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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20131108

when they made landfall on the rural area of the country. hitting about 405 miles southeast of manila having officials worried about catastrophic damage and casualty. it's so bad that they have lost contact with people and the equipment used to measure the wind. more than 125,000 people have been evacuated from the towns and the villages. visibility is so poor in some spots, only silhouettes could be seen through the thick curtains of the water. they predict that the storm will be maintaining the super typhoon strength despite weakening as they pass overland. >> you'll have to be curious about the differences as there is no difference. it's the same strength of the storm given a different name. headed towards vietnam as they will get there this weekend with a little local connection here. at this time of the year all the moisture drawn up. working their way over the pacific ocean. and some of the rainstorms we get here will origin gnat here. look closely and you'll see one guy is standing out there blanketing the air around him. well tonight we know what the google barge will look like when it is all done. what we've been reporting for weeks now, tonight, we finally have photos. >> yeah, we have some answers that are just beyond the lights over there. a little lesson tonight. take a look inside. >> reporter: public records show that these are statistics of the barge describing it as an unprecedented artistic structure that will dry it to the water front. and the floating 50-foot tall view of shipping containers will score the fish fins and a third floor deck to offer you unique views of the san francisco skyline. they say that their position on the water will allow them to move around and dock at a number of the different locations. and they submitted the documents, early on in that floating studio that will be more than their exhibit. their hope that it inspires the communication and a high moment. they'll move around on a monthly basis to be used to showcase their products as we reported. >> yeah, they could draw thousands of spectators a day. thank you. >> we've seen it numerous times. people with their noses, clueless to what is going on around them. a four-word message. >> yes, they were just sure enough for the twitter. now, this is including the $1 million federal grant with more officers on and near the riders. >> reporter: the real bubble, not the economic one, but that they connected at the finger sprint relationship between you and your phone. and the san francisco mayor, they want that burden as he is calling it phone down in response to rises on the smart phone thefts. that's when the train failed to notice a man pacing with the gun until it was too late. >> you're going to be around the surroundings here on out there and you'll be engaging in their surroundings. that's if it was not so dangerous. >> reporter: they were skeptical about the plans. >> i didn't want to be regulated that way. >> and nearly twitchy about the thought of putting down their phones. >> for me to put that phone down? no, i can't do that. >> it will be hard as i don't want to be bored. i want to keep myself there for the same time. i can check the e-mail. >> reporter: they have a plan to end that boredom. think about it as the real life status update. >> and keep your eyes on your surroundings. a 16-year-old boy faces hate crime charges. he told them that he was home phobic lighting them on fire because he was wearing a skirt. he goes by that name sasha and hospitalized with burns on his legs. they caught up with his family before he made his first court appearance today. >> what happened? well, he didn't use it. you know, he didn't know that it would be there. so please, don't. he's a good kid. a very good kid. >> i don't know that he was not there, just joking around. >> reporter: they are scheduled to be back in court on tuesday. and after the dad, they took that infant to mexico. and the authorities, they tell us that they flew to arizona this morning to be with her son. and they found them yesterday. they turned them over to the u.s. border patrol agent in arizona. the 22-year-old appeared in an arizona courtroom earlier today. and that they will be awaiting extradition back to the bay area. he threatened to harm himself and the baby after an argument with the mother. >> reporter: they have done a 180. tonight, they said that they will not have to make the drastic cuts to classes and staff. and just yesterday the school officials, they threatened to eliminate dozens of classes and jobs, because they were $4 million in the red. today they announced the reversing course. >> and yes, you know, the fact that it came to just 24 hours after the announcement that it will be a complete relief for everyone. >> they will need to redirect money for the infrastructure and equipment upgrades to cover the difference. they needed to solve a dangerous problem with the airports. as they need to show us about the kids and their inventions and i guess that it works, huh? >> yes. it is kind of remarkable when you think about how a couple of pieces with the wood and that wire mesh to put together by the high school junior that they could prove so many lives. this is very unique that no one has done before. >> they love that. and all that asphalt will create the thermals, letting them glide all day. the skies are getting crowded up there. they made an emergency meeting in oakland. in the last decade, they went up 50%. they needed to score one for the aviation safeties. >> and it will be something that i will put a lot of overtime for them if i didn't have that. >> and it does feel a little better now that i'm doing this to help at least one or two hawks that might actually hit a plane. >> reporter: it saves the airlines money, saves the passengers time. and maybe a rise. if only there was a merit badge for common sense. >> what happens to the hawks after they go in the trap? what are they doing with them? >> reporter: they were able to catch one hawk out here as we know that they work. they put abandon the leg and then they need to drive and relocate it 100 miles away. any closer then the hawks will come right back here. >> good for the birds and the planes. all right, live for us in san jose. thank you. a 9-year-old girl helped twitter make history today. the opening bell on the first day where people could buy the twitter shares. she used twitter to get out the word about the charitable lemonade stand raising more than $100,000 in a year to fight childhood slavery. and that price shot through the roof almost immediately, gaining about 73% today, closing at almost $45. the founder made out as their stock is worth $2.6 billion. and jack dorsey closed out at more than $1 billion. they need to weigh more -- wait more than 180 days before cashing out. a new crime fighting technique. how this couple's dog helped to catch their killer when the trail has gone cold. and is this smoking crack not bad enough, wait until you see the new video as one mayor is trying to explain and the advice from their mom. the bay area woman behind this amazing or dance party that has a lot of people smiling. we'll be back in 70 seconds. over the next 40 years the united states population is going to grow by over 90 million people, and almost all that growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved into safe, clean affordable housing, places that have access to great school systems, access to jobs and multiple transportation modes then the neighborhood begins to thrive and then really really take off. the oxygen of community redevelopment is financing. and all this rebuilding that happened could