. [ marco ] i'm a student at devry university. and this is my home team. this is my large lecture hall. this is my professor. and also my coach. this is my booster club. this is the guy who's graduating ready for a great career in technology. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. find your career success in the bay area. learn how at find your career success in the bay area. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. top stories we are following on this thursday september 19th. plans are moving forward for a major safety effort on the golden gate bridge. >>mark: it also may not be ableo smoke and one of the bay area's most popular cities. we will tell you why. and let's get an update with traffic from georgia grasp. a >>gary: >>george: first a look at drive on interstate 84 in the westbound direction traffic is jammed up all the way down the shore freeway pinole down to berkeley. drive times over 36 minutes where it is usually a 26 minute commute. south bay freeway is pretty heavy. your east bay ride from interstate 580 pretty well jammed up all the way from the 2 05 interchange out to the dublin interchange. i want to bring you here to the hayward ride ladies out through the union city fremont. the bride and to the dumbarton bridge. an accident at a slowing for the fremont and milpitas corridor across the bay you can see we are pretty well jammed up as well. >>erica: we are working to clear skies. temperatures mostly in the '50s. we are going to start to build up toward low 90s for some of the warmest and led spots. if today's shipping of to be the warmest day of the week. we do have some wet weather and the forecast. rocketeers 7 day and led to know which neighborhoods will require a umbrella coming up. the >>james: as we watched as >>. we want to talk about the safety improvement that very well could be headed in the near future. . kron4's mike pelton alive at the bridge to discuss the votes that would be taking place today. >> if you ever driven across the golden gate bridge you know the only thing separating the north southbound lanes are the yellow cones or pylons. officials want to move a those pylons and replace them with a movable median barrier. officials tell me they do expect the measure to pass tomorrow. it consists of 12 and wide and 32 and high it still clad students filled with concrete. similar to the barrier of presidio parkway. the project dates back to the late 1990's but it took several years to complete environmental and technical settings to identify more than $26 million in funding. if the plan is approved as expected crews will begin installing that barrier at the end of october or early november next year. in order to doo they would be to shut out the golden gate bridge for an entire weekend. the big day care is improving safety on the bridge. back to 1971 there's been 36 deaths on the golden gate bridge. with the most recent head on collision of credit back in 2001. >>darya: new this morning no-smoking walnut creek anywhere. kron4's will tran is live in walnut creek this morning talking about how and why the city would do this. >>will: the reason why is because they wanted to make this city healthier. with the lot to do is you can't smoke anywhere in downtown walnut creek. right now if you're far away from this coffee shop you can sit down have coffee in that light up if you feel like it. and not against a lot but if this passes not just downtown walnut creek we're talking parks, picnics, playgrounds and even about goodies of apartment complexes. joining me now is suzanne was a walnut-judge a long time walnut creek resident. what do you think about this >>? >> i think it is great. i don't think people should be able to endanger my help-- held with a debt-help with i don't think they should be able to endanger my health with their smoking. >>will: that seems to be the issue of everyone. if this becomes law it becomes law in november and if you get caught smoking dari up 100 to $500 could be your fine. >>darya: >>mark: police are for--new this morning. police are asking for the public's help in finding a missing at menlo park woman with memory problems. 77 year old maid of matt's mora was last seen early this morning around 1. matsumura takes medication for " memory loss " and has advanced alzheimer's. police say she does not have a media frenzy family in the area. so they do not know where she could be headed. coming up on the kron4 morning news at 8:00 a.m.. oakland a's and new security. colorado floods. lines for new iphones which comes out tomorrow. [ male announcer ] with at&t, you're sure to get a better bundle. just choose the two, three, even four services you want to build a bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at&t now. choose a u-verse triple-play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. plus switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with u-verse high speed internet, connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. and now, choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs -- our fastest speed ever. with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] so call now to choose a u-verse triple-play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. plus switch and get a total home dvr included for life. why wait? call today. [ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ welcome back. a new year and another case of apple fever. the new iphone will rollout tomorrow morning and already people are eager to get their hands on it. kron4's terisa estacio reports from palo alto. some people have been camping out for days. first and foremost, what have you been out here? >> sent tuesday afternoon. >> what so great about the new fall besides the fact that it is new? >> i'm really interested in the