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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20130716

continue. >> protests in the wake of the goernlz verdict. >> los angeles protesters blocking traffic and breaking windows. >> race not an issue in deliberation, that claim from one of the jurors. >> george had a right to protect himself. >> eric holder looking into filing criminal civil rights charges. >> showdown today on capitol hill. republicans continue their filibuster of president obama's nominees. >> democratic leader harry reid has threatened to invoke the nuclear option allow an executive nominee to be confirmed by a simple majority. >> at least seven dead in egypt following clashes between supporters of former president mohamed morsi and the police. >> expected to intensify, nine states under heat advisories from the northeast to the middle of the country. >> stay in the ac. that's all you can do. >> the president of man make claimed his country seized a north korean ship with undeclared military cargo. >> shot a tiger. >> filmed diving to the bottom of the baltic sea. >> has won the home run derby. >> heard of the term booby trap. you could say it's a habooby trap. >> it's getting ugly. >> all that matters. >> future stepmother they think the baby will arrive by next week. >> we know it's imminent. we can do the math. >> royals say they don't care what gender it is as well as it's healthy enough to never work a day in its life. welcome to "cbs this morning" and good morning, norah. >> good morning to you, charlie. >> as you're waking up in the west anger over the verdict in george zimmerman's murder trial is boiling over. a third night of protests turned violent in los angeles. >> more than 100 people pro away from a larger demonstration smashing windows and attacking people. one of those injured was a photographer from our affiliate station. thirteen protesters arrested of the violence will not be allowed to continue. >> hearing from a juror that found george zimmerman not guilty. spoke with anderson cooper on his cnn program. she said zimmerman and trayvon martin both could have walked away before the shooting. >> do you feel that george zimmerman racially profiled trayvon martin? do you think race played a role in his decision his view of trayvon martin as suspicious? >> i don't think he did. i think the circumstances conned george to think he might be a robber or do something bad in the neighborhood because of all that had gone on previously. there were an unbelievable number of robberies in the neighborhood. >> so you don't believe race played a role in the case? >> i don't think it did. >> do you feel george zimmerman should have been carrying a gun? >> i think he has every right to carry a gun. i think it's everybody's right to carry a gun. >> you didn't buy the prosecution when they said he was a wannabe cop. >> i didn't at all. >> is george zimmerman somebody you would like to have on neighborhood watch in your community? >> if he didn't go too far. >> do you feel sorry for trayvon martin? >> i feel sorry for both of them. i feel sorry for trayvon and the situation he was in and i feel sorry for george because of the situation he got himself in. >> how was the first vote. >> three not guilties one second degree murder and two manslaughters. there was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. after we had put our vote in and the bailiff had taken our vote that's when everybody started to cry. >> tell me about that. >> it's just hard thinking that somebody lost their life and nothing else could be done about it. we thought about it for hours and cried over it afterwards. i don't think any of us could ever do anything like that ever again. >> the juror and in silhouette to protect her identity. the obama administration is now under growing pressure from civil rights groups and members of congress. they want to see zimmerman face federal charges. jan crawford at the justice department. jan, good morning and what's the likelihood of that? >> reporter: good morning, norah. the attorney general has confirmed they are investigating whether he can be charged under federal civil rights charges. that's an uphill battle. they would have to show zimmerman was motivated by racial hatred when he shot trayvon martin. speaking to members of an historically african-american sorority sorority, he immediately addressed the trayvon martin case. >> the deltasish are concerned about this case. the justice department shares your concern. i share your concern. >> holder called martin's death tragic and unnecessary and said the justice department is investigating. prosecutors are looking into whether there's enough evidence to charge george zimmerman under federal civil rights law. as the justice department did in 1992 when it prosecuted four los angeles police officers accused of beating rodney king a california jury acquitted the officers. but under federal law two were convicted for violating king's civil rights. the obama administration has aggressively used federal hate crime laws. prosecutions jumped 29% during president obama's first term in office. proving these cases can be tough. >> it will be difficult to pursue a federal civil rights prosecution based on evidence that came out in the case. >> reporter: former prosecutor resnick said prosecutors would have to show zimmerman was motivated by racial hatred when he shot martin something that wasn't evident at trial. >> they will conduct investigation and interviews themselves, they will decide whether a prosecution on the civil rights statute is appropriate. >> reporter: despite those hurdles, the pressure is growing. there's a group of congressmen from new york urging prosecution. right now at this moment the reverend al sharpton is holding a press conference to talk about vigils in 100 cities across the country. later this afternoon 1:30 p.m. pacific time the attorney general will be talking about the case before the naacp convention in orlando. >> jan thank you. with us legal analyst jack ford. good morning. >> good morning. >> what do you make of what this junior said to anderson cooper. >> interesting, could have a significant impact moving forward. as jan mentioned, if the department of justice is going to jump in and charge it's not for murder or manslaughter it's for federal civil rights violation. what they have to prove then is indeed george zimmerman attacked trayvon martin and it was all as a consequence of racial animosity. that's the driving force here. these jurors said in the interview, one juror said we didn't find that. it wasn't part of our consideration. they said this was all driven by suspicion but not race here. that's not binding on the justice department. the justice department doesn't say because they didn't find it we can't. but certainly if you're a prosecutor looking at this saying can i prove this down the road, you're going to pay attention to this. there are also some investigative reports released in the last couple of days showing federal investigators early on looked into this issue of race and found no evidence of george zimmerman being racist or driven by racial animosity. >> incredibly revealing because many people think race was a factor and jurors say, no, that wasn't part of their consideration. what do you make of her also revealing when they first took a vote that three of them for aquilgs, one for second degree murder and two for manslaughter. >> that's not unusual. when you talk to jurors a high-profile case murder case couple of dozen murder case prosecutor and defense attorney. jurors approach shng different. it's not unusual to say where are we? lets take a vote and see where we are and see where we need to go from here. it's not unusual after the deliberative process, it's exchanging thoughts, for people to change. >> what about the instructions they said were very confusing. >> they were confusing. i remember looking at florida manslaughter case saying, you know what i'm not sure what this means here. here is what happens. the judges are given what are called model jury instructions. it's put together by committees. here is what you should tell people. oftentimes is very difficult for lay people to say what are they talking about? >> love to know conversation change from 3-3 to 6-0. >> maybe we'll hear from others and they will help us understand how that happened. that's part of the genius of the system, that jury deliberation process. >> thank you. a showdown looming over filibuster rules. majority leader harry reid threatening to use a so-called nuclear option. it could change the rules making it easier to confirm president obama's nominees for top white house jobs. nancy cordes on capitol hill. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. it's called the nuclear option because it's considered so explosive around here that no senate leader has ever done it. the entire senate held a rare closed-door meeting that went late in the night but they didn't come up with any deal to avert it. senators aired out their differences for three and a half hours last night giving the two parties a chance to vent face-to-face. >> we've had a very good conversation. the conversation is going to continue. >> senate majority leader harry reid said bargain overnight agreement he still planned to make good on his threat to change senate rules. the showdown is over seven presidential nominees waiting for confirmation votes anywhere from three months to two years. the republicans who opposed the nominees for a variety of reasons have been holding up the votes by threatening to filibuster. reid said last week he had waited long enough and he would change the rules today to allow the nominees to be confirmed with a simple 51 vote majority instead of the 60 votes typically needed to overcome a filibuster. fellow democrats backed him up. >> my friends on the republican side are hijacking these nominations. >> any president should have his or her right to put their team in place by a majority vote of the consent of the senate. >> an unprecedented move blowing up rules that date back surge rice would strip the minority party of its right, poisoning relationships and driving the senate deeper into gridlock. >> this was described by the majority leader as a, quote, minor change. no big deal. it is a big deal. >> reporter: a group of 10 seniors are worried about what this could do to the institution. they have been working behind the scenes to come up with an agreement but they are running out of time norah and charlie. these votes are scheduled to begin within the next hour. thank you. major news one of the top leaders of the zetas cartel is under arrest. mexican marines captured him yesterday just across the border from the united states. a former fbi director good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> how significant is this guy and his organization? >> first you have to understand los zetas. mexico has been carved up by different violent drug cartels. zetas is former special forces commandos hired by the cartel to be enforcers and brutal enforcers they were until they looked up one day and said why are we doing the dirty work and not getting the big money, so they formed their own cartel. their trademark was to go into town figure out who was cooperating with law enforcement, rival gang behead everybody, riding out of town leaving that as an example. very feared gang. >> how did they get him? >> trevino is leader of los zetas, the only a former member but the rest are. they stop the pickup truck and an arrest team moving in behind. they had been laying in wait he might travel this road. they arrest him. they arrest his bodyguard. they arrest his accountant. why are you riding with your accountant? they capture guns. there's also $2 million in the truck. that's how he rolls. >> what do you think the impact is on the united states? >> well zetas on a weekly basis sends hundreds of pounds of cocaine and marijuana across the u.s. border with a massive network. fbi intelligence bulletins that i've seen talk about zetas trying to recruit among the mafia gang in prison and expand into the united states. it's significant. one thing about this group because they come from a military background when a leader is disposed of as happened in 2008 they don't have the battle inside hierarchy dictates the next person with seniority moves up. we may see his brother become a leader. >> he succeeded someone else. >> in 2008. from 2008 to 2013 this is a very significant move to take out the leader again. they have had that long to be in power for trevino. >> john thank you. met another person who said last night that said one of their favorite parts of the show was john miller. don't you hear it all the time? >> i don't know what to say. >> it's the clothes. >> that's because norah and i match. you were not on the mail list. >> thank god for that. big news this morning as we learned that panama said it has seen a north korean flagship traveling from cuba. panamanian president said it declared military cargo, missile and other arms. he tweeted this photo of the cargo. shows a green container. the captain tried to commit suicide during the capture. a scary moment during a walk inside the international space station. water looked inside the helmet as he floated outside. he needed help from american space walker chris cassidy to get back in. the liquid may have come from a bag used for drinking water or from the space suit cooling system. it got into his eyes. no injuries are reported. it was the astronaut's second space walk on this mission. no word from london on the royal baby. waiting is the story. clarissa ward outside the hospital. that's where the duchess of cambridge will give birth. clarissa, good morning. >> reporter: good morning charlie and norah, two projected due dates have come and gone. all eyes are firmly on that door behind me as royal baby watch enters week two. as the week stretches on the press pack just gets bigger. media from around the world poised 24/7 to capture the first images of a new heir to the throne. british royal correspondent paul harrison has been waiting longer than most. >> we all arrived down here in june to report the fact this is where kate was going to come. >> reporter: while the media buildup is clearly in overdrive, the way in which the world will hear about the royal birth promises to be decidedly low key. like the family portrait of diana and charles posing with baby william on the hospital steps 31 years ago, the announcement of the birth will be a traditional affair. from st. mary's hospital a formal birth notice driven by police escort the two and a half miles to buckingham palace where on the court a footman will place the notice on anise easel, the same one used in 1982. back enthe announcement came at night. it went up first on the palace gate for well wishers who just couldn't wait. the world media might be hoping for a video friendly daytime birth this time around but the royal family just like any other family awaiting a newborn are just well hoping. on a tour of a children's hospital yesterday, grandmother to be camilla summed it up. the duchess is not alone in hoping for that. if the royal heir is not born this week and the waiting game continues into next week we will all still be here. charlie and norah. >> thanks clarissa. time to show you headlines from around the globe. "washington post" said edward snowden formally asked russia for asylum this morning. russian president putin said he would allow snowden to stay for a short time if he stops leaking american secrets. >> "politico" said republican senator rand paul an ted crews are supporting a bill that would take sexual assault out of the chain of command. that is sponsored by senator gillibrand. looking at an emergency transmitter as cause of a fire that damaged a boeing 787 at the heathrow airport last friday. the transmitter is located in the upper rear of ethiopian jet. no evidence the airline's two lithium batteries caused the fire. military veterans diagnosed with cancer were less likely to develop alzheimer's disease. those treated with chemotherapy received more protection. resear more clouds, low clouds and fog stretching well onshore today. drizzle out toward the coastline even misting inside the bay to start out the day. not much clearing out toward the beaches today as low pressure camped along the coast line will ramp up that marine layer and keep these numbers running well below the average. still, we'll see some sunshine in the valleys and parts of the bay. 60s and 70s inside the bay, some low 80s possible as you head well inland, and 50s and low 60s toward the coast. warmer weather for tomorrow, hot toward the weekend. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by target. expect more, pay less. pressure mounts on san pressure mounts on san diego's mayor after allegations of sexual harassment. >> i want to kiss you. you are so beautiful, bob filner said. the mayor suddenly in clear view of anyone who might pass by grabbed and kissed her jamming his tongue down her throat. >> after apologizing, bob filner is now fighting back. >> it's called the obesity gene a hormone that increases our appetite. one of the nation's leading weight loss doctors tell us what the new research means for the way we diet. >> the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by safelite autoglass. k9 advantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! 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[ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i've lived through a massive heart attack. i don't take life for granted. see your doctor and get checked out. ♪ ♪ >> >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated on some bay area headlines now. a short time ago two people were let out of a san francisco -- led out of a san francisco apartment building in handcuffs. they may be suspects wanted for shooting a man about three hours ago. the victim is expected to survive. her barking dog let a san jose woman know her house was on fire early this morning. she and the dog managed to get out safely but about 100 cats inside the home the woman had rescued did not make it out. and more clean-up to do today in downtown oakland. vandals broke more windows, painted more graffiti, overnight. the third night of protests over the george zimmerman acquittal verdict. nine people were arrested in oakland last night. traffic and weather on a tuesday coming up right after the break. good morning. taking a look down the eastshore freeway that earlier accident in richmond el cerrito backing up the commute on westbound 80. drive time in the read nearly 48 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. heavier traffic through the altamont pass. a quick note about mass transit. ace train number five is running about 15 minutes behind schedule. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> all right. a lot of clouds around the bay area to start out the day more than yesterday. and thick enough we have drizzle again mist inside the bay. looking towards pleasanton right now, we have plenty of clouds outside this time. even through the delta we are seeing cloudy skies. 50s and 60s now. by the afternoon sunshine going to make a showing in many spots inland. 70s and low 80s there. you will see 60s and 70s around the bay, breezy at the coast 50s and low 60s. hot toward the weekend. ♪ call it a double surprise, in atlanta, a giant panda named lulu game birth to twins on monday. they are the first twins born at the zoo. look at them now the cubs are hairless and blind, but very cute. congratulations to them. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the wall street banker known as "fabulous fab" is on trial. he's accused of causing a 2008 meltdown but is he taking the fall? and there is encouraging news this morning about the little boy who nearly died after falling into a sand dune. we have new information on what may have caused the frightening accident and how he's real people. filner added i do not believe i'm guilty of sexual harassment. and i believe a full presentation of the facts will vindicate me. as bill witterer reports, three women suggest otherwise. >> reporter: calls himself a tough boss san diego mayor bob filner dismissed charges of sexual harassments as coming from anonymous sources. >> i have been tough. i demand excellence. but there's a difference between that and sexual harassment. >> reporter: that's in contrast to his contrite video apology from late last week. >> i'm embarrassed to admit that i have failed to fully respect the women who work with me. >> reporter: bob filner is tragically unsafe for any woman to approach. at a press conference hours earlier, donna frey read detailed accounts from three of filner's unnamed accusers this from a once-named volunteer. >> i want to kiss you, you are so beautiful, bob filner said. on the sidewalk, the mayor suddenly, in clear view of anyone who might pass by grabbed and kissed her, jamming his tongue down her throat. >> reporter: the accuser also claims filner groped her. another constituent told frey the mayor kicked staffers outside of his office to proposition her. >> mayor filner grabbed me and kissed me. i was able to push myself away and heardedlyurriedly left the room. >> reporter: for the ways that filner cornered his victims, the filner head lock and the filner dance. >> i'm obviously very concerned that people feel that way. i certainly don't see myself that way. if i'm offended people i apologize. >> reporter: but an apology may not be enough. many expect the city to be hit with lawsuits. attorney marco gonzalez is filing a sexual harassment claim on behalf of one employee. >> there is no circumstance under which it would be appropriate, for the mayor to enter into an elevator with my client and to tell them that they would do a better job on that floor if they worked without their panties on. >> reporter: filner's fiance cited his infidelities as a reason for their split last week adding in a statement, bob recently began texting other women sexually explicit messages and setting updates while in my presence. but filner insists he's not leaving office. >> i think all fair-minded san diegans would agree there ought to be a fair and impartial investigative process. and i think i will be vindicated at the end. >> reporter: "cbs this morning," i'm bill whitaker. the trial resumes for fabrice tourre also known as fabulous fab a former wall street executive. he's accused of selling $1 billion in toxic mortgage investments. they were designed to fail. the case is one of a handful brought against wall street bankers for their role in the financial meltdown. bethany mcclean is say contributing editor at "vanity fair" has covered the crisis extensively. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> why him and why this case the significance of what might happen? >> well him, because he's the one unfortunate enough to end e-mails. he's a pretty junior guy at goldman sachs. 19 other people at goldman saw the documents and he's being scapegoated because he made the mistake of sending e-mails. >> why are they going after him and not goldman sachs? >> well, they did, and goldman sachs paid $550 million to settle the charges without admitting guilt. although goldman did have to admit its marketing materials were incomplete. >> let's back up and explain what this is. what was he charged with creating? >> really a transaction that allowed 1% that the home prices would go up. and one side to that it was all going to fall apart, the hedge fund. basically, the transaction has nothing to do with the economy. i glee it was a monstrosity. and the idea he was responsible for lying to the people who invested by not telling them this hedge fund was helping to design this transaction that was going to fail. >> and it's that it was going to be sold and they needed everything they needed to know? >> that these were sophisticated investors, that they understand how the game worked. >> has anybody gone to trial and been convicted? >> you know the s.e.c. brought a very similar case against a junior employee last summer and lost. the jury found him not guilty. really, nobody has been charged in the wake of financial crisis legal and frankly english skills in the courtroom to explain this to jurors. i think it will be a fascinating trial and the e that swallowed the child. dean reynolds is outside the comer children's hospital. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the doctors here at the comer children's hospital in marveling at young nathan woessner's recovery. >> he's actually doing very well. he's improving every single day and we hope to have the breathing tube out by the end of the week. and i would hope that he would possibly be out of his hospital in 10 to 14 days. >> reporter: attempts to flush the sand out of nathan's lungs have been effective. >> his lung injury is not nearly as severe as i expected it to be. and it has not gotten more severe over the last couple of days. it's actually gotten better. >> reporter: last friday afternoon, do it was on a hike with his father greg at the indiana dunes at lake shore when he simply disappeared beneath the sand. >> nathan was hollering out and greg didn't hear him. so greg told him, lay still, nathan, don't move. and they frantically began to dig to get him out. >> reporter: trying to dig him out made matters worse and deepened the hole. excavating equipment brought him to the surface and they did not expect good news. >> when they found nathan he was cold and lives and the coroner was there. >> reporter: but rescuers noticed a cut on his head had fresh blood, a very good sign. >> they said he's got a heartbeat. and they started the process of where we are today. >> reporter: so far, doctors say they see no neurological problems, no eyesight problems and no muscular difficulty. he's moved his arms and legs. >> we are especially thankful for the people here. they are doing an outstanding job taking care of nathan. >> reporter: but at some point, the nightmare that nathan's just been through will probably come back to haunt him say the doctors here. and when that happens, they'll have some therapy to help this remarkable young boy get through that as well. charlie, norah. >> dean reynolds thank you. >> that sounds like a miracle, doesn't it? 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[ laughter ] >> oh, i bet there are. doctors know there's a genetic component to obesity. a new study helps explain how it would. the research finds people with the obesity gene are likely to have more of a hormone that makes them hungry. dr. louis aronne directs the weight program at cornell, welcome >> thank you, charlie. >> let me begin with this. what's the significance of this and what's different about it? >> what this study shows is how this particular obesity gene one of many genes that are associated with obesity works. what it does it increases the level of a hormone that makes you hungry. it's called ghrelin. comes from the stomach, makes you hungry. also increases the brain sensitivity to the hormone. >> we have known there are obesity genes. but this is significant and how will it change the way we treat people? >> well, there are a couple of ways that it could help us. number one when we do research studies, we look at everybody as the same. we know 1 in 6 people have this gene. these people may respond differently to the treatment. it's already been shown that people with this gene respond differently to bearariatric surgery. the level of the hormone increases. when you eat a meal, the level of the hormone goes down. now we may have a test that tick out that for treatment. >> what do you do about that hormone? >> well, there are a couple of things. one of the things that shows, a high-protein diet suppresses the hormone. for people on a high-protein diet we have this that links to the protein diet. >> does it show that people with a protein diet do better? >> they do in the short run but now we have a test that pick out people who might do better. which people. it shows some people do very well, some people don't do well. on average everyone does the same, no matter what kind of diet you give them. we can pick out people who do better or not. >> someone at home is thinking wow, this could be me. how do you get tested if you have this gene? >> right now, this is still a research technique, but i would predict in just a few years, we'll be abe to do a more clouds, low clouds and fog stretching well onshore today. drizzle out toward the coastline even misting inside the bay to start out the day. not much clearing out toward the beaches today as low pressure camped along the coast line will ramp up that marine layer and keep these numbers running well below the average. still, we'll see some sunshine in the valleys and parts of the bay. 60s and 70s inside the bay, some low 80s possible as you head well inland, and 50s and low 60s toward the coast. warmer weather for tomorrow, hot toward the weekend. if you need proof the housing market is back we'll take you inside what may be the most expensive home listing in the united states. it's got 12 bedrooms and 15,000 square feet. grass court. how much is it? you might be surprised? the answer is coming up on "cbs this morning." ♪ that's what i want that's what i want ♪ ♪ ♪ check off your school list and theirs too. use your debit or credit redcard for an extra 5% off our everyday low prices. bacon?! gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacooon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh la laa. i say, is that bacon? oh! good heavens! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip?? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs!! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm it's beggin! mmm i love you... 