not have happened without organizations like citi. citi has formed a partnership with our company so that we can take all the lessons from the revitalization of urban america to other cities. so we are now working in chicago and in washington, dc and newark. it's amazing how important safe, affordable housing is to the future of our society. is apologizing for the obame mess. he says he's sorry millionsf he health for the first time the president is apologizing for the obama care mess. he saw that they are losing the health plans that they say they could keep. >> and i am sorry that, you know, they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances that they got for me. we're going to do everything that we can to find themselves in that tough position as a consequence. >> in an interview for them there, the president said that the staff is working for them to close some of the holes and the gaps in the law. >> reporter: the mayor is trying to explain the 'em embarrassing video. take a look at this one. >> sorry, folks. >> it is extremely embarrassing. and i don't know what to say. >> reporter: the mayor, he refuses to say if he will get any kind of help. his mom has plenty of advice. >> you need to get yourself a driver. a new one, get yourself a driver. then after that, do something about your weight. >> there are three other steps that the mayor does not know about. they have no intentions of leaving office. >> we heard of the dna being used to catch a killer. it's been done right here in northern california. they needed to help crack the brutal crimes that police couldn't solve. >> the best crime scene for them that they have had blood everywhere. >> reporter: it was a double murder. they were about to leave their northern california home and go to work when they were stabbed 19 times each in early december 2008. >> very friendly as they would come out to talk to all the neighbors. >> reporter: tall blood from stephen and linda riley. none from a suspect. and nonetheless they needed to focus on their son matthew. >> and they believe that there is no evidence that will be pointing to them. they let him go free until two years later when they discovered a silent witness. and the dog, the tan one on the left. the evidence, a single dog hair found in their boots. >> that's the idea for them that they most likely, you know, killed. >> and then put the boots on to make the getaway, which they were not found on the roof of the apartment building where he used to live. the dog hair tested, showing a 90% chance of belonging to winston. introduced in court and for the first time in san francisco county, animal dna was used to convict a killer. >> and in this case, their hair linked him to what he had hidden. and that is one of the reasons that he knew and that the boots, they believe that it was somehow on out there to the crime. >> they've been used for three high-profile convictions in california and the veterinary lab at uc davis that they dot testing. >> we are the only one in the world during that type of work. >> reporter: she leads the forensic unit. isolating the cases in europe. >> you go to your car and you are carrying their dna. and they will be there with you everywhere you go. >> reporter: and sometimes giving the silent testimony to a crime only the victim's pet has witnessed. >> and it could be very powerful evidence. >> reporter: it certainly was against matthew riley. after being convicted in 2011, he is serving two life sentences for the murder of his parents, with no chance for parole. kpix 5. >> well, it's not just dogs, but this year, the top dna will link them to a killing. a special awards ceremony honoring two people that took care of more than a dozen elderly people abandoned at their senior home. at the senior home in castro valley. but after the staff, they left that facility, alvarez became the caretaker of 19 elderly bed- ridden painships. >> our heart would not let us leave anybody behind. we couldn't find ourselves doing that. >> you know, we cannot describe what they were going through. for me, the leader, you know, i could not do that. >> reporter: and they called 911 repeatedly. finally authorities came moving them to different care homes. the facility is now being investigate for the elderly abuse. for one woman there is nothing a little beyonce can't cure. >> they show us just moments before the life changing surgery, to crank the music and she threw herself a party in the o.r. >> reporter: just before her double mastectomy, she turned the operating room into a club. she got the surgery team to turn on a beyonce song called get me body and they all honed in. the video now has more than 2 million hits on youtube in less than 48 hours. even beyonce has posted the video on her facebook page. days beforehand, deborah cullen had posted online that she would be having the surgery here at mt. zion precisely 7:30 encouraging her friends and family and the whole world to make their own video dancing with her. >> it's been an amazing blood of love. >> and now those videos are online as well. >> we were nervous about how the flash mob was going to go than how the surgery was going to go. >> reporter: she told right this minute show she's feeling the love as she recovers. >> my muscles are pretty sore. that'll require some recooperation. i feel like i've gotten 5,000% better. >> she is a dancer. >> reporter: her colleagues tonight are marveling at her friend's inspirational moves. >> something like that going viral, you know, it shows a lot of love to her and also around the world. i definitely wish her the best. i hope she's dancing just like that tomorrow. >> joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> as for that song, she said who wouldn't? she likes the beat. >> yes. they like the beat. you know, jerry, he's got it going on. >> how great of a story is that? >> it is great. let's dance. >> fabulous attitude. we have no other choice, we need the rainfall, we're not getting it. so tomorrow you have another opportunity to go out and enjoy a beautiful day. beautiful night right now on treasure island looking back to the brand spanking new bay bridge. that's a live shot right now, a live picture of the golden gate bridge with the high temperatures today, 77 degrees. and that was before stanford did what they did with more on that in sports coming up in just a second. 47 straight days without rainfall. i asked the national weather service to please go back and check out how it rates historically. this is now the 6th longest fall dry streak ever in san francisco history with 165 years of weather data. not going to rain tomorrow or saturday. but here is your forecast. upper 60s with the sunshine tomorrow. upper 60s with mainly sunny skies coming up on saturday. here is the deal with plenty of moisture and rainfall and storms. not making it anywhere close to here because of the big blocking ridge of the high pressure. everything has to kind of go up and around and over it to move on through the united states. and it is kind of missing the bay area. sot next storm that needs to move on through will get as far south at about the mountains here, severalhours to the north. the one after that will make it sure because it is going to move allowing storms to dig down just a little bit more to the south closer to us. we'll see some showers around here on monday and tuesday and not much. they're not going to break the drought. but a couple showers from the top of next week. your weekend is actually trending sunnier, both saturday and sunday with lots of sunshine. and once that rain moves out on tuesday, we'll get that sunshine back once again. highs out there, upper 60s for san jose. a beautiful day at morgan hill. and campbell at 70 hayward 65. low 70s with sunshine. the lower 60s in the city tomorrow. berkeley at 65. sunshine for your friday with a high of 72 degrees. weekend looks pleasant with the lower 70s inland near the bay with a couple showers around on monday and tuesday. sunshine will return on wednesday. we need a lot more rainfall than what we're going to get, but it is a start as we need to start somewhere. >> i hope they will clean up the air a little bit. >> we have a lot of stuff on out there. >> yes. coming up, how lulu lemon founders say that women are to blame for yoga pants being too sheer. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, here we go again. now, the here we go again. now, the company's founder says womee to b lulu lemons is making headlines again for the sheer yoga pants. >> now the company's founder say that women are to blame. all you women out there, you're to blame. quite frankly some women's bodies actually just don't work for the pants. and lulu lemon lost millions of dollars when they recalled the pants last spring. the comments sparked outrage on the company's facebook page. he backed off a little bit later on in the interview saying i just think that it is how you use them. there you go. we'll be right back. ,,,,,, these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. through three quarters on t farm tonight...the ducks ha0 jo vers and 40 points against them earlier this week. and that they needed to join them as the only players to have their jerseys retire. they were knocking on the door early. but on the 4th and goal. marcus overthrew their receiver game remaining scoreless. they ran that football all night. they said that the school record was 45 carries for them there and the cardinals. and then oregon was shouting what is this man doing here? he fooled everybody about 14-0 cardinals. but the ducks, they needed to start quacking after scoring one touchdown. and they needed to block that field goal for them. and that they will be taking it in for a score. and then that they will need to connect for them and all of a sudden they needed to lead them down to just six points. two minutes to go. and that will be a great expression for them there on the inside for them to secure it to avoid that big collapse. and that will be their first loss of the year. knocking them on out of the final picture. and let's hear from the nerds. we will take what we can do. >> they are amazing. you know, they are moving them back down. and i think that, you know, they will take some credits for them. and this is for them. they had a great job today. they are trying to play some of the best football as no one has seen it. that is including us. and it will be three quarters of it. >> the sharks, literally going at it there tonight with the big view. off the board. and that will be into the net with a good luck there. and just the overall night for them really. it's for their own zone as they will be here. and they were pulled into the second. losing four straight as they needed to connect that nine- game losing streak. and for them there 4-2 vancouver the final. it's among the most famous in the olympic history. and on december 7, they'll be going on the auction block. the chance that they would win there with the olympic host. watching them in the stands. and they say that it will be a gold medal for them to fetch $1 million. and that segregation for them there in 1936. they will always go back as they could not meet with the president and all of them and what they could get. >> they wouldn't get that flag. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,, when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. female narrator: through veterans day, it's posturepedic through veterans day, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end monday at sleep train. tomorrow morning at 4-30. david letterman is next with kelly rippa. >> she's got to get up early. >> our news starts at 4:30. we'll see you. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and aroundhtke world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now slippery when wet, david letterman captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20131108

captioned by the national captioning institute ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, vietnam is next. this is about as dangerous of a storm that you could get. the super typhoon slamming the philippines and vietnam is next. paul is tracking the storm. >> it's as wide as the distance from san francisco to lake tahoe. that's basically what storm was earlier today. super typhoon, stronger winds than hurricane katrina and hurricane andrew. peak wind gusts earlier today at 220 miles per hour. winds as strong in the center of the storm as an ef4 tornado, but the no lasting just a few minutes. we're talking some spots got those winds for hours on end. here's a look at what it looked like in the philippines today. it has cut communications, blocked roads, sending debris flying throughout the central philippines. the sustained winds of 147 miles an hour. and with gusts of 170 miles an hour. when they made landfall on the rural area of the country. hitting about 405 miles southeast of manila having officials worried about catastrophic damage and casualty. it's so bad that they have lost contact with people and the equipment used to measure the wind. more than 125,000 people have been evacuated from the towns and the villages. visibility is so poor in some spots, only silhouettes could be seen through the thick curtains of the water. they predict that the storm will be maintaining the super typhoon strength despite weakening as they pass overland. >> you'll have to be curious about the differences as there is no difference. it's the same strength of the storm given a different name. headed towards vietnam as they will get there this weekend with a little local connection here. at this time of the year all the moisture drawn up. working their way over the pacific ocean. and some of the rainstorms we get here will origin gnat here. look closely and you'll see one guy is standing out there blanketing the air around him. well tonight we know what the google barge will look like when it is all done. what we've been reporting for weeks now, tonight, we finally have photos. >> yeah, we have some answers that are just beyond the lights over there. a little lesson tonight. take a look inside. >> reporter: public records show that these are statistics of the barge describing it as an unprecedented artistic structure that will dry it to the water front. and the floating 50-foot tall view of shipping containers will score the fish fins and a third floor deck to offer you unique views of the san francisco skyline. they say that their position on the water will allow them to move around and dock at a number of the different locations. and they submitted the documents, early on in that floating studio that will be more than their exhibit. their hope that it inspires the communication and a high moment. they'll move around on a monthly basis to be used to showcase their products as we reported. >> yeah, they could draw thousands of spectators a day. thank you. >> we've seen it numerous times. people with their noses, clueless to what is going on around them. a four-word message. >> yes, they were just sure enough for the twitter. now, this is including the $1 million federal grant with more officers on and near the riders. >> reporter: the real bubble, not the economic one, but that they connected at the finger sprint relationship between you and your phone. and the san francisco mayor, they want that burden as he is calling it phone down in response to rises on the smart phone thefts. that's when the train failed to notice a man pacing with the