camera. and has a gold loan. >> i'm out here because i'm going to donate my phones and to veterans. >>terisa: well that's a noble cause. >> you are third in line how are you feeling about this new launch of the new fund. >> pretty happy i guess. hist >>darya: if you on an iphone and haven't yet down on apple's new i o s a seven operating system then you better hurry. top prosecutors from san francisco, new york and london want you to install the update as soon as possible. they say the systems to " activation lock " feature could be a huge first step toward ending iphone thefts a worldwide. i o s seven will come installed on the new iphone 5 s and five see that go on sale tomorrow. hist we will be back and a couple of minutes. the timeout is 811. here's a look at the san mateo bridge reopened to traffic is slow here. we'll be back with an update on that coming up in a couple of minutes. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >>james: we are back. following the latest development of coal out-just colorado were evacuations are still in place for portions of northern colorado. the good news is, the number of people unaccounted for from devastating flooding has fallen to about 200. still a high number but at least it's down from earlier projections. the floods, though have proven deadly. six people have died. some of the stranded are refusing to leave their homes. crews have been showing them as models of the surrounding destruction and warning that they could be cut off from the central services for several weeks. at least 17 counties have been affected with about 300 people on the unaccounted list. state emergency officials believe that most of those people are likely alive and well but have not checked in with authority's. >>darya: we want to get to caught up with weather and traffic. >>george: improving conditions for the upper east for freeway but the lower from richmond all the way down to the toll plaza still have the. as is the ride from a defendant to love. south bay freeway as 101 the slowest this morning once again jammed up all the way back to highway 85 and 580 still hasn't caught up and recovered from early morning problems that started first on southbound 680 but then backed up around the corner at the dublin interchange. check and the bridges for you the bay bridge back of which is right on the edge of the macarthur maze san mateo bridge as we've been tracking en fare ride to the golden gate it's been a problem free all morning long. over and the weather center erica is standing by for big changes. >>erica: enjoy it while it lasts because we will be waking up to major changes tomorrow. satellite and radar shows really the absence of low clouds. we see some patchy low clouds closer to my right and that's really the extent of it. in wheat ridge of high pressure building an overhead meaning temperatures will be warmer this afternoon but it bogut knocked down and squashed introducing an early season. i do want to focus on today's highs however it's going to be the warmest day of the week with campbell at 8785 degrees. 90 served in the forecast. 89 degrees and fairfield. low eighties over and hayward. downtown san francisco today have 77 degrees. 88 degrees in santa rosa today is going to be nice it's going to be long for most of us look like a chance for showers late wide spread showers scattered showers inside the bay of birds of a quarter of an inch for some places north of the golden gate bridge as we welcome the first official day of fall. >>darya: the gates at the washington navy yard have three open to workers this morning, three days after a gunman killed 12 people in a shooting rampage there. the building where the shootings took place remains off limits and the basic jim is being used as an fbi staging area. investigators are still trying to determine a motive for the shooting. the department of veterans affairs said wednesday that 34 year old aaron alexa's visited to hospitals and the weeks before the monday morning ravage but denied he was depressed or having thoughts of harming himself or others. >>mark: new this morning, the secretary of the navy is ordering three reviews and to security clearances following the deadly navy yard shootings in washington d.c.. secretary ra secretary ray mabus wants to know if any red flags were missed in granting gunmen aaron alexa's clearance. two of the reviews will focus squarely on alexis. the third will scrutinize the entire security clearance process. despite three arrests, possible mental health issues and a less than exemplary military record, alexa's was granted security clearance as a military contractor. >>darya: syria's president sticks by his story, accused rebels of using chemical weapons and an attack last month. united nations weapons inspectors confirm the use of those weapons in a report this week but they did not confirm who used them. cnn's andrew spence reports that point has not escaped the bouchard--bachar shar al-assad. melamine family members of a 1969 cold case in oklahoma could finally be getting some answers. this afternoon six bodies and two vehicles were found submerged in a lake. sheriff's officials say it's still not clear how the bodies in vehicles and it up and fossil lake, that's about 100 mi. west of oklahoma city. divers conducting a training exercise found a 1969 camaro and early 1950's exercise found a 1969 camaro and early 1950's chevrolet on tuesday. glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. did somebody just...? impossible. ♪ yes. yes. yes. noooooooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier with tempting subway fresh fit breakfast sandwiches. like the steak, egg white & cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast. >>james: we are back. it did the word from an emergency landing at