he was asked to stay on. i think if we had known that all of this information was gonna come out in this spring in early summer he would not have stayed for it because he does need to do things like trying to find a job and he doesn t need to leave the department and it s coming at possibly the worst time. let s talk a little bit about this merrick garland issue and the statement today when he says i d rather the have full confidence that he will conduct a thorough an invest pension investigation. if at any time the investigation proceeds action related to the mattering question is warranted i will not hesitate to move swiftly. for regular people like us, we think that must be important the inspector general but what we know witnessed over the last four years is the politicization or the interference in these inspector generals in every department has one and so now there seems to be concerned by congressional people like jerry nadler and others that that s not enough. what should