gun until it was too late. >> you're going to be around the surroundings here on out there and you'll be engaging in their surroundings. that's if it was not so dangerous. >> reporter: they were skeptical about the plans. >> i didn't want to be regulated that way. >> and nearly twitchy about the thought of putting down their phones. >> for me to put that phone down? no, i can't do that. >> it will be hard as i don't want to be bored. i want to keep myself there for the same time. i can check the e-mail. >> reporter: they have a plan to end that boredom. think about it as the real life status update. >> and keep your eyes on your surroundings. a 16-year-old boy faces hate crime charges. he told them that he was home phobic lighting them on fire because he was wearing a skirt. he goes by that name sasha and hospitalized with burns on his legs. they caught up with his family before he made his first court appearance today. >> what happened? well, he didn't use it. you know, he didn't know that it would be there. so please, don't. he's a good kid. a very good kid. >> i don't know that he was not there, just joking around. >> reporter: they are scheduled to be back in court on tuesday. and after the dad, they took that infant to mexico. and the authorities, they tell us that they flew to arizona this morning to be with her son. and they found them yesterday. they turned them over to the u.s. border patrol agent in arizona. the 22-year-old appeared in an arizona courtroom earlier today. and that they will be awaiting extradition back to the bay area. he threatened to harm himself and the baby after an argument with the mother. >> reporter: they have done a 180. tonight, they said that they will not have to make the drastic cuts to classes and staff. and just yesterday the school officials, they threatened to eliminate dozens of classes and jobs, because they were $4 million in the red. today they announced the reversing course. >> and yes, you know, the fact that it came to just 24 hours after the announcement that it will be a complete relief for everyone. >> they will need to redirect money for the infrastructure and equipment upgrades to cover the difference. they needed to solve a dangerous problem with the airports. as they need to show us about the kids and their inventions and i guess that it works, huh? >> yes. it is kind of remarkable when you think about how a couple of pieces with the wood and that wire mesh to put together by the high school junior that this is very unique that no one has done before. >> they love that. and all that asphalt will create the thermals, letting them glide all day. the skies are getting crowded up there. they made an emergency meeting in oakland. in the last decade, they went up 50%. they needed to score one for the aviation safeties. >> and it will be something that i will put a lot of overtime for them if i didn't have that. >> and it does feel a little better now that i'm doing this to help at least one or two hawks that might actually hit a plane. >> reporter: it saves the airlines money, saves the passengers time. and maybe a rise. if only there was a merit badge for common sense. >> what happens to the hawks after they go in the trap? what are they doing with them? >> reporter: they were able to catch one hawk out here as we know that they work. they put abandon the leg and then they need to drive and relocate it 100 miles away. any closer then the hawks will come right back here. >> good for the birds and the planes. all right, live for us in san jose. thank you. a 9-year-old girl helped twitter make history today. the opening bell on the first day where people could buy the twitter shares. she used twitter to get out the word about the charitable lemonade stand raising more than $100,000 in a year to fight childhood slavery. and that price shot through the roof almost immediately, gaining about 73% today, closing at almost $45. the founder made out as their stock is worth $2.6 billion. and jack dorsey closed out at more than $1 billion. they need to weigh more -- wait more than 180 days before cashing out. a new crime fighting technique. how this couple's dog helped to catch their killer when the trail has gone cold. and is this smoking crack not bad enough, wait until you see the new video as one mayor is trying to explain and the advice from their mom. the bay area woman behind this amazing or dance party that has a lot ,,,,,, ♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. female narrator: sleep train challenged sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars end monday. now, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars end monday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. is apologizing for the obame mess. he says he's sorry millionsf health for the first time the president is apologizing for the obama care mess. he saw that they are losing the health plans that they say they could keep. >> and i am sorry that, you know, they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances that they got for me. we're going to do everything that we can to find themselves in that tough position as a consequence. >> in an interview for them there, the president said that the staff is working for them to close some of the holes and the gaps in the law. >> reporter: the mayor is trying to explain the 'em embarrassing video. take a look at this one. >> sorry, folks. >> it is extremely embarrassing. and i don't know what to say. >> reporter: the mayor, he refuses to say if he will get any kind of help. his mom has plenty of advice. >> you need to get yourself a driver. a new one, get yourself a driver. then after that, do something about your weight. >> there are three other steps that the mayor does not know about. they have no intentions of leaving office. >> we heard of the dna being used to catch a killer. it's been done right here in northern california. they needed to help crack the brutal crimes that police couldn't solve. >> the best crime scene for them that they have had blood everywhere. >> reporter: it was a double murder. they were about to leave their northern california home and go to work when they were stabbed 19 times each in early december 2008. >> very friendly as they would come out to talk to all the neighbors. >> reporter: tall blood from stephen and linda riley. none from a suspect. and nonetheless they needed to focus on their son matthew. >> and they believe that there is no evidence that will be pointing to them. they let him go free until two years later when they discovered a silent witness. and the dog, the tan one on the left. the evidence, a single dog hair found in their boots. >> that's the idea for them that they most likely, you know, killed. >> and then put the boots on to make the getaway, which they were not found on the roof of the apartment building where he used to live. the dog hair tested, showing a 90% chance of belonging to winston. introduced in court and for the first time in san francisco county, animal dna was used to convict a killer. >> and in this case, their hair linked him to what he had hidden. and that is one of the reasons that he knew and that the boots, they believe that it was somehow on out there to the crime. >> they've been used for three high-profile convictions in california and the veterinary lab at uc davis that they dot testing. >> we are the only one in the world during that type of work. >> reporter: she leads the forensic unit. isolating the cases in europe. >> you go to your car and you are carrying their dna. and they will be there with you everywhere you go. >> reporter: and sometimes giving the silent testimony to a crime only the victim's pet has witnessed. >> and it could be very powerful evidence. >> reporter: it