milenda. it was a landing at issue at this point. we believe and landed safely. we're still waiting to get official confirmation from a representative at the airport. this was a corporate jet coming in from the landing. it does on its election of the situation here in the south bay. >>darya: 827. house republican leaders are still trying to organize support ahead of a scheduled vote today to cut nearly $4 billion a year from food stamp assistance, now used by one in seven americans. some gop moderates have questioned the 5 percent cut to the almost $80 $80 billion a year program while democrats have united strongly against it. conservatives said the program is bloated. many americans are mistakenly throwing away a perfectly good food. according to a study by the food marketing institute, 90 percent of americans at least occasionally throw food away prematurely because they mistakenly interpret the date able to meet their food is unsafe. ". in 25 percent said they always discard food on her before that date. the researchers recommend making " sell by " dates and visible to the consumer, and have the food industry and establish a standard uniform labeling system. we will be right back into minutes. we will have an update on whether traffic and more headlines coming up in a moment. >>erica: we are monitoring a system that could bring some showers. i will talk about which neighborhoods are expected within 7 day around the bay coming up at 745. m >> 6 security changes changing for the oakland a's. let's talk with kron4's jackie sissel who is live from zero dacko. >> you should definitely give yourself more time to get into the stadium because of new security measures. it will feel more like an airport in coming to a major-league baseball game. you will have to walk through metal detectors just like you do at the airport. there's going to be a lot longer up lines and it will move a little slow so the a's are recommending that you get here early. the gates open at 530. they say give yourself at least an hour to get through the security check before you go into the stadium. the nba and nfl have already done this. in fact the first couple games of their long lines at security checkpoints. it's a good idea to take heed to that warning. get here early. playoffs are just around the corner. looks like the a's are going to make the playoffs the which means thousands more people are going to show up. it's a great idea to give yourself a little extra time. a m >> >>mark: well that certainly would be a good idea sense the the game yesterday brought up 50 percent more attendees than normal. coco crisp had a shot of his on the air with this to run up shot left crisp with a home run which tied the game up with a celebration in the stands. patti tate in the dugout. bay is have as one nail down. -camel to an squirreling 382-one shot at tying the game. about four after converting 44 straight fares. just 10 games to go. >>mark: a >>darya: 2:00 yesterday afternoon officers went to a home in the 4430400 block of ash born circle. they're going to serve a foreclosure notice and they found that the blocks have been changed. there was a locksmith drilling the door open when a man from inside the home fired right through the front door and a bullet hit the property manager in the leg. the man of irritated himself into the home. he finally surrendered himself. we will take a quick break and come back with more headlines coming up in just a minute. the time is 837. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. a police action up with. for caltran services. an interruption reported in the santa clara station. this is affecting trains both northbound and southbound and the only information we have is there is police activity near the santa clara station. that's why the stock request was put in place. >>mark: >> fifth 11 days for a possible shutdown and the budget battle pitting republicans against president obama is becoming the stomach turn a sequel to the sequel. >> is create a habit or pattern whereby the full faith of the united states begins being a bargaining chip. this time >> this time the threat is all too real. the nation is set to hit the debt ceiling and go into default starting mid october. wrapping up the likelihood of a shutdown at the end of the month. it's been here before. the government shutdown has loan to four times. >> we can't become >> welcome back. developing bills out of mexico. hurricane manuel has now hit land in northern mexico. the storm has a maximum sustained winds of 75 mi. per hour. it is expected to grow. rain from the storm continues to be an issue for emergency crews. more than 40,000 tourists are currently stranded. mauel devastated mexico's pacific coast over the weekend. the death toll is now 80, but that may arise. as rescue crews are trying to reach a tiny coffee growing village deepen the country's southern mountains, where it feared that 58 people may have died in a landslide. >> and our last report we spoke about a problem with caltran spreads there was a police action near the santa clara station. that incident has now been resolved and the trains have been released. according to caltran and they just have minor delays. it has been resolved. the freeway delays are not resolved. welcome to the new normal. the nimitz freeway a solid from 238 all its a downtown oakland. the nimitz freeway in both directions from union city to hayward is also a solid. >> it is slow traffic all the way down in that direction. continuing delays for five it was on not only out of the alta mount they're slow traffic that is persisted on 680 south bound. 