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[ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone gel. aczone gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. &ñ&ñ ♪ in port everglades florida, this morning, a power plant has been demolished. it stood for more than 50 years. four smokestacks came down in just six60 seconds. crews used nearly 5,000 pounds of dynamite. >> like like a good implosion. more than 5 million people in this country live with dementia. a new study looks people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. ♪ don't you ♪ ♪ don't you wanna, wanna ♪ ♪ don't you ♪ ♪ don't you want to see me flaunt what i got? ♪ oh. ♪ don't you ♪ ♪ don't you wanna, wanna ♪ ♪ don't you ♪ ♪ don't you wanna, wanna ♪ stress sweat is different than heat and activity sweat -- it smells worse. secret clinical strength gives you four times the protection against stress sweat. live fearlessly with secret clinical strength. honey! we're pregnant! what? we're pregnant! we're pregnant? yeah! you're going to be a mom! you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? there's a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don't know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. [ male announcer ] so you used the wrong flea killer. but then why is he the one in the doghouse? don't blame him. instead, rely on the number one choice of vets for their pets frontline plus. the killing force of frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks, plus another to kill flea eggs and larvae destroying the future generations of fleas. and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. ♪ >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. san jose investigators are looking into the cause of a house fire that killed a dog and about 100 cats this morning. the fire was reported just before 2 a.m. on polivdero drive in the city of santa teresa. firefighters rescued a woman in the home business owners in downtown oakland are cleaning up again. vandalism broke out last night after a third straight day of protests against the acquittal of george zimmerman in florida. oakland police arrested nine people. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. a couple of hot spots out there from certain accidents. first southbound 101 approaching the parkway traffic jammed into novato because of this accident still blocking one lane. also we have been talking about the slow commute on southbound 880 into fremont earlier crash now cleared. unfortunately, it's stacked up from highway 92 and southbound 101 at cesar chavez there is an accident clearing from the two left lanes backing on to the upper deck of the bridge. >> we have a strong onshore breeze lots of clouds outside stretching well inland. in fact, taking a look toward the altamont pass, yeah, we're making energy today! they are turning those wind turbines with that strong sea breeze this morning. looks like we are going to see more of that throughout the day today. a good sea breeze going to keep you cloudy at the coastline. temperatures this afternoon, low 80s inland, and that's it. 50s at the coast. next couple of days high pressure builds in getting hot by saturday and sunday. good morning to you. it's 8:00 in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." for the very first time we're hearing from a juror in the george zimmerman murder trial. she says that race was not a factor in their decision to find him not guilty. your job may be the key to warding off alzheimer's. new research shows delaying retirement is actually good for your brain. you'll see how technology is helping our national pastime move into the future. first, here's a look add today's eye opener at 8. >> kicking in windows. >> a third night of protests turned violent in los angeles. >> one of those injured was a photographer for kcbs. >> we're hearing from one of the six jurors who acquitted george zimmerman. >> you don't think race is an issue. >> i don't think it is. >> they're investigating whether george zimmerman can be charged with civil rights violations. >> a showdown is happening in the senate. no senate leader has ever done it. >> one of the top leaders of the rufus drug cartel. >> it's on a weekly basis, they send hundreds of pounds of cocaine and marijuana across the u.s. border. >> all eyes are firmly on that door behind me as royal baby watch enters week two. >> pressure mounts on san diego's mayor after allegations of sexual harassment. >> i think i will be vind did i dated. >> this particular obesity gene increases the level of a hormone that makes you hungry. >> the president just called russian president vladimir putin to discuss nsa leaker edward snowden who's been living in the airport. obama asked for snowden to be returned, in return putin asked for a case of twinkies. >> this is presented by choice hotels. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. police in los angeles arrested more than a dozen people last night when protests from the george zimmerman verdict turned violent. more than 100 people broke away from a peaceville vigil. they blocked interstate 880 stopping traffic in both directions. >> one of the six jurors who acquitted zimmerman in the killing of trayvon martin said they were divided. the jurors spoke to 60 minutes correspondent anderson cooper last night on his program. she's in silhouette. >> to find him not guilty but you're responsible for that not guilty and all the people that want him guilty aren't going to have any -- any closure. >> do you feel sorry for trayvon martin? >> i feel sorry for both of them. >> the juror said she did not think martin's race was the reason zimmerman followed him the night of the killing. i was sitting at home last night. the interview was riveting to watch. i thought anderson asked everything we wanted to know. she said that none of the jurors thought that race was a factor. a lot of people disagree with that. it was interesting to hear that, you know when they went into the deliberations three people they were split. >> i thought it was revealing that she said she thought the instructions were very confusing. she said i felt like we should have given him something but the charges that they had weren't the right match. so they were confused a bit. >> once again, raising the prosecution might have had different charges from the beginning, not first or second degree murder but manslaughter. >> indeed. there's word this morning the senate may head off the so-called nuclear option in its fight over filibusters. harry reed told reporters he sees a way forward. reed has been threatening to change the rules allowing president obama's people to be approved. 50,000 people suffer from dementia. delaying retirement may lower your risk. david is in southern california. cbs news contributor. doctor good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> explain the findings. >> previous studies have shown a potential association with working and reduced risk of alzheimer's. this is a remarkable study with 400,000 people showing that every year you delay retirement is a 3% lower risk of dementia and alzheimer's. if you retire at 65 instead of 60, there's a 15% lowering. >> does it matter if you like your job or not whether it affects the dementia? is it important to like what you're doing? >> we don't know. certainly what we know from the study is that if you have a regular schedule get up in the morning, go to work, and then use your brain. the old adage, you don't use it you lose it is probably correct. >> so if you're retired, doctor what should you do? >> well i think if you are retired or if you're not working at the present time you need to be on a regular schedule and you need to find ways to engage your brain. that can be something as simple as reading, hobbies, doing projects in the house. you don't want to spend your day sitting around. you've got to find things to do. and that's the message to us as individuals and especially to society, we have to plan. with 5 million people with alzheimer's in the youunited states it is an enormous drain on the family, the individual and the society. >> dr. david agus good to see you. former president george h.w. bush returned to the white house yesterday. he joined president obama to give out the 5,000th daily point of light volunteer award. he thanked the president and the first lady for their hospitality. >> it's like coming home for barbara and me. the rest of you just coming and being greeted by this hospitality. >> former president bush created the a word 23 years ago. president obama said this is a kinder and gentler nation because of you. sweet to see the former president there. he had on his trademark striped socks. >> i thought it was nice to hear him say it was like coming home for barbara and me. >> very nice moment. the average american house costs about $200,000. the sellers of a home in greenwich, connecticut, are looking for almost $200 million. terrell brown shows us what a buyer gets for that mind blowing price tag. >> reporter: this is the most expensive property listing. nestled behind an 1800 foot driveway that winds its way to the 50 acre estate is a 12 bedroom victorian mansion with this jaw dropping view of long island sound. and for a mere $190 million it's all yours. meet david okaygilvy, the realtor. the main house is crafted with period detail and oak columns and closed porches the size of many american homes and, yes, there is an elevator to service the three story foyer, but there are a few drawbacks. there's no central air and the kitchen that we weren't allowed to show needs some updating. so why is this property on the market for $190 million? as they say in the world of real estate, location, location, location. >> well the location is the best part of waterfront gren niche and the fact is greenwich is the first town coming out of new york city. >> reporter: and in addition to its two private islands, copper beach farm has nearly a mile of unspoiled beach front property which means it could be divided into multiple lots. there were reports that the owner is facing financial troubles but ogilvy says that's not true. >> this is very much not a distress sale. >> reporter: as far as the $190 million asking price, ogilvy says he's shown the house to five people who have the means to pay for it. for cbs this morning, terrell brown, new york. >> so let's talk about that in a moment. >> there's no central air. >> i guess if you have $190 million for a house then fixing those problems won't be a big deal. >> you know what i was thinking about? >> what? >> $190 million has gotten some publicity for whoever is trying to sell this house. >> 50 acres is a big piece of property. >> just want you to know it is available. i'd love to come over for a visit. i want to see the house. it is 8:09. i love looking at houses. i do i girls have long been told they can grow up to be anything they want so how come less than 4% of all firefighters are women? we're going to take you to a summer camp that's trying to change that. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is sponsored by choice hotels. book direct at [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ ♪ every day we're working to be an even better company - and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. [ female announcer ] it's a warm sunrise over a classic roast. it's a morning breeze smooth as black silk. with folgers gourmet selections k-cup packs you can turn any day gourmet. rich roasts and flavors... available where you buy groceries. my dentist said that the acid in fruit or fruit juice softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. ♪ baseball commissioner bud selig has said he's never sent an e-mail in his life. he told reporters yesterday he never will. some may find that neurotic. baseball is responsible for a revolution in technology. i'm jeff floyd. citi field in queens. it all happens online, and it's transformed the way we watch baseball. that story's next. ♪ born again, there's new grass on the field ♪ >> announcer: this portion of c "cbs this morning" sponsored by safelite auto glass. ♪ the joint is jumpin' ♪ [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex helps revitalize your joints to keep 'em jumpin'.° like calcium supplements can help your bones osteo bi-flex can help your joints. osteo bi-flex... now available in all major retailers and warehouse clubs. [ female announcer ] are you sensitive to dairy? then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. [ glenn stonebarger ] we are a family farm. she has been around corn her entire life so she's probably been around corn longer than i have. [ jeannie stonebarger ] i shop at safeway quite a bit. i walk around the produce department a few times, just to see that box. i'm like...yes! really, really proud. to know that they're buying locally is important. [ female announcer ] safeway works with hundreds of local farmers because local means fresher. ♪ ♪ i'm here to find out what new yorkers think about matt harvey. what about matt harvey? >> you know he's a stud. >> who's your favorite player? >> oh, dude harvey. >> really? >> if he was standing right next to you what kind of advice would you give him? >> just to keep doing what he's doing. keep shining. >> i will. >> okay. new yorkers don't know matt harvey. the mets young star pitcher will star for the national league tonight at the all-star game. tonight for the first time ever citi field in new york is playing host. it is the halfway point of the season, but our national pastime is always thinking ahead. jeff glor is at citi field. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: charlie, good morning. baseball's best players from the american and national league will gather here inside citi field tonight, but maybe baseball's most important player right now is their technology company. >> high fly ball. grand slam! >> reporter: baseball is a game of moments. some too marvelous to miss. >> i have never seen a baseball go that far at this ballpark. >> reporter: but one of the game's biggest success stories isn't happening on the field, it's happening online. >> what we've tried to do is make the game of baseball as exciting as it is if you're there in person. >> reporter: bob bowman has been running advanced media or bam since it launched 13 years ago. the brainchild of major league commissioner bud see liglig was to oversee all the teams' websites. bam's role expanded. it manages every digital aspect of the game. >> we are remarkably humble about where we are because we know where we were and we know how much we knew which was virtually nothing. we pursued all these revenue items, sponsorship, merchandise, ticket sales, subscriptions, everything because we didn't know which would work. >> reporter: nothing worked as well as subscriptions. >> and the payoff. >> reporter: bam realized that displaced fans across the country would pay to watch their favorite team play so it built servers that could host and stream every regional broadcast of every game online. >> we probably on saturday which is our busiest day will have 100, 110 live events that we're capturing, coding and streenling for ourselves and all of our clients. >> reporter: many clients have nothing to do with baseball. bam servers also stream march madness basketball espn content, southwest airlines inflight tv even glenn beck's internet channel. last year bam broadcast 20,000 live events. more streaming video than any other company on earth. >> manny muchano, foul ball. >> reporter: bam's technology keeps changing the way we watch the game. for example, every time yankee's pitcher andy pettitte throws a pitch, it's captured by television cameras. simultaneously they capture the speed and location of the pitch. back at bam video and data are combined and t converted to a format that can be played on 3500 different devices. >> in a matter of seconds i can see that pitch on my phone. on a busy day bam creates up to 5 million of these data files. >> now the question is -- >> reporter: chuck salter is a writer for "fast company" magazine. he's covered bowman's company for years. how much has bam changed baseball? >> more dramatically than anything else in the last 13 years. it's made it relevant for a new generation who may not have the patience to sit down and watch a slow, traditional game. >> the number one thing you get is you run into somebody. the phone is our first screen. it is our reality. >> reporter: and in that reality bam and bob bowman remain way ahead of the curve. >> we're all trying to be as relevant and what we're all trying to do is ask the customer, the fan, the viewer give us ten minutes today. time is far more valuable to you in today's world than money. we try and respect the time and say we don't need you all the time, just give us a little bit. we'll try and open it a little. >> reporter: bam now has 3 million subscribers. the app is open 5 million times a day. major league baseball's website gets 14 million hits a day. expected to get a few more hits tonight as the all-star game is just a few hours away. for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. mom, frank ate the bones. no i didn't. you ate the bones. no you ate the bones. nobody ate any bones. so, frank didn't eat the bones? no honey frank did not eat any bones. well he's breathing on me. no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are. no i'm not. yes you are. [ male announcer ] it's kfc original recipe without the bones freshly prepared white or dark meat boneless and skinless try a 10 piece mixed bucket for just $14.99. today tastes so good. g in san >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. 