certainly was against matthew riley. after being convicted in 2011, he is serving two life sentences for the murder of his parents, with no chance for parole. kpix 5. >> well, it's not just dogs, but this year, the top dna will link them to a killing. a special awards ceremony honoring two people that took care of more than a dozen elderly people abandoned at their senior home. at the senior home in castro valley. but after the staff, they left that facility, alvarez became the caretaker of 19 elderly bed- ridden painships. >> our heart would not let us leave anybody behind. we couldn't find ourselves doing that. >> you know, we cannot describe what they were going through. for me, the leader, you know, i could not do that. >> reporter: and they called 911 repeatedly. finally authorities came moving them to different care homes. the facility is now being investigate for the elderly abuse. for one woman there is nothing a little beyonce can't cure. >> they show us just moments before the life changing surgery, to crank the music and she threw herself a party in the o.r. >> reporter: just before her double mastectomy, she turned the operating room into a club. she got the surgery team to turn on a beyonce song called get me body and they all honed in. the video now has more than 2 million hits on youtube in less than 48 hours. even beyonce has posted the video on her facebook page. days beforehand, deborah cullen had posted online that she would be having the surgery here at mt. zion precisely 7:30 encouraging her friends and family and the whole world to make their own video dancing with her. >> it's been an amazing blood of love. >> and now those videos are online as well. >> we were nervous about how the flash mob was going to go than how the surgery was going to go. >> reporter: she told right this minute show she's feeling the love as she recovers. >> my muscles are pretty sore. that'll require some recooperation. i feel like i've gotten 5,000% better. >> she is a dancer. >> reporter: her colleagues tonight are marveling at her friend's inspirational moves. >> something like that going viral, you know, it shows a lot of love to her and also around the world. i definitely wish her the best. i hope she's dancing just like that tomorrow. >> joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> as for that song, she said who wouldn't? she likes the beat. >> yes. they like the beat. you know, jerry, he's got it going on. >> how great of a story is that? >> it is great. let's dance. >> fabulous attitude. we have no other choice, we need the rainfall, we're not getting it. so tomorrow you have another opportunity to go out and enjoy a beautiful day. beautiful night right now on treasure island looking back to the brand spanking new bay bridge. that's a live shot right now, a live picture of the golden gate bridge with the high temperatures today, 77 degrees. and that was before stanford did what they did with more on that in sports coming up in just a second. 47 straight days without rainfall. i asked the national weather service to please go back and check out how it rates historically. this is now the 6th longest fall dry streak ever in san francisco history with 165 years of weather data. not going to rain tomorrow or saturday. but here is your forecast. upper 60s with the sunshine tomorrow. upper 60s with mainly sunny skies coming up on saturday. here is the deal with plenty of moisture and rainfall and storms. not making it anywhere close to here because of the big blocking ridge of the high pressure. everything has to kind of go up and around and over it to move on through the united states. and it is kind of missing the bay area. sot next storm that needs to move on through will get as far south at about the mountains here, severalhours to the north. the one after that will make it sure because it is going to move allowing storms to dig down just a little bit more to the south closer to us. we'll see some showers around here on monday and tuesday and not much. they're not going to break the drought. but a couple showers from the top of next week. your weekend is actually trending sunnier, both saturday and sunday with lots of sunshine. and once that rain moves out on tuesday, we'll get that sunshine back once again. highs out there, upper 60s for san jose. a beautiful day at morgan hill. and campbell at 70 hayward 65. low 70s with sunshine. the lower 60s in the city tomorrow. berkeley at 65. sunshine for your friday with a high of 72 degrees. weekend looks pleasant with the lower 70s inland near the bay with a couple showers around on monday and tuesday. sunshine will return on wednesday. we need a lot more rainfall than what we're going to get, but it is a start as we need to start somewhere. >> i hope they will clean up the air a little bit. >> we have a lot of stuff on out there. >> yes. coming up, how lulu lemon coming up, how lulu lemon founders say that women are poked and prodded... taken risks... and lived in a state of "what if?"... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. here we go again. now, the here we go again. now, the company's founder says womee to b lulu lemons is making headlines again for the sheer yoga pants. >> now the company's founder say that women are to blame. all you women out there, you're to blame. quite frankly some women's bodies actually just don't work for the pants. and lulu lemon lost millions of dollars when they recalled the pants last spring. the comments sparked outrage on the company's facebook page. he backed off a little bit later on in the interview saying i just think that it is how you use them. you have time to shop for car insurance today? yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. through three quarters on t farm tonight...the ducks ha0 jo vers and 40 points against them earlier this week. and that they needed to join them as the only players to have their jerseys retire. they were knocking on the door early. but on the 4th and goal. marcus overthrew their receiver game remaining scoreless. they ran that football all night. they said that the school record was 45 carries for them there and the cardinals. and then oregon was shouting what is this man doing here? he fooled everybody about 14-0 cardinals. but the ducks, they needed to start quacking after scoring one touchdown. and they needed to block that field goal for them. and that they will be taking it in for a score. and then that they will need to connect for them and all of a sudden they needed to lead them down to just six points. two minutes to go. and that will be a great expression for them there on the inside for them to secure it to avoid that big collapse. and that will be their first loss of the year. knocking them on out of the final picture. and let's hear from the nerds. we will take what we can do. >> they are amazing. you know, they are moving them back down. and i think that, you know, they will take some credits for them. and this is for them. they had a great job today. they are trying to play some of the best football as no one has seen it. that is including us. and it will be three quarters of it. >> the sharks, literally going at it there tonight with the big view. off the board. and that will be into the net with a good luck there. and just the overall night for them really. it's for their own zone as they will be here. and they were pulled into the second. losing four straight as they needed to connect that nine- game losing streak. and for them there 4-2 vancouver the final. it's among the most famous in the olympic history. and on december 7, they'll be going on the auction block. the chance that they would win there with the olympic host. watching them in the stands. and they say that it will be a gold medal for them to fetch $1 million. and that segregation for them there in 1936. they will always go back as they could not meet with the president and all of them an,,,,