101, 280, 85 ross still jammed up.are all jammed s what you call a hot spot. it is 22 minutes drive times if you could make it across the bridge. this might be an optimistic estimate. the bay bridge, westbound lanes have improved. most of the delays as for the fasttrack users. you considered end of the westbound back up. the golden gate bridge, 11 it is hard to see the traffic. >> today will be the last want day of summer. we are talking clear skies and sunshine. if we are starting in the morning of a chilly conditions. we are dealing with 40's and santa rosa and 66 out the door and concord. it is a little brisk outside. take a look it temperatures will reach the '90s for today. pleasanton won and mostly sunny skies at 91 prepare. >> we do have big changes to talk about in the form of wet weather that will start very early and the cold front will approach. the temperatures may drop as much as 12 degrees. byre evening ride home by 5:00 p.m. perhaps of showers in santa rosa. the showers will continue and across the golden gate bridge. we may pick up scattered and drops for oakland and san francisco. i think we will remain tried for livermore valley, but a potential for showers will linger for saturday morning. you will see this under 7 day around the bay. again, there big changes but we will return to normal and you can expe. >> there is break the nose of 18 year-old that was shotnews of a 10 year old child they shot. police are investigating why it took so long for a call to be made that he was shot. here at this point they have no suspect information and they are digging for clothes. the >> the music and movie industries a top lobbyist are back on capitol hill this week trying to renew interest in the piracy issue. they say that the legal down boats are on the rise in search engines like google are not doing enough to stop them. lobbyists are distributing their own research on what they say are growing. that legislation have imposed on president regulations on internet companies. >> the university of california is hoping to use social media to help raise money for student scholarships. the uc system launched a six week campaign yesterday. students, alumni, politicians and even celebrities have plans to participate. >> if you " like " something on facebook, it is now protected as free speech under the constitution. a u.s. court handed down a ruling yesterday. the case came about when employees at hampton sheriff's office in virginia lost their jobs after they express support for their boss. facebook and the american civil liberties union became involved, both filed its friend-of-the- court briefs for the case. the decision reverses an earlier ruling that said " the likes " were just a button presses. >> an attorney for san francisco 49 t alers aldon smith has filed a response to a civil lawsuit filed by a man who says that he was shot during a party at smith's house. smith's attorney alleges that the plane to a freely and voluntarily expose himself at all risk of harm. they also said that the injuries the victims suffered were not caused by smith who fired weapons illegally on the party. santa clara county prosecutor said that they are considering criminal charges. >> a) for the giants, who show some good defense, but it was not enough less my bread bottom of the third, 2-0 san francisco. matt kcaiun gets help from his defense like this week their hand or by brandon crawford. top of a forest there was a pop only. at bottom of the ninth the giants were up 4- 1. final score 5-4 mets. the last am of the series today at city field. >> onslaught all. the 49ers are back to work yesterday is a hope to rebound from a bad loss in seattle. colin kaepernick is trying to bounce back after his worst performance. the niners are in early to and 1/2 point favorite against andrew luck and the colts. luck, of course came to prominence at stanford under jim harbaugh,.. >> we will be right back red google, what is glossophobia? glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> coming up on kron 4 morning news at 9:00 a.m.. walnut creek has a new smoking ban. >> vicki livikas takes a look at where you can buy the best of murdburger in the by area. the >> animal control is searching for the owner of two dogs who were found in fremont. we will have an update coming up at 9:40 a.m.. for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. >> the top stories that we are following on this thursday september 19th. plans are moving forward for a major safety improvements on the golden gate bridge. a live report coming up. >> you may not be able to smoke while in a popular east bay city anymore. we will explain. >> breaking news out hayward right now, where police are investigating an overnight shooting in which 18 year- old boy was hit by gunfire. the shooting happened around to o'clock p.m. 2:00 a.m. this mo2:00 a.m. this morning aa home on the corner of tampa avenue and sumatra street. police said the gunshots were fired into the home. no one called the 911 at the time of. in fact, it was not so 7:30 a.m. more than five hours later that someone called to report the child was injured. the 10 year-old boy was not seriously hurt but he was taken to a local hospital. police are on the scene of this incident and we have a crew headed there right now. >> will star with the san mateo bridge which has a hot spot. there are lots of congestion at the 101 interchange. it is now reaching all the way down was down 92. continuing to track how spots is the ride on the nimitz freeway. also out of san leandro. we continue to look there is slower than usual traffic for 580. the south bay freeway, forget about it. look at this back up. it is almost solid from 85 to 237. >> it is still pretty cold outside and the temperatures are in the upper 50s low 60's. we do have some improvements for some cities. we are starting the morning of with sunshine. we do have a week ridge of high pressure and that will bring the temperatures of as we head into the