8:25. time for some news headlines on this tuesday morning of a police standoff this morning in san francisco's mission district apparently has ended peacefully. about 90 palestinians ago, two people as you see led out of an apartment complex in han cuffs. earlier, about 4:30 this morning, police say a man was shot at the complex at bryant street near 22nd street. investigators are now trying to establish a motive for the shooting. up to 100 cats killed this morning in a house fire early this morning in san jose. the woman who lives there was rescued along with a dog and zen of her cats but 90 others didn't make it out. a woman said she had been sheltering dozens of stray cats. this morning, business owners in downtown oakland cleaning up after a third night of protests in the city. demonstrators all angry about the acquittal of george zimmerman, smashing windows, vandalizing buildings late last night. oakland police arrested nine people. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. you're on timeout leo! ♪ ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. good morning. we have been watching a motorcycle accident had blocked all lanes from westbound 580 in richmond approaching central. everything is cleared to the right-hand shoulder but we are still seeing a solid wall of traffic to at least hercules. the drive time is nearly 40 minutes on westbound 80 on the carquinez bridge to the maze. nimitz freeway in oakland, northbound slow towards downtown. the bay bridge we have seen some improvement in the last half hour. but it is still backed up towards the overcrossing. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> we have plenty of clouds around the bay area this morning, sweeping well onshore. even thicker than yesterday. we have seen drizzle at the beaches, too. cloudy over san jose right now. the temperatures holding in the 50s. beginning to see a couple of low 60s popping up. by the afternoon, well below average. 70s maybe low 80s inland and that is it. 60s and 70s inside the bay and 50s cloudy at the coast. much warmer weather on the way going to get hot this weekend in the valleys. ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour a new vision for your glasses. we'll show you a pair that allows to you change your prescription just by turning a dial. plus we give new meaning to the phrase scout's honor. you'll meet the eagle scout that has earned ever possible merit badge. not as easy as you think. time to show you headlines from around the globe. los angeles times said the fda has approved a new device for diagnosing hdhd. it takes 3% of school age children in america. the device evaluates brain waves. britain's telegraph said the president of russia went to the bottom of sea. vladimir putin went yesterday. it took him down to see the wreckage of a vessel that sank back in 1839. "the wall street journal" says it's been one year since marissa mayer took over as ceo of yahoo! stock prices have soared 16% since she's arrived. it's expected to take a while for those acquisitions to way off. "usa today" said singer dave matthews was forced to hitchhike to his own concert after his bike broke down saturday. a couple of fans were running late to the show. they spotted him and gave him a ride. they were awarded with dinner backstage tickets and a shoutout from matthews during the concert. >> they said dave was a nice guy. and the new york daily news looks at firefighters. did you know they have to strap on 145 pounds of gear even during a heat wave. one firefighter says when you're inside taking on the flames it's like being inside an oven. men make up the vast majority of america's firefighters, but in virginia one fire department is finding a new way to spark interest among the next generation of women. chip reid shows us how stereo types are going up to smoke. >> reporter: these girls are learning what it takes to be a firefighter. >> that excited me. >> reporter: they were given the rare opportunity to participate in physical endurance tests. and fire drills, just like the pros. this camp held by numbers of the arlington, virginia, fire department, is designed to show them what it's like to be on the front line. >> that's a sign. >> before the camp, i didn't really really know what kind of opportunities there were for women in firefighting. so it sounds kind of cool. >> reporter: kira sweetman wants to be a doctor but she says learning to be a first responder is her first step. does it even sound cool after you see horrible stories on the news like what happened in arizona? >> yeah because you wouldn't do it if you don't want to help people. so, you have to take the good with the bad and just suck it up. >> reporter: what was your first response when she came to you and said i want to look into this? >> i said, definitely give it a try. >> reporter: dad's getting a little teary eyed. >> reporter: lieutenant margaret santy began ten years ago as a medical text in chnician. do you or firefighters get -- >> i think they see if they can do the job and prove it. whether a man or a woman, you have to show yourself or prove yourself regardless of what gender you are. >> reporter: nationwide only about 4 out of 100 firefighters are women. but in arlington, it's 9% more than double the national average. arlington became a trail blazer back in 1974 when they hired judy brewer. i understand in one of these pictures, there's somebody who's a very important role model for you. >> absolutely. 19 had judy brewer. >> reporter: where is she? >> that's the first paid female firefighter in the country. >> reporter: in the nation? >> yeah. >> reporter: arlington is hoping that camp will continue that tradition. what would you like them to get out of it? >> to be more confident in themselves and realize the sky's the limit. i think women are realizing they can do whatever they put their minds to. so, this camp is just introducing that and reinforcing the idea of that. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," chip reid, arlington, virginia. >> good for her. and good for america >> that's great. >> moving into places where you don't traditionally think of them. >> exactly. i still believe girls can do anything boys can, don't you, norah? >> i sure do. imagine this a pair of glasses that lets you change the prescription yourself by turning the dial. sounds like the future but "the new york times" says you can buy them right now, dr. christopher. thank you for being here. i was excited to hear about this because then you can get rid of those. then i saw them and i thought, you need some more work on the design. but what a great idea. >> but i will say -- >> you agree with me on the design, right? >> i agree with you. as a lasik surgeon and cater rack surgeon, i do. these are from a company called ad lens, based in the uk. these are true technology, one size fits all. >> do you want me to put them on? >> yeah. >> i wear glasses -- we all wear glasses, actually. you can put something in the prompter, please. >> you can adjust them for your distance to see the prompter. >> i can. i can. >> you can. >> ophthalmology at cornell medical center -- i do. >> the way it works when euro tating those knobs, you're injecting fluid into the glasses. there's a membrane in that changes shape. as you inject the fluid, they become lower powered or higher powered. >> wow you're nice looking. >> thank you norah. they do work. >> those are fun glasses. >> they do make clear lenses as well. but you can go anywhere from minus 4.5 all the way up to 3.0 for higher. >> very cool. >> these are probably not going to win any awards at fashion week but where they can be used in underdeveloped countries where millions of people are actually blind because they don't have access to eye doctors or prescription glasses. so these -- this company has a great program called buy one and give one. every time one of these is purchased, they cost about $150. you can buy one on their website, and they donate a pair of these glasses to rwanda where people are desperate for glasses. >> there's new technology for people buying glasses online. how would that work? you got to see the doctor? >> exactly. of course, you still need a prescription, so you do need to see the doctor for a prescription. traditionally, we go into a store and try on the frame and we usually have a family member with us for a second opinion, right? and you settle on a pair of glasses. there's a new technology by they have a cool iphone app, with that you can take pictures of your head and it creates this 3d simulation of your head. and it can also allow you to rotate your head. you get 180-degree sweep of your head. that allows you to change on hundreds of glasses in minutes. and very realistically, i might add. for those who need a family member or friend with you buying glasses, they have a share function. you can send a bunch of your photos with the virtual glasses on and your friends can vote. you can even do it on facebook. if you're still not convinced, they send you a pair of glasses at home to try. it's great. >> do they work if you need bifocals? >> they sure do they actually are different in bifocals in bifocals, you have to adjust your eyes to find that sweet spot. these, the sweet spot is the whole length. >> good to see you >> good to be here. why would they pray for an athlete to heal? because that minister had the player on his fantasy football team. it's true. those are the type of true stories yo ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] gentle lilac... ...fungi still there. ocean breeze... ...e. coli still around. air fresheners like febreze air effects... aren't approved to kill the germs that cause the odors. lysol disinfectant spray does more. we call it healthing... because it kills 99.9% of germs that cause odors at the source. and now you can use it to freshen the air too. lysol... a fresh smelling home... ...and a healthy one. wow, that's matthew berry >> mr. sunshine? >> matthew berry, dummy, the talented mr. roto. >> matt damon is here? >> matthew berry. the espn fantasy football expert. i sent you his pod each week. don't you listen to it? >> matthew berry is the prettiest girl in this bar and i'm going to go hit on it. hello. >> that was the scene from the league fx. it's a fantasy league where people compete by any means necessary. matthew berry with acts of desperation from fantasy sports fans he highlights them in his new book "fantasy life" he's also the editor for espn welcome. how are you? >> i'm well. it doesn't get better than that. >> doesn't get better. how do you explain this phenomenon of people so much wanting to play fantasy sports? >> because it's fun. because it's fun. it gives you a rooting interest in games you wouldn't normally care about. people love it. we all do march madness brackets, that kind of thing, right? >> once a year. >> well it's the same sort of thing. by picking your fantasy team it gives you a rooting interest in a game you wouldn't normally have. and it's a lot of fun. people like fun. >> everybody likes fun. you say everybody remembers their first time 35 36 million play this. i was astounded by the numbers. what really got to me is the stories you told about the people that do the most unusual things. the guy on his way with his wife who is pregnant stops to make a pick, crazy. >> well he's on his way. the labor contraction had just started, so yeah it's crazy, he delayed the birth of his child for fantasy sports. i've heard everything. there's a league in omaha, nebraska, where the loser has to get a tattoo. chosen by the winner. so literally, they all sent a contract and there's a guy walking around right now who has got a tattoo of justin bieber's face on his leg with with #yellowswagfantasy. that's the care bear tebow'ing from two years ago. >> people do the craziest things. >> as you know gayle and charlie and i all fantasy football players. >> that's the great thing. so many people play. 87-year-old grandmothers. "playboy" play mates. jay-z is a player. every single person you can imagine plays. that's what i learned in doing this book. husbands and wievgves play. kids play. it's not too late. >> how did you get involved in this? >> i was. i've been playing since 14 years old. i'm 43. i've been playing almost 30 years. in 1999 there was a website looking for fantasy writers. this is back in dialup days. i loved it. i'm a professional writer in hollywood. fantasy sports is my passion. can i write a column do something for free. they looked up on imb, "married with children" is our favor show of all time, you're hired. >> matthew, here you're at the age of 29 doing this job for free at a website that nobody's ever heard of? >> right. >> and you were happier than you have ever been? >> absolutely. that's what i realized the age 35 i was a successful hollywood screen writer, and honestly i was depressed. and the thing that made me happiest would be the little websites. i went to bed at night just thinking about these websites. 