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20131108

philippines. reporter: windows were no match for the fury of typhoon haiyan. strong winds roared through the empty streets as villagers in the philippines took cover from the historic storm. meteorologists say the category 5 storm is possibly the most powerful to make landfall anywhere in the globe. >> this was the image at its peak intensity with winds sustained at 195 miles per hour. >> reporter: waves crashed on land washing away pieces of people's lives. tin sheets ripped from building roofs also scattered throughout the roads. adults are doing what they can to protect their children. this woman said, the winds and rain were very strong. that's why we decided to leave our house. she was among the hundreds of thousands of people forced to evacuate and now the storm is headed for another target. >> over the next 24 to 36 hours, it could still be a major typhoon. in fact, the forecast is for another landfall perhaps in vietnam as a category 3 storm. >> reporter: officials worry the death toll will climb as recovery efforts get under way. jericka duncan, cbs news. >> and, of course, cbs correspondents are going to be getting a closer look at all the damage today and i suspect a much more deadly storm. that's the latest. back to you. >> thank you. local filipino communities are bracing for the worst. representatives with the community center in san francisco tell us they tend to take a pro-active stance when it cops to providing resources for those in need. -- when it comes to providing resources for those in need. >> every year the philippines is hit and the government is not doing a lot of things so we're always trying to send money and relief efforts all the time. >> some of those efforts include medical supplies, clothing and food. but they say the biggest push is for monetary donations. 4:32. catwalks and fish fans are coming together as the google barge at treasure island is taking shape. kpix 5's christin ayers has a look at the plans for the finished product. reporter: public records from the port of san francisco show these artistic renderings of the barge and describe it as an unprecedented artistic structure that will drive visitation to the waterfront. the floating 50-foot-tall behemoth made of recycled shipping containers will sport a dozen decorative sails designed to look like fish fins. there will be catwalks and a fourth floor deck will offer unique views of the san francisco skyline. so why a water borne vessel? its makers say its position on the water will allow it to move around and dock at a number of different locations. by and large, llc, which submitted the documents, believes the floating studio will be more than an exhibit. their hope? that it inspires conversation, community and aha moments. christin ayers, kpix 5. >> the barge is expected to dock at various spots all around the bay and be moved on a monthly basis. we have all seen the phenomenon of people busy using their smartphones oblivious to what's going on around them. kpix 5's andria borba says there's a new message for those people, a forward message. reporter: the real tech bubble not the economic one but that connected to the fingertip relationship between you and your phone, san francisco mayor ed lee wants to burst it. he is calling the concept eyes up, phone down, in response to rising smartphone thefts and the murder of san francisco state student justin valdez in september. that's when a train full of muni riders with noses buried in their screens failed to notice a man pacing with a gun until it was too late. >> because when you got your eyes up and your phones down, you're going to be aware of your surroundings. you're going to be engaged in your surroundings. >> reporter: video of phone drones oblivious to the outside world would be comical if it wasn't so dangerous and rampant. >> about 90%. >> reporter: muni riders we spoke with were skeptical. >> i don't want to be regulated that way. >> reporter: nearly twitchy about the thought of putting down their phones. >> for me to put my phone down? no. i can't do that. >> it's kind of hard because i don't want to be bored. i want to keep myself entertained. if i'm traveling a long distance, i can listen to music, i can, you know, check some emails. >> reporter: muni rider roseanne harris has a plan to end bus ride boredom. a novel concept. think of it as a real-life status update. >> talk to the people who sit right next to you. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> san francisco police chief greg suhr says two out of three robberies in the city involve a smartphone. a 16-year-old boy now facing hate crime charges and will be tried as an adult for setting fire to a man while sleeping on a bus. oakland police say richard thomas told investigators he was homophobic and lit luke fleischman on fire laws he was wearing a skirt. luke goes by the name of sasha. he is hospitalized now with burns on his legs. the suspect's family says the incident had unintended consequences. >> we're very sorry for what happened. he didn't mean to. it was a joke. he didn't know this was going to be like this. he's a good kid, a very good kid. i don't know. he was with his friends joking around. >> richard thomas made his first court appearance yesterday and is scheduled to be back in court on tuesday. a sunnyvale mother now has her two-week-old baby back after the father took the infant to mexico. santa clara county authorities tell us patricia romero flew to arizona yesterday morning to be with her son. police had issued an amber alert late tuesday. authorities in mexico found the father and baby wednesday an turned them over to u.s. border patrol agents in arizona. 22-year-old mesut guler appeared in an arizona courtroom yesterday and is awaiting extradition back to the bay area. officers satisfy i threatened to harm him -- officers say he threatened to harm himself and the baby. bart unions and management squaring off again over workplace safety. a hearing in san francisco looked into what happened last month when a bart train hit and killed two workers on the tracks. workers gave examples of what they called dangerous conditions on bart. bart says safety has always been a priority, though. it says it has worked with cal/osha over the years to remedy the problems. 4:37. a bit of fog driving into work today. >> yes. some dense fog out there around the bay area. it's friday, guys, so getting ready for the weekend. i can't wait. looks like it will be a nice weekend, although these temperatures may begin to cool down a few more degrees. out the door we go, yes, we do have some dense fog out there. in fact, under the bay bridge you can see some of the fog in the distance things disappearing outside as we have a thin layer of some dense fog early on this morning. temperature-wise we're in the 40s and the 50s right now. i think by the afternoon, that thin layer will give way to mostly sunny skies. maybe some mid-70s in the warmest interior valleys. 60s a few 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s toward the coastline. we'll have more on your weekend forecast in a moment. right now, let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. >> speaking of the fog, you can see a lot of it this morning in our bay bridge toll plaza cam. you know, sometimes the fog kind of dances in and out. not this morning. it's kind of not moving, not budging. in fact, there is a chp-issued fog advisory for the bay bridge. there's only one this morning although obviously it is thick across the golden gate bridge. it's hard to tell which bridge is which this morning. this is the golden gate bridge and you can see those headlights moving southbound on 101 towards doyle drive. fortunately, no big delays in either direction on either span. the nimitz 880, this morning there is some roadwork southbound 880 embarcadero down to high street. northbound looks good 238 to the maze. westbound 580 surprisingly clear no delay either through the altamont pass or the livermore valley yet. and bart is off to a great start on this friday morning commute. so far everything all trains are on time. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you. >> thank you. twitter took a 9-year-old girl from marin to wall street to ring the opening bell as its stock went public. [ bell ] >> vivian harr useed twitter to get the word out about her charitable lemonade stand in novato. she raised more than $100,000 in a year to fight childhood slavery and was chosen to help ring the bell yesterday. the social media company prized -- priced its ipo at $26 a share. that price shot through the roof almost immediately. the stock gained 73% yesterday closing just under $45 a share. the company founders made out. evan williams' stock is worth $2.6 billion and jack dorsey closed out at more than $1 billion. the executives have to wait at least 180 days before they can cash out. >> nice. tesla shares fell after a third model s caught fire this time in tennessee. wednesday's fire melted the front of the car you see here. tesla says the fire started after the car ran over a tow hitch. the company is now sending a team to tennessee to investigate. two other model s cars have burst into flames in the past five weeks including this one near seattle after the driver ran over a piece of metal that apparently punctured the battery underneath. and this one is down in mexico after police say a drunk driver crashed into a concrete wall and a tree. shares of the palo alto-based carmaker fell over 7% yesterday to 140 bucks. that's on top of wednesday's plunge of some 14.5%. despite the drops, the shares are up 312% for the year. 5:40. animal dna used to solve violent crimes in northern california. the new technique putting murderers behind bars. >> and a stunning reversal on plans to make drastic cuts at a bay area university. why the school is now changing its course. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, san jose state university is backing away from plans to make drastic cuts to classes and staff. earlier this week, school officials threatened to eliminate dozens of classes and jobs because they were $4 million in the red. but yesterday, there was a change of direction. >> reaction utter relief. the fact that this came just 24 hours after the announcement there would be budget cuts is complete relief i think from everyone. >> the university will redirect money for infrastructure and equipment upgrades to cover the difference. they are still calculating how much will have to be deferred in order to save classes. a teenager has been asked to solve dangerous problems at san jose's airport. kiet do shows us the kid's invention that may fix the bird issue. >> reporter: at mineta san jose international they are catching more than just flights. it's called a raptor trap. built by eagle scout candidate caleb levine who needed a merit badge and was thinking big. >> most eagles don't build something like this. so this is very unique. no one has ever done it. >> reporter: it turns out raptors like red-tailed hawks love sjc. all that asphalt creates thermals letting them glide all day. the grassy areas are home to dinner, squirrels and gophers. the skies, well, it's getting crowded up there. last month, the boeing 737 taking off from san jose sucked up what was likely a red-tailed hawk. the engine was damaged and they made an emergency landing in oakland. in the last decade bird strikes in san jose went up 50%. so over the past 8 months caleb tweaked his popular design and made two cages. when a hawk takes the bait score one for aviation safety. caleb spent more than 130 hours on it. >> i would definitely be putting in overtime to build the traps if i didn't have caleb. >> it does feel better that i'm doing this to help at least one or two hawks that might hit a plane. >> reporter: it saves airlines money, saves passengers time, and maybe their lives. if only there was a merit badge for common sense. kiet do, kpix 5. >> one red-tailed hawk was caught and fitted with abandon its leg and relocated hundreds of miles away. any shorter distance and the hawks will come right back to the airport. how about that? took a boy scout to figure it out. >> almost an eagle scout. >> he will be soon. >> how about that? >> yes. >> good for him. smart young man. hey, guys, around the bay area today we have seen some of that dense fog showing up outside. looks like we are going to be in for some nice weather but we have to get through some of those clouds early on and then lots of sunshine coming our way. so the fog a little thick especially inside the bay and toward the coast. a cool start in some of the valleys down into the 50s this afternoon becoming mostly sunny. the temperatures going to be mild inland mid-70s there. you will see 70s and a few 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s toward the coastline and staying cool. looks like it's going to be a mild start to the weekend. high pressure holding on flattening out. it won't be long we have cool air in the gulf of alaska that's going to drop down so more clouds and gradual cooling throughout the weekend and into veterans day holiday more clouds and a chance of showers into tuesday. around the state today 70s in the central valley, 60 lake tahoe, 68 yosemite. looks like around the bay today we'll see temperatures soaring into the 70s in much of the south bay. 50s and 60s coastside east bay numbers also up into the 70s maybe mid-70s into pleasanton and also brentwood and 72 degrees in pleasant hill. inside the bay about 67 degrees san francisco and 69 in oakland. next couple of days we'll cool down the temperatures a few more clouds coming our way. slight chance of some showers on tuesday although it doesn't look like much. dry wednesday and thursday. time to check "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. >> we have had a rough couple of commutes the past few days later on, a number of accidents quite unusually large later in the morning commute. right now, though, we are off to a good start. drive times in the clear through the altamont pass and livermore valley. the nimitz freeway right now 15 minutes between 238 and the maze. there is some southbound roadwork but if you are traveling the eastshore freeway, 19 minutes on westbound 80. what you will hit as lawrence mentioned is a lot of fog. one dense fog advisory across the span approaching the toll plaza on the bay bridge. all the approaches still clear looks good on 24 if you are coming through the caldecott tunnel. westbound 580 looking good through the altamont pass. again, this won't last for much longer but right now towards vasco road, and continuing out towards 680, only 14 minutes is that drive time. we are not picking up any yellow sensors yet. speeds are under 40 miles per hour. and a quick note about mass transit. nothing to note. everything is reporting no delay. that is your "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> elizabeth, thank you. animal dna is being used to help solve brutal crimes in northern california. our allen martin shows us how pets have helped track down murder suspects. >> this crime scene had blood everywhere. >> reporter: the crime was a double murder. steven and linda riley were about to leave their northern california home and go to work when they were