afternoon. today will be the one mistake and we have changes as we pushed closer to the weekend. will break down your 7 day coming up. >> the golden gate bridge could soon get an important safety change. a moveable median barrier. today, transportation officials will take up the measure. kron 4's mike pelton is live at the golden gate bridge with details on how this movable barrier will work. good morning mike >> the last time that they had a problem with the head on collision was back and 2001. they will like to remove these the divide traffic and replace them with a median barrier. this measure is scheduled to come up in a couple of hours to get a officials tell me that they hope to get this approved. this will be similar-session will include two machines to open a more lanes. the project is dating back to the late 1990's and that it took several years to get updated. this is born to cost about $26 million in funding. >> this is not offering any type of protection for someone who may take a drink. there are a lot of petaluma collisions and a bridge the barriehead on collisn bridges. the >> crews will begin to install this and next october or early november. but in order to do so that what the shut the bridge down from friday night some monday morning to allow time to get this installed. there have been 36 deaths since 1971 at the golden gate bridge. >> new this morning. if you like smoking in walnut creek your days of doing that could be numbered. the city is taking steps to ban smoking in many places including the very busy downtown area. kron 4's will tran is live >> the reason why they are doing this is because they want people to be held today. you are ready cannot come down here as smoke right next to the coffee shop but if this law passes you cannot smoke anywhere a more concrete because they do not want second-hand smoke to affect anyone. we spoke with people this morning and this is what they had to say. >> you can tell that people are going to still smoke. it still goes on but what the creek residents are stating, not in my backyard. i did find one person this morning who stated that this may be going too far. >> and being too close to a building, should be illegal. it's a bit 25 ft. rope.i think this is a dumb. i think they're going to far. >> you concede there is a sticker on this table and there are other stickers all walnut creek. last night, they had their first meeting and the city council will revisit this issue. they will vote again next month and is this is passed, it will become law in november. they will have signs all over the area and it will really be in force in february and if you were caught, you could pay 100 to $500 in fines. >> new this morning. some interesting comments coming from pope francis today about his view of gays and lesbians. the pope says while the church has the right to express its opinions. it cannot interfere spiritually in their lives. his comments expand on his explosive stand he made back in july about not judging homosexuals. the pope brushed off critics who say he should be more vocal about fighting gay marriage. the interview was released by jesuit magazines in 16 countries today. in it, pope francis also said that women must play a key role in the church. and that if the church fails to find a new balance. its moral foundation will "fall like a house of cards." >> coming up on the kron four morning news. and there is a winner this morning of that 400 million dollar powerball jackpot. we'll have an update. and from diner food to fine dining. we go on the hunt for some of the best burgers in the bay area. selected by you! that story coming up. >> apple fever is here! the new iphone will roll out tomorrow morning. already people are eager to get their hands on a. kron4 terisa estacio reports from palo alto. >> it is so important to be getting this new found. >> how long have you been out here? >> i have been here since tuesday afternoon. >> what is so great about the phone? >> it comes in gold, it has fingerprints' sensors, i am really interested in the camera. >> people are wondering why you are all here. >> i am not here bestyou are th, how did you sell about this fall? >> i still pretty happy. i am a die-hard apple safan. >> if you only iphone and you have not yet down loaded the new i o s 7 operating system, then you better hurry. top prosecutors from san francisco, new york and london when you to install the update as soon as possible. they say that the system's new activation of lock feature could be a huge step towards ending phone thefts. i os 7 will come installed on the new iphone 5-c andand 5--s and 5-c models. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. our financial expert rob black is then next with today's winners and losers. >> here is a live look as san jose's traffic. we will be right back. >> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. we continue to attract hot spots. the nimitz freeway, san leandro into a milpitas, tn bridge is bd up as interstate 58680.0 and 680. >> look at how slow and we are on the south bay freeway. this is a rough ride. the san mateo bridge-- it has been like this almost every single day this week. in fact, it has. this sadly will be the new normal for the san mateo bridge. we have been incidents free on the stand. the bay bridge, was bound is looking much better than the san mateo bridge. there are no backups. the golden gate bridge is still an easy ride for 1 01 southbound with no delays. norden marin is still pretty slow. >> here is a live look from our mount tam cam. we do have areas of low clouds along the coast line. a lot of us are waking up to clear skies. the temperatures are still in the '50s. we will see 60's for san francisco and '70's inside the bay. we will continue to see that 80s increase. later on tonight by 8:00 p.m. the temperatures will be back down to the '60s. you will notice 80s in the south bay san jose will have a high of 80 degrees. >> and low 90s for concord and danville. 