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Sputnik International
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This year marks 700 years since the construction of the very first musical alarm clock. It was built in an abbey in Northern France and it played a church hymn.
Today our alarms sound very different.
But it s not just the technology we use to wake ourselves up that s changed. It s actually our whole definition of what time is.
Duration: 13min 40sec
24 Feb 2021
Royal Caribbean International has been ordered to hand over more money to a Sydney tradie, who won almost $100,000 from the cruise line after being detained on false rape allegations.
Daniel Rawlings was awarded $97,394 from the cruise line in December, after crew on board
Explorer of the Seas detained him for six days when a woman he had had a threesome with accused him of sexual assault.
The incident occurred in 2016 and stemmed from one of the threesome’s participants, known as Ms A, was found wandering around the ship naked and disorientated.
Rawlings had booked the 10-day cruise from Sydney to Vanuatu with his friend Matthew Champion, but spent the majority of his time locked in an isolated cabin.
Daniel Rawlings sued Royal Caribbean after he was wrongly detained on ship
Rawlings was holidaying with a mate on the Explorer of the Seas in late 2016
18-year-old girl he had threesome with was found wandering corridor, dazed
He was locked up by the ship for six days in solitary confinement court hears
Rawlings was awarded $100k in damages and now legal costs as well
Royal Caribbean has filed a notice of its intention to appeal decision