stabbed 19 times each in early december 2008. >> very, very friendly, they come out pretty much every night, walk the dogs and stop to talk to all the neighbors. >> reporter: all that blood was from steven and linda riley, none from a suspect. nevertheless, investigators focused on the couple's son matthew. >> we believe there's no evidence that points to him and can't understand why he he was arrest. >> reporter: with no evidence prosecutors let him go free until two years later when they discovered a silent witness. the riley's dog winston the tan one on the left. the evidence? a single dog hair found in a pair of matthew riley's boots. >> the idea was that he most likely killed in his socked feet. >> reporter: then put his boots on to make his getaway. those boots weren't found until two years after the murders. on the roof of an apartment building where matthew riley used to live. the dog hair was tested and showed a 90% chance of belonging to winston. it was introduced in court and for the first time in sacramento county, animal dna was used to convict a killer. >> in this case, the dog hair linked matthew riley to boots that he had hidden and hid them for the reason that he knew which was that those boots he believed would link him somehow to this crime. >> reporter: animal dna has been used in at least three high-profile convictions in california. and the veterinary lab does it. >> we are the only lab doing this. >> reporter: beth leads the forensics unit isolating animal dna for cases in the u.s. and europe. >> if you own a dog or cat you know you got fur on your pants, gets everywhere. you're carrying their dna, their signature, with you everywhere you go. >> reporter: and sometimes giving silent testimony to a crime only the victim's pet has witnessed. >> it can be very powerful evidence. >> reporter: it certainly was against matthew riley. after being convicted in 2011, he is serving two life sentences for the murders of his parents, with no chance for parole. allen martin, kpix 5. >> it's not just dogs. cat dna linked a man to a killing in great britain. 4:50 now. the fda says it's planning to phase out transfats from the food supply but that's nothing new for a lot of bay area restaurants. california banned transfats back in 2008. at bob's donuts here in san francisco these treats are fried in palm oil instead of transfat oil. it's not a big difference in taste and it's healthier. >> there's no need for them, they are harmful and increase the bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol. >> doctors say a ban on transfats nationwide would prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year. americans use 80% less transfats than a decade ago. disappointment today for victims of this summer's devastating "rim" fire. why they won't be getting the help they had hoped for. >> and you have to love this. a presurgery dance party turning into an internet sensation. you're going to meet the woman behind it all. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, big football game this weekend, the 9ers and the panthers with a stingy defense. mild heading to the game, sunny, 67 degrees. >> we are watching a new solo car crash eastbound 580 approaching high street. at least one lane is blocked and we're just beginning to see a few delays approaching the accident scene. more on your foggy morning commute coming up. a special award ceremony honored two people who took care of more than a dozen elderly people abandoned in a senior home. miguel alvarez and maurice roland were honored, the janitor and cook at the valley springs manor senior home in castro valley but after the staff left the facility, alvarez and roland became the caretakers of 19 elderly bedridden and mentally ill patients. the two men spent several days feeding, medicating and giving emergency treatment until help arrived. >> our heart wouldn't let us leave nobody behind like that. we couldn't find ourselves doing that. >> you know, just cannot describe what they were going through. so for me, to leave them and abandon them, i could not do that. >> after several 911 phone calls, authorities came and rescued the patients moving them to different care homes. the facility is now being investigated for elder abuse. a dance party in the operating room has made a san francisco woman an internet sensation. this is unusual but very cool. kpix 5's joe vazquez shows us moments before a double mastectomy, deborah cohen cranked up a little beyonce and throws a little presurgery flash mob. ♪[ music ] reporter: just before her double mastectomy surgery tuesday morning deborah cohen of san francisco turned the ucsf operating room into a club. she got the surgery team to turn on a beyonce song called "get me bodied" and they all danced. >> whoo! >> reporter: the video has more than 2 million hits on youtube in less than 48 hours. even beyonce has posted the video on her facebook page. days beforehand, cohen posted online that she would be having the surgery at ucsf mount zion at precisely 7:30 and encouraged her friends and family and the whole world to make their own video dancing with her. >> it's been an amazing flood of love. >> reporter: and now those videos are online, as well. >> i was more nervous about how the flash mob was going to go than how the surgery was going to go. >> reporter: deborah told the "right this minute" show she is feeling the love as she recovers. >> my muscles are pretty sore. so that is going to require some recuperation. i feel like i have done about 5,000 pushups. >> reporter: deborah cohen also happens to be a doctor at ucsf an ob/gyn. >> she is a good dancer. >> reporter: her colleagues tonight are marveling at their friend's inspirational moves. >> something like that going viral sends out a lot of love personally to her and also around the world. i definitely wish her the best. i hope she is dancing just like that tomorrow. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> as for why she chose that beyonce song, she said, who wouldn't? >> okay. 4:56. bigger than katrina. super typhoon slams the central philippines. a look at the damage and where the storm is headed next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, griego. and i'm frank mallicoat what could be the strongest storm ever recorded moving across the philippines. and with some 25 million people in the path of the storm, damage is examined to be extensive. >> we're very sorry for what happened. he didn't mean it. >> his family claims it was joking around but now the 16- year-old boy suspected of setting a man on fire will face hate crime charges. >> i have and i will cooperate. >> he took the campaign money and he used it in casinos or for personal purposes. >> san jose politician george shirakawa facing sentencing today for a dozen crimes that he blames on an out-of-control gambling habit. >> just before her double mastectomy, deborah cohen of san francisco turns on some beyonce and throws a dance party. the video has gone viral and even got beyonce's attention. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado >> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's friday, november 8. i'm michelle griego. >> yeah. friday is here. hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it's 5:00. we have some developing news right now. this is about as dangerous a storm as you can get. a super typhoon slamming the philippines. vietnam is preparing for the worst. cate caugiran is gathering the very latest. she is in the newsroom. but we kick it off with the latest on the storm with meteorologist lawrence karnow in the weather center. >> this was some kind of storm making landfall and it's not done yet. still holding on to category


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