83 degrees for vallejo. downtown san francisco will have a high of 77 degrees. your extended forecast shows a these changes. there may be a possibility of rain for friday and this will continue for saturday. we will see mostly cloudy conditions and the rain is north of the golden gate bridge. we may see scattered showers for the san francisco bay. my sunday school would try things out. this will be the first official day of fall. >> we are watching on wall street with rob black. we are talking about tesla. >> now we can look at the car and the stock and sayin wow! >> buy rating on the stock and pretty important last night they sent out eight tweet looking for engineers to help design their cars. he wants to have a drive-in list car within the next three years. again, this is a nice feature for someone that is handicapped or elderly or a teenager. >> the insurance companies will probably love this. >> we are also watching the video game grand theft auto. they have put up some impressive numbers. all of the single ladies today it relierealize their board friends lost data plan does. i do not know how was you could say this. daimler stock is selling this. this will obviously--the new x box and placed his in is that it's a come out. the video game industry is alive. the social media . and >> i remember a whole than a lot a morning.a lot of people wg in sick because this game cannot. >> a another incredible stock was priced line. >> this is the first s&p 500 stocks that had shares tied to a. maybe apple can run into this. but william shatner beethem. they are doing very well. the industry is consolidated. everything is moving towards that assesses is a good service. >> we do see facebook stock trading. mark zuckerberg did an interview that he stated that we are not cool, we have been around for about 10 years. what is interesting to know is that he called his company and its u.s.. at one time-- sometimes we take for granted. this is a utility, maybe he can get ahead of the teenager in my space. will they do this with facebook down the road. i think this is a smart admissive. i know people have lost their lives for the fact of facebook. >> i caught up with everyone from high-school. i think tell me a dividend. the delight of facebook as a long-term goal? >> yes. >> you can catch this segments on the kron 4 morning news. we will be right back. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. hñhñ when you smoke, addictive ingredients like nicotine pull you in. every day, over 1200 people die from smoking-related diseases. don't sink deeper into addiction. pull yourself out! in >> this week marks in the national cheeseburger day. burger joints all over the bay area are celebrating. in today's dine and dish kron 4 urs vicki liviakis goes on a hunt for some of the best ones. the >> >> they have fries inside perry e. >> this isn't the best. >> this is a huge hit. >> i can take a good nap after i eat disparat this. >> this latest phase says she loves the five guys and cheeseburgers. >> let's seccheck our parents. if you do not mind dropping $19, it is a market. >> this has secret sauce on it. we cannot discuss the sauce. >> the best thing about this is that you can declared every day. >> does that even look like this cuthe time is 9:28 a.m.. we it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the fastest internet for the price -- $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, get more connectivity, reliability and speed options -- now up to 45 megs. we have our own private wi-fi hot spot -- right here. getting connected is no problem -- even all at the same time. it's fast. it's reliable. and it's affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. with a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. now i can do the things i want to do, like email my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ >> we are back with breaking new was out of hayward right now. police are investigating an overnight shooting with 18 year old girl that was hit by gunfire. the shooting happened around 2:00 a.m. this morning and a home on the corner of tam but ave. here is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. police said a gunshot fired into the home but no one called 911 at the time. inside, it was not until five hours later the some called to report that the child was injured. the 10 year-old girl was not seriously hurt but she was taken to a local hospital. >> as soon as we get more updates we will have it for you. >> >> on to bay area weather and traffic. >> we're looking at a new hot spot for highway 24. it is backed up all the way to the walnut creek interchange. you are still delayed westbound on 24 and the typical of the late eastbound on 24. just then, by this time next year this will be a thing of the past. we are expected that by the end of this year, the tunnel is expected to reopen. we're still looking at delays for the nimitz freeway. >> this southbound ride although it has improved is still jammed from hayward all but done to milpitas. northbound 101 is still jammed and downtown san jose, the drive time is over 33 minutes. >> let's look at the bridges. the san mateo bridge is still backed up. is about 18 to 22 minutes. the bay bridge is a much better trip. the golden gate bridge has been problem free all morning long. >> if you do not like wet weather then you should enjoy today. the temperatures will be in the '90s for the warmest by. today is looking to be the warmest day of the week. wet weather arrives tomorrow night for saturdainto saturday.l show you the extended forecast coming up. >> the men in