We hear it in the news a lot these days, the idea that we all need safe spaces from me in words,tr trigger warnings and opeds that might constitute a microaggression. This is the language of the campus social justice seminar but increasingly its the language of our workplace and our culture. Besides just last weeks. At the news york times. I published an oped there that said simply while we respect Peaceful Protesters we have zero tolerance to looting and rioting. If the police are overwhelmed or outnumbered the National Guard and if necessary the federal troops have to restore order. That p support from a large majority of americans if you look at the polls. The Editorial Page Editor admitted publicly, the publisher defended the decision publicly rosethe news york times up and amended the oped be taken down. They demanded the grownups or i should say the suppose the grownups did run the news york times apologize and thats exactly what happened. What could only be called a struggle ses