35 years old. i said i don't know if it's possible, i want to try to make a living out of this. i'm giving up show business and put everything into the websites. a couple years later, espn bought it. i just changed paths and money and everything else followed. >> what's the financial impact? >> there's lots of different studies on that. i've heard of leagues that play for lots of money. there's an anonymous wall street league where it's $100,000 to get in. people play for all sorts of things. husbands and wives play for who does the chores. there's snacks. i've got a league in the bronx where the looser has to dress as a lion and everyone in the league chases him with a paint ball gun. it's crazy. so people play for all different sorts of things. >> you said happiness as eluded you. but i think we have to point out within a year you were married and the father of five kids because your wife beth had three children and you had twins. >> yes. >> so you're a happy guy as you sit here today? >> unbelievably happy. it's an amazing journey. one of the questions you get, why did you write the book. i had all of these great fantasy stories, in my own life i feel like i had my last chapter with my beth and the kids. >> matthew berry. we'll meet a teenager that has earned every single merit badge for the boy scouts. including one in nuclear science. that's coming up next on ♪ the boy scouts national gam ss gam boree is now. and a scout with bragging rights few have ever matched. >> reporter: patrick barnsley is what you'd affectionately call add overachiever. >> i like to stay busy. >> reporter: he also likes to stay modest. >> this is a rescue knot. >> reporter: to see how business is he he's been -- >> you go up the hole around the tree. >> reporter: -- just survey his sash. yep, this 17-year-old has a bounty of badges. >> this center part which has three across is the original sash. and then i slowly expanded out to my seven-wide. one, two three, four five six -- seven. >> reporter: he's earned 135 badges, each representing a skill he's mastered during his seven years in scouting. >> this is a canoeing merit badge, sailboat merit badge. pretty muchmy aquatic badge. this is volunteering focusing mainly. >> reporter: in case you're keeping score, he has every possible merit badge. barnsley is only one of 200 eagle scouts to exhaust the emblems. that's out of 110 million kids that have gone through the scouting program. >> it shows a flavor of life. every year you're trying to add a few more and trying to keep up with life as you see it everyday. >> these are my merit books. i have aquatics. home repair. electronics. >> reporter: since 1911 the boy scouts has been adding new badges and continuing others. 130 currently in use, 27 have been around for over a century including archery, horsemanship and bugling. yes, you bugling. among the next gaming search and rescue nuclear science and welding. >> metal work and welding mob the most unusual. >> reporter: this summer, patrick sayis a director at a scout ranch in san diego where he'll be showing scouts for thin own quest for merit bampdges. >> when i walk into the room they're going to look up and say, wow. i want the best i can be. someone else goes wow, that's amazing. >> reporter: if there was a merit badge for making the rest of us feel like slacker, he'd have that too. for "cbs this morning." ben tracy, los angeles. >> we admire this young man. >> yes, we do. >> that's very impressive. i mean, he knows apparently how to do everything. >> everything. >> journalism, go patrick, go. how old were you when you got your welding badge? and have you used it? >> when i gave up my blacksmith badge. >> okay. congratulations. that does it for us. up next your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." ♪ [ male announcer ] with at&t, you're sure to get a better bundle. just choose the 2, 3 even 4 services you want to build the bundle that works for you. 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[ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ ♪ >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald up to a hundred cats died in a house fi hi, everyone. good morning. 8:55 on your tuesday. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated on some bay area headlines now. up to 100 cats died in a house fire this morning in san jose. the fire broke out at 1:45. firefighters rescued a woman, 7 cats and dog but many of the other cats, some 90-plus, died. the woman said she had been sheltering federal cats on her property. a standoff between sfpd and two shooting suspects ended two hours ago. they led two men away in handcuffs following a shooting that wounded a man around 4:30 this morning at an apartment complex at bryant street near 22nd street. san francisco's jewelry mart is open for business after friday's deadly shootings there. police say barry white, jr., was in the lobby when he killed two women and stabbed a man. officers say it was random and not a robbery. he faces charges of murder and attempted murder. how about your weather? i guess a little cooldown and then it's going to warm up, right, lawrence? >> yes. we have low clouds and fog along the coastline into the bay even the delta today. drizzle at the beaches to begin the day. low pressure at the coast ramping up the low clouds and fog and sending it well onshore. only 50s, low 60s at the coastline. 61 breezy into san francisco, partly cloudy this afternoon. still maybe some 70s and low 80s well inland. the next couple of days though we start to heat up away from the coast. by this weekend, some of those temperatures flirting with 100 degrees. we're going to check out your "timesaver traffic" coming up next. still a mess on northbound 101. we have an accident blocking up to two lanes and our sensors are picking up slow traffic all the way into san jose from shoreline boulevard. very backed up on southbound 101 from sfo all the way down towards highway 92. things are improving over at the bay bridge. only backed up to the overcrossings now a five, ten- minute wait to get on the bridge. 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Transcripts For WUSA CBS This Morning 20130716

nine states under heat advisories from the northeast all the way to the middle of the country. >> that's all you can do. >> the president of panama has claimed his country has seized a north korean with undeclared military cargo. >> and film diving to the bottom of the baltic sea. >> all that -- >> yoenis cespedes has won the home run derby! >> in terms of booby traps -- you could a arizona was a bob by troop. >> and "all that mattered" -- >> and the baby will arrive by the end of the week. >> on "cbs this morning." >> royals say they don't care what gender it is as long as its healthy enough to never work a day in its life. [ laughter ] day in its life. [ laughter ] ♪ captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." and good morning, norah. >> good morning, charlie. >> we begin with an important story. anger over the verdict in george zimmerman's murder trial is boiling over. a third night of protests turned violent in los angeles. >> more than 100 people broke away from a larger demonstration, smashing windows and attacking people on the streets. they also stormed a walmart store. hundred us of police responded. 13 protesters were arrested. l.a.'s police chief says after the arrest that the violence will not be allowed to continue. >> and we're now hearing from one of the six jurors that found george zimmerman not guilty. the woman identified only as juror b-37 spoke with "60 minutes" correspondent anderson cooper on his cnn program. she says zimmerman and trayvon martin both could have walked away before the shooting. >> beginning to feel that george zimmerman racially profiled trayvon martin? do you feel race played a role in his decision, his view of trayvon martin as suspicious? >> i don't think he did. i think his circumstances caused george to think that he might be a robber. or trying to do something bad in the neighborhood. but of all that had gone on previously. there were unbelievable number of robberies in the neighborhood. >> so you don't believe race played a role in this case? >> i don't think it did. >> do you feel george zimmerman should have been carrying a gun? >> i think he has every right to carry a gun. i think it's everybody's right to carry a gun. >> you didn't buy the prosecution when they kind of said he was a wannabe cop? >> no, i didn't at all. >> is george zimmerman somebody you would like to have in a neighborhood watch in your community? >> if he didn't go too far. >> do you feel sorry for trayvon martin? >> i feel sorry for both of them. i feel sorry for trayvon. in the situation he was in. and i feel sorry for george because of the situation he got himself in. >> how is that first voty >> we had three not guilties. one second degree murder and two manslaughters. there were a couple in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. after we had put our vote in, and the bailiff had taken our vote, that's when everybody started to cry. >> tell me about that. >> it's just hard. thinking that somebody lost their life. and there's nothing else could be done about it. we thought about it for hours. and cried over it. afterwards. i don't think any of us could ever do anything like that ever again. >> the juror appeared in silhouette to protect her identity. the obama administration is now under growing pressure from civil rights groups and members of congress. they want to see zimmerman face some federal charges. jan crawford is at the justice department. jan, good morning. what's the likelihood of that? >> reporter: well, good morning, norah. the attorney general has confirmed that the justice department is investigating whether zimmerman can be charged under federal civil rights. but, norah, that's going to be an uphill battle among other things prosecutors would have 0 show zimmerman was motivated by racial hatred when he shot trayvon martin. speaking to members of delta sigma zeta, attorney general holder addressed them. >> they're rightly concerned about this case. the justice department shares your concern. i share your concern. >> reporter: holder called martin's death tragic and unnecessary. and said the justice department is investigating. the prosecutors are looking into whether there's enough evidence to charge george zimmerman understand federal civil rights law. as the justice department did in 1992 when a los angeles police -- civil rights. the obama administration has aggressively used federal hate crime laws. prosecution dropped 29% during president obama's first term in office. but proving these cases will be tough. >> it will be difficult for them to pursue a civil rights prosecution based on the evidence that came out in the state's case. >> reporter: former prosecutor lauren resnick said prosecutors would have to show that zimmerman was motivated by racial hatred when he shot martin, something that wasn't evident at trial. >> they can conduct investigations themselves. and based on that application of federal law now, they will decide whether prosecution under a civil rights statute is appropriate. >> reporter: but now, despite those hurdles, the pressure is rolling today. there's a group urging for prosecution. reverend al sharpton will hold a press conference later this morning to talk about the hundreds of vigils across the country. and the attorney general eric holder will be discussing this case later at the naacp later this afternoon. >> joining us is jack ford. good morning. what do you make of what this jury has said to anderson cooper? >> it's interesting. it could have a significant impact moving forward here. if the department of justice is going to jump in here and charge him, it's not going fob for murder or manslaughter. it's go to come more criminal rights prosecution. what they have to prove that indeed george zimmerman attacked trayvon martin and it was all done by racial animosity. that's the driving force here. now, these jurors said, we didn't find that. this wasn't part of our consideration. they said was all driven bile suspicions but not by race. here's the thing. it's not binding on the justice department. but certainly, if you're a prosecutor looking at this and saying can i prove this down the road, you're going to pay attention to this. there were also investigative reports released in the last several days showing that federal investigators early on looked into his issue of race and found no evidence of george zimmerman being racist or being driven by racial animosity. >> part of it revealing because they think race is a factor, but the jurors saying, no, that wasn't part of their consideration. what do you make of her also revealing when they first took a vote that three were for acquittal, two for murder, two for manslaughter? >> that's not unusual. ultimately, jurors approach things differently. it's not unusual to walk in, where are we right now? think about it, see where we are, and let's see where we have to go from here. and it's not unusual after the deliberative process. that's what it's about. incorporate challenging thoughts and li and looking at the evidence. >> what do you think when they say it was confusing? >> it was confusing. you say, i'm not sure what this means here. here what happens, the judges are given what are called model jury instructions. it's put together by committees. here's what you should tell people. and oftentimes, it's very difficult for lay people to say, what are they talking about? >> i'd love to know the conversation that changed it from 3-3 to 6-0. >> exactly. maybe we'll hear from the others and we'll understand how that happened but that's part of the genius of the jury system. >> i showdown is looming today over filibuster rules. majority leader harry reid is threatening to use a so-called nuclear option that could change the rules making it easier to confirm president obama's nominees tour top white house jobs. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. it's called the nuclear option because it's considered so explosive around here that no senate leader has ever done it. the entire senate held a rare closed-door meeting that went late into the night, but they didn't come up with any deal to avert it. senators aired out their differences for 3 1/2 hours last night. giving the two parties a chance to vent face-to-face. >> we've had a very good conversation. a conversation is going to continue tonight. >> reporter: but senate majority leader harry reid said, barring some overnight agreement he still plans to make good on this threat to change senate rules. the showdown is over seven president nal nominees who have been waiting for confirmation votes anywhere from 3 months to 2 years. republicans who oppose the nominees for a variety of reasons have been threatening to hold up the votes by filibuster. reid said he has waited long enough. he would change the rules to allow a simple 51-vote majority, instead of the 60 votes typically needs to overcome a filibuster. fellow democrats backed him up. >> my friends on the republican side are hijacking these nominations. any president should have his or her right to put their team in place. by a majority vote of the advised consent of the united states senate. >> reporter: republicans argued the unprecedented rules. blowing up rules that date back centuries would strip the minority party of its rights, poisoning relationships and driving even deeper into gridlock. >> this rule change was described this afternoon by the majority leader as a, quote, minor change, no big deal. it is a big deal. >> reporter: there say group of about ten senior senators. democrats and republicans, who are very worried about this. they've been trying to negotiate some kind of agreement, but norah and charlie, these votes are now scheduled to take place in just a few hours. and there's no word of in eye deal. >> nancy, thank you. there is major news in the drug war. one of the top leaders of the los zetas drug cartel is under arrest. he's miguel angel trevino morales. he was captured yesterday. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> how significant is this guy and his organization? >> well, first you have to understand los zetas. you know, mexico has been carved up by different drug cartel. but los zetas is former special commandos hired by the drug cartel to be their enforcers. and brutal enforcers who looked at it one day and said why are we doing the dirty work and not getting the big money? their trademark is to go into town, figure out who was working for law enforcement, gangs, behead everybody and ride out of town. leading as an example. very feared gang. >> how did they get him? >> trevino is the leader of los zetas. he's the first leader who has not been a official member of special forces. but the people working for him are. he was riding down a dirt road. a helicopter gunship with marines with gun us stopped his pickup truck. and the rest moved in from behind. they had been laying in wait on the possibility he might be traveling this road. they arrested him. they arrested his bodyguard. they arrested his accountant -- why are you riding with your accountant? they captured guns and also $2 million in the truck. that's how he rolls. >> what do you think the impact is on the united states? >> well, los zetas, on a weekly basis, sends hundreds of pound of cocaine and marijuana across the u.s. border with a massive network. the fbi talked about los zetas trying to recruit with the mafia gang and reached into the united states. so it's going to be significant. on the other hand, one thing about this group, because they come from a military back ground, when a leader is disposed as happened in 2008, they don't have the battle inside, the military hierarchy dictates that the next qualified moves up. so we may see his brother as a leader. >> because he succeeded somebody? >> that's right. the last boss killed in 2008. but if you think about that, from 2008 to 2013 this, is a very significant move to take out the leader again. they have that long to be in power for trevino. >> john, thank you. >> i met another person who said their favorite parts of the show is john miller. don't you hear that all the time >> yes. >> thank you. i don't know what to say. that's just because norah and i match. he was not on the mail list. >> we can thank you for that. big news this morning, we learned that panama has seized a ship carrying military cargo including ballistics and other arms. he tweeted this photo of the cargo. it shows a green object siding inside the container. panama also said he tried to commit suicide. overnight in cargo, house to of supporters of mohamed morsi clashed with police. at least seven people are dead this morning. more than 250 are injured. demonstrators were hit with tear gas. more than 400 people were arrested yesterday. and cairo, yesterday, deputy secretary of state william burns said only cairo can determine their future. there's still no word on the birth of britain's royal baby. the waiting is this morning. clarissa ward is outside the hospital. that's where the duchess will give birth. clarissa, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. two projected due dates have come and gone. all eyes are firmly on that door behind me as royal baby watch enters week two. as the wait stretches on, the press pack just gets bigger. media from around the world positioned 24/7 to capture the first images to the new heir to the throne. british correspondent paul harrison has been waiting longer than most. >> we all arrived out here in june to report the fact that this is where kate was going to come. >> reporter: while the media buildup ask clearly in overdrive, the way that the world will hear about the royal birth promising to be decidedly low key. like the family portrait of diana and charles possession with prince william on the very same hospital steps 31 years ago. the announcement of the birth will be a traditional affair. from st. mary's hospital a formal birth notice will be driven by police escort 2 1/2 miles to buckingham palace. where a footman will place the notice on an easel the same one for women back in 1982. back then, the announcement came at night. >> oye! >> reporter: it went up on the palace gates for well-wishers. but the royal family, just like any other family awaiting a newborn are just -- well, hoping. on a tour of the children's hospital yesterday, grandmother to-be camilla summed it up. >> he or she will be. >> reporter: the duchess is not alone in hoping for that. if the royal heir is not born this week, the waiting game continues into next week, we will all still be here. charlie and norah. time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe, "the new york times" says vladimir putin blames the united states for trapping snowden at the airport. putin told student that all are scared of taking the nsa leaker. politico said high-profile conservative backing. rand paul and ted cruz are supporting a bill that would take sexual assault cases out of chain of demand. that is sponsored by kirsten gillibrand. and "the wall street journal" says a probe into a 787 damaged. the transmitter located in the upper rear of the ethiopian airlines jet. there's no word that the dreamliner's batteries caused the fire. and "usa today" said military veterans diagnosed with most forms of cancer were less likely to develop alzheimer's disease. those treated with >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by target. expect more, pay less. pressure mounts on san diego's mayor after allegations of sexual harassment. >> i want to kiss you, you are so beautiful, bob filner said. the mayor suddenly in clear view who might pass by grabbed and kissed her, jamming his tongue down her throat. >> after apologizing, bob filner is now fighting back. and it's called the obesity gene, a hormone that increases our appetite. one of the nation's leading weight loss doctors tell uses what the new research means for the way we diet. the news is back in the morning. here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" k9 advantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. 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[ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i've lived through a massive heart attack. i don't take life for granted. see your doctor and get checked out. ♪ ♪ call it a double surprise, in atlanta, a giant panda named lulu game birth to twins on monday. they are the first twins born at the zoo. look at them, now the cubs are hairless and blind, but very cute. congratulations to them. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, the wall street banker known as "fabulous fab" is on trial. he's accused of causing a 2008 meltdown but is he taking the fall? and there is encouraging news this morning about the little boy who nearly died after falling into a sand dune. we have new information on what may have caused the frightening accident and how he's doing. that's ahead. the mayor of san diego says he won't re59 in a letter posted last night with the newspaper u.t. san diego. bob filner said he wants, quote, the opportunity to respond in a fair venue on specific allegations to real people. filner added i do not believe i'm guilty of sexual harassment. and i believe a full presentation of the facts will vindicate me. as bill witterer reports, three women suggest otherwise. >> reporter: calls himself a tough boss, san diego mayor bob filner dismissed charges of sexual harassments as coming from anonymous sources. >> i have been tough. i demand excellence. but there's a difference between that and sexual harassment. >> reporter: that's in contrast to his contrite video apology from late last week. >> i'm embarrassed to admit that i have failed to fully respect the women who work with me. >> reporter: bob filner is tragically unsafe for any woman to approach. at a press conference hours earlier, donna frey read detailed accounts from three of filner's unnamed accusers this from a once-named volunteer. >> i want to kiss you, you are so beautiful, bob filner said. on the sidewalk, the mayor suddenly, in clear view of anyone who might pass by grabbed and kissed her, jamming his tongue down her throat. >> reporter: the accuser also claims filner groped her. another constituent told frey, the mayor kicked staffers outside of his office to proposition her. >> mayor filner grabbed me and kissed me. i was able to push myself away and heardedurriedly left the ro. >> reporter: for the ways that filner cornered his victims, the filner head lock and the filner dance. >> i'm obviously very concerned that people feel that way. i certainly don't see myself that way. if i'm offended people, i apologize. >> reporter: but an apology may not be enough. many expect the city to be hit with lawsuits. attorney marco gonzalez is filing a sexual harassment claim on behalf of one employee. >> there is no circumstance, under which it would be appropriate, for the mayor to enter into an elevator with my client and to tell them that they would do a better job on that floor if they worked without their panties on. >> reporter: filner's fiance cited his infidelities as a reason for their split last week adding in a statement, bob recently began texting other women sexually explicit messages and setting updates while in my presence. but filner insists he's not leaving office. >> i think all fair-minded san diegans would agree there ought to be a fair and impartial investigative process. and i think i will be vindicated at the end. >> reporter: "cbs this morning," i'm bill whitaker. the trial resumes for fabrice tourre, also known as fabulous fab a former wall street executive. he's accused of selling $1 billion in toxic mortgage investments. they were designed to fail. the case is one of a handful brought against wall street bankers for their role in the financial meltdown. bethany mcclean is say contributing editor at "vanity fair" has covered the crisis extensively. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> why him and why this case the significance of what might happen? >> well him, because he's the one unfortunate enough to end e-mails. he's a pretty junior guy at goldman sachs. 19 other people at goldman saw the documents and he's being scapegoated because he made the mistake of sending e-mails. >> why are they going after him and not goldman sachs? >> well, they did, and goldman sachs paid $550 million to settle the charges without admitting guilt. although goldman did have to admit its marketing materials were incomplete. >> let's back up and explain what this is. what was he charged with creating? >> really a transaction that allowed 1% that the home prices would go up. and one side to that it was all going to fall apart, the hedge fund. basically, the transaction has nothing to do with the economy. i glee, it was a monstrosity. and the idea he was responsible for lying to the people who invested by not telling them this hedge fund was helping to design this transaction that was going to fail. >> and it's that it was going to be sold and they needed everything they needed to know? >> that these were sophisticated investors, that they understand how the game worked. >> has anybody gone to trial and been convicted? >> you know, the s.e.c. brought a very similar case against a junior employee last summer and lost. the jury found him not guilty. really, nobody has been charged in the wake of financial crisis no senior executive. to me, hanging all of it on the back of this relatively junior guy at goldman sachs just feels unfair. >> so why is he vulnerable? >> he's vulnerable because he sent e-mails. he was the person at goldman responsible for structuring the investment. >> and there are those who say he didn't understand it himself? >> yeah, he didn't. to me, that makes him sort of sympathetic, but as a lawyer said to me, look, you've got him with his hand in the cookie jar. other people involved in the transaction, their hand isn't in the cookie jar. >> interesting thing, many people on wall street didn't understand this themselves, including an executive. now a prosecutor has to explain that to a juror. how duifficult is that? >> that's really difficult. so much is dependent on the legal skills in the courtroom, the legal and frankly english skills in the courtroom to explain this to jurors. i think it will be a fascinating trial and the role of goldman sachs. to escape public scrutiny, now here they are again. an absolute miracle. that is what a deputy coroner is saying about a 6-year-old boy who survived the collapse of a sand dune in northern indiana. the national park service thinks that tree underneath the sand created a sinkhole that swallowed the child. dean reynolds is outside the comer children's hospital. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the doctors here at the comer children's hospital in marveling at young nathan woessner's recovery. >> he's actually doing very well. he's improving every single day and we hope to have the breathing tube out by the end of the week. and i would hope that he would possibly be out of his hospital in 10 to 14 days. >> reporter: attempts to flush the sand out of nathan's lungs have been effective. >> his lung injury is not nearly as severe as i expected it to be. and it has not gotten more severe over the last couple of days. it's actually gotten better. >> reporter: last friday afternoon, do it was on a hike with his father greg at the indiana dunes at lake shore when he simply disappeared beneath the sand. >> nathan was hollering out and greg didn't hear him. so greg told him, lay still, nathan, don't move. and they frantically began to dig to get him out. >> reporter: trying to dig him out made matters worse and deepened the hole. excavating equipment brought him to the surface and they did not expect good news. >> when they found nathan, he was cold and lives and the coroner was there. >> reporter: but rescuers noticed a cut on his head had fresh blood, a very good sign. >> they said, he's got a heartbeat. and they started the process of where we are today. >> reporter: so far, doctors say they see no neurological problems, no eyesight problems and no muscular difficulty. he's moved his arms and legs. >> we are especially thankful for the people here. they are doing an outstanding job taking care of nathan. >> reporter: but at some point, the nightmare that nathan's just been through will probably come back to haunt him say the doctors here. and when that happens, they'll have some therapy to help this remarkable young boy get through that as well. charlie, norah. >> dean reynolds, thank you. >> that sounds like a miracle, doesn't it? >> it does. >> and they saw the blood and thought maybe there's a heartbeat. and a promising new discovery in the fight against obesity. what doctors are learning about the hunger ho ee eer hormone. and tomorrow, bill o'reilly will be here telling us about why he's changed his mind on one of the nation's most controversial issues. that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning." in the nation, sometimes bad things happen. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we won't just give you the partial value of items that are stolen or destroyed... ...we'll replace them with brand-new versions. so you won't feel robbed. again. just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. 