custody after a four hour standoff with police in san ramon this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. it all started around 2:00 p.m. yesterday after him. police say that they were coming there to serve a foreclosure notice but the man and barricaded themselves in the home for several hours. finally he surrendered after the swat team will been. >> we continued to negotiate with him but they kept breaking down so at that time decided to respond with gas. about 5 to 10 minutes later he came on and surrendered. it was taken into custody and traded on the scene. malign the private manager was taken to a local hospital for treatment. no other injuries have been reported. >> the trial for a 30 year- old boy accused of murdering his eight year-old sister has been delayed again. defense attorneys and attorneys still the more time to collect and analyze the data. she was killed in her home earlier this year while her brother was watching her. are reasonably the brother stated that there was an intruder and home, was busily arrested by deputies in charge with second-degree murder. >> the family had previously stated that their son was innocent and they declined to comment on camera. >> the fremont police department is trying to find the owner of two small dogs. they were abandoned on city street earlier today. >> the first dog was found about 8:45 a.m. wednesday morning. a with this stated that he saw the dog jumped from a pickup truck that had see the driver. >> i tub may be that the dog just jumped but as a concerned citizen i notice that it was another dogs stranded. >> when they were grouped together it was obvious that they were a pair. their leases were very similar. they appear to be in good health and there are well bay. there is no close of who they belong to. >> they do not have any tags or microchips. there's nothing that will leave them to one owner. >> that will hold the dogs for two weeks hoping that the owner will come forward. >> we are told that they can pass evaluation so that we can put the mud for adoption the time is 9:36 a.m.. coming up on kron 4 morning news. someone out there is $400 million richer today. we will have a winning power ball jaand jackpot numbers next. for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. >> we are tracking the latest out of washington. is just 11 days to go. a major battle in congress over the debt selling. if congress does not pass a bill by october 1st, the federal government will start running out of money. there may be a partial shutdown. the gop-controlled house is working on a bill to continue funding, but they have attached a rider to that bill, to defund the affordable health care act. while they may have the votes to get the measure through the house, it is a different story in the senate. >> one powerball ticket has matched all six numbers in the drawing for the estimated 400-million dollar jackpot. the winning ticket was sold in south carolina. no word yet on the identity of the lucky winner. the powerball numbers were drawn last night. and here they are: 7, 10, 35, 32, 22 and the powerball is 19. make sure to check your tickets! >> i told to that you would not win. >> coming up on kron 4 morning news. we have just learned that a former hakkubyrtialliburton employee hs been charged with destroying evidence following the b.p. 2010 oil spill in the gulf of mexico. whenever details next.we will have details next. >> welcome back. >> we are still on mining some hot spots. there is a accident and orinda westbound 24. the nimitz freeway is continuing to improve but it is still slow. the south bond ride for the corridor to millepede this is much improved. it is still backed up to 2 3/7. a new accident on top of the bay in menlo park. this is backing up the ride. looking at the bridges, the san mateo bridge is still not completely recovered. it is an 18 minute commute time. the bay bridge westbound has a better ride today with no backup for delays for your westbound truck. for the golden gate bridge they have added a third lane. this means that the southbound commute is officially over. >> we are making up to sunshine although it was colder this morning. things are not too bad because the conditions were clear. now we are on the rise with no bath . you will notice that the skies will be sunday and it will be a bright thursday. low 90s for pleasanton and livermore. san francisco will have a high of 77 degrees. upper 80s for annapolis. you can expect mild conditions for later on tonight. we do have big changes to talk about. it will bring some rain and you will notice on future cast 4-5 p.m. your evening ride home will have wet road ways. you will notice an increase in cloud cover and a recent models are showing that there rain is increasing on saturday morning. your 7 day or around the bay highlights the rest of the days will be warmer but we have interesting changes and it looks like we will rebound by sunday. that is the first official day of fall. >> >> developing mills out of mexico. hurricane manuel has now hit land in oregon of mexico. the storm has maximum sustained winds of 75 mi. per hour. rain from this storm continues to be an issue for emergency crews. more than 40,000 taurus are currently stranded in acapulco. it devastated mexico's pacific coast over the weekend. the death toll is now what 80 but that may arise. rescue crews are trying to reach a tiny village and its deep in the country's southern mountains, their fear that 68 people may have died in a landslide. >> just crossing the wires. a former halliburton employee has been charged with destroying evidence following the peace 2010 oil spill in the gulf of mexico. 61 year-old anthony badalamenti was a the see minting director. he has not charged with obstructing to other employees to delete data. also, this morning, a federal judge to accept a plea agreement that called for the houston-based company to pay $200,000 in fines. >> it bay area news. a proposed a condo complex on san francisco's waterfront is causing a rift among city leaders. it is called " 8 washington " a 134 unit condo complex. it was approved by the board of supervisors last year, but opposition has grown. >> here is stanley r. roberts was found some people be headed bailey. >>behaving badly. >> you are looking at a driver about to do donuts on the streets of oakland and at first glance it's just another disruption on an east bay intersection nats: ambiance the task was to do circles without hitting the cone in the middle of the street but that was a fail i want you to pay close attention to the left of the screen watch as the white lights soon change to red and blue and the thus ends the sideshow nats: ambiance or not, because the driver throws his car in reverse and hits the police cruser in a effort to evade the police . bad move because all that did was make matters worse . much worse nats get out of the car get on the ground get on the ground the driver at this point the driver is being ordered out of the vehicle a gun point it turns out it wasn't just one person in the mustang as oakland police also remove a passenger from the car nats: ambiance but it dosent end there, if you listen carefully, now the police are taking bottles from rowdey sideshow people and now the entire event with all the drivers trying to get away create grid lock while the officers wait for back up this entire video was uploaded on youtube oakland has as long as i can remember had problems with sideshows but it's nice to see video of oakland taking an aggressive stand in oakland stanley roberts kron 4 news >> the a's are gaining some ground < despite a disappointing loss. it was a sizable crowd of $20.260 at the coliseum. mike trout , thephenom homers to let center off of a day griffin. the score 2-0 l.a.. coco crisp tied it up with one swing. it was a to run shot to the left. the score 2-2 tie it. the top of the mind, 4-2 a's. grant belfour on to close about. jos hamilton spoiled it for the a's fan. top of the 11th, and again, the sac slide brings home the winning run. they a's lows 5-4. texas lost to the race in 12 innings. the a's are mounted on five games and lead. the >> a close game for the giants, who showed up some good defense, but it was not enough last night. bottom of the third, the score 2-0 san francisco. matt kcain did tell from his defense like this week a beer vendor. top of the fourth gregor blanco routine pop up. bottom of th giants rose four-one. the final score 5-4 mets. this is the last game of the series today at city field, first pitches at 10:00 a.m. reporte >> = coming up on kron 4 morning news. he was once known as jon gosselin more reality start a millionaire. now comedhe is jon the waiter. will have a story coming up. there are so many things that we do on a daily basis. we run errands. we run to the grocery store. in fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. the 100% electric nissan leaf goes two-and-a-half times that on a single charge. it's a car. it just doesn't take gas. 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[ male announcer ] call at&t now to get the fastest internet for the price -- just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, you get more connectivity, more reliability and more speed options. and with at&t u-verse high speed internet, you can choose the speed you need. getting connected is no problem with our wireless gateway. we have our very own private wi-fi hot spot right here. we do. so we can all be connected at the same time. and even save on our tablet and smartphone data usage. plus it's fast. and reliable. and affordable. it's totally affordable. that's what i said. i know. yep. [ male announcer ] connect all your devices and even save on your tablet and smartphone data usage at home. so call now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. and for no extra charge, i get access to over 30,000 wi-fi hot spots. so i can stay connected when i'm out... running errands. she's a regular. ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t customers say u-verse high speed internet is more reliable than cable. so call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. now i can do the things i want to do, like e-mail my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. ♪ [ male announcer ] with our newly expanded advanced digital network... thank you, daddy. thanks, dad. [ male announcer ] get more connectivity, reliability, and speed options... you're welcome. [ male announcer ] bring it all together. ♪ >> former reality start, jon gosselin, some jon and kate plus 8 fame. he is now waiting tables and pennsylvania. here is video of the 3607 customers at the black dog restaurants. he says that after the show ended, he found it nearly impossible to find work. a far cry from his $1.3 million home that he shared with his now ex-wife to takkate, >> will see you later. a doctor phil's newe will see you. phil was next. >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." >> my daughter, missy, is meeting boys on the internet. >> announcer: a dangerous obsession. >> dr. phil: she hops in the car with men she's never met before. >> announcer: even after a frightening encounter. >> she went out without a top on. >> announcer: she still seeks out strangers. >> i guess she's not getting the attention she needs. >> dr. phil: it's like you're irritated she has a problem. >> dr. phil: my first guests say their daughter, missy, is 17, sees no danger in talking to five to ten random guys a day online. what strikes me odd is that her


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