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[ laughter ] >> oh, i bet there are. doctors know there's a genetic component to obesity. a new study helps explain how it would. the research finds people with the obesity gene are likely to have more of a hormone that makes them hungry. dr. louis aronne directs the weight program at cornell, welcome >> thank you, charlie. >> let me begin with this. what's the significance of this and what's different about it? >> what this study shows is how this particular obesity gene, one of many genes that are associated with obesity works. what it does, it increases the level of a hormone that makes you hungry. it's called ghrelin. comes from the stomach, makes you hungry. also increases the brain sensitivity to the hormone. >> we have known there are obesity genes. but this is significant and how will it change the way we treat people? >> well, there are a couple of ways that it could help us. number one when we do research studies, we look at everybody as the same. we know 1 in 6 people have this gene. these people may respond differently to the treatment. it's already been shown that people with this gene respond differently to beariatric surgery. the level of the hormone increases. when you eat a meal, the level of the hormone goes down. now we may have a test that tick out that for treatment. >> what do you do about that hormone? >> well, there are a couple of things. one of the things that shows, a high-protein diet suppresses the hormone. for people on a high-protein diet, we have this that links to the protein diet. >> does it show that people with a protein diet do better? >> they do in the short run but now we have a test that pick out people who might do better. which people. it shows some people do very well, some people don't do well. on average, everyone does the same, no matter what kind of diet you give them. we can pick out people who do better or not. >> someone at home is thinking, wow, this could be me. how do you get tested if you have this gene? >> right now, this is still a research technique, but i would predict in just a few years, we'll be abe to do a if you need proof the housing market is back, we'll take you inside what may be the most expensive home listing in the united states. it's got 12 bedrooms and 15,000 square feet. grass court. how much is it? you might be surprised? the answer is coming up on "cbs this morning." ♪ that's what i want that's what i want ♪ ♪ ♪ use your debit or credit redcard for an extra 5% off our everyday low prices. gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacooon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh la laa. i say, is that bacon? oh! good heavens! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip?? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs!! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm it's beggin! mmm i love you... 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"eye opener" is presented by choice hotels. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. police in los angeles arrested more than a dozen people last night when employee tests over the george zimmerman verdict turned violent. authorities say more than 100 people broke away from a peaceful vigil. they began smashing windows and setting fires. in oakland, california, common stla demonstrators blocked 880. >> one of the jurors in the trial of the george zimmerman said they were divided. she woke to anderson cooper last night on his cnn program. she's in silhouette to protect her identity. >> it's just hard, thinking that somebody lost their life, and there's nothing else could be done about it. i mean, it's what happens. sad, the tragedy, this happened. it's just sad that we all had to come together. and figure out what is going to happen to this man's life afterwards. you find him not guilty, but you're responsible for that not guilty. and all the people that want him guilty. aren't going to have any closure. >> do you feel sorry for trayvon martin? >> i feel sorry for both of them. >> the juror said she did not think that martin's race was the reason that zimmerman followed him the night of the killing. i'm telling you, i was sitting at home last night, that interview was riveting to watch last night. i thought anderson asked everything we wanted ed to know. she said they thought the jurors thought race was not a factor. >> and the instructions were confusing, she said, i felt like they should have given him something but the charges weren't the right match so they were confused. >> once again raising the possibility that the prosecutors might have had the wrong charges from the beginning. edward snowden is asking for temporary asylum in russia this morning. that's according to a lawyer who met with the fugitive. snowden has been staying at the airport for three weeks. in a meeting with human rights advocates last week, snowden said he would eventually like to settle in latin america. 35 million worldwide suffer from dementia but new study says delaying retirement may lower your risk, dr. david agus is a contributor, good morning. >> previous studies have showed that potential association with working and reduced alzheimer's, but this is a remarkable study with over 400,000 people. showing every year you delay retirement, is a 3% decrease in the risk of dementia or alzheimer's. that means if you retire at age 65 instead of 60, that reduction goes on the longer you wait. >> dr. agus, does it matter if you like your job or not? whether it affects the dementia? is it important to like what you're doing? >> we don't know. but certainly what we know about the study, if you have a regular schedule, get up in the morning, go to work and use your brain. the old adage, you don't use it, you lose it, is probably correct. >> so if you retire, doctor, what should you do? >> well, i think if you're retired or if you're not working at the present time, you need to be on a regular schedule, and you need to find ways to engage your brain. that could be something as simple as read organize hobbies or doing projects in the house. you don't want to spend your day sitting around. you've got to find things to do. and that's the message to us as individuals, and especially as society, we have to plan, the 5 million people with alzheimer's in the united states, it is an enormous drain on the individual, the family and society. we have to change that. >> all right. dr. david agus, good to see you. thank you. >> thank you, guys. and former president george h.w. bush returned to white house yesterday, he joined president obama to give out the 5,000th daily point of light award. the 85-year-old thanked president. >> coming home to this house, greeted by their hospitality knows no bound. >> former president bush created the award 23 years ago. and president obama said this say kindler and gentler nation because of you. it was sweet to see the former president there. he had on his trademark socks there. calls him his dr. seuss socks. he gave socks to president obama. >> it's interesting. he said it's like coming home. the average american house costs about $200,000. the sellers of a home in greenwich, connecticut, are looking for almost $200 million. terrell brown shows us what a buyer gets for that mind-blowing price tag. >> reporter: this is copper beech farm. the most expensive property listing in the united states. nestled behind an 1800 foot drive away that weaves its way around, is a 12,000 square foot mansion. and for a near $190 million it's all yours. meet david ogilvy, the realtor responsible for the sale. >> there are very few houses like this. >> reporter: the main house is crafted with oak detail and oak columns. and, yes, there is an elevator to service the three-story foyer. but there are a few drawbacks. there's no central air and the kitchen that we weren't allowed to show needs some updating. so why is this property on the market for $190 million. as they say in real estate, location, location, location. >> the location is the best part of water front land. greenwich, coming out of new york city, it's incredibly convenient. >> reporter: copper beech farm has nearly a mile of beachfront. there are reports that the property owner is having financial problems. ogilvy has shown the house to five people who had the means to pay for it. for "cbs this morning," terrell brown, new york. >> so let's talk about that for a second. the kitchen needs updating. >> no central air. >> and there's no air conditioning. >> right. >> i guess if you have $190 million for a house, kind of fixing those problems won't be a big deal. >> you know what i was thinking about, $190 million has gotten publicity for whoever is trying to sell this house. >> 50 acres. >> i just want you to know it is available. and i'd love to come over for a visit. i want to seat house. it's 8:09. i love looking at girls have long been told they can grow up to be anything they want. how come less than 4% of all firefighters are women? we're going to take you to a summer camp that's trying to change that. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by choice hotels. the official hotel of summer. book direct at [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ all aboard. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. it's a morning breeze smooth as black silk. with folgers gourmet selections k-cup packs you can turn any day gourmet. rich roasts and flavors... available where you buy groceries. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. ♪ bob selig said he's never sent an e-mail in his life. he told reporters yesterday that he never will. i find that ironic, major league baseball is responsible for a revolution in technology. >> reporter: i'm jeff glor. it all happened online and it has transformed the way we watch baseball. that story's next. ♪ there's new grass on the field ♪ >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by safelite autoglass. ♪ the joint is jumpin' [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex helps revitalize your joints to keep 'em jumpin'.° like calcium supplements can help your bones, osteo bi-flex can help your joints. osteo bi-flex... now available in all major retailers and warehouse clubs. then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. oh wow, that feels really good. it's hugging my body. you get that moment where you go, "oh yeah"... oh, yeah! ...and it's perfect. they had no idea that when they came to a sleep number store, we were going to diagnose their problems and help them sleep better. once you experience it, there's no going back. don't invest in a mattress until you find your sleep number setting. and don't miss the final days of our summer closeout, for the biggest savings on all sleep number memory foam and iseries bed sets. only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide, where queen mattresses start at just $699. sleep number. comfort individualized. ♪ hey, i'm matt harvey, all-star pitcher for the mets. i'm here to think about what new yorkers think about matt harvey. >> what about matt harvey? >> he's good. >> thank you. >> who's your favorite player? >> harvey, man. >> if he were standing next to you, what kind of advice would you give him? >> just keep doing what he's doing. and keep shining. >> i will. >> okay. >> i think he's decent, but he hasn't improved enough. he's only been a couple months now. >> i'm matt harvey by the way >> great. >> that's great. isn't that great? >> yes. >> new yorkers do not know who matt harvey was. the mets' young star pitcher will start for the national league tonight at the all-star game. i can see if you don't have your hat on or your uniform. tonight for the first time ever citi field in new york will host the all-star game. it's the halfway point of the season but the national pastime is always thinking ahead. jeff glor is at citi field to show us how. good morning. >> reporter: charlie, good morning. they will gather here at citi field tonight. what may be baseball's most important player right now might be their technology company. >> high fly ball, grand slam! >> reporter: baseball is a game of moments. some too marvelous to miss. >> i've never seen a baseball go that far in this ballpark. >> reporter: but one of the game's biggest success stories isn't happening on the field. it's happening online. >> what we've tried to do is make the game of baseball as exciting as if you're there in person. >> reporter: bob bowman has been running mlb's answered media or b.a.m. for short. b.a.m. was originally created for a single purpose to oversee all 30 teams' websites but as technology advanced, b.a.m.'s role expanded. and today it's managing almost every aspect of the game. it's one of the tech world's players. >> we knew where we were, sponsorship, merchandise, ticket sales, subscriptions, everything because we didn't know which would work. >> reporter: nothing worked as well as subscriptions. then realized that fans would pay to watch their teams play. so it built hosts that would play over regional broadcast online. >> we probably have on saturdays, 100, 110 events. >> reporter: many of those clients have nothing to do with baseball. b.a.m.'s server so powerful, it's also basketball, espn, in-flight tv, and last year, b.a.m. broadcast 20,000 live events, more streaming video than any company on earth. >> territory long throw! >> reporter: but baseball is its wheelhouse. in part because b.a.m.'s technology keeps changing the way we watch the game. for example, every time yankee pitcher andy pettitte throws a pitch, it's recorded all of which b.a.m. has access to. simultaneously, computers in the ballpark capture the location and speed. pitch. back in b.a.m., video is combined and converted to a format that can be played on 3500 different devices. on a matter of seconds, i can see that pitch on my phone. on a busy day, b.a.m. creates up to 5 million of these creative files. chuck alter say writer for fast company magazine. he's covered bowman's company for years. how much has b.a.m. changed baseball? >> i think it's changed baseball more dramatically than anything else in the last 13 years. it's made it relevant for a new generation growing up with all the new devices who may not have the patience to sit down and watch what a very slow traditional game. >> reporter: you know the number one thing you get, you run into somebody because he or she is looking down at the phone. the phone is the first scene. it's a reality. >> reporter: in that reality, b.a.m. remains way ahead of the curve. >> we're all trying to be as relevant. what we're all trying to do is ask the customer, the fan, the viewer, give us ten minutes today. time is far more valuable to you in today's world than money. we try and respect the time and say we don't wait a sec! i found our colors. we've made a decision. great, let's go get you set up... you need brushes... you should check out our workshops... push your color boundaries while staying well within your budget walls. i want to paint something else. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. glidden premium interior paint, starts at a new lower price at $18.94 a gallon. first wait till summer. then get the cars ready. now add the dodge part. ♪ ♪ the dodge summer clearance event. right now get 0% financing for up to 72 months and no payments for 90 days on all dodge vehicles. ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, a new vision for your glasses. we'll show you a pair that allows to you change your prescription just by turning a dial. plus, we give new meaning to the phrase scout's honor. you'll meet the eagle scout that has earned ever possible merit badge. not as easy as you think. time to show you headlines from around the globe. los angeles times said the fda has approved a new device for diagnosing hdhd. it takes 3% of school age children in america. the device evaluates brain waves. britain's telegraph said the president of russia went to the bottom of sea. vladimir putin went yesterday. it took him down to see the wreckage of a vessel that sank back in 1839. "the wall street journal" says it's been one year since marissa mayer took over as ceo of yahoo! stock prices have soared 16% since she's arrived. it's expected to take a while for those acquisitions to way off. "usa today" said singer dave matthews was forced to hitchhike to his own concert after his bike broke down saturday. a couple of fans were running late to the show. they spotted him and gave him a ride. they were awarded with dinner backstage tickets and a shoutout from matthews during the concert. >> they said dave was a nice guy. and the new york daily news looks at firefighters. did you know they have to strap on 145 pounds of gear even during a heat wave. one firefighter says when you're inside taking on the flames, it's like being inside an oven. men make up the vast majority of america's firefighters, but in virginia, one fire department is finding a new way to spark interest among the next generation of women. chip reid shows us how stereo types are going up to smoke. >> reporter: these girls are learning what it takes to be a firefighter. >> that excited me. >> reporter: they were given the rare opportunity to participate in physical endurance tests. and fire drills, just like the pros. this camp held by numbers of the arlington, virginia, fire department, is designed to show them what it's like to be on the front line. >> that's a sign. >> before the camp, i didn't really really know what kind of opportunities there were for women in firefighting. so it sounds kind of cool. >> reporter: kira sweetman wants to be a doctor but she says learning to be a first responder is her first step. does it even sound cool after you see horrible stories on the news like what happened in arizona? >> yeah, because you wouldn't do it if you don't want to help people. so, you have to take the good with the bad and just suck it up. >> reporter: what was your first response when she came to you and said i want to look into this? >> i said, definitely give it a try. >> reporter: dad's getting a little teary eyed. >> reporter: lieutenant margaret santy began ten years ago as a medical text ichnician. do you or firefighters get -- >> i think they see if they can do the job and prove it. whether a man or a woman, you have to show yourself or prove yourself regardless of what gender you are. >> reporter: nationwide, only about 4 out of 100 firefighters are women. but in arlington, it's 9%, more than double the national average. arlington became a trail blazer back in 1974 when they hired judy brewer. i understand in one of these pictures, there's somebody who's a very important role model for you. >> absolutely. 19 had judy brewer. >> reporter: where is she? >> that's the first paid female firefighter in the country. >> reporter: in the nation? >> yeah. >> reporter: arlington is hoping that camp will continue that tradition. what would you like them to get out of it? >> to be more confident in themselves and realize the sky's the limit. i think women are realizing they can do whatever they put their minds to. so, this camp is just introducing that and reinforcing the idea of that. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," chip reid, arlington, virginia. >> good for her. and good for america >> that's great. >> moving into places where you don't traditionally think of them. >> exactly. i still believe girls can do anything boys can, don't you, norah? >> i sure do. imagine this, a pair of glasses that lets you change the prescription yourself by turning the dial. sounds like the future but "the new york times" says you can buy them right now, dr. christopher. thank you for being here. i was excited to hear about this because then you can get rid of those. then i saw them and i thought, you need some more work on the design. but what a great idea. >> but i will say -- >> you agree with me on the design, right? >> i agree with you. as a lasik surgeon and cater rack surgeon, i do. these are from a company called ad lens, based in the uk. these are true technology, one size fits all. >> do you want me to put them on? >> yeah. >> i wear glasses -- we all wear glasses, actually. you can put something in the prompter, please. >> you can adjust them for your distance to see the prompter. >> i can. i can. >> you can. >> ophthalmology at cornell medical center -- i do. >> the way it works when euro tating those knobs, you're injecting fluid into the glasses. there's a membrane in that changes shape. as you inject the fluid, they become lower powered or higher powered. >> wow, you're nice looking. >> thank you, norah. they do work. >> those are fun glasses. >> they do make clear lenses as well. but you can go anywhere from minus 4.5 all the way up to 3.0 for higher. >> very cool. >> these are probably not going to win any awards at fashion week but where they can be used in underdeveloped countries where millions of people are actually blind because they don't have access to eye doctors or prescription glasses. so these -- this company has a great program called buy one and give one. every time one of these is purchased, they cost about $150. you can buy one on their website, and they donate a pair of these glasses to rwanda where people are desperate for glasses. >> there's new technology for people buying glasses online. how would that work? you got to see the doctor? >> exactly. of course, you still need a prescription, so you do need to see the doctor for a prescription. traditionally, we go into a store and try on the frame and we usually have a family member with us for a second opinion, right? and you settle on a pair of glasses. there's a new technology by they have a cool iphone app, with that, you can take pictures of your head and it creates this 3d simulation of your head. and it can also allow you to rotate your head. you get 180-degree sweep of your head. that allows you to change on hundreds of glasses in minutes. and very realistically, i might add. for those who need a family member or friend with you buying glasses, they have a share function. you can send a bunch of your photos with the virtual glasses on and your friends can vote. you can even do it on facebook. if you're still not convinced, they send you a pair of glasses at home to try. it's great. >> do they work if you need bifocals? >> they sure do they actually are different in bifocals, in bifocals, you have to adjust your eyes to find that sweet spot. these, the sweet spot is the whole length. >> good to see you >> good to be here. why would they pray for an athlete to heal? because that minister had the player on his fantasy football team. it's true. those are the type of true stories you'll hea wow, that's matthew berry >> mr. sunshine? >> matthew berry, dummy, the talented mr. roto. >> matt damon is here? >> matthew berry. the espn fantasy football expert. i sent you his pod each week. don't you listen to it? >> matthew berry is the prettiest girl in this bar and i'm going to go hit on it. hello. >> that was the scene from the league fx. it's a fantasy league where people compete by any means necessary. matthew berry with acts of desperation from fantasy sports fans he highlights them in his new book "fantasy life" he's also the editor for espn, welcome. how are you? >> i'm well. it doesn't get better than that. >> doesn't get better. how do you explain this phenomenon of people so much wanting to play fantasy sports? >> because it's fun. because it's fun. it gives you a rooting interest in games you wouldn't normally care about. people love it. we all do march madness brackets, that kind of thing, right? >> once a year. >> well, it's the same sort of thing. by picking your fantasy team, it gives you a rooting interest in a game you wouldn't normally have. and it's a lot of fun. people like fun. >> everybody likes fun. you say everybody remembers their first time, 35, 36 million play this. i was astounded by the numbers. what really got to me is the stories you told about the people that do the most unusual things. the guy on his way with his wife who is pregnant stops to make a pick, crazy. >> well he's on his way. the labor contraction had just started, so, yeah, it's crazy, he delayed the birth of his child for fantasy sports. i've heard everything. there's a league in omaha, nebraska, where the loser has to get a tattoo. chosen by the winner. so literally, they all sent a contract, and there's a guy walking around right now who has got a tattoo of justin bieber's face on his leg wit with #yellowswagfantasy. that's the care bear tebow'ing from two years ago. >> people do the craziest things. >> as you know, gayle and charlie and i all fantasy football players. >> that's the great thing. so many people play. 87-year-old grandmothers. "playboy" play mates. jay-z is a player. every single person you can imagine plays. that's what i learned in doing this book. husbands and wieves play. kids play. it's not too late. >> how did you get involved in this? >> i was. i've been playing since 14 years old. i'm 43. i've been playing almost 30 years. in 1999 there was a website looking for fantasy writers. this is back in dialup days. i loved it. i'm a professional writer in hollywood. fantasy sports is my passion. can i write a column, do something for free. they looked up on imb, "married with children" is our favor show of all time, you're hired. >> matthew, here you're at the age of 29, doing this job for free at a website that nobody's ever heard of? >> right. >> and you were happier than you have ever been? >> absolutely. that's what i realized, the age 35 i was a successful hollywood screen writer, and honestly, i was depressed. and the thing that made me happiest would be the little websites. i went to bed at night just thinking about these websites. 35 years old. i said i don't know if it's possible, i want to try to make a living out of this. i'm giving up show business and put everything into the websites. a couple years later, espn bought it. i just changed paths and money and everything else followed. >> what's the financial impact? >> there's lots of different studies on that. i've heard of leagues that play for lots of money. there's an anonymous wall street league where it's $100,000 to get in. people play for all sorts of things. husbands and wives play for who does the chores. there's snacks. i've got a league in the bronx where the looser has to dress as a lion and everyone in the league chases him with a paint ball gun. it's crazy. so people play for all different sorts of things. >> you said happiness as eluded you. but i think we have to point out within a year, you were married and the father of five kids because your wife beth had three children and you had twins. >> yes. >> so you're a happy guy as you sit here today? >> unbelievably happy. it's an amazing journey. one of the questions you get, why did you write the book. i had all of these great fantasy stories, in my own life, i feel like i had my last chapter with my beth and the kids. >> matthew berry. we'll meet a teenager that has earned every single merit badge for the boy scouts. including one in nuclear science. that's coming up next on "cbs this morning." ♪ he was sometimes the big plan doesn't work. and the perfect life turns out to be not so perfect. so you start fresh. new city. new job. new bank. a friend suggested suntrust. switching was easy. they even helped move my online bill pay. and suddenly, everything else just fell into place. switch to suntrust and discover why 9 out of 10 of our customers would recommend us to a friend. ♪ the boy scouts national g s now. and a scout with bragging rights few have ever matched. >> reporter: patrick barnsley is what you'd affectionately call add overachiever. >> i like to stay busy. >> reporter: he also likes to stay modest. >> this is a rescue knot. >> reporter: to see how business is he he's been -- >> you go up the hole around the tree. >> reporter: -- just survey his sash. yep, this 17-year-old has a bounty of badges. >> this center part which has three across is the original sash. and then i slowly expanded out to my seven-wide. one, two, three, four, five six -- seven. >> reporter: he's earned 135 badges, each representing a skill he's mastered during his seven years in scouting. >> this is a canoeing merit badge, sailboat merit badge. pretty muchmy aquatic badge. this is volunteering focusing mainly. >> reporter: in case you're keeping score, he has every possible merit badge. barnsley is only one of 200 eagle scouts to exhaust the emblems. that's out of 110 million kids that have gone through the scouting program. >> it shows a flavor of life. every year, you're trying to add a few more and trying to keep up with life as you see it everyday. >> these are my merit books. i have aquatics. home repair. electronics. >> reporter: since 1911, the boy scouts has been adding new badges and continuing others. 130 currently in use, 27 have been around for over a century including archery, horsemanship and bugling. yes, you bugling. among the next, gaming, search and rescue, nuclear science and welding. >> metal work and welding mob the most unusual. >> reporter: this summer, patrick sis a director at a scot ranch in san diego where he'll be showing scouts for thin own quest for merit badges. >> when i walk into the room, they're going to look up and say, wow. i want the best i can be. someone else goes wow, that's amazing. >> reporter: if there was a merit badge for making the rest of us feel like slacker, he'd have that, too. for "cbs this morning." ben tracy, los angeles. >> we admire this young man. >> yes, we do. >> that's very impressive. i mean, he knows apparently how to do everything. >> everything. >> journalism, go, patrick, go. how old were you when you got your welding badge? and have you used it? >> when i gave up my blacksmith badge. >> okay. congratulations. that does it for us. up next, your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." ♪ [ male announcer ] it's 7am and steve is already thinking about tomorrow. which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. good morning dad. hi, sweetie. [ male announcer ] here's another eye opener. not only is kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy it's a delicious source of potassium. ♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran®. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health so you can fuel more than your car. get 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can. a nation divided. anger across america. storming a hotel. and dead man walking? >> there's no question in my mind his life is at risk. >> where is george zimmerman? >> he's in hiding and reportedly left the state of florida. and breaking news. >> a juror announces